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Meeting on Nar Shaddaa
Date of Scene: 18 October 2015
Location: Faraway Galaxy <FG>
Synopsis: Tony accidentally finds a Jedi in hiding and tries to recruit her.
Cast of Characters: 301, 892

Jayale (892) has posed:
    Nar Shaddaa was a place within Huttspace, a place controlled by the vast Hutt Cartel among others, and was in many regards one of the seediest places of this Galaxy. That being said, however, it was also a /very/ good place for business deals to happen. Mostly because anything at all could be found on this moon of Nal Hutta. The entire moon was practically a giant black market in a sense, massive tiered landscapes brought about by thousands of years of building further and further up due to lack of space around.

    A black market where there was also a lot of refugees and criminals and in general bad things going on, but if one wanted a place to lay low, or simply run their business and not really have to deal with tarifs or the Empire - this was certainly a place to do such.

    Especially considering the Empire was likely part of the Confederacy!

    Those who happened to be on the upper most part of the moons districts, which housed the currently most expensive and accessible warehouse districts, bars, markets as well as various industrial complexes and such happened to be abuzz, thanks to a certain vocal, loudmouthed and flamboyant sorcerer who had created quite the commotion. It would seem the attack had spooked some of the Refugees and bums who were hanging out in the warehouse district, and rumors and gossip spread like wildfire about strange dead-lookin' things pouring out of the ground from evil-looking holes and explosions, lightning strikes, fire and exploding transport vehicles.

    Though naturally no one got a really good look 'cause they were too busy hiding. And selling the contents of the scattered merchants wares they had vultured from the scene of the chaos after it was done, swooping in to collect swaths of various textiles and terribly expensive Lasha silks. Which is where Jayale was at currently, head bandaged and looking a cross between tired, and injured. Trying to sort out from the massive marketplace who had taken her silks and why, and where. Because quite frankly it was a delivery that was headed towards one of the Hutts and she didn't really care to piss off the Hutts and add to the injured head she had thanks to the attack.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
In short, not the sort of place you'd expect to find a law-abiding citizen of the Multiverse, but then Tony Stark was never really much for following expectations. In point of fact he'd been contacted by someone claiming to be a neutral interest who wanted to meet and discuss the possibility of a rather large manufacturing contract without the Empire's involvement. Said meeting seems to have just concluded, as the human businessman/superhero/all around awesome guy steps out of one of the fancier dining establishments with a thoughtful look on his face.

He's also not stupid enough to have come here alone. His bodyguard keeps pace a single stride behind him, in the form of a six and a half foot tall suit of powered armor, looking sharply around for any signs of potential trouble for the boss.

Seemingly unconcerned for such things, Stark gives a prodigious stretch and looks around. "Whaddaya say we find a souvenir for the wife and kid," he suggests, eyeing the colorful possibilities of the marketplace laid out before him.

"Unless I've missed something significant, sir, I don't believe you're actually married yet," the guy in the suit replies in a clipped Imperial -- which is to say British -- accent.

"Tony shrugs. "Semantics. C'mon, Jay." And with that he strolls into the throng of mercantile chaos, glancing about cheerfully for... well, anything that catches his eye, really.

Jayale (892) has posed:
    His efforts would have him come across a relatively human-looking older woman who was standing in front of a vendor with her arms crossed. "Do not give me that poodoo, you and I both know that is a lie." The grumbly Toydarian complains, "It is not a lie!" in the drawn out tone his people often have, "You think I would be dumb enough to rob a Hutt? Funny lady." "No, but I think you are greedy enough to lie to the merchant delivering to the Hutt, thinking it isn't your problem. See, Seela, here is the problem. I know you are lying because I already spoke with the refugee who sold you the silk I was ferrying."
    "He lies!"
    "Lies, I tell you!"
    "...you realize I am a Miraluka, right? I can see the fabric from where I am standing."

    The Toydarian coughs and sputters, acting as if she just called his mother a Banthaa. "Why I never."
    "I know you never bathe, I can smell you from here too. Cough it up, I already told you I would reimburse you what you paid the refugee."
    "I barely paid him anything! You expect me to part with this silk for so little!"
    "Yes. Or I will inform Tillu that you did not." The grumbling exchange between the two can be easily heard, the Toydarian loud and animated, the older woman less so. "Fine, fine, just take it. I... I owe him anyways. The hells does a Hutt want with Lasha silk anyways, whoeva heard of a Hutt wearing Lasha silk." grumble grumble. The pudgy flying alien finally unasses a MASSIVE roll of silk. Causing Jayale to hold out her hand with two fingers up. "Whaaaat? What you want now, there's your silk." "Miraluka, I can see the other bundles." grumble grumble, the other two shortly follow courtesy of his assistant droid, at which point her own droids pick up the remainder and start to place them on her hovertransport.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Stark pauses to observe the exchange, a look of amused curiosity slowly blooming to a full grin as it proceeds. Regardless of species it's always fun to see a con man get outmaneuvered. "Need a hand with that?" he offers, gesturing toward the remaining bundles. And because it's impossible for him to interact with any sort of female without making it personal, he gives a little jerk of his chin toward the Toydarian and adds, with an approving twitch of an eyebrow, "You handled him pretty well. I don't suppose you could point me in the direction of the /honest/ traders around here?"

Jayale (892) has posed:
    Jayale doesn't turn towards Tony at first, which may be a bit odd considering how most people interact or speak. Most people look at one another when spoken to, but she didn't. "That is okay. Thank you though. And I am going to assume you are not from around these parts, considering the... fellow in the armor following you around seems to be under your command."
    The droids she had were handy enough to maneuver the rolls of fabric, even if she could have done it herself floating them around would cause confusion and worry. "He's a Toydarian, it comes in the people to act like that. It's almost instinctual to them, as much as breathing. Think not too much of it. Toydarians are actually quite honest, they tend to be a bit more defensive when cornered about fencing stolen stuff."

    Now she smiled a bit as she turned. "Then again, this is Nar Shaddaa. Most things here are already fenced to some capacity. He was a bit more worried about having purchased stolen goods from a Hutt, hence trying to hide it. Right, Seela?" She turns towards the Toydarian who gives her a rude gesture before fluttering off back into his hole of a stand. "Depending on what you want, I can be more specific. I know most of the merchants in this region of Nar Shaddaa. I too am one, so I have to. I mostly deal in textiles and finer goods, though this shipment is already spoken for. I actually have several storehouses here though." she paused, and then asked rather bluntly, "Is it common for wherever you are from to encase ones self in machines? His are without... but yours are within." But how could she possibly see that, blindfolded as she was? Well, if he knew about Miraluka he might know, but otherwise it might be less obvious.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
If he's taken aback by the sudden observation of his own hardware, concealed as it is under multiple layers of clothing, Tony only hesitates for a moment before quipping smoothly, "No. I'm special." Another beat, another amused twitch of his lips. "So is Jarvis, actually. --Most people notice my charming personality first, though," he leaves the obvious question hanging. Just how, exactly, did she pinpoint his rather unique pacemaker?

"As for what I'm looking for," he continues just in case she doesn't want to answer that question, or perhaps just to reinforce the perception of his self-declared charming personality, "Oh, nothing in particular. Souvenirs. Something I can take home and gift wrap easily. As you pointed out, I'm not from around here. Don't get out this way very often. Or... ever," he admits with a shrug. "Thought I'd bring back something fun for the kid. Or maybe my cat."

Jayale (892) has posed:
    "I come across many within this Galaxy, and many different personalities and the beings attatched to them. I find it more personable not to simply call someone out on their personalities and simply speak to them as if they were another normal being. As for your searching for a gift..."

    Jayale thinks about it a moment only to sigh and rub at her head, "Pardon, I received a rather hard hit on the head yesterday and it has left me just a bit forgetful for the moment. So much went on at once when that chaos broke out that I got a bit scattered. So, let us see..." She raised a hand and started pointing around the market district they were in, which was on a series of platforms surrounding a giant chasm into visually nothing, it was that deep. "Machines and gadgets can be found over there, parts for weapons and various droids from the slimy-fellow over there." she paused and continued along, naming off various wares, ranging from foodstuffs to rare bits and bobs, including one shop which she simply informed him, "And if you wish to gift wrap something illegal and ... relaxing, I am sure the one in the full-body cloak can help you. Though I would stay away from his stuff, I hear he cuts his spice to get more out of it."

    "And as for myself, I deal in fine textiles and silks and the likes as well as more specific request and purchases. I carry a bit of building supplies but that's more just to make some extra funds when I'm in transit, among other things. I suppose I should ask - where are all of you coming from? I have traveled this Galaxy thoroughly for most of my life and in the last few days suddenly I have two whom I would bet credits on are not from this Galaxy. Is there some Wildspace planet that suddenly has a hyperspace route found to it?"

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony nods as the particular vendors are pointed out to him, but his nose wrinkles at the description of the spice merchant's wares. "Yeah no thanks there, my body is a temple and all," he quips.

"That would explain the copious amounts of wine that pass through it," his bodyguard remarks dryly.

"...Yes, it would. Now then, something of the mechanical gadget nature sounds just up Toph's alley," he muses, smoothing a hand absently over his goatee. "I think I could throw you some business, too, maybe if you had something on the order of a nice deep green or blue." Pepper always loves it when he buys her dresses. Something custom tailored of extra-galactic silk would be just his style.

"--And no, I'm from Earth. Milky Way Galaxy. It's a few warp nodes down the network. Getting here was kind of a pain in the ass, actually, but we ARE trying to expand the business into more Multiversal markets." He twists an idle glance back in the general direction he came from. "Though I'm not sure this particular contact is going to be the one." Evidently, he is assuming that she's aware of the nature of Multiversal physics, though he guesses she must not be the type to go traipsing off to planes of reality on a whim.

Jayale (892) has posed:
    That actually causes Jayale to laugh, covering her mouth as she does, seemingly caught by surprise at the joke. "That... that is new. I admit I have never heard that phrase though. I shall have to remember that. Follow me, then? It seems my droids have finally loaded up the remnants of my shipment. Even if some are still missing." That got a bit of a sigh from her as she started to wander away, waving the two to come along. "You can call me Flowers if you so wish, that is what most around these parts know me as. Not my real name of course, but none get to know that after all."

    How she was processing the notion of the 'Milky Way' Galaxy, however, or Multiversal markets, wasn't apparent just yet. She was actually rather calm, going over such as she lead the fellow and his bodyguard that she'd just met through a series of alleyways and turns before coming to a series of storehouses. The droid-led hovertransport followed along and once it was there she said, "I will admit I actually do not know what those colors look like, so I will have to let you choose for yourself among my supplies. I am a Miraluka, we Miraluka have no eyes. And as a result, we cannot perceive some things that your types do for whom eyes are natural. No light, no color, no shades or tones, so forth. I know what they are, but not what they actually... mmph. Hard to explain. Still, come along." And the storehouse is opened once she uses her biometrics via a handscan to cause the door to open, the large warehouse having quite a copious amount of various silks and fabrics, though they aren't terribly organized by colors. In fact, they're horribly mixed up. They're sorted out in other fashions, though just what order might not be apparent to one who doesn't know what each type of silk is. "Take your time as you like, and since you offered to help me with this transit - I imagine you can get them out yourself?"

    Her tone was a little teasing as she said that, though with the fellow in the armour... though now that she thought about it, and looked him over, it became more obvious that she couldn't sense anyone inside of it. ...huh. Still, there was a lot, a /lot/ of various cloths, from common to exquisitely fine here, and all the various colours one could want are present as well. Just a matter of him finding something he likes the feel of, and the color.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Flowers," Tony repeats agreeably. "Tony Stark. Call me Tony." He has no such concerns about keeping his identity a secret. Quite the opposite in fact: everyone should know who he is. He follows along, the faint clank of metal footsteps of the armored suit a constant reminder at his back. Its helmeted head swivels one way and another, keeping a constant watch on the surrounding area.

Stark actually smiles and gives a nod of understanding as the merchant explains her lack of color-perception. "My, uh, daughter's the same. No need to explain -- some form of seismic sense or sonar?" he guesses.

As to whether he can get the bolts down for himself, he states simply, "Jarvis can." He moseys along the warehouse row, running a hand lightly over the fabrics as he goes, pausing ocassionally to rub one between his fingers, testing the texture. Eventually he comes back to one stack -- an extremely fine, liquidy silk, probably one of the more expensive options, as he seems to have a weird radar for that sort of thing -- and remarks, "I like this one." It's a sunny yellow though, entirely the wrong color for Pepper's complexion. "Jay, I think I see a couple of green ones up there. Bring 'em down, please."

"As you wish, sir." And the repulsor nodes in the suit's boots and stabilizing back thrusters flare to light with a whine of power, lifting the armored 'man' straight up into the air, where he can reach the bolts in question. He slides them free with apparent minimal effort, and floats back to the floor so his master can inspect the goods.

Jayale (892) has posed:
    "Very well Tony." And when he starts to busy himself looking, she starts going about getting the recovered silks aside. "I suppose I should ask, since it directly effects me - you said something about Multiversal Markets. And a Milky Way Galaxy. I cannot say I have heard of these before just today. However, yesterday I was assaulted by a man with strange abilities, called up a terrible lot of seemingly dead and dead-like beasts. Quite intent on getting part of my shipment, how I got this injury to my head. ...should I assume this part of the Galaxy is going to suddenly become a lot more dangerous? I should also like to think the Hutt that he cost a fair bit of a shipment to would like to know a little more about the fellow who assaulted me than just his name and penchant for being upset at my efforts running."

    As she spoke, Jayale wandered a bit further before pulling out something from a box near the back. A dress made of particularly fine cotton. It's not the most expensive stuff, but to the feel - it's actually almost air-light. "If you wanted something for your daughter, you are welcome to this, free of charge. If she is like me in that regard, perhaps she also has a taste for fabrics that are less obtrusive. We Miraluka care less for how things look than how they feel. And as for how we see, we can percieve something known as the Force - to describe such to those who are not aware of it, it is... something of an energy that all living things contain within them. Some of us can see a bit more than that too, other sorts of energy, but still - that is how we see." she paused at that and chuckled, "It is why I noticed the machine inside of you. I can see you are wearing clothes, but most of the time I hardly look at such things, clothes are for keeping warm, or comfort, and not something I often look at about others when it comes to how they look to me." she paused, "And now that I thought about it a bit more, when I looked over your protector... why I cannot seem to pick out anyone actually inside that suit. A droid, perhaps?"

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony occupies himself for a minute or so holding up the slightly differently shaded green silks to the light, turning them this way and that to see how they shimmer, even stroking one against his cheek before he nods sharply and decides, "This one. Yeah. How much for ten meters?" It's more than should be needed for an evening gown, but of course he'd rather be safe than sorry.

"Ah!" he suddenly realizes, "So you've only just Unified, then. It's okay, I was confused as hell when it happened to my world, too. Not -- necessarily, always -- more dangerous, but definitely more interesting. This guy raised the dead?" His brow furrows, as he searches his memory for a likely suspect. He hasn't had to deal too much with zombies; that's more Stadler's field and he tries not to step on that guy's toes. Unless this was more of a magicky kind of dead-raising, which might put it into Dresden's camp... he gives himself a little shake back to the present. "Definitely more interesting," he repeats. "But that's almost anywhere you go, if it's a big urban, travel or trade center like this," he makes a vague gesture indicating 'all of here'.

He pauses, when Flowers takes out the dress. He walks over; reaches out to feel the fabric. "You know I think Toph /would/ like this," he murmurs. "You're right, she's way more about comfort than looks," he states with the hint of a fond chuckle at the back of his voice. "As long as she can /move/ in it -- but I couldn't take it for nothing. I haven't even saved your life yet or anything."

At the observation of Jarvis, he glances back at the armor, standing patiently with the chosen bolt of fabric in the crook of one elbow. "...Kind of. He's an artificial intelligence piloting the suit for the time being. It's not actually his body. He doesn't actually have a body," he concludes, turning back with a grin. "Cloud processing, you know." This world is pretty high tech and he presumes they're familiar with the concept.

As to the mention, again, of his own hardware, his hand floats up and rubs his fingertips distractedly over the hard, circular patch in the center of his chest, under his shirt. "'S.. just a pacemaker," he shrugs dismissively. And abruptly switches back to the original conversational thread. "I am an officer in the Union -- that's one of the Multiversal megafactions you'll be hearing about -- and I could hook you up with some introductory materials if you want. Multiverse is a big place. It can be a little overwhelming at first, I know."

Jayale (892) has posed:
    "Hard to say, I do not know of those types of... abilities. It was all rather new to me, fellow wanted a part of my shipment, then up and declared he wanted me too. Chanted his way into opening up what looked like holes in the platforms we're on and the things just poured out like mynocks out of a hole. Lezard Valeth." Jayale shook her head just a little and once again reached up to touch the side of her head, letting out a sigh. "Only reason I managed to get away is because I took advantage of him not paying attention and managed to make him fall off a platform. Still, I'm not certain about just... up and joining with anyone. But I will look at it?"

    Her hand comes away from her head as she moves closer and touches the fabric, thinking about it, "Seventeen thousand five hundred six credits a tract, which is..." she uses her hands to unroll about a meter and a half to note. "I am not familiar with your measurements, but if you can draw up the math I will take your word on such. You seem honest enough. Plus with you telling me about the Multiversal Markets and all... I might be able to branch out and make a good bit of business there. It would be good to know about the governments and megafactions as you said though."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Sir, Lezard Valeth is registered in the Union database as a known Confederate officer," Jarvis volunteers. "I can read you his profile if--"

"No, thanks Jarvis," Stark interrupts with a wave of his hand. "The name does sound familiar." He frowns slightly. "Well anyway, I'm glad you're okay, Flowers. Oh, and, uh, no pressure to join up or anything. I did, because, well because I'm a superhero and that's what I /do/ -- but we can hook you up with just the basic informational dump for you to make your own decisions, if you've got a data port Jarvis can interface with."

"Seven tracts then," he makes a snap judgement on seeing the visual estimate. "Jarvis, what's the current exchange rate for this planet in USD? Using Union credits to transfer."

"Approximately 57 units of the local currency to one, sir."

Tony does some quick math in his head. That works out to about $300 a yard, which is ridiculous but hardly something he's going to blink at. "Done," he agrees. "Would you prefer the funds be shifted electronically, or shall I have my man here go find the local money changer?"

"Sir, I do not recommend sending me out of your immediate presence. You HAVE been warned of the recent local disturbances."

Tony waves his hand impatiently. "Yeah, yeah, which seem to be mostly Confederate dickery. Fine. Would you prefer an electronic transaction or shall Jarvis /AND I/ go find a bank?"

Jayale (892) has posed:
    Well, in this Galaxy, things are rediculously priced. Hell, one of Leia's dresses cost about a third of a planets annual production in value. This is the cheap stuff by comparison! Not that she says that. It's just silk from a certain type of space spider, not the more pricey stuff like Vine Silk. She couldn't afford that if she WANTED!

    "X-2, get the shears for me." At that a droid nearby whistles at her in what might be recognized as something similar to binary and rolls off before returning after a few with a pair of shears. "I will take whatever currency you have, I travel enough that I will find somewhere. That said, I do not actively use the banks within the Galaxy. The Empire is rather... stringent at times regarding sanctions and requirements of use of such and I tend to simply stick to credit chits and other such." a pause, "And just materials in general. A lot of my value is stored in materials."

    Her hands move with a practiced motion and she cuts him the asked-for sections of silk, carefully folding it up and walks it over towards another pile of much, /much/ cheaper materials, some kind of linen-like stuff, folding it up within and using that to package it before offering it over. "I did actually intend to get off Nar Shaddaa quite soon however. Not really sure through what means you traveled here, but I have a cargo ship I use to get around. If you can supply me with the navigation data required it might be useful for me to try and travel out and find out more about what you are talking about. I have nothing pressing going on, trader and all. No family or any such." Her dealings with the Hutt Cartel would leave them to come into her storehouses and get the asked-for shipments for themselves. It was a working relationship. While it was a Cartel, they also wouldn't just needlessly screw over someone who works with them without good reason. And she'd been working with them long enough that she didn't actually mind letting them into her storehouses to get their own shipments. Made it easier, actually. Less dangerous on her part.

    As for something to dump data into, Jayale points towards the astromech droid and whistles back at it, causing it to jab out a port of sorts. "Will that do? I can get it from him later. However, you mentioned Union and Confederate... if he is within whatever faction this 'Confederate' is, perhaps I will not be inclined to such. I suppose I will see from whatever information you provide me and I can garner myself. And as for the method of payment, just... hold onto it for now, hm? May not seem it but I am a good judge of people and I do believe I can trust you enough to pay me back sooner rather than later. If I find the banks of your 'megafaction' decent I may go about getting an account with them and allow you to put your funds there?"

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony lets out a soft, frustrated sigh through his nose. Man, he'd never extend someone so much trust if they were buying from him. Well, not a total stranger anyway. One doesn't get to be one of the wealthiest men on the planet by being that trusting. Of course, HE knows he'll pay the woman fairly, so, "If you insist," he agrees reluctantly.

A quick gesture of his fingers sweeping over the space between the suit of armor and the astromech droid is all the indication Jarvis needs to pilot the suit over connect via an interface device in one of the gauntlets. "Just a moment while I navigate your data transfer protocols," the electronic bodyguard states politely. "Ah -- there it is. A variation of the method employed by the Jedi Temple in a related universe. I have uploaded the relevant informational files to your droid, Miss Flowers. Including the most recently updated version of the warp gate network map. And Mr. Stark's personal CODEC frequency should you have further questions."

Tony gives the armor a slightly startled look at that, but then recalls that he is after all kind of an official representative in that capacity, so he just draws in a breath and nods. "Right. Meantime--" he reaches inside his jacket and removes his wallet. Just walking-around money, no more than $20,000 but sufficient to make this particular purchase. He counts out $2100 and hands it over. "That's my world and nation's local currency, but you should be able to exchange it at any major Multiversal banking facility." And he feels better about that, than taking advantage of her generousity to put it entirely on credit. "Actually," he adds, "I'm finding more and more places will accept US dollars out of hand. It's a pretty common world iteration."

Jayale (892) has posed:
    There was a moment where everything was fine, where Jayale was reaching out to accept the currency, only for the remark suddenly to be made about the 'variation of Jedi Temple'. Was she truly so sloppy that a machine picked it out? She should have known better, should have known that someone who knew would know better, but this? There was that peaceful moment where everything was fine, before she suddenly stood back and said rather simply, "While I said I am usually a good judge of character, sometimes I have been known to be wrong. So, do be so kind as to answer me, honestly."

    Her tone could easily be heard as worried as she asked, "How do you know about the Jedi Temple, or such things?"

    A simple question, but perhaps if he knew anything about Jedi - he could assume they were either a) in hiding, or b) hunted. Possibly both.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony blinks, his head rocking back in surprise at the sudden shift in tone. "The... Jedi Temple?" he repeats, puzzled. He glances at Jarvis-in-the-suit. "Uh, well... there've been a few Jedi in the Union over the years... a few in the Confederacy too, I guess. I traveled to one of their worlds at one point to see about the feasibility of setting them up with an arc-- with a kind of clean energy reactor I invented. I don't think it was this particular universe but it was a similar one."

Assuming THAT'S all cleared up, he continues blithely, "That's something you come across a lot too. Worlds that are almost exactly the same as your own, only with some minor but critical difference. Or on a different timeline. Hell, apparently there was another version of ME running around here, before I Unified myself." An alcoholic womanizing version that no one seemed to like very much. Not at ALL like him.

Then a thought occurs to him and he lowers his voice suddenly. "Is there... some problem with the Jedi in this universe?"

Jayale (892) has posed:
    "Yes. There is. The Jedi, and any associated with them, were brutally wiped out nearly two decades past. I cannot say I know exactly what happened, I was on the Rim of the Galaxy at that point. Even still every Jedi in this Galaxy has a bounty on them simply for existing, courtesy of the Empire. Supposedly the Jedi betrayed the Republic and attempted to assassinate the Chancellor. I cannot say I believe it, but it matters little what I believe. Simply existing at this point means, for a Jedi, their death is sought after. As well as those associated with them, and those who assist them."

    In otherwords, if the wrong types heard what Jarvis had just said, she was likely going to be hunted down and killed. "To think I was so sloppy that my modifications to this droids system were picked out... mmph." She still seemed a bit uneasy, though at the idea of Jedi being in his organization she was feeling a little easier. "...for all I know, there are no Jedi left in this Galaxy. The Jedi Order is gone."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony nods slowly, eyes wide. "...Good to know," he remarks. "Jarvis, make a note for this world. No ention-may of the edi-jay."

"Noted, sir. I do apologize, Miss Flowers. I was unaware that the situation was quite so... dire."

Tony lowers his voice even further. "But wait a minute. I mean I was just assuming it was a universal similarity thing going on, but what you just said... these droids used to belong to a temple?"

Jayale (892) has posed:
    The Miralukan woman sighed and looked the droid over, not really facing towards it before turning to walk towards the entryway to the storehouse they were in. She remained quiet as she searched her feelings about things and finally decided to try and trust him. He seemed decent, didn't seem to actually know what was going on and figured there was a chance he really didn't mean any harm. Holding out her right hand, she floated out from under the cloak of the outfit she was wearing a single lightsaber handle, igniting the weapon so he could see such.

    "Yes, they were from the Temple. I have kept them with me for the last two decades as I attempted to stay in hiding and try to carry on. You said there are Jedi both within your organization, and within whatever the Confederate is? I suppose I will take the opportunity and trust you, because from what I can tell courtesy of the Force, you mean no harm to me, even now that such became obvious. As compared to the one calling himself Lezard, that you mentioned was with the Confederate, whom attacked me for a few Lightsaber crystals that I was smuggling into my possession."

    The silver lightsaber turned back off and floated back behind her back to reattach to the hidden fastener on her back.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Things suddenly clarify inside Tony's mind. This Miss 'Flowers' is a Jedi on the run. Hunted in her own world. His memory suddenly and inexplicably flashes back for a moment to the enclosing rock walls of a cave in Afghanistan, but he shakes his head sharply to bury that. Why the hell would he think of /that/ now.

"No," he agrees slowly, "I don't mean you any harm. And -- god, I'm sorry if my being here is gonna cause you any trouble." He flashes a guilty look toward Jarvis, who of course does not return it except to gaze calmly back through the blank, frowning expression of the suit's helmet.

Then he strides briskly across the warehouse so that he can speak to the woman in undertone. Jarvis, still carrying the purchased fabric as well as the new dress in a box, follows him dutifully. "Okay look," Tony intones a little awkwardly. "I really, really don't want to sound like a recruiter or anything, or put any pressure on you. But I WILL say this. The Union has a lot of good people in it, and we watch each others' backs. We have a fair amount of diplomatic influence across world boundaries. We can probably offer you significantly more protection than you have hiding out here. So, if you read up on the stuff Jarvis just dumped into your droid, and you ARE interested, you can go ahead and contact me right away. Hell, I'd offer to get you off-world tonight, but," he makes a snorting chuckle, "I wouldn't want you to think I was trying to kidnap you." And anyway, he's sure she can take care of herself. She's a big girl. Well, she has a fancy sword.

Jayale (892) has posed:
    "I will be honest and admit I am a better judge of others in person. One aspect of being able to perceive the Force, and use it, is I can very well understand the intentions of others. Surface thoughts and so forth. Not to leave the impression I am reading your mind, I am not, but I can generally tell when someone means well, and they do not. And the difference between you, and the one who chased me down with the intention of who knows what, are vastly different."

    Suddenly there was the sound of the keypad being used and Jayale turned towards the doorway, holding up a hand towards Tony as if telling him not to worry. The storehouse door opens and a thin, wiry-looking Twi'lek enters and sees them there. (Ah, I was not expecting you to be here Flowers. Tillu heard about the commotion that went on and wanted to make sure his shipment was... safe.) The word 'safe' leered out with a sharp-toothed grin that betrayed there might be a bit of menace behind such.

    (As safe as can be expected, Vil. Some was damaged, unavoidable, and I was injured in the process. I recovered what I could after it was picked through by the refugees, and what I could not I will replace of my own coin, unless Tillu wishes to see it out of the hide of the one damaged it.) she replied smoothly to the Twi'lek, speaking his own language back at him. He nodded, and then announced simply, (I will be back later, then. Mark what is Tillus and we shall take only that. He shall decide the rest). And with that, the door shut again and they were left alone. At which she turned and smiled a bit, "Pardon. Tillu is a Hutt, the Hutts own this part of the Galaxy. The Hutt Cartel, which I ship orders to now and then, do not like having their shipments damaged. No one from this galaxy short of the Empire has the nerve to, which was my first clue that the fellow who tried was not. I think I shall take up your offer to go with you. I can always return I imagine if I do not like the offer, but I will take the opportunity and go from there. Besides, as generous as Tillu is, I do not wish to test the patience of a Hutt." she paused, then said in a rather snot-sounding voice, (Even if I did learn their language just to trade with them and be on their good side.) And then she whistled at her droids, causing them to quickly start moving things around and marking things.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony nods, somewhat surprised that she accepted his rather forward offer, but a little relieved too. It sure would suck to meet a new potential ally and have her get killed a few hours later because of a few careless words. "Okay then," he muses. "I /was/ going to fly back to the warp gate solo but I'm just as happy to have the company on the scenic route. Can set you up with some guest quarters at Njorun -- the Union maintains them for just this kind of thing. Even if you decide not to stay, you'll at least be able to pick your path on the warp gate network." So she doesn't HAVE to return here, where she's hunted, unless she so chooses. And that makes him feel a lot better about the whole situation.

Jayale (892) has posed:
    "Well, my ship will be ready in several hours, if you are well enough waiting that time? You still had other presents to buy I think, from the mechanical things vendor, so meet me back here when you're ready? I will take the opportunity to get some of my goods to liquedate once I get the opportunity in the Multiverse, to make sure I have some currency there to make ends with." A trader can't be without trading goods, even if they're a Jedi.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony nods again, this time with a grin and more of a return of his confident mien. "Sounds good to me. Jarvis, let's go, we've got some more money to blow." He needs to find some kind of interesting metallic gadget for Toph to squeal over and then take apart.