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Latest revision as of 01:36, 20 October 2015

Date of Scene: 17 October 2015
Location: Beach City <BC>
Synopsis: The gems find a sudden visitor at their door when Toph decides to see just what gem people are like.
Cast of Characters: 20, 869, 870

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It's been a crazy few months this summer and autumn, that's for sure. It's always busy around WMAT times, and during those times there are priorities to be made. For instance, there's fighting in the WMAT, catching the other fights going on which takes a lot of time, and of course there's lessons inbetween that she simply can't get out of, no matter how much she tries.

    This leads to reports not being what Toph has focused on the last weeks. But after much prodding and reminders, Toph sat down and went through most of them. Only to wonder how the crud she missed a report like /this/.

    Beaches aren't the worst. As she currently lives near one now, the earthbender has gotten far more used to the texture of sand and feels less limited by it. Not to mention her sandbending is far better as well. What's more impressive through is the structure that rises up on the beach, and she can hardly believe her feet as she walks up to it, a sense of wonder on her face as she takes it all in. This place is a bit weird, isn't it? Who made it in this world? Somehow she doubts they have earthbenders here, and well... the populace in Beach City as it was called didn't seem magical the least when she went through and asked for directions. But hey, she might learn something now.

    Up the wooden stairs she goes, and Toph holds onto the bannister as she makes her way up, fumbling just slightly on the wooden structure until she finds the front door, knocking on it first before she decides that hey, maybe they have a door bell or something.

Pearl (870) has posed:
    A knock at the door!? almost no one ever comes all the way to this side of the beach, and those that do usually just barge right in. What madness is this!? The door opens to reveal a wide eyed Pearl, who looks around in confusion before finally settling her gaze on Toph. "Hello little girl!" Her eyes squint at her unusual attire. Is that some kind of uniform? "We won't be needing any scouting cookies, Thank you!" She says dismissively in a slightly nervous tone.

    She's about to wave Toph off when she notices the milky eyes. "Oh... Are you alright?" She adds guiltily. "Do you need help with something?"

Garnet (869) has posed:
    While Pearl heads to the door to check whom is knocking, the door in the back of the Beach House opens and Garnet steps out. For a brief moment while the door is open, if Toph had been touching more earthen terrain instead of wooden deck she just might feel that the temple beyond the door was /way/ more massive than what the great statue implied might be behind it but once the door shuts it would seem 'normal' again.

    Garnet looks at Pearl and can't quite see whom she is talking to so shrugs assuming someone got lost and walks to the couch to flop down on it and stare at the ceiling something the other Gem would note she's been doing with destressing frequency recently while she's been trying to figure out their next plan of action.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    As the door opens Toph stands still, though she has an attentive look on her face as she keeps her senses open. Upon hearing the unfamiliar voice she is just about respond, opening her mouth... only to blink when the lady totally misses her reason for coming here. Scouting cookies...? Does she look like a cruddy girl scout? "Hey, just wait a mi--"

    When she's asked whether she's alright or not, she looks slightly confused. "Why wouldn't I be alright?" she responds, then shakes her head. "And no, I don't need help. I am Toph Beifong, and I'm here from the Union!" Yes, Pearl heard her right. The blind girl that's only slightly above five feet tall is a member of the Union. And said blind girl can't help but mutter slightly, a brief look of irritation on her face. "Girl scout, my ass..." Luckily it doesn't last.

    "You're one of the gems, right?" Though she can't help but tilt her head slightly. "Wait, are there more of you guys in there...?"

Pearl (870) has posed:
    "You're from The Union!? Oh My... I'm terribly sorry!" Pearl's body is a close enough simulation of human that Toph can likely feel her embarrasment. "Human customs were already hard enough to figure out on /this/ planet. Now we have thousands more possibilities to sort through. It can be overwhelming!"

    Pearl steps aside to let Toph come in. "Please come in. Would you like some... Hot Chocolate? Garnet! We have a guest!"

    "Yes, we're the Crystal Gems. I'm Pearl. Garnet is back there somewhere. We're still trying to find Steven and Amethyst. I don't suppose you've seen... ah, heard anything about them have you?"

Garnet (869) has posed:
    Strange new voice sounding upset at Pearl, Garnet's gaze turns from the ceiling to the door where she watches incase the other Gem needed a hand in chasing off the passerby. Though once Toph announces she's from the Union Garnet gets up and makes for the door, maybe someone had seen Steven or Amethyst? At Toph's last question a deep slightly montone voice replies, "There are."

    Garnet might startle Pearl as she turns around as the tall Gem had moved fairly quietly while she'd been talking to Toph. "Yes, we do." Garnet's ever helpful answer to Pearl saying they had a guest.

    She's silent while Toph has a chance to answer Pearl's questions before she gives the girl a once over. Nodding to herself she waits patiently for the Unionite to say what exactly has brought her to the Crystal Gem's temple today.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It's easy to tell that Pearl is sincere, so Toph offers a slight grin where she stands. "Not the worst you could have said, I'll give you that. First tip... girl scouts usually carry boxes of cookies around. And they wear silly uniforms, they say." When Pearl steps aside though she does step in, glad that she can sense some earth further in. The offer of hot chocolate earns a nod. "Sure thing!" Nothing like something sweet to drink.

    So... Garnet and Pearl, those are kinda obvious names for gems, aren't they? She does raise her hand to offer a wave in Garnet's direction. "Heya!" Man, she's tall! It doesn't seem to intimidate the small girl however, and she turns slightly back towards Pearl again. "I did hear the voice of a kid who called himself Steven on the radio, but that's several months ago. Haven't heard them since, and well... it kinda happens in the multiverse. People come and go. Sorry..." Amethyst is a new name to her, but... "Is she a gem too?"

    She does adapt a serious look however. "I came here because I was curious about what gem people are like. I'm kind of an expert when it comes to earth stuff, as I am the greatest earthbender of all time. Though... your bodies aren't all gems, huh?" That is kind of curious, and Toph reaches a hand up to rub idly at her chin.

Pearl (870) has posed:
    "Thank you for understanding." Pearl says with a blue flush to her cheeks. She walks into the kitchen area and starts making hot chocolate. From scratch. With milk! Ironically she won't drink a drop of it herself but she knows exactly how Steven likes it and has perfected her own recipe.

    "An Earthbender? That sounds a little worrying. But it's so nice to have someone show an interest in us! We actually are just Gemstones." She taps the pearl in her forehead as she explains. "Our bodies are projections from our gems. Otherwise we couldn't do much besides lie on the ground all day!" She giggles. "Garnet is slightly more complicated. I'll let her explain if she wants."

    She emerges from the kitchen a moment later with two mugs of Hot Chocolate, one for Toph and one for Garnet. "Amethyst is like us. Steven is half human, half gem." She blushes again and doesn't seem inclined to explain that any further.

Garnet (869) has posed:
    Garnet waves back at Toph with a simple monotone, "Yo!" She listens to what the earthbender says about Steven and lets out a little sigh that had been what she'd heard, hopefully they could find their two missing members soon. "That was him." She chuckles just slightly as a thought strikes her while Pearl explains Gem bodies briefly and Amethyst and Steven, "Amethyst usually handles the Girl Scouts." Leaving it unsaid that she answered the door with a crocodile head.

    "Projections of light given mass." Garnet adds to Pearl's explanation then gives her own, "We can sychronize ourselves with others of our kind, fusing into a single being." Garnet is silent for a long moment, "I'm one such fusion."Then she's quiet again. Though she definitely seems to listen to what Toph says about Earthbending.

    "We're people though, probably a little different than most." Garnet gives a slightly vague and Pearl might recognize it as the taller Gem giving a playful answer that begs more questions than it really answers.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Well, Toph can understand how Pearl finds her very nature worrying. At that Toph waves it off. "Relax. I'm not going to bend your gems or anything, we're allies," she points out. "Also, I'm not sure if I could bend you guys either with the multiversal laws in place and all."

    So that explains it. "So your bodies are spiritual mumbo jumbo light. Gotcha." That's the easiest way to think of it, Toph decides. Though she arches an eyebrow when Pearl says that Garnet is slightly more complicated. And Toph does not prod, since Pearl leaves it up to Garnet if she wants to speak. Why pry into stuff like that? Some people are fond of their secrets. That she seems willing to share. "So that's why you have two gems? And you become a new person when you fuse?" Hey, it's not like she hasn't heard weirder stuff around the multiverse.

    For now she accepts the mug of hot chocolate, though she does note something... "Are you on a diet on something?" Since she isn't having a mug herself.

    So Steven is half human, half gem... waitaminute. Toph blinks twice. "Okay... not even going to ask." It was bad enough when she was forced to sit through that kind of talk last year, and that only involved humans, not gems. Nopes. Not asking.

Pearl (870) has posed:
    Pearl looks a touch annoyed at Toph's description of Gem Bodies, and she looks as if she's about to correct her. But there's something in her tone that's so familiar, Amethyst would likely describe it a similar snarky way. So she lets it drop and takes a seat on the couch.

    "That's very reassuring, thank you! There aren't any Earthbenders in the Confederacy are there?" She asks worriedly. She waves Toph's next question off as if it's no big deal. "Oh, Gems don't *need* to eat!" She says with a laugh. Nope. totally not a big deal. Please don't offer me any hot chocolate. Really. It's fine.

Garnet (869) has posed:
    "The multiverse is a large place we're learning." Garnet says with a slight chuckle, "Elemental manipulation isn't unheard of among Gemkind, light, heat, cold, water, electricity. Shouldn't be a surprise there might be others that can do something similar." It seems Garnet doesn't mind revealing a bit more about Gems to their new allies than she normally would, she also hasn't seen the point in being secretive about her nature as a fusion since Steven already knew.

    "Something like that." The tall gem also notes the similarity to Amethyst with a wry grin she shares with Pearl for a moment, "Yes, I'm different than them but they're still part of me." She then peers over at Pearl as she deflects Toph asking why she's not having any, "Though we can if we want to." Garnet stops there before pushing it too far and outing Pearl's discomfort with it.

    "Steven is a special case." Garnet says helpfully but goes no further this time to avoid Toph's discomfort with the topic, "If the confederacy does have them, what sorts of things can an Earthbender do?" It is best to know these things if they had to deal with it at some point.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "There are many people who can command the elements around here, that's for sure. Though there aren't any earthbenders, but there are people in the Confederacy who can manipulate earth... I have fought one of them before," Toph says before she sips her hot chocolate, slurping in appreciation. Man, this is tasty! The answer that Pearl gives makes sense, though Toph can't help but cant her head slightly. "That sounds both useful and kinda sad. I mean, there's lots of tasty stuff out there. You totally should try some of the snacks in the different worlds out there." Like pop tarts.

    "Do many gems combine like that?" she asks Garnet before she sips some more hot chocolate, then heads on over to the couch to sit down, resting her satchel in her lap.

    As for what an earthbender can do? "I'll show you," the blind girl offers, then reaches her right hand into her satchel, digging around before she pulls out a few rocks. "An earthbender is a person who has a connection with the earth, and they can impose their will on it if they understand it well enough." As Toph moves her hand, the rocks in it start shifting shape. "I can sense earth around me, to the point where I discovered how to bend metal. Despite people saying it was impossible." All in all Toph seems rather casual about explaining her powers, and more interested in drinking her hot chocolate.

Pearl (870) has posed:
    "We should be careful discussing our nature with anyone who's not Union." Pearl says seriously, with a nod to Garnet. "It's alright really Miss Beifong. Food and I just... don't really agree!" She does her best not to shiver.

    Oh good! a chance to change the subject! "We literally fought a war for the right to be able to fuse when and with who we wanted, among other things. Gem society is very strict and regimented back on the homeworld." She gets a knowing smile as Toph explains how Metal Bending is 'Impossible' "That's amazing. It was 'impossible' for Pearls to be anything but servants back home!" There's a touch of sadness there, and she's obviously leaving a lot unsaid.

Garnet (869) has posed:
    Garnet distinctly finds someting else interesting in the room as Pearl is told there is tasty food. "I eat from time to time, there are a few nice things like Cookie Cats or Lion Lickers." She looks over to Pearl and puts her finger to her lips as Steven wouldn't let her hear the end of it if he knew she liked Lion Lickers.

    "Any Gem can do it, but I've never heard of another quite like me." She admits after a moment of thought in regards to Toph's question. She briefly looks at Pearl in consideration while she speaks up about fusion and fighting the rebellion. "Homeworld isn't a friendly place."

    Garnet quirks an eyebrow at Toph's display while she explains about discovering metalbending and then Pearl's own admission of doing something 'impossible', "Sometimes if you try hard enough the impossible becomes possible, that you both tried your hardest and succeeded is what is important."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Call me Toph, only my tutor calls me Miss Beifong," the earthbender sighs. "I don't like being formal."

    The mention of a war brings a slight frown to Toph's face. And to hear that their society is strict and regimented where they come from? That doesn't seem to sit right with her. And the tone in Pearl's voice only adds to the unsaid words, indeed. "Dunderheads say a lot of crud that isn't true," she says to Pearl. Nothing but servants... that doesn't sound good. "Doesn't mean they're right. Does fusing harm anybody? It doesn't seem like Garnet is in pain." If it doesn't hurt anybody, then why not do it? "Hey, that place doesn't sound like a place you'd even want to visit, even less live in if they are that strict." She doesn't know why Garnet likes being a fusion, but if the two gems want to be fused, then why not?

    "It wasn't impossible to begin with, people just didn't have guts to try it if you ask me. Anyway, I can manipulate earth around me, from small rocks to larger land masses. Like the cliff behind your little house." She then closes her fist, opening to reveal that the rock has been crushed into sand. "So what do you Crystal Gems do here? Did you leave the Homeward since it's such a bad place?"

Pearl (870) has posed:
    Pearl gets that star-eyed look for a second. "Dunderhead.. what a wonderful word! Remind me to throw it at Peridot next time she calls us clods!" She beams.

    "Oh No! Fusion doesn't harm anyone, unless someone is forced into it. It's really quite -- Well, You know..." She looks down and taps her index fingers together nervously, then looks at Garnet for help.

    "Yes, well behind us is the Gem Temple. We store our tools and artifacts there as well as corrupted gems that we need to find a way to heal. It's our home and the base from which we protect the planet." She explains proudly. "I wouldn't say Homeworld is /bad/ necessarily. We just didn't agree with the way they ran things.

Garnet (869) has posed:
    "Toph it is then." Garnet's deep voice gives away a slightly amused tone despite still being mostly monotone. "Right!" Garnet nods at Pearl to remind her about the name next time they're called clods. "Fusing hurt someone?" Garnet again takes moment, "Only if they hit someone after they fused." Again her voice rings with an amused tone inspite of her monotone. "No pain, only awesome." It seems Garnet in no shape or form gives 'Homeworld ideas' of fusion any weight or deserving of serious discussion.

    More seriously though she continues Pearl's thought, "Fusing can be abused, but if you're fusing it should be with someone you trust to prevent that. Sometimes the fusion can have a strong personality of its own and overwhelm those in the fusion. But good friends can help you get out of that."

    Garnet looks back at the temple door, "It'd probably be best not to move too much back there, the temple might not like it." That's all she says, though if she's being serious or not is impossible to tell her heartbeat is dead solid, "Tragically misguided." Garnet offers Pearl a good word for describing Homeworld.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Peridot? Is that another Crystal gem?" Toph inquires curiously. "And dunderhead is just one of the many words I know, Pearly. And clods? Pffft. You can go with gravelbrain, mudbreather, tumble rock... the list is endless.

    So you can force somebody into fusion? Toph looks a bit curious at that, turning her attention towards Garnet. "Wouldn't you be able to fight it in that case? If the two are still themselves inside the new gem?" It would make sense to her, at least. She does snicker at the joke Garnet delivers though. The large gem seems to have a rather calm personality, not overwhelming at all.

    So... they protect the planet. From who or what?

    ""Temple? I don't see anything..." she mumbles. There are nothing except solid rock there from what she can sense. Is this some weird kind of magic stuff? "And fine, I won't bend it either." Not unless she has to, but she doubts such a situation will come up. The talk about corrupted gems does make the blind girl frown a bit, especially when they talk about how they don't know how to heal them. "I hope you find a way to heal them, no matter what happened to them to corrupt them in the first place." With that said she finishes the last of her hot chocolate, then lets out a massive burp. "Thanks for the hot chocolate, Pearl. Man, I should have read the reports sooner, I have missed so much going on lately. Never thought I would meet talking gems!" No, the earthbender doesn't seem to be complaining nor disliking current company.

Pearl (870) has posed:
    "Peridot is a /Homeworld/ Gem." Pearl says with some distaste. "The Crystal Gems are what we rebel Gems call ourselves. And those all are wonderful names, but I don't want to give Peridot any ideas, I like her unimaginative!" She actually sneers at that.

    She lets Garnet explain the nuances of Fusion, and proceeds to explain the Temple. "It's not entirely in this dimension. It's magic you see." Part of her wants to explain dimensional engineering, but remembers Amethyst falling asleep when she tried to explain it to her.

    "If we can find Steven he's our best chance at healing them. But now that we're in the Multiverse we've got other options to --" She pauses and frowns a bit as Toph burps, but lets a small smile slip out at the end too. "...explore as well." She says hopefully.

    "It's lovely to meet you Toph. There's been just the four of us for so long. It's honestly been rather lonely." She admits. "The Multiverse was frightening at first but I think it's going to turn out to be a blessing!"

Garnet (869) has posed:
    Garnet leaves explaining Peridot to Pearl, instead she is amused at the names a few of them she tucks away to come up with something really snappy for Peridot and Jasper...she grits her teeth slightly at the thought of the big warrior gem, Brazen Display her foot. "Sometimes the fusion's personality is just stronger and until the right chance appears it can't be beat." She stops for just a half second before continuing, "When Amethyst and I fuse, we become Sugilite. Sugilite has a very very strong personality. She can be very hard to deal with as long as Amethyst and I only stay her for a little while we can defuse with no problem but if we're her too long she can overwhelm us." Hopefully that will explain it. "Maybe Pearl and I can demonstrate fusion for you?" Garnet offers, some learn better with an example.

    Pearl quickly explains the temple and the situation regarding the corrupted Gems, "Another Union member, Blurr, offered to try and help with them. For the moment I chose to focus on finding Amethyst and Steven as well as deal with the Homeworld Gems."

    "It's been interesting to be here, we're not used to humans that can deal with corrupted Gems." Garnet admits, "Though the help will be nice, hopefully we can help the Union from time to time." She reaches over and gives Toph a gentle pat on the shoulder as if to say good to meet you too.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "So not in your group, got it." And if the rebel group is up for protecting people, then well... the Homeworld gems sound like bad news. "If she uses one of those nicknames you can always call her a thief or something," Toph offers with a shrug, setting the empty mug on the couch next to her while she focuses on reforming the sand in her hand back into a rock once more.

    "Magic isn't what I understand the most, I'm not into spiritual stuff. I prefer things I can observe myself, and like a proper earthbender I like keeping my feet on the ground!"

    It's certainly interesting to hear about fusion, but when Garnet suggests that she and Pearl fuse too, Toph looks confused for a moment. "So more than two gems can fuse? And sure!" Perhaps she can sense it with her earthbending? Now she looks a bit eager. Indeed, learning by example is the best way in Toph's opinion. And by observing the world around her.

    "If my bending can help the corrupted gems, then I'd be up for trying that. Maybe I can sense something and give you guys some clues. And I'd be up for helping you with the Homeworld gems as well." And she does smile a bit when Garnet pats her shoulder. Yup, these two gems are alright.

Pearl (870) has posed:
    "Really!?" Pearl looks back at Garnet, awestruck and with that star-eyed gaze. "You know we only fuse during times of great need!" She tells the living exception. Who's she trying to convince anyway? "But... if you think it's alright." She adds with barely contained excitement. "It'll have to be outside, we'd be to big to fit in here!" Pearl continues, settling back into her usual practicality.

    "Then perhaps afterward we can let Toph take a look at one of the less dangerous gems. Something that wouldn't be too hard to get back into a bubble should we need to release it." She offers.

Garnet (869) has posed:
    "Exactly." Garnet replies to Toph's comment about them not being in the Crystal Gem group. She then tilts her head, "For us magic is what gives us feet to put on solid ground." Again Garnet has that odd amused tone to her words. At Toph's fusion question she replies, "You can have a lot of Gems in a fusion, the more personalities you add the more unstable it becomes though."

    Then looking at Pearl, Garnet nods, "Yes, we won't make a habit of it but I'm willing to do a demonstration this time." The Gem leader declares as she makes here way to the door and the beach proper, Pearl was right about the house likely being uncomfortably small when they fused.

    She pauses in thought at the idea of letting out a corrupted Gem, "Something small might work. Anything new could be helpful." She speaks first to Pearl then to Toph. The idea of using the Gem that brought clothing to life passing through her head, it wouldn't be too dangerous if it only brought a sock to life...

    Upon reaching the beach and everyone seemingly getting set she looks across to Pearl, "Ready?" If the slender Gem affirms her readiness, Garnet begins to dance.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Outside...? Toph's eyes widen, and she looks confused. "You... get too big to fit in here?" she asks. This certainly has her attention, and she puts the rocks back into her satchel before she gets up from the couch. Fusion is a curious thing indeed, but getting a demonstration isn't something she will say no to. So... the more gems in it, the more unstable it becomes. That kinda makes sense if there are several personalities to deal with. It's harder to come to a consensus if there are more opinions to deal with.

    Out of the house they go, and Toph follows in Garnet and Pearl's footsteps, holding onto the bannister, though she walks with far more confidence in her step as they get back on the ground. "We're allies now, so it only makes sense to help each other out. And well, not to brag, but I /am/ the greatest earthbender of all time. I am quite perceptive when it comes to earth and its many forms." And gems are included in that.

    As they come to a stop on the beach though Toph stands still, resting her hands on her hips, only to arch an eyebrow when Garnet begins to... dance? The question should be easily read on her face. Is dancing part of fusion?

Pearl (870) has posed:
    "Magic gives us feet to put on the ground!" Pearl repeats, giggling like a schoolgirl, "That's Brilliant!" She's absolutely giddy as she follows Garnet and Toph out onto the beach. When she sees Garnet start to dance the enormity of what's about to happen fully hits her, and her eyes start to tear up. "Give me just a moment, it's been a while!"

    She take a breath to compose herself, does a few quick stretching exercises, and then begins to dance. It's a ballet routine so perfect it must have been choreographed, and yet theres a sensuality to it that can only come from the moment. She leaps gracefully into the air, then spins into a pirouette that sends her spinning away from Garnet momentarily. Another graceful leap into the air and she finds herself landing in Garnet's arms, looking up into the taller Gem's eyes even through the shades.

Garnet (869) has posed:
    Garnet's deep voice provides yet another answer for Toph, "Big enough it'll be uncomfortable to be in here." The large Gem's steps are firm but gentle as she walks across the beach while they begin getting ready to fuse. "There are more posibilites for things to change for the better if you're willing to try something." It almost sounds like Garnet is being literal when she says that but it has to be a figure of speech...right?

    Garnet slows her dance to a gentle groove while readies herself, her hands rhythmically whipping this way and that as if she moves to a music only she can hear. Then as Pearl begins her ballet routine, it is juxtaposed to the more free style of Garnet's movements a dance that is both primal and controlled and some might even say seductive. Her movements despite being an entirely different style of dance begin to line up with Pearl's.

    Garnet let's Pearl spin away from her only for her to return a moment later in a graceful leap, as the taller Gem catches the shorter one, the two Gems on Garnet's hands begin to light up each time the dance is done it is always a little different this time though as Pearl is caught the light spreads from Garent's hands and from Pearl's gem. The disappear inside a ball of white light as the forms melt and blurr only to begin reforming as a surge of pink light leaps towards the sky. The light is spread slightly by a pair of hands as though it were a curtain being pulled open...

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Great, now Pearl is getting giddy and sentimental about the fusion, and... she's dancing too. Except it's more like ballet. Though Toph doesn't say anything as she simply observes the two gems as they move.

    And huh, they are getting kinda synched up aren't they...? The light is lost on Toph, though she does feel their mass change, shifting into something larger... much larger! And... with four arms?! For now Toph stands still, mouth slightly agape as she doesn't know what to say just yet. Man, Garnet wasn't kidding about them being /big/ when fused together! It's even more evident compared to the short earthbender where she stands.

Pearl (870) has posed:
    And then a second pair of arms emerges to finish pulling away the invisible curtain, and the ball of light grows and resolves itself into the 12 foot tall, four armed Giant Woman!

    "Good Evening everybody! This is the lovely Sardonyx coming to you live from Beach City!" Inexplicably the top half of her body spins around independent of her lower half as she appears to wave to a non-existant crowd with her upper arms. Meanwhile the lower pair produces a card from nowhere. Adjusting her shades she peers down at the card in mock-confusion then gazes back and forth across the beach. "Let's see now, Do we have a Toph Beifong in the Audience? Come on down and see what you've won!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    At least Toph doesn't crane her head back to peer up at the tall fusion gem. But she does look a bit surprised at the new personality, how Sardonyx spins her upper torso around 360 degrees, how she produces cards from somewhere. Usually Toph is able to tell just what people do during such things as her seismic sense can show her such secrets. But no, that card came out of literally nowhere.

    It's only when Sardonyx speaks her name that Toph seems to be dragged out of her confoundedness and steps forward. "Uh... man, you really are different from them, huh?" she comments, unable to hold back a slight smirk. At least Sardonyx seems to be /fun/.

Garnet (869) has posed:
    "Of course I am, my dear Toph!" Sardonyx enthuses with every word. She kneels down to be a bit closer to Toph as she speaks, "Hopefully you weren't expecting anybody but me, I so rarely get to be me afterall." She chuckles good naturedly, "I always feel like I've gone to pieces." She gives Toph a moment to process that before she lets out a terrific, "Oh ho oh ho oh ho!!" Belly laugh.

    "Now that I'm here what can the wonderful Sardonyx do for you?" Her grin practically lives in her voice, "I know you had a lot of questions about Fusion and I assure you I'm qualified to answer them all!" She straightens out one arm as the one below it reaches up and pulls down a sheet of paper like it was an old fashioned roll down shade...but she looks over at it, "Oh my it's blank, where ever did I put my certification?"

    Her lower hands then touch the beach and quickly reshape the sand into a set of 'creditials' for Toph to feel with her version of vision. Probably the first time someone has tried to write something for Toph that she could 'see' in her unique way of seeing. "There they are!" Her tone again jovial before she allows the sand its freedom. Thanks to the translation effect these 'creditials' basically say 'Sardonyx is a fusion and thus is qualified to explain fusions in the most fantastic manner possible.'

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Considering I haven't met you before, and this is my first time meeting gems, I didn't really know what to expect," Toph points out with no small degree of humour as she steps closer, clearly not afraid of the twelve foot tall woman. And at that silly joke she can't help but let out a snort and a snicker. "Yeah, you got all three of the gems in you, don't you? Hmmm."

    If it's one thing she can like, it's the fact that Sardonyx has a sense of humour and confidence alike. Not to mention she's friendly!

    As for the sheet of paper, Toph reaches one hand up to pull down her lower eyelid. "Wouldn't do me any good anyway, considering my eyes are blanker than that piece of paper," she points out teasingly, sticking her tongue out.

    Though when the fusion reach into the sand, Toph does look curious, only to frown a bit. "So fuzzy... and I can only read Braille. But eh, it makes sense, a fusion knowing about fusion..." She shrugs, then grins in Sardonyx's direction. "So what's it like being a fusion? And why did Pearl and Garnet dance? How long can fusions last? It's like one of those ultimate forms from those Saturday morning shows, or...? Can all gems fuse?" Yup, she has enough questions alright!

Pearl (870) has posed:
    "That's quite alright my dear. I live to defy expectations! No one knows what to expect when Sardonyx comes to visit!" She beams. "Those are all excellent questions. I can tell your far more perceptive than people with normal vision. A Fusion is a relationship! I'm all the best qualities of Garnet and Pearl combined into one fabulous person!" As she speaks Pearl's spear appears in her lower right hand and Garnet's gauntlets appear on her upper hands, which then then assembles into her warhammer. All so she can plant it upside down in the sand and use it as a pole she can swing around on dramatically as she speaks.

    "The dance helps Gems synchronize with each other. It gets us one the same wavelength so to speak." She demonstrates by creating two whirls of sand that start off spinning at different speeds then match each others rotation and form into one.

    "All gems can fuse, yes, and I can be my wonderful self as long as I like! Just like Garnet does. It really depends on how stable our relationship is." She kneels down and mock-whispers to Toph, "But let's be honest, I'm rather full of myself. I'm far too special to be me all the time! Too much of a good thing you know."

Garnet (869) has posed:
    The sun hangs low over the ocean as a light chill breeze comes in off the water. In the distance the sounds of people going about their day having fun on the boardwalk can be heard but right now the massive Fusion stands in discussion with the smaller earthbender. The explanations fall with a bit of humor as Sardonyx answers Tophs questions in her uniquely showy way, ever the show person...the Fusion stands dramatically hands on hammer while she talks and the setting sun silhouettes her against the sky line and the waves lap against the beach, inspite of the fact her current audience could appreciate all aspects of said showmanship.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Yup, Sardonyx is fun, there's no question about that. And Toph nods sagely when the large fusion comments on her perceptiveness. "Seeing people can be blind at times," she grins.

    It makes sense that fusion is about relationships, really. A combination of traits. They did mention Sugilite earlier, did they not? Pearl seemed enthusiastic and sincere, while Garnet seemed like a calm person with a sense of humour... yeah, she can understand that. And when Sardonyx spins on her makeshift pole Toph looks amused. "I'll take your word for it. I do have to do certain movements in order to make the earth move... I guess it's similar enough to make sense."

    It's interesting to learn more about fusions, and Toph muses. "So Garnet is a really stable fusion if the two gems that make her are fused together all the time... hmmm." As the fusion kneels down Toph moves to stand on her toes, leaning a bit closer, grinning. "Hey, nothing wrong with being full of yourself! But I guess that it's hard to move around and fit in some places when you're that tall..." But she does nod. "I think I understand fusion a bit more now... the gems are in the same places that they are on the original bodies, and it does make sense considering what the gems are made of. It was nice meeting you, Sardonyx! Though I should perhaps help Pearl and Garnet and inspect one of the corrupted gems before I head home."

Pearl (870) has posed:
    "Yes, It was wonderful meeting me wasn't it?" Sardonyx grins and gives one of her deep belly laughs. "But as I said all good things must come to an end!" She says dramatically as she leans back and puts a hand to her forehead. "Parting is such sweet sorrow! Farewell!"

    With that Sardonyx poofs back into Garnet and Pearl. Pearl for her part is clinging to Garnet and laughing hysterically.

Garnet (869) has posed:
    "Just as you say, my dear." Sardonyx again laughs and gives an exaggerated nod as Toph explains she has to make motions to move the Earth, "Similar? I think it is more than that, motion has the power to channel and focus the mind and you are very right it just...makes...sense!" She speaks in a flowing manner until the last as she ennunciates every word to give it more dramatic weight.

    The large fusion then says her goodbyes to the young Earthbender and the light returns as their bodies come undone and reshape into their original forms, for a half moment Toph might get the feeling there are three total Gems there before two remerge into one Garnet. The large visored Gem adjusts her shades, "I hope that was a good example!" She then regards Pearl and gives the smaller Gem a wide smile, "It has been a bit too long since we last did that hasn't it?" Garnet sounds a tad giddy but there is also a slightly apologetic tone in her words as well.

    She then gives Pearl a quick hug and twirl before setting her back down. Then she turns back to Toph, "I've been fused for a while." Her voice clearly indicating this wasn't a short 'while' either. "But for now, let's move on to the topic of Corrupted Gems! I'll be right back in a moment." She then bounds to the house a wide grin still on her face, it seems being Sardonyx puts Garnet into a fairly good mood.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Well, it seems Pearl is /still/ giddy even after the fusion is broken apart, and she shakes her head slightly in amusement. "Fusing with somebody is fun, I take it?" It might explain why Garnet is a fusion all the time. A relationship, Sardonyx had said. Is it a way for gems to be close, like a close friendship perhaps? "I like her, she was fun," Toph adds.

    She does turn her focus to Garnet, smiling. "So you're bigger than the two gems that you are composed of too, huh?" she notes with a smile. "And yeah, that was a good example. It would be handy to have a large fusion on the battlefield, that's for sure. If not only to intimidate the Feds!" Is that a mischievous grin on Toph's face there?

    It's easy to note that Garnet seems a bit giddy as well, and it does seem like fusion is indeed something special, doesn't it? "So... where do corrupted gems come from?" she asks Pearl as Garnet heads back towards the house. "Are there many of them?"

Pearl (870) has posed:
    "So much fun!" Pearl says with a contented sigh, finally calming down. "I really don't know why we don't do that more often!" Wasn't she the one that said fusion was for times of great need? She walks along side Toph as they head back into the house. "The whole is greater than the sum of it's parts!" She replies to her fusion question. "And yes it can be a lovely way to express friendship. Saddly that's one of the reasons it was frowned upon back home, They only wanted us to use it for combat." She explains somberly.

    "It's hard to say exactly how corrupted Gems came to be, but it's mostly because of the War. It lasted a thousand years, and many of us just lost track of who we were and became monsters." She sighs, "There's *far* to many of them if you ask me, and we're finding new ones all the time. You'll see when we get to the basement. We're not even certain which ones were part of the rebellion and which ones were loyal to Homeworld."

Garnet (869) has posed:
    Garnet calls back, "It can be." She grins slightly as Toph asks the question about the Gems that compose her, "You'll have to meet them sometime." The tall Gem replies vaguely. "Sardonyx isn't as intimidating as some of the other fusions we can form." Namely Sugilite and Alexandrite. With that she disappears inside the house. A quick scan around Steven's bed finds no loose sock for their demonstration of a Corrupted Gem.

    Thus Garnet raids one of the drawers and manages not to find socks but various nick nacks and nothin...wait, a pair of gloves would do. Picking up one half of the pair she makes her way to the temple door and opens it to head down to the basement to find the one Corrupted Gem she'd been thinking about.

    She can hear Pearl explaining as she and Toph approach. "It doesn't matter, Rose would want us to help them if there is any way we can." Garnet gently reminds Pearl that this is one of the few times that distinction really doesn't matter. She then reaches up and grabs a bubble floating in air...which Toph might not have 'seen' until Garnet grabbed it. She then flexes her hand and pops it before taking the Gem and attaching it to the lone glove. Setting said glove on the floor, the Earthbender might feel it odd as the limp glove suddenly feels like there is muscle in the unfilled spaces and the glove actually begins to move as the Corrupted Gem bonds with it, "This one is a bit unusual it doesn't make a body of its own, it brings life to inanimate objects." She says in her normal more measured tone.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Well, you're still your own gems too, and you couldn't live in your house if you were fused all the time," Toph points out with a casual shrug as she follows Pearl. "And just using it for combat seems stupid." Garnet doesn't seem like she's interested in fighting all the time, so... As a matter of fact, none of the gems seem aggressive.

    Sure, there's talk about war and corruption, rebels and loyal homeworld gems, but for now the blind girl seems a bit focused on another fact. "Wait... a thousand years? Just how old are you guys anyway?" she inquires. So corrupted gems don't know who they are... that sounds bad. Really bad. Toph considers this as they head down to the basement, and she doesn't hesitate much as she steps forward, taking in the scenery and just studies the room. But it's only when Garnet pops the bubble that Toph is aware of there being a gem inside. She is quiet as Garnet attaches the gem to the glove, and Toph waits, standing still... though her eyes widen when she realizes that the glove is /moving/. "Woah." Immediately she crouches down, then points at it. "Is it safe to touch it?" she asks. "It will be easier to get a look at if I can hold it."

Pearl (870) has posed:
    "I know she would." Pearl replies to Garnet with a solem nod. She seems a little sad at the mention of Rose. "/Way/ older than any human!" She says as she returns her attention to Toph, "Thousands of years!" She says proudly.

    Once they're in the basement She watches protectively as Garnet pops the bubble and gives the Gem a 'body'. She pulls her spear out of her Gem and points it at the wriggling glove just to be sure. "It should be fine." she confirms to Toph once she's sure it's not going to do anything besides crawl around the floor. "Just be careful and don't let it touch your clothes."

Garnet (869) has posed:
    "We would probably mess up Steven's Room if we stayed fused." Garnet muses in response to Toph's comment, "But the temple is bigger." Now that she was inside the Temple proper beyond the door she might suddenly notice just how big it was! The Crystal Heart at its center thruming like a human one, the magma pools in Garnet's room, the junk everywhere in Amethyst's, the structure and organization in Pearl's, and maybe just maybe a room made of fluffy solidified clouds. No matter what she senses though the glove wriggles around on the floor before adopting a more humanoid style of using two fingers for legs and two for 'arms' while the fifth finger seems to be used like a tail for balance.

    At the mention of being alive for thousands for years Garnet seems to adjust her visor shades, the motion might draw Toph's attention to her long enough to make her think if they are thousands of years old Garnet might've been fused for that long...answering the earth bender's earlier question a bit indirectly. "It might steal your pants." Garnet adds helpfully to Pearl's warning in her deep monotone.

    "Though you might have to catch it." Garnet says as the little gloveling suddenly takes off on its little finger legs making a run for the steps and the door out of the basement, Garnet leaps over Pearl and Toph to land in front of it sending it scurrying back towards the other Gem and Earthbender.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Man... you're old as dirt!" Toph teases with an impish grin. It does make sense though, gems are usually old in nature. And this place... so huge! And well, that one room feels a bit weird. But there seems to water, hot magma and lots of different rooms around.

    Toph crouches down, looking a bit curious as she arches an eyebrow. "Did you just pull that out of your /gem/?" she inquires. Weird magic indeed. Though she does nod when Pearl says it's okay for her to touch the corrupted gem. "It can /try/," she grins. Carefully the blind girl reaches out, her small hand reaching out for it, just as it 'runs' off! "HEY!" Even as Garnet leaps to block off its way out of the basement, Toph is already moving, giving the two gems a demonstration of her earthbending abilities.

    Immediately Toph has shifted into a wide legged stance, her balance low as she throws one hand out. It doesn't seem like she has any problems knowing just where the gem is either, as the floor underneath it shifts, turning into a small pillar that sends it flying through the air and straight into Toph's waiting hands. "You're not running off like that, little buddy." With a secure grip on the gem and glove Toph pulls her arms closer to her torso, and there's a look of concentration on her face as she closes her eyes, focusing on the earthen material in her hands. Several seconds pass, and she doesn't move, even if the gem makes the glove move about.

    "This gem... doesn't feel right," Toph finally says. "It's like the minerals in it aren't put together right, like it's unstable or something. It's kind of hard to explain..." Though she lets go of the gem with her left hand, holding it tight with her right hand. "Can I touch one of your gems for comparison?"

Pearl (870) has posed:
    "Even older than dirt!" Pearl beams. Yes she actually took it as a compliment! She twirls her spear around as she watches Toph and the Gem, "Of course." She says matter of factly, "All Gems can summon a weapon, and I keep lots of other things in there too."

    As the Gem starts to make for the stairs Pearl dashes after it as well, running interference for Toph. She looks quite impressed at how easily she catches it too. "We could really use someone like you on the team!" She muses, "If only you'd been around during the Desert Glass incident!"

    She remains cautious even once Toph has the glove under control. "I suppose that would be alright." She says with a touch of uncertainty, glancing at Garnet for confirmation. If there's no objection she kneels down and tips her forehead toward Toph. They need to maintain good relations with the Union after all.

Garnet (869) has posed:
    "We're more fun than dirt." Garnet understood the joke a bit better than Pearl her tone indicating she's super serious about her comment, Crystal Gems are always awesome afterall. Garnet lets Pearl explain Gem weapons and help more directly in catching the little glove as it runs. She tilts her head as Toph uses bending to catch the gloveling rather quickly...interesting.

    The Gem glove struggles mightly in Toph's hands, physically while tiny it is a powerhouse. Like trying to hold onto Ironman's gauntlet if he doesn't want you hanging on. She nods more for herself than anyone else at Toph's description of how the Corrupted Gem felt wrong, that went along with the way she understood how they 'damaged'.

    "It's okay, Pearl." Garnet encourages the other Gem as she kneels down to let Toph touch her Gem when the Earthbender asks to touch one of theirs. Garnet takes a few steps forwards closing this distance while she doesn't distrust Toph, part of her can't help but want to be close incase Pearl needs her help.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Eh, I don't like deserts too much," Toph says with a slight frown, "I can't see well there, it gets fuzzy with how loose the sand is... Even if my sandbending is better." As for Garnet's comment about dirt? "I dunno... earth is the best thing I know!"

    Even as Pearl kneels down next to her, Toph carefully reaches her left hand over, resting her fingers on the gem on Pearl's forehead. They merely lie there, and their simple touch is all she will be able to feel. Even if Toph cants her head slightly as she seems to focus even more intently. "Yeah... you feel stable. Not like a normal gem, but not like this gem here either. It's almost like there are cracks /inside/ it, if that makes sense. I don't... if it's alive like you, I..." The blind girl removes her hand from Pearl's forehead, frowning. "I don't think I should bend it. Not when I don't really know what it should be like, not if it could hurt it." Her voice is determined. If this gem is alive like Pearl and Garnet are, then using bending on it would be like a waterbender using bloodbending on a living person, right? Just the very idea makes her stomach squirm.

    Obviously done inspecting the gem, Toph holds the gem and glove up for Garnet to take.

Pearl (870) has posed:
    "Well, I do like to think I'm more organized than most Gems." Pearl smiles. "But that makes a good deal of sense given our nature." She says thoughtfully, standing back up.

    A holographic lightbulb projects from her gem for a moment as her visage brightens up. "Microfractures!" She says as she holds a finger up. "It would certainly explain some of the odd behavior we seen in some of these Gems. It would be almost like Battle Fatigue in humans. That's not the whole answer of course, otherwise we could just dip them in Rose's fountain. Their magical energies are still out of balance. But it's still a place to start." She explains excitedly.

     She flushes blue for a moment as she realizes she's been rambling. "Thank you Toph, that was very insightful."

Garnet (869) has posed:
    "Not a fan of the deserts flow." Garnet seems to nod to herself again. She watches quietly as Toph touches Pearl's gem and then once again the explanation confirms some long held suspicions but Pearl quickly picks up on what is wrong with them and thanks the Earthbender for her insight. It was certainly nice to have confirmation. Pearl, however, brings up an excellent point of there having to be more to it than just the microfractures otherwise Rose would've been able to heal them in an instant.

    While Pearl is rambling, Garnet takes the glove though it struggles against her she gives it a tight squeeze which seems to take the fight out of it for the moment, she then quickly removes the Gem from the glove returning it to normal cloth. Then she summons a bubble around the Gem and lets it float up into the air.

    Garnet gives a firm nod at Pearl's thanking of Toph, "It's alright if you're not comfortable doing it, we won't make you. Just knowing what you told us is helpful for future attempts to help them." The tall Gem reassures the earthbender and gives another gentle pat on her Shoulder.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The blind earthbender offers a nod to Pearl. "I hope you figure out a way to repair them. If they were normal gems I would be bend them, but that spiritual magic stuff isn't exactly my field," Toph sighs, a slightly apologetic look on her face. It sounds more like something Aang would know about. "There are many magic users in the multiverse, perhaps they can figure out more stuff." It wouldn't hurt either way.

    At least they understand her reason for not wanting to try something that possibly risky. "I doubt you guys would want me bending /your/ structure. I'm not even sure I could do it, with multiversal laws and all in place," she shrugs as Garnet pats her shoulder.

    "Anyway, I should get going back home." Toph readjusts her satchel slightly. "I don't want to be too late for dinner. But if you guys ever need some earth or metal manipulated, then let me know!" At least the earthbender is smiling slightly again. "Heh... never thought I'd meet /talking/ gems!" The multiverse is pretty cool like that.

Pearl (870) has posed:
    Pearl places a hand on Toph's other shoulder reassuringly, "You've already helped more than you know Toph. We never expected healing all these Gems would be easy. I'm sure it will take a lot of us working together, much like a Fusion!" She grins.

    "I certainly don't want you to be late for dinner." She knows how grumpy Steven can get. "Don't let us keep you. You're welcome to stop by any time! I do so love sharing Gem history and culture."

Garnet (869) has posed:
    "We'll like try more once we have found Steven and Amethyst." Garnet says talking about trying to heal the Corrupted Gems, "But it might help to talk with some of these others to get them thinking about it." The tall Gem says trying to make Toph feel better. Garnet chuckles, "Probably for the best not try bending us, with the Homeworlds out there."

    "We will." Garnet assures Toph before leading the way out. "We never thought we'd run into a human that can control the earth." Garnet has that tone that indicates being amused and it certainly sounds like she might be teasing the earthbender. "Have a safe trip home." She says politely as Pearl threate...offers Toph talks about Gem history and culture.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Wait... gem history and culture?!

    That sounds too much like a lesson.

    The earthbender's expression falls, and she looks a bit uncertain. "Eeh, I could hear a little. I'm not one for lectures, I have lessons at home and my tutor tends to... prattle," she admits with a heavy sigh. "And I don't use my bending on allies and friends unless it's to help them." Like fixing dents in robots, tearing off the armour of your injured superior officer... Emergencies that required quick help. "Many people from my world are benders, but nobody can bend earth like me!" she grins with no small degree of pride and confidence. "See ya!" With that Toph heads off, making her way up the stairs, out to the house and then outside, heading on her merry way back to Malibu.