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A Grimm endeavour
Date of Scene: 06 November 2015
Location: Planetary Plains
Synopsis: A newly Unified World has some /very/ dangerous fauna. Some of it has escaped into the Multiverse at large.

Two girls venture out of their world to track down a group of these monsters, to prevent the Multiverse from thinking this is some invasion.

Thanks to: Everyone who came. Seriously, you all rock hard.
Cast of Characters: Blurr, 513, 626, 642, 675, 737, Gaonoir, 778, Yang Xiao Long, 910

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    A Warpgate. Typical of the Multiverse... Not so typical of a certain newly unified world. Yang is just putting down her phone, rubbing her temple with a sigh. "This is /so/ wonky. Ah well." She waits for Ruby, then steps through the gate. The world just kinda changes. "That is /so/ awesome." She fiddles with her phone, then manages to set off the GPS tracker, linking it to the 'Radio'.

    "Here's hopin' now." Yang then stands, waiting with her arms crossed. Hair flipping in the breeze. The Rumours pointed to a fairly big group of Grimm. Some Ursai, Beowolves. Even a Nevermore. The latter could actually be seen flying high in the sky overhead, a great black stain against the blue and white.

Gaonoir has posed:
It didn't take long for news media catch the attention of curious eyes. Especially when said eyes are almost always watching for reports of 'monsters'. Especially when the image captured from the news report is close enough to a certain other monster she did know of that Magnamon had to stop and look twice to make sure the bone-spiked beast wasn't said monster. It wasn't, and while it didn't look like any digimon she knew of, this talk over the usually pointless general frequencies was of curiosity as well.

Which would be why she relayed it to the afforementioned monster she did know.

"Yeah, I know, the yammering woke me up from a nap." Gaonoir snorted softly as he grabbed the floating display that looked like a computer program window and collapsed it, storing the image file away, as well as the location 'ping' that came up a few moments ago. Not that it stopped Magnamon's nattering in his ear. "Relax. I'll go check this 'Grimm' out."

The dark canine hopped down from where he was perched and sprinted off for the warpgates. It wouldn't take him long to find which one Yang's 'ping' came from.

Vivio Takamachi (737) has posed:
    Monster Hunter! Not really in Vivio's job description, since she doesn't actually have a job. Unless you count being an Elite in the Union a job. In which case monster hunting probably is in that job description, along with a whole lot of other stuff that comes with being an Elite. Including helping people, which is really what Vivio is here for today! Especially when there are bad monsters out there hurting people.

    Speaking of Vivio being here today, the deceptively young woman steps out of the the warpgate. She's already in her adult form, clad in her Barrier Jacket. Looking around at the surroundings for a moment, Vivio soon spots one of the only other people here and jogs up to the other blonde.

    Vivio stops near to Yang and grins, giving her a wave and saying, "Hi. I'm guessing you're Yang?"

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Things were just picking up for Ruby, all things considered. Getting accepted into a new school, getting to hang out with her sister and the prospect of finally achieving her dream as a huntress were all things that could happen. Of course, the phone call about 'something she had to see' was an enticing one to say the least and it'd be nice to get some practice in on some Grimm again.

She slides the phone back in her pocket as she starts to sprint towards Yang's location, knowing full well from experience that trying to talk while running this fast almost never works out well. And just as soon as she was closing on it, Yang...disappears?


She picks up her speed dramatically, a shower of rose petals being left in her wake as her curiosity is getting the better of her. It wasn't long before she spots the warpgate and rather than investigating it carefully, she charges straight in and appears right next to Yang...albeit going quite fast.

She digs her feet into the ground and skids to a less than graceful stop. She turns to look at the open field...and the presence of Grimm had mentioned.

"Uh...do Grimm always make portals?"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Funny, Kyra was watching the news not too long ago featuring what she had ended up dubbing 'The start of Cultist Season'. The strange creatures had caught her attention since they reminded her a lot of those 'Heartless' monsters she saw a few months ago. Still, it's enough excitement to get her to leave her apartment on Njorun to check this out.

    There is nothing intimidating-looking about Kyra Hyral. She seems like a teenager punk that might be hiding something suspicious underneath her hoodie (she is) and not exactly the type of person who would run out and hunt monsters. To top it off, she's also wearing some kind of strange headband that looks to be a minaturized, wearable camera. The very center has a circular apature, the edge of it glowing dull red to indicate that the camera is currently on. "Hello!" she greets, "I heard there was going to be monster hunting so I invited myself along to support."

    She waves a hand dismissively, "Don't worry, you'll thank me for it later. Or in a few minutes. Depends on how fast people start getting hurt."

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr just happened to be in this particular sector of the void when the noise on the broadband caught his attention. He's not sure what 'Grimm' are, but there was a bit about them being monsters and hurting people. So he quickly traces the transmission back to its source and locks the coordinates in, heading for the Planetary Plains where the signal appears to be coming from.

    The Autobot vessel touches down somewhere flat and safe, and soon enough, Blurr is speeding across the countryside faster than sound itself, probably knocking over a bunch of trees or something. Though he doesn't hit the throttle -too- hard, since he's got a human passenger this time. A friend Revan's, perhaps? The female Jedi does come by the Ark sometimes for the sake of her...interesting choice in pets. Particularly, pets of the mechanical sort.

Finna (513) has posed:
    WHAT IS GOING ON?! Hearing about a massive exodus of warriors to go deal with some dark monsters is more than enough to get Finna's attention. Where are the monsters? What kind of monsters are they? Are they a threat, or entertainment?

    These are important questions!

    The warp gate strobes and flickers... and out comes Finna, onto the plains.

    She's still dressed in her streetwalking attire from Kingsmouth - blue jeans, pink tennis shoes, and a plain white tank top that bares her midriff... and a weapon belt with two holstered pistols.

    She sticks her tongue out at the sight of the distant monsters. "Soooo. That looks pretty bad. They out for a feast?"

    She tosses some stray white hair over a shoulder, apparently not yet TOO concerned... but that's a lie. She's tense as it gets under all that. Anyone sharp-minded enough to see her Tell can easily see she's not too happy at the moment... her tails' not wagging at ALL. Both ears are perked up on high alert...

    But well, anyone who can't see those just sees a white-haired young woman in skimpy clothes with some guns.

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    A friend of Lowri's is a friend of Kyle's as it seems. The scruffier Jedi seems to have hitched a ride with the Autobot speedster, doing his best to not let the g-forces Blurr's acclerating at crush him in his seat. Luckily it seems Transformers are built with humanoid passengers, or at least able to adapt to that. Doesn't make sense, but a ride's a ride.

    Once Blurr is in range, Kyle begins to hover his hand over the seatbelt keeping him in place. "Once we get in range of those coordinates, get ready to pop the hatch. I'll need a running start anyways." He says, drawing a hilt with his free hand.

    Once they /do/ get close, Kyle daps the canopy hard enough to get Blurr's attention before unbuckling himself. "Now!"

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Grimm, the black monsters that are appearing in the multiverse seem at the same time similar yet entirely different from the monsters of Galandia. IT bear investigating. That and the girl that spoke up on the radio mentioned being a Huntress in training, that also merits looking into.

    The warp gate opens a second time and Cirra Constantine walks out of in her platemail armor all silver and bronze and horned helmet. WQhen she sees the black monsters in the distance she holds one hand out to her side and a sword of crystalappears in her hand. Her eyes look between the gathered and then at the ones she doesn't recognize at all, Ruby and Yang. "Are you the ones from the radio? What are these Grimm?"

Landon al Cid (642) has posed:
     Landon al Cid, Prince of Ramuh, follows behind Cirra less out of his own drive and more because Cirra's off to do something dangerous, and Landon, despite being the guardee in this relationship, still has those misplaced desires to protect her. He, too, is in plate mail, although he's not wearing a helmet. Landon offers Kyra a polite nod and a smile, letting Cirra take the lead.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang watches the various people walking up. Human, human, human. Faunus. Human flying out of a car. The blonde seems to take it all in stride. "Hey!" she offers, grinning a bit and offering a wave. "I'm Yang Xiao Long." she offers to Cirra, then gestures for the others to come closer. The Grimm in the distance seem to be randomly milling around, knocking over the fence of a farmhouse, luckily empty as the residents fled as soon as the creatures arrived.

    "Short version, but longer than the one I gave on the Radio. Grimm are soulless monsters that destroy everything in their path. They've been around as long as anyone can remember. The important thing is, they're mindless brutes that'll more likely try to kill you, than be your friend." she says, then points over at the creatures. There's a pack of Beowolves splitting off from the rest of the group of larger Ursai. "Explanations can come in detail later, we better get those things dealt with before they find someone who can't fight back."

    Yang then lifts both arms, flicks her wrists and deploys her gauntlets, the weapons unfolding to cover her forearms and the backs of her hands. "I think we should split up. Ruby! Take some of these guys and go after the Beowolves, I'll go after the Ursai. Keep your eyes on that Nevermore, we don't want to get surprised."

Blurr has posed:
    As soon as Kyle gives the signal, Blurr's passenger door flips up to allow him to jump out. Fortunately it opens upward, so that makes it a fair bit more convenient for the Jedi.

    He comes to a halt in front of Yang and Ruby, listening to the brief sitrep and watching as one of the monsters tears through an empty farmhouse. Nope, no lifesigns inside, so that's good.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    "I see." Cirra says and turns to look at the Beowolves aproaching then looks at Landon, "I'll go with Yang to deal with the larger ones. Put up a barrier to prevent the smaller ones from rushing this position." she then turns as follows Yang, watching as the blond's gauntlets unfold. Interesting. "Cirra Constantine, a Judge. But that doesn't have any baring here." her sword splits inhalf, turning into a rifle, that it seems less mechanical then the weapons Yang and Ruby are carrying.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose blinks in utter amazement as...there..were..people..already..here? Huh. Weird. She starts to take a step towards Yang and open her mouth to speak, but a flurry of rose petals flies past her, one of them landing directly in her mouth. She sighs and spits it out, shaking her head a few times.

"I hate it when that happens..."

She steps forward to stand with her sister and looks over the group that had showed up. Human, human, human, faunus...g...Giant robot? What? WHAT!? She looks up at Blurr with an awestruck expression, clearly wanting to ask him...something, but a glance over at the advancing army of Grim gets her attention. She listens to Yang's explaination and nods towards the group before speaking up.

"Oh..right..introductions! I'm Ruby Rose and Yang's right. These guys are super mindless and won't stop at anything to kill you. The best way to take them out is dismemberment. So..uh..battle strategy."

She raises a finger and points towards Kyle, Finna, Blurr and Gao's...tiny..adorable face. "Alright, so you four come with me and we'll handle the Beowolves. The rest of you go after the Ursai. The Nevermore above can fire feathers, so be careful. We'll have to handle him last."

She takes her weapon off of her back, spinning the hunk of metal out into a Scythe that is seemingly taller than herself, with a wicked looking blade. "Any questions?"

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:

    Kyle isn't quite as graceful as Skywalker is, but he does definitely make an entrance as he launches into the air. The Force propels his jump, bursting forth from the vehicle as he flips through the air and lands just outside what looks to be a farm.

    "Huh...how 'bout that?" He can't help but feel a bit nostalgic before he approaches the two girls. "Monsters rampaging; We go kill them. Roger that." He nods, throwing a salute to Yang and Ruby before he looks at the approaching horde.

    "Alright, kid..." He says to Ruby before thumbing a switch on his weapon. The blue blade of his lightsaber activates with a snap-hiss, emitting a deep hum as he notes the Beowolves. "I think I can deal. Let's go to work."

Gaonoir has posed:
Unlike the majority of arrivals Gaonoir doesn't rush right up to join the group. For one, he's not all that trusting of humans in general, curious or not. For another.. well, that was about it, other than the eerie similarity between the creature in the news clip and his evolved stage. So just rushing to the group might of drawn more backfire than intended. He takes his time, lingering back a bit from the main gathering of the group.

It's not until Yang is explaining what the Grimm are and suiting up for battle that the black furred canine actually strides up, giving his bandana flick with one gloved paw to swat it off his shoulder. "Souless, huh? Good, I don't have to worry about beating the snot out of it, then."

Then immeadiately holds up both paws, especially when he sees those wicked gauntlets slide into place. "And no, I'm not one of them, despite the ironic similarity in appearance. I'm a digimon... which I can waste time explaining later."

A head nod in the direction of the Grimms. "After yer little monster problem is taken care of." The other girl wants him to follow her. Probably because they look like wolves and he looks like a dog and.. this is already going to get confusing.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "...hmmm. They really do sound like Heartless. Maybe it's a different breed...no, that's pretty much typical monster behavior, right? Try to murder your face, not interested in being friends..." Kyra squints off in the distance, watching the shapes of the monsters as they move about-she can see wolf things moving away from bear things and-

    Kyra murmurs and makes a few gestures, slipping to get behind both Landon and Cirra since she reliably knows them as good tanks. Rather than scanning the Grimm, which she'll deal with later, she gets to work putting buffs on people. Specifically, the two new girls she's not familiar with get buffed right away: Yang and Ruby find themselves on the receiving end of Bravery, a damage-increasing buff. The spell feels like a bit of a rush to receive it for the first time.

    "The name's Kyra Hyral! Chemist, white mage, and eventual doctor! I am the most aggressive support you will find!" Kyra grins. "C'mon Cirra, let's trash some bear Grimm."

Finna (513) has posed:
    Hold on a moment, someone's giving her instructions? Someone who's never met her before? Finna's head sweeeeeeeeeeeerves... and gets a load of Ruby rose's weapon. She takes a few circling steps but that's all the attention she can spare.

    "Yeeeeeeaaaaaah. One. Those for sale anywhere?" Grinning, she gestures at Ruby's scythe. But it's hard to say if she's really serious. Finna just whips up her twin pistols. They don't look like much in comparison.

    "Looking forward to getting to know you better... but for now? The name's Finna Snowdancer. Don't worry, I'll keep these guys alive!" Is she talking about Kyle Katarn and Gaonoir? Or Blurr? Maybe. When the Jedi activates his lightsaber, she twirls her pistols...

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr finishes the scan, and suddenly the blue car begins to do something that looks at first like falling apart, but as it proceeds it starts to look more like unfolding. It stands up to about a 30-foot tall mechanoid, about average height for a Cybertronian. People like Kyra and Kyle who already know him probably pay it no mind--they're used to such things.

    "Copy that." The Autobot replies to Ruby's attack plan. He leans down as far as he can comfortably go to get a better look at the two girls he doesn't know. "Blurr here. Pleasure to meet both of you." He straightens up as his own weapons emerge from his arms, much like Yang's came right out of her gauntlets. "Well anyway let's get to work." He follows the group he was assigned to.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yangblinks and watches Blurr transform. "I've seen weapons do that... but I don't think even the Atlas guys can make transforming robots!" she says, looking impressed. Then Gaonoir saunters up, making Yang tense before he /speaks/. "Okay. But I'm keeping my eyes on you." she says to the little black dogmon.

    Cirra, Kyra and Landon get nods of approval. "Alright, follow my lead Ursai are /really/ strong, but they're slow. Be careful if they rear up on their hind legs, those foreleg claws are razor sharp." she warns, before setting off at a run. She's surprisingly quick, even for her size, though Ruby makes her seem like she's standing still, by comparison.

    The Ursai pause in their destructive path, turn to the approaching group, and roar angrily, just like a bear's roar, but deeper and with a bit of reverb. Yang engaged without even waiting, throwing her arms back to fire a pair of shells to propel her forwards, then drawing her right arm back to slam it into one of those Ursa masks with a yell, as another shell explodes, knocking the thing reeling.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose blinks as she seems to have miscounted. She looks between those she just pointed out and then looks down towards the small digimon. "S-s-orry about this, but could you go with my sister instead? Even teams for everyone right? I'd appreciate it."
She looks towards the rest she just called out, letting her cape billow behind her as they talk. She gets awestruck again as people start pulling out weapons, but snapping her out of her revelry was Finna asking about hers. "I don't know, High Calibur Sniper Scythes are pretty rare because they're really hard to use...but I can talk to you about it after this." Ruby turns back towards the group of approaching Beowolves, which had covered quite a bit of ground compared to their ursine counterparts. The feral werewolves were approaching quickly on all fours, now closing in past the 100 foot mark. Ruby holds her scythe at the ready, angling the blade-end behind her.

"Remember, don't hold back!"
She slides her hand behind the trigger and fires a bullet from the gun into the ground, propelling her into the air. A few of the Beowulves jump up past her, but several were closing in on Team Wolf, with two of them leaping at Kyle and Finna, claws first, while three of them lunge into Blurr, aiming for his feet.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Cirra takes off after Yang, though her pace is a little more measured. It's not that she minds, she's worked with other people of a similar nature before (as in the Besrker Class on Galndia). She just has a different role in combat to play.
%tThe Judge lifts her sword-rifle up to her shoulder and fires. Shards of explosive crystal fly out through the air for the Ursine to either side of the wone Yang is pummeling, making sure to keep the area around the beserker under control and free of distractions. Like bear claws.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Cirra takes off after Yang, though her pace is a little more measured. It's not that she minds, she's worked with other people of a similar nature before (as in the Besrker Class on Galndia). She just has a different role in combat to play.

    The Judge lifts her sword-rifle up to her shoulder and fires. Shards of explosive crystal fly out through the air for the Ursine to either side of the wone Yang is pummeling, making sure to keep the area around the beserker under control and free of distractions. Like bear claws.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Wisely, Kyra does not approach the Ursai, remaining in the 'back' as it were to avoid direct confrontation. It gives her a good spot to observe Yang's particular fighting style and the shotgun gauntlets she seems so proficient at. Though she seems about her own age, Kyra notices she handles them like someone with plenty of experience.

    "Heads up!" Kyra warns, forming a fist with her left hand, tilting it forward to expose a circular device on the back of the fingerless glove worn on the hand. She grabs her own wrist with her other hand and announces, "Napalm flask!"

    An object comes shooting out of the device on her hand which turns out to be a potion bottle with red liquid in it, expelled at high velocity. When it hits-hopefully on an Ursai-the glass shatters and a violent explosion follows.

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    That's definitely a thing. Kyle hasn't seen anything like that rifle-scythe short of what the Multiverse has displayed so far, though he can't help but find it more than worthy of a double-take. "Not like scythes are built to reap wheat and not battle or anything." He mutters, speaking from experience since Sulloon.

    He runs towards the horde of Beowulves before he's lunged at by one, and Kyle raises his hand at the beast before it hits him. The Force will stop it cold in its tracks, before Kyle finishes the job by slashing at it with a single stroke of his lightsaber. THe second wolf is met with a wave of sheer force (literally) from Kyle's off-hand. THe impact will be akin to a cannonball blast at point blank, not something to be on the recieving end of.

Gaonoir has posed:
"Don't care, as long as I get to beat something up." Which pretty much sums it up as much as Gaonoir is concerned. Sent to find out what these things were like, and his usual means of doing that was beating said thing up. It doesn't take him long to turn and dart in the other direction, a little black blurr across what's going to become a battlefield.

To the point that Yang would certainly catch sight of the canine sprinting past her just after she's punched a Ursai in the face. He goes in low to avoid one's front paw, clenching one of his own gloved forepaws into a small but potent fist and


SLAMS it for the Ursai's chin. Despite his small size the Black Gaomon was made with power in mind and his punchs hit with a disportionate amount of power for his stout stature. It's probably enough to bowl the larger bear-beast over backwards.

Blurr has posed:
    Well here goes nothing. Three of the wolf things charge at Blurr. He picks up a piece of that farmhouse fence they just ripped up and attempts to impale one, stabbing downward until the makeshift melee weapon hits the ground, then bludgeon the other two hard with the same piece of debris and potentially parts of the first one hanging off of it.

    One of them still manages to sinks its teeth or claws or whatever into his outer armor, though. Slag, their claws are surprisingly strong for organics. There's an awful sound of metal screeching as it is torn into.

Finna (513) has posed:
    Finna's taking the incoming rush in stride. More or less. One eye constantly flicking the Beowolves' ways... well, her ears are also tilted that way. No doubt she can hear them approaching quite well.

    When Ruby goes flying by doing something Finna had never thought of... Finna grins! Aims both pistols down... AND FIRES!


    ... It doesn't send her flying.

    Instead she just has the Beowulf coming in at her. The foxgirl's face turns disgusted in a heartbeat. "These things just turned way less awesome!"

    But her body just seems to BLUR into motion, slipping betweent he swinging claws. Sparks fly as Finna's arms swing wide and plunge the dual pistols into the claw paths. Sparks fly on the impact, claws digging nasty gouges into the weapons. Gouges that just shouldn't really be there. The claws quickly transition into bloodying up Finna's arms with some shallow cuts, flesh rent easily. But as the creature's maw comes in following up that motion...

    With another blur and a grunt she spins about and executes a SPECTACULAR kick with all her weight and force up under its lower jaw, COMPLETELY ignoring the laws of momentum and physics. And following up she angles the two pistols DESPITE being in entirely the wrong position to fire them. The bullets are nothing special. Just 21st century over the shelf stuff, and unlikely to do a lot of damage to supernatural enemies. But after four shots each - executed faster than the guns should be capable of firing! - the weapons SCREAM. Or rather, that's the sound of metal shearing itself apart from the mother of all misfires, jamming up one weapon and splitting the second's barrel along the previous gouges.

    "Oh COME ON! I just bought those. Fine..."

    She disengages from her opponent with a vault backwards, flipping around in the air...

    And when she lands... she's dressed differently. Now in hunting leathers from the far north, a necklace of fangs rattling on her upper chest and plain-looking but finely made steel sword in one hand, a common knife in the other.

    "These'll have to do!"

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang hops back as the Ursa she punched recovers and sweeps its claws at her. She barely dodges the razor sharp claw strike, "Is that all you go---" eyes going wide as a single strand of golden hair wafts down. Her cheery demeanor fades instantly, and anyone with a look at her face, would see those lilac eyes go blood red. "YOU MONSTERS!"

    RRRRRAAAARGH! There's an explosion, and a good swath of the field Yang is stood in sears to ash. Her hair goes bright gold, with licks of flame inside and she just goes right to town on the offending creature, moving faster and hitting harder than before, which is saying something.

    Cirra's crystal bullets are effective, sticking into the Ursa's flesh before exploding, making it roar in pain before charging at the Judge, swiping wildly with it's forelegs as it goes, like a giant, ursine blender. Kyra's explosive flask doesn't seem to slow it down, but leaves a wickedly burning red welt in the black flesh, no blood or anything, just, solid red under the outer black 'skin'.

    Gaonoir's Ursa flips head over hocks, landing on its back, but it seems much more resiliant than a normal creature as it rolls up onto its feet again, and snarls at the little dogmon, rearing up onto its hind legs and aiming a dual-clawed lunge!

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose counts out four Beowolves that came after her in the air, teeth bared and claws outstretched. Firing her scythe, she spins around horizontally, instantly decapitating two of the grim. She points the Scythe downwards on the backswing and pulls the trigger again, using the recoil to send herself a little bit higher in the air and kick off of one of the approaching Beowolves, sending the two crashing into one another. As she comes back down towards the ground, she makes herself a landing spot by swinging her scythe in a large arc in front of her, cleaving a few more of the wolves in half. With that, she lands dramatically, surrounded by the ferals, who were all snarling towards the newcomer.

A smirk crosses her face.

She sets to work as several Wolves leap at her, whirling her scythe with an expert's grace, cleaving any offending arms and legs that got in her way while.

Meanwhile, the wolves that charge Kyle get to feel the powers of the force...and it's uber effective! Kyle's lightsaber cleaves through the Grimm very cleanly with little to no resistance. The second one is quite simply blown apart, yet the creature didn't seem to have any organs inside of it. Both of the slain Beowolves burst into a black mist and disappear, but the second one's exploded limbs hit four Grimm in the face, stunning them for a second. Shaking it off, they instantly charge him, two of them aiming for his arms with their teeth while two more shoulder rush him in an attempt to knock him off of his feet!

Blurr impales his first one easily, knocking the creature to the ground and killing it almost instantly. The other two manage to get away with slashing him, piercing through a bit of his arm. However, there seemed to be a gap in between the wolves now, with 2 more charging him immediately. Now would be a great opportunity to make use of ranged combat, or he could use his new found trusty wood stake, good at killing monsters dead!

Lastly, Finna's weapons don't seem very effective, as the claws significantly damage the guns are they graze past them. The first wolf ends up behind her while the second one catches the mother of all kicks in the jaw, sending it skyward. But without peircing damage, the wolf simply lands flat on it's back, hurt but not dead. Once she lands and transforms, the recovered wolf and a new tag-team friend charge her, with a third coming from behind!

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Cirra swings her rifle out and it snaps closed into the crystaline long sword. As the Ursine charges in, she holds the weapon up in both hands, swingign it around to deflect the first of the razor sharp claw attack, the Judge setting her heels and digging in against the force of the blow.
    Ducking down under the second swipe from it's other paw. Then Yang explodes, well that was an attention getter. And while the Ursine reacts to Yang's fiery fisticuffs on it's brethren, Cirra leaps up on to it's arm, and then up to it's shoulder. Jumping up, the Judge spins around and brings the Judge Blade down on the back of it's neck like a spinning tip.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Gah, she's a /saiyan/!" Kyra's actually met saiyans and watched them battle-she recognizes this whole 'golden hair' thing. And hey, the pattern seems to fit just fine. If anything, it makes Kyra give Yang a /little bit wider berth/. Not that she isn't already since she's clearly avoiding melee range with these Grimm.

    Her explosives seem to be inadequate though it does demonstrate to Kyra that these monsters don't have biological systems under their 'skin'. Grumbling something about never getting to use the biological warfare agents, Kyra murmurs something under her breath and immediately starts floating about a foot off the ground. "Needs more ordinance." she comments, aiming her Matter Manipulator again.

    Another explosive flask flies at the previously hit bear. Then another. Then another. Then yet another! She seems perfectly capable of rapid firing her explosives now.

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr has a grim-kabob. Gross. He much prefers shooting things, but that first one had been close enough to his peds that firing would've risked shooting himself in the foot--literally. "Pfff." He throws the stick away and turns his photon cannons toward the two that are charging him now, firing rapidly in their direction but also doing his best to avoid collateral damage to any human habitations.

    "Hey Ruby, you mentioned aerial forces right? I've got a ship in the air, could send some drones after 'em."

Gaonoir has posed:
As the Urssai roars Gaonoir just smirks a bit, head lowered forward slightly as a timely breeze briefly flips the ends of his bandana behind him. "You really want a piece of this?" If one looked closely they might even see the glimmer of some darker energy around him. "Then come get it!" The dark energy crackles around him, even as the Ursa rears up and lunges. Those that have seen Digimon do their thing before might reconize it, even if Gaonoir's is a crackle of darkness instead of the flickering greens and yellows of data bits.-- Blackgaomon: Perfect SHINKA ... BLACK MACHGAOGAMON! --

There's a resounding ring as the Ursa impacts with a pair of a large gauntlet-like hands catch it's paws, it's claws scraping into the back of them, but being kept at bay. But the now taller and more humanoid-porportioned Digimon they belong to snarls through teeth gritted into that smirk still, even as the Ursa's snarling visage is reflected in his visor. "At least this way no one will mistake me for one of you.."

There's a loud *FWATHOOM* as his jet boosters pop out and ignite, and Gaonoir heaves the Ursa into the air, only to launch up with the thrusters, grab it as he flips over, and hurtle the beast back to the ground. With a rocket propelled piledriver, no less.

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    Kyle blinks, first at the handiwork of his blast and also the aftermath. He didn't expect making them EXPLODE, but at the same time, these things are technically not even living anyways. No reason he can't go all out here, as opposed to blowing a living thing into gooy chunks.

    Something to remember in the future, then. Kyle goes back into the fray after a moment's musings, before he is almost mauled by the four Grimm charging him. "Damnit..."

    He immediately leaps back to avoid their assault, using the Force to almost bounce across the ground a couple of feet before he primes a couple of thermal detonators, tossing them at the Beowulves while they bunch up.

Finna (513) has posed:
    THREE of them. And Finna has only two weapons. "Come and get it, doggies!" She doesn't even really BOTHER with taking stances most of the time... but this time she does put her feet to work, deepening her stance.

    The instant all three converge on her she WHIRLS in place, aiming to BURY her mundane blades in all three enemies at once!

    Wait, all three?

    Yes. Left hand? Knife, one of the original two enemies. Right hand? Sword. Thrusted at its friend.

    Her LEFT LEG extends out awkwardly behind, thrusting ANOTHER knife!

    Those might or might do damage. What they can't do is stop the fangs and claws toppling down on her. Once again she's torn into, claws piercing deeper and muscle, one set of fangs chomping down on a shoulder. She HISSES in pain... but grunts out through it,

    "I let you have that one. Now..." Teeth clenched together in an increasingly sadistic grin ripple and shift, all turning devastatingly sharp. Finna's jaw stretches out into a muzzle and white fur erupts in a wave down her body. Each limb that's covered ripples like water and stretches, bulges with new - but still quite lean - muscle. Not the muscles of a bodybuilder...

    The muscles of a true beast.

    An unearthly screechy-howl is the war cry of Finna's DEADLY BEASTMAN TRANSFORMATION. The seven-foot She-Fox whirls into a blur of fangs and claws, an aura of silvery-blue Essence blazing free of her body and into the surroundings, mark of the crescent moon on her forehead.

    IN no time she's little more than a glowing silhouette within a roiling pyre of harmless energy. And somehow in those few moments she's transitioned into trying to GRAB ALL THREE Beowolves and savagely SLAM them into each other. But if she accidentally rips arms off in the undertaking... oh well.

    Leaping back, Finna tugs at the air... and all of her weapons fly her way. The sharp-eyed might see silken silvery strands connecting them to her hands and feet. Once recalled they're all stuffed away!

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang finishes her Ursa off, panting for breath as the pummeled lump of black flesh that /was/ a snarling Ursa Major lands and explodes into black smoke. Her hair fades back to normal blonde, and her eyes fade back to lilac as she comes down from her rage state. A grunt, flick of her wrists, and the spent shell cases eject from her gauntlets, landing on the ground with hollow clinks of plastic and thin metal. She reaches into a pouch on the back of her belt, pulling two flexible strips of different shells out. She hocks them up, then slams her gauntlets into them with a practiced motion, wrapping the new shells into place before the mechanism locks back into place.

    Cirra manages to bring the Ursa up short, opening it up to the rapidfire explosion barrage from Kyra. It grunts, staggers, then topples over from the combined might of the Judge and the Chemist, exploding into harmless black smoke and leaving only the cracked mask behind.

    Gaonoir stops his Ursa up short as well, the beast snarling and roaring into that visor, before it's lifted and thrown into the air, then slammed hard into the ground, hard enough to smask those bone shards sticking out of its back /through the other side/ The beast wheezes a final whimper, before it too explodes into black mist.

    Ursai defeated. *victory jingle*

Gaonoir has posed:
Gaonoir would just kept choking the thing afterwards, but his metallic hands clang together when the Ursa poofs into black smoke afterwards. "Huh." Rising to his feet, he rubs the back of one gauntlet where it got clawed up with the other hand. It was minor damage, but that the thing succeeded in scraching them up at all is notable. "That wasn't nearly as un-bear-able as I expected." Unlike that pun.

But with no bear to garner his attention Gaonoir turns his gaze up above the field instead, eyes squinting behind visor. "Didn't someone mention a flying monster, too?"

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose 's blender mode is mighty impressive and between it and her constant firing of bullets, many of the Beowolves lay dead and disappearing on the ground, which was now littered with spent bullet casings and random wolf-limbs. Still though, she's got quite a few to worry about, as she pivot dodges two more lunging ones before backflipping past another. Realizing that she was about to get hit, she leaps high into the air to gain an advantage and brings the sniper-rifle part of her weapon down to bear. As the Beowolves leap up in predictable patterns, she starts taking aim at each one and fires, the huge caliber bullets blowing holes through several at once. She stops for a second to take a note of what the others are doing before smiling. Every single one of the ones that were around here were dead or dying.

It's about that time that the Nevermore seemingly decides to take an issue with her. It fires a solid dozen of sharp, missile-like feathers at her, each one about as tall as a person. Not expecting an attack from above, Ruby eats it hard, sending her back into the ground with a good amount of force. Her aura holds up though, keeping her from taking any real damage, but knocking the wind out of her for a second.

Blurr and Kyle's attacks are also quite effective, as the explosive or plasma weapons cut straight through them, and end up injuring a few adjacent to them. The Beowolves numbers dwindle rapidly thanks to them, and the last few that were left that were attacking Finna end up getting manhandled. The claws were indeed effective as they slash through her, but the Grimm get their comuppance...mostly by being slammed into one another. Crushing damage would force a sickening-but-oh-so-satisfying crunching noise before the monsters simply go limp. With that, the Beowolves numbers were decimated.

Ruby looks up towards the Nevermore before flipping her scythe over her shoulder as she gestures for the entire party to group up. "Nice work everyone! I think all of you could be awesome hunters, but we've got that stupid thing to deal with up there."

Finger point at the stupid giant bird.

Ruby turns back towards Blurr and shakes her head. "Yeah, we could use it, but I think I have a better idea. We can get rid of it if we can kick it through that portal thing. And I have a plan to bring it down." She clears her throat before looking towards Blurr first. Rapid fire questions go! "Big guy, how strong are you? Could you throw me and Kyra into the air at that thing?" Next comes Kyra. "I saw that you had bombs...do you have like, a flash grenade?" And then she turns towards Kyle and points towards his hands. "And you had some kind of magic thing? You could hold people in place? You think you could grab the Nevermore's wings?" And then a piiivot towards Gao and Finna's new forms and...eyebrow raises. Cool. Terrifying but cool. She addresses everyone after that.

"And don't worry, I have a plan that will take all of us and will totally work for sure! But we're only going to get one shot at this."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang comes running over towards Ruby after she gets up from the feather attack. The speech isn't interrupted, but the very SECOND after the younger girl's done, she gets picked up in a big sisterly bearhug. "I'm so glad you're not hurt." she says, then lets the shorter girl down. "Right, what's the plan?" she asks, cracking her knuckles in preparation.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Super saiyan..also temporary..." Kyra mutters, the evidence piling up on Yang. She doesn't say much more after that, carefully watching the Ursa to make extra sure that between her and Cirra's assault, it stays pretty dead.

    Of course, since it dropped something after evaporating, Kyra immediately moves to pick it up. "It doesn't look like anyone got hurt..." she actually seems a little disappointed about that, but shrugs, before she's approached by Ruby with a plan.

    "I'm sure this guy would jump at the chance to throw me." Kyra says dryly, "Flash grenade? Let's see-like a bright light? Yeah, I have those, haven't used them in forever though." She flips her left hand over and holds her right hand underneath it. A green-colored, egg-shaped object drops into her hand. "How many should I pull? I don't stock more than six of these."

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Cirra lands from her final strike, swinging the Judge Blade around to release it of anything stuck to it's edge. She walks over to cracked Grimm mask and picks it up. "Are these dangerous to leave behind?" But Gaonoir brings up the flying monster only for the Nevermore to attack Ruby in the next breath.
    "I didn't pull out everything against those monsters..." She pulls a Law Card out from herside, held between two fingers. She slams it to the ground as she shouts. "The. BRIAR!"

    Crystaline vines grow out of the ground, each of them covered in nasty barbs and trying to entrap the massive Nevermore. "Steer it this way!"

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    Lightsaber extinguishing, Kyle clips it back to his belt after the fighting dies down.

    Of course, it's never so simple. Looking up at the massive raven arrives. "Oh hell... This might not be so easy after all." He says, before he glances at Ruby. "Magic? No no no no, the Force isn't...y'know what nevermind. What do you need me to do?"

    He frowns at the idea of trying to grab something that big, there's no way he could grab something that size...

    No. No, that's not right. Size matters not, that's what Luke repeatedly told Kyle and the others back in his lessons with the Force. And he wasn't kidding about that. "Alright, give me the word."

    Immediately, Kyle cracks his knuckles before he braces himself, and his hands raise towards the Nevermore. Closing his eyes, Kyle imagines himself grabbing those wings physically...using the Force to do just that in the process and stopping it in place.

    And then he twists. HARD.

Blurr has posed:
    How strong is Blurr? Well it depends on who you're comparing him to, but throwing a couple of human-sized targets shouldn't be an issue. He nods. "Sure, I could do that, but what's on the other side of that portal? Wouldn't want to send that thing somewhere else that's populated by sapients and that might not be prepared or have anything in the way of effective defenses against something like that. I was thinking we could take out its wings and ground it so we can blow it up down here."

    A datapad seems to appear in his hand briefly, and already a group of a dozen drones deploy from the Autobot vessel, flying toward the big monstrous bird until it's in range of their turrets. They open fire, aiming for the creature's wings!

    He can't help but arch an optic ridge at Kyra. "And why's -that-?"

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang asides to Blurr. "That's the one we came out of, it'll send it right back home to Remnant."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "I think you're still mad at me for the carjacking." Kyra points out with a slight grin. Clearly she still thinks that incident was funny.

Gaonoir has posed:
"Well, we can't let them have all the fun, now can?" The boosters keep Gaonoir at a low hover as he watchs the others start to put Ruby's plan into motion. Hmm. He's got an idea, but while he may be a bit of a jerk at heart, he doesn't want to make a mess of the process if it's the only chance they might get at it, so he's patiently waiting for an oppritunity. Or maybe they'll handle it and he won't have to spare any more energy to the matter.

Finna (513) has posed:
    Finna executes a few backflips, landing near Kyle Katarn. Despite her increased size and incredibly vicious appearance.. yeah it's still her. She's just a bit angry!

    "Those things REALLY hurt."

    However, the wounds are HEALING. Visibly healing, even. Blood's no longer flowing from any of the gashes she's suffered.

    For now, she just waits, focusing her spirit for the right moment. If Kyle's successful, she'll definitely have it.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose nods towards those she had asked questions of, though she was surprised at the eagerness of some of them to get started. The Nevermore had already made one pass at Ruby, but it needed to swing around to come back again, which is what it was doing while the talking was happening. It's very, very, very far up for Cirra's vines to be able to catch, but it was turning back around...and being peppered by aircraft fire. The bullets were affecting it a little bit, but it seems very resilient towards it, the bullets not piercing it but simply..impacting it. The bullets do bring it a little bit closer to the ground though, but not much. Kyle's grabbing attempt was...difficult. It was like trying to hold onto a greased up fruit that was moving quite powerfully. The bird is certainly far tougher than the ground forces were. It would take a moment to get a solid grip on it. Ruby turns back towards the group and addresses everyone at large again.

"Okay, here's my plan. Blurr, throw me and Kyra up into the sky, right in front of it's face. Also..uh...hold the fire on the ship things when that happens. Kyra, I want you to throw as many flash bombs you have directly into it's face to stun it. I'm going to force it down."

She turns towards Cirra and Kyle next. "Kyle can hold it's wings so it can't fly as well. Cirra...uh, while it's coming down, I want you to hit it with whatever you have that'll leave a mark on the wings. "

Back to turning towards everyone else. "Gao and Finna, hit it in the chest with whatever you have right in the chest. Crack some bones! And Yang?"

She turns towards her sister and smiles. "Do Yang stuff. Hit it straight back into Remnant where it came from. Okay?" She moves towards Blurr and taps him in the leg, ready for him to pick her up to throw.

"Alright, get ready! Here it comes!"

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang grins. "One Little Sun special, comin' right up Sis!" she grins, getting into a good position for where the Nevermore is being brought down. She cycles her gauntlets, locking in three shells into each chamber, and sets a wide stance. She cocks both arms back, hooked as if to perform a double upper-cut. "Ready when you guys are!"

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr nods. "Will do, in fact when I toss you, I can have them pull you in the right direction in case my aim isn't right on target." As soon as they're ready, he picks both humans up as gently as possible and chucks them straight up toward the beast's face as it approaches them.

    And, as he's promised, if they don't get in close enough to start with, the drones, which have ceased firing, will quickly grab them with clamps and push them in the right direction so that they can go nuts in the monster's face!

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    It's...much bigger than Kyle had expected. The Nevermore puts up a really good fight against the Force itself, as Kyle struggles to get a grip on it. That bird isn't making things easy, but he focuses hard as he shakes off any stresses on his body and continues to reach out at the enormous raven.

    "Size matters not...size matters not...size matters not..." He mutters under his breath, continuing to reach out at the Nevermore.

    Then he grabs at it once more, clenching his hands into fists.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra keeps the one flash grenade in her hand while the other hand pulls something else out of the matter manipulator that is NOT a flash grenade: a pair of sunglasses. She quickly puts them on and waits as Blurr picks her up.

    "You'll have to close your eyes once these go off or you'll get Blinded too! I can fix that but it'll take seconds we don't have!" Kyra shouts as they fly up into the air at the Nevermore. Once close enough, she throws her first flash grenade, "CLOSE YOUR EYES NOW!" which explodes into a brilliant blast of light that will temporarily blind anyone that looks directly at it without eye protection.

    For good measure, she fires the remaining five grenades out of her Matter Manipulator at the Nevermore's head.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
The Nevermore is not having a good day, clearly. That annoying gun-girl seemed to survive the pinions and then some weird machines started shooting it in the back. The bullets were of little consequence as most of them seemed to bounce off, but the Nevermore swoops down towards his prey, eager to destroy what his brethren could not. A strange force locks onto it's wings as it's coming down, which makes flight quite hard.

Kyle managed to get a good grip on the wings now but even then, this was going to be no easy trick to pull off. The bird struggles against him hard, trying to gain back control of itself. It would take constant concentration to hold those massive limbs at bay.

As Ruby's being launched up into the sky by Blurr's wonderful robot arms, she slips a hand into her ammunition pouch and pulls out a cross-shaped clip of ammo. She drops off her old clip and slides the new one in before ratcheting it into place. She looks over towards Kyra as they fly up towards the temporarily halted monster. She turns her head and closes her eyes as Kyra does her thing, the Nevermore letting out a massive cry of frustration as ants seem intent on angering it. The flash grenades seem quite effective as it's muscles and spacial awareness weaken, the bird shaking it's head in confusion.

Ruby opens her eyes as the flash ends and spins her Scythe behind her just as she passes the Nevermore's neck. She orbits around the creature's neck, blade cutting into shadowy flesh before she swings down underneath it. Now in position she starts firing her scythe as hard as she could, letting out a massive battle cry as she literally drags the behemoth bird out of the air, head first. The recoil of the Crescent Rose was enormous with these new bullets, but anyone from the ground could see that the bird was heading for a massive crash. It wasn't long before it had lost enough altitude to where the next step in Ruby's battle plan could step in and land their attacks!

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    The Crystal vines may not have reached immediatly, but they present a continouing field of hazard which the giant bird is being drawn too. Though they part around Ruby herself. Stillt he thorns and vines are piddly compared to a creature this size.

    Cirra shucks off her gauntlets and brings the Judge Blade up, and quickly slices the tip over her open palm. "Blood sacrificed to lay my enemy low..."

    She stabs the Judge Blade into the ground, and black rock shoot along the ground fromt he tip of the weapon, splitting int two paths to either side of the gigantic Nevermore, and errupting from the ground as two giant obsidian blades immediatly in the path of the bird's wings.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose 's still firing off a ton of rounds to keep the bird down, but even with all that's been done to it so far, it was starting to recover from the fall, or at least become aware that it was falling. But just as it starts to try to fight the Force-grip again, two massive blades cut into the Nevermore's wings, slicing deep. This forces another angry caw of pain, loud enough to reverberate nearly everyone present.

Ruby, on the other hand, is quite surprised by the sudden appearance of GIANT ROCK BLADES, her eyes going wide at that.

Gaonoir has posed:
Gaonoir turns his head a bit to glance in the direction of where the intended portal was. Notes where Yang is prepping herself in position. Hit it hard and hit it towards her? Sure thing. "This is gonna be like an assembly line of asswhooping." A quick calculation on positions, and with a red flare of boosters the digimon launchs himself back into the air. Even with being engineered to be able to pummel things bigger and stronger than he was, he was going to need all the extra force he could muster to make this work.

Fortunately the 'Mach' in the name wasn't just to sound fancy. With jets flaring to maximum as he launchs back towards the chain reaction fight, Gaonoir can reach that supersonic speed in a much shorter distance than it would take any sort of normal aircraft to do so. By the time Rose and Cirra make their attacks he's already closing in. Two giant blades erupt out the ground so he makes a quick adjustment to his approach so the vector comes at the Nevermore right between the two blades to catch it off-guard, cocking back his right arm as he does, bionic gauntlet already glowing from the speed as well as the Dark Digitron energy he's channeling into his fist.

"KNUCKLE" Gaonoir swings with all his might, twisting his body to transfer the momentum he's built up into the massive forward punch at supersonic speed! "CRRRRUSHAAAAAAAH!"

Finna (513) has posed:
    And the bird starts falling! Finna's legs are all bunched up. "Awesome job!" She claps Kyle on the back... then breaks into a low dash. SOMETHING bulges and flows on her back... and in a few moments huge hawk wings messily erupt from her flesh and carry her skywards. One single FLAP smashes the air hard enough that a silvery flash of what ALMOST looks like BOW SHOCK is cast off in her wake. In this one instant she's moving fast. REALLY fast, matching Gaonoir's approach from the opposite angle, one arm cocked back.

    "You're not taking all the credit!"

    Muscles ripple, bulge, and compress in the one arm as she gathers ALL her strength... and the blazing silver streak crosses paths with Gaonoir's to form a perfect X across his trail.

    That single claw is PLUNGED DEEP into the Nevermore's chest as she flashes past! ... carving out most of its guts in one slash is her goal.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
The Nevermore's massive caw of pain is interrupted by Gao's punch. The force of his punch is so massive that it forces the burd to lurch up a digusting sounding cough, like someone punched it in the throat mid-yelp. The bird's ribcage bows outward from the punch as the hit starts to force it forward in addition to it's falling status. Finna's attack is similarly effective, though in a different way. The claws rip deep into it's back, tearing up a huge line into it's stomach, tearing out several dozen massive feathers, likely the same ones it used to attack with. It wasn't anywhere near enough to cleave through it but the huge gash would be highly noticible from now on. The combined forces of both attacks pitches it forward even further, now going to land back first instead of head-first.

With a TREMENDOUS crash, the Nevermore (And Ruby) slam into the ground, the small girl, with the help of everyone, driving it into the ground with such force that it actually tumbles head over talons once. At the turning, Ruby hits the ground and immediately jumps away as the monster rolls right into Yang's position.

It's showtime!

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang watches and waits for the opening. All that damage isn't enough to take a Nevermore out of action, at least not permanently.

    It's hurting though, and will be down for a long while. Now's the best time to knock it out of the park and back to where it belongs.

    With an explosive wave of force, Yang pushes off the ground, exploding forwards as flames begin to lick around her hair, and off of her gauntlets. The Nevermore only gets to bounce once, before it's one more knocked into the air, this time on the end of an exploding punch. Yang isn't done, though, she follows it up, adding more momentum to it, until she fires two shots downwards, then behind her to slam into the massive creature, bringing her hands down in an axehandle smash that explodes in a plume of orange-red flame, imparting every ounce of kinetic force and momentum the girl has, right into the Nevermore, launching it into the Warpgate portal.

    The blonde girl hovers for a brief moment, gravity forgetting about her, until it suddenly remembers and she plummets to the ground. Landing in a hard crouch with a grunt. "AND STAY OUT!"

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
If the Nevermore could speak, it'd likely be spitting out curses so vile that it'd bleach the color out of a kaleidoscope. Yang pummels it fiercely, taking every single one of those smashes to the center of it's back. It was already being sent flying from the first hits, but the last one practically rockets into the portal, the bird sliding on it's back so abrasively that it carved a few-foot-deep scar into the earth. It slides into the portal before it has any kind of chance to recover, leaving blackish smear of material, as well as multiple crushed pinions in it's wake.

Ruby watches the bird finally get the boot as she lands back on the ground, spinning her scythe around behind her to rest the blade on the ground. The cross ammunition rounds she'd spent in the air fall around her and hit the ground in a scattershot formation. She turns to look at everyone else and smiles warmly. She gives the group at large two massive thumbs up as she spins her scythe back into it's small storage form back on her back.

"That...was...AWESOME! I didn't know if that'd actually work, but we kicked it's butt right out of here. You guys are amazing."

Gaonoir has posed:
As the Nevermore is flung away by the force of his and Finna's attacks, Gaonoir pulls up and tilts back, using his jets to brake some of his momentum. Once enough speed has been bled off his bionic feet hit the ground, still tearing it up a bit even with the reduced speed until he finally slides to a stop.

Just in time to watch Yang do her thing. He's far enough back to not be in the range of the blast and the blowback from her attacks is still enough to make his bomber scarf flap about behind him.

After a moment of watching he uses a metal finger to push his visor back up into place. "Gotta find out how she makes em -explode- like that..."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang stands from her landing, looks at her gauntlets, then flicks her arms again. The mechanism ratchets up, and with a burst, the spent shells eject to land on the floor around her. She reaches back, pulls out a final pair of replacement strips, and reloads the gauntlets, before she retracts them to their standby forms, the bracers compacting down into the bracelets they began as.

    "Gotta say, all of you'd make /really/ great Hunters and Huntresses. I mean it, that was amazing." she says, then looks at Finna. "Didn't know Faunus could do /that/ though, what kingdom are you guys from? And, where /are/ we, for that matter."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Normally falling would be a problem for Kyra, who has not yet mastered the rocket jump. However, she had cast float on herself earlier, making her descent back to the ground greatly slowed. She doesn't even officially land, still floating about a foot off the ground. It's slow enough that the Nevermore has been dealt with by the time she 'touches down.'

    Kyra mutters something, making a closing motion with her hand, and dispells the Float so she can walk normally. Naturally, she's already poking at the greasy smear that the Nevermore left behind with great curiosity.

    She straightens suddenly to turn to the rest of the group, snapping out of her distraction. "Hey, it worked out great, didn't it? Ganging up on that bird like that! Nice shooting, by the way, both of you." She grins at Ruby, returning the thumbs up. "Ahah, well, it's not the first bunch of monsters Cirra and I have fough, heh."

    She gives everyone a critical eye, "Sooo...I don't suppose anyone's actually in need of healing? Everyone looks pretty much in one piece."

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Cirra dismisses the judge Blade and starts wrapping her hand in some bandages, "I'm afraid you've found yourself in a poistion most of us were in not that long ago. This isn't a 'kingdom' per-say. Your world has been connected to a larger one called the Multiverse." The Judge removes her helmet, letting silvery hair fall out.
    "You two are extremely skilled, but you seem to use Hunter and Huntress as titles. None of us have that title, but I think we train for a similar situation."
    "Myself, Kyra and LAndon come from a world called Galandia, where we train at a dedicated school for Adventurers."

Finna (513) has posed:
    With a few swoops and circlings, Finna eventually touches down near Ruby Rose. Once again her body shifts and ripples... this time shrinking back into the form and outfit she was in at first. Blue jeans, white tank top, tennis shoes. No guns visible though. STRANGELY ENOUGH...

    She's still showing off the hawk wings a bit. They flare out and flap pointlessly a few times before they, too, recede into her back as if they'd never existed at all. "Aaaaaand whoever said I was a Faunus, whatever those are? Guessing it has something to do with a thing you saw that not just anyone can!" Her ears twitch plafully. Now that the mess is over she is totally feigning being at ease, as if this was no big deal at all... but her alert eyes sweep across the group looking for any serious injuries.

    She is BLOODIED... or was bloodied... wait, she was injured in that fight, right?

    Glancing at her, it doesn't look like it. Not only is she immaculately clean but there's no sign of those wounds.

    "Those were some great moves! Haven't seen that much skill going into weaponry in quite a while."

Gaonoir has posed:
So she has some sort of gun in her gauntlets? No wonder she can punch things with explosions and fire.

".. Hunter is close enough, yeah." Gaonoir shrugs a bit after his jets have contracted up against his back once more. "You could say I hunt monsters of a sort of a living. 'Course, by most of -your- definitions I'm a monster myself." He's not really in the mood to explain the whole Exile thing, and it would just confuse the new girls all the more anyways.

But the fight seems to be over, so after a brief moment of a darkened shroud the shadows fade away and Gaonoir has reverted back to his initial form.

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    Panting /hard/, Kyle opens his eyes when the earth shakes underneath him. "...whoa. I think I FELT that one." he says, gaping at Yang for a second. "That was pretty damn impressive work, kid. Nice work."

    He approaches the two hunters, offering hands to shake to the girls. "Kyle Katarn, we spoke briefly on the radio before. I'm an agent of the New Republic's special operations unit and Union Elite and Jedi Knight." He asides to his lightsaber deftly, "Which would explain the laser sword and mind powers, I'm kind of a special case." Shrugging, he raises a brow at Finna when the Lunar shapeshifts. That's...a thing. "Then again, all of us are. So when did you guys unify?"

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr has a few chunks of armor missing from his arms and legs, but he's certainly had much worse before. He nods when Ruby and Yang compliment the group. "Thanks," he smirks a little bit though, because that's certainly not the best he's ever done. Yeah he has a bit of an ego problem.

    "Kingdom?" The Autobot looks a little puzzled at the question. "Uh, is that like the same thing as a nation or whatever?" he shrugs. "I'm from Ibex, Upper Tetrahex, Cybertron. Except Cybertron has been dead for millions of years so I haven't been -living- there for a while... and you're in the Planetary Plains, I could list you some coordinates but I doubt you'll know what they mean. Basically what Constantine said. Your planet's transitioned into a multi-dimensional space of sorts, if that makes sense."

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose takes a deep inhale..and then a deep exhale of breath and relief. It got a little scary there, and she wasn't even sure if Crescent Rose was capable of bringing something like that down, but sure enough, it was and nobody suffered any friendly fire.


She lovingly pats Crescent Rose's storage form on her back before turning towards Kyra first, looking up towards her, smiling warmly. "Healing? That's pretty neat. No, I'm fine. The one hit I took knocked me down for a second but my Aura handled it just fine. Thanks though!"

Next comes Finna, who gets another wide eyed expression at the transformation. "Uh..F-f-faunus are a race of people back on Remnant. They kinda look like you did...uh..before. But none of them can do that...at least as far as I know. And thanks! Scythe-wielders are super rare and I was completely terrible at fighting until my Uncle taught me how to use one...and of course, building it from scratch myself."

Gao gets paid attention to, but before she can say anything back, Kyle has her attention next, blushing a little bit at the attention she was receiving. "Heh..just...you know, I thought of the idea and it sounded cool in my head so...yeah." She takes his hand and shakes it before speaking again. "A Jedi Knight? That sounds like some stories I've heard. But the mind thing is really neat though. That couldn't have been easy and I'm sorry if it like causes you a headache or anything. If...what you and the others said are true and if that Unify-thing explains that portal?"

She jabs a finger back towards the Waygate somewhere behind her.

"About five minutes before we showed up I guess? Yang found it...and then the radio..got..on our phone? Weird."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang takes Kyle's hand, and nearly shakes his arm off. She's a /strong/ one, especially for the fairly slight build she's sporting. Heavier than Ruby, but nowhere near 'ripped' by normal standards. "Multiverse? Planetary Plains? Jedi Knight?" all this new stuff is making her head spin. "Union? Wow, guess those portals /aren't/ a new Grimm thing huh? I guess we... what did you call it? Unified? I guess it happened a couple days ago. Weird swirly things appeared in most major cities. The Watch went on high alert, but luckily the Grimm didn't figure out how to use them to get /into/ the cities. That would'a been /bad/."

    To Blurr she just turns and stares a bit. "Cybertron? So, there's more like you? That's... really cool. I know the Atlas tech geeks would /love/ to get a look at how you work, they like their robots in the north." Then to Cirra, finally. "An academy? That's where me and Ruby just got accepted to. Beacon Academy. It's /the/ best academy for Huntsmen and Huntresses in Vale."

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    Kyle sniffs, before wiping away a trail of blood from his nostril. "I think I'll live, just pop a couple pills and carry on with the day." He says, underplaying the nasty headache he has as well as a pretty substantial nosebleed from all that effort.

    Peering at the portal, he shrugs. "Yeah, that would be a warpgate. They link all the worlds together, kinda like a series of pathways through hyperspace." He says, before he glances between Kyra and the Alexander folk, then to Ruby and Yang. "That's gotta be some schooling if they teach you kids that, and I /work/ at an academy myself."

Gaonoir has posed:
"I think these people have you newcomers handled, and I don't seen any more monsters needing mashing, so.." Little else of interest at the moment so it's about that time that Gaonoir just does the wandering off into the night sort of thing. Because that seems to be the sort of thing that the ominous loner does when there's no more butts needing kicking

Finna (513) has posed:
    Finna ends up blinking a few times while stretching. Only after that does she show much signs of weariness. All in demeanor. Her very slack shoulders and long, careful breaths.

    "Ohhhh.... people with animal features. Not the first time I've been mistaken for a species like that!"

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr nods. "Yeah, an entire race of us, actually." he replies to Yang. "Atlas, eh? Well, maybe I'll stop by to have a chat with them sometime if they'd like."

    He smirks at Kyra. "Oh and Kyra, don't be silly I'm not mad at you I mean if anyone got in any kind of trouble for that it was you and that other kid whatever his name was."

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    "Beacon Academy." Cirra repeats to herself. "Well, we attend from Alexander Academy, also the best on our world. It maybe a good idea for us to contact the leader of your academy. The multiverse is full of oportunity, but also new dangers." She looks at the furrow left by the Nevermore. "Though I think you'll adapt handily to them. It never hurts to have allies."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    As expected, nobody really needs healing though Kyra does double-take at Finna, "Glad everyone's alright, then! Anyway..." Kyra holds up her hands, fingers splayed, then moves them together so her fingers interlock, "Basically what happened is your world just connected with a bajillion other worlds. At least that's what it sounds like because I've never heard of Beacon Academy before. So you learn how to fight those Grimm things there?"

    She turns to Blurr and sticks her tongue out at him, "Kilik, that was Kilik. And neither of us got in trouble." At that point she's reluctant to let on more details because Cirra is /right there/.

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr shrugs, still smirking. "Good, good for you. Well if anyone wants a ride of out of here let me know." He transforms again, his body folding back down into his more-compact vehicle form. If anyone wants to ride him, they are free to pile in. Well, as long as they fit. The passenger compartment isn't exactly huge.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose pats Mr. Katarn on the back in a consoling manner before remembering the empty state of Crescent Rose. She reaches behind her to flip it into a bolt action rifle form, reaching into her ammo pouch and sliding a regular clip of ammunition into it and ratcheting it into place. "Two clips in one fight...well, at least most of them hit home."

She folds her weapon back into it's smallest form on her back and grins at Finna. "Yeah. I know alot of people have problems with them but I don't even understand why really. So if you aren't a Faunus, what are you?" And next comes Kyra and Cirra. "Uh...sure. I know the headmaster's really busy but I'm sure if you sent a message about this Unification thing, he'll figure out what to do about it. And yeah, Beacon's pretty great. They train you how to become a Hunter or a Huntress. I've always wanted to be one but I haven't made it yet. I went to Signal Acedemy before and that's where I learned everything I know right now."

She jumps a little bit, startled at Blurr's sudden transformation back into a vehicle. She takes a step forward with a huge gasp of wonder, looking at the transport. "Whoaaa...is...is that safe? And normal? Normal-safe? Safe-normal?"

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    Despite everything, Kyle manages a laugh. "Sure, it's safe. It's how I got here." He says, before approaching Blurr and hopping into the Autobot's cockpit. (Stop giggling.) Adjusting the seat, he manages to ensure there's enough room for at least two others. If they share the back seat.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang goes over and hugs Ruby gently, then lifts her free hand. "We should get back to Beacon, Principle Ozpin'll have our butts if he catches us out after curfew. We'll let him know about this Unification thing though!" She starts to turn back to the gate to return home, then ohs. "Hey, you guys want my cellphone number? I mean, the VOIP thing I used to call Ruby connects to that... everybody at once radio thing, but that'll get annoying fast if I'm just looking for someone specific!"

    Ruby's reaction to Blurr makes Yang giggle a bit. "C'mon Ruby, you worry too much. Besides, remember what I said the first day we arrived at Beacon, you're the bees knees." she says, then ruffles the dark-haired girl playfully.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
5tCirra certainly is standing right there. And lookst at Kyra *LOOKS*. She turns back to Yang, "THeres no garuntee it'll work, at least at first. But I'm sure the Union will sort out something soon. She slides her smartphone out of her pocket.

    It's a ToneBerry brand.

Blurr has posed:
    "Of course it's safe and normal." Blurr says, almost sounding exasperated. Like -duh-. "Transformation is common to all Cybertronians. Well at least the normal ones anyway some of us are weird and have forced themselves to become monoformers by removing their own T-cogs because of some slag about not believing in Adaptus or maybe it was Primus because technically he was the one who gave us the ability to change shape so anyway I have no idea." Yes he tends to ramble and talk -really- fast. Of course they haven't heard him at his worst yet.

    He lets Kyle get inside...though the space is pretty cramped. But since Ruby and Yang are fairly small, they could still fit even though it'd be a tight fit. They'd just be...very close to Kyle.

    As soon as everyone is aboard who can fit or who wants to be, he ZOOMS off at the speed of sound to wherever his new friends need to get to!

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra sees that look from Cirra which is exactly why she's not going to be talking more about her adventures in carjacking Autobots. "Headmaster, eh? If I get an email, I can send him a pamphlet. I'm pretty sure the Union made a pamphlet on it-they make them for everything." Kyra waves a dismissive hand, "The gist is any science fiction you have about alternate universes is true now."

    The mPhone is out, "Sure, I'll take your number." Kyra speaks up. "The Broadband is fun but it gets noisy sometimes." As much as she wanted to, she doesn't depart with Blurr since she'll be heading back with her classmates.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose endures the hug, which causes her to look up towards Yang with a small chuckle. "I'm fine, don't worry about me, okay?"

She sighs as she's forced to step away from Blurr and Kyle, despite clearly not wanting to. "...Awww...she's right. I got lucky I got in two years early, I probably shouldn't waste that by taking probably...the best car ride ever. Next time though, okay?" She turns back around to go through the waygate portal again, thoughs he looks over towards her sister with a small amount of annoyance...both towards what she said and what she did, head ruffling included.

"Nnnth! Normal knees Yang! Normal! Knees!"

Finna (513) has posed:
    "The long explanation or the short one? Because the short is AWESOME." Finna plants both hands on her hips, grinning shamelessly. Oh she's totally being silly there. "... And the long one involves a lot of stuff that gods do when you're not looking."

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose stops just before entering the Warpgate to look towards Finna.

"Alright Miss Awesome, we'll be back and we'll see if you can keep that up every time I see you. See you later!" She waves back towards the girl before ducking back into the portal and disappearing.