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Latest revision as of 00:37, 8 November 2015

Star vs. Nova
Date of Scene: 07 November 2015
Location: The Rookery (TR)
Synopsis: Hoshi and Nova have a dangerous battle for control of the Rookery.
Cast of Characters: 165, 897, 901

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
The Rookery had seen plenty of battles between the Union and Confederacy in it's long history; the scars of battle were left on everything that they could touch here, probably. That didn't really stop it from being beautiful, however, as the sunset wrapped warm golden light around the Grey Citadel's spires and the mountains and hills that surrounded it. This was the sight that greeted Hoshi Amakasu as she stepped out from the warpgate at the far end of the valley, and she found herself smiling a bit from the view even as she started trudging towards the fortress.

    She's taken to wearing her kendo armor for this one--no idea who she could run into, after all--and she bounces a silver, black, and blue hairtie in her palm as she made her way towards the fortress, adjusting her helmet so it sat lighter on her shoulders. "I really hope we're ready for this," she mumbles under her breath, apparently addressing nobody.

Nova (897) has posed:
    Nova does not have much of a personal interest in the Rookery. Her reason for being here was all business. Sure, the dragons there were a sight to behold at first, but the idea of Zerg incorporating Dragon DNA into the Swarm sent a shiver down Nova's spine. To prevent that doomsday scenario from becoming a reality, the Rookery must be protected and remain in Confederacy control at all costs. And so, the Terran Dominion assigned Nova to help bolster the roost's defenses.

    Lying flat on her stomach, Nova patiently stands watch over one of the many paths leading up to the fortress proper. Her high-tech goggles whirl and spin as she zooms in on some distant shape. Was that the enemy? The blonde-haired ghost stands up and casually balances one leg on a nearby rock as she raises a hand to her ear. "Nova here. Possible enemy movement detected, moving in now for a closer look." A warble fills the air as Nova's stealth camo activates and she becomes a series of blurs to the naked eye. With a grin on her face, the assassin breaks into a casual jog as she makes for where she saw -something- in the distance. It looks like today just got a lot more interesting.

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
    The longer Hoshi went without finding any enemies, the more tense she found herself becoming. Wasn't this a little too easy? Under her helmet, Hoshi tries to get eyes on her surroundings as much as she can, looking around slowly and deliberately. Nothing. "Jeez, if I got all pumped up and worried for nothing..." She grumbles under her breath. Then again, if she managed to get ahold of the place without a fight, she wouldn't really complain...

    After a few more minutes of walking, Hoshi finds herself at the mouth of one of the many trails leading up to the fortress proper. She starts to take the trail up, going slowly up the mountainside. She probably doesn't look particularly threatening, in all honesty. Just a girl in a kendo gi and armor. in her mind, however, she's limbering up, taking strength in Rosamond's presence in her mind.

Nova (897) has posed:
     A cloaked Nova nimbly leaps from boulder to boulder as she tries to pinpoint the location of the figure from before. They had to be right about here somewhere. But then again, maybe she should just wait right there and let her target come to her. That was as fine as a plan as any so Nova crouches down ontop of a nearby ridge and continues to scan the horzion until...."Bingo. Target sighted. Preparing to terminate." She reports in with a wry grin on her face. It was time to get to work.

    Her 'target' did indeed not look very threatening at first glance. The armor she wore looked like an antique and she didn't see any weaponry to be concerned about. But orders were orders and Nova was tasked with eliminating any interloper to the Confederacy's operations here. Nova drops to a knee and hefts her C-20 canister rifle into the air and aims it towards her foe from her little perch on the ridge. She aims a shot directly at center mass and pulls the trigger, sending a projectile screaming through the air towards Hoshi. At the exact moment she fires, Nova's cloak disengages to reveal the pony-tailed assassin's location which just might leave her vulnerable to counterattack.

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
    The last thought that was in her head before the bullet hit was how surprisingly easy this was. She'd expected fierce resistance, some crazy fight. Quite suddenly, a force strikes her dead center in the chest and throws her off her feet, sending her rolling a little ways down the hill before she comes to a stop. She's still for a few seconds, but comes back to her feet with a grunt. "Owww... That freaking hurt!" What even was that? A gun? Then why wasn't she...

    A quick glance down shows the armor on her chest has been cracked, and she can feel some blood, but it's not killing her. Scowling, Hoshi glances up the slope to find her enemy, sitting up a ways. "You could've warned me to leave first," she growls out. Standing, she pulls her locket out from under her armor and flicks it open. The mirror inside gleams a bright blue as Hoshi calls out, "Persona!"

    Behind her, a blue mist forms into a tall, hooded woman in a muddy wedding dress and a green hooded cloak. The woman raises the giant sword in her hand, and a beam of incredibly intense light surges from it, striking towards Nova with the power of weaponized Light.

Nova (897) has posed:
    Nova almost felt bad for the girl as she tumbled down the hill. But she was a professional and had a job to do. Well one less job to do now. The Ghost is just about to re-engage her stealth unit when Hoshi suddenly gets back up on her feet. "An enemy elite? Knew I should have used armor-piercing rounds." She deadpans before hefting her rifle over her shoulder. "And give up the element of surprise? I'm no amateur."

    Even though she's a psionic, there was no way Nova could have predicted her opponent was going to summon a ghost to attack her. The shock of her enemy's attack causes Nova to try to roll out of the way, but she's unable to get completely clear. It's her turn to get thrown through the air as she impacts against a nearby boulder. The force of Nova hitting the boulder causes it to crack slightly, but Nova doesn't seem out of commision yet.

    The blue glowing lines that run down the sides of her environment suit glow even brighter as her suit kicks into high gear, compressing down to suppress any potential bleeding. "Not bad. That actually stung. But now it's my turn!" Nova raises her canister rifle once more and launches a quick salvo of rounds back towards Hoshi before attempting to find some nearby cover.

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
    Hoshi, of course, didn't just stand still when she sees Rosamond's magic hit true. Even if she hasn't been in any true fights here, she knew that Rosamond's spells weren't that strong. As the Persona disappears, Hoshi's already rushing up the hill as fast as she can--which, thanks to her bond with Rosamond, is surprisingly quick. "It's called having respect and honor," Hoshi shoots back as she rounds the boulder she saw Nova hit...

    And gets sprayed in the chest for her trouble, letting out short, pained gasps as the bullets cracks her armor and strikes her skin. Each bullet forced a step back. Even in the midst of the pain, she seriously had to wonder how she was still alive. Was this what being an Elite was like? It still hurt like HELL, though! It took her a few deep, pained breaths before she could get back into action and resume the chase.

    Just when Nova was about to find her good cover, Hoshi springs over the boulder just over her head, landing just ahead of her on the trail. She takes a stance as if she were ready to draw a sword from a sheathe she was holding, but she had neither--until she did. The hairtie in her hands responds to the signal, suddenly expanding into a katana with a black sheath in her hand. As soon as it's ready, she draws the sword, slicing towards Nova's face with as much speed as she can muster. "Don't make me fight you--just give up and leave already!"

Nova (897) has posed:
    Nova might have underestimated her opponent at first, but that was a mistake that this Ghost was loathe to repeat. "Respect and honor won't get you very far when you have a bullet in your back." She calls out back as she lets the spent magazine drop from her rifle. Nova was just about to load a new magazine when Hoshi comes up and -over- the boulder she was about to hide behind. She's quick. Nova can't deny that.

    Her foe's katana slice comes seemingly out of nowhere, but Nova's psionic enhanced reflexes allow her to thankfully keep her head. She swings her rifle up and pushes the blade mostly out of harm's way, but the edge of the katana cuts the side of her face. A fresh red line appears as Nova adopts a rather serious look on her face for a moment. "Give up? I'm just getting warmed up." Nova quips back as she disengages from Hoshi and reactivates her cloaking device.

    This action allows Nova just enough time to slip in a magazine of AP rounds into her canister rifle. The large rifle is soon brought up to be put into service. "Boo." The reappearing Ghost whispers as she launches a heavy anti-armor round towards Hoshi with a loud KER-CHUNK.

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
    The kendo girl's eyes widen as she gets to see Nova's reaction time first hand. She'd been trying to surprise her into surrendering, perhaps, but instead her blade mostly goes wide and only just manages to bite flesh. Hoshi takes a quick step back and slips the sword's sheathe into her belt, taking up a traditional kendo stance as she looked over her opponent. "Go figure, I get to fight someone like you my first time," she mutters. "Look, you've seen what I can do--do you really want to take on both of us?

    Apparently she did. As Nova dashes away, Hoshi's quick to go in persuit again, but she falls short as Nova apparently disappears. "Oh... Crap." She spins around, keeping up her goard as she looks around. "Come on, man. Are you really such a coward that you can't fight a high schooler face to face?" She spins a little more--and catches the flash from the corner of her eye. The bullet follows soon after. Despite Hoshi trying to go flat, it manages to dig itself into her lower abdomen, leaving a burning hole in it's place. Hoshi's eyes go wide, and she stumbles a bit to the side, but manages to hold her feet. She grits her teeth to hold in the pained cry that was about to escape her throat. "Okay... Fine. Let's do this. C'mon, Rosamond! We can't lose to her!"

    The mirror in the locket glows again with supernatural power, and the hooded bride forms again in the fog in front of her. As soon as she's fully formed again, she springs forward towards Nova's position with incredible speed. The wind catches her cloak and streams it out behind her, light catching the golden ring and finger wrapped tightly in pea shoots, while her large fist comes to smash Nova from her place of shadows.

Nova (897) has posed:
    Nova can't help but keep a grim smirk on her face when she notices Hoshi in hot pursuit of her. The girl's got some moxie to want to stay toe to toe with an assassin. "I've seen what you can do, but you've seen nothing yet." She remarks back as she clears her mind once more. Afterall, her suit and its stealth device are both fueled by Nova's psionic energy. Keeping her mind clear will be the key to Nova staying in the fight.

    The blonde assassin listens to Hoshi's taunt, but she doesn't let it interfere with her aim. But someone this kid took an armor piercing round and kept ticking. She was turning out to be a regular mini-Queen of Blades. Nova was ready for the light attack or another katana strike, but she wasn't ready for a giant psionic fist to materialize out of nowhere. This time, there's no where to run and Nova can only bring up her rifle and brace for impact.

    Hoshi would definitely be able to see Nova getting smashed into the ground and the dust that gets kicked up as a result. But when the dust clears, Nova's not there anymore. She's already stealthed herself and respositioned herself against a nearby rock formation. If Nova was going to win, then she was going to need to slow Hoshi down and fast.

    Peeking her head up over the rock, Nova aims her rifle first center mass at Hoshi. A second passes before the ghost lowers her rifle and aims directly for Hoshi's left leg. No one ever said that she was going to fight fair. "Sorry kid, this is going to hurt." KER-CHUNK goes a second round towards Hoshi.

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
    Instead of promptly disappearing like she did before, Rosamond remains for a few moments more, raising her blade to bring it down on the woman that was hurting a part of her. However, when the dust cleared and nova was not there, the Persona fades away again, and Hoshi jogs up to take her place, hissing at the pain from her wounds--especially the hole in her abdomen. How was she not dead? She looks around slowly again, trying to find her adversary. "Fine, so you're not going to retreat. I'm going to guess you're also not going to do me the courtesy of giving me your name, either--NGHAAAH!"

    Nova fires just as Hoshi had her back turned, and the bullet rips through the meat of her thigh. Hoshi lets out a strangled, pained yelp as she goes down to her knees, then hits the dirt. Tears stream down her face from the ungodly pain that filled her right leg. "Ghh... I... M-may need that help soon," she pants into the earpeice that's now digging into her ear canal. For now, though... Using her sheathe as a support, she forces herself to stand again, even gingerly put weight down on her foot. She can still move... Mostly.

    It didn't take much of a guess to know where Nova had shot her from. With a pained growl, Hoshi starts moving towards the rock formation at a very stiff job, but she's too slow to catch Nova before she ran again. The mirror gleams brightly as Hoshi again calls out for aid. "Rosamond!" Hoshi cries, and the Persona forms again, gracefully whipping around the rock formation. The tip of her giant sword screeches against the stone as She Who Returns Truth tried to bring her blade down upon this slippery foe.

Nova (897) has posed:
    Nova watches the impact of her round through the scope of her rifle. It was a clean hit, but her opponent wasn't giving up. A normal foe would have resigned to their fate, given up, or tried to flee by now. But this girl, young though she may be, was truly an elite to be able withstand Nova's continued assault thus far. There was also the little fact that Hoshi kept counter-attacking her with avengeance. The girl had obvious psionic potential, great endurance, and some real tenacity. She would have made for a good candidate to the Ghost Academy on Ursa.

    Any further thoughts on the matter are interrupted when Hoshi goes on the offensive again. The huge sword swing whips out towards Nova, but she's thankfully able to throw herself to the ground in time to avoid the weight of the blow. She's still subject to some painful debris from the shattered rock, but it could have been a lot worse if the sword would have hit her. That was a little too close.

    "Keep it up, and I will use deadly force." Nova replies grimly as she holsters her rifle and goes for what looks to be a long serrated knife on her waist. She draws the blade out slow as she addresses her foe with, "Then again, one mind-wipe later and you can be the next shining star at the academy." Nova then cloaks, attempts to move towards Hoshi's -right- side, and then uses both hands to try to stab her opponent in her leg with her serrated knife.

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
    The signals of pain and tiredness that are ringing through her head make Hoshi's hold on Rosamond's form a tenuous one; Rosamond fades again immediately after the attack as Hoshi stiffly takes up her stance again, taking long, controlled breaths like a true athlete. Nova hadn't been cut in half--that was a problem, but at least she seemed ready to stop all of this hide and seek crap they'd been doing thus far, if that knife was any indication. "So, you finally got it in you to try me in a real fight. Well, come on." Under her helmet, she's sweating profusely, but her voice is strong, if only with the slightest rough edge of pain.The kendo girl can't help but give a sharp bark of a laugh, followed by a slight wheeze. Laughing hurts. "I'm pretty sure shooting at me was deadly enough. Thanks for taking me seriously, at least." Her eyes widen, though, at the mention of a mind-wipe. It doesn't take much to understand what that might mean.

    "Never," she proclaims roughly.

    When Nova cloaks, Hoshi tries to follow the movement with her eyes and body both, but Nova's faint outline avoids her notice. When she spots the knife, she desperately tries to bring her blade down to block, but only manages to just shove it aside a bit, getting a nice long furrow on her thigh instead of another hole in it. It still makes Hoshi nearly buckle under the burning pain in her leg.

    But now Nova was in her range. Invisiblity be damned, melee was where Hoshi shined. She steps forward quickly, aiming to stomp on Nova's foot to hold her in place. With a grunt, she pushes Nova's knife away from her leg and lashes out with her blade, aiming to slice across Nova's stomach, twisting her hips to add to the speed of the blow.

Nova (897) has posed:
"If I wanted you dead from the start, I would have aimed for your head." Nova states back coldly as she gets her long-knife gripepd tightly in her hands. Whether or not this is a lie would be hard to tell, but the Ghost had refrained from aiming for the head thus far. And her last series of attacks were all mostly aimed to be non-fatal blows. But maybe she should have been shooting for the head from the start as this girl just wont stop.

    The assassin is in close, too close to cloak away and duck under the blade. She ends up taking a slash direct across the front of her hostile environment suit's chest plate. The attack is actually strong enough to puncture Nova's armor and wound her underneath. That might have been a fatal blow if not for the suit's ability to rapidly compress trauma wounds. Nova's green eyes widen at the sudden ferocity of her opponent before she narrows her eyes on her foe.

    Without saying anything further, Nova steps wide to the left of Hoshi and slashes at the back of the other girl's leg with her knife, seeking to take this fight to the ground by forcing her opponent to go down first. It seems to be knife versus katana as both fighters draw out their deadly claws.

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
    The implications of that statement hits Hoshi quickly, and she stubbornly clamps down on all the pain to clearly state, "You're never going to have me for your stupid academy. I'd die first, so you better start getting serious!" As if it wasn't serious enough already. She wasn't in the greatest shape, and the strength that Rosamond gave her was being submerged by fatigue and pain. Despite that, Hoshi's stance is remarkably stable. It appears she was dead serious about dying before being subjected to whatever Nova had in mind for her.

    As soon as she'd struck, Hoshi tried to keep pressing her advantage by giving Nova a second strike at her side, but the Ghost dances away too quickly. Hoshi just manages to keep up by pivoting on her right foot, though it caused her to wheeze again with the complaints of her injuries. She just manages to catch the blade with her katana and bring it up, away from her uninjured leg--the blade catches and drags lightly across her forearm for her trouble, but Hoshi takes this slight pain in stride as she moves to her next form.

    Flicking her arm upwards, she throws Nova's blade back and returns to the offensive, bringing her blade in front of her as she steps out towards her opponent. Instead of swinging wide, she extends her arms and flicks her wrists, lashes the tip towards Nova's face and neck multiple times at different angles, ferociously trying to put the woman onto the defensive. If she got blinded by the blood, so much the better.

Nova (897) has posed:
    Nova doesn't seem to be joking around or making very many smart comment like she was before. This girl was just not letting up and she definitely was skilled with that blade of hers. But Nova had commited to trying to end the fight and quickly rather than prolong it out. Unforunately, her plan pretty much backfired and now she was on the receiving end of things.

    Unable to get far enough away to engage her cloak, the Terran Ghost is left to defend herself with her knife the best she can. But she can't be everywhere at once and ends up taking multiple slashes as a result. Her armor is in tatters and exposed circuitry is combined with bloody gashes to give Nova an overall terrible appearance.

    But the blonde assassin is not ready to give up quite yet. She activates something on her arm and suddenly there are three Novas in close proximity to Hoshi. But instead of attacking, all three wounded Ghosts scatter in different directions before they all try to cloak. The Ghost triplets then proceed to ditch the knife in favor of the scoped rifle that was previously slung across their respective backs. All three aim at Hoshi and smile. "The academy was the best thing that ever happened to me, But if you would rather die, I can arrange for that too." They all pull the triggers of their weapons, but only one Ghost actually fires a real round.

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
    Despite Hoshi's irritation at Nova's tactics, she had to respect how skilled she was. That move was usually the one that ended the match, the one that made your opponent too flustered with defending himself to do anything else. Eventually they'd miss, and she'd be in--but Nova was STILL walking. And apparently not blinded. Under her mask, Hoshi's mouth forms into a tight, pained grin. Nova's reaction speed was going down, she'd noticed. She was hopefully as worn out as Hoshi herself was.

     Hoshi's eyes go wide when she sees that suddenly Nova has company with her. Her mouth drops open as the three split. "Hey--rrrrgh! You're such a coward!" She manages to catch one before it cloaks, slicing her blade through it--no dice. Hoshi's panting as she spins around to face whatever may be coming. She can't see anything, and the voices come from two places. "Are you kidding me!? They mind-wipe people! I don't even know what that is exactly, but I know enough to guess. Disugsting!"

    She tries to charge at the source of one of the voices--only to get another bullet, this one on her side. This time she can't hold back the scream of pain that tears from her throat as she goes down on her hip, and rolls onto her back, coughing and trying to weakly draw breath into her lungs. Turning her head, she manages to lift her helmet up enough for her to spit out a wad of blood onto the path.

    Part contemplates just laying here for awhile, calling Ren, and going home. Today wasn't really the best day, and at this point she was pretty sure she'd finally gotten the hit that killed her. However, before she's much aware of it, she's dragging herself back up to her feet. Her locket dangles from her neck, gleaming silver untouched; under her breath, she calls again. "Persona..." Rosamond reacts immediately, forming protectively in front of her host. As soon as she appears, she charges towards where the bullet came from. Her broadsword swings wide, cleaving tree and stone as it tried to extinguish Nova's threat to Hoshi.

Nova (897) has posed:
    Nova watches Hoshi from her actual position as she first disposes of one hologram and then charges her position aftershe fired another round into her opponent. This was getting a little extreme for an operation with no critical objectives for the Terran Dominion. And just who was this girl anyways to be able to outfight her so easily? She had spent years honing and training her skills and this youth was getting the best of her time and time again. Once more Nova can't quite clear out of the way of such a large, sweeping strike. The Ghost takes another hit which causes to actually drop out of cloaking. It simply was becoming too painful for her to maintain her cloak.

    Taking deep breathes, Nova stands her ground and raises her rifle once more. "I volunteered for it. Like I said, best decision I ever made." She looks at Hoshi down her scope. "So, we continuing this dance or finishing it? I don't have all day." It seems that even in her heavily wounded state, the Terran is commited to fighting and going back to one-liners. Her finger moves to the trigger of her rifle. And she is committed to fight on it seems. Bang.

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
     Sadly, Hoshi's not really in much command of herself right now. Her wounds are severe, and it's taking almost all of her attention to hold Rosamond's image together in her mind. She can only stand there limply, mumbling into her radio as she tries to imagine Rosamond and how she moved, the graceful, deadly speed. Her eyes and head track the Ghost's movement as Rosamond slowly turns to face her opponent again. Hoshi slowly turns to face Nova when she sees her, dully trying to lift her sword again. "You're a Lost Child," is her mumbled response to Nova's admission.

    Whatever that means, Hoshi isn't able to move enough when she sees the gun being leveled at her again. Instead, when Nova fires, Rosamond comes into defense, catching the bullet against her giant sword, though the riccochet drove it up, just grazing the Persona's head and leaving a hole in her hood. The construct's response is immediate, surging forward to try to bullrush the other woman, trying to smash her against the mountain with her entire body.

Nova (897) has posed:
    Nova looks severely wounded. But briefly, she also looks rather angry when she is called a 'lost child' by a child. The irony of this is not completely lost to Nova even in her wounded state. Her opponent takes advantage ofNova's moment of distraction by rushing her and launching her into a nearby mountain. She hits the mountain hard and a crunch can be heard as the device on her back gets cracked from the impact. That might have been her Moebius Reactor, not good. To add insult to injury, Nova probably also broke a few ribs and suffered numerous other injuries from the initial impact let along the second one when she hit the mountain.

    The Terran Ghost grits her teeth and checks her comm systems. Damaged as they may be, Nova still tries to get a simple message out. "Agent X4...18....22....November. Danger close. Short burst." She reaches up and aims a mighty finger gun at Hoshi before slumping back against the mountain that she impacted against.

    A few seconds pass where nothing whatsoever happens. And then, a beam of energy blasts down from the sky in what appears to be an unnatural lighting strike. In reality, it's a short burst of laser cannon fire from a Dominion satellite. Lighting or laser, it's a big blast of blue energy that comes spiraling down from the skies above towards where Hoshi was last located.

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
    Rosamond stands imperiously in front of the Ghost, her hooded gaze staring directly into Nova's eyes as if they were looking deep into her soul. The woman's lips, that had been icy and stoic the entire fight, twitch into a tiny smile at the corners of her lips. Then she begins to fade away again, the wind tousling the golden locks that escaped her hood until she was completely gone.

    Hoshi gasped as she finally released her hold on her Persona, shivering as she felt the cold mountain air. She'd lost a lot of blood. She should probably try to call them now... But she notices Nova's condemning finger gun, blinking curiously as it... doesn't seem to do anything. Then she felt it. The crackling of energy, far away--coming. her gaze darts upwards as the impossible blue light flied towards her. "I... crap..." Nothing for it. She started hobbling as fast as she could, letting out hissing gasps, just trying to get away from the impact--and she succeeds, sort of. When the cannon hits, she's at the fringes of the blast zone, and she lets out an agonized scream as she feels the incredible HEAT, feeling like she was burning away. The explosion, of course, sends her flying, and she's left rolling over herself until she finally, comes to a stop. No movement and no words. Her breaths are strained and quiet.

    A deep roar filled the air, a vicious, goddless sound that filled the entire valley. The fight hadn't been particularly quiet, but that laser cannon just woke up every dragon in the Rookery. One of them sounds particularly displeased. A huge red dragon rises up from his lair, taking wing into the cool night mountain air. For a few seconds, it sounds like he's getting higher and higher... until he began to swoop. A gargling hiss fills the air until he exhales, breathing gout after gout down upon the mountainside that had dared offend him so.

Ren Tanaka (165) has posed:
He's not the Flash, but Ren Tanaka can in fact run at thirty miles an hour when he really needs to, and generally speaking a badly injured, bleeding, pleading girl is not something you just sit around and listen to when you're a chronic hero.

    That's the reason for a lot of things- one of them is 'why he is in the Rookery' and 'why he didn't get here any sooner', but not 'why he didn't join in on the fight' because, well, that's not the sort of man he is.

    Unfortunately the latter fact also means that he is more than a little inept at actually getting past violent or dangerous dragons, which has meant he's had to take a bit of the long road through this...... place (there's no nicer word for it, sorry).

    All of them in the local area waking up at once probably doesn't help matters either. Therefore, like a character in a fighting game who only pops up during your winpose, even when their appearence is utterly incongruous when the special stage KO conditions have been fulfilled and every element of the backdrop is currently moving around in a frenzy...

    He, um. Well. He's kind of worried.

    "Hello," he says to Hoshi, rising up from behind a rock with both hands out.

    "I'm the Traveller. Do you need a fish?"

...yes, he is in fact holding grilled amber seema in his hand. For crying out loud, Ren.

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
    There's one thing that isn't so bad for Hoshi--she'd landed close enough to a rock formation that managed to cover her from the worst of the dragon's rage. When he's finally done with his temper tantrum, the dragon pulls away from his assault on the mountainside and goes into the sky, trumpeting yet more roars into the night sky. Others join him, riled up and looking for something to appease them.

    When the heat finally lessened and she felt like she could breathe, she lets out a choked gasp. The smoke was starting to build quickly from below. A twitch of her tightly clenched hand told her she was still holding her sword, though it'd returned to the hair tie that it had been before. "Die with my sword..." she coughs out slowly. It was like a bad samurai movie. At least, it was, before Ren arrived.

    His sudden appearance makes her slowly shake her head as if to clear it. "Fish?..." This wasn't the religious experience she expected. He sure didn't look like any death god or immortal judge. The voice sounds familiar, but she's so tired and hurt. She can't place him. "Please help." It's a fight to keep her eyes open and her fist closed.

Ren Tanaka (165) has posed:
"Alright now, pay attention," Ren says, rolling his shoulders and handing over the- "Yes-it's-a-healing-food don't-know-how-this-works. You just gotta go with it! If it helps your injuries, who cares how it's working? What makes this shadow steak ramen different to the ramen I had for lunch two weeks ago? You don't ask questions..."

    Also, you pay attention to the person talking to you, because technically speaking what Ren's doing is making sure that Hoshi maintains perpetual awareness and acknowledgement of him. If that stops, it's a bad sign.

    Also, he's clearly going to carry her out. "As I was saying, I'm going to assume you've not got any broken bones, because you didn't say so on the radio, so what I'm going to do is you eat that fish and I'll do the old Superman carry here, or, well, I'm going to be running rather fast so I suppose it's more of a Flash carry, but then again it's only thirty miles an hour so would you say it's more of a modern average car carry? Or maybe it's just a Ren carry. Oh, that's my name, I suppose."


    "You really shouldn't worry so much about dying, incidentally. Well, no, that's not exactly right, you should never really dismiss your own mortality, but then again there's no real need to be fatalistic about it, give it a couple days and you'll be right as rain, there's some very good medical care back in Njorun, or so I've seen, I've tried my best not to need it before..." And so he prattles on, making sure that Hoshi's just fine and eating her inexplicable healing fish, adding in a brief moment where he probably manipulates his radio buttons using the crook of his neck and his nose to throw in something about Nova on another radio frequency, and from there it's just like...

    Well, like we said, all the dragons are awake, so it's probably more like a 3D theme park simulator thrill ride than it is an ambulance, and as he goes he'll throw in some brief 'so what's your story' and 'so what's a Persona' and so on, and surely by the time they get back the two of them will be the best of acquaintances assuming she doesn't pass out.

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
    Healing fish. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she's trying to make a note to remember that so she could write it down. Whether or not she actually remembered was another matter entirely. Still, at least it gets Hoshi moving, lifting her free hand weakly to take the food and put as much of it in her mouth as she could. Her eyes flicked back up to Ren as he continued to rant at her, but she'll be damned. Aside from the smoke and blood in her mouth, it tastes good, and she can feel some of her injuries to ache less, and bring some color back to her cheeks. Her vision finally sharpens as she coughs again, groaning.

    "Urgh... bullet wounds, knife wounds... ghh!... My back is fried..." she tries to recount them slowly to focus and give Ren some helpful information. "Listen, we... can't tell my parents about this. Have to tell Drachenblatt I can't go to school, somehow..." Would they call for her? She'd never played hooky before...

    And so they went, with a lot of groans and wheezes from Hoshi for the experience, but she never voices a word of complaint as she told Ren anything he asked, completely honestly. Eventually, however, she goes to sleep in his arms. Her mind, body, and soul was tired, and she eventually slipped into dreamless sleep. But until she was jostled next, a tiny smile touched her soot and blood-stained face.