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Latest revision as of 08:32, 10 November 2015

Dinner in the Malibu Sunset
Date of Scene: 29 October 2015
Location: New York-199999
Synopsis: Jayale is invited to Malibu for dinner.
Cast of Characters: 20, 301, 892

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Another sunny day in Malibu, and nothing to complain about. Things have been quiet the last days here, and the youngest member of the household has actually done her lessons for the day early, so for now Toph is out on the beach. By now she's already worked up a sweat, even if she's lightly dressed and used to strenuous activities. But as always, it's warm here. And metal does tend to get hot quickly.

    The beach is filled with rocky spires that litter the sandy landscape. There are also many large rock pieces strewn about for some reason.

    For now Toph looks a bit pensive as she rolls her shoulders, and the metal gauntlets on her arms shift slightly, blades forming on the sides. And then she kicks into the ground, causing a rock to fly out from one of the spires towards her. It's pretty easy to handle things launched her way when she controls it, so it's not too hard to slice the rock apart, especially when she applies bending to it. Though she has probably messed up the beach enough for today, so after cleaning up the beach with a few quick bending movements the spires and rocks all crumble back into sand, and then Toph heads back towards the house.

    It's probably not her imagination that she smells delicious stuff in the air either, since Tony did mention he would be cooking dinner today. And the earthbender is not opposed to that, and heck, maybe he needs some help or something. It doesn't hurt to ask, especially not if it means that dinner will be done sooner! Perhaps Tony isn't too surprised when the girl launches herself up from the beach and comes crashing down on the patio, landing safely on both feet. "How's dinner coming along?" she asks, bending the sand off of her shirt and shorts with one smooth move of her left hand, sending it flying back towards the beach.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Nice jump," Tony observes from the firepit, where he's slathering hot barbecue sauce on a side of pork ribs. Yeah, this sort of thing has become pretty commonplace. "How does it smell like it's coming along?" he counters her question with a question, and a mildly arched eyebrow. It's grilling, it's pretty straightforward. He picks up a bottle of some fancy microbrew from the table at his side and has a swig. "Any sign of our guest yet? I told her how to find the place, but I'm not sure. So easy to miss it and all."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "They might not be graceful, but I never miss!" Toph grins, and she walks over next to Tony, sniffing the air as she closes her eyes. "Hmmm, smells like they're nearly done. Got enough sauce on them?" It smells like he's using lots of that stuff, which is good.

    As for their guest? Toph shakes her head. "I didn't see her down the road just yet, but then again I was on the beach. I can head up front and show her in," she offers. Better leave Tony to handling the food so it doesn't get burnt.

    So the earthbender heads through the house, making sure that a hungry black cat doesn't sneak out onto the patio nor out the front door as she stops quickly by her room to deposit the metal gauntlets covering her arms, and then she heads outside again. This time her destination is the front gate, waiting there for the guest to arrive. Seriously though, this place shouldn't be too hard to find, right? It's the only house out here on the cape!

Jayale (892) has posed:
    Jayale was indeed slowly making her way, if only because directions are a lot easier to follow when you can see in a different fashion. Plus she's entirely unfamiliar with both the landscape, this planet even, and the culture that goes into understanding simple things like their method of signs and so forth. Thankfully she found someone to drive her(a taxi) and the older Jedi can finally be seen approaching the house.

    "You sure this is the house? Ain't this that... Starks place? I mean this is the address you gave lady, but, well..." The cab driver paused a little and she responded to him casually, "I'm blind? Don't worry about it. If that is the name of the owner then yes, this is the right place. Thank you for taking me here." It wasn't hard to tell what he was going to say. Even if she didn't have the Force to pick up on that thought directed her way, it was obvious.

    Finally the cab pulls up and Jayale steps out, wearing a rather fancy, by all standards, dressy robe of some kind. It was a mix, really. Not really proper Earthen fashion by any means. Fine blue silks that have been worked into a dress with a cloak of the same material wrapped around her, a matching blindfold wrapped around her eyes. Otherwise she showed no visual signs of anything on her person, though beneath the cloak behind her she has a few pouches and her lightsabers tucked inside of them. Not really out by any means, but it would be rather... risky to go around without them after the ordeal at Nar Shaddaa, if she was to be in such danger.

    Who is to say this world is not vulnerable too?

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It's not hard to notice the cab arriving, and Toph perks up a bit where she stands, leaning against the gate as it comes to a stop. As a woman steps out Toph smiles a bit, stepping forward. At least there's no ill intent here, that much Jayale should be able to tell. Rather, she's met with curiousity from the young teenager, and she raises her hand to wave. "Heya, we were waiting for you!" she calls, then gestures to the gate. "Come on inside, Goldie is busy preparing dinner."

    Though Toph isn't ignoring all of the manners she was taught. "In case you didn't figure it out, I'm Toph Beifong. Nice to meet you! And... thanks for the dress."

    But they can talk more on the way, so Toph begins heading to the main door, not minding leading the way for the guest. And Tony did say that she was able to see in her own way, which is of course rather interesting to the blind earthbender, who doesn't seem to be hesitant at all in her movements even despite her being human.

Jayale (892) has posed:
    "Yes, that was my thoughts. And as you may have aleardy heard, my name is Jayale. Simply Jayale." No surname, it seems, or at least none that she was claiming. The not-so-blind leading the not-so-blind didn't lead to any problems, and soon enough she was following along behind Toph to enter the home, towards the smell of the cooking food, presumably to where Tony was.
    "Goldie?" She had to ask. She'd yet to hear what is presumably a nickname. Did they have a maid or a servant? For all she knew they had some slave. Slaves were, of course, banned in the majority of her galaxy but they did exist. But here, on this new planet? She had no idea. In fact she was still learning a fair bit.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony, meanwhile, tends to the pork ribs, now crackling and spitting merrily over the fire as he turns them carefully with the tongs to check for that exactly perfect moment to pull them off. On a higher rack, a mound of asparagus is sizzling in the smoke as well.

Slaves? No, of course he doesn't have slaves. What he does have, is Dummy. Who one might swear he keeps around more for the entertainment value than any actual usefulness as an assistant. The bot trundles out onto the patio on his wheeled cart, carefully gripping a replacement beer in his claw-arm for the one his master just emptied. The black cat takes advantage of the opening to dart outside and start prowling around hopefully for any dropped meat.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Yeah, I heard the video report you did," Toph responds with a nod, heading inside the hallway of the rather prim and fancy house. It's clearly not the home of just anybody, with artwork hanging on the walls, statues, water works. It smells rather clean too, but it's rather quiet.

    "Ah, Goldie is one of my many nicknames for Tony," the blind teenager clarifies. "He's not the best cook, but he does make some nice barbecue. Hope you like meat! And be glad he's not making something complicated..." Because then it would take ages for dinner to be ready, and well... it wouldn't be as tasty.

    As they cross the large living room, their footsteps easily heard on the expensive stone floor, Toph does turn slightly. "Gotta say... you don't move like a blind person either, huh? I was a bit surprised when Goldie told me that there were other people out there who can see without sight!" The tone in the girl's voice is pleased and slightly amused, even as she opens the patio door. "She's here safely!" she announces to Tony, then holds the patio door open so Jayale can step outside. Though she does sigh, following quickly to scoop up the black cat. "Buster, you can get some meat later..." she mutters, then she heads towards the door. "I'll get some non-alcoholic drinks. You want one?" The question is posed to Jayale, as she supposes Tony will want to stick to his beer.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"MROWL!" Buster complains loudly as he's scooped. He smells cooking meat, dammit!

Tony turns at the sound of the cat, in the process of attempting to extricate his fresh beer from Dummy's claw without it breaking, and tosses a quick grin over his shoulder. Not that either of them can see it. "Hey Flowers," he greets, though he knows her real name well enough now, and, plucking the bottle free of Dummy's grasp with an audible pop, gestures around with it at the general area. "Welcome to my humble abode." There is not the slightest indication in his tone that he thinks it is actually humble. "--Get me an iced tea, too, Toph."

"We're just... about... ready to go here," he murmurs, checking the cooking side of the meat one more time, then reaching for a platter to shift it over. "They have pigs on your world? They're delicious."

Jayale (892) has posed:
    "Well, considering me blind is a bit... of an oversight that those with eyes make. I am not blind in the least. It is simply how those with eyes tend to look at anyone when their face is partially covered as mine is. I can see just fine. Just not with eyes. My kind has no such." When Tony finally speaks she nods towards him. "Flowers, or Jayale. Whichever you choose, though Toph - I suppose I will make that note. If you wish to speak of me to others, plese keep it within those who are trustable. The name Jayale is a name I have not used for the better part of two decades, instead I tend to go by Flowers. If you listened to what I put up then I suppose you will know why, but yes."

    And then the question regarding pigs. "Uh... I am not certain. We have many animals across the copious worlds in the Galaxy. Just... I do not know the name 'Pig'. Perhaps we do, just by a different name? And I will take whatever you wish to offer, though water if you have such will work as well."

    She /was/ looking around, but not as much as normally. She wasn't learning the room, the location, to know exactly what she would have to do to escape. Not yet. There was no worry about simply existing like in her own galaxy. No worry about 'Hopefully this being isn't Imperial'

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Buster can complain all he wants, Toph isn't letting go of him as she knows the rules. And so does the cat. Once she's inside she lets the cat down, closing the door behind her with a simple movement of her foot. As for Tony's request? "Sure." Why, she even gives a brief two finger salute as she heads off to the kitchen.

    It doesn't take long for her to return either, and she has a few cans and bottles in her arms. "Well, I have eyes, but they are busted," Toph says, setting the cans and bottles down on the table that's been ready for a while. "Most people seem to think that there's only one way to see the world." Silly seeing people. "There's another person in the Union who has Flowers as a nickname... Jay is what Goldie calls Jarvis," she muses, reaching a hand up to rub at her chin, her brow furrowing as she seems to think, even as she heads on over to the table to sit down in one of the seats there.

    "So how do you see anyway? I see through the earth myself," she settles for instead.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Yeah," Tony joins in, licking a bit of sauce off his thumb as he carries the platter of sizzling barbecued meat over to the patio table. "I'm curious, can you... oh, appreciate the spectacular sunset over the ocean?" he waves his arm out over the balcony as he goes back to scoop up the asparagus as well. That view has gotten him laid so many times, it's a shame anyone would have to miss out on it.

Jayale (892) has posed:
    Jayale shakes her head to Tony's question. "No eyes, no way to perceive the light. Also have similar issues seeing holos and other kinds of light-based projections. That said, I am not unaware of what it is, I can feel the warmth, and in general sense various things. And as for how I see..." then towards Toph, "I see the Force, that being a sort of energy that permeates all life, binds it together. It is most simply explained that way to those who are unfamiliar with it. But my kind is able to naturally perceive this, thus we are able to see all things around as if we could otherwise, though it is not simply a matter of..."

    The older Miralukan raises a hand and motions towards where her eyes are, then forward. "Those with eyes tend to simply see what is within their field of vision. But when perceiving the Force, seeing it, and through it, your sight is... different. I imagine it is similar with you, Toph? Not that you might have thought about it before. That you sense the world around you rather than just what is in front of your eyes." then towards Tony again, "From what I understand most advanced worlds have similar things to interact. Things to sense around without actually looking that way?" though that does beg the question, "There is another in the Union who uses the name Flowers? Hm. I might have to speak with them. And I believe I heard him call Jarvis such when I first met them.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    For now Toph resists the urge to throw her feet up on the table, though she does reach over and picks up a bottle and gets it open. "Well, when you've never seen one sunset you've never seen them all," she points out calmly, the nods when Jayale points out just what unseeing people pay notice to. "What she said. But you already know that."

    It's a bit interesting to hear Jayale describe how she sees, and she nods her head slightly in agreement. "Yeah, I see what's around me. I sense vibrations in the earth or earthily materials. So when I move, I can see pretty far around me if the ground is good. I can pick up small vibrations too, like insects moving, I can tell people apart from their body shapes, and it makes me able to fight and also why I'm the greatest earthbender of all time." She might sound proud, but she's also sincere judging from the tone of her voice.

    "Jarvis, Jay... he has many names. Most people do need many names if you ask me," Toph shrugs casually as she reaches down to pick at her toes.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"I have only one name, Miss Beifong," Jarvis corrects her midly from a hidden speaker. "That it is both an acronym and an homage to Mr. Stark's childhood caretaker does not make it a plurality."

"Toph just likes giving people nicknames," Tony explains in short as he comes to the table with the plate of asparagus as well, and waves for everyone to get comfortable. "Dig in, people, don't let it get cold." To set the example he plunks himself down in one of the patio chairs and starts cutting off sections of ribs from the slab with a large knife.

Jayale (892) has posed:
    Jayale allows the others to get their food first, watching what is considered a 'portion', or at least what appears to be such. Then she finally goes about standing and walking over, working to get the knife and do the same for herself. It was only when she sat back down that she asked curiously, "So if you see through the earth... can you not sense anything that is not touching it? Things in the air?" It was certainly a problem if so. At least in her own Galaxy there was many things that were not touching the ground.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Yeah yeah, one name and many nicknames," Toph adds with a smirk, then shifts in her seat to lean forward, then reaches for some of the grilled food. At least she does put some asparagus on her plate, some potatoes... though she clearly is making room for the meat. "I worked up one hell of an appetite, don't worry about me!"

    Though she still seems a bit curious about their guest. And she doesn't have problems sharing information about her bending since it's all in the Union database anyway. "That's basically it. Though I can sense earth and metal around me, like how I can sense Goldie's pacemaker," she says and points directly at Tony's arc reactor. "And all the tiny fragments around it. Flying enemies though? Unless they have earth or metal on them, it's not easy," she admits with a sigh, then helps herself to a sizeable portion of meat, picking up the ribs with her fingers as she begins to eat.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"(mrowl)" says Buster plaintively from behind the patio door, standing up on his hind legs with his forepaws against the glass and staring intently at the dining people. Dummy rolls over to the door and lowers his claw as if returning the curious look.

Tony ignores his pets. "That's something we've been working on. Fighting flying enemies, I mean. I'm trying to work out a suit alloy that she can't sense but I haven't had any luck yet. I mean I COULD go pure platinum but that'd be murder even on my bank account for a training prop, and I think Pepper would murder me in return. Plastic drones may be the way to go for now."

Jayale (892) has posed:
    "That is interesting. Then, humor me something." Jayale places the silverware down on the plate and reaches to take her satchels off from beneath her cloak only to step back and stay still a moment. For a few moments she seemed to be still, then she slowly raised herself away from the ground with the force until not even the lowest part of her outfit was touching the ground. As it stood, she had no metal on her, no jewelry or any kinds of clasps, just clothing fabric, plastics and various other things. "Can you still see me? If not, it may be prudent to... try and find ways of keeping track of things otherwise. Though I guess in general applications that is not needed. I mean, this world is probably much different than those in my Galaxy, but at least in my own Galaxy there is... I suppose most everything is metallic in some kind there. Hm." She lowers herself back down at that point and returns to her seat, looking towards Tony. "Perhaps you can carry around a metallic dust that you can coat things in if you are pit against them? I am not certain what you are capable of or... why you would be fighting, but if you are capable of interacting with metal, as well as things that are touching the ground, a metallic powder might assist you."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    At Tony's comment Toph can't help but grin as if in triumph. "Yeah, platinum would be overkill... Can you really make plastic fly, though?" she asks curiously. Though she knows why she needs to train with that, at least it will be interesting training compared to other stuff she has had to learn.

    When Jayale steps away from the table and takes off her metal items, Toph cants her head slightly. Only to blink when she feels Jayale no longer touching the ground. "Can everybody and their grandmother fly now?" she asks, then shakes her head. "No, I can't see you, but I can hear you. Not everybody are quiet in the multiverse, luckily."

    Though the suggestion about the metal powder, that does seem to catch Toph's attention as she taps her fingers slightly against the bone of her primbe rib. "Hmm... that's actually not a bad idea. Though I would probably need a lot of it to be able to use it in combat. I /do/ try to use the surroundings to my advantage, like wrapping earth or metal around my opponent if they can't sit still..." Goddamn cheaters.

Jayale (892) has posed:
    "Not flying. Floating, just... stylishly, I suppose. I was lifting myself with the Force. It is a rather novel application, quite limited in use, but... it does help." Jayale remarks softly.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony leans back in his chair, gnawing on a the end of a rib bone. "That's not a bad idea," he muses. "It wouldn't have to be metal, either. Wouldn't a bag of dirt work just as well? Like, pff--" he mimics flinging something lightweight with his free hand, "--cloud of dust, now you can see the dirt sticking to him?" He knows she has trouble seeing through sand, though. "Or would you need something less granulated?"


Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The blind earthbender nods her head. "Yeah, though it doesn't stick that easily to them. Which is why I try to wrap some earth or metal around them instead, it's solid and easier to sense. Dirt and such kinda slides off, which is the problem..." she muses, wiping some sauce away from around her mouth. And then she sighs as Buster continues meowing. "Seriously, I fed him earlier," she mutters, then makes a mental note to save some meat for him that he can eat later when they are done and the meat is colder and not about to burn his tongue or something.

    Though she does look pensive before she gets an idea. "Hey, if you can float stuff in the air, maybe you could help me train a bit?" Toph doesn't turn towards Jayale, but it should be clear she's talking to her. That should be okay, right?

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Of course I could make plastic fly," Tony mutters to himself. He'd have to use platinum, still, for the wiring, but he's sure he could build a light drone with no other metal parts. Not a drone in the sense of a remote Iron Man suit, no; but a small quadcopterish thing for target practice... It wouldn't be silent, though. Rotors or repulsors, whatever method of propulsion he used it would make some noise.

One can practically see the gears turning behind his eyes. If Jayale can levitate things at will, though, that would certainly be a more efficient way to go.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Pardon Toph for having problems imagining Tony building something out of plastic. "Okay, could you make it fly well and silently?" she asks further with a slight smirk. Hey, Tony's ego can take that joking prod. "I mean, it's not like you're known for plastic suits. Probably wouldn't have the same impact on the field if the pathetic Plastic Man came to the rescue..." There's a pause. "Now there's a costume idea for next Halloween."

Jayale (892) has posed:
    "I might be able to." Jayale speaks softly as she continues to eat, "Though technology might be the best bet for you. I am quite capable of moving objects with the Force, and they would indeed be entirely silent if capable of being such. However, I suppose I should ask - why are you training? Practicing? I admit I know little to nothing of the Multiverse, or your worlds at that. I was trained during a more civilized time, and now in my Galaxy my kind have been hunted out. But here... you seem happy, at peace. Why would you be training to fight? You are still but a child."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"She may be a child but she could kick my ass," Tony grumbles good naturedly. It's true, too, if mostly because of the technicality that she can manipulate the elements he relies on to boost his power level over 9000. More seriously, "It's a common debate around here. Elite children are children yeah, but they're just as capable of handling themselves in a fight as anyone else. And I'd have to tie her down to STOP her, so... might as well let her get as good as possible." He reaches over to ruffle Toph's hair teasingly. "She still has to do her homework, though."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Why is she training? Toph listens to Jayale's question, letting her speak. "So I can fight better," she begins, her words truthful, "I already knew to fight before my world unified. I was a professional earthbending champion before I was twelve, and after that I ran away from home so I could train somebody who was really important in stopping a war that had been going on for a hundred years. Which I fought in, by the way."

    Is that a satisfied grin crossing her lips when Tony admits that she could kick his ass? Possibly. It's fortunate for Tony that Toph is one of the people who want him unharmed. And that she doesn't mind him ruffling her hair. "Besides, I /love/ fighting! And I'm the greatest earthbender of all time, I was the one who invented metalbending!" She seems rather proud of that statement. "I mean, why sit on my ass when I can actually be out there, doing stuff? And especially if it helps people, right? That's what the Union is about!"

Jayale (892) has posed:
    Such a strange thing, hearing others talk with such passion about doing the right thing. That was never a thing within the Jedi Order. It was never about the 'right thing', it was always a matter of what the Force wanted. Guided by the Force. Protecting others was certainly a goal, but they acted to keep peace, to avoid fighting if possible. There was never that... glee at doing the right thing. At least not in those she knew. Passion, after all, was not a thing that Jedi often accepted as part of their lifestyle.

    "So that is what the Union is about? It is... different." Hard for the older woman to process, really. She'd so long been around the idea of neutral peacekeeping that the idea of involving those who are passionate about doing good things simply wasn't a notion. "And myself, I am not a fighter. I trained for my first couple of decades to learn how to avoid fighting, to make things peaceful, to work with the Force and do what I could to not need to. But here in this Multiverse it seems as if fighting is almost... accepted as commonplace and a necessity. So strange."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Sometimes it's necessary," Tony agrees; "but it's never /required/. Don't worry, the Union won't demand that you break any of your personal codes or morals for their sake. But you're a definite minority. The trouble with the Multiverse is, in addition to all the great new travel destinations you get all of their troublemakers too. You might be able to mediate a lot of potential clashes down, but in a place this big there's always going to be someone stepping on someone else, and that's where the superheroes come in." His lips quirk in a droll smile at the term. "We punch the bad guys until they go away."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    No, Toph doesn't see any reason to hide her enthusiasm and passion about what she deems to be her true calling in life. "You sound like an airbender," Toph comments, though it doesn't sound like anything negative. An earthbender handles things directly. If stuff needs to be done, we do it. No backing down, we stand our ground. As for fighting? Some of us do it for fun among ourselves, and many of our opponents aren't backing down either. If we don't step in, then they will harm people who can't fight back," she adds before she begins cleaning off another rib. Man, this is tasty...

    "Punching bad gahs ish fun!" Toph eloquently adds to Tony's comment, swallowing the food in her mouth. "There's just a lot of us who aren't adults yet who can still fight because we are strong and because we want to. Saving people feels good." Even better than beating up bad guys, really. At least the blind girl doesn't /seem/ bloodthirsty where she sits and sips her iced tea.

Jayale (892) has posed:
    A few moments is taken to eat some more of her food, drinking the water she had been offered while thinking about the other two and what they were saying. "Indeed. When I was attacked by that Lezard fellow... that was honestly the first time in my life I had felt the need to ignite my lightsabers against another being. Such a strange feeling, too. I have trained, of course, or had to use them against beasts or as tools, but that was the first time I had to defend myself in such a fashion."
    She shook her head a little at such. "Funny. I am old enough to be your mother, Mr. Stark, and it was only now that I finally had to. Mmph. Perhaps I did not have to if I had simply thought differently. It hardly matters though I suppose. It would be a bit foolish of me to think I can forever stall out and not fight in such a new land as this Multiverse, where beings can... earthbend, as you say, or those like he can summon lightning and armies of creatures."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony grins. "Hey, I was old enough to be my father before I came around to even trying to be a decent human being. I'd say you're ahead on me there. The fighting... eh," he shrugs, "it's just part of the work. I mean I'll admit it's satisfying as hell to turn the camps of those who'd steal my work and use it for their own ends into massive fireballs, but I consider that more of a perk than a driving force." He sips the iced tea Toph brought out, having been swapping between that and the beer throughout the meal. "But I do find that I... really like making a difference."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Toph shrugs her small shoulders slightly. "Kinda different to change how you think at times, though it doesn't hurt to be prepared, I guess?" she offers. "We need diplomatic people too though, right?" she asks in Tony's direction.

    No comment is offered about how Tony used to be, though she has heard the story from him before. Though she does offer a simple truth. "Goldie's a nice person, no matter how much he can sound like an asshole on the radio." Or even if he seems to have the biggest ego ever. "I think we all joined up to make a difference and to stop the Confederacy from harming more people." She seems to slow down eating, and she even lets out a rather loud burp for a girl her size.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony stares at Toph when she lets one rip, with one eyebrow arched as if to ask if that's any way to behave in front of guests. Then he tucks his chin down, frowns for a moment in concentration, and *buuuuurrrrps*

Jayale (892) has posed:
    They all joined up to make a difference? To stop the Confederacy from harming others? And there she sat, eating their food, having simply joined in an effort to keep herself a bit safer. Though the burp interrupted her thoughts, not quite looking towards Tony despite wondering if that was a cultural thing or not. Well, no reason to ask and make things awkward. "I should truly begin to try and train again. I have been thinking about it, but honestly I have no real... bearing as to what I should be training against. Training for. I was a Jedi by tradition, learned their ways. My skills, my training, as much as I learned to fight it was all for defending myself if need be. But I learned how to defend myself against blasters, against martial weapons... to use my head if needed. The Multiverse, however, seems much larger. Honestly, I do not even know how either of you would fight if the chance arose. It leaves me to wonder if I should seek out an option within the Union for such."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Well, there's plenty of opportunity if you go /looking/ for it," Tony muses. "Personally... I don't know, trouble seems to find ME easily enough. But then I was in the superheroing business even before Unification, so there's that." His own world provides plenty to keep him busy on its own, nevermind helping other worlds with apocalypses and stuff.

"Now, if you want to see how WE fight, that's easy. Toph just LOVES showing off." He smirks over the rim of his glass. "And there's plenty of footage of me out there. Just Google Iron Man. That empty suit of armor that was following me the other night? I'm usually IN it when I have to fight."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    When her adoptive father lets out a burp of his own Toph can't help but snicker slightly, though she sobers quickly and focuses on Jayale's words.

    "If you want to train you can always train with me," Toph offers sincerely. "Though we do have some other Jedi in the Union as well. You can always ask on the radio, most people don't mind sparring and getting to train. There's a place for that at Njorun station where you can fight without getting hurt. It's pretty cool." She leans back in her seat and pulls her feet up into the patio chair, looking quite relaxed where she sits. "Thanks for the grub, dad."

    When Tony mentions that she loves showing off, the blind girl waves a dismissive hand, her tone clearly sarcastic. "Me? Showing off? Neeeever!" Though she does put on a deadpan expression. "And yeah, footage works really well for us. Especially with all the pretty colours. It would be better if we just showed her how we fight. After dinner sparring on the beach?" she offers with a grin and cracks her knuckles.

Jayale (892) has posed:
    "I could, yes. Also, google? I do not know what that is. And I assume this 'footage' is a holo of some kind. So that said I probably cannot see it well. I can interact with computers and such but mostly through a special device I have that puts the words back out to me. I can read well enough but more because I can see the impressions on the paper, even as small as they are. Unless you have some kind of more tangible way to see. But if what you say about you benig inside the suit... that might give me enough to assume."

    Her food was done for the moment, so she left her utensils on the plate and sat there otherwise attempting to somewhat mimic the others, in that she was comfortable but not exactly slouching around. She'd survived as long as she had by blending in, so mimicing smaller things wasn't exactly even a primary thought for herself, simply second nature. "Though it has been... well over half my life since I truly just let loose. Last I did was a practice fight between myself and another within my Order, another Artisan, but mostly to test experimental lightsaber technology that I did not believe others could truly give justice to in a test without knowing exactly what it was capable of."

    She smiled a little at the thought. It would be nice to be able to settle down again so to speak and return to her passions. For the last twenty years she has had to be so careful that she barely ever tried to apply any of her thoughts and research, outside of what she left tucked away here or there. "Perhaps... letting loose might be a good thing."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony grimaces and smacks his forehead. "Oh, right. Can't view video. Well, I fly around and shoot things with repulsors or explosives and generally am just the coolest."

As for after dinner sparring, honestly he'd rather show off his night surfing skills right now, but he relents after some mock-serious consideration. "Well, I GUESS I could show you how the suit works. I mean I wouldn't just want to /show off/--"

Jarvis, from his speaker, volunteers a snorting noise.

"Hey, I didn't ask you for any sass. Just turn on the beach lights and send up Mark 42."