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Truth, Lies and Stories
Date of Scene: 13 October 2015
Location: Alberichstadt & Union Radio
Synopsis: People talk about this and that on the Union radio. As they do, so do Ren and Hoshi, and things intertwine in unusually coincidental ways.
Cast of Characters: Ren Tanaka, 901, Various on Radio

<X-Union-Chatter> [A] French Accent, Jeanne d'Arc, quietly, "The church allowed me to back out of a marriage arrangement before I took off to join the war." <X-Union-Chatter> [A] Hoshi Amakasu says, "The church can do that?" <X-Union-Chatter> [A] Staren says, "Why wouldn't it be able to? In a world that recognizes the authority of a monotheistic deity, is there any higher?" <X-Union-Chatter> [A] Hoshi Amakasu says, "I mean... There's no church in Japan. Let's be completely honest--Japan's never been friendly to Christianity." <X-Union-Chatter> [A] French Accent, Jeanne d'Arc, mildly, "I swore a vow of chastity, and had my virginity tested at my trials." <X-Union-Chatter> [A] Soan Sagittarius says, "Jeeze." <X-Union-Chatter> [A] Hoshi Amakasu just sounds kind of... dumbstruck. "Wow." <X-Union-Chatter> [A] Soan Sagittarius says, "Funny how much mysticism attribute power to a thing like that." <X-Union-Chatter> [A] Staren says, "Man. I'm sure it /is/ real power on some worlds." <X-Union-Chatter> [A] Soan Sagittarius says, "I mean, no offense." <X-Union-Chatter> [A] Very raspy, the Nerevarine chuckles. <X-Union-Chatter> [A] Hoshi Amakasu mutters very quietly under her breath.

PHONE: Phoning Hoshi Amakasu, Ren Tanaka says, "What was that? Couldn't make that out."

<X-Union-Chatter> [A] French Accent, Jeanne d'Arc says, "I am married to my duty, so to say. It is enough for me."

PHONE: Hoshi Amakasu says, "Y-you didn't hear anything! Jeez, man." PHONE: Phoning Hoshi Amakasu, Ren Tanaka shrug a little. "The conversation on the radio's a little heavy. If you wanted to get something off your chest, I'd be willing to listen." PHONE: Hoshi Amakasu says, "Ehh? S-seriously, it's nothing." She sounds really embarassed for a moment, then sighs. "... There is actually something, but it's personal. Like, really personal. Don't worry about it." PHONE: Phoning Hoshi Amakasu, Ren Tanaka says, "It's not a problem for me. But, as you wish." PHONE: Hoshi Amakasu stays silent for awhile, before eventually mumbling. "I went into the Forest looking for a secret."

<X-Union-Chatter> [A] Very raspy, the Nerevarine says, "Not everyone who is power hungry is a cackling villain, and that's what makes cults dangerous." <X-Union-Chatter> [A] Staren says, "Desperation? Man, even if you're /desperate/ I'm sure there's /loads/ of better options."

PHONE: Phoning Hoshi Amakasu, Ren Tanaka says, "Hmm?" PHONE: Hoshi Amakasu says, "That's what the Game was supposed to be, according to the rumors. Find a secret. The one I wanted to find was if my dad was cheating on my mom." PHONE: Phoning Hoshi Amakasu, Ren Tanaka says, "...oh my." PHONE: Phoning Hoshi Amakasu, Ren Tanaka says, "...what did you plan to do once you found out, if you didn't like the answer you found?"

<X-Union-Chatter> [A] Eryl Fairfax says, "The fact that you can say that means you have not tasted 'desperate.'" <X-Union-Chatter> [A] Staren says, "..."

PHONE: Hoshi Amakasu says, "I don't know, man. It's not like I ever got an answer. I got to enjoy the Woodcutter's Challenge." PHONE: Phoning Hoshi Amakasu, Ren Tanaka says, "Well. You were looking for an answer, Hoshi. What were you going to do with it after you got it?" PHONE: Hoshi Amakasu says, "I asked my parents to tell me if they were hiding any secrets. My mom answered like I expected she would, but he and I locked eyes, and he looked away."

<X-Union-Chatter> [A] Staren coldly, "Paying such a cost would just ruin whatever I was trying to save."

PHONE: Hoshi Amakasu growls slightly. "I don't know." PHONE: Phoning Hoshi Amakasu, Ren Tanaka says, "...beware of confirmation bias, of course."

<X-Union-Chatter> [A] Staren adds, "'Desperate' and 'insane' are not the same things." <X-Union-Chatter> [A] Eryl Fairfax says, "At times, desperation is not about trying to 'save' or 'improve' anything. At times, it is just about hurting those who have hurt you. To try and claim some measure of control over a situation you have no control over. To stave off an inevitability, even for a short time."

PHONE: Hoshi Amakasu says, "Look!" She sounds actually angry for a second. A quick breath through her nose evens out her tone. "He taught me to be the way I am. Honesty. Integrity. It doesn't matter what it is. Clearly he's guilty of something."

<X-Union-Chatter> [A] Priscilla says, "As for thee Sir Staren, that is entirely correct. Once one falls into the furthest depths of desperation, they art very much no longer themselves. There is no such thing as a decision purposefully made whence thought by all to be a bad idea." <X-Union-Chatter> [A] Staren says, "...I hope so, too." <X-Union-Chatter> [2-XO] Exhausted monotone, Nathan Hall says, "Priscilla is correct. Desperation is a state that skews the self."

PHONE: Phoning Hoshi Amakasu, Ren Tanaka says, "Confirmation bias means that when you're looking for a certain something, you will interpret information you find in such a way that it makes you more sure you're likely to find what you're looking for." PHONE: Phoning Hoshi Amakasu, Ren Tanaka says, "I can't speak in absolutes, Amakasu. Perhaps your father is hiding something. But if you think of it in your mind that he's /guilty/ of something, pretty soon you'll start to /know/ he's guilty of cheating even when you haven't found anything to say for sure that he is."

<X-Union-Chatter> [A] Priscilla says, "Desperate circumstances do not equate to irrevocable insanity. People art capable of making poor judgements in times of extreme stress of emotion without becoming forever compromised as people."

PHONE: Phoning Hoshi Amakasu, Ren Tanaka says, "...the union radio continues to be relevant, in a strange way." PHONE: Hoshi Amakasu says, " ... I have to believe that I didn't go into the Forest for nothing." PHONE: Hoshi Amakasu says, "He /is/ hiding something. I know it." PHONE: Phoning Hoshi Amakasu, Ren Tanaka says, "You might not have found what you came in looking for, but perhaps you found something better." PHONE: Hoshi Amakasu sighs and whispers quietly, "The Union is cool and all, but the Union can't stop me from seeing shadows in my mirror every night. The Union can't make me comfortable enough to stop covering it up before I go to bed." PHONE: Phoning Hoshi Amakasu, Ren Tanaka says, "You've got a long way to go. This is the way your story starts." PHONE: Hoshi Amakasu mutters, "It's a shitty start." PHONE: Phoning Hoshi Amakasu, Ren Tanaka says, "If it wasn't, then it wouldn't make the ending very good by comparison, would it?" PHONE: Hoshi Amakasu says, " That's assuming we get a good ending. What happens if this kills us, man?" PHONE: Phoning Hoshi Amakasu, Ren Tanaka says, "Do you want to die?" PHONE: Hoshi Amakasu says, "No, but it's not like you get a choice." PHONE: Phoning Hoshi Amakasu, Ren Tanaka says, "You always have a choice. You're the one with the pen to your autobiography, and you haven't written the ending yet. I don't quite know why I'm using these metaphors, but there you go." PHONE: Hoshi Amakasu says, "That's not how it works though, man. Sometimes shit just... happens." She sighs, then grunts irritably. "And I'm not letting my dad off of the hook, either." PHONE: Hoshi Amakasu says, "Just look at my Persona. I have to know the truth." PHONE: Phoning Hoshi Amakasu, Ren Tanaka says, "Mm. Just remember, though. To have an idea of what you're going to do when you find out the truth. And what happens if it's not what you were expecting." PHONE: Phoning Hoshi Amakasu, Ren Tanaka says, "And always look both ways before you cross the street, that too." PHONE: Hoshi Amakasu says, "Trust me. If there's nothing, I'll be glad... By the way, where are you? You're not outside, are you?" PHONE: Phoning Hoshi Amakasu, Ren Tanaka says, "I am... somewhere in Alberichstadt? I haven't learned all the street names yet..." PHONE: Hoshi Amakasu puts on her best concerned Captain voice. "You'd better not be outside, Tanaka. The weather report said it's going to snow tonight." PHONE: Phoning Hoshi Amakasu, Ren Tanaka says, "Okay, okay. Sleeping at the CVJM tonight, got it." PHONE: Hoshi Amakasu says, "What even is that?" PHONE: Phoning Hoshi Amakasu, Ren Tanaka says, "Young Men's Christan Association. Temporary room and board for the homeless, and so on." PHONE: Hoshi Amakasu sounds suspicious. "You're sleeping on the street, aren't you? No way. I'm getting you a room." PHONE: Phoning Hoshi Amakasu, Ren Tanaka says, "Hang on. Now I think about it, I can technically rent myself a room, can't I? I mean we /do/ get paid..." PHONE: Phoning Hoshi Amakasu, Ren Tanaka says, "...I've just remembered we get paid! I can buy people presents this year!" PHONE: Hoshi Amakasu audibly facepalms. "I'm reserving you a room at the place downtown. The bed and breakfast doesn't do online registration." PHONE: Phoning Hoshi Amakasu, Ren Tanaka says, "And then once that's sorted out, I'm going to go look for some presents." PHONE: Phoning Hoshi Amakasu, Ren Tanaka sounds very enthusiastic about this. PHONE: Hoshi Amakasu warning tone, "Tanaka, snow. Warm place downtown. Get to it." PHONE: Phoning Hoshi Amakasu, Ren Tanaka yes'm. PHONE: Hoshi Amakasu says brightly, "Thank you, Tanaka. Please don't make me go out and look for you. The money will get charged to my account as soon as you get the key, so I'll know." PHONE: Phoning Hoshi Amakasu, Ren Tanaka says, "And hey! It's going to snow tonight! That's always nice." PHONE: Hoshi Amakasu yawns loudly. "Yeah... Haven't seen it snow here yet. I think I'm gonna go to bed." PHONE: Phoning Hoshi Amakasu, Ren Tanaka says, "Be sure to take yourself some pictures. Goodnight, Amakasu."