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Latest revision as of 03:23, 18 November 2015

Sparring Match with Auron
Date of Scene: 17 November 2015
Location: Njorun Station - Ring of Philosophy
Synopsis: Terry McGinnis in a sparring match with Auron at Njorun Station.
Thanks to: Auron
Cast of Characters: 236, 867

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    The Ring of Philosopy at Njorun Station is the current area for people to practice or workout. Here, a lone figure is stretching in the middle of a ring that does not have a mat, and is ground. He is wearing a white tanktop, grey sweats with his feet bare and no jewelry. His black hair is slightly spiked and his body is tones and he is in good shape with very little fat. Right now, he is waiting on someone to arrive for a spar, and if no one arrives, he will just go agaisnt dummies, which can be boring.

    He could have brought some of the robots that Bruce uses on him to train against the various villains he go agaisnt as Batman, but that would have been hard ot explain as Terry wants to keep that a secret and currently, only two people know that he and Batman are the same person.

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron doesn't speak much on the radio. Particularly not when there are so many people talking. He'd say it was because he didn't want to interupt conversations, or because he had nothing important to say. Or both. Who knows if that's really the case or not. But just because he doesn't talk doesn't mean he doesn't listen. And so he'd heard the mention of someone wanting a sparring partner.

    He hadn't been as active as he'd liked to have been. Dodging around people from Spira wanting to ask him how he's still alive after dying /twice/ has kind of sent him underground for a bit. Particularly those Church of Yevon fools-- their intentions were never pure. But Njorun Station is pretty safe, as far as Auron knows. So there's no reason not to go.

    The ex-Guardian arrives in full regalia, leather breastplate, baggy gray pants, heavy boots, and his ever-present red coat with his left arm tucked in it. He does have his sword, yes, in a gray sheath on his back. But something that's usual for him now-- he lacks the high collar and the shades. They were for hiding his shame, and he was done hiding. He stopped that long ago.

    His steps aren't exactly quiet, and if it's not too noisy here, they might be the first indication that he's there. But if not? He'll speak up, "I heard someone was looking for a sparring partner?"

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis looks up and blinks when Auron arrives and he studies him, "That wa me," he states as he stands up. "And I seem to have came unprepared," he staes as he looks at the suit as he approaches, "Names, Terry McGinnis," he states as he offers a hand to the man before him.

Auron (236) has posed:
    "Pleased to meet you," Auron replies, accepting the hand with a firm handshake. "My name is Auron." He doesn't bother adding a rank, even to note he's a member of the Union. Because if he wasn't in the Union, he probably wouldn't be here, so that goes without saying.

    As for coming unprepared, Auron offers a chuckle. "Not really. I can do hand-to-hand or weapon sparring," he offers. "I didn't know which you needed, since I don't believe we've met before." A smirk. "If we have and I've forgotten, I'm sorry. Getting old, you know. Memory's the first thing to go, I'm told."

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis nods and smile,s "Nope, never met you," he states to him as he looks. "I very seldomly use any weapons, I am mainly hand-to-hand, and I do not feel I need to use any weapons," he adds as he looks. "I should learn moreon various wepaons, but weapons are, in my opinion good for only one thing, killing people," he comments. "And I will never kill anyone."

Auron (236) has posed:
    "There are ways to use weapons non-lethally," Auron replies. Nonetheless, he divests himself of his sword-sheath, unbuckling it from his helt and setting it aside. "Just as there are ways to use fists to kill. Training and intent is more important that what is or isn't in your hands." He speaks with an honest tone, not patronizing, as he assumes Terry knows this. He's probably heard it before.

    And he also adds, "That said, I also mainly fight spectral creatures that have no mind or purpose but to plague the living." Fiends, he means. "That's a bit different than fighting another person."

    This said, he draws his left arm from his coat. It doesn't appear to be injured, despite the sling-like way he carries it. "That's a noble goal," Auron agrees. It's notable he doesn't say whether he thinks it's possible or not.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis nods, "I know, but in the last 8 years, I have yet to kill anyone with my hands. Hurt them yes, but not kill them," he states. "The clowns I face, they have no problems hurt or killing people, and if I kill someone, then I am no different then them," he adds as he removes the left arm and he nods, "Shall we?" he asks him as he steps backwards a few feet and takes up a defensive stance and waits.

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron offers an affirmative sound to Terry's assessment of why he doesn't kill. "You have strong convictions," he observes. It's praise, that much is clear at least. And at the mention of beginning, Auron nods. He takes a step back, his feet in a stable stance, and raises his hands for ease in both defense and attack.

    The stance looks a little like jujutsu, actually. It's not exact -- he's not from Earth, after all -- but it's close enough to see a resemblance. Something between jujutsu and sumo, given how low Auron's stanced. And sure enough, when he throws an attack, it is an open-handed strike at Terry's midsection.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis looks as he watches Auron and nods, "Thanks," he states as he observes what he is doing and waits. When the first attack comes at him, he easily deflects it with his right forearm. In the process of the deflecting, he grabs the arm with his right hand as he moves. Pivoting, he brings his left hand over and grabs as well and bends forward as he attempts to throw him.

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron is thrown! He's not as heavy as he looks. Though the coat may be adding visual bulk to his frame. However, he's also used to taking hits. So he shifts his weight to fall into a shoulder roll, though he still emits a grunt as he hits the ground. And it's odd, he manages to hit the ground a lot harder than his weight ought to have allowed.

    He stands as he rolls to his feet. "You've been trained very well," Auron comments as he straightens and takes that stance again. The first few strikes are always the test. Always finding out what one's opponent is capable of. He faces Terry, watches, looks carefully with that single eye to assess the stance. When he finds an opening he throws another open-handed strike...

    ...Except it was a feint. He aborts the strike and goes for a low sweeping kick!

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis looks as he sees the same attack and readies to deflect it and then blinks as he gets tricked and before he can jump, his feet are taken out and he falls on the ground, rolling backwards as he comes up, "Thanks, had one of the best trainers and a master ninja trained me as well. Not to mention other skills that I have," he states as he looks and thinks taking up a stance and thinks as he slowly moves forward and thinks as he gets close, his skills and movement shows that he knows a thing or two.

    The next thing he does, he sends a punch towards Auron and then jumps as he pulls the punch away and kicks him in the chest. After that and when he lands, he advances and begins to attack with a number of different attacks with his fist.

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron moves to deflect the punch, but then a kick comes. It connects and he staggers back several steps. Terry's need to land gives him a few moments to re-center himself, and he curls his arms inwards, using them to absorb the blows. At the last punch of the series Terry threw out, Auron quickly shifts his arms into an X-shape over his chest and tries to immobilize the fist by crossing his arms over it.

    His plan is, if he can immobilize that fist, he will turn his left arm to try and grab hold of Terry's wrist, pull the other man forward, off balance. But not to leave it at that. He's planning, if he can manage it, to sidestep Terry and plant a kick at the center of the other man's back, and then turn to face him again.

    Hit or miss, Auron will step back out of immediate swinging range. "That would explain your speed. And you're using techniques from several different styles, which explains the versatility in combat. An opponent expects a throw, you use a technique from another style."

    He's got a good eye. Literally, since his right's scarred closed.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis sees the move of the x witht he arms and he sends a punch, but pushes back with his feet and flips in the air as he lands on the ground away from Auron, "Like I said, I was trained to fight a number of people, either one on one or one on many," he states. "And everything from my size to Hulk size," he adds as he looks at him as he nods. . o 0 (Guy has a good eye,) he thinks. . o 0 (Need to do other types of attacks to try to confuse him.)

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron nods, offering an afifrmative sound. "I did hear you say something about insane people," he recalls. "The Multiverse being what it is, they're probably insane /and/ powered. That seems to happen pretty commonly." A smirk. More seriously he offers, "Let me know if you need help. I have some contacts that can supply you with off-world goods. Adding magical items to your arsenal might throw them off more."

    Also Rin would love to make a gil. Or a credit. Or whatever form of currency he can. Greedy little desert rat.

    Auron gets within melee range again, and then tries to distract Terry with a series of open-handed strikes aimed at the shoulders. But it becomes clear it's a distraction when Auron shifts his weight and tries to hook his heel behind Terry's knee to pull him off-balance.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry listens as he readies for an attack and begins to dodge the palm strikes, "I am always looking for ways at fighting the different types of people and abilities within the Multiverse," he states as he lifts his foot from the hook. He is not able ot get it hight enough, but he rolls with it, falling backwards as he bends his knees, and plants his palms on the ground, doing a backwards roll. As he does this, he brings his feet up and tries to hit Auron and pushes off and lands on his feet. "I'll have to think on it, as I am not familiar with magic nor how to use it." he states as he looks over his shoulder at Auron and turns to face him.

Auron (236) has posed:
    Auron had expected retaliation when Terry lifted his foot. And he wasn't disappointed either. He turns his upper body ot the side just enough to absorb the kick with the bicep of his right upper arm. He still emits a grunt though. That actually hurt. Momentum counts for as much as strength, after all. Thankfully it didn't injure. Pain is a good teacher after all. Injury not so much.

    The ex-Guardian backs up a bit. "Not to worry. I'm no mage either. You've focused your qi?" Auron queries. "It's similar. They're single-use items that are activated by focusing qi through them. I can show you how they work sometime."

    It might seem odd to some for the two of them to be having a civil conversation while basically beating the snot out of each other. But Auron's accustomed to it. It's also notable that even if Terry had left himself open for attack when his back was turned, Auron didn't take the opening. However, when Terry turns back around, he should probably watch out, since Auron's got one of those power strikes coming at Terry's midsection -- it's one of those double-handed palm strikes.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry smiles as he moves forward at the same time and sees the double hand strike heading for him. He grabs the two handed strike with is right hand and plants his right foot into the ground. His left foot is moved forward as he brings it up to the gut of Auron. With the left hand, he reachs up and pulls him towards him, falling onto his back and holding onto him, taking the hit in his gut, rolls Auron onto his back and lands on him. "Nice move," he says as he coughs. "i'll have ot try that one," he says to him as his right hand holds the two hands of Aurons as it straddles him.

Auron (236) has posed:
    Before Auron knows it, he's got Terry basically sitting on him, and his arms are trapped. That's a pin! Auron chuckles, the sound amused. "All right, your point," he replies good-naturedly. Once Terry stands up, Auron does so as well, dusting himself off. "If you do want to explore the option of using anything from Spira, let me know. I'll give you my personal frequency so you can contact me, and I'll set up a meeting with one of my merchant contacts."

    Here he smirks. "Don't worry, they're trustworthy. Mostly." He does have to be a little bit of a smartass. It's kind of in his contract.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis nods as he helps Auron up, "Thanks, I'll take that offer," he says to him. "Thanks for the spar," he adds.

Auron (236) has posed:
    "You're welcome," Auron replies. "Thank you too. It's been a while since I've done that. I notice I'm rusty." He goes about sending his radio frequency to Terry, so he can contact him later. Then he'll collect his things. "Take care," he offers as he heads for the exit.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis nods and waves, "Be safe," he says as he gets his towel and dries off, "That actually hurt and it worked," he states as he rubs his hands.