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Latest revision as of 19:48, 18 November 2015

Terry meeting other Unionites
Date of Scene: 18 November 2015
Location: Gotham City <GC>
Synopsis: Terry McGinnis meetin others within the Union at Wayne Manor while Bruce wayne is out of Gotham on business.
Cast of Characters: Neuroi Girl, 686, 867, 871

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    The interior of Wayne Manor is actually better now then the description says. Terry, with help form his few friends that are in Gotham City when it appeared int he Multiverse, have spent a good part of the day doing work to clean the place up some. Max and Barbara wpent time working while Terrance or Terry worked outside and then inside. Luckily, They got some of the manor done before they had to leave to take care of their own duties. Terry was even able to get some food ordered and ready inthe kitchen, with help. Takign a drink of water, he did another walk through as he wonders when Neuroi would arrive and if anyone else would as well.

    He was in a very good mood, soar fromt he work today, but good mood after the spar with Auron the night before. "Maybe I can get more friends and not be so hard-headed," he says outloud as he looks out the window near the front door. He i sglad he was able to get some work done on the Batcave entrance to make it so that no bats get caught in it, which was tricky. After finishing his water, he looked at the various food that was set out and hoped he had enough, although it might be too much...

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     When Terry looks out the window, he might notice a strange girl peeking in. Strange for a few reasons. One, she seems to be peeking in upside down from the upper pane. Two, she has no facial features. Three, she is jet black with a bit of a glossy look to her, like some kind of metallic skin.

     When Terry looks over, she raises (lowers?) an arm and waves. Her sleeve is so long that her hand isn't visible, and it doesn't move like a loose sleeve either. It is more like a solid object. "...hello..." she says in a rather soft, meek, and mostly monotone voice. If Terry has a headset in, it would pick up her voice as a transmission and play it. If not, he might notice that the voice comes from a large red watch around her forearm.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo approaches this invitation from an entirely different angle. He goes to the door and knocks. So in short order not only will Terry have a floating girl made of metal (?) at his window, but he will have an android with purple hair-- lots of it, in fact-- pulled up in a topknot, and dressed in an outfit that's science fiction bodysuit underneath a samurai-styled coat and pants.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis looks out the window and blinks, "Hi," he says as he waves and points to the door that he hears a knock on, "No idea how Alfred keeps this place going by himself," he ssays to himself as he opens the door and sees a purple haired guy, "Hello," he states as he looks at the two. "Welcome to Wayne Manor. Please come on in," he says to the two as he moves out of the way for them.

    "I'm Terry McGinnis, nice to meet....." and he looks at them "Sorry, do not think I know you you two are," and he smiles at them.

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     When Terry opens the door, the little Neuroi floats around to the door. Her movement through the air is nearly silent. Only a gentle sound that can best be described as fairy-like can be heard as she floats over. "...hello..." the strange girl says. She looks between Kamui and Terry, then holds out one of her arms slowly as she floats down until she is almost touching the ground. Slender black fingers extend from her sleeve-arm. She seems to be offering a handshake. "...I am Evangeline...it is nice to meet you..." she says, her voice remaining soft and monotone, almost like the kind of voice a shy, softspoken girl would use.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo smiles brightly when the door is opened, and offers a greeting to Evangeline and Terry both. "Hello there~!" He bows, and enters the house when invited to. No, not because he's a vampire, but because it would be rude to enter before then. Terry points out that he doesn't know them, and Gakupo nods.

    Evangeline introduces herself, and then the Vocaloid follows suit. "My name is Kamui Gakupo!" he offers, in his synthetic voice. "I'm pleased to meet you both!"

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis smiles and bows back to Gakupo and shakes Evangeline hand, "Pleasure to meet the both of you," he states to them as he closes the door, "Did nay of the various gangs of Gotham City bother you on your way here?" he asks them as he gestures to a small room with some chairs and a table with some food, "I am not sure what you two like in the way of food or drink, so I have a variety here," he states to them as he gestures, "May I get either of you something to drink?" he asks them since he is hosting this short meet and greet. "Sorry there is not much here, but I have not really met many of the Union since I got active again," he says.

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline shakes Terry's hand gently, then her fingers withdraw back into her sleeve. "...gangs..?" she asks, her head tilting slightly when Terry asks. With no features, it is hard to know what she is thinking. "...I flew here...I did not encounter any hostiles..." she says before she floats through the door, then twirls into the middle of the room and comes to a stop, hovering a few feet off the floor. "...do you have...ice cream...?" she asks in her soft voice before she turns and looks around at the room.

     Then, she floats into the kitchen without another word to look over the selection of food. If/when the others enter, they would find her just floating there, seemingly staring at the food. As if she is not sure where to start.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo too shakes his head. "No, but I kept to the lit areas and main streets for the most part," he replies. "I might have just been lucky." It also helps that he's both visibly armed and visibly not from this world. Multiversal weirdness! Gakupo chuckles at how Evangeline just heads right into the kitchen. He'll follow if he can, unless stopped, and smiles.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis nods, "Gotham may appear safe, thanks to Batman, but there are many gangs that roam the streets. And none of them are friendly. Not to mention the various metahumans and others that either back the gangs or try to whip people out to take over," he adds as he nods, "Yea in the .... kitchen," he says as she floats away "Interesting," he says simply to Gakupo. "Right now, Mr. Wayne is gone and he asked me to keep an eye on his place," he states. "Although I do live here a few days a week when Mr. Wayne is here."

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline finally settles on an old standby. Pizza. Pizza is full of calories, something that is important to a creature that uses powerful, pure energy beams she generates herself. When Kamui makes his way in, she pauses then turns toward him, the pizza slice half-buried in her face. She regards him silently a moment, then the half that is out of sight is cleanly cut away by her mouth. If it can be called that. After the bite, there is no evidence she had a mouth.

     She then holds the slice out toward Kamui. "...would you like some...?" she asks, head lowered just a bit in a shy sort of way.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo nods. "I'll be careful," he promises. "Thank you for the warning." He does ask Terry, "Oh, I see. A live-in personal assistant?" Regarding Terry living here while Bruce Wayne is here. He doesn't seem to think it's odd.

    Evangeline looking at him with a slice of pizza hanging out of her mouth that was totally not there a moment ago or afterwards gets a blink. But he chuckles once he realizing he's staring, when she offers him the rest of the slice. "I don't want to take yours away," he replies pleasantly. "Thank you though." Bow.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry nods to Gakupo, "Yea, I have been helping him for the last 8 or so years," he states. "I am more or less his gopher," he adds as he looks at Evangeline, "Its ok, there is probably gonna be enough food for everyone," he comments to her. "Please make yourself feel at home here," he states as he looks to see if anyone else is coming to this meet and greet via the window.

Danny Fenton (871) has posed:
     Danny is not particularly sure why he came, now. A party sounded like a good way to meet people, until he saw the house itself. Well, mansion, really. Or manor.... not really sure the specific differences. But he was here, all dressed up, and it felt awkward to turn tail and leave halfway in the door, so he sidles in, unsure of proper protocal, and just trying not to stick out like a sore thumb. If he can just fake it for awhile, he'll be set once he gets the hang of things.

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline pauses a moment as Kamui declines, then she raises the slice back to her face. The piece once again disappears, this time completely. "...you are welcome..." she says to Kamui, then makes way for him and Terry. When Terry says to make herself feel at home, Evangeline goes still. How would she do that? Her home is quite different than human homes. She finally decides that her secondary home, the cathedral base at Mont-saint Michals will have to be her reference.

     Of course, to the others, it looks like she just goes stone still for a long moment. When she does finally act, it is...to sing? Her singing is a bit different, though. Rather than the soft voice that can be heard over radios and other sound devices, soft metallic tones start flowing from her. It sounds like a metal blade sliding along a metal plate, but more toned and musical. The song? An old one a friend of hers back at base often sings.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo nods to Terry's confirmation of his assisting Mr. Wayne. though he chuckles at the 'gopher' assessment. "That's usually how it ends up being," he observes. "At least things seem to be working out well." A pause, and then he smirks. "Don't worry, we won't leave a mess that'll have him wondering what whirlwind hit his house~."

    Gakupo looks back as he notes someone else arriving, and offers a smile as Danny appears. "Hello!" he offers with a pleasant smile. "How are you? I'm Kamui Gakupo," he introduces himself pleasantly, with a bow.

    And then Evangeline starts singing! Well, now, of course being a Vocaloid this definitely interests Gakupo. He turns to her with surprise and blinks. Then he smiles delightedly, and listens. He doesn't want to interrupt. Though him making a verbal compliment wouldn't really be necessary, given the smile.

Danny Fenton (871) has posed:
     Danny is not so wrapped up in trying to play things cool that he doesn't notice when he's addressed. Okay, it takes him a moment, but, he realizes it after a second. He opens his mouth to reply when the song starts, leaving the words unsaid, for the moment. Things could wait, when there was such something like this, much more pleasant to listen to.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis looks at Danny as he arrives and nods to him as he walks over, "Hey, welcome to Wayne Manor," he states just as the singing starts. He blinks as he turns and listens to the singing and smiles. "I'm Terry McGinnis," he adds when he is close enough do Danny can hear. "Would you liek something to drink or eat?" he asks as he gestures to the food.

Danny Fenton (871) has posed:
     Danny smiles when the host approaches, nodding and trying to smile naturally as he can as it sinks in he's probably the youngest one present. "Uh, yeah... I mean, yes. A pleasure to be here, thank you. Daniel Fenton, but, Danny is prefered. And ,yes, I was going to swing by the table soon; it just... I didn't want to head right for the food after coming in."

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo listens to Evangeline singing as Danny introduces himself. And after procuring a slice of pizza for himself, the Vocaloid steps to the side, to make certain he's out of Danny's way. "Don't worry about being too very formal. I get the feeling this isn't what one would call a formal gathering, more an informal meeting of allies." Looking to Terry, he inquires, "Am I right?"

Neuroi Girl has posed:
Evangeline continues subbing in her unique way since no one asks her to stop. She even starts to sway back and forth gently in time with her singing. She isn't singing loudly, so it is easy to have a conversation around her.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis nods to Gakupo, "Yea, I am not a big fan of formal, although I can be when it is needed," he states as he gets a slice of pizza for himself. "She has a wonderful voice," he states to Danny and Gakupo.

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline reaches the end of the song, then goes quiet. She looks around slowly at those gathered, then goes still. She just floats there, and it becomes obvious after a few moments that the strange alien girl does not have a lot of social experience. It takes her a few moments to think of what to do next. She looks toward Terry and headtilts. "...you...like my voice...?"

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry nods, "Yes," he states. "I do not have a very good ear when it comes to music, but you have a good voice and it was a wonderful song," he adds as he loosk tot he others near him.

Danny Fenton (871) has posed:
     Danny relaxes when Terry helps himself to the food, and he makes his way over to get a plate for himself. The music really was pleasant, and he was gradually forgetting how uncomfortable he was, so, things were going well so far. He may not know people yet, but, the knowledge everyone present will be an ally is a resssuring point. Quite the opposite of most high school parties, in fact.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
    Gakupo smiles when Terry confirms his words. He hadn't wanted to completely assure unless it could be confirmed. But that's a relief. He also nods in agreement with Terry's words. "It's very pretty," he agrees. "Like the sweetest electronic bells ever." he says this as a compliment, given he's an android and has an electronic voice himself.

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     The little Neuroi Girl pauses a moment as two out of three says she has a good voice. Then, she twirls in place quickly, one leg raised, like a ballerina in one of those music boxes and lets out another metallic sound that is obviously a happy sound despite its alien origins. She then floats over to the others. "...electronic bells...that is good, right..?" she says, arms held behind her back politely.

     Then, she looks to Terry. "...so...you work here only a few days...what do you do the rest of the time..?"

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Looking, Terry shrugs,, "Go to Gotham University to work on getting a PhD to be a medical doctor, and some other small jobs on the side," he says as he leaves that part open and he takes a bite of his pizza. "Help my friends when I am able to and try to have a somewhat social life, when I can." he adds.

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline listens to Terry, then lowers her head a bit. "...I try to help out my friends whenever I can..." she says, then raises her head again until she seems to be looking up at the ceiling. "...I am needed at home..." she says, then looks around at the others. "..it was nice to meet all of you.."

     The strange girl turns and flies out the kitchen door, then out the front door with hardly a sound other than the soft metallic whisper as she flies.