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Cura Te Ipsum ft Nathan and Eleanor
Date of Scene: 09 October 2015
Location: Estate Lamb
Synopsis: In the midst of the Eye Investigation, Eleanor seeks out Nathan hall to apologize for her actions in the fight with Elliana
Cast of Characters: 40, 168

Eleanor Lamb (40) has posed:
    It is a crisp evening in Njorun's inner branches, the fall season creeping in. The girls have decorated the house in VERY SPOOKY HALLOWEEN STUFF including cobwebs and paper skeletons and someone has painted Hank's helmet like a jack-o-lantern.

    Inside though, there's the smell of dinner and the sound of 7 young voices as the girls squabble and fuss over pork roast and veggies and potatoes in various parts of the downstairs. It is, all in all, very welcoming. At least for most people.

    This is also when Eleanor asked him to come out. Hmmm.

Nathan Hall (168) has posed:
    Nathan regards Hank with a blank face on his way in. Both of them are probably expressing about the same amount of emotion at each other. "They did this on October first." He says, monotonously, to Hank, as if that fully encapsulates his opinion on the consistently-early Spooktober. He vaguely sympathizes.

    He wanders on to the front door. He figures he should knock quietly, to avoid agitating the swarms, and get only the attention of Eleanor, who he assumes is listening for such things. He's just sort of going along with this slightly surreal experience, in his usual way, shuffling and emotionless and sort of vaguely directed. He feels welcomed! In a sort of distant, abstract sense.

Eleanor Lamb (40) has posed:
    It's a dark naired young lady that opens the door, wearing a warm looking sweatshirt and slacks. Nathan's memory will click. Minase Manami. The Magi that Eleanor brought home after the last Witch attack. Travel powers, that sort of thing. Homless at one point, likely orphaned. No wonder Elle took her in.

    She's carrying a plastic plate with food on it, along with a mug of something sweet looking. "Hallo, Mr. Hall. Hold on, I'll get Miss Lamb." The food is handed over, and the girl lets Nathan inside. The house is less of a circus than it could be, considering.

    Eleanor emerges from the kitchen region with a red haired young lady in two, lurking behind the Sister's legs. Mary, the youngest of Elle's girls. Some hints she's going to be a sneaky type person far into the future. Good at hiding. "Nathan. So happy you could make it. I... ah, well. Find a seat." Up here, is the unspoken thought. This is Not A Session.

Nathan Hall (168) has posed:
    Nathan notes the example of the recent rescues. "Hello. Of course, thank you." That's about all he says to her, simply going along with waiting here. When Eleanor emerges, she gets a similar robotic sort of response. "It was no trouble, Eleanor." Find a seat? Alright. He'll take whatever's most convenient with a slow, robotic motion.

    "So." He says, as he takes the seat, clasping both hands together. "You seemed to wish to speak with me about something in particular. I do not mind catching up first, if that is your preference." He's going to wait for Eleanor to guide the conversation! However she might want to, of course.

Eleanor Lamb (40) has posed:
    Eleanor smiles and sits across from Nathan in one of the large easy chairs. "Well. I think the catching up /is/ what I'm here for, actually. I..." The smile fades a bit, and she pushes around a piece of pork on her plate. "Catching up and other things."

    It's okay, Elle, you do this with other people, just do it the other way around. "I want to apologize, for How I've treated you. How I... reacted. At that fight with Elliana." A lip twitches, and she avoids Nathan's gaze, especially that eye that burned her so.

Nathan Hall (168) has posed:
    Nathan stares at Eleanor for a while, silently, sort of clasping both hands together and leaning forward, pressing his chin into them. He seems to be turning over the statement in his head. That particular eye seems to exude an awful aura. It's not clear what it is, or where it comes from, but it's there, now that Eleanor has had the chance to see a few other things.

    Nathan himself, though, is as he was before. "I will not claim I understand your motivations for holding the opinion you had of my reaction to the Lord of Hatred and its influence, but if you sincerely have adjusted your perspective, then I could not begrudge you much." He makes an odd noise, as if he's uncertain about his own feelings on the matter in some way. "Assuming you intend to act on that, well, I will be forgiving you, then."

Eleanor Lamb (40) has posed:
    Eleanor's hand go still on the plate as she considers her words. "I... I had just watched the two men I... the few men I love and trust have a very long cold war of attrition and betrayal and... and." The young lady wilts a bit. "I said things that were hurtful. It wasn't a spectacle. It was... what it was. You hurt yourself and..."

    She trails off. A lip twitches a bit as she fidgets. "Sorry, I thought I'd have... something profound to say to you, Nathan. I just... I've got food and sorrow and... and I want to get rid of the latter and have you ear the former and I am bad at this, I am sorry."

Nathan Hall (168) has posed:
    "I do not entirely understand your motivations. But, as I said, as long as they are no longer motivating you," Nathan says, making a plaintive gesture. "Then I will forgive you, in as much as understanding of the situation is demonstrated. It is the same as my regret for having committed violence against you, and the others. I have apologized, but that apology is utterly meaningless. Only correcting my actions would have any meaning. So that is the choice I made." He sighs heavily.

    "Well. I know the feeling of expecting something profound to come and finding nothing. Unfortunately, few things get rid of emotion like that. I tried many things to get rid of my own misery. Eventually you have to accept that it simply stays there, for as long as it might, arbitrarily. The many flaws of emotion."

Eleanor Lamb (40) has posed:
    Eleanor smiles quietly at the middle of that. "That's because I... trusted you, Nathan. And I think I still do. That's my motivation. To be able to put that trust in people. And... having seen what happened the other night, I just..."

    She puts her plate on the table, and scoots her chair forward. As he gestures, she lightly grabs his hand for a squeeze. A little one, anyways. "And emotion is a troubling thing, yes. Look where it got us here on this one?" She drops her hand and sighs, rubbing at her knees through her dress. "And the fact is you didn't kill me, Nathan. I know you could have, but you didn't. And I am... well. Greatful. Not out of ear or worry, but because deep down you were still you. And I'm sorry I hurt that."

    "That was a little more profound." She nods and takes a sip of her cider.

Nathan Hall (168) has posed:
    "A little more." Nathan repeats, slipping into that exhausted tone for a moment. "A little more profound, I suppose. I don't know. Suppose there's not much point accepting gratitude for not killing you. I don't really know if I could have." He rubs the bridge of his nose in a sort of conflicted gesture, then shakes his head. "Something I couldn't have done, something I couldn't really have done. Don't thank me for that, I suppose."

    "Well, whatever the case may be, whatever it may be, I think you can... Rest easy assuming that I am still myself. While I may hold some opinions about what happened..." He shrugs, as if helplessly. "I will deal with it, the way I have. I hope you won't see any more of that."

Eleanor Lamb (40) has posed:
    Eleanor's face droops a bit and she blushes at the commentary. "Well. Yes." Don't thank him for not killing you. Seems so simple in the retrospect.

    But that 'in the way I have' makes her sigh a little bit. "Please, tell me, Nathan. If it's opinions about me, please. Tell me." She rubs at her legs and looks a little worried. "I know I've hurt your trust and I... I don't know. You should be able to trust friends and I want to fix that if it's broken."

Nathan Hall (168) has posed:
    There's a long, silent moment of contemplation, before Nathan says, "No." It's not with any particular bitterness, but it does seem... Like it won't change. "That sort of open expression of flawed emotion is what caused my problems. I understand your concern, but it will not happen again." He shakes his head. "It is not resentment, I am simply doing what is most likely to cause the least pain for everyone involved, and I have the belief that sort of openness is only going to cause pain. I apologize, but you will not alter that belief."

    He doesn't seem resentful about it. One would expect it's probably a reaction of fear more than anything else. There are few ways to dispell that.

Eleanor Lamb (40) has posed:
    Eleanor lets out a breath and sighs. She'd... expected that some how. Well. In parts of her she expected that.

    "Then I'll understand if you don't want to come and see me any more for... reasons other than getting dinner and seeing the girls." She brushes at her legs, a little fitfully. Dammit.

Nathan Hall (168) has posed:
    "I do not really have any strong feeling about it, one way or the other." Nathan says, shaking his head. "I visited you before that is what people told me I should do. If that is still what people want me to do, then I will keep doing it." He does that sort of helpless shrug again. "And so it is up to you, and to the others." He adjusts his glasses, seeming content with putting that responsibility on other people here.

Eleanor Lamb (40) has posed:
    Elle blinks a bit, and slumps her shoulders. Of course. Oh well. She sighs, and sits forward, looking to Nathan again, and then... into his eyes. That awful eye that lolled round in those dark, disconnected places. Whatever it is.
    "I... that's sort of what I was hoping to hear, Nathan. Something from you and not the others. You..." She squeezes his hand again, before standing. "Go find some happy time, if you can, Nathan. Not just... content. I know that much about you at least. Go find some time to actually be happy. Then... then I'll see if we can try doing the sessions again."

Nathan Hall (168) has posed:
    Nathan accepts the grasping hand again, He always seems to not react to it much, but in this case he winds up staring a bit, as if contemplating the gesture somewhat. "If you would prefer that I try to find what you're asking me to find first, I will. Though I doubt I will." He makes a concerned noise, and seems confused. "I suppose I am not sure what you mean, but I imagine I would know it if I found it."

    He hasn't yet touched the food he was handed, and so, when Eleanor stands, he starts to take a few nibbles. He'll probably be at it for a while. "Or, at the very least, I imagine you would know it if I found it." He says, seemingly unable to muster a strong stance on it.

Eleanor Lamb (40) has posed:
    Eleanor nods a bit. "I'm sure everyone will be able to tell when you manage to findsomething happy, Nathan, and I can be sure that many people will be happy with you." There's more noise coming from the living room, along with a muffled crack of lightning, and a chorous of 'ooooooohs' and 'you're in trouble's. Eleanor sighs and lowers her head. "Hold on, I need to go examine the damage, I'll be right back."

Nathan Hall (168) has posed:
    "If you're confident about that." Nathan says, doing that shrug again. "As long as you think it's best, it's what I'll do--" He seems to realize there's been an interruption almost three full seconds after it actually gets heard. "Oh." He says, and seems quite content to let Eleanor go. "Alright. It sounds like the kitchen is getting somewhat too hot." And sparky. Yikes. "Take your time, I have no rush." He goes back to the nibbling.