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Bank Heist
Date of Scene: 18 November 2015
Location: Stonegate City
Synopsis: A bankrobbery in Stonegate puts Mackenzie in trouble, though luckily she has associates...
Cast of Characters: 20, 295, 301, 729

Nightblind (729) has posed:

    A massive, old building with gothic-inspired archetecture created from gray stone, with amber stained glass windows. Outside, people busy themselves with parking their cars on the narrow strip of parallel parking on the side. PEople on cellphones, some sporting light jackets, others from warmer climes sporting puffy winter jackets and mittens.

    Around the corner comes a bright orange vehicle; its bumper sticker is "MY OTHER CART APPEARED IN MONTY PYTHON" on the front, and on the back is a collection of in-universe comic book emblems, rock music blasting around. Putting along, the small vehicle pulls into a handicap spot. The back slides open, and up with the hissing of a small hydraulic system, and a little ramp slides back.

    And from it rolls a blonde girl in a wheelchair, with bright orange earmuffs and an orange hoodie sporting F.A.U.S.T. RUGBY on its front.

    She wheels up, and pushes the door into the bank.

    The bank inside is tile, with a faint pattern of rings entertwined on it, done with pillars and dark wood doors to different offices. Mackenzie rolls up to the first tellers -- and that's when the trouble begins. The glass dome overhead shatters with the sound of gunfire, and a few people scream.

    "All right, ladies and gents. This..." a man cries out, running his hand over his stocking-covered head as his compatriots take aim around him "Is a good, old-fashioned robbery. Everyone raise their hands up nice and easy, and get down on the floor."

    And Mackenzie Jennings doesn't move. She's frozen in place, her hand reaching for a pen, which drops in the silence after the order was given. Her head's still poking above the desk.

    "I SAID..." the man replies, and draws a weapon. He cocks the gun, and takes aim. "On. The Floor."

    "I /can't/ get on the floor. I'm in a wheelchair, jackass." she states. "And man, oh man, did you pick the wrong bank to rob. I'm associated with a superhero."

    ... and Mackenzie covers her mouth with a hand as the gunman approaches.

    And leans down. She can smell the garlic on his breath from lunch.

    "/What/ superhero?" he asks.

Bruce Banner (295) has posed:
It's been a quiet night, at least until now. Doctor Banner has been laying a bit low lately, taking in the sights when he can, and working the occassional conference and symposium circuit. He thinks of it as has way to help change the worlds for the better and to do his part to help compensate for the Other Guy tending to make a mess of things. Today's venture is Stonegate University's School of Medicine, where Bruce has been assisting in various cellular and microbological research.

"JARVIS, can you get me a lock on where that signal is coming from? Maybe I can help talk some sense into them before people get hurt." A moment later, the small screen lights up with a GPS-like beacon. Turning the handle, Bruce accelerates along the fastest route to the city. The cycle hums with a quiet energgy as the Arc Reactor powered cycle speeds toward the location indicated. "Huh...that's right nearby. I'll see if I can quell the situation while Tony finds his way here." Bruce has no doubt that Stark will show, having been called out and wanting to maintain his superhero billionaire playboy image and all.

The cycle arrives near the bank, and Doctor Banner investigates the outside from a short distance away.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Tony Stark is bemused, even as he pushes his chair away from his computer and activates Mark 42's homing programming with a few deliberate twitches of his fingers. This isn't the first time someone's claimed to know him based on a random encounter at a charity event, not by a long shot. It may, however, be the first time it's happened in the context of them actually being in some kind of trouble and needing help of the superhero kind. Weird. Killer robots again, he wonders, or maybe aliens this time?

He crosses his workshop, pieces of the armor snapping onto him as he walks, and takes a moment to gulp down the last of his cup of coffee and put the mug in the sink before the helmet closes over his head. "Toph," he speaks into the suit's comlink calmly, his eyes flicking over the diagnostic readouts as Jarvis boots up the tactical systems and displays. "You want a piggyback ride?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Whoever that creep was talking on the radio, he sounded like a complete dunderhead.

    And while Toph has only met Mackenzie once before, the girl was nice. And hey, disabled people have to stick together or something, she guesses. It's kind of an unwritten rule or something. And since it sounded like Mackenzie was in trouble, they should probably get there quickly, Toph can't help but sigh as she pulls on her autumn jacket. It's going to be cold in Stonegate...

    "You better leave out those loops," she responds. Heck, she went flying last week, and she was mostly out of it at the time. So she should survive it today as well considering it's Tony.

    As Bruce pulls up to the bank, he might recognize a familiar sound from above, as well as the well known glint of gold and red against the clear sky. Iron Man has arrived, and as always his landing befits a man of his style. The same can't be said for the girl clinging to his back however, and she lets out a sigh of relief when she senses that the earth is close enough for her to slip off of Tony's back. "Finally..." Clad for the colder autumn weather, Toph is wearing civilian clothing today. A hooded yellow autumn coat that reaches past her hips, a long scarf, and thick leggings that partially cover the top of her feet. Her poor frozen feet which she desperately tries to stomp some warmth back into. But she does greet Bruce with a brief salute. "Heya big guy, did we keep you waiting?" she asks, all while she turns towards the bank with a pensive look on her face. "Hmm. Lots of people inside... I think... about five... no, six guys who are up to no good." Man, it's a good thing those kinds of buildings are mostly built with stone.

Nightblind (729) has posed:
    No, not killer robots, or aliens, or space ninjas, or any other malady Stark might have encountered. For all intents and purposes, these six appear to be normal, every day robbers with panty hose up over their faces to disguise their identity, all wearing black hoodies and black cargos with military-style black boots, heavy duity and thumping.

    Dr. Banner would find the exterior of the bank relatively calm, although sirens wail in the distance as Bruce arrives. Someone warns him about wearing a helmet.

    When Toph and Tony arrive, the people back up a bit, watching as a girl drops off the "robot's" back. A few people snap pictures. Someone comments that one of those guys looks kinda familiar. The amber-colored glass of the bank doors beckon, with a figure overhead with spread arms saying 'welcome'.

    There's another rapport of gunfire inside as one of the men attempts to intimidate people into emptying their pockets faster.

    One of them comes back from the door. "Some robot just landed outside." he calls out "... should we split?"

    "We are /not/ splitting for a /robot/." the ringleader calls back, keeping his gun aimed at Mackenzie, who is reconsidering her foot-in-mouth disorder -- but at the soudn of the 'robot', she brightens.

    "That, gentlemen, is Tony Motherloving Stark, A K A 'Iron Man'. He's brilliant, he's tech savvy, and can build a complex operation armored suit," she begins, and points down with her hands "in a cave..." she brings her hands up, in a 'bang bang' gesture "with a box of scraps. Meanwhile, I bet you guys couldn't build your way out of Minecraft."

    The ringleader gives a snort, and then brings the gun up, and then back down sharply on Mackenzie. She raises her hand for defense, and there's a sharp CRACK as something snaps.

    People inside the bank scream as another gun rapport goes off.

Bruce Banner (295) has posed:
"Good too see you, Toph. Though I'd wished under better circumstances." Bruce glances over to Tony. "Sounds like trouble for one of your fans. Perhaps they don't realize that the real trouble is on this side of the bank doors."

The rapport of gunfire snaps the doctor into action, Maintain his cool for the moment, he darts for the bank doors and enters. As he enters, he catches sight of the gunman basically pistol whipping MacKenzie. A scowl forms on the doctor's face. "Hey! There's no need for that!" A beep is heard from the omnipresent wrist watch on the doctor's wrist. He clams his voice a moment, but remains focused. "I would recommend that you back off before someone gets hurt, or I get angry." He pauses and looks up at the gunman slowly, eyes a glare. "You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."

Bruce stays at a safe enough distance, but leaves room for Toph or Tony to enter the bank with him.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
As Toph reports 'six guys who are up to no good,' Tony can't help but remark, "Well they best not be making trouble in MY neighborhood." He raises a gauntleted hand in an all-encompassing wave of greeting to the nervous onlookers and announces with more amplification, "It's all right, folks, we'll take care of this. I suggest you all cross to the other side of the street for your own safety."

Then, with amplification off again, he mutters so Toph can overhear, "Seriously, I've been called out for a /bank robbery/? Mackenzie is gonna owe me one."

And with that the 'robot' tromps right on up to the main entrance of the bank and through the front door. "He gets really cranky, starts yelling for kids to get off his lawn, seriously, you guys don't want to see it," he follows up to Banner's comment smoothly as he steps up beside him and his scanners survey the situation with cold, tactical calculation, marking out hostiles and hostages. And Mac. "Hey girl, why you never answer your phone?" he asks casually. "--No, seriously, you guys are gonna want to drop the guns and surrender now."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "I guess that means you gotta stop by Malibu more often, then," the blind girl points out as she reaches out to punch Bruce in the arm. "And this isn't your neighbourhood, what the crud are you talking about?" she asides to Tony, arching an eyebrow. Seems like she hasn't caught that particular show on Netflix just yet. She can't help but shrug though when he mutters. "Hey, there are civilians in danger, it's part of the hero package..."

    For now Toph ignores the other people gathered outside the bank, figuring they will stay out of trouble. Instead she winces as she hears the gunfire inside. "We better hurry up!" And no, she isn't slow to follow Bruce and Tony up the steps, though she might be the one who looks the most out of place. Iron Man of course is sure to draw attention and be regarded as a threat, Bruce does carry an air of danger to him, and well... she just looks like a short teenage girl who looks like she's unarmed. The fact that one of the guys pistol-whips Mackenzie isn't lost on Toph, who extends her right hand, gesturing towards the gun he's carrying. It might be easier to take him off guard as she aims to bend the gun out of his hands, aiming the butt of the gun to hit him straight in the nose, all while she makes sure to bend the firing mechanism in the gun so it can't fire. "The next one who tries anything funny gets something heavier in the face!" she threatens.

Nightblind (729) has posed:
    The people on the outside back up more, and some indeed go across the Inside the bank, as the door opens. Five of the robbers turn, bringing their guns up and taking aim at... a scowling geek in a purple button-down? Some guyw ith a bad case of lack-of-helmet hair?

    The one over Mackenzie pauses, and draws up his mask a little to get a clearer look. His stubble drags against the nylon, and his eyes narrow.

    "Who the /fuck/ is this clown?" he calls out, before the 'robot' tromps in.

    "D...Doctor Banner?" Mackenzie whispers, and then her eyebrows go up, and she gives a quiet "Oh... /OH/."

    And as Tony enters, she's attempting to wheel away, one-armed, to the cover of another desk. "This... could get messy."

    The guy who struck Mac doesn't seem to realize how much trouble there could be here. He narrows his eyes again, pulling down his mask, and not dropping his aim -- but turning it over to Mackenzie.

    "Now. I don't like the whole hostage thing. Leaves too many witnesses." he states, nice and calm. "So why don't you guys just back nice and easy out that door right there, and Wheels here doesn't have to make a trip downtown to the morgue." Dufflebags filled with wallets and cash are at their feet. He looks SUPER SERIOUS -- until the gun is /bent out of his hand/ and whacks him in the nose.

    "WHAT THE--" he calls out, and turns around, looking at Toph, who has her hand outstretched.

    "The girl's weird!" he calls out, "ghost her!"

    And the five other gunmen go to open fire! The leader takes out a secondary firearm, and fires upwards, raining shards of amber glass down on our heroes!

    People scream. They cower, civilians all around, sixteen or so people inside of the bank with tellers and customers.

    And to add to the confusion, the ringleader gives Mackenzie's wheelchair a push towards the raining glass and gunfire!

Bruce Banner (295) has posed:
The outrage whith Doctor Banner now turns to straight up rage. As the gunman shoves MacKenzie's chair, the doctor embraces the rage and the fear fully, diving after the wheel chair and leaping up to try and protect the wheelchair-bound girl. As he leaps, an all too familiar flash of irridecent green appears. Sounds of tearing clothing, muscular sinews stretching, strengthing can be hear over the choas.

A moment later, a resounding *THUD* can be heard, followed by the crackling and tinkling of shards of amber and clear glass breaking and falling against a surface. Should MacKenxie look upward, she will see only the green surfaces of the Hulk towering over her, shielding her from the deadly glass shards. His arm crossed over his face just in front of his eyes as an instinct to protect his own face from the crystaline attack.

As the glassfall subsides, the lrage, ANGRY, green monster stands up and turns, placing himself between the girl and harm's way. He scowls and growls angirly with a ROOOOAR!!!

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Iron Man's first move is to step between his friends and the gunmen, letting the armor absorb the rounds that spray their way. His second move, or really more of a simultaneous action as he gets himself in place amid the rapidfire pinging noise of bullets bouncing off his exterior shell, is to say simply, "Nonlethal."

Which is Jarvis's cue to use the tranq darts rather than the armor piercing ones, as ammunition banks rise from the suit's shoulders and instantaneously fire two guided darts at each of the targets he'd already marked as 'hostile' when he stepped into the room.

"Amateurs," he mutters. "Nice catch, big guy," he calls over to the Hulk. "Little overkill, maybe?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "At least I'm not a criminal!" Toph replies, already moving into a bending stance as she feels Tony step in front of her. He already has armour, so she knows he will be fine. It's not like regular ammunition can harm him when he's in the suit, right? Which means that she can focus on doing her own thing. Even if Tony is tranqing them, it's better if they can't fire off anymore bullets. So Toph reaches out with both hands, concentrating on all the metal they are holding. At first it was tough manipulating even one piece of metal. But with much practice, metalbending has become as easy as earthbending. Even as she bends the firearms up and out of their grip, Toph doesn't move from behind Tony. "You're such a show off," she states and rolls her eyes.

    At least it seems that Bruce is going after Mackenzie, and Toph blinks when she feels his weight and form increase, and she winces. "You're not going to wreck everything, are you?" Let's hope he's not THAT angry.

Nightblind (729) has posed:
    Mackenzie was terrified when she was pushed.... but when nothing else falls on her, no hail of gunfire or rain of glass, she'd pause... look up, and her mouth would just open as she sees the huge, green tower of angry ragebeast above her. She's startled for a half second... and then she takes her cellphone out... and clicks a picture.


    And then whispers a 'Thanks, Doctor.' before she tries to wheel her way /away/. Yeeesh.

    The tranq darts strike their targets! A little thupthup and then down they go, hitting the floor after their guns are ripped out of their hands. The metal goes sliding around on the floor.

    ... well. Four of them go down easily. One man is screaming -- the one who announced the robot's arrival. Blood stains his mask as it drips from his eyes, making its way down his cheeks as foam builds and cakes the material over his mouth.

    The ringleader is still standing. Blood drips from the glove he was wearing, pooling slightly on the floor.

    ... where it hisses as it begins to corrode away at the tile.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Behind the mask, Tony's left eyebrow pops up. "Now that's interesting," he remarks. "Jarvis, what is it?"

"Evidently some kind of corrosive agent, sir. I'd need a physical sample for full analysis."

"I'm not sure I want to touch that stuff."

"I commend your wise decision."

Switching back to external speakers, Stark raises his voice a little and asks, "So what's your story, buddy? Some kind of mutant? Acid-bleeding alien? Robbing a BANK? Seriously?" Man, no one has /standards/ anymore. He lifts his arms, placing his hands in firing position before him, and commands in a bored-sounding voice, "I'll make you a deal. On your knees, hands behind your head, and get ready to submit to the local authorities and I won't have to repulsor blast your ass into next Tuesday."

Bruce Banner (295) has posed:
The green behemoth watches the two men that haven't gone down. As the girl slides back quickly, he simply grunts his acknowledgement at her thank you...even if it was iun her haste to get as far away from these scene as humanly possible. He bears his teeth at the remaining two, watching for the moment since they haven't made another move against anyone that Hulk considers "friendly".

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    So... that was it?

    Toph keeps still, keeping the guns away from the tranqed robbers. Though the moment the man begins screaming Toph looks confused. As she can't see the blood it's hard to tell what's going on. But the moment she feels the blood hit the floor her eyes widen in horror. "That stuff..." It's really bad news, whatever it is. But how can this happen?

    Swallowing, the blind earthbender swings her arms down and behind her, sending the firearms far away from the two robbers still standing.

    Tony is already asking the necessary questions, and the Hulk seems to not be too angry at the moment. So let's be reasonable here.

    "That stuff is /really/ corrosive," she informs the two, an uneasy expression on her face as she seems to be listening to something. Rather than wait for the ring leader to respond to Tony's warning, Toph throws her arms forward, and the floor moves, intending to wrap itself around the man's feet and legs, as if trying to force him to his knees. "The other guy is dying!" she calls out to the others.

Nightblind (729) has posed:
    "... there aren't mutants or anything like that native to this Earth." Mackenzie says, and shakingly, from behind a desk, she sets her phone to record. As /dozens of others/ have in the place, recording and streaming Iron Man, Toph Beifong and The Hulk fighting against...

    The first man drops first to his knees, giving a gurgling, gagging cry, and then falls over dead, bleeding out like an animal on the tile. A thick air of horror overlays the room. Mackenzie can feel her heartbeat quicken and a cold sweat begin to form on the back of her neck.

    And the last man standing just... begins to laugh.

    "I didn't think this would /work/. This... this feels incredible! I can /FEEL/ fire in my hands!" he cackles with glee, almost forgetting that Iron Man had just threatened him. Appearing to ignore the giant beast and the girl who robbed him of his weapon. No, he teeters slightly, as if drunk, the tile shattering as he pulls his legs up from it, leaving long, hissing trails of blood behind them, shredding through his cargo pants and boots. He appears to feel no pain.

    He walks over to the desk that Mackenzie was originally hiding behind. He brings his arms up, and brings them down, crunching through the thick wooden desktop, through the two-inch slab of mahogany on the desk, and sends it crashing to splinters.

    All the while leaving corrosive blood drops in his wake.

    He laughs maniacally, and turns, bringing his arms around, and throws a thousand-pound desk at IRon Man and Toph!

    "Take THAT to Next Tuesday!"

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"You got it," Tony quips back swiftly, and repulsor beams discharge from both readied hands, catching the flying desk mid-arc and blasting it back the way it came, though part of its half-tonnage breaks apart and smashes onto the floor by way of the laws of physics along the way.

A quick glance alerts him to the presence of all of the gawkers and their cell phones. "Are you people CRAZY? Get outta here! Mac, what's this guy's deal? Toph, bend some walls or something between the big crazy dangerous man and the rubberneckers. Hulk... smash him, would you?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Well, that guy is hardly normal!" Toph calls back to Mackenzie, looking uneasy as the gargling man falls to the floor, his heart beating like crazy before it gives out... what a horrible way to go.

    The blind girl takes a step backwards, her face showing an expression of disgust. When the ring leader pulls his feet free from the floor she frowns, feeling the blood eating through the tile. Ugh.

    Luckily Tony intercepts the heavy desk, and she has to agree with Tony. Why are all these civilians still here? "YOU HEARD HIM, LILY LIVERS!" Toph roars, using the authoritative tone she uses whenever she's commanding people around. "Get your butts in gear NOW!" Kicking into the floor, she does erect walls from the floor. But not simply to protect the people. No, as Toph gestures with her arms, the walls move, aiming to push the people towards the exit.

    Heck, Hulk might be the one who can resist that blood the most. She hopes.

Bruce Banner (295) has posed:
Hulk is MUCH obliged as he pound his chest and gives an angry /ROAR/ at the man. "HULK SMASH DESK MAN!" Hulk pound his fist into his palm and /leaps/ forward at the man, attempting to punch him through whatever wall or walls might be behind him.

Maybe he'll sail acors the bank and land in the vault! Either way, the Big Guy's only concern is to make a fist and make that fist contact the bad man's face!

Nightblind (729) has posed:
    The desk splinters into a billion little pieces, crashing all over the floor and spreading across the bank.

    "I have no idea! I've never seen that in person outside of /comic books/ and /video games/!" Mackenzie hisses back to the blind girl, but she starts moving too, as fast as her wheels will carry her in order to get out of the way!

    "/Quick/! Everyone, out the fire escapes! That ceiling could come down any moment!" Mackenzie shouts, and attempts to wheel herself through the flotsam and jetsam as Corrosive-Blood Man laughs, flicking his hands, blood dripping from that one glove.

    The others, stirred to action, exit. Sirens and police are waiting outside the front doors, and police out the side doors, bringing people to safety while the Superheroes are stuck inside.

    Overhead, a dark figure pokes her head over the edge, echo-monitors buzzing like mad as she registers what's going on below them, seeking out Mackenzie in the madness.

    The laughing man just laughs as Hulk gives a roar, and when he leaps, he braces, his arms spread in a welcoming gesture before the strike hits true, smashing his face in.

    There's an ugly crunching sound, and the corrosive blood forms a spray around the hulk's fist, burning, trying to seep through past the green skin and into radioactive veins and tendons, trying to burn the Hulk's hand apart!

    ... at least the laughing has stopped.

Bruce Banner (295) has posed:
A terrible crunch, with a bit of a squish rings through the air as the green monster's fist makes dead on target contact with Blood Guy's face. The thick, oozing blood splatters. As hulk finishes his punch and regains his posture, it take merely but a second for the buring to register with the primal synaptics of his brain.

"RAAAAAWR!!!! HULK HAND BURNING!! BLOOD BURNS HULK!!!" His tone protrays a slightly elevated tone of anger. Hulk attempts to backhand the Bloodman out of the way, while slapping the back of his hand against nearby surfaces as if trying to wipe the blood off. While his skin may, at least for a while, prevent the entry of the blood into his own thanks to the gamma-infused resistance, his skin doesn't prevent the buring and coorsive effects of the blood from showing themselves.

Blistering begins to form on the Hulk's hand as the blood continues to ghnaw at his skin and hand.

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Iron Man leaps into the fray just behind Big Green, now that Toph is handling the evacuation. That haymaker should keep Crazy Fucker down for a few moments at least; he wants to use the opportunity to get Jarvis a closer look at whatever the hell that guy is using for blood. He takes advantage of Hulk's rampage to pause by one of the desks he's wiped the blood on, and Jarvis quickly relays an analysis to his ear.

"The substance is a strong corrosive base, non-alkaline in nature. It appears to have replaced any other component recognizable as 'blood' entirely."

"Definitely aliens," Tony decides, and has a quick scan around the area, sending out a sonar pulse to get a glimpse behind the walls. Spotting what he needs, he vaults over the tellers' counter and crashes through the employees-only hallway behind until he finds the janitor's closet. Moments later, Iron Man returns triumphantly to the scene of battle with a bottle of industrial toilet bowl cleaner in each fist!

...He's so /dreamy/.

"Yo, Big Guy! Hold still a sec." Iron Man tries to maneuver around the Hulk's flailing and get close enough to splash the contents of one bottle over his hand to neutralize the burning.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Yup, somebody seems eager to smash. "... you don't expect me to clean up after him, do you?" Toph asks Tony.

    At least the people are getting outside now, and that means they might have an easier time dealing with the threat. But indeed, the ceiling is an issue... So Toph throws her arms up, and the walls and floor shift more, earthen plates shooting out to cover most of the area above them, protecting against falling glass.

    When the Hulk does indeed smash the laughomaniac, Toph can't help but wince at the sound. "... ouch." And when the Hulk complains about the blood, Toph ventures closer, though she seems a bit worried about getting too close. "Seriously, that's /blood/?" she asks.

    Tony's return makes her turn her head slightly. "Wait, what's that?" It... smells like something you use to clean bathrooms with? "Is that even safe?" Heck, she trusts Bruce, but she's not that used to being around the Hulk like Tony is.

Nightblind (729) has posed:
    "He's leveling out the pH to stop the corrosion." comes a voice from above.

    TWIP! Nightblind, the local vigilante, decends on a land, her dark form landing amongst the flotsam and jetsam, and she holds her hands up -- she's a good distance away from the Hulk.

    "... seems I missed the party."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
Iron Man whips around, toilet cleanser sloshing from one hand, and stares at the sudden arrival. "Jarvis why didn't we see her?"

"I was not instructed to scan for hidden vigilantes," the AI replies stiffly.

"...Who the hell are you?"

Bruce Banner (295) has posed:
As the toilet cleaner hits his hand, Hulk immediately realizes that the burning sensations have subsided as the solution begins to reach pH balance of 7. He steps back a few steps, in a guarded stance since BloodBoy seems to be able to take a hit. As the figure drops down to greet them, he remains in a ready-to-punch stance, but glances over at Ironman first.

"Hulk thank Ironman. Hand...not burn anymore"

Nightblind (729) has posed:
    "Nightblind. Local vigilante, I'm sure you've never heard of me." Nightblind replies plainly through the vocoder disguising her voice. She carefully makes her way around the scene, examining the bloodspill /everywhere/ that is slowly eating through the floors. "It is a pleasure to meet your aquaintence Major Stark, Toph Beifong, Dr. Banner. I can only wish it were under less stressed circumstances."

    She leans down a moment to take a closer look at the damage.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Upon hearing the voice from above Toph blinks, raising her head slightly as she hears the familiar voice. And when Nightblind arrives Toph... grins.

    "Man, you're late for the party... we already took care of it, lady." Though the moment she notices the reactions the two others have to the vigilante showing up, the earthbender steps between them raising her hands. "Hey, easy you two! She's on our side, I recognize her voice! No need to smash or blast." Once that is cleared up she unwraps the scarf from around her neck and holds it up in both hands towards the Hulk. "Might want to wrap that up, big guy..." You're not going to smash her, are you?

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Sure haven't," Tony agrees. Now that triage on the Hulk is handled, he refocuses his his efforts on sloshing toilet cleaner all over the floor. "Not to worry, the Avengers are apparently making housecalls for minor felonies these days. Happy to help." He turns to level a look at Mackensie, which through the helmet's frown probably looks a lot more annoyed than he actually is.

"Although," he relents with a little shrug, "I guess it DID turn out to be aliens, so."

Bruce Banner (295) has posed:
The Hulk grunts an acknowledgement, nodding his head at the girl. As his hand is wrapped, Hulk looks at it, almost in a child-like manner. He holds the scarf against his hand to help sooth any remaining irritation. "Hulk...better. Hulk glad people... safe." He simply states. He makes no movements to attack and simply stands calmly. Though until he feels no threat, he maintains his current form.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    As Tony speaks Toph can't help but sigh slightly. "Dad..." Ease up a little bit? Nightblind isn't bad, and well... she knows a few things about her that she can't really say. So instead she works on wrapping up the Hulk's hand, patting his arm twice when she's done. "Yeah, Hulk be glad now, we did good and we don't need to fight anymore."

    It's good that the innocent people didn't die, though that one guy who did... urk. "I guess I should fix this place up," she murmurs. At least fix what she can fix.

Nightblind (729) has posed:
    "I don't think so." Nightblind stands as Tony sloshes toilet cleaner. She holds her hand out for the other bottle of it. "This is... this was Mike Gordon. He's a local. His father is a pharmacutical engineer with FAUST's medical division and his mother is a kindergarten teacher. He's apparently been missing for nearly a month after flunking out of the university. He was one of the students we were trying to track down after an apparent abduction."

    She turns, taking a look to Toph, and then back to The Hulk, and then to Stark.

    "... don't, Toph." she states, and turns back to the girl. "This is a crime scene. You three..." she pauses,a nd glances over at Mackenzie, who gives an embarrassed look having been caught with her phone out and recording "... /four/ need to exit."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Local law enforcement isn't big on superheroes, huh?" Tony inquires with an audible smirk. "Hey, I know when I've worn out my welcome. It just happens so /rarely/." He relinquishes the other bottle to Nightblind and squeeezes the remainder of the other out onto the floor before tossing it away. "Okay, associate-girl, let's go," he announces, and clanks through the mess over toward Mackenzie, leaning over to grip her chair firmly in both hands. "Air Iron Man, at your service." And he'll pick her up and fly her safely outside with the rest of the evacuees. But first, he addresses the Hulk. "Good job big guy, all the bad guys are dead. You can take a break now." Hopefully he'll take the hint and de-green himself before he leaves. Less to explain that way. Also he can take more of the credit for the save.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    A university student who went missing? And is the father of this guy linked? Pharmaceutical engineer sounds a little bit linked to this incident, doesn't it?

    When Nightblind tells her to not bend the bank back into shape she arches an eyebrow, then holds up both hands in surrender. "Fine, just don't nag at me on the radio later if you do need help fixing this place up!" With that she turns and begins heading over to Mackenzie. "Come on, Hot Rod, you heard the local superhero. We're heading outside, and your phone is coming with you!" Except Tony gets to her first. Well... at least Mackenzie might get something to brag about now, right? It does make Toph smile a little, and she gives Nightblind a sincere grin. "Catch you later," she says, then gestures for the Hulk to follow her. "Come on, big guy! Maybe we can get Tony to buy us ice cream on the way back if we're lucky!" This kinda counts as an Avengers outing, right?

Nightblind (729) has posed:
    "I'm the weirdest thing they've seen until recently." Nightblind admits with a shrug, returning to the line she shot in. She plucks the hook from the wall, and turns to watch Iron Man.

    Mackenzie pauses as Iron Man grabs her chair, and gives a high-pitched squeal of surprise and pleasure -- before covering her mouth. "I... am going to owe you so much pro bono work after this." she squeaks out loud, and then quieter "... can.. can I also come for ice cream?"

Bruce Banner (295) has posed:
The Big Guy nods and softly grunts at IronMan. He then turns toward Toph and gives one of his smirk-grins. "Hulk love ice-cream."

Tony Stark (301) has posed:
"Are you kidding?" Tony asks in what is now a clearly joking tone, despite the frown of his mask. "You're /buying/ the ice cream." She DOES owe him. "And then, you're going to explain to me step-by-step exactly how I ended up getting dragged into this."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Yeah, that's what I like to hear!" Toph says, taking Hulk by the hand as she begins leading him outside. "Man, you're gonna need a lot of ice cream though..." It's okay. Tony's rich, he can afford it.

    As they get outside though she can't help but joke along. "You don't know the hiring rates for super heroes, do you?" she asks Mackenzie. "And I'll let you know my bending isn't free either!"

Nightblind (729) has posed:
    Mackenzie gets a D: face as she's air-lifted out. "I thought you were supported like the police?! Oh no, look, I have this rich friend..." she begins, gripping to the chair, and then laughs. "But I don't wanna get /her/ in trouble either!"