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Latest revision as of 09:07, 24 November 2015

Cat, Bat and Bear
Date of Scene: 23 November 2015
Location: Remnant <REM>
Synopsis: A simple mission to clear out some Grimm.

A Cat, a Bat(man) and a Bear walk into a village...

Cast of Characters: 675, 867, Yang Xiao Long, 917

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Due to the Unification throwing off the Initiation and other such things at Beacon, Small ad hoc teams of Beacon Students and Multiversal Elites have been authorized to take on small, near-city missions, to both help keep the Students skills sharp, and to help ease integration.

    This means that a Bullhead, a large transport aircraft with tilt-jet engines, sits on a landing pad at the cliff-side of the school grounds, while Yang, the hard to miss blonde bombshell, leans against a pillar, waiting for a particular bookworm to show her face.

Blake Belladonna (917) has posed:
     Blake Belladonna shows at precisely five minutes.

     Gambol Shroud is perched on her back as she appears around the side of the Bullhead, her black hair flowing in the slight breeze as she registers Yang there, waiting. She is moderately surprised that she doesn't see Ruby, but hey, sometimes siblings need breaks, right? She clears her throat gently.

     "Hello, Yang."

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Flying in the night, is the Batmobile, moving at Mach 1 speeds and in the cockpit, sits Terry McGinnis, aka Batman. In the Batsuit, Terry is the Dark Knight, Batman II specifically. As the batmobile flies, it disappears as Terry activates the cloak and due to the cloak, the batmobile makes no noise whatsoever. As Terry arrives, he listens in on the Union frequency and mutters, "I really need to meet these new union people," and he looks as he sees the plane sitting and whistles, "Wow," he says as he flies and slows down.

    Once he is over the plane, he pushes the auto pilot button, then opens the bottom of the batmobile and drops out and lands about ten feet from Yang Xiao Long. "Nice plane," he says to her as he walks out of the shadows and studies it and the area. as he sees Blake there as well. He nods to both as he stands there.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang smirks, opening her eyes and looking over her shoulder at Blake. "Perfect timing." she compliments, then turns sharply at Batman's sudden arrival. "Uh... thanks? These things are kinda common though." she comments.

    A shrug from the blonde and another big dopey grin has her unceremoniously drape an arm around Blake's shoulders. "C'mon, we've got a Beowolf infestation just outside the walls. Not many of 'em, only a couple dozen." she says, then goes to board the craft.

    The pilot in the control area looks out at the passengers before they board, then says over the intercom. "Buckle up and close the doors. I'll get you there in no time. Thank you for flying with Nevermore Air." he says with a chuckle.

Blake Belladonna (917) has posed:
     Blake whistles when she sees Batman roll up. That is impressive. Yang's arm is barely tolerated, Blake slipping out from underneath it after a few seconds as she slides into her seat, buckling up as ordered. Sure, she'd just land on her feet if she fell, but why risk it--?

     "Nevermore. Heh." She does give Batman a friendly nod though.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Blinking, Terry looks at Yang, "Beowolf? Isn't that like a book about a great hero of old legend?" he asks as he has no idea what a beowolf is as he nods to the pilot as he waits for the two ladies to board first, then boards after them. "Name's Batman by the way," he states to the two as he takes a seat and looks at them but says nothing else. "Nice Poe reference," he adds.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang rolls her eyes as she buckles up. he Bullhead lifts off the pad then angles and accelerates quickly off towards the city, and over it toward the inland wall. "Beowolves are a kind of Grimm... here, lemme bring it up on my Scoll." she offers, pulling out a phone-like device, which she taps on. The screen extends out a little, and a picture flashes up which she then turns toward Batman. Beowolf.img(Beowolfprofilepic.png).

    The Pilot chimes in again. "Show him the Nevermore too. It was a joke." Yang snorts a bit. "Yeah, figured out already there's a lot of Multiverse stuff that's named the same as the Creatures of Grimm here." she flicks the picture to another one. Ruby Fleeing Nevermore.img (500px-RubyEscapingtheNevermore.jpeg) "Got this one just after we Unified. Beowolves, Ursa Majors and a Nevermore got through a Warpgate to some farming settlement."

Blake Belladonna (917) has posed:
     "Werewolves and birds, basically." Blake summarizes.

     "Grimm are always animal-like, just ... different. As you can obviously see." Blake falls silent again, peering out the window. "Are we getting dropped in or is this thing landing?" She calls up to the front.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis grins as he nods and begins to talk, repeat a poem; "ONCE upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore, While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. "Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door; Only this and nothing more."" and he looks, "A good poem in my opinion," he says to the two as he looks at the two images, "Lovily," he coments to them as he looks at the pilot, "Trust me, I have seen a lot of things in the Multiverse, and gone up against just as much," he comments.

    Blinking, he looks at Yang as she sends the message "..." and he looks at Blake, "Either works for me," he comments on.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Pilot replies to Blake. "Landing in a clearing near the mission point. I'll take up a holding pattern until you call in the all clear. No Nevermores have been sighted in the area, so there's no risk in waiting around, just be careful, we can't confirm there aren't Ursa Major or King Taijitu in the mission zone."

    Yang rolls her eyes. "Great, big bears and snakes too?" she grumbles. It doesn't take all that long for the craft to arrive at the target, deploying its landing legs and opening the side hatches. The pilot chimes in. "Good luck and good hunting.

Blake Belladonna (917) has posed:
     "Ah. Thank you."

     Blake descends from the airship, stretching in the cooler air of the forest, before her hands loop around behind her, gripping Gambol Shroud in her hand as the ribbons drape off of her arms. She sighs, staring quzzically around for a few minutes. "Which way were they spotted?" She asks, finally, leaning into the wind to listen much more closely, her nostrils flaring slightly.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis looks as the craft lands and he stands, "Lets go," he says simply as he follows Yang and Blake out of the ship and he looks at the two and shrugs as he waits to see what direction they need to go. However, due to the advance tech of the batsuit, Terry listens in for noises that are not common to a forest and odds are he could hear a lot of odd noises. Looking at them he asks, "How do we stop these Beowolfs, Ursa Major's and King Taij...... snakes?"

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang hops out after the others, rapping the fuselage of the Bullhead with her gauntlet, as it deploys along her forearm. "East, along the wall. There's a village that's evacuated, and now full of Grimm." she says, deploying her other gauntlet then pointing the way. "C'mon, and keep your eyes open."

    To Batman, the blonde says, "Heavy blunt impact works, if you're strong enough, otherwise, gotta use piercing attacks to break their outer shell. Destabilize the shell enough they can't maintain integrity." She then smirks. "Simpler explanation: Hit 'em until the magic smoke escapes."

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Having been perfectly quite up untill now, one (1) Cirra Cosntantine jumps out of the aircraft. She was probably reading a book along the way, but now she slides herhorned helmet on to her head and looks at the world through the red tinted visor. "Does that happen often, villages overrun by Grimm?" she asks as she summons her Judge Blade to her hand.

Blake Belladonna (917) has posed:
"Occasionally." Blake replies quietly.

"Much of the countries are built with natural defenses in mind, but as Remnant grows, we must move..." She leaves the rest unsaid, the teenager starting to move towards the east as she helps lead the way towards the wall.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis nodding, he follows them and thinks, "I'll go high and get an early look for anything Grimms," he states as he jumps and takes flight, the red wings folding out of the batsuit. "This is gonna be interestin," he states to himself as he moves ahead to be a spotter. "Say, do any of these Grimms fly?" he asks the trio.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    "Too often." replies Yang solemnly. "Villages, Nomad tribes, lone travelers and land caravans. There one day. POOF. Gone the next." she looks at the Dark Knight. "It's what we're training for. What everyone at the Academies trains for. Even if we can only save a single life, it's all worth it."

    She moves up to keep pace with Blake, at the front, ready to intercept aggression with her own body. She's the 'Tank' after all. "I've got my ranged shells loaded, lets hope we can get the drop on 'em."

    As Batman takes flight, Yang looks up after him. "Only Nevermores, and none were spotted. But, keep an eye out, they're hard to miss!" she calls up.

    The trek is fairly short, and Batman's birds-eye view would give him plenty of chance to spot a small village. It's about 8 or 9 small wooden houses built around a central well. Black shapes can be seen moving about inside the perimeter, large, humanoid black shapes with white bone-like growths coming out of their shoulders, and a 'mask' over where the face would be.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    "Sometimes simlar things happen on Galanida. Especially on Odin." THe Judge says calmly. "Shiva too, where I was born." but thats half because shivans refuse to get with the times.

    Cirra continues to walk along, only barely more talkative then Blake.

Blake Belladonna (917) has posed:
"Yes, it's a ... problem. Especially with wandering groups that might not have a home."

Blake's voice is soft, a touch bitter, but the young huntress-in-training seems to collect herself afterwards. She glances at the crowd, attempting to do a quick count on the Beowolves. "Be safe. Stay careful. Every part of them is dangerous, especially they're claws."

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis nods as he hovers, "Contact," he states to them. I see some black shapes moving in a village of 8 or 9 buildings. Humanoid shaped, white horns and masks." he states as he slowly decends, "I am not picking up anyone else on thermo, unless they are hiding underground," he adds as he lands on the center wall, activating his cloak as he lands. "I am cloaked, and on the central wall. Will wiat or you guys to arrive."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang looks through the trees. "Right, Unless you girls have any better ideas, I'm gonna go right in the middle and draw their attention, once they're on me, flank around and start taking 'em out while they're busy." she says, making sure to transmit it t Batman too, through her Scroll.

    "Don't worry about me, they'll just be digging their own graves."

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Cirra pauses to look ahead at the cottages and considers what Yang says. "I'll block off the route between those two larger cottages with a Rampart, that way they'll be forced to funnel through the other buildings, reducing how many can come through and securing our flank."

Blake Belladonna (917) has posed:
"Go for it."

Blake twists Gambol Shroud around, a soft click appearing as she transforms it to pistol form. When she rolls her shoulders slightly, she waits for Yang to dive in, then she starts moving towards another rampart like Cirra did, the bolts firing. They're purple shots, perhaps strnagely, but effective, even as she darts in closer, the pistol switching back into it's katana form.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Chuckling, Terry nods, "Gotcha," he say to them over the radio. "If you spot any survivors, let me know and I'll try to get them out," he states. "Plus, I can take a few if you are in trouble," he adds as he watches form his vantage point and sees one of the Beowolves near him. . o 0 (Hit the mask hard enough to break it,) he thinks as he jumps up, flips and comes down for the creatures head, hill first and decloaks at the same time, "Its late, shouldn't you be in bed?" he asks it.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang nods, throws her arms behind her, and fires a pair of explosive bolts into the ground, rocketing forwards and drawing the attention of every Grimm in the area with the sound. She doesn't waste time, and using the momentum, slams her right fist into the face of a still recoiling Beowolf, triggering her gauntlet at the same moment to send the thing flying backwards, its head caved in to smash into another pair that come loping up. The first starts to emit smoke, while the others drag themselves back to their feet, snarling and growling. Yang smirks, pumping her arm back and expelling the spent shell, loading the next one into place in the return motion. "C'mon doggie, I've got a knuckle sandwich with your name on it!" she taunts, backsomersaulting away from a deadly claw swipe.

    Batman's heelstrike catches the Grimm entirely off guard, caving the skull-mask and sending the thing slumping into a smoking pile of black fur and bone fragments. They're not hard to take down, there's just a lot of them. Plus these are relatively young Grimm.

    Blake's shots might be small, but their Aura-powered Dust projectiles, and each hit staggers the Grimm they strike. She'll find herself with a few 'friends' for her trouble, redirecting from the blonde to the black-haired girl with roars of anger.

    Cirra's rampart blocks up an entire street, forcing the Grimm there to either beat ineffectualy at the shield, or go around, unfortunately, some decide that 'through' is an option, and break through the wooden walls of some of the houses, bursting out in an explosion of wood splinters.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Cirra pulls the law card off the ground and chases after Yang as she charges in. One of the Grimm breaks through a cottage and earns a shot from the Judge Blade as it transforms into rifle mode. "Aparently they're not as stupid as they seem. Or they're even more brutish then first glance."

    The Judge rolls under a swipe and turns the Judge Blade back into a sword, slicing it through the Grimm's legs.

Blake Belladonna (917) has posed:
     Blake has a small host of opponents, but a cool, clear head. She flicks Gambol Shroud around again, until she has the sheathe and blade in her hands, diving forward into the fray. Her blade trickles to each side in a sweeping series of blows, before she uses one of the smaller oens to boost herself up in the air. Flying through it, she rains blows down on the Beowolves, before there's a pressure of her aura, and another Blake suddenly appears in the air. Using it as a springboard, the real Blake catapults onto one of the rooftops, easily gunning down on the grim below.

     "Both." She calls back to Cirra.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry looks as a few break through and two head for him, "Dumb and smart...." he says as he looks around and smiles as one of the Beowolfs have their arms outreached. Batman does the next best thing, he grabs the closest one by the wrist, and pulls. As he pulls, he turns and tosses the one over his shoulder and away from him as the second behind the first rushes him and slams into him.

    Terry is tossed into a building and flies through the wall then looks, "My turn," he says as he fires off one of the advanced batarangs, and explosive one. The Batarang flies then a second is followed as it hits the Beowolf in the chest and face. Lookin, he pushes a button, causeing them to explode, hopefully doing damage enough to take it out.

    "How many more are left, and any survivors?" he asks them.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang jukes, barely dodging claws. She parries an overhead swipe, then slams her fist up into the monster's gut, firing off another shell at point blank. It sends it flying upwards, and landing in a sprawled heap, though it down't start to smoke just yet. It's down for the moment, but is probably 'playing dead'. "No survivors, it was evacuated cuz we had some early warning this time. We're clearing it out so the people can come get their stuff back, and maybe rebuild somewhere else." she replies to Batman.

    Blake makes short work of her opponents. They're smarter than they look, and more brutish than they appear, but they can't match a Huntress, even only a Huntress in training.

    Cirra's strikes see her through as well, dismembering a Beowolf and leaving it snarling and flailing on the floor, until it's finished off anyway.

    Batman's batarangs dig in deep, the Beowolf staggering... and then its exploded. The creature falls back and does indeed begin to emit smoke... though the one that was judo-tossed bursts back out of the ruined building it was thrown into, leaping with its jaws open, ready to bite down on a batsnack.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
tCirra keeps The Rampart up to ensure the Grimm are still at least partly funneled to prevent them from simply pressing in on the Hunting team. She stabs the Judge Blade into that flailing beowulf to silence it and goes back.

    Rushing back to the hole in the cottage wall, she lifts the Judge blade with both hands and swings it diagonally upwards across another Beowulf.

Blake Belladonna (917) has posed:
     Blake jumps from rooftop to rooftop, using her clones when she needs the aura boost to make the jump.

     "Yang! Catch!" Blake throws Gambol Shroud down at the other girl, bracing herself on the rooftop with the other end of the ribbon that stays attached to the weapon, pulling once she has to to set Yang off at a even higher-velocity circle around the remaining Grimm. After all, if she's fast enough, they can't see the flame coming.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis looked as he heard something and when he turned, it was too late and the Beowolf got his arm, and Terry grunted, "Owww..." and he began to punch the thing in the head as it threw him into another building, "I'm really starting to hate these things," he states as he rushes forward and jumps, flying right into the body of the Beowolf with in a tackle like hit and then begins to punch the thing in the face. "Just stay down," he says to it.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang doesn't even look, she flahes a hand out, snatching the thrown half of Gambol Shroud, and wrapping the ribbon around her gauntlet. She runs and leaps, letting Blake swing her around like a big, blonde wrecking ball. She boosts the swing with shots from her other gauntlet, kicking at high speed, sending Beowolves flying and trailing smoke from the sheer kinetic impact.

    Cirra cuts off the reinforcements, literally. They keep coming through, but being funneled like they are, it shouldn't be a problem for the Dark Knight to hold the line.

    Batman's attack eventually finishes off the Beowolf, breaking the mask into three pieces, which fall to the floor. THe creature collapsing into a limb mass of smoking black fur.

Blake Belladonna (917) has posed:
     Blake watches in satisfaction as she turns with Yang's swing. When she hits the end of it, she lets go of the ribbon for the most part, loosening her grip as she does a front flip off of the roof, landing neatly in a partial kneel before she pulls on the ribbon, pulling Gambol Shroud back to her. She fires off shots down towards Cirra's few Grimm, making sure not to hit the other girl.

     "Looks like we've cleared up."

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    The Dark Knight - not to be confused with the Darkknight of grim distopian future. Dismisses her her blade and slams both hands under the foor of the cottage the Grimm have been pouring through.

    Dark smoke wafts and pours and streams out of her armor as her eyes flash gold. The Judge of Rahum heaves and lifts the floor of the cottage straight up until the timbers break, and she simply smashes the Grimm standing on the floor into the ceiling. Well that wasn't /fancy/ like Blake and Yang, but it certinaly worked.

    "Ha...ha... how many are left?"

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis looks and thinks as he ponders, "No idea," and he stands up. "Any more you see Yang, Blake?" he asks them as he runs over to where they are as he rotates his arms, "Let me guess, more are coming?" he asks them?

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang unwraps the ribbon from her gauntlet, and hands the pistol-blade hybrid back to Blake. She grins at the yellow eye'd girl, clapping her on the shoulder, before looking over to Cirra. She resets Ember Celica to it's stored mode, and pulls out her Scroll. Tap tap, a map of the local area flashes up on screen. "No other Grimm signatures nearby. Looks like we're clear!" she says, then flicks to radio call mode. "Hey Palm, ground team. We've cleared out the village, come pick us up an' let them know they can come get their stuff." she looks at the damaged buildings. "And uh... tell 'em we're sorry about the mess. The Grimm were a bit more rowdy than we expected."

    To Batman, Yang looks. "Grimm are mindless. This was just a small infestation. Just don't expect them all to go this easily."

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    "Good." Cirra says as she turns and dismisses the barrier spell. "What do you usually do after completing a mission?"

Blake Belladonna (917) has posed:
     "Good work." Blake says politely to the other three.

She rolls the ribbon back in on itself before she slings Gambol Shroud over her back, the metal latching on to the plate that lies over her vest and undershirt. "No Nevermores or Taijutsus, either. We'll have to let the rest know to keep an eye out, though."

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis nods as he looks at Yang, "I'll remember that," he says to her. "Looks like I will have to hang out at your school to learn more on these Grimms," he states to the three as he looks around."I know the cost of the damage is not coming out of my allowance," he mentions.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    The Bullhead swoops in over the village, it lands just outside of the buildings perimeter, opening the side bay doors. "All aboard! Express taxi to Beacon Academy!" comes the pilot's voice.

    Yang chuckles at Batman. "The villagers will probably break this place down, and take what they can carry off to another location, one that's a bit less open."

    Blake gets a grin. "Don't jinx us, Blake." she teases, before starting over to the tilt-jet aircraft.

    Cirra's question gets a shrug. "Huntresses do all kinda things after a mission. We could hit the cafeteria, get some ice cream or something."

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis looks at them, "I am game for some food. Plus a chance to get to know all of you." he states. "Plus when I got tackled and thrown, bruised me some, but I cna deal with that."

Blake Belladonna (917) has posed:
"Food sounds good!"


Blake hops back in the Bullhead, buckling herself in.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Cirra climbs aboard the Bullhead and sits backdown to remove her helmet and shake out her hair. She looks out the side doowr of the aircraft as everyone gets settled "...Food then."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang hoists herself up, straps herself in then raps on the bulkhead leading to the pilot area. The engines drown out normal voices, but the sharp clank clank, prompts the pilot to take off, closing the doors as he angles back towards Beacon.

    The trip is short, and the Bullhead drops the quartet off at the pad they were picked up from.

    "Right!" Yang chirps happily as she walks away from the Bullhead and out of range of the whining turbine engines. "Cafeteria's over this way." she says, leading the way to a smaller building, across the central plaza from the Dorms, bracketing the main building when approaching from the main boulevard.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis looks and nods as he had straped in and looked as soon as they land. He then follows the others to the Cafeteria and as he moves, he thinks for a moment and shrugs as he pulls off his cowl and rubs his eyes as he looks, "Nice school," he says to them as he follows.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Cirra walks with hte other towards the caffeteria. "It reminds me a lot of Alexander..." She says, "...I'm still not used to to the idea of worlds that are made out of solid rock though." Wait what?