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Latest revision as of 00:17, 3 December 2015

Suprise Social
Date of Scene: 02 December 2015
Location: Gotham City <GC>
Synopsis: A surprise social in Gotham City with Ella McRae (Nightblind), Terry McGinnis and Annie Sandberg.
Cast of Characters: 437, 729, 867

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Gotham City - December 1 - Evening/Night...

    The streets are busy with the normal citizens of Gotham, getting to either home form work for those that work late, heading to finish last minute shopping or out to cause trouble. Amazingly, the sound of help is not needed as the cool weather has kind of slowed the trouble makers, namely the Jokerz, from not getting out. A light dusting of snow is on the ground as a weather system had pasted through earlier in the day. More snow is forecasted with a possible total of six to eight inches to be on the ground.

    Those that are done, for the day, with shopping are stopping to get food or drink from various business, and at one coffee shop sits a person wearing a brown and greyish jacket with a cup of coffee in front of him as he stirs the liquid in the cup and thinks about things. Terry's mind is not on the present as it normally is, but on something that happened the other night.

    For now, he thinks on things, as christmas music by Trans-Siberian Orchesta is played through the shops' speakers. The song is Faith noel from The Lost Christmas Eve albumn.

Nightblind (729) has posed:
    A coffee house, just the place she wanted. The music wasn't... totally in her style, it seemed like as good a place as any to rest. Alliyah stepped in first, taking a look around, her smart gray suit and her dark eyes looking over the room a moment -- apparently not spotting Terry, before the doors close again.

    And in walks Ella, along with an alert looking German Shepherd. The three -- Ella, dog, and Aliyah, make their way to a table nearby McGinnis.

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Annie has a lot to think about, herself- mostly the situation with her friend Yuuki, but also some other things. This seemed like it might be a good place to check things out, from what she remembered... even though she hadn't exactly had the best experience then. Surprisingly, she's here as her normal self, rather than as Silverbloom. She sits alone in the coffeehouse, looking intently at a kids' puzzle book, but waves to Terry as she notices him.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis looks as he nods to Annie and then takes a drink of his coffee. As he sits it down, he looks and spots two that he knows and blinks as he nods to Alliyah and to Ella, which he knew Ella could not see. As he looks at the others here, he thinks to himself as he takes another drink of his drink. "How you guys doing?" he asks Annie, Ella, Allitah if they are close enough to hear him.

Nightblind (729) has posed:
    Aliyah glances up, and then tilts her head slightly, saying something softly to Ella. The grouping shifts about, and Ella makes her way towards Terry's voice.

    "Well. Terry McGinnis. If I keep running into you in our cities, they're going to think there's something up with us." she replies in an amicable fashion. Dakota gives a snuff, but he's on duty. "May I introduce my eyes -- Dakota." she states, making a motion to the dog's erect ears.

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Annie gives a smile to Terry. Not quite as big and bright as her usual smiles, but a smile all the same. "I'm all right," she says. "It's nice to see you again." She looks toward the others. "Hi to you too. My name's Annie."

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis looks and nods as he smiles as he slightly blushes, "Hello Dakota," he states to him as he thinks, "Will probably smell Ace on me," he says to them. "Bruce's dog," he adds as he looks. "I didn't know you two where still in Gotham, I thought you had left already," he comments as he turns to Annie ad blinks, "You do not sound your normal self, everythign ok?" he asks her as he gestures to the empty seats, "Would the three of you care to join me?" he asks them. "I do not bit," he adds with a smile.

Nightblind (729) has posed:
    "Hello, Annie. My name's Ella -- and I don't mind if I do, thank you Terry." the blind woman replies, and eases down into a seat. "This is my assistant, Aliyah."

    "How do you do, Annie?" Aliyah asks, leaning over and offering a hand to the little girl politely.

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     Annie shrugs. "Well... there's just a lot of stuff going on," she says. "I'm mostly thinking about this friend of mine, who's really sick. I want to do something to help her... but I don't think there's much I can do myself," she explains. She takes Aliyah's hand gladly and shakes, while joining the others at the table. "At least, not yet."

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis looks as this perks his interests, "What's wrong with her if you do not mind me asking?" he says to Annie as he looks at Ella, "Oh I ran into Whittaker the other night," he says to Ella. "He was drunk and had two escorts with him," he says as he looks at Annie. "Lets just say I like him even less more so now then when I first met him," he adds as he thinks on that and wonders if Nnightblind figured out that Batman was not wearing a cowl and could have been identified.

    "I would be willing to take a look to see if there is anything I can do to help her," he says to Annie, . o 0 (Or Batman could) he thinks.

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     "I'm not really sure," Annie says. "I didn't really look into that part. I just know she's sick enough that she might die unless we can figure something out."

Nightblind (729) has posed:
    Ella was taken aback, a moment, about Terry's ... frank assessement of Harold Whittaker, but decides that was not a topic appropriate for discussion with a kid around.

    "I'm so sorry to hear that... what are her symptoms? A friend of mine is very good with medical knowledge... maybe I could find some help?" she inquires gently to the kid.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis nods, "Yea, I am studing to be a doctor of molecular biology, so i might be able to help. I also have access to a number of different antidotes and anti-toxins," he mentions to them. "IF it helps a friend, then it is worth the effort."

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     "I haven't seen her in person," Annie says. "Well... not her actual self. She plays the same VR game that I do, so we've met there." She looks toward Terry. "The same one I was playing last time I came here. ...um, I don't really want to say too much anyway though, since... it's kind of a private issue."

Nightblind (729) has posed:
    "I see... well then, I hope she gets better." Ella gives a gentle smile in Annie's direction, and folds her hands on the table, carefully, minding if her elbows hit against anything.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis looks at Ella, Aliyah and then back to Annie, "I see," he says to the group. "If neccessary, I can leavae if you want," he says to her as he listens and thinks and nods, "IF you do need our help, please let us know, cause that's what friends do," he adds as he thinks.

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     "Yeah. I'll be sure to tell her you offered," Annie answers with a nod. "Maybe she could talk to you herself later."

Nightblind (729) has posed:
    Ella gives a momentary, embarrassed sound. "This may be a conversation better left to friends." she suggests, "If you would prefer, I could make my way to another table."

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis nods, "Anytime," he states to her simply as he looks at Ella and shrugs as he has no idea what the conversation is going towards.

Annie Sandberg (437) has posed:
     "No... it's fine, Miss Ella. I think I'm done talking about it for now anyway. So... what are some fun places to go around here?" she asks Terry suddenly. "I haven't really spent a lot of time here yet."

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis looks and thinks, "There are some good nightclubs if you are old enough, andof course the various sport teams and their games, not to mention movie theathers. The pond in Gotham City Park is frozen each year for ice skating. Only thing you have ot worry about, are the various gangs and thugs," he states to her as he looks. "Jokerz are more active then normal," he adds as he gets a refill on his coffee. "Outside of that, a few areas on the outskirts to look at the stars," he mentions.