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Hoshi Amakasu meeting people from the Union
Date of Scene: 01 November 2015
Location: Lighter Forests
Synopsis: Hoshi Amakasu meeting other union people after her arrival to the Multiverse
Cast of Characters: 867, 901

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
    The city of Alberichstadt appeared to be sharing the good fortune of other areas in the Multiverse--it's a pleasant morning turning into noon. A cool breeze smelling of the not-so distant forests flits through the town, and there are plenty of people who are out and about to take advantage. Admiteddly, the morning gets spoiled a bit closer to the downtown area--there are several areas of construction all over the city and they all get started early, destroying a little more of the town's sleepy hamlet beauty for another ritzy hotel or nightclub for all the rich people who live here.

    Deep in downtown, the French restaurant that Hoshi mentioned is doing a brisk business, fresh-baked bread and delicious cooking. Instead of waiting inside for people to show up, though, Hoshi's taken to sitting outside on the curb. For once, she's not in her old school uniform, instead sticking with a long-sleeved blue sweater and a skirt. While she waits, she idly toy with the locket that hangs from her neck, staring at it silently.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis is riding a black motorcycle down the street, and is looking at a HUD on his helmets visor, "Where is this restaurant at?" he says to himself. "Should have asked for its name or at least the address," he adds as he stops at a light. He spots someone who is walkign and raises his visor, "Excuse me, but I was told there is a French restaurant around here. How far is it?" he asks as the person talks to him and points him in the general direction. Nodding, he moves the visor down and drives in that direction.

    Slowing he sees the French restaurant and stops in front of it as he parks his cycle. Turnign it off, he climbs off and removes his helemt and places it on his bike, before typing in a code on the center console, between the handle bars. Looking around, he blinks and talkks on the radio.

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
    How long would it take someone to get here, Hoshi found herself wondering. It'd taken her hours to walk back from Union recruitment last night. For the first time in her life she'd needed to sneak into her own house to not wake her parents. Then again, they probably have other means to get here, so...

    Her radio chirps at her suddenly, causing her to gasp and drop her locket, wincing as she feels it smack into her clavical. Nice way to start off the day, but she shakes her head and taps the button to speak.

    "Eh? Oh, crap, that's right. I forgot to tell you where it was. Uh, I'm wearing a blue sweater and a skirt. Japanese girl in Germany, can't miss me." Quickly, Hoshi's up on her feet and looking around. A grin comes to her face when she sees a newcomer with a pretty rad looking motorcycle. Figuring it's worth the shot, Hoshi jogs over and stops a few feet away from him. "So, is it a Multiverse thing? You're the second person to come to this world on a motorcycle. Out of two, y'know."

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis looks and blinks as he smiles, "I've been here a while," he says to her. "And yea, tends to be that you come here in whatever it was you were on or using," he mentions. "Name is Terry McGinnis," he says to her as he bows. "Or Batman," he adds as he lowers his voice to say that. "Never been to Germany, been trined by a master from Japan though," he adds as he grins. "Shall we get some lunch and talk?" he ask her.

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
     Hoshi grins widely, crossing her arms as she looks over the motorcycle. "So does that mean that everyone in the Multiverse comes into new places on badass motorcycles? Too bad my parents would never let me get one." She bows respectfully from her waist. "It's nice to meet you, McGinnis. I'm Amakasu... And I have to ask, why Batman? What exactly do you do? You look about as old as me." Hoshi motions for him to follow as she heads towards the door. "I'm going to guess you weren't trained for kendo, so let me try to guess. Aikido? Ooh, maybe kenjutsu!"

    She seems a lot more cheerful now--apparently the run and bath had done her some good. Once they reach the door, Hoshi pulls it open and steps aside to let Terry enter first. "Let me know if you need me to explain something for the menus, my parents like to bring me here when my dad isn't at work."

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis grins, "More like street fighting, but I have had trainign in a few martial arts style, nothing like that," he states as he walsk and pulls the chair out for her to sit before he does. "I've been doing it for 6 or so year," he states. "The old man retired from it about 26 to 30 years ago, and I helped him in a situation. I found oout who he was and after my father was killed, took on the role to get revenge but realized that it is better to do something not for revenge. So I do it to help the people of GothamCity and I deal with all the things the police cannot."

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
    The girl blinks and tilts her head, glancing up to Terry with an amused smile. "Do you do that for every girl that you have lunch with? Thank you." It's an honest question with no malice. As she sits down, though, she lets out a little huff, and her smile turns wry. "Then again, I'll bet that one of the girls who sits next to me in class is going to be here today, and I'm going to have more weird rumors about me by tomorrow."

    She goes quiet to listen to Terry's explaination, head tilted curiously. That was... something new for her to hear. "You sound like you came out of a shonen manga," she says eventually. "Then again... Isn't that being a vigilante? One person can't be the judge of everyone, that's why we have laws and police."

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis nods, "Yea, I do try to do that to all ladies," he says to her. "And yea, but in Gotham; the Gotham I am from, the laws are there and the police, but if you have money and power they mean nothing to them," he says simply as he looks at a menu then thinks. "Rumors are just a way to cause harm to people, hard to stop, but easy to start," he adds as he looks. "No idea what a shonen manga is, sorry," he comemnts as he thinks.

    I take it that you and this other person are friends, but somethign she can be a headache?" he asks her as he looks around. "So, how about you? What brings you to Germany?"

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
     Hoshi gives a tired little chuckle. "It's not really all that different here. You'd hate it in Drachenblatt. To put it to scale: my dad is the upper management of Asahi Heavy Industries. He's the one in charge of the local branch. My family's pretty rich, but we're actually pretty low on the scale at my school. And oh, how my classmates love to wave it around." She scowls. "The boys that were bullying Kohler probably paid off the Disciplinary Committee." Suddenly, she blinks and grins slowly. "It's like your American comic books. Focused on boys, crime fighting, getting the girls! YOu'd probably be the cool, distant type. One of my club members would probably swoon over you."

    The idea of her being friends with the person she'd mentioned makes her wince. "No. Her and her friends crowd around her desk every morning, swapping rumors and lies. They do it just loud enough so I can hear it. It's gotten to the point I don't talk much in class. Or in school, really." After a moment, a waiter approaches and gives the two menues, offering a quick greeting, as well as a nod and smile as he sets down glasses of water for the two. Hoshi takes up her menu quickly.

    "I live here now. I moved from Osaka two months ago. It's not really been everything it's cracked up to be, so far."

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis nods, "Well, what are some of the rumors they are saying?" he asks as he nods to the waiter and takes a drink of his water. "If you do not mind me asking?" he adds as he looks. "For me, I would be middle wage, no where near what you have, but I do not worry about that. I am happy with what I have. Granted, I have been through a lot in the last few years with classes and the nightly activities I do. But I cannot complain too much.."

    Taking a drink of his water, he thinks. "Sometimes, the best way to get past the rumors, is to ignore them. Don't back into a hole to avoid the comments, then they have won," and he looks. "In kendo, you fight someone and if you win, they come back and try to beat you, to get better. When they attack with rumors, to win, is to comeback, or ignore them."

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
     "Bleh," Hoshi responds, sticking her tongue out in distaste. "I'm not going to repeat them. I hate lies and rumors, and I promised myself I'd never partake. If you want to know what they say about me, that's fine, but I don't want to even put a ghost of doubt in a person who doesn't deserve it." She takes a drink of water and sets down her menu. "I used to be the same, middle-class house and neighborhood. I miss it, sometimes, but I couldn't have persued Kendo as effectively without money."

    She gives a small, uncomfortable shrug. "I tried to make them stop, at first, during the first week. I'd ask them to stop, that those rumors couldn't be right--it didn't stop them. It's probably why they make sure I hear it, now. Being an outsider means I can't really change anything in my school, I guess." The waiter is about to pass by, but Hoshi flags him down. "Coffee and a croissant, please... Want to get something, McGinnis? I'll pay."

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis looks, "same please, thank you," he says to the two. "Its all in your heart," he states. "I grew up in trouble, ran around with a gang and got into Juvee. after getting out, tried to stay out of trouble and did good, but still had the cloud over me. When my father was killed, I was about to get into trouble and had stolen the suit at the time. The old man stopped me and actually helped me in my fight against the guy that kileld my father, only during the fight, an accident occured and he got changed. Now he gives off high level of radiation and was in charge of one of the most powerful companys in Gotham. But from that time, we have been at each other for years." and he thinks as he smiles, "He's my Joker so to speak," he comments.

    "But after time, the rumors stopped, cause I did not let them bother me. Just go on and do not worry, as the people who spread rumors do that so that they do not feel the hurt that they cause to others. Additionally, your better then them, and actions speak louder then words right?" he asks her.

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
    The waiter nods quickly and takes the menus, slipping off to pass their order along. Hoshi settles back in her seat to listen to Terry's story. A little grin starts to grow on her face, though she winced at the mention of his father, and all of the not-so-fun things that come with suddenly being more powerful than you ever thought you could be. "I'm sorry about your father... And having to deal with somebody like that. I guess everyone in the Multiverse is having trouble somehow, huh?"

    She can't help the grin that comes to her face. "Too bad I can't introduce you to Yukariko. She would swoon at you, no questions." The topic swings back to the rumors, and Hoshi shrugs again. "I'm not saying you're wrong, and I'd like to believe it. But unless something fundemental changes in Drachenblatt, it's probably only going to get worse."

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis thinks as he listens. "Well, I could drop in and surprise them," he comments. "I mean, someone coming to hang out with you at school, or even attend it. I am good with computers," he states with a grin. "Things are always darker before they get better. Could find out why she is doing this to you," he states. "Maybe calling her out. Sometimes confronting someone is the best, but it depends on the situation."

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
    Hoshi blinks, raising her brow. "You want to attend Drachenblatt? I mean, you can, but... It's expensive. Student aid is subsidized, too. Then again, you could probably get a scholarship if you really wanted to." She grins a bit. "It would be nice to have at least one other person that isn't up their own ass all the time." Her face goes dark as something comes back into mind, and she sighs. "She's small fry. I can't stop her from talking. No, I have something worse I have to worry about. I'm hoping that everything she says is a lie..."