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Fatal Interception
Date of Scene: 01 December 2015
Location: Planetary Plains
Synopsis: An attempt to meet with a New Republic Intelligence agent results in a brutal barfight with lethal cocktails, unexpected guests and a healthy slew of traded barbs as Kyle Katarn finds himself the latest target in HK-47's sights.
Cast of Characters: 530, 604, 626, 754, 778, 824, 901, 903, Yang Xiao Long

HK-47 (754) has posed:
     An innocuous location for a meet-up. That likely best describes the planetary plains and their large swaths of open farmlands and racing strips.

     It is here that Kyle Katarn came to meet with a contact for the Rebellion - one that, hopefully, will have information on the Imperial Factions that have begun to crop up within the Multiverse.

    That the emergence of three different iterations of the Sith Empire has made the New Republic anxious is an understatement... and that they have caused trouble is also just as much so.

     Something plaintively obvious, given the trouble a droid from one of these factions has been stirring up lately.

     The bar is rustic, out of the way and decidedly low-profile as far as bars go. Amid a small community within the largely-isolated townships dotted across the Planetary Plains, it ought to be the perfect place to start getting in-depth information on the Empire that had spawned the murderous A.I. and coordinate with efforts to track the machine down... or at the very least stop it's rampant assaults. Around the back, there looks to be a private stable of some sort, with there possibly being a shifting of hooves from inside to prove there is in fact a horse or pony within... right up against one of the walls facing into the bar.

     The interior of the bar is largely empty aside from a patron in a cloak stirring his drinks. The Bartender seems to be rather busy behind the counter and is often either facing away or shrouded in shadow. In spite of the slightly run-down nature, the supports seem in excellent condition... seeing as the walls have six solid metal objects inside the walls at the support columns that some may likely be able to perceive or sense. All of which are partly obscured by the building's own structural supports... strangely.

     And at the far end of the interior is a secluded, private booth sanctioned off by curtains, the perfect place for a meeting - or at least as far as cliche holodrama standards go... complete with shady contact.


     A shady contact who doesn't seem to me moving... with feint sizzling audible from where his spilled glass now lays dropped upon the bench.

HK-47 (754) has posed:
     Need anyone say this is a trap?

     If they do... the sounds of blaster fire - or more disturbingly, disruptor fire - emanating from the bar will certainly do so for anyone outside at the time.

     No sooner had Kyle Katarn entered the private booth did he find that his contact was already long dead, the poor man is slumped to the side in such a way that one might assume him sleeping at a distance... though his spilled drink - reeking of Dozoisian Snark Venom as it sizzled against the fabric of the bench-stools - paints an all-too-clear picture.

     The bartender is the first likely suspect - but he's likely already out of view, with the odds of glimpsing his identity or features being extremely low. That was what one tended to expect from an Imperial Intelligence Agent, after all - one with a copy of a Rebel informant's prized secrets in tow as payment for services rendered.

     The 'patron' will likely be actively enjoying his drink until called to action - on the second assassination mission he will have been called upon, the first having been enacted against a certain Unicorn a week prior - but the dark-haired young man will probably get on his job rather quickly... after finishing his drink perhaps.

     The walls burst open, six metal forms striding out quickly from behind the building's own supports and leveling disruptor rifles at any who entered the bar with Kyle Katarn, photoreceptors glowing a sharp yellow to contrast the dim lighting. And finally, the wall behind the 'stable' collapses and falls in from pre-made perforations in the surface, giving the 'pony' - or in this case, unicorn - a clear path to enter... and attack.

     If nothing else... the near-instantaneous snap-shots of disruptor-fire, meant to scatter and disorient their prey for Ebon Ribbon, Garan and Raine Arland to pick apart and isolate, makes it obvious that HK-47 has decided he has no time for pleasantries or theatrics. And no tolerance for further failures.

     Military secrets are being compromised here, after all... and his reputation in sealing this leak is now on the line.

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    As Kyle Katarn had gotten the message, he'd put out a call for backup if need be. However, being the man he is, Kyle had opted to go ahead of time to check things out. Jan was with him, of course. She'd be crazy not to be at her boyfriend and partner's side in this operation, and she follows him in. A hand is kept over the holstered blaster pistol she's brought, while Kyle keeps his hands at a neutral position.

    "Just like Marr-Sara, huh?" Jan muses in a whisper, canting her head to Kyle before he nods.

    "And just as creepy. Stay frosty, Jan." He approaches the cloaked patron, whistling sharply. "Hey, anybody else around town right now? We were supposed to be meeting someone here." He says, leaning against the bar. His senses pick up six metallic objects where supports should be, nothing too weird right? Well something about this is giving Kyle's hair reason to stand on end in suspicion.

    And then he and Jan hear sizzling, and immediately draw weapons. "What the hell?!" Kyle's lightsaber flashes to life, humming as he adopts a defensive stance, and Jan levels her pistol at the cloaked figure.

    "Do I even need to say it at this point?" She asks, before leaping behind the bar as Kyle begins to grab a table with a quick yank of the Force, holding it up at the horde of fire. Yeah, kind of a bad thing to use for cover, but this is all he has in case the lightsaber fails him.

Ebon Ribbon (903) has posed:
     Once the walls burst open, Kyle and Jan would find themselves assailed not only by disruptor fire, but strange neon purple ribbons of energy that seem to glow with blackness. A pair would try to ensnare Kyle and Jan, with one more reaching to try and wrap around his light saber hand. Whether that works or not, as soon as those ribbons of energy wrap around them, Kyle and Jan would feel their strength start to ebb as their lifeforce is drained.

     The unicorn pony who is responsible for those ribbons is staying well back, a light smirk on her face as she attacks from the relative safety of the stable. She is out of the way of blaster fire, partially hidden behind a wall, and seems quite confident in this plan.

Garen (530) has posed:
    Garen smirked softly as he moved around the bar, his task proving to be quite simple. The information would prove invaluable to his handlers back at Imperial Intelligence. But before he could upload anything...suddenly Kyle is behind the bar. Hoping that he could move quietly, he reached up and draw out one of his blaster pistols. With it in grip, he aimed to roll over the bar and fire a few potshots at the jedi.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Along for the ride with Kyle seems to be a short, masked bounty hunter of some kind. They wear a dark brown hooded cloak over some kind of flexible black and white armor that looks like a pretty standard vac suit. There are no customizations beyond a leather belt around the waist that carries both a number of leather pouches and the holster to a pistol of some kind. Strapped across their back is a much, much larger gun that looks a little like a grenade launcher that shines in gold and silver.

    Their face is hidden entirely by a helmet that looks like that of a fighter plane pilot, complete with gas mask like bottom.

    The hunter remains a silent shadow to the Jedi, though not going so far as to follow him into the booth. No, instead it lingers in the bar, checking out the 'structure', observing the other patrons. It seems on edge, and rightfully so, given the trap that springs moments later to unleash more sickenigly familiar droids. Wordlessly, it pulls the grenade launcher weapon off its back, cranks a dial on the side of it, and fires it...

    ...at Kyle. It unleashes a white spherical blast of energy that appears to bring /healing/ instead of harm.

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
    Hoshi had been at home, trying to cool her head from all of the bad vibes that had come from today. Having to accept the help of certain people had taken a lot out of her, as it were. Still, the moment she heard Kyle mentioning he'd need backup, Hoshi got herself up and got herself ready. Kendo gi, kendo armor, helmet, her hair tie--natch. Really, a mission could probably help clear her head and some of the bad feelings, right?

    Then she heard Kyle shouting over the radio as she was making her way to the warpgate near Alberichstadt. Once she's confirmed that she's on her way, she starts sprinting. "Why did he go in there without everyone?! Gaaah, why is everyone crazy!" She of course attracted several stares, but it seemed at this point they were used to seeing this strange girl running around.

    It takes her longer than she would've liked to get to this strange bar, but the moment she hears blaster fire she pulls her hair tie from her belt and wills it to transform to her katana. She draws the sword and starts running for the entrance, trying to bullrush her way past any potential roadblocks so she can get in next to her team. "Katarn, I'm here, and--Argh, freaking robots!" This... maybe wasn't going to be as relaxing as she might've thought.

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
    Assuming that Kyle and Jan simply walked into the bar, without any sort of plan, would be a poor estimation. Keeping a low profile is, surprisingly, something Fiora is not all that unaccustomed to. It's quite impressive, what a hooded cloak will do, actually. Hearing the commotion, the hood drops and the cloak is grasped in one hand while the other draws her sword.

The bright, silver-white Demacian Steel is soon put to good use. Entering the bar from another entrance, she chooses two targets. One, she flicks her cloak at. The fabric winds around the head of one of the robotic assailants, and is stuck there quite firmly. The second is lunged at without a moment's hesitation, the point of that blade driving straight through it. Were it organic, a lethal blow. Perhaps the same here, as Fiora follows up by slamming her shoulder into the construct, to push it off her sword, as she turns to regard Garen.

"Ah. You, again. In need of another lesson?"

Her free hand tucks behind her back, sword held outwards. The woman's eyes regard him, as sharp and cutting as the blade she has aimed at his chest.

Raine Arland (604) has posed:
     And through the rain of disruptor fire and ribbons, a single man, garbed in black, comes casually striding in. With a grin on his face, and a blade hefted across his shoulder. "Heeeeeey, yooooo! It's that time again! Time for another party!" He announced over the rapidly esalating noise, as if this were a totally normal thing.

     "Hope you don't mind if we...take a /shot/ at you? Ahahaha!" While laughing at his own joke, Raine glanced aside at Hoshi as she burst through the front entrance. "Well. Lookit what we got here." That looked like a problem. He'd leave HK and Ebon to handle the ranged assault. He'd play roadblock. And so he stepped right into Hoshi's path.

     "Yo, wussup? Sorry to say, but little girls aren't allowed past this point." He grinned again and shrugged his free shoulder. "Strictly business and all that. We're cool, right?" Having said that, Raine didn't actually move to attack. Typical of him, he just stood there, as if waiting, baiting something out of the opponent instead.

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
    Hoshi stops short when Raine takes his place in front of her, and she quickly settles into her neutral stance. Her eyes quickly move to take in the scene, since he was kind enough to give it to her. She hadn't really met any of her teammates in person yet, but hearing them talk is enough to put faces to names. She'd have to depend on them being able to fight, just like they were depending on her. Underneath her helmet, she sets her mouth into a thin, grim line.

    "No, we're not cool. Generally, I'm not cool with cowards," she shoots back. Her hand goes into her gi to bring out a gleaming silver locket. When she opens it, it begins to pulse with hazy blue light. "We'll beat these guys off, everyone! Come to me, Persona!" With a sound of shattering glass, the mirror inside the locket gleams blue.

    As the haze surrounds her, it begins to take shape, forming into a a tall woman, her head nearly brushing the rafters. All but her face was covered by her green hooded cloak that blew out behind her, showing off the mud-stained old wedding dress she was wearing. From her back, she draws an extremely large broadsword.

    The moment she materializes, Rosamond lifts her sword, piercing the roof above and letting the sun strike rain. The light begins to take forms of written prayers and talismans that egin to burn with offensive Light.

HK-47 (754) has posed:
     The droids begin switching tactics quickly, one of them firing with it's Multi-spectral plasma-bolt emitter to try and cut through the table with the concentrated bolt... and possibly distract Kyle enough for Garan to take down.

    Another droid sets up it's shield-barrier in front of Ebon Ribbon to provide additional cover and defend her as it levels it's disruptor at Jan Ors, trying to potshot her from the side.

     The HK that is enveloped with Firoa's cloak doesn't hesitate - the moment it's sight is obscured, it draws it's knife and starts cutting the fabric away, though it becomes occupied doing this and distracted from the fight. The other droid that was impaled on Fiora's blade-

    -grabs onto Fiora with both arms when she slams her shoulder into it, effectively trying to her pinned to it and pushing back with all the mechanical force it's body can provide, putting up a fight to keep from being entirely pushed away from her. If nothing else it intends to keep her distracted, regardless of if it can maintain it's hold or not.

    The other two HK-units activate their wrist-mounted Ion-energy charge-throwers to try and electrocute Kyra with a joint assault, intent on taking the apparent healer down due to how detrimental such and individual would be to their assault. In turn, they seem to trust Raine with holding off Hoshi from breaching their parameter.

     The chaos is obviously taking it's toll on the bar - the walls and floors are splintered by missed or deflected bolts, chairs and tables are overturned or smashed and more then a few liquor bottles are probably being shattered.


     However... most disconcerting of all this chaos... was that out of the six droids present, none of them was the rust-red machine that had assumedly masterminded this attack.

     ... though the sound of something slowly moving through the rafters, stalking it's way carefully to try and get over where Kyle and Jan were pinned, might be a good hint to those with the senses to perceive it.

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    Jan yelps as the ribbon snares her by the neck, the hand holding her pistol with it in an angle that makes it useless to hold. Growling with anger, she reaches amid her equipment before she produces a flick-knife, the switchblade reaching up to try and cut herself free. The life-force sucking effect the ribbons have on her don't make it easy though, and she has only adrenaline and combat training keeping her still conscious while she frantically cuts the fabric. Luckily she's still behind cover, which gives her an opening for Garen.

    After a tense few moments, assuming she frees herself, Jan will pop from cover and aim directly for Garen's back, firing twice without hesitation.

    Meanwhile, Kyle's hands are bound together, and he's only kept awake through similar means as well as Kyra's healing grenade spells. He'll have to thank her later when this is over...assuming they're still alive. In the meantime, he extends a pair of fingers, flinging the remains of the table at the bulk of the droids before he begins to evade and block blaster fire. He senses something up above, but he has no idea what it is. HK's robotic nature has saved him from early-detection, it seems, as the Jedi and his allies are busy with those currently antagonizing them.

Garen (530) has posed:
    Garen had been so focused on Fiora and Kyle he never expected Jan to make an impact. Feeling the blasts on his back, he felt himself give a small bit of thanks he upgraded his gear after the whole Garlean incident. But the force from the impact had a second effect. It allowed him to move just enough to avoid a pierce into his chest, but rather into his shoulder. "Sorry...not in the mood for giving a lesson today." He replies to Fiora. He then tries to kick off the bar and deliver a solid kick to her face. Meanwhile, he would twist around and try to blast off a few shots for Kyle, and to keep Jan suppressed.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Keep on your feet!" Kyra orders, though her voice comes through the helmet sounding pretty distorted. She's apparently put a lot of effort into disguising herself to get here! Unfortunately, it doesn't take long for the HKs to figure out that she's a source of healing for the Jedi and allies. She holds steady and continues to fire up a second healing sphere only to face an unpleasant interruption.

    Electrocuted by two at once, Kyra jolts and topples over onto the ground on top of her GLEAMING GRENADIER'S CURE-ALL. It's still attached to her via a strap so she doesn't lose hold of the 'weapon'. But in that moment, there's little help she can offer the Jedi.

    She tries to focus her magic inwards, getting the brilliant idea if she cast Reflect on herself, she'd be able to deflect further electrocutions. As she lies there over the CURE-ALL, stunned, she murmurs the incantation to that particular white magic spell. However, something goes /really wrong/. The Jedi can sense a disturbance in the force as the magical particles flowing through Kyra come out wrong-inverted, even, into a very nasty piece of black magic.

    A sparkling red orb appears in the air over Kyra and the girl twitches, trying to claw her way as it expands rapidly into a massive explosion of black magic known as Flare. If the structural integrity of the bar wasn't already at risk...it is now.

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
    If it were any normal opponent.. much less one who isn't an elite with superhuman reflexes, the HK unit might've found itself latched onto Fiora. It doesn't, though, one of those arms finding her sword, instead as she rips it free and cuts through it. The same applies to Garen's rather telegraphed attack. She's thusly able to cover Jan and Kyle just fine, and keep Garen's attention on her. "You seem to have a poor memory, as to who gave whom the lesson, the last time we met. I think you do need a referesher."

The woman lets out a sigh, her blade moving to block the projectiles he's firing off.

Raine Arland (604) has posed:
     "Ahhh, I kinda figured that. Give someone the easy out, they take the hard way." And nonchalantly, Raine shrugged again. "Well, alright then. I guess that means we gotta do the thing." The thing. Right. Smirking all the while, Raine watched as Hoshi summoned her Persona, gaze inclining upwards to take in the sight of Rosamond.

     And then the Persona raised her sword, causing sunlight to shine on him. "Eh? ...Sunlight?" But he soon noticed that the light started to change form, turning into written prayers and talismans, which took on a burning sensation. "Ow, whoa! Ow!" Raine cried at first in a comical manner as his clothes began to smoke up, and burn, but then he chuckled. "Heh heh...Well, girl. I've got to thank you." He raised his own sword, holding it up so that the broad side shielded him.

     "Thank you for making me look so good." The remaining light of Rosamond's spell touched the sword, and...was absorbed right into it. In turn, Raine's sword took on a white glow, shimmering brilliantly. "Since you want to throw light magic at people...why don't I give you a taste of your own medicine? Free of charge!"

     Rearing back one handed, the young man in black stepped in decisively and swung the blade horizontally outwards at Hoshi's chest. "Judgment Blade!" The light of the blade flared up, extending the range of the sword and aiming to cleave at the Persona user with an intense, searing light.

Ebon Ribbon (903) has posed:
     The ribbon holding Jan takes a bit of effort, but soon enough it is cut in two. The result is that the part that was holding Jan's neck evaporates into magical sparkles while another ribbon grabs for her leg and tries to pull her feet out from under her. And Kyle finds his attempts at blaster bolt deflection hindered to a degree as those ribbons pull firmly on him. The one Jan destroyed soon joins the others in wrapping Kyle, and while they don't have the strength to hold him down they have enough to slow his movements. Not to mention the continuing energy drain.

     This leaves one ribbon free, and it goes after Kyra. It attempts to wrap itself around both her feet and keep her from getting up while it drains her energy. One ribbon isn't enough to disable someone with the energy drain, but it would certainly make it harder to concentrate and take more effort to cast a spell.

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
    Score one! Hoshi nods firmly as she sees the Light magic doing it's work. For a moment, she's about to start trying to go for one of the HKs assaulting Fiora, Jan, and Kyle... Then she sees her opponent was stealing the magic! "What the--" she mutters quietly under her breath. This might end up being a problem...

    She raises her blade to try and protect herself from the light. But... strangely enough, as it nears her the gleam glows far less brilliantly, and the strike that hits her is far less impacting than it should've been. Hoshi has to take a couple steps back from the force, but she's barely even singed. "... Huh. Well, nice to know I'm not Kohler." Looking up, she grins under her helmet, and charges forward... Only to stop when she sees the sudden gleaming red light in the room. Kyra's spell. With a quick glance at Raine, then the spell, Hoshi instead jumps backwards, hopping into the crook of her Persona's arm. Rosamond's blade reaches up to cut through the roof again, and then shields Hoshi as she jumps through the roof. Raine might hear amidst the sound of breaking timber a cry of pain from Hoshi when Rosamond breaks free. The Persona lands on the roof over Raine before hopping off and depositing Hoshi--maybe Hoshi would get lucky and the stupid roof would collapse on him.

HK-47 (754) has posed:
     The HK-51 barely has the time to respond as the weakened and battered but still-intact table is flung into it, the furniture shattering into several-hundred splinters and shards as the assassin droid is tossed to the ground, it's torso now having several dents lain across it's surface. However, it soon starts pushing itself back up, though it's clearly stunned.

     Superhuman reflexes aren't exactly an unknown quandary for the HK's. They were, after all, programed to hunt and kill Jedi Knights - and thus, to be capable of at least keeping on par with superhuman reflexes. As such, the droid is able to spare itself from deactivation at the cost of throwing it's left arm up to take the brunt of the blade's impact, which severs the limb cleanly at the elbow - though even then it sustains a cut across it's chest. The force sends it toppling back, sparks belching from the clear hole in it's torso from the prior impalement wound even as it clatters to the floor noisily.

    And from there... it pulls out an adhesive grenade and flings itself at her again - this time for her legs. Additionally, the droid providing cover for Ebon Ribbon sees Fiora advancing on Garan and promptly offers support, attempting to shoot the woman in the back and split her focus in separate directions as it recognizes her detachment to the fight as a sign she is a priority opponent.

     The two HK's targeting Kyra are, as it turns out, promptly tossed clean across the bar by the misfiring of her spell into a flare, their fronts severely blackened and processors stunned but otherwise intact.

    The last HK, finally slicing Fiora's cloak free of it's head, sees that two of it's brethren are trying to deal with the swordswoman and instead focus on trying to keep Kyra from having any breathing space, lifting it's right arm to spew flash-freezing carbonite at Kyra from it's wrist-launcher to try and immobilize her.

     So far though... the only definite impending casualty seems to be the bar itself. broadsword splitting into the roof causes pieces of the overhangs and rafters to come raining down along with tiles from the roofing itself that spill in through the hole - all of which cause the building itself to creak loudly.

     Hardly unexpected, considering a Persona was summoned in such an enclosed space.

     And then... Kara's flare blows out a portion of the building's walls and ceiling, which soon starts caving in. The only one likely protected from this is Ebon Ribbon, whom an HK-51 has deployed a shield barrier in front of for some defense against their support. But for the rest of the bar, pieces of wood and falling debris have just become a rather notable concern as the wall closest to Kyra now has a ragged hole in it, along with a torrent of smoke from the wood that was charred by her flare.

     However, as the ceiling quakes from the damages, one rafter shifts with a louder thunk then the others - it seems there is more weight on that side then the others.

     ... something that is quickly explained when, taking advantage of Jan's focus on Garan and her being suppressed by him, a cloaked form steps off the rafter and begins free-falling... straight towards Jan in a drop that, with the weight of his Mandalorian-Iron body, will snap her spine upon impact if she cannot evade him... or unless some Jedi predictably diverts focus from himself to save her.

     And upon landing... his left arm rises up from under the cloak, an air-pressure popping noise echoing out as a trio of darts shoot out from the limb's rust-red casing, flying toward the after mentioned Jedi as vermillion photoreceptors watch eagerly from beneath a drawn hood.

     At last, banking on the vaunted self-sacrifice Jedi chain themselves to... the instigator shows himself.

Raine Arland (604) has posed:
     "...Huh." Once the light dimmed and the absorbed magic dissipated from his blade, Raine was left rather disappointed. His strike didn't actually do much of anything. "Resistant, huh." Well that sucks! Cursing his luck, the swordsman prepared to defend gainst Hoshi's charge when...well, a red light from behind caught both his and her attention.

t And when Hoshi and Rosamond retreated, he turned around to look. "......Crap." Was all he muttered before he brought his sword up, defending against the sudden wave of energy that washed over the majority of the premesis. "Gah!" Some of the oncoming energy was absorbed into his blade. The rest was more than he could take in, and subsequently blew him over into a wall.

     Thankfully, that unfortunate result had the unintended side effect of pushing him out of the way of the falling debris that fell right down to where he was standing just moments before. "Tch...talk about having some kinda luck." He muttered, standing back up to his feet to survey the damage.

     Frankly, it was a miracle this place was still standing.

     "Well, that was something, I guess." Raine quipped, rolling his neck casually as he stepped forward. "But it's gonna take a little more than that to get rid of good ol' me." He grinned after that, raising his sword, which glowed with a red and orange light, absorbed from FLARE. "Tell me; does this look familiar?" Gripping his weapon with both hands, he took a stance, spreading his feet apart and holding his blade away and behind. "'Cause you're about to be reacquainted!"

     And with an inwards swing, Raine expelled the absorbed energy, sending it bursting outwards as a circluar wave of destructive force that traveled outwards in a radial fashion, rather than just straight forward. "Let's see you resist this one! Flare Blade!"

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
    Just because she's a duelist doesn't mean she isn't used to two opponents. As the HK with the grenade lunges at her feet, Fiora jumps over it, kicking it into its partner. The grenade will, no doubt, do the rest of the work. Which frees her to deflect those shots being taken at her, from behind, by sweeping her blade out behind her, which scatters them in an arc at the ceiling.

She does all this, before ever landing on her feet. Not a Jedi, but certainly possessing similar traits, when it comes to a sense of the flow of a fight, nevermind her reflexes.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra herself isn't left unscathed by her own spell either, in fact, which absolutely destroys her cloak and the back of the armor she wore on the mission. There is only the slightest bit of exposed skin on her back from this. At least, for those few moments, it gets the two HK models off of her back. Despite the pain, she continues dragging herself across the floor, now seeking an exit since she knows that Flare is not an indoor spell. Indeed, she can hear the bar starting to crumble around her.

    Her progress stops abruptly as the ribbon wraps around her feet. She pulls against them for a moment before turning around to grab at them. Ebon will find that draining her energy is actually going to take a very long time to have an effect-Kyra is brimming with an unusually large amount of energy for the purpose of powering her spells. "Ugh, damnit, let go!" she warbles, grabbing something out of one of her boots. She stabs her emergency scalpel into the ribbon to try and cut herself free, still trying to scramble through the hole in the wall she created.

    Then, without warning, a cold sensation spreads over her back and the world goes black for the white mage. She doesn't even get much of a chance to call out before she's frozen in carbonite, mid-stab at Ebon's ribbon.

Garen (530) has posed:
    Garen wanted to continue his blaster antics, but when the building starts the spew debris out, it's time to seek better ground. "Maybe...But this will have a different outcome." He says. He leaps back, trying to dive into cover. But he was also firing at Fiora. He was hoping she would deflect his shots. At her feet, she would find a flash grenade rolling towards her. "Light out." He says, smirk sliding on his face again.

Ebon Ribbon (903) has posed:
     If not for the HK's shielding, Ebon would likely have been blown back by the Flare. As it is, she is still sent stumbling back a bit. Kyra cutting into the ribbon at her feet is moderately effective, but before she can finish it seems the mage is frozen in a rather unpleasant substance. With little reason to keep holding her, Ebon releases Kyra.

     Being outside the bar has its perks. Such as not being in the room when the bar starts to collapse. The little stable is weakened by the weakening of the bar walls, but it is a stable so it is fairly easy to get out if necessary. This allows Ebon Ribbon to keep her grip on Kyle and Jan even as HK tried to crush one and dart the other. Ebon, with four ribbons now free to focus on Kyle, tries to hold him down so that either Jan will get severely injured or Kyle will. Or both.

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    Three ribbons this time. Two for the arm, pinning it around his waist, and one for each leg. THe life force draining is enough to bring Kyle to a knee, and he groans in pain despite desperately batting away blaster bolts with his lightsaber. It's getting dark, and he's having trouble breathing even as he tries to cut the ribbons away. It's a miracle he hasn't maimed himself in the process with how close the blade of his saber is to his body.

    Of course, Jan is too busy firing at the droids and Feds to notice the ceiling coming down on top of her. She notices too late when splinters land on her, and the Rebel tries to move before getting squashed.

    Kyle notices this in the corner of his eye, and he knows Jan isn't that fast with everything going on around her.

    He bats a dart away, but then he makes the sacrifice. Then again, the choice for him would be obvious regardless. His hand drops the lightsaber, and with the Force, Kyle yanks Jan well out of the way before he feels another dart, possibly two, strike him in the chest.

    A flashbang goes off, and everything is bright and really high-pitched before Jan regains her vision and hearing. And when Jan realizes what's happened, she shrieks in horror before immediately making a beeline to Kyle.

    "NOOO!" It's loud enough to get everyone's attention, and Kyle stumbles dumbly before he finds himself slumped over, just in time to see Jan picking up the dropped hilt.

    Jan isn't a Jedi, obviously, but she will fight to the bitter end before she sees Kyle die like this, just like he would do the same for her; It's a cycle of self-sacrifice for these two, admirable if mistaken in the end.

    She fiddles helplessly before the lightsaber springs to life once more, and the weapon shakes in Jan's hands as she levels her only chance at defending herself and Kyle at the droids, as well as the Chiss agent. "Get away from him! Come any closer and I'll cut you in half!" Tears streak down her face. She's afraid, not for herself but for the man she cares more for than anybody else. Despite her fear, she's still staring daggers regardless of how outclassed she really is.

    It is really not a good idea to stay around here.

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
    Fiora manages to turn her head, and avoid being completely blinded, at which point she notices what's happened. "Time to leave. NOW!" She dashes straight for the slumping figure of Kyle, and manages to pick him up onto her shoulder. "Fighting is done! Move!" She doesn't hesitate, even if it means leaving the others behind. It's clear that Kyle needs assistance, and quickly.

Her main concern is getting him outside.

Garen (530) has posed:
    Garen looked over and simply watched as Kyle slumped over. Then he narrows his red eyes to Jan. "I respect your bravery. Shame we're on opposite sides. You would have made a good agent." He says. He keeps his blaster levelled at Jan, but doesn't fire. Sure, she had a saber in her grip totally able to do as she said and cut him in half, but he wasn't a monster. He was efficient, and figured that her grief and fear would be enough this day.

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    All Garen gets is a growl from Jan, before she flings her knife to the Chiss's face. "Go to Hell." That's really all that she can do now, as she takes Kyle's safety over continuing this fight. Fiora and her will help carry Kyle out, the agent clipping his lightsaber back to his belt before they hustle outside. It's really, /really/ not a good time all around.

    Meanwhile, Kyle's vision blackens more and more by the second. "...Jan..." He mutters, repeating it over and over as he tries to shake himself awake. That poison is potent stuff, as even the Force can't keep him up for much longer. His grip weakens on the two women helping him out, his body going slack and limb. Already Kyle's face is going pale from the toxins those darts carried, not to mention the life-sucking ribbons. That evac team better get here soon, or Kyle won't be waking up at all in a few minutes.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    The Confederates, if they're keeping eyes on the horizon, would likely spot a dust plume, and aerial craft approaching from the direction of the nearest warpgate. The deep, baritone growl of a motorcycle engine would announce its presence first, followed by the low whine of whatever engines the aircraft are using. Yang's bike crests a ridge, gains some airtime, and slams down again, showing no signs of slowing down. "Union team, this is Yang. I've got the Medevac in tow, coming in on your beacon now. Hold on just a little longer!" she transmits over local comms, tucking her Scroll away afterwards and leaning down a bit closer to the bike's frame, trying to squeeze as much speed out of it as she can.

HK-47 (754) has posed:
     For a long, poignant moment... HK-47 stares as his target slumps down, the lethal venom-filled Kyber Darts injecting their toxin directly into his chest.

     That poison was fatal to most sentient meatbags... even Jedi would be hard-pressed to fight back against it.

     For all intents and purposes... his attack had succeeded /perfectly/.

     "Smug Statement - How typical of a Jedi meatbag, sacrificing oneself to save another. And how very predictable." He takes a step for the fallen Jedi -

    Only to pause in amusement when the female wields the fallen Jedi's lightsaber, drawing his own cortosis-knife in response. "Smug Statement - I would normally ask you stand aside... but I am not entirely without mercy. Therefore, I shall endeavor to reunite you with your deceased partner, if you submit now."

     But before he can advance, the building begins to collapse as a penultimate result of the duel between Raine and Hoshi, as well as Kyra's prior attack, support columns now raining down as the rafters begin to systemically collapse and shatter.


     No time to eviscerate the body to be sure... so the only thing left to do was sterilize the area.

     Pulling back, HK-47 begrudgingly issues the pullback command and directs his allies to the exit - while tossing an incendiary grenade to try and pin Fiora and company down as the droids and their comrades start evacuating.

     Kicking the droid away was a good move on Firoa's part... but kicking it toward it's partner was a mistake, as, with the barrier active and defending it and Ebon Ribbon, it will be unaffected by the adhesive grenade as it splatters across the barrier's front, though this combined with the effect of the flare causes it to start breaking as the damage stacks up.

     But still, even though one is pinned down and disabled, the glue seeping into it's circuits and downing it... the other droid is still shooting. Thus, it proceeds to keep firing off it's disruptor alongside Garan's duel-wielding to try and keep Firoa pinned down by shots and stall her out against the flashbang-grenade. After those final shots, it will pull out through the gap in the wall and escort Ebon Ribbon out of the area.

     The HK that froze down Kyra, satisfied that she is out of the fight, thus decides to become a /third/ opponent, approaching Fiora while she's haling off Kyle and attacking the same way as many Jedi have been downed - by high numbers and varied attacks, lifting it's arm to spew a stream of cyanogen-gas at her on top of the flashbang and blaster-fire from Garan and the disruptor fire from the other HK-51 prior to it's run. The gas works on skin-contact, though to a lesser degree then breathing, so she should be at least debilitated by it.

     The two HK's that were blasted back by the flares stand up shakily... and with a shared nod to each-other, both pull out their thermal detonators - the largest explosives they have in their inventories.

     All in all... the entire bar is soon to be reduced to explosions and rubble within the next few seconds, and all fire is directed on the fleeing elites to try and take them down with the building.

Garen (530) has posed:
    Garen hmm's softly as he moves to tilt his head away, but the knife still strike him on the cheek something good. "Not bad....I would have done the same, but aimed for the throat." He mutters to himself. He holsters his blaster and simply reaches into his pocket for a cloth for the deep cut. He looked over the cantina and simply shrugged. "Sounds like out jobs done here. See what I mean about stealth, HK-47?" He asks, not really expecting an answer. Of course, this is moot at the bar began to collapse. "..Keeper is not going to like the paperwork after this..." He mutters, but figured he'll soothe his handlers anger with the info he stole.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra continues being a carbonite statue for several more moments longer as the bar starts to crumble around everyone's heads. Technically, she's in hibernation right now but that might not last for very long if she's crushed beneath the bar's ceiling.

    There's a faint sizzling noise coming off her, the first signs that the shot from the carbonite gun may be wearing off-but it's definitely not fast enough for her to rouse and escape the building before it collapses. That's going to take intervention.

Ebon Ribbon (903) has posed:
     With the order given, Ebon Ribbon will begrudgingly release Kyle from her ribbons and make her way out of the stable with her robotic protector in tow. It isn't so much that she enjoys killing as that the energy of a jedi is particularly robust and flavorful to an energy vampire like herself. She trots briskly out of the stable and away from the ruined bar in whatever direction is opposite the Union personnel. All in all, she feels this was very successful, and she emerged without a scratch!

     Of course, her mane and tail are rather frizzy now thanks to the heat of the Flare, which seems to have her in a sour mood. Still, this was a good hunt, and she voices as much to her droid companion. "I would say this was a rather successful attempt, wouldn't you?" she asks the 51 that is running with her.

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
    Fiora, carrying Kyle, even with help, has to take a knee, eventually. She might not have been blinded thanks to some quick reflexes, but that loud noise definitely rattled her nerves some. "Nnh. Assistance should be forthcoming." She lets Jan take over, for now, keeping her sword drawn, in case they decide that their assassination attempt isn't quite through.

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
    The explosion that rocks the poor little bar makes Hoshi really grateful that she decided to step out for the time. Unfortunately, it also means that she can't really see any of what's happening inside. Nobody's coming out--Kyle was the one who called for them to leave the building! Why wasn't he--

    And then the explosion happend, throwing Raine clear from the building. "Crap--guys, are you okay?" She starts moving to bring herself into the fight, but then there was Raine... Again. "Rgh--Why don't you just die already and save me the trouble?" she mutters at her foe. The familiar red on his blade is... discouraging. Intead of Hoshi taking it, Rosamond comes forward to recieve the damage from Raine's Flare Blade--for all the good it does. When it hits, Hoshi lets out a strangled scream and drops to her knees as she holds her head. Rosamond's form flickers and sways, but manages to stay firm.

    Hoshi has to take a few moments to push herself back to her feet, gritting her teeth against the backlash that had struck her. There were calls for a retreat... Kyle! "Damn you and that fucking robot," she mutters under her breath. Without much else of a word, Hoshi jumps back into Rosamond's arms. The two return to the falling-apart bar, hoping to do some good--and Hoshi caught sight of Kyra in the carbonite. "Crap--I got you, Kyra!" Hoshi calls out as she hops down and lets ROsamond pick up the statue. The two then immediately start breaking for the exit before the whole damn roof came down on top of them.

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    With Fiora and Yang covering the escape, Jan staggers to try and drag Kyle further. He himself does his best to keep going, but he's losing steam fast. "C'mon, baby, stay with me...please don't do this to me..." She murmurs, grunting with effort as she tries her best to hail the plane. "DOWN HERE! HEEEEYY!" She calls out, waving an arm at the transport before giving Kyle a swift nudge in the side.

    "On your feet, soldier, COME ON! Fight it!" She calls again, trying to keep him focused on her face as she sets him down for a moment.

HK-47 (754) has posed:
     As Yang approaches... she may notice something emerging out of burning bar.

     Something that gleams a bright silver, followed by a bolt of burning-white disintegrating energy that lances for her as soon as she gets in range.

     Even now, the HK-51 droids refuse to back down while their progenitor retreats.

     Were it possible for him to do... HK-47 would have smirked at Garan's comment as they fled the building, alongside - assumedly - Raine. "Affirmation - I have had to use grandiose tactics against the stronger elites for some time. It is... a satisfying return to form, to say the least."

     The HK-51 acting as Ebon Ribbon's escort gives an affirmative nod as it follows her at a light trot, rifle held at the ready to defend her from any potshots. "Statement - Indeed, Mistress" the droid replies, regarding her as temporary master due to her technically being his charge to defend. "I believe it is the most successful one to date. Hopefully... there shall be more like it in the days to come!"

     The remaining three HK-51, even as the bar collapses down on everyone, continue to fire after the fleeing Union members, two of them lobbing incendiary grenades while another fires disruptor bolts at them from behind. They are nothing if not determined.

Raine Arland (604) has posed:
     "Heh heh, sorry bud." Raine replied, a pained grin on his face. With Flare Blade launched, and no magic left in his sword, he shouldered he casually, not making any further moves. It looks like the others got the job done. Good, good. "Like I said. Nothin' personal. This is strictly business. You gotta understand."

     And with an infuriating grin, he shrugged his shoulder. From where he was, he just watched Hoshi leap into Rosamond's arms and go back into the wreckage of the bar. Not him. He did his part, he was staying right out here where it was nice and safe.


     A glance aside at HK-47 and Garen as they fled the scene. "Well, you know what I say; what gets good results. And I think we got good results today, heh heh."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    The transport tilts it's engines, and comes in for a 'hard landing', slamming down hard enough that the landing legs groan in protest. The medical team scramble down the ramp as it lowers, getting the crash cart and anti-toxin kits to the Jedi as soon as they possibly can. A pair of Regular troopers stand watch, their weapons aiming, but not wanting to draw attention unless they get it some other way.

    Yang, for her part, swerves and weaves, the bolts grazing past her as she bares down on the HK-51. Once she's close enough, she releases the trottle, flicks a lever, then LEAPS from the seat, kicking off of it and twisting around in the air. As she does, her Gauntlets deploy, and with a satisfying CLU-CLAK, she suddenly shifts trajectory, and SLAMS down, either into the 51, or the ground near it if the droid moves. Either way, the impact sends a tremor through a 5 meter circle around her, tearing up the ground with the imparted force. She then stands, bringing her gauntlets up in a defensive boxer-stance, ready to take the Droid on if it's still standing.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    The Kyra statue is snatched up by Rosamond. As soon as the Persona clears the bar with Hoshi in tow, the statue suddenly becomes limp, color returning to the teenager. Though that color is still black due to the full-body suit and helmet she wore today for protection. She's still clutching the scalpel she was using to cut herself free of Ebon's ribbons. "..what the...what the hell happened!?" Kyra sounds groggy, even through the still-functioning voice distortion effect from her helmet.

    She looks around the Persona to see the collapsed tavern. "Where is everyone? Is everyone alright?!" With each passing moment she grows more lucid and active.

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
    A transport! Perfect! Despite still being fired upon by the various HKs, Rosamond is able to make her way quickly towards it with Hoshi's direction. Slowly, her expression sags as she tries valliantly to keep the Persona's form stable. At least Kyra is released from whatever it was that was holding her. "Katarn is poisoned and we're retreating. I'm going to kill that stupid robot!" Her vehemence is surprising, in her tired state.

    Once Rosamond is close enough to the drop ship, the Persona begins to fade quickly, dropping Kyra unceremoniously, fading until she was completely gone. "Sorry," Hoshi mumbles quietly, her eyes downcast. "I should've done more."

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    Just as soon as the transport arrives, Jan does her best to help Kyle onto the cart before the medics do their work. She staggers towards the transport until one assists her as well, and she remains close to Kyle the whole time.

    She remains very quiet, as Kyle manages through short gasps a brief, "...Jan..." It's raspy, but thankfully the medics have his poisoning handled for now until they get him to Njorun. His breath runs ragged, but Kyle does have one more card to play.

    There is no death, there is only the Force. The mantra continues in his head, and he focuses what he can as he starts to enter a sort of trance. It ideally should slow the effects of the poison down until he's treated properly for it.

HK-47 (754) has posed:
     The HK-51 droid is, while barely able to sidestep a fatal strike to the chest, ultimately unable to keep from the strike smashing through it's rifle and being thrown a good seven meters back, crashing and rolling across the ground with a series of heavy clangs as it clatters across the ground.

     However, it starts hefting itself up... and levels a flamethrower at Yang, searing-hot fire spewing out from it's wrist at the blonde to try and incinerate her.

     Is it just imagination at work... or are the HK-51's progressively getting more vicious and stubborn against their enemies as time goes on?

     HK-47 cannot deny that it ended up being a very exceptionally well-executed hit, their target likely deceased or soon to be - and all of them escaping with little to no harm! Well, aside from the agent. He would have to offer complimentary recovery services to the meatbag - he had proven quite capable, after all, and so very few meatbags were able to be judged as such.

     The same could be said for Raine Arland and Ebon Ribbon, their abilities having proved invaluable in the effectiveness of their attack.

     He would need to find some what to repay them - he hated being indebted to meatbags, even useful ones.

     "Statement - This has been a very satisfactory mission. I shall endeavor to procure adequate reward... but for the time being-" a quick signal on his internal communications network sees the transfer of roughly 50,000 Republic-Standard credits apiece, or whatever passable analogue of currency the trio uses, into whatever accounts they may have available to have the funds deposited into. "-I shall render payment for your services rendered... as well as an additional reward to be sent once we reach safe grounds."

     It payed to have a Master who was Empress, some days.

     The trio of HK-51's left behind - burned and battered but still pursuing the Union members - keeps pushing their luck as they rain down shots, many of them directed at Jan or Fiora. It seems her power - infuriatingly equivalent to a Jedi Masters's in ability - has them rather personally insulted... and vindictive in chasing their query in the face of certain destruction.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang draws up her arms, crossing them in front of her face as she's bathed in flame. It engulfs her, obscures her form completely... then explodes outwards, casting embers in all directions.

    "Come at me. And you'll see. I'm more than meets the eye."

    Yang's eyes sparkle, and she grins.

    "You think that. You'll break me. You're gonna find in time."

    Her hair glows a molten gold, flickers of flame dancing amongst the golden strands as she slams her gauntlets together, causing another explosive concussion and heat wave to roll off of her.

    "You're standing too close, to a flame that's burning, hotter than the sun in the middle of july."

    She shifts her stance, and locks onto her target, before, with superhuman speed, she lunges, swinging her gauntlets and firing explosive bolts back at the Droid, before attempting to slam those same gauntlets into its chest casing, the bolts detonating on contact.

    "Sending out your army, but you still can't win, listen up silly droid, cuz I'm gonna tell you why!"

    She plants her left foot, and as her eye go blood red, she brings a right hook around, aiming for the center of mass.

    "I BURN!"

    Meanwhile, the transport waits for the others to get onboard. But if they take too long, the pilot will leave without them. They have a man in critical condition aboard, after all.

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
    Fiora sighs, as she's struck in the shoulder.. thankfully, the one bearing armor.. and flexes it a bit. A good thing, too, because that did actually hurt. "Oh, I've had quite enough of this nonesense. Excuse me." She remarks, to Jan, before standing again and bringing up her sword. A step forward, and the woman is simply gone. In the blink of an eye, she closes the distance to one of the HK units, and with an upward and slightly diagonal sweep of her sword, cleanly bisects it.

"Do you constructs understand futility, if not death? Whatever advantages you had in stealth and surprise is gone."

Another step. The upper half of the HK she clove in two has it's head removed, which then is also bisected.

"On my honor, if I meet your progenitor, I'll do far worse."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra's now mobile enough that she can half squirm her way out of Rosamond's hands without being dumped on the ground in an undignified manner. She lands on her feet and immediately rushes into the ship, not asking questions, just quickly priming her white magic.

    Now, despite the earlier bar-destroying mishap, it functions as intended, the pure, healing energy flowing into the teenager's fingers. She makes a beeline for Kyle with her outstretched hand, immediately slapping it up against Kyle's chest. "ESUNA!" The fast-acting restorative energy flows into him, a spell famously capable of handling poisons and other nasty "status effects" as they're called on her world.

    Next, Kyra reaches into one of the leather pouches at her waist and withdraws a syringe. She slips the cap off the needle with her free hand and tosses it aside. "Don't move, this is for the gas." They had enough samples. Terry was able to do a lot of work for developing a treatment. Kyra added her own touches given her own chemistry background-there was a variation of it coursing through her veins right now, prepared days ago in case she were unfortunate enough to be the next victim of the HK droid.

    She jabs the syringe into Kyle and depresses the plunger fully. "Okay. That should stabilize him. We still need to get him to medical."

Hoshi Amakasu (901) has posed:
     Hoshi watches silently as Kyra hurried to save Kyle, and Fiora and Yang engaged the robots, but she was... so tired. Like a zombie, she stumbles towards the evac ship and goes inside, eventually collapsing in as deep a dark a corner as she can find. She wouldn't be any help with Kyle--she knew basic first aid, nothing more. The flush of furious anger that she felt initially was gone.

    When it came time to leave, they'd find her curled up in that dark corner, face hidden by her arms and knees. She refused to talk to anyone that might have tried to speak with her; her shaking shoulders and tiny, quiet sniffs would probably explain why.

HK-47 (754) has posed:
     To say the HK-51 droid is stunned by Yang's display is an understatement, let alone the grin she shows off. If the droid were capable of it, it's faceplate would reflect the negative charge in it's core that was assuredly one of dread.

    Then it is pelted by shots that buckle it's casing and cripple it's systems, sending it staggering back before the shot-infused punches blow holes clean into it's torso. It grabs for it's vibroblade, attempting to slash at Yang-

     -and then goes still as the girl's arm goes /straight through/ it's weakened torso, coring the machine completely and sending it spamming and stricken while impaled on her limb, before finally going inert, becoming a heap of unmoving metal, sliding off to crumple into a heap.

     The droids, upon finally getting Fiora's more serious attention... quickly wish they hadn't as one is struck by her blade, the hard durasteel putting up a fair bit of resistance and requiring a good deal of force to cleanly cut through and then has it's head removed and bisected as well.

     However, the remaining droids, while taking several cautionary steps back, remain defiant. "Chiding Statement - No matter how many of us you destroy, there shall /always/ be more arising from the wreckage. You shall never cause such harm to the progenitor... and if you make the attempt, you shall face us in legion before we allow you in his presence."

     All they can do though as the Union forces finally manage to pull away on their transport, still firing away... assuming that Fiora doesn't opt to cut them down as well.

     Either way... the encounter is done. And the message made is all too clear.

     These droids don't intend to stop... and they're only going to keep coming.

     At least... until someone strikes back at them.