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Latest revision as of 17:42, 5 December 2015

Common Defiled Ground
Date of Scene: 03 December 2015
Location: The Citadel - Ward 17 <CW>
Synopsis: HK-47 gets an early Christmas present from the serpentine witch.
Cast of Characters: 22, 754

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    When the assassin droid arrives at Ward 17 it's perhaps not too weird that the nurses working there seem a bit unsettled by his presence. After all, they are there to preserve life and help those who are injured. Perhaps it's a bit ironic that the leader for this ward is a woman who is known for loving chaos and destruction, hurting and maiming people. At first she pretended to be a loving and considerate nurse who always gave her patients the best treatment and care, but after her true nature as a witch was discovered, Medusa Gorgon no longer cared to keep up the charade. Sure, she is an efficient medic and nurse, but her methods borders on sadistic, and while she might be smiling and nice, she is far from empathic.

    Which might explain why she offered to create poisons for the assassin droid in the first place.

    When HK-47 is shown into the office, the witch is standing by her work bench, carefully diluting a solution in a beaker glass. And she doesn't look away from her work as she speaks up. "Welcome, HK-47. Please take a seat, I will be finished in just a few seconds." Her next words are slightly amused. "I assume you do not care for tea, coffee or hot chocolate."

HK-47 (754) has posed:
     As he traverses through the medical ward, HK-47 glances periodically at any of the operating tables or patients if they are in his line of sight, taking in and recording any instances of physical trauma to disseminate causes and effects for any new wounds or injuries to develop more efficient killing techniques from.

     The nurses might also be a bit weary as the droid is carrying a small case with him... marked with what seems to be a biohazard warning sigil, albeit in a stylized font that is clearly alien to earth-bound cultures.

     It is a decidedly relaxing change of pace for the droid to be in the company of a meatbag that actually seemed to share a passion for disassembling other fleshlings to their base components... and rarer still for him to be in contact with any such individuals outside the Sith.

     As the droid enters the main office, HK takes note of the witch's work with the potions, tilting his head in abject curiosity to observe the results. Though he pauses at the offer to sit down - droids did not really need to sit, after all, though in this case meatbag laws of courtesy suggested he ought to comply.

     And this /was/ a meatbag he, from the records he had studied up on, had a fair amount of respect for. Thus, he took the proffered seat.

     The offer for refreshments - made in sarcasm somewhat similar to his Master's, the droid notes - is turned down promptly; "Statement - Fortunately, I lack the meatbag deficiency that is a sustenance-driven digestive tract. Addendum - I also lack sensory components that allow access to the sensation of 'taste', so I would not know even if I were capable of ingesting the substances." The way he delivers his lines makes it clear he's being mock-serious as his own form of returned amusement.

     Setting the case he brought down with him, the droid regards her appraisingly, photoreceptors seeming to gleam as he observes her experiment with apparent curiosity.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "Sometimes it's a pleasant flaw to have," Medusa chuckles, "The ability to taste, to feel, to enjoy..." She runs her tongue idly over her top lip as she adds a few more drops to the beaker, then sets it down. "It can be pleasant, as well as distracting. Though I must admit, it's nice to indulge in the sensation at times."

    Some vials are picked up, and Medusa begins adding the contents of the beaker evenly to each one. "I have been working intensely on different lots so you can experiment with them, including the one who gives the sensation of being on fire," she says, changing the subject to what the droid is here for. "Most of these are most effective when injected, though I did make a variant that works through inhalation. The effects are slow however, though that can be useful in itself." The witch turns to the cabinet next to her, and she pulls out a case that she sets on her desc. She shows great care when opening it, revealing dozens of vials as well as filled and empty darts. "These are all marked with an identification code so you can recognize the various contents. Though I can go over the list with you if you have any questions...?" she offers with a sincere smile.

HK-47 (754) has posed:
     HK tilts his head in contemplation at Medusa's words, seeming to ponder for a moment... then he finally nods his head. "Conclusion - I suppose it is a convent internal system, due to it's functionality making it remarkably easy to insert concentrated toxins directly into a meatbag's internal components without them realizing it, resulting in a quick extermination before they even realize they are dead." Another pause. "Musing - The sensations have their place as well ; the expressions of pain and abject horror caused by their internal sustenance-processing systems shutting down or being broken down is a fascinating, if not relaxing sight to say the least - like the crystalized water-droplet patterns you refer to as 'snow', no two meatbags ever seem to have the same expression upon death... or at least none that I have observed personally."

     The droid will likely be doing a heavy portion of conversational duty, it seems. Another drawback of it's ego.

     The droid tints his head curiously at the many toxins, photoreceptors observing each one with a delicate tenacity befitting his profession. "Query - Have there been any live-fire tests conducted? I would very much like to see the reports. Addendum - There is also an additional request I would wish to make, regarding aerosol toxins."
         At this, the droid proffers the case he brought, removing a small object - a silver, multifaceted stone. One that he does not offer Medusa immediately unless she is wearing gloves. "Recitation - This is Devaronian Blood-Poison. A rare breed of gemstone that purportedly causes severe pain to meatbag sensory-receptors upon contact with their epidermal layers. If it makes contact with the bloodstream, it actually releases surface particles that become a potent venom."

     If Medusa takes the stone, the droid will soon explain the reason he proffered the object - "Statement - I have learned that, with many users of supernatural powers, that inhalation is somewhat less effective then poisons that work upon skin-contact. This is why I tended to favor cyanogen gas in my assassinations; it acts on skin-absorption as well as inhalation, the former has a more diluted effect then the latter." He pauses, thinking a moment. "Addendum - Toxins that assault the nerves and disrupt the flow of concentration and consciousness among meatbags is likely a necessity for disrupting the focus needed to manipulate the resource you refer to as 'magic'. I would ask what your opinion on the potential for manufacturing such a venom... and I have thus brought this object as a study-resource."

     As the droid moves to pick up one of the darts - testing it's aerodynamic value it seems and finding it satisfactory, HK-47 turns back to Medusa with a somewhat expectant stare. "Query - Do you have any testing-ranges? I wish to observe the effects of these venoms personalty - though I shall make due with audio-visual recordings if necessary."


     Well... he certainly was into the conversation.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    An amused smile spreads on Medusa's lips as HK-47 talks, musing on just how human senses can make his job more enjoyable for him. "Indeed... sometimes it's rather interesting to watch a person in pain, or seeing them die. It almost makes me wonder what people were thinking when they have seen me die in the past," she adds with a wistful sigh.

    "Humans are different, I have seen many die. It's different for all. It's what makes some humans so interesting in my opinion. Most of them are a total bore however, so many uninteresting and useless specimens..." The witch lets out a slight snort of distaste. At least they have some common interests it appears.

    As for any potential tests, Medusa nods. "Yes. I have access to the dungeons in order to perform necessary tests, though I only do it when necessary. I wouldn't want to use /all/ the prisoners there in case we need them," the witch responds. "I can forward the reports to you once we are done here. The fire toxin, lot 912d," she explains, picking up a vial containing a clear liquid, "engages the nociceptors," also known as the nervecells that register pain, "as well as the temperature sensors to imitate the feeling of fire. I have also created it to not only register in the epidermal cells, but to also affect the internal organs. The effect is as seen in the videos rather strong in most cases, though it depends on the victim. It might not work on some people who have a different biochemistry than a regular human, or somebody with a different pain resistance. A normal human should be screaming and unable to focus on anything besides the pain after a few minutes. It's not fatal, and I imagine a skilled medic could create an antidote to it."

    With that the witch sets the vial down, smiling softly. "It's not really suited for aerosol, however. The effect would be greatly diminished. It works the best through ingestion, injections or dermal contact."

    What's this? Medusa looks at the stone, and as she was wearing gloves while working with the poisons, she does reach a hand out to accept it. "The name is rather promising..." Blood-poison. How quaint. While HK-47 explains matters she turns the stone slightly around, inspecting it. "Of course cyanogen works better through inhalation. It's a simple chemical process," she agrees. "You could also use some gasses that take the oxygen's place in the blood stream, binding up all the spots with the red blood cells so a victim dies from hypoxia." Why not share some medical knowledge with the droid?

    "Did you know that when the human body is deprived of oxygen, fear is a physical result, not just a psychological one?" Medusa inquires of HK-47, a sinister smile spreading across her lips. "Sure, you can be as brave, as courageous and disciplined as you want to be. But no matter how strong you are, you will still feel fear." It's an interesting tidbit.

    "But yes, I can look into this stone and see if I can create it in poison form for you, dear. I'm always up for interesting work~" She walks over to her work table, and she finds a glass case that she puts the stone into. With that done she moves to pull off her gloves, being careful as always before she tosses it into a biohazard waste bin. "I have video reports of the various effects of the poisons, though as I personally don't deal with darts I got them from the armoury. They should be up to code. I have poisons in that collection that leads to blood clotting, heavy bleeding, hallucinogens, pain, immobility... Just look through the list and decide on what you want. And try the different versions of the fire poison lot, I have made them with different effects should you wish to inflict some extra pain on certain individuals."

HK-47 (754) has posed:
     An understanding gleam impossibly seems to enter the droid's photoreceptors, his tone one of unflinching consent to both hr commentaries on human nature and on humans in general. "Acknowledgment - I could not agree more. So few meatbags 'break the mold' as it is... and those that do tend to have more then a few crippling personality defects. Musing - However, I suppose that in turn is what makes reactions among them more fascinating then typical meatbags."

     As he is briefed on the nature of Toxin lot 912d, the droid examines the vial with noted interest, already computing the possible scenarios for implementation. "Musing - Long-distance injection into a group-shared mass of sustenance - a 'feast', I believe the term is - would be an effective means of utilizing it in non-combat... and in full-on combat, targeting open-areas on the skin or weak mesh-joints in armor shall be priority."

     He seems to think aloud when prudent... and sometimes when not.

     The droid seems to react appreciatively to Medusa's impromptu lecturing on the merits of oxygen deprivation to the cells inducing a psychological 'survival instinct flight-or-fight' response, so to speak. "Musing - An eloquent point. The lack of oxygen-transferrence will begin gradually disrupting internal meatbag functionality. Musing - This is one such reason why toxins are very much a primary means of dealing with 'mystic'-type units, as they must split focus unto themselves to try and make an attempt of healing the damage to themselves as per their reactor instincts... and leave openings. No matter how many experiences accumulate in the meatbag processor, they often cannot overwrite their underlaying base programming.

     Upon being informed of the video-reports, the droid somewhat eagerly gives a nod - "Request - I would very much like to study them immediately. I shall need to become well-acquanted with the full range of possible reactions, so as to anticipate the impending stimuli reaction."

     At the mention of inflicting pain on 'a certain individual' HK pauses, eyes glowing dimly as he processes something... then he makes a request with a somewhat hopeful tone; "Query - How effective would these toxins be in targeting specific areas of the body? For example, damaging the epidermis and it's ability to detect sonic vibrations? I believe it would be most useful in assisting me with a... persistent problem regarding an annoying meatbag that is capable of manipulating earthen ores and metals. A 'natural enemy', if you will. Addendum - I also would wish to inquire on mixes that contain a degree of acidity, for use in weakening armored targets. My standardized corrosive darts... disappointingly mild, to say the least."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "It makes me glad I'm not human, honestly..." Medusa muses softly with a smile. "Such short-lived lives, so weak, most of them. And unable to think about most things except in a short term."

    "Lot 912d does lose its effect over time, which is why I didn't supply you with so much of it. I wouldn't want you to work with subpar materials, after all. Let me know if you need more of it, and I will prepare more according to your specifications after you have evaluated its use." Why not be generous when you supply a predator with fangs and claws? It's part of her interest, seeing chaos unfold and be allowed to roam free. "Some people say poison is a cowardly way of dealing with opponents. I daresay that people who look down on poisons are fairly uncreative in their usage. It can be used for far more things than assassination, after all. I personally prefer brain over brawn, though I do like getting my hands dirty now and then. It's too bad that the truce is coming up, perhaps I should engage in a target battle the very least before the holidays..." Medusa crosses her arms across her chest as she glances at the droid. "I suggest you get any assassination attempts you have planned out of the way before the holidays, otherwise you might find yourself in trouble with the Confederacy. There are so many rules and regulations, I know... but it's better to go along with it and then start up fresh again next year. If you are bored, you could always send Christmas presents, safe ones mind you, for the sake of psychological warfare and unsettling the Unionites. I personally find it amusing sending some of them gifts~"

    That said, she pats the care carefully with a smile. "Also, you can consider this your Christmas present from me, dear. I hope it will bring you much joy~" Though she does arch an eyebrow when he makes another request in addition to the tapes. "Very well, I will send them immediately." So pardon her, she will merely move to the back of her desk, sitting down at her laptop as she begins looking up the reports to forward them. But she listens intently as HK-47 explains another toxin he wants made.

    "I honestly haven't made much poisons that disturb the tactile senses, though I suppose it can be made without too much trouble. Something that engages the sensory nerves to either reduce or increase the stimulation they are given... As for damaging the epidermis, acid or fire would be the best way. Those things would not only destroy it, but also the nerve cells and disturb the tactile senses," Medusa informs him. "Honestly it would be far more effective than a poison in combat, though if you wish to poison them though food, drink... it could be done. Perhaps adding an agent to engage the nociceptors as well, hmm...." It does look like the witch is thinking even as she is typing away at her laptop, her yellow eyes narrowing as her pupils turn slitted. "I honestly don't care much for the child you speak of, I prefer more... volatile individuals. They are far more interesting and fun to play with in my opinion." People who are unstable and can be turned to chaos, in other words. "When it comes to acids, I think there are other Confederates who have more experience in their usage. I would inquire on the channel. If you need medical advice or want to know what hurts in the human body, offensive magic, how best to heal up a broken human body...then you can ask me."

HK-47 (754) has posed:
     HK actually seems slightly surprised, or rather intrigued, when Medusa says she isn't 'human'... then again, there are many non-human species in his own reality, so it's not impossible for her to be the same. Granted, she was still a meatbag, but perhaps a more tolerable one then most.

     The droid listens with a twisted sympathy hearing her speak of how poisons are frowned upon by many. "Assessment - If one believes a poison has no place in combat, they simply lack the intelligence or creativity to comprehend otherwise." He also shares her sentiments about the Holliday seasons. "Acknowledgement - Indeed. Tempting as it is to spread panic and chaos among the Union while their guards are down, it would draw a negative response down upon the Confederacy. Tedious as days without the excitement of exterminating meatbags is, I suppose they are a necessary eventuality in order to take stock of the events this past annual cycle and plan for the events that shall characterize the next."

     A pause, then a slight head-tilt - "Musing - I believe I shall make one more assault before the date becomes too near to the peacetime period... though I will also be very much inclined to send out nonviolent means of conveying a message. Psychological assassination is a skill I regrettably was never quite as adept in as my Master, but I believe I at least have the working fundamentals to understand that exterminating a target does not always necessitate the preferred method of ceasing their vital functions. If nothing else though... I believe I shall receive an amusing result.

     At the mention of a 'Christmas present,' the droid seems to perk up - "Remembrance - Ah! I had almost forgotten." The droid reaches into the case again... and this time, he proffers something very different from the stone before.

     Held in the droid's hand is a datapad... with information on a very lethal, and in Medusa's case, fascinating subject.

     WARNING - Viral Sample 1207 - Rakghoul Plague - EXTREMELY INFECTIOUS: HANDLE WITH CAUTION.

     "Explination - The pathogen described in this datapad was constructed by Sith Sorcerers - a member of an order in my reality that manipulates 'mysticism' of their own, known as 'the Force.' It seems to effectively be a 'Force-sensitive virus'. if you wish... I shall endeavor to deliver a sample of it for you to study." The droid seems rather appreciative of the virus as he speaks of it, as if he considers it a remarkable topic of interest for study - likely due to it's effects on meatbags. "It shall be my... 'Christmas present' to you, if you wish."

     HK listens intently as Medusa informs him of the best possible tactics for dealing with his effective 'nemesis', as it were. Additionally, he proceeds to tilt his head as he thinks on targets that match the witch's description. "Suggestion - The individual known as 'Staren' may be a potential target for such entertainment. Doubtless he has been fawning over the equestrian after the injuries I inflicted on her, if his infuriated emotional response to her state was any indication."

     HK's words will likely be a surprise if she knows Staren, given how little he probably has displayed open emotion like that. "Musing - Perhaps I shall send him an audiovisual recording of that day as a 'gift'. I already intend to send copies to much of the equestrian realm - one more meatbag on the list could not hurt."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    It's good to hear that droid isn't planning on upsetting the truce, which would put a stop to him working with the Confederates again. Besides, sometimes it's well worth the wait to do something enjoyable, like harming or terrorising poor Union personnel. "I'm certain you will get a varied degree of responses from the Union if you send them gifts," she agrees with a smile. "It's an art, and you have to make them wonder. Is this a threat? Is it a joke? Are they trying to lower my defenses? I personally send them sincere gifts that everybody might enjoy. But they will always know who sent it to them."

    And imagining the look on their faces is part of the fun.

    When the datapad is offered the witch looks curious. "Hmm? What's this~?" she takes it easily enough, and as her eyes skim the text on the data pad, noting the words plague, infectious, caution... And her smile widens into a wry leer. "My... I dare say I have found some enjoyable reading~" And the offer to deliver a sample? "Oh, I would love studying a sample, dear. If you could bring me one in a safe container I would very much like to study it. But for now just reading about it will be a good start. I so like studying new diseases..."

    Yes, this will do nicely for some bedtime reading.

    The talk about Unionites is slightly amusing, though Medusa shrugs. "I do not care much for Staren either, though I haven't seen him infuriated before. But yes, sending him a recording of the incident is sure to get a reaction, I'm sure," she adds, then sets the data pad aside.

    "Either way I hope the toxins will be to your liking, and I look forward to hearing your assessment of them. The reports have been sent to you for further study. Hopefully your next assassination attempts will be successful, those Unionites can be such a bother, can't they~?"

HK-47 (754) has posed:
     Programmed to kill as he is, HK still understands the merits of discretion and tact - as an Assassin droid, he could hardly be expected not to. At the same time, he also takes Medusa's words into consideration, pausing thoughtfully. "Conclusion - You make a sound argument. Perhaps I shall give some of my targets an item that is... disappointedly satisfactory to them, if only to observe their confusion."

     "Eager Acknowledgment - I shall put in the request as soon as possible" the droid happily states - it seems helping encourage research into spreading venues of chaos is a satisfying pastime for him. "Statement - It shall take a period of time to obtain the necessary clearance for delivery of the sample and acquisition of secure transport and containment, but I shall assuredly have it to you by the time of Multiversal festivities."

     Upon hearing that Medusa has never seen that particular meatbag become angry, the droid makes a mental note to send her a video-file for her enjoyment at some point.

     "Admission - They can most definitely be a frustrating endeavor to overcome, though I feel my efficiency in combating them is steadily improving" HK replies in a mix of regret and thoughtfulness. He becomes more eager as he proceeds to return to observing the poisons. "Assurance - I assure you, I shall make full use of these toxins in my future operations.... and, while I am not always one for premature evaluations, I do believe I shall be satisfied by the results."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "Ah, take your time, I'm in no hurry. Witches seldom die from old age if at all," Medusa chuckles in good humour. "The sample will get here when it gets here. For now I have enough to work with and keep myself entertained. Do take care, enjoy your gift and thank you for the lovely present. Have a nice day~"

    With that the nurse turns her focus back to the laptop and whatever work she has waiting for her. It's a well known fact that Medusa is seldom without work to do, whether it's her own projects or medical work for the Confederacy.

HK-47 (754) has posed:
     Nodding with a graciousness not typical of his treatment towards meatbags, HK-47 will take the proffered toxins eagerly, regarding Medusa with a courtesy most would likely be surprised to see in him.

     "Gratitude - You have my thanks, m.... Medusa Gorgon."

     He actually forwent his typical descriptor of 'meatbag.' That is not an easy thing to achieve... but it seems the witch has earned the droid's respect.

     "Acknowledgement - I shall endeavor to do so. Farewell, Doctor."

     Taking his newly-acquired venoms as a valuable prize - the fruit born of having allies of like-mind - HK-47 makes his leave of the medical ward, likely drawing stares from the nurses as the assassin droid makes to return to his current staging area as quickly as possible, the reports of the toxins already occupying his processors.

     After all... he had some reading if his own to do.