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Latest revision as of 04:45, 8 December 2015

Tending to the Apprentice
Date of Scene: 07 December 2015
Location: The Citadel - Ward 17 <CW>
Synopsis: It's time for Sanary to be the one treated for once, and Medusa sees to it personally.
Cast of Characters: 22, Sanary Rondel

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     By the time Sanary arrives at Ward 17, she looks like she's had much better days. Her hair and clothes are burnt from the shoulders and above, some of her hair is healed into her head, and she appears to be in pain just from breathing. And to top it all off? She's probably thrown up a few times on the way to the medical ward.

     All in all, definitely not a pleasant day for her. Thankfully, she's been cleaned up a bit before being checked in, and there's a clean bucket next to her bed just in case there's any further messes.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    Considering Sanary has been learning from Medusa and is one of the Confederates who the nurse shows more attention to, the witch hadn't been slow to request a transfer so that the young lady could come under her care. Sure, they had asked if she felt it was professional of her to treat an apprentice like that. How else to better teach her, had Medusa pointed out. It's clear the serpentine woman is used to having things her way.

    It's a good thing that Sanary's arms and legs aren't burnt, it makes it easier to insert IV lines into her arms. And she gets them, in both arms. The room likewise is kept slightly warmer for the sake of Sanary's burnt skin to prevent hypothermia, and she's given a room for herself for the sake of reducing infection. Burnt skin is so sensitive, after all. Two IV drips are started, one in each arm, and as they wheel her in Medusa herself adds some medication to Sanary's IV line. "Lot 14 a," she explains. One of the painkillers that Sanary would have been taught how to use. A painkiller that also works against nausea. In addition it also has dilating properties, which means it opens up the airways, which should probably help ease up on her breathing. To the other nurse following her, Medusa gives a quick order. "Prepare 60 ccs of potassium chloride and add it to the Ringer Solution."

    "I need you to tell me about the darts you were shot with, dear," Medusa informs Sanary as the bed is wheeled into place and then locked, and the other nurses begin working. One of them starts on applying cream to Sanary's burnt skin, the cream smells strongly of herbs, and while it might initially sting, it soon has a soothing and numbing effect. The other nurse adds three large syringes of a clear liquid to one of the drips and lowers the speed of the infusion somewhat, and another nurse begins measuring Sanary's vitals.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     There's a light wince as those IV lines are put in. "Nn... Still not used to that. H-hey, Medusa." The cleric takes a long breath as the meds start to work their way through her system, easing the pain and keeping her from needing to reach for that bucket again. Mentally, she's trying her best to take note of the state of the room for future reference, although focusing is still rather difficult at the moment.

     "The darts... Uh. Right. You know a... Kyra Hyral?" She starts to raise her arms before stopping to let the nurses work without disturbing them. Her breathing definitely sounds better between the cream keeping her burns from aggravating her and the painkiller making it easier to breathe after all that vomiting earlier. "Healer with the hoodie and the... Dart gun. Didn't say what the stuff was, but she shot me around the left side. Made me start feeling all pukey and... Shitty."

     Apparently, Sanary's was in such a rush to get to Ward 17 that she neglected to actually pull those darts out of her side. All three of them are still sticking out of her, and it appears as if those have also healed into her.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "Aaaah, Kyra. Yes, I know of her, though I haven't talked with her yet. She's a healer, isn't she?" Medusa chuckles, amused at the irony. Who knew that she had such a bite? It's rather amusing, how healers also know how to properly use their knowledge and skill to often inflict injury and pain. Of course the witch embraces this knowledge, using it more often than not to injure and torture. Fortunately for her fellow Confederates she uses it for their benefit, even though it's not always gentle.

    Which Sanary will no doubt notice as Medusa reaches down to the darts. And she takes a hold of them. "This will hurt a little." Which it certainly does as Medusa uses her free hand to summon up some vector snakes, then uses them to slice open the skin around the darts so she can pull them out, handing them to a nurse. "Analyse the contents of these." "Yes, Miss Medusa."

    At the same time another nurse walks up to the witch with a data pad. "The lab work the medics who retrieved her took." Medusa narrows her eyes slightly as she takes the data pad and looks it over, and the nurse with the cream applies the same cream to the area where the darts were pulled out of.

    "CRP 62, leukocytes at 12... natrium at 131..." Medusa muses. "What are the vitals?"

    "95 over 60, pulse at 110, afebrile, respiration frequency at 25, saturation at 95!"

    At that Medusa nods, then pats Sanary's arm gently. "It sounds like you're developing a sepsis, dear. Which might suggest that dear Kyra shot you with either a strain of bacteria or fungus. It's easily treated, though you will have to be on antibiotics for at least five days. The skin can easily be generated tomorrow, but for today..." Medusa jots down some information on the data pad. "We will focus on stabilizing you, IV drips and begin on a broad spectre of antibiotics before the sepsis develops. Due to your dehydration your body is at a strain already, and the burns only add to that. Seems our dear Union healer has a vicious streak, hmmm~?" Somehow it appears Medusa takes amusement from that thought. "No eating or drinking for today, as it will only aggravate the symptoms."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     "She's... Interesting. Really good with poisons, though..." Sanary was feeling good enough to even laugh at that a bit. "That's... What, three times now? But if I can puke in her hat just once..." Even though she's just starting her recovery, the apprentice has already begun plotting her revenge! Albeit not in the most violent of ways, but it's... Something.

     Looking over as Medusa takes of the darts, she nods slowly before closing her eye. There's a light wince as they're extracted, although it doesn't seem to bother her nearly as much as the IVs being put in earlier. She glances over lazily at the nurse coming in with the data, closing her eye again a moment later while trying to parse all that data.

     If only she had her cheat sheets with her.

     "Probably bacteria. Fungus is... Wait. That's not just mushrooms, right." She chuckles weakly and rests her head back on the pillow, taking another long breath before sighing quietly. "Five days... Not too bad. I'm not gonna be stuck in bed the whole time, am I?" There's another heartier chuckle followed by a cringe, reaching to rub her midsection instinctively. "The burns are.. Uh. More my fault, actually. Fought a girl with something called a Persona? I might have set off an explosion next to it while I was... Er. Grabbing it."

     It was a sound strategy at the time, at least.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "Any healer who can use their knowledge to willingly inflict injury or sickness on somebody /is/ indeed interesting," Medusa confirms with a gentle chuckle. "And wait with puking into her hat until later. You will have your revenge in due time."

    Why rush it?

    At least Sanary is a compliant patient, which ensures less suffering for her in the end. After all, she should know by now that Medusa enjoys making it worse for the patients who do not do as she says. And that she has a tendency to make it worse for them, even in small ways.

    "Sepsis caused by fungus is common. Why, it can even settle in your spine and create abscesses," the witch informs her patient. "And no, you will not be in bed the entire time. Today you will stay in bed however, and tomorrow you will spend some time in a tank to heal your skin. I think... three days in medical, and then you can switch to tablets for your antibiotic treatment. You should be able to eat in two days, and tomorrow you can drink. Fortunately your heart can tolerate an intense fluid regimen so we can make sure to correct your dehydration and electrolyte unbalance."

    The other nurses continue with their work, though Medusa herself turns to a nurse who brings her a tray of ampules and syringes. Turns out she will personally see to the dosage of the antibiotics and administer the first dose. "You will be feeling better in just a few hours. Do let me know if your pain is flaring up or if you are feeling like you are about to throw up again. It would be such a bother to have you get even more dehydrated."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     "Heh... Fair enough. Yeah, I've noticed healing people the wrongw ay can be pretty... Uh. Interesting, too." Sanary grins as she says that, letting herself settle back onto the bed carefully so as to not hurt herself again. Her midsection still appears to be bothering her, though, but at least she's not coughing out blood!

     She listens to Medusa's explanation of the recovery plan carefully, nodidng every now and then. She does let out a relieved sigh when she hears just when she can start eating again, though, even if it does mean being in a tank for a while (thankfully, not the moving vehicle type). "Sounds like a plan... Aah. Say, do you know if stuff like the healing magic or.. Uh. Vega's Psycho Power things'll mess with that any?" She furrows her brow slightly, staring at the ceiling while holding her arms out for easier access to those (terrible awful bad) needles.

     "I can use up the energy in case anything needs to heal slower, but the other thing... I don't really know how it works, honestly. Figured you should know ahead of time, right?" She chuckles and glances over the bed at that bucket. "Don't feel like throwing up yet, but I'll holler if I do. Or..."

     She considers her options, then the potential consequences of hollering while vomiting. "... I'll holler after I finish."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "Healing magic will most likely only help," Medusa says, "My methods are a bit more scientific, so there is nothing that should counteract the other. I haven't personally witnessed Vega's skills, and I admit I am curious to see what they can do." She's always been curious, that's for certain. "I will contact him on radio."

    As for Sanary's healing, Medusa looks at her skin. "Your skin is healing too fast. Your hair is healed into the skin, and it can in the worst case lead to an infection. The same with the darts..." It wouldn't do if the infection spread, as it would take even longer for Sanary to heal. Sometimes accelerated healing can be counter productive. "Use up the energy for today so we can get you stabilised. And then it can used to its full extent tomorrow when you're in the tank. And yes, I do appreciate knowing things, it's my job~" The witch offers the girl an amused smirk as she finishes up the dosage for the antibiotics. Various syringes are prepped and ready, and Medusa begins injecting it into the other IV bag. "Inject these to different bags, and infuse them rapidly. Administer 20 mg Furosemide every hour for the first 4 hours," she instructs the nurses.

    With the treatment well on its way Medusa turns her attention back to Sanary, offering her a motherly smile. "I doubt you will throw up, dear. Try to get some rest so you can focus on repaying Kyra with a similar lesson~"

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     "I don't think they affect healing, at least. Just something to use in fights, as far as I know." Sanary chuckles quietly and resists the urge to pick at some of the hairs now that she knows they're there, instead busying her hands with just messing with the blankets. Complying with Medusa's instructions, she starts focusing her energy outward, a green light cloud forming on the other side of the bed.

     "Understood.... Ah, just as long as I don't have to read anything after I use this up." Another long breath, and the cloud starts to become denser. It's not going to be using up her reserves quickly, but it is controlled fairly well and won't interfere with any nearby patients as long as she keeps it from expanding outwards.

     "Heh... I'll be sure to come back to you in case I get shot up with poison again. I... Still don't get why people are so scared of coming here." It really wasn't scary at all, was it? Sanary even seems quite calm, all things considered. "Unless... Hmm. You ever do any experiments in here?"

     She pauses, then smirks again. "... If you ever need any help with those, by the way, you know you can call on me."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "My dear... I always experiment on people. It's part of science, though the experiments vary. It all depends on what ails them. Dehydration and sepsis is hardly new to me, so I have no reason to do the more... extreme testing on you," Medusa informs Sanary. "Besides, there's very little my snakes can do to cleanse you of the infection." Surely Sanary knows about how Medusa isn't shy about using her magic to treat people. It's seldom a pretty sight. Or sound.

    "And of course I accept any help. It is quite thoughtful of you to offer your services. When you're feeling better I will let you know." With that Medusa gives Sanary one final smile before she turns to exit the room, leaving her apprentice behind with the nurses who are busy tending to her skin and the IV fluids. It will be a long day in medical, that's for sure.