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(Kotone visits Corona at her garage to have some 'girl time' like the normal people they never get to be.)
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Latest revision as of 17:16, 13 December 2015

Two Girls and a Garage
Date of Scene: 12 December 2015
Location: Brimsteel Frontier
Synopsis: Kotone visits Corona at her garage to have some 'girl time' like the normal people they never get to be.
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, Corona Arclite

Corona Arclite has posed:
It wasn't strange to see technology types getting mixed and mashed together in the Multiverse. But it was still a little odd to see worlds where such anachronistic blending was an actual thing for the world's own technology levels. Brimsteel was a prime example of this, and Corona's workshop in Loadstar was only different in that it had more off-world technology trickling into the mix as well.

The garage branching off from the smithy was pretty modern when it came to equipment. Yet it's typical occupants included a steam powered, drill fronted wrecker truck; and a tri-wheel combat buggy with an all-terrain crawler tread replacing the front wheel. A winch and machine rack had been used to hoist up the labor exo from a certain ship hijacking so Corona could putter over studying it at her leisure. Modern machinery tools were scattered about with old fashioned wrenchs and clockwork parts.

And Corona herself was still partway under the truck, making sure the suspension clearance was properly aligned, considering she had to rebuild the thing almost from the under-chassis up after Peridot tried to blow it up.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa didn't mind this place at all, she was kinda the strnge one here really not that she minded. Corona would find she had a guest aka Kotone coming in, she was wearing a form fitting jump suit and looking to be in pretty good spirits as she centers. She takes a moment and will end up ducking her head under the craft.

"So find a Temporal Compensator in there?"

Corona Arclite has posed:
There's no cliche smacking of heads against vehicle in surprise as those sharp fox ears heard the doors and footsteps well before Kotone said anything and stooped down into view. "Good grief Ah hope not. Keepin' the timin' mechanisms in sync is pain 'nough as it is." Corona pauses a moment to pick up her riveter and thump the last corner of the panel into place. "Just makin' sure the suspension and underplatin' is in place so don't get no gunk up in the works."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa crouches by Corona looking under there. "Ah so just about done huh, I was hoping I could hang out for a bit if it's not too much trouble. I was just joking about the time travel. IT hurts my head to think about it. Sure change one thing and next thing you know it's a grim dark future where your friends are all dying and your in a time loop trying to save em."

She seems amused though.

"I getcha maintance is a thing, a very formost thing on my mind more than it used to be let me tell you."

Corona Arclite has posed:
"Got nuff 'round here to keep things interesting without wibbly wobbly timey-wimey nonsense." Corona tucked the riveter back into her toolbelt and put her hands against the undercarrage to push herself out from beneath the truck. "Though it is kinda funny to watch off-world tourist wonder if -they- went back in time. Guess all the bronze and gears confuse 'em or something." The vixen shrugs a bit and pulls her work goggles up from her face. Which results in a sort of reverse mask as the rest of her face is covered in work grim. "Hangin' out huh? Just lemme tidy up nuff Ah ain't trackin' grease all over the place."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa Says "That's a pretty famous quote when it comes to time travel, isn't it?" Kotone seems to be pretty chill as she waits for her vixen friend to get her stuff done. She does however hand her a cloth to help clean up. She also makes an amused face. "You know it's funy to think I bleed this stuff now."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite accepts the rag once she's on her feet, using it to wipe off her face. Then tosses it in a disposal bin. Laughs a little as she pulls off her leather work gloves and tosses them on one of the work stations. "Ah reckon yer insides be a bit more refined than old axle grease." Then just sweeps off the bench in general with one arm and sits on it. "Make yerself at home, so to speak."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Hey I might as well make use of the machinery jokes if I got to live like this, right?" She retorts as she finds a chair to sit down in. She checks it for a moment to make sure it can hold her before she does so. "Thanks, it's just good to catch up. So Miho's recovering well, and Saki's got a life going for her in Rory's neck of the woods. She even ahs a Crow Uplift working for her to make her cafe more authentic."

Corona Arclite has posed:
"Only if Ah get to make ones 'bout not knowin' if Ah should offer ya a can of beer or a can of motor oil," Corona replies joke for joke. "Good t'know she's findin' a place to fit in fer herself. Know how hard that can be." From personal experience, no less. She can't help but snicker a bit as Kotone fusses over the chair's load bearing capacity. "Don't sweat it Koto. Iffen ya bust somethin' by accident, most of the furnahture's recycled junk anyways."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Ha, I got to say though glitch 'plants' are pretty darn tastey to for what it's woth I think my systems actually can process that. Also Slipbolt's seeming to work out pretty well on my ship too and all right. I didn't want to be the rampaging destroyer of chairs. Seriously I did that a few times after my cyberization was finished."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite taps her chin with a finger. "... Try drinkin' antifreeze? That stuff's made with a variant chemical structure of alcohol sometimes." The thought gets another bit of a shrug. "Ah guess not needin' to worry about what ya eat does have its perks, yeah?" She leans over the end of the workbench to pull a small cooler out from under it and get something to drink for herself. "Not that Ah'm no heavy drinker m'self. Just sometimes ya gotta take the edge off. Considerin' the sorts o' things we gotta deal with from time to time."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "No thanks I don't want ot even think about that, well I do sometimes but in that fashion it's one of the perks. Well your lucky you can get drink at least. I can't anymore." SHe makes a face at Corna for a moment and leans back in the chair for the moment. "I know but it's heavy to know my apperance, my race and even my gender or speices now isn't really set in stone anymore..."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite pops open the can with her claws. "Well, at first that may seem kinda unusual... but when ya think about it..." she pauses a moment to take a few gulps, then leans back on the wall behind the bench. "Multiverse kinda changes the perspective of it all. Just think of all the folks that ain't what they started out as." She ticks off a few fingers with her free hand. "Cyborgs, mutants, cursed folk, so on and so on." Then smirks a little wryly. "Not to shoot down yer feelin' unusual."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "I more mean evrtying can be so fluit for me. It's daunting nd honestly scary and yes your right. Like Fox Girls as well. Still how were yhings here before it unified, there was a bloddy panic after we unified several years ago but I was in highschool then to be perfectly honest."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite's tail twitchs a few times around her ankles. "Yeah, but Ah've always been a 'fox girl'." Gulps down another round from her beer. Shrugs a little. "Brimsteel was already a mixin' pot of a frontier world. Ah reckon a lot of folks don't even notice much a diff'rence. Save those that have act'ally tried doin' business with other worlds."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa Says "Your lucky then we didn't think there was anything out there but ourselves to be perfectly honest. I doubt I'd have had a very exciting life ... if not for the unificaation to be honest I'd likely be more of a nobody than I already am."

Corona Arclite has posed:
"And yer lucky you had a 'normal' life at one point at least, so we're even there," Corona replies with a snicker as she tosses the empty can. It clatters off into a corner, only for a small version of one of her clockwork drones to trundle in, scoop it up, and trundle out again. Corona folds her hands behind her head as she leans back again. "But we both wouldn't be where we are ifen it weren't for strange circumstances... can't say it ever has to worry 'bout bein' borin' either, though."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Heh I get it what is normal but that's a long subjecty on it's own. Seriously it's funny how it goes. Everyone's world is likely someone else's fiction Funny ow that is isn't it?>" She moves to get a drink of her own and start to down it. "Still some people around here just rush in and don't even ask if we should..."

Corona Arclite has posed:
"An' some people take forever to decide, and by then it's too late. Not that Ah should really talk, Ah ain't the most patient person." Idly Corona picks up a wrench and twirls it in her hand a few times. "But in this line of work there ain't time for dwaddlin'. Iffen there's a problem, ya gotta fix it before it becomes a bigger problem."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Oh I know I'm just afraid of where my world will be in 20 or 30 years. With how fast things are going." She pokes her own body for a moment. "When I was a infant this was fiction now look at me LEast I'll never get wrinkles unless I want them right? Also mind if I crash here for the evening?"