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Latest revision as of 08:12, 19 December 2015

Academy Life
Date of Scene: 19 December 2015
Location: Remnant <REM>
Synopsis: Fayt pays a visit to Beacon, and promptly regrets the decision.
Cast of Characters: Tomoe, 319, Yuuki Konno, Yang Xiao Long

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Today, a visitor arrives at Beacon Academy. to be more exact, a ship shows up. It's a freighter, a metal box with engines strapped to it and what appears to be a black dragon curled around a shipping crate painted on either side of it. It hangs in the air over the academy for several moments, likely talking with someone over radio, before moving to land at the airship port.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    "Airship control this is Tower, open bay seven for the Union vessel." "But--" "I don't care that's the reserved bay for Atlas long range flights, there's none scheduled for today." "... Opening bay seven. Black Dragon Heavy 221552, proceed to mooring, the clamps will anchor you once in place. Afterwards, power down."

    Airship control aside there's ground staff on site to help load and/or unload the frieghter. It might not be an airship, but the principle is likely still the same!

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    "Oh hey I know that ship!" comes the excited squeal of a certain imp girl. There is, of course, more than one ship like that... and it's not even likely that the pilot of the ship is here because of Yuuki. But that doesn't stop the virtual girl from dashing off to see if it's a friend come to see her.

    Yuuki, of course, still looks like her virtual self. She's wearing a headband however, spock-style, covering the tips of her ears. She looks quite human like this. Well, not really. She actually looks like someone pretending to be human. But at Beacon, that means those who don't actually KNOW she's from offworld would probably just assume her to be bat-faunus or something similar.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe humms for a moment as she spots the ship. Tomoe aka Eisen nods to Yuuki as she takes off after the Imp, at some point she needs to inform more than the head master about the full scope of hert abilities here but for now the redhead sprints after Yuuki with the same hope, or prehaps she's aware of whom is on board too given she may have been the very one to lure Fayt here in the first place.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    "Understood, thank you."

    The lands as instructed, it's cargo hatch opening up as the ground crew arrives, the ships own crew joining in to help unload crates. Also making it's way out of the ship is Fayt, the tiny, pale mage slowly taking in his sorroundings as he walks off the ship. apparently he decided to visit the newly-unified world, probably to help his company.

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    As she comes out on the field, Yuuki recognizes the blue-haired stuffgetter easily enough. He... stands out. Question is does he recognize her? Because yeah, here comes a rather purple figure, running at breakneck speed out towards the ship, waving a hand frantically.

    Fortunately for Fayt, Yuuki isn't waving a SWORD at him. She doesn't even seem to HAVE a sword, actually. It's in her infventory, so she's not wearing her scabbard. Just an ordinary teenager, yep. He should have a chance to see her coming and maybe dive for cover.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe in her form of Eisen is here and for once she's not wearing a SCI-fi stealth suit of some sort school uniform and she moves in on Fayt, she's a bit older than the other studentys but she basically missed out on two years of her life. As for Fayt she's moving in to get close nd will come up whispering in his ear. "Fayyyyt it's time for you to have some funnnnnn."

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    What happens next is a little complicated.

    Fayt actually starts to turn to look towards Yuuki as he hears soemthing barreling his way. "Huh?" This is interrupted however, by Tomoe whispering in his ear, causing the pale trader to nearly jump as his head snaps back to look at her. "GAH!"

    Coincidentally, this would be juuust long enough for Yuuki to clsoe the gap between them... Whatever she's planning, he not gonna see it coming.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    There's a local hanging around the airship docks. One Fayt might recognize. The blonde haired, fight-ready superwoman is just casually leaning on a railing, looking out across the scenery beyond the academy. Remnant is a beautiful place, but really, really dangerous. Looking out toward the seaway, she can almost make out the bulge of Patch just over the horizon. Home.

    She has a slightly melancholy air for a moment, and seems oddly still compared to how she normally is. Deep in thought, she doesn't even notice others gathering nearby, nor impending Fayt-doom.

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    Yuuki doesn't really KNOW the Stuffgetter. She knows he's a friend of Karian's, and that he's part of the Gatecrashers to whom she might well owe her life. Well, someday at least. Her friends' lives, at the very least. At this point though it doesn't really matter that she doesn't know him all that well. He's a friend, and that's what counts.

    Because he's not a *dear* friend, she shows some mercy. Instead of tackling him full-force, she merely grabs his arm, glomping down on it. This might be disconcerting for him, given how she clings to his arm... given she's a girl and all. But then again, she's wearing a breastplate. It's not going to be nearly as disconcerting as if she'd been armorless.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Cue a loud YELP form Fayt as Yuuki grabbs his arm, causing him to wobble for a moment. "Um... h-hello?... again?" he starts to frantically glance between Yuuki and Tomoe. "Um, what did I just wander into? What's going on here? Tomoe?"

    He really looks like a leader right now, odesn't he?

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe grins at Fayt "Oh come on all work and no play makes Fayt less effienet. You know working your face into the ground ends up hurting how well you can work riht?" She smirks as she seems to kow the Stuff getter very well with how she's now clining to him or attempting to do so. "I'm not sure humm aside from you need to relax more."

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    Yuuki releases Fayt's arm, but remains well inside his personal space. She has no grasp of the concept, honestly... she does this to just about everybody. It's a good thing she's so short, or she'd no doubt loom over everyone.

    "Just glad to meet one of my non-VR friends!" Yuuki says cheerily. She waves in Yang's direction, gesturing the older girl to come closer. Yang knows Fayt, she knows that! They all met together for the first time! "Oh and uh... hey." she says, glancing at Fayt, looking a little sheepish. NOT, sadly, for glomping onto him. "You get stuff, right? Can I ask you what it'd cost to get a bunch of jewelry? Nothing fancy, couple of simple rings, pendants, earrings, bracelets, that sort of thing. Stones have to be amethyst but the metal just has to look nice. Amethyst's not real expensive, right? Or something else, but it should be purple!"

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    good news? Yuuki not clinging to him. Bad news? Tomoe clinging to him. Fayt starts to go a little red in the face. "Umm... I-I thought I was fine?"

    He suprisingly snaps out of it for a moment though, as Yuuki makes a request. "Jewlery?" he tilts his head form side to side for a moment as he considers this. "Sure, that shouldn't be a problem. I'll see what I can find."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang shakes off her melancholy and smiles brightly at Yuuki, wandering on over and unceremoniously hoisting the little imp-girl up, settling her on a shoulder. "Hey Yuuki." she looks to Fayt, and grins a bit. "Hey Boss, how's it hangin'?" she asks. Last time she 'met' Fayt, she was working for him as a hired guard or some such.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe :looks at Yuuki for a moment and listns witth intrest but does let go after a moment she doesn't want to have to reload Fayt from factory settings. "Hey Yang, good to see you I take it you know Fayt from the sounds of things, right?"

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    Yuuki might well have been startled at first by Yang's friendly way of picking people up, but she gets used to such things quickly and has no objections. Given the inhuman lightness of several of the Faerie races and Yuuki's own balance, she's pretty effortless to be hoisted too.

    She grins down at Fayt and Eisen, then holds out one hand in a V gesture. Yuuki has PLANS for the amethyst jewelry. It may not be particularly fancy stuff, but she has plans for it. She just prays it'll be as good as she's hoping it'll be... because she's also kind of nervous about the whole idea. It might end up being goofy or gaudy or something, and she wouldn't want that!

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt breaths a sigh of relief as he's let go. He then turns to face Yang. "Oh, hello again, that's for helping me that time. Erm... Just Fayt is fine." A pause, before he adds. "I thought I'd come here to get a look around, see if there's any work for a trader like myself. Tomoe seems to have other ideas though."

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe waves to Fayt as he lea es but shakes her head a little bit. "He wouldn't know fun if it tied him down and sat on his head somedays, Yuuki." She has no idea just what Yuukia's plans are but she'll leave her friend to it. "Hummm maybe we should get going and grab something to eat?"