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Latest revision as of 19:43, 21 December 2015

Most Wanted: Kyouji Shinkawa
Date of Scene: 20 August 2015
Location: Alfheim Online <ALO>
Synopsis: The morning after the BoB, Tomoe and Sinon track down one member of the Death Gun partnership- and her ex-best-friend.
Cast of Characters: Tomoe, 649

Sinon (649) has posed:
    Earlier, we said that Shino Asada never saw Kyouji Shinkawa again. That's not technically true.
    Certainly, she never saw him IN THE SAME WAY again...

    cunning retcons r go

    The time is about 4:45am in Tokyo, the day... technically... after the Bullet of Bullets tournament.

    Despite being somewhat tired from the ... the everything, and the afterparty in Dicey Cafe, Shino Asada couldn't sleep. Not for reasons of adrenaline, but...

    Well. Generally speaking, when it becomes obvious that someone has lecherous intents towards you combined with an intention to perform a murder-suicide, most people would never want to see that person again.

    Sinon is not most people, and concience has driven her to consider the fact that letting an openly suicidal and criminally insane person run off into the night and forgetting about him would probably have a bad outcome.

    Plus, he knows more about this situation than she does, thinking pragmatically.

    That's why she's walking around Chiyoda, accompanied by Tomoe, trying to find him.

Tomoe has posed:
She's been up quite warly as well she was aked along by Sinon and here she was as Eisen, though she was wearing far more casual clothing and looked nothing like one knew the real Sheena. After all she was about Sinon's height like this rather than towering over her. She moved along in stride hands in pockets as she kept up with Sinon.

"Being able to do this takes a lot to get used to, but you made the right call. We can't just let him run off like this..."

Sinon (649) has posed:
    The thing is... well, it's not just reasons of practicality. Sinon knows that she technically needed someone with authority here, but she could have picked anyone from the Union. She asked Tomoe because, well, for one thing, they're friends. And the other thing is, she needed someone here she could rely on, just in case.

    It's not that she's worried for her own safety. She's worried for Kyouji's. She knows that, like all of the Gatecrashers, Tomoe knows what to do when snap life-or-death decisions may need to be made, and she trusts her to react better and faster than her in an emergency.

    "Thanks. He's as much a danger to himself as anything else."

    First, they went to Kyouji's house, but Sinon didn't expect to find him there. What she did need was something that could clue the two of them in as quickly as possible to where he may have gone- "We're looking for any addresses he might have written down, or places he's been recently," she says to him as the two of them move past Kyoji's (sleepy and confused) mother and into their apartment, moving towards his bedroom. "He might have gone back there as a fallback option."

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe nods to Sinon for a moment.

"You are right he is, he needs help and franky to be kept away from people. It's a mess, I seen people break like that it's ... not something I'd wish on even someone I hated."

She takes a deep breath and moves along with her. She hummms and nods for a moment as she now looks to Sinon for a moment. "Right and don't mind us ma'me."

She'll flash the Union ID though if she has to before she starts looking.

Sinon (649) has posed:
    It's... probably easier to explain to Ms. Shinkawa, who has probably been awake for a lot of the night, that they're searching for her missing son, at least /to begin with/, in Sinon's opinion. She can tell that she's distressed and doesn't want to add to it.

    Kyouji's desktop is password protected, and she isn't sure if Tomoe knows of a way to crack it. However, there are receipts in the trash from restaurants and stores in Kudanminami, which seems to be the only place he's been recently.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe is now going through the trash as she's got no idea where his password might be. He could have made a mistake and wrote it down, though she tries some of the most common passwords she knows of. Several vartions of Lughing Coffin, password, admin, and 12345, she doesn't expect much but she can try. After that she's going to check the trash for recites or anything else she might be able to find here.

Sinon (649) has posed:
    12345? That's the same combination I have on my luggage!

    Sinon... after Tomoe's tried, gravely leans over and tries something she really doesn't want to work.

    s h i n o a s a d a

    'Welcome, Spiegel.'

    Sinon looks at Tomoe. Her expression is... rather sad.

    Right at the bottom of the trash, there's a box! Success! Of the worst kind. The box was a container for vials of succinylcholine, and it has identifying information on it that belongs to the hospital the Shinkawa family are directors of.

    The implications are obvious.

    Piecing together the rest of the information they manage to collect, Sinon and Tomoe can go to Kudanminami. It's pretty near to the Budokan, as a random piece of trivia! But we're not going there. We're going to the place very near to it- and, ironically enough, very near to the hospital Kirito has stayed in many times.

    Kyoji Shinkawa is half-asleep on the steps of the Nishogakusha university, lying there in surprisingly plain sight. It's almost sunrise when they see him.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe looks over at Sinon and seems to be sad as well.

"When does love stop being love and becomes twisted into something else?"

She contiunesw to go digging she pauses st the drug, she gets her smartphone out does a quick net serch and she gets the idea of what's going on with this. It doesn't take too long and they get going she looks to see Kyoji for a moment and doens't move just yet, she looks him over with intrest and she tilts her head at him a bit.

"Guten Morgen."

She seems to know a bit of german but given the multiverse she just said good morning to him and he'd know it. She doesn't make any step to move, just yet.

Sinon (649) has posed:
"I don't know, but I wish I did so I can make sure to never even get close."

    At the university...

    Kyouji stirs when addressed. He takes a few moments for everything to slot together in his head, which might be hard, considering- the nearby 7-11 sells beer and accepts bribes. On the other hand, the cans nearby probably caused Kyoji to pass out before he could do anything to hurt himself, so there's that.

    It's when he notices Sinon standing a few paces away from Tomoe that Kyoji suddenly lurches up to his feet, although he moves backward rather than forward until he's up against one of the pillars. "Asada-san!"


    "...did you change your mind? Are you going to kill me like you said you would?"

    Sinon winces.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe gives Sinon a look but doesn't say a thing, she can only guess what happend to drive her to say that. Still she's on her guard now fo rfurhter torubl she looks to Kyoji for a moment her blue eyes narrowing.

"So your Kyoji. No we're not here to kill you, if we wanted to? We'd not be talking right now. So I have to ask what made you do this?"

Sinon (649) has posed:
    Kyoji... one of his eyes is half-closed, the other one squints and twitches a little.

    "(I may have made some vaugely worded but threatening implications,)" Sinon whispers apologetically, hoping that this doesn't hurt Tomoe's opinions of her.

    "Huuuh?" Kyoji replies, almost sneering. "What do you mean? Oh, was it the drinking? Oh, officer, all the other kids were doing it...!"

    He laughs, and stumbles on the steps ungracefully. "What am I supposed to say to you? What's your deal, anyway? Why should I care about any other person in this shitty world other than my Asada-san?"

    "I'm not 'your' anything..." Sinon replies.


Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe is looking the young maqn over for a moment. She thinks for a moment and she tilts her head for a moment at him as he looks at him. She knows some idea of the feelings of rage over being helpless. Maybe not exactly the same but she gets what rage can make a person do.

"My deal? It's simple I played SAO, and on one who did? Ever escapes that cursed place."

Sinon (649) has posed:
    "Hey... tell me something I don't know," Kyouji replies, shrugging with his hands out. "Ah, but was it really a curse? When you're in VR, the real world like this doesn't even compare... look all around us." He's talking to Tomoe, but looking at Sinon. The effect is a little disconcerting. "Look at these grey buildings and grey streets. It's all just so plain..."

    He pats his hand on the metal railing behind them... and then, chillingly, he vaults right over it and onto the road!

    "Grey metal, grey roads, grey smog! Being reborn in any other world would be better than this!" he laughs, weaving back and forth in defiance of the possibility of oncoming traffic!

"Kyouji, no!" Sinon shouts, leaping after him- just as a car comes forward! The two of them are stuck dodging back and forth as the cars screech at them, and as much as Sinon is trying to get him to safety, Kyouji just keeps pulling the two of them deeper into the road!

    "Ahahaha! A last dance, Asada-san?"


Sinon can take a hit from a speeding vehicle, but Kyoji certainly can't!

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe looks at Kyoji for a moment.

"It was a curse, thrown into a would be god's death game."

She does think of the wonder of such worlds but for Tomoe a lot of conflicted and will forever be so as she listens she looks at him.

"So sick of this world with all it's lack of anything of wonder of special? I seen other worlds, where nightamres that exist here are condisned to fiction. It's a blessing to be born on a world like this."

Priscilla's and Oscar's world comes up to her mind fo a momen but he looks to him. She sees what's going ona s Kyouji is doing she has a plan she's going to attempt to use her agility to grab the mentally unbalanced young man and hopefully leap to the otherside of the road with him. She'll hang on to him tightly as possible without causing horrible injurey but she might have to to keep him alive.

Sinon (649) has posed:
    "Asada-san, do you think since I helped create a death game, I'm close to being a god too?" Kyouji asks. His eyes are unfocused and darting in every direction except the ones of oncoming cars. "Do you, do you, do you?"

    Sinon just has her hands full keeping Kyoji from being hit! She's also so sure he's totally paying attention to her that she's taken totally by surprise

    when he lets go of her entirely and slides right in front of an 18-wheeler-

        "Gott ist tott~"

    Then there's a spectacular blur of speed! Tomoe's agility carries both of them to safety in a blur, and Sinon- well, she desperately moves to the side of the 18-wheeler, desperately pushing against the side of it and re-aligning it to stop the whole thing from tipping over as the driver moves suddenly-

And Kyoji is in a heap on the floor, bawling and squirming as Tomoe holds him down.

    Is it over?

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe says "No."

Is the only reply she has for him on if he's a god or not. She's able to hold him down she's still reeling they likely just caused the headline of the local evening news with that stunt there. She calls out ot Sinon.

"Watch for it he wasn't alone in this!"

There might be another hell his partner might try to /ice/. She looks at him as he sobs, this is one of the killers? It's hard to hate someone this broken and pathic she muses or maybe the hate has burnt it out of her. She looks down on him not saying a thing. She does look for any means he might have to hurt himself though.

Sinon (649) has posed:
Sinon carefully, cautiously... begins to skip out of traffic and out of harm's way. She widens her eyes at Tomoe- the thought that the other 'death gun', the player of Sterben, might also be here never even occured to her.

    And then--

    Sinon's eyes widen as a message comes through in her virtual field of vision.

    It's the message from Arthur. The one which explains his jump out of GGO and where he went, and that--

    "He's... dead," Sinon says disbelievingly. "Sterben, XaXa, Shouichi Shinkawa, whoever we wanna call him, he's... Arthur found him. ...DOA..."

    Kyoji just stares from his position down on the floor. His eyes are kind of glassy. His breathing is laboured.

    Sinon looks down on him sadly. "...I could have been like you way too easily. Kyoji... I'll find a way to help you, somehow. But for now... T-tomoe, you say it."

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe makes sure that Kyoji is secured now, she's got zip ties from somewher eo secure him. She's not a cop but she taps an ear pice and calls into the local police that had been working with the Union on this. She's polite, she thanks the cops for their aid and requests a pickup of the target. She sighs and looks at him for a moment.

"I could have been the same, you see I rejected joining Laughing Coffin..."

Sinon (649) has posed:
Sinon learns something new every day.

    "...I'm glad you didn't."

    Looks like this is the end of the Death Gun case.