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Solstice Celebrations
Date of Scene: 22 December 2015
Location: Soul Eater World
Synopsis: Medusa brings a few Elites with her for celebrating the solstice along with the witches in her world.
Cast of Characters: 22, 127, 276, Sanary Rondel, 919, 930

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    The invitation had been sent out to the Elites; those who wished to join for a different celebration this winter were welcome to do so. How often do you get to see how witches celebrate a solstice anyway? And while Medusa Gorgon might not be the most benign woman in the multiverse, there is the truce... and while some might not place too much value in the witch's word, she had promised that she would see to everybody's personal safety for this.

    Those who has expressed an interest in joining for the celebrations were given coordinates for where to meet up, and upon arriving they should have no trouble finding Medusa there by a waiting portal, clad in her usual clothes in addition to a black, hooded cape. With her is a spindly teenager, as some might recognize Crona. And as people arrive, Crona will walk over and hand over a black cape for every person. "... here." Medusa herself will wait with speaking much most of the people have arrived, offering them a warm smile.

    "It's good to see so many of you have decided to join us for the festivities," she begins. "Even if it might be different and some might give you a pointed look for being there, I assure you it's perfectly safe. Us witches... some of us just tend to think differently of humans. But I will see to your safety personally if I have to, at least for tonight~" the Confederate witch states with a practiced smile that might look sincere. "Let us go."

    The trip through the waiting portal is easy and quick, leading them to what looks like an old castle ruin, tall stone spires rising up in the dark night towards a star filled sky, with a sinister moon with a severe case of gingivitis grinning up above. There is only one path to go, and it seems to be semi guarded by other caped figures, all wearing the same black style of cloak. And one of them steps forward towards Medusa, speaking in a somewhat hushed manner as she glances at the Elites with a nervous look.

    "What are you thinking...? Bringing all of the-"

    Medusa calmly cuts the other witch off. "It's been cleared with Maba already, Eruka. Do keep an eye out for me, will you~?"

    The other witch lets out what sounds like a choked croak as she pulls back, her mouth set in a worried thin line as Medusa walks up ahead to the waiting bonfire, leading the way for the Elites. "This way."

    And as they all move ahead to what appears to be an old courtyard. Tonight it has a gigantic bonfire in the centre that lights up the entire place, illuminating the food and drink tables set there. All around there are more people clad in black capes, and make no mistake. Several of them are looking over at the newcomers. But Medusa herself seems pretty calm as always, leading the way even as she turns to glance back at her guests. "If any of you brought any food or drink, then feel free to set them aside."

Genya Arikado (919) has posed:
    Genya had come to this on the spur of the moment, when he heard solstice celebrations were to be had. He hadn't been able to observe it for a while, and whenever he thought about it, he could just see his mother's disapproving gaze. So, to the solstice celebration he went, for both curiosity and conscience-salving.

    For his part, Genya makes no indication that he may be distrustful of Medusa in any way. A mild smirk, possibly of distant amusement, decorates his face, but beyond that his expression is unreadable. However, he offers a nod of thanks to Crona as the cape is handed to him, and he dons it with practiced ease. He's worn capes before. And then he goes through the portal with the group.

    The first glimpse of the moon in the odd world draws a quirk of one brow, but Genya says nothing of it, as the group is continuing on. He does bow politely to Eruka, who seems to be upset at their presence here, giving an apologetic look. He pauses in the courtyard, to look around. That's when he speaks up to Medusa, in his baritone voice. "Thank you for having us here," he says, in Japanese.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     If it helps mmake Medusa feel any better, Sanary has absolutely no point of reference to work with regarding the night's festivities! Or rituals or... Whatever. Living day-to-day just trying to survive among bandit raids and border skirmishes will do that. Thus, it might not be too surprising that the cleric shows up in her best clothes available: a purple suit with matching pants with two pendants hidden inside a vest. She, at least, trusts in the witch's word, and even shows up unarmed and without a shield on her anywhere!

     Crona gets a light nod and grin in greeting as she takes a cape, wiggling it around and watching it move for a while before putting it on carefully. It's hard resisting the urge to just start walking briskly and watching it go, but resist it she does! There's time to admire the capes in movement soon enough, anyway, as they pass through the portal and are stopped. Eruka gets a grin as well as she passes by, although it's significantly more mischievous and taunting than the one given to Crona.

     Once they get to the bonfire proper, Sanary scoots off briefly to set down her own offering for the night's festivities: Bacon, crispy pork rinds, and a gallon of pig blood tea! She salutes Medusa quickly as she returns. Stuff's been set, ma'am. Thanks for having us, yeah. What's with the... Uh. Capes, anyway?"

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    Kari is pulling along a small red Radio Flyer wagon behind her, clad in her much heavier Dire Wolf armor to cart the wagon along. In the wagon is a small ice cooler, and if asked what's in it, Kari cheerfully opens it to reveal jello plates for people to enjoy. The shinki accepts the tiny hood and cape from a witch and puts it on, swishing the cape dramatically before resuming pulling the wagon along into the feast area with the bonfire.
    Kari explains to the people at the food table that it should be kept cold or it will melt... and then starts mingling with the incoming guests, trying to stay out from underfoot.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    Kirikou has no particular interest in Medusa's social life, or for that matter in witchery festivities in general. If the witches are upset to see general Elites showing up, having a Shibusen Meister show up with his Weapons in tow must be just that much more grating.

    Kirikou has his reasons. Those reasons might be somewhat more obvious when one considers who he's with. Not just Fire and Thunder, who most people here are likely to recognize... he's also accompanied by two girls. Sisters, from the looks of them. People no one here is likely to have met before. The older sister has her fiery red hair in twin braids, and is perhaps Kilik's age, perhaps slightly younger. The younger sister is in pigtails and is obviously several years younger, little older than Fire and Thunder. The sisters are being towed by Fire and Thunder in turn, while Kirikou tows the twins. And no, Kirikou doesn't look overly happy to be here. He looks... kind of grim, actually. Like he's expecting trouble.

    Oh, and it probably needs to be said. The two sisters aren't typical humans, or at least if they are they're doing a fine job of costuming. Their hats have fuzzy fox ears and they have fox tails as well. The ears may well be fake, but those tails would be a whole lot harder to fake. They're dressed in black dresses, and they carry brooms.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    As Genya speaks to her the witch turns her head slightly up towards him, offering him a polite smile. "It's no problem, dear. I do not think I have made your acquaintance yet~" Feel free to introduce yourself, in other words.

    As for Sanary's question, Medusa looks at the girl. "It's the dress code, dear. Besides, winter nights tend to get cold..." The fact that Sanary has brought refreshments with her does seem to make some witches curious as they step forward to inspect the treats. The tea especially seems to be a curiousity.

    The appearance of a small shinki is a curiousity to the guests, and most of them do pull back to make sure they don't step on her. One of the witches leans down towards Kari as if not really believing her eyes. "What's this...?"

    Some other witches seems to have spotted Kilik and the four people joining him however, and while two of them are welcome here, a meister and his two weapons is something else. Medusa herself however looks somewhat amused by Kilik being here, though she seems to have taken pity on him for now. However, it appears that Crona's partner isn't about to shut up as Crona lets out a pained sound, and something shifts under their cloak, and the next second Ragnarok sticks his head out, giving what looks like a glare to Kilik. "What? They will allow Shibusen meisters here too?" Which is kind of ironic coming from Ragnarok... Crona appears somewhat nervous, stammering as they reach up to pull the hood down further. "R-Ragnarok, they are all staring! I can't handle this!"

    It seems that something else demands attention however...

    "Tonight is a night of celebration, to drink and rejoice of the turning of the sun."

    The voice which speaks comes from the other side of the bonfire, and more specifically from a small figure that has seemingly appeared out of nowhere on a small plateau overlooking the courtyard. She seems entirely obscured in her safety pinned adorned cloak, facial bandages and a sinister black witch hat that appears to have eyes and a mawed mouth. Honestly, the only thing visible of her is her right, intense red eye as she peers out over the gathered crowd. "For thousands of years we have celebrated the solstice. But tonight is the first time we have people from the outside worlds joining us here..." A mutter can be heard travelling through the crowd, and some of the witches give the Elites a long, hard look. Especially Kilik might feel watched, but for a good reason.

    "Medusa Gorgon has requested that they be allowed to join us, considering there is a truce going on in the other worlds. As we ourselves take no side in that conflict, despite her ties with the Confederacy, it's up to her to see that her guests behave and follow our rules on this most holy night. Which is why I have granted her request. Non-witches," the old crone states, this time speaking directly to the Elites. "Partake of the food and drink, enjoy yourselves and observe. On any other night you would not have been allowed to set foot here."

    With that Maba steps down, the witches around her following her through an old doorway.

    Mood music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtNSiVUeTyc

    Seemingly pleased, Medusa turns to those who haven't yet walked off into the crowd. "Well, I think that's your cue to mingle and enjoy the food and drink~"

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden arrives to the 'party' wearing am oversized black cape, over his normal wolflike pelt, glancing to the different people already gathered with curiosity, a smile in his face, and waving to anyone that bothers to look at him. When spots a familiar face around, he starts to approach her, feeling a bit more comfortable, "Hello Kari!." he says cheerfully, eyeing the cooler, and starting to feel a bit bad for not bringing anything to share. He is not very aware of the factions, beyond knowing they exist, and some vague info he might have picked oup from the person he was staying with, so he is not really sure how common or not such a gathering is. He goes silent as he hears the people talking, focusing on Medusa."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     "Makes sense. Feels comfortable. Probably didn't need the suit, actually..." Sanary looks rather pleased with the cloak on, bundling it up around her head and just relaxing while watching those witches look through the stuff she brought. The bacon's crispy, the pork belly fried and oh-so-bad but oh-so-good, and the pig blood tea is... More or less just fresh pig blood that's been boiled and diluted with a little water.

     It might even still be usable as a component in something for anyone that's brave enough.

     Sanary still knows when to keep her mouth shut, of course, and she listens closely as the mystery person speaks. The trainee even lets out a light chuckle and raises her hand in a short wave, apparently not too bothered by all the stares being sent towards the Elites. She might even be revelling in it!

     Once the speech is over, she turns back to Medusa with a broad grin. "I've been waiting for that. I'll be good with the drinking, at least. You know. In case anyone else gets too trashed."

     Sure, she doesn't know who that would even be, but heading for the food tables is a safe enoguh option! A good vantage point for both stuffing her face and watching out for any of the other Elites that might get too drunk and make fools of themselves. It'll be a good show, at least.

Genya Arikado (919) has posed:
    "Arikado," he offers Eruka. "Genya Arikado." He bows, in proper Japanese fashion. "It's a pleasure to meet you, miss...?" His voice lilts up at the end, as if asking her name. He'd heard, but it's impolite to make suppositions. Besides, 'Eruka' is almost certainly a first name, and it's impolite to be so familiar with people one has only just met, isn't it?

    Genya doesn't seem to notice if he's being stared at. He's quite the oblivious one, isn't he? He does have the sense to be quiet and listen to the words the figure speaks, though. And when given leave to mingle and enjoy the food? That's right. The blood tea.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    Kirikou's used to being watched, and resolutely pretends to ignore it. He doesn't react to the hostility around him until someone's actually got the guts to say it aloud. It's almost a shame it's Ragnarok, not one of the witches. He can't so-easily intimidate the psychotic Weapon.

    "Hey, I didn't come here at Miss Medusa's request." Kilik grins, white teeth gleaming. Whether Shibusen members are allowed or not, that's still subject to interpretation. "I'm Tiffany's date." he smirks. The older sister blinks, startled. "We're NOT dating!" she protests. Perhaps she protests a bit much? Certainly she doesn't look at Kilik like you'd expect a girlfriend to look at her boy. Her look's one of annoyance. Not disgust, fortunately, but certainly not affection. Then again, maybe she's just a tsundere.

    Kirikou doesn't seem bothered by her denial, chortling. He makes his way over to the food area, releasing the Fox sisters to be about their own business. They head for the witches, and apparently are welcomed... though the astute would note their greeting is cordial, not warm. The witches show the fox girls no particular warmth or affection. Actually, the only people present who seem to be outright friendly with the two girls are Fire and Thunder, who are tagging along with the sisters.

    "Heeeey Sanary!" Kilik greets his fellow Confederate, coming upon her at the food table. "Good thing they're not wearing hoods, huh? This way we can tell which witch is which!" he says, not at all cleverly.

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden admits he does not really have much of a clue about what might be happening, or who anyone is, so for now he waits near Kari, eats a jello from the cooler, and tries to listen a bit before opening his maw and trying to see how many feet he can put in it. He might be a bit unusual, or not, in either case, he figured checkign the food table is a good move so he heads there.

Kari Wolf (276) has posed:
    Kari cheerfully explains to the curious witch. "Hi miss! I'm Kari and I'm a shinki... er..." She should be used to explaining what a shinki is by now, and should have the habit of explaining it right off the bat instead of just saying she is a shinki. "... I'm a small robot with guns and armor and lasers! We also help around the house and watch out for our masters!" She's never seen a real witch before and she's not sure of the rules. "Um, I guess I'll help people get their food, since I'm not going to eat or drink anything myself." She says sheepishly before scampering off to a table. She gets the feeling that as an outsider, she's not entirely welcome.
    Kari waves to Alden from atop the table. "Hi Alden! Didn't expect to see you here too! Did you want some food? They have all sorts of stuff!"

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "It can get rather cold as the night carries on," Medusa offers to Sanary. "So perhaps it was a wise choice if you get cold easily." It's only after the Grand Witch has made her speech that the witches will attempt to try some of the bacon, pork and pig blood tea however. It's impolite to begin eating before the opening formalities, after all! Likewise they do seem a bit curious about the jelly treats that Kari brought, and one of them looks down at the jellies. "What kind of food is this?" "I think it's a treat..." "What does it taste like?"

    When Alden makes it over to the table the witches around there looks down at him. And as they aren't used to the multiversal worlds, they are a bit obvious in leaning down to look at the Digimon. "What manner of creature are you?" one of the witches asks rather directly.

    As for the food that the witches have brought, it appears to be mostly grilled and fried pig, though there's some hot stew, boiled potatoes and porridge. The drink is everything from fermented wine, to something dark and sweetly that has chopped almonds and raisin in it. There are also trays with cookies set around. As the witches all get themselves something to eat and drink, it's safe to assume that it wouldn't be rude to take something now.

    When Genya bows to her, Eruka lets out a surprised little croak, eyes blinking wide before she nods back at him. "Uh... E-Eruka Frog..." She does look to the others, but her eyes seem to be on Genya as he heads off towards the tables of food.

    Ragnarok lets out a huff as Kilik responds. "This is hardly the best night for dating, you moron," he mutters, then reaches up to pull on Crona's hair. "Crona! I'm hungry, get your sorry little ass over to the table!" Crona lets out a pained yelp, then begins walking over and trying not to bump into the witches on the way. "Ah ah ah, stoppiiiiit! I'm going!" Poor little meister doesn't seem to get a break tonight either.

    Medusa herself seems pleased that the guests are mingling with the witches, and she looks around to inspect the area, even as some witches seem to be singing in a strange language that the translation effect doesn't apply to. At least it's pleasant to listen to.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Hearing Kilik and the protests from one of the girls with him, she snickers lightly before turning to wave at him with a hunk of... Some sort of meat jammed halfway into her mouth. Some chewing and swallowing later, and she even gets out a greeting in return by the time he comes over.

     "Heeeey, Kilik1 I-dammit, Kilik." Despite partially choking on a chunk of mystery meat, she still manages a pained snicker before grinning at him. "Haven't seen you around in a while. Everything holding up okay? Aah... Guessing the twins are running around with... Uh. Whoever those girls are?"

     She takes a moment to peer past him at the Fox sisters, then offers him a sly grin. "So where'd you meet them, anyway?"

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden smiles towards the curious witch, while eating one of the jellos, his tail giving a few flicks, barely peeking from beneath the black cape, "I'm a digimon!" he answers, as if that was enough to clarify any question, "I'm a digital creature." he adds, deciding to be a bit more helpful. He can understand drawing a bit of attention confusion, what with being a short lizardish creature wearing a wolfpelt.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    "Betty and Tiffany." Kirikou says helpfully, gesturing to the two foxgirls vaguely. "Bit of a long story. We met not far from here actually." he claims. "You, ah... remember where that cave is, right? The one with that thing that won't be mentioned?" he asks, making a familiar sour expression.

    The truth is, the Foxx girls don't really fit in with the witches for reasons non-witches might not exactly appreciate. They'd wanted to come, to try to connect with the greater community, but they're getting a fairly chilly reception. It's upsetting Betty quite visibly. Tiffany... just looks angry.

    "A couple of us saved them from... that thing." Kirikou continues, still making that disgusted face. "I got them a chance to stay at Death Academy, since they haven't fallen to destruction." There's a hint of an unspoken 'yet' in his voice as he watches the sisters. He'd agreed they could come here, but only if he came with. As far as Kilik is concerned, the only business he wants to have to do with witches is as judge, jury, and... if necessary, executioner. "We're technically enemies, but I won't let anyone hurt 'em. Not as long as they don't give in to destruction." he says in a low, confidential tone. "If I can work with Miss Medusa peacefully, I can be nice to a pair of witches who're... well, nice."

Genya Arikado (919) has posed:
    It is in Genya's nature to observe. To... well, be a wallflower. He has this weird way of blending in and seeming to be unimportant, while not ever becoming truly invisible and requiring mana. Speaking of mana, though... he does seem to be invested with it. But looking at him with magical-sensing sight gives a... sort of fuzzy view. Muffled.

    Well, he's not really giving much overt reason to think oddly of him. Unless one finds that weird 'do not see me' thing he's got going on to be weird enough. In general he's milling about, watching what's going on, and listening for future developments in whatever ceremony might be taking place tonight.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Sanary's expression darkens when Kirikou mentions /that/ incident, and she only nods slowly in response. No other words are needed.

     Not one.

     Listening to Kilik further, the cleric nods slowly while peering over at the Fox girls again, a thoughtful frown crossing her face. "Huh... Gonna be upfront, I don't know what you mean about them... 'Falling to destruction'? But if they need a place to get more used to people, there's always the Citadel." she offers, keeping her voice down upon noticing Kilik do the same. Not that she really understands what parts need to be kept quiet or not, but she's learned the benefits of applying discretion!

     "Or even my place, but I'd have to let Souji know in advance."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    Most of the witches do seem to not pay too much attention to the Foxx sisters, though some at least don't glare at them. Though it does seem that one of the witches approaches them... Medusa herself. The snake witch crouches down slightly close to Betty, offering her a practiced smile. "I take it this is your first mass, hmmm...?" she asks the two sisters. For now she will let Kilik explain the matters behind the sisters to Sanary, as it seems he has it down. And well, she herself doesn't want to think about the non-pleasant experience it had been.

    The witches by the food table look confused when Alden explains matters. "Digi...tal?" one of them asks, looking to a younger witch next to her. "I think it's one of those weird computer do-hickeys," she explains, then looks Alden up and down. He doesn't look very machine like...? "You look more like an animal to me... where do you come from?" the younger witch asks further even as she bites into some of the food she has gotten. "I have heard there are talking animals out in the multiverse, but I have never been there myself."

    It's not common at all for men to be present at these places, so Genya will have to deal with the witches staring perhaps uncomfortably at him. Though as he wanders he might be a bit disturbed to see that Crona and Ragnarok have found their way to the food table, and Ragnarok has begun literally digging in, shovelling food into his hungry mouth and slobbering all over poor Crona who is pouring a glass of the sweet drink with chopped almonds in it. "Aah, stop that, Ragnarok! Your drool is getting in the drink!"

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    Kilik doesn't respond immediately. The talk about destruction isn't particularly wise, not in present company. And yet... it's relevant. It's absolutely tied in with why the witches don't welcome them. The Foxx girls just don't fit in, not in the current crowd. They're also obviously, visibly nervous of Medusa. They may have an uneasy relationship with Kirikou, but there's no way they'd live at Death Academy for long without gaining a healthy respect and fear for the former school nurse.

    "F-first mass." agrees Betty. "We've been to a few meetings though!" she claims. Which is how they've ended up politely shunned. If they had never met with the greater community of witches before, they'd be objects of curiosity rather than of scorn.

    Kirikou shrugs. "Don't think the Citadel's a good place for 'em." he says lightly. "They're good kids. Wouldn't want them falling in with the wrong crowd. Their choice in the end, but I think we're all a little happier with them at Shibusen."

    Kirikou sighs, picking up some of the pork belly and making it his own. "It's... what, Murphy's Law." he complains. "Whatever could go wrong will. Or maybe it's more like Cole's Law." he suggests.

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden smiles and is used to explaining, tho he is not quite sure what to do when he runs with someone not familiar with the word digital. He spends a moment trying to decide how to explain it, rubbing his chin, "Hmm, I come from another universe, in there, there is the human world, and the digital world, that is connected to the computers and the information in them, I come from teh digital world." he says. He smiles, talking mostly to the younger witch. "So, I am kind of related to computers, but I am not a machine."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     "Mm... Point taken, I guess. Definitely can't say everyone there's someone I'd want living next door to me." Learn from, gain power from, but probably not trust to watch any pets that she wouldn't mind having extra parts attached to. "Well, whatever keeps 'em safe and happy. But if you ever bring 'em there, let me know. I can help keep an eye on things and make sure they don't get too close to the... You know."

     Sanary wobbles her hand vaguely. "... Everything. I don't know anyone called Murphy, so." She shrugs lightly and grabs another hunk of mystery meat to munch on. "Sounds like life before signing up, at least. But things have been turning up for me since then, so... Who knows?" She breaks into a grin a moment later. "Doesn't look too bad to me. So what's Cole's Law, anyway?"

     Hearing that commotion from Crona and Ragnarok nearby, however, Sanary glances over before laughing loudly and freely at the sight before her. "Hey, hey, easy over there! I can't drag everyone out if anyone spiked it." Granted, she hasn't seen anyone spike it, but there's no telling who's been near any sorts of drinks before she arrive. She's even more wary about touching it with the previously mentioned drool in it.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    The serpentine witch chuckles softly where she crouches, canting her head slightly at Betty. "I can't recall seeing you outside of the time where we went to... your home." Let's not mention the Unmentionable One lest you have to. "There are other young witches your age around here at times too, dear. And there are many the same age as your sister as well." With that said Medusa rises to her feet again, though she does reach out to pat Betty on the head. "Are you hungry~?"

    It must be strange to see Medusa act like this, considering how she treats her own child...

    The witches around Alden arch eyebrows as he explains worlds within worlds. "So how do you move between those worlds? Are there portals there too?" "How can you be connected to computers and not be a computer yourself?" another asks. "Well, at least he isn't human..." "He is kinda cute..." the younger witch says with a slight giggle.

    Sanary's comment regarding potentially spiked drinks certainly catches Crona's attention, and the teen whips their head to the side, staring at her. "S-spiked?! I can't drink that!" Ragnarok however reaches down and grabs the cup, slurping down all the contents greedily. Which of course makes the meister let out a startled whimper of dismay. But they do reach out to pour some more for themselves while Ragnarok is busy guzzling.

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    "Cole's Law?" Kirikou says, apparently surprised Sanary's never heard of it. "Thinly sliced cabbage." he says, reaching over to one of the serving trays and picking some up in a set of tongs. "Want some?"

    Kirikou didn't really want to continue dwelling on the sisters, not here. Talking about how witches give in to Destruction, when surrounded by witches, is even more suicidal than Kilik's usual sense of humor is. "They've got a good home now. Friends to be with, a couple of other witches to help 'em." he says. Witches who aren't like Medusa. He watches the snakewitch, strongly tempted to intervene in her treatment of Betty, but resisting. In the end, Betty and Tiffany are a lot better off if he keeps his distance. "You're welcome to talk to 'em anytime." Kilik mentions to Sanary. "I'm not trying to hide 'em from anybody. I don't want bad things happening to them, but you're one of the good guys." he grins ironically. "Or one of the good bad guys, at least."

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden is called cute!, cue the digimon starting to blush noticeably and trying to hide his face a bit, "Y-yeah, there are portals that opened when the barrier between our worlds weakened." he explains softly, wishing he knew more of the mechanics to actually give a good explanation to others. As for how he can be connected to a computer, "I am not sure how to explain... I am made of data... information, like the kind that is stored in computers... I am not fully sure how that works myself..."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Sanary raises an eyebrow at Crona's reaction to the possibility of the drink being spiked, shaking her head at them a moment later. If it was, he'd probably-" She breaks into another bout of laughter as Ragnarok seems to go for it even harder, then practically starts howling at Crona following suit. She probably should try to set a better example, but... Hell, for all she knows? Those two might be older than she is!

     Then again, with Kilik's pun following up on that? She might just need some drinks herself. "... Dammit, Kilik. That... Mmm." As much as it pains her, she's still grinning and trying not to laugh. Thankfully, the subject matter goes on to something a little less amusing!

     "Always good to have... Just as long as they keep in touch with you, even if they end up on the other side of this whole war." She gets a distant look in her eye for a moment, but it tapers off fairly quickly as she turns to Kilik with another grin. "Eh, good enough. I got at least two people that want me dead for being a bad bad guy, so... Thanks."

Kirikou (127) has posed:
    Betty looks up at Medusa dubiously, but Fire (or is it Thunder?) seems to take her question as an offer. The young Weapon opens a mouth reeeeeeally wide in a smile, and no doubt it causes a noticeable reaction in the Witches nearby. They KNOW what weapons love eating more than anything else. Or at least, what they're notorious for eating. It doesn't help that the Twins have mouths so wide they would give a snake a hard time in an eating contest.

    If you're going to make puns, have a good sense of timing. And make BAD puns. Kirikou grins at Sanary's reaction, clapping her on the shoulder. "If they decide that's the way to go, that's up to them." he says. "Wouldn't be the first friend that decided that. Probably wouldn't be the last. As long as they don't let that get in the way of bein' friends." he nods.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    When Alden blushes the young witch lets out a soft 'squee', clapping her hands together as she leans down. Chances are the witches don't really see Alden as a person as much as a talking animal, but perhaps that's for the best considering how seldom witches get along with humans in this world. "So... where do you live? Do you hunt and stuff?" the witch asks, clearly curious. The older witches lets her talk for now though, seemingly content with eating for now.

    As Medusa rises to her full height she does glance over towards Kilik from underneath her hood, giving the meister a slight smile as she gestures for Betty to go and find herself some food. Maybe it's because she's used to Fire and Thunder, but the witch doesn't look upset when the young child opens its mouth. "There are cookies on the table if you want something sweet to munch on," is all the snake witch says, all while the other witches around them half-glare at the demon weapon, looking rather nervous. Can you blame them when you're potentially somebody's food?

    Off to the side it seems like some of the witches have dug up some musical instruments, because soon music fills the air, instruments and song alike... a rather haunting rhythm, and some of the witches move towards the bonfire. Why, the young witch speaking with Alden reaches a hand down towards him. "Come on, let's dance!"

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden only gets more embarassed at that squee, looking shily at the leaning witch. He does not seem offended if they think that way, as long as they don't try to harm him or something. He twitches his short tail under the oversized cape and manages a little smile, "I am living in the house of a nice person that agreed to help me for a while." he says softly, before nodding, "I did hunt back at my home, but I don't have to for now, and i prefer cooked food and snacks over hunting anyway."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     "Yeah... Don't think I've had any friends that weren't already decided on who to work with, but I get ya." Sanary nods slowly and strokes her chin while standing firm from the shoulderclap. There was Juno, but... Did she count as a friend, or just someone she spoke to a couple of times? Hard to tell. "Still owe Kyra some puke in her hoodie, though. And... Well, I don't think anyone's too mad at me for the whole Hyrule thing. Er... Maybe."

     Aside from the people that wanted to kill her. That's still a thing.

     Hearing the prompt to dance, the cleric lifts an eyebrow before looking over at Kirikou. "Any idea what kinda dancing they usually do here?" She's rather grateful about wearing that suit, at least: Nobody would ask her to dance in that getup! Right?

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    The more embarrassed Alden gets, the more amused the witch seems to be. "I'm glad you're getting help, though it's good to be hunting too! I mean, an animal not hunting is like a witch without magic, I can imagine! Don't you miss hunting?" And she tugs on Alden's arms slightly. "Now come on, let's dance around the bonfire! It's part of the celebration too!"

    It should be easy to notice that the witches all decide to dance differently. Some dance along with the others, others dance a bit more wildly, while others do the more mysterious stand in one place and just wave your arms in a simple flowing style. So... it's all up to each person, it appears.