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AA: School Disorientation
Date of Scene: 16 December 2015
Location: Galianda
Synopsis: Souji helps introduce Laura Gerain to Alexander Academy along with a number of other Multiversal travelers.
Cast of Characters: Staren, 627, Lyria Mason, 779, 915, 926

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
It's a wonderful day on THE MOON.

It's a nice place, really, given all of Galianda is functionally a massive orrery bound together by the Great Span. Upon arrival through the Warpgate, Laura was met by Souji Murasame, wherein they walked to THE MOON on a bridge while it ever so slowly shifts, continents moving through the air as a brilliant flaming sun-bird flies through the air, roosting where it wills.

The trip is strangely short, their pace quickened many times over by subtle magics built into the lamps that light the way over the Span. The arrival upon the grounds of Alexander Academy is much like walking into a massive city-size campus. Massive wings are seen spreading out in multiple directions, separating the major sections of the area. A wind blows well-kept grass as students move to and from between the huge and well-decorated buildings with etchings in black and silver, some rushing towards classes, others chatting with classmates. More than one are taking picnics or lazing around in the main courtyard, and there might even be a small scuffle going on hidden back in the trees if one listens carefully for the sounds of explosions.

"Welcome to Alexander Academy." Souji states simply, spreading a hand out to gesture over the grounds. "This is the school that shapes the greatest of Galianda and the Multiverse beyond, giving them the knowledge and power to change the world."

Gadget Girl (926) has posed:
     Laura's arrival was ... well, honestly, it was a bit noisy. She had a bike, but it wasn't a /normal/ one. It was one of those fancy converted bikes that has a motor added to it, so there is a soft whirr as she approaches at a reasonable clip of something like 30 miles per hour as she approaches the warp gate. It took a while to arrive, but she arrived at a reasonable and not ridiculously late time!

     Being met at the warp gate, Laura hopped off of her bike, because it wasn't designed for two! And she walks, the bike clicking along beside her as she walks. SHe looks around with a mild sense of wonder at the ridiculous amoun of it. "Wow... this place is gorgeous." She says quietly, looking around slowly. Awestruck looks overtook her quiet timidity. "...So many people." She says, her voice a bit quieter this time. Yeah. Souji was dealing with her in person. Timid and awkward and a bit shy.

Staren has posed:
    Staren is /mildly/ curious about this person new to the Multiverse. He got bogged down in a PUBLIC ETHICAL DEBATE, though.

    It didn't go well.

    So he arrives a little while after them at the campus.

    Staren recognizes Souji. "Souji. Or do you prefer Mr. Murasame?" And that means the person he's with... "So you must be Laura. Pleased to meet you, and welcome to the Multiverse. ...Is this your first time visiting another world?"

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason had been up to her eyeballs with school work and what not but she's also manged to avoid the wrath of Mr. Greene for now she's here taking a break and she's got a small brown furry little dog tailing after here. That looks supciously like a terrier of all things to those from earth. It's bouning about at moments barking at times and seems to be very chipper for the most pat. Lyria herself is wearing what might be some pretty strange clothing which seemed more suited to be swim wear aws she spots Souji and party.


Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji looks exactly like one would expect from a corporate heir to an organization like the Murasame Zaibatsu: Stern, businesslike, driven, and utterly possessed of self-confidence. It might be painfully archetypal for some people even if the iteration is slightly different.

Even so, he seems to not mind giving Lauraa tour of the location. He bears with with no sign of irritation or complaint, despite likely having /people/ who could be doing this indead. Is this a measure of the potential he sees in the girl, or something else?

Staren's arrival causes a nod of greeting from the heir. "Either is acceptable, Mr. Staren." Souji replies to the science catboy. "Here to speak with the local science department, perhaps?" He inquires, before turning to Laura. "I am showing her around the area, so as to familiarize herself should she choose to attend the school."

He gestures, then to the courtyard. "This is the Central Court. It links all of the main wings of the campus and is one of the busiest places in the school. One can generally see people moving through this area at all hours of the day. There are no particular restrictions on access, but during the night volunteers from the Disciplinary Committee patrol to ensure nothing untowards is happening and to prevent any unexpected arrivals of monsters."

He simply nods to Lyria as she gives her own greeting. It seems the heir has less care about the Levitani than the others present.

Tamiel (779) has posed:
    It might seem a little weird for Tamiel to come to the Academy. She's certainly never expressed interest in being a student! And... likely still doesn't. She's also still wearing the mask she wears during operations, obscuring her face for some reason. Perhaps it's cultural, since all the grigori in her world seem to wear similar masks. The wings are apparently a part of her, though, as they're still gracing her back.

    What's different is she's here to SOCIALIZE and is thus... lacking her normal tight-fitting, armored suit. Instead, she's wearing a low cut, backless dress that gives her wings plenty of room, with embroidered gloves and a loose ruby pendant around her neck. The dress has numerous layers that rustle about her legs, and it really doesn't look like combat wear at all. She's also done her hair up. It looks uh... probably way too FORMAL to be just taking a look around the school.

    But look she is, and for the moment keeping quiet. She's definitely /examining/ the place, though.

Ira MacNally (915) has posed:
    As Souji talks, a large shadow slowly enroaches over the group from behind, mostly centered upon poor Laura. There is undoubtably a presence there, lingering, watching.

    "Hey." the dark shadow drawls, revealed to be a very tall (six feet!) red-haired teenager with a sort of orc-ish build to her. This includes the nonattractiveness generally associated with orcs, made all the more disturbing by her wearing the School Uniform of Drachenblatt. Ira MacNally is a pretty unnerving presence that seems to radiate a people-repelling aura. That aura seems to be not working /that/ well here.

    She grins toothily, "Hope ya don't mind if I tag along."

    Ira turns just a little, glancing to Tamiel. "Huh...can you actually fly with those?"

Gadget Girl (926) has posed:
     A catboy! Gasp! Laura gives a small smile towards it, "Uhm... yes, I am Laura. ... It is my second time out... I mean... uhm. We only just uhm... unified the other day, so there wasn't much need to until today..." Laura responds to Staren, giving a small nod of her head towards him. ... Fuzzy ears! ... It was kind of cute. She wanted to scritch him!

     And now there was another person, Lyria, who was wearing... swimwear? Also she seemed to have a little dog following her! "...Hello!" She says softly, smiling towards the little dog. It was adorable! ... Oh god was this going to be a 'new person' swarm? Ack!

     She moved with Souji as he began to show her around, looking at things curiously as she does. And she did, in fact, have a lot of hidden potential! Largely hidden because she didn't have her full gear on. She looks around slowly. Hmm... the main wings of the campus, and one of the busiest places in the school... which meant it was the place she would want to avoid as much as possible, probably! "...Okay, so it's pretty safe at most times, probably..." Hmm.

     And... there was a bird person! She thinks! Probably. Or an angel? It was definitely strange, but not /that/ strange at the same time. She didn't address her though, because she was noteworthy, but something new. Ira is given a bit of an absentminded nod towards her, though Laura moves slightly closer to Souji, who she was uh... well, he was kind of the most familiar! Sort of!

Staren has posed:
    "Hm? Oh... actually, I was just curious to see this newcomer to the Multiverse... not that I'm disinterested in local science, I just... I dunno, I've been taking it easy lately with the holiday and everything..." he rubs the back of his neck. "Probably safe, but keep in mind that the student body all consider 'fighting monsters' just part of classwork."

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason gets the idea that Souji is offering a tour of some sor to someone he's clearly interested in, and doesn't care about her. Honestly sky blue, water wet, there far as she knows not that she's hostile to him. The wingged woman whom has shown up does gets the Levitani's attention however. She also notices Staren for a moment.

"You'd want to talk to Mr. Greene if you are here for that Staren though watch it he might boot you into the detention zone if you annoy him too much."

She nods to Souji as he explains things about Laura it is a tour for a possible new student it seems.

" Well. She smiles a bit at Gadget girl and the small dog seems curious about her and barks at her once then comes closer clearly the little fella wants some attention.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Tamiel is a bit unusual. Even in a place like Galianda, wings are not a common fashion statement. Several students look at her and point her out to others, or talk, but they seem to wisely not do anything that might cause a ruckus.
Heouji himself inclines his head in greeting to Tamiel, but days nothing in particular, allowing the Grigori to do as they will to investigate. They don't seem to need direction for this.

Meanwhile, a shadow falls upon him and Laura. The heir pauses and turns around, staring directly at the Ogre for several seconds.

"You may accompany us." He says, simpl, turning back and gesturing to Staren. "It is no matter. You have many demands on your time, I am sure." He says politely, folding one arm behind hi back as he steps forward, leading the group towards one of the wings. "The central courtyard has enough traffic that actual encounters are fairly uncommon, and weak when they do occur. Even our younger students can cross in safety."

The mention of PROFESSOR MISTER GREEN does not gain much from Souji, only a mild 'Tch' of derision. He does, however, stop before one of the buildings. This one appears to have many windows and is clearly labeled Dormitory. "This is the main dormitory building for those students who stay on campus. Within are full cafeteria, relaxation, gym, and medical facilities for the needs of the students. Male and female dorms are separated and strictly monitored, as well as single and multiple occupancy rooms all available depending on the chosen tuition plan. Many students who attend Alexander Academy never leave the campus unless on a field trip."

Tamiel (779) has posed:
    The wings lift slightly when Ira looks at them. Tamiel nods her head slightly, her voice far more... flowing and emotional than usual. "Yes, after a fashion. The flight comes from magic, the wings merely provide guidance and greater maneuverabiliy. They don't generate enough lift to carry me by themselves."

    The angel will curtsey to Souji politely, but unless queried, she's going to do a very good job of listening to the tour. Staren's presence doesn't bother her, despite his uh... proclivities, and neither does Lyria. Only Laura gets a second glance, though why is another question.

    Abruptly, "How often do field trips occur?"

Ira MacNally (915) has posed:
    "Hey kid." Ira's actually the same age as Laura though not many people can tell that just by looking at her. Ira's pretty used to being mistaken for being older than she actually is-so much so that she routinely takes advantage of it back on her world. Her amber-eyed gaze shifts back to Souji and her grin widens a little, "Alright."

    She seems...complicit in his doling of permission?

    An eyebrow lifts as Tamiel moves her wings, "Oh, interesting, 'cause my next question would have been whether or not you had brittle hollow bird bones." she points out bluntly with amusement. Although she now recognizes the voice of Tamiel, she doesn't make reference to this. "Do you molt?"

    A frown follows, struck by something Souji said, "The rest of this world knows about the multiverse. Why not leave?"

Gadget Girl (926) has posed:
     Laura gives a small nod towards Staren as he speaks. "I see... so... not that different from my world, then." Monsters on the way to school! It wasn't /that/ different overall! She gives a smile towards the small dog, that was coming closer to her. Laura crouches down briefly to give the dog light scritches between his ears, before she's standing up again.

     Lyria, meanwhile, gets another small smile, she was still shy, even if she was doing her best to interact effectively! Goodness, there were a lot of new people though.

     "...Oooh? So the monsters aren't that huge of a concern in the actual school." Laura says thoughtfully, "And if there are dangers, there's a lot of people who can fight them." Which was good, she was probably as strong as one of the younger people, all things considered!

     Tamiel is given a polite smile from Laura, though she doesn't speak directly to her because she wasn't addressed. It was interesting to listen to her though! She can fly, she can maneuver, but the flight is provided by magic? Interesting! And harder to understand than robotics, but still interesting!

     "...Hello." Laura responds to Ira with a small bow of her head towards her. She thinks on things quietly, "Well... maybe they're preparing so they can go out into the multiverse safer later, this place trains you to learn how to fight... right?" Another thoughtfol noise as she looks towards Souji. "So uhm. What are the tuition costs here?" She asks towards Souji. The important questions here.

Lyria Mason has posed:
The small dog however looks at Staren very confused, Alfie is getting very mixed signals from him is this a people or is this a cat?! The little dog contiunes to stare confused at STaren. Lyria meanwhile is curious enough to follow along.

"I hope It's not too much trouble if I follow along as well."

She'll break off if asked to leave however. She gives LAura a grin back. She does seem intereted in how Laura does seem curious about things here.

Tamiel (779) has posed:
    "The wings are somewhat delicate in the finer bone structure, but not hollow," Tamiel answers without any sign of worry. "The main bones can be used to attack, if need be. There's no need to keep the weight light, after all." She pauses and then answers, "But yes, I do molt, though not like a normal bird I think. Biology isn't my strong suit, I'm afraid."

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Tamiel's sudden question gains a small smile from Souji. "Some course have a much higher occurance of field trips than others. Some of them spend more time on trips than in the classroom, such as the classes on dungeon exploration. Often a professor will assign teams to go out together for a base level of safrty, and to teach proper cooperative tactics."

Ira's question gains a gesture towards other students travelling bwtween areas, many of them dressed in variations of the uniform, combined with various accoutrements. It becomes obvious with a little time that many of the 'fashion statements' are related to certain themes, equipment, and possible abilities. "Many students are more concerned with what is happening in front of and around them than dealing with the complexities and potential of the Multiverse. Short sighted of them ot be sure, but this is one reason why I am in competition for the top of my class, and they are not. Others, as Miss Laura has intuited, feel that they will engage those challenges after graduation. Perhaps they are better off that way."

Laura's observation gains a nod. "You are correct. The school is almost completely safe, especially compared to higher-ranked and unexplored lands which continue to exist on Galianda. Everyone here learns how to fight, based on the Jobs they have. Combat classes are not electives."

"As this is one of the premier places of learning in Galianda, tuition costs can be..." He pauses. "... Considerable. However, there are many who are willing to sponsor and shoulder these costs in the form of scholarships or loand. My own organization is one such group. We usually give those who make use of our services interships within the Zaibatsu in order to familiarize them with how they can apply their skills once they have completed their curriculum and allow them to make important connections. It has been quite successful."

Tamiel (779) has posed:
    "I see," Tamiel replies to Souji. She folds her wings back into place and keeps walking, ignoring the looks she gets. Or, maybe she isn't. Damn masks. She's walking more like an elegant noble than a soldier, though. "Hmm..."

    That's a very thoughtful hmm, though she also tilts her head in such a way that seems to be regarding Laura for a moment. Since she isn't actually /talking/ to Laura, though, and Ira's asked some odd questions, she'll keep talking to the orcish one. "If you're wondering how easy they are to break, they aren't particularly a grigori's weak point. Crippling them will keep them from flying properly, but it won't really hurt their combat abilities otherwise, and it usually pisses them off."

Ira MacNally (915) has posed:
    Ira seems almost inappropriately interested in the wings now: "You can hit people with those. Interesting, it's like having two extra limbs to punch with. I want to see that sometime. You punching someone with them, not you getting your wings broken. I probably wouldn't break...hmm, no, I can't promise that." Fortunately, she seems to stop interrogating Tamiel about her wings with that.

    "So you think they might not be strong enough to handle the multiverse, eh?" Ira takes Laura's suggestion to mean, which draws a nod as she turns away to critically watch the other students scurry about. "I could see that."

    Ira seems interested in Souji's explanation of the other students right up until academic performance is dropped, which was something she really didn't care about too much herself. "Perhaps they are." she agrees, "If they can't handle the rigors of the multiverse, then it's their own fault anyway."

Gadget Girl (926) has posed:
     "...I don't really mind." Laura responds to Lyria, smiling slightly towards her as she looks towards the dog thoughtfully. Hmm. She almost wants to pick it up and carry it along! But her attention was pulled back towards Souji as he began to talk again, while they walked.

     The school is almost completely safe. That was an upgrade over her current school, that was for sure! She gives a small nod, thinking on that. Hmm. "...So the lands are ranked based on how dangerous they are? That's actually really interesting... would that make Alexander Academy a D or E-ranked location, that's largely safe?" She asks softly.

     The mention of the considerable cost gets a small nod. She had expected that. And then they went into the details of the options. She gives a small nod as she thinks on that. "So... hmmm... what are the other options for scholarships and loans?" She asks curiously, looking towards Souji. She didn't know much about Zaibatsu, but it was always good to explore all your options! OR at least her parents said that to her several times.

     "Huh? No, I didn't necessarily mean that... but they might not be ready, and since they're in school, they might just be busy with schoolwork, or don't feel ready to leave or any number of things..." She says with a slight shake of her head. Hmmm. "But... yeah... it's uhm. It depends on the person of course." Their own fault. She didn't like that view of things.

Lyria Mason has posed:
The dog seems content for now to follow along much like Lyria is doing. Souji is doing a fine job of explaining things. Lyria's also taking a look at some of their guests. She seems happy enough for now she also thinks about the school. Though there's a brief cringe on Tuition.

"It has been a good deal, that your company does. It also gives people flat out experiance in their employment from the get go."

She is one of Kyra's friend but Lyria's never really been inately hostile to Souji or his family.

Ira gets her answer and that leaves Lyria more than a little curious.

"I can get those who want to finish up school before they go exploring but really it's waiting time. There's been a lot to learn from off world and even profit from."

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji continues walking around the Central Courtyard as the conversation continues, leading the tour group towards the next destination. "Whatever the reason, whether they be strong enough and simply choose not to, or are too weak to handle it and have the sense to avoid something they are unable to manage, it is no matter to us, regardless. It simply remains that while the Multiverse is welcome here at the Academy, the students who explore it are the exception and not the rule."

He folds his hands behind his back as they continue, pausing in his progress to look over to Laura as she makes her observation. "... Very perceptive. You are much more intuitive than most I have had to explain this to." He nods, and then begins walking. "You are mostly correct. Most civilized areas are safe enough that they are not given any kind of danger ranking. But there are 'dungeons' in Galianda, places where unusual monsters appear or places that are remnants of our almost ten thousand years of civilization.... Ruins in other words. The rankings are generally dedicated towards those locations to mark them as unique from general wilderness areas. Over time you will be earning licenses to access those dungeons, as graduation requires one to have a B-Rank license or better."

Finally, they reach the next building. It is as massive as the others, but it does not have as many windows. This one bears a large banner of the Alexander Academy insignia, and is marked 'ADMINISTRATION'. "As far as scholarships and loans, this is the Administration Wing. This is where all of the Faculty stay, with their own rooms and offices available, as well as meeting rooms, a financial department, and other organizational needs. The Headmaster resides within as well. Headmaster Townsend is quite pleasant to deal with, I assure you." He turns to look to Laura, then. "Within you will learn of all the organizations and various possibilities for funding. Naturally, I admit to some personal bias in the matter for I am part of the Murasame Zaibatsu, but this is not entirely because of bias that I feel that our offerings are superior. Still, choice is essential, as is competition. One cannot excel without strong competition."

Tamiel (779) has posed:
    Finally, Tamiel reveals a little of why she is here. "That is the entire purpose of an academy, isn't it? I suppose the curriculum might be altered for the Multiverse?" She looks at the nearby building, then shakes her head, "I was never in a school such as this, I'm here for other reasons. I may need to speak to the administrators. Unfortunately I'm bad at paperwork."

Ira MacNally (915) has posed:
    "Just for what it's worth." Ira speaks up in that thick brogue of hers. "The Zaibatsu is certainly good at taking care of their people." The prior subject of students not leaving is left, Ira having been satisfied by the explanations of Laura and Souji plus her own private opinions on the matter. Mostly her private opinions.

    She seems thoroughly distracted by the dungeon talk, though a little put off that /licenses/ are needed to get into them. "Meh....I can't enroll here so I think this spot is where my tour ends. I already attend a fancy private school. One's enough."

    She turns away, lifting a hand to give a casual wave over a shoulder, "Seeya."

Gadget Girl (926) has posed:
     Hmm. A good deal, an endorsement from the dog-owner! Hmmmmmmmm! That was almost good enough for Laura, to be honest. She could get schooling at this cool place, learn how to fight better, and get it paid for by Souji! If... she passes the employment stuff or whatnot! Hmm! "It's a pretty good deal, huh? ... Interesting... and since it's an internship, the tuition is paid off... right?" Hmm... this was seeming pretty good. And the 'cheapest' way probably.

     Souji seems pretty reasonable so far when he talks, as well. Hmm. "Okay... so... ... the younger students can handle the lowest ranks, right? Or is the lowest rank still relatively dangerous?" She asks curiously. Over time, they would earn higher ranks, so it would be a good measure of their skill and knowledge.

     She stops and looks up at the administration, thinking on that. She could probably convince her parents. "I somehow doubt that my parents can just afford this, they're kind of well off, but not /extremely/ well off..." She says thoughtfully. "...So, I'll have to look into that... I will admit that I am liking the sound of the Zaibatsu's setup, though I'll have to hear the full details..." She says softly.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
"The specifics of the fees and reimbursement depend on your specific set of financial packages that you acquire. In short, that mostly depends on how much you can convince people to fund you. I can smooth things out considerably for you should you choose my organization, but I cannot in good conscience say that my way is the only one. Dolet, for instance, is another who extensively recruits in this manner."

He shrugs for a moment. "Depending on your age and ability you will be placed with a class of a similar capacity to your own. Once you have passed the examinations you will be given the appropriate license for your abilities. The dungeons, however, are generally intended for four members of the appropriate rank. Those with exceptional ability may be able to safely operate with fewer, and the lowest-ranked are generally considered quite doable for those in their youth, provided they are accomplished enough in combat and puzzle-solving."

Finally, Souji gestures. "I would recommend that you enter the building and gain documentation to peruse until you and your parents are prepared to make a decision, if any. The full details can be made available to you upon request."

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason keeps her pace with the others as she listnes Laura does seem to be paying good attention to thing. They reach the last building and she gies it a good look over for a moment. She thinks for a moment nodding with Souji's assement of the headmaster.

"That's true if one doesn't have any rival you get lazy and fat, then when a new one comes along your sunk."

She likes the multiverse for that fashion really. She gives a wave to Ira as she heads on her way now.

"If you need help with anything Laura I'd be glad to get you ship shape on things."

She'd already noted that Souji's offer was pretty good and she wouldn't argue that. As for her dog he comes up on Laura and sits down on all fours looking up at her.

Gadget Girl (926) has posed:
     "So if I convince them that my ability with making things is good enough for them to bother investing in my abilities." Laura responds with a thoughtful look. She could make pretty useful stuff, she was sure! Maybe she could convince them to let her join! Though... she'd... probably have to join a lower class so as not to be completely outstripped. Hmm. "Dolet? Can you tell me more about that yourself? Paperwork helps sometimes, but in-person explanations also help a lot as well." She says softly.

     The suggestion to enter the building got a nod. "Okay, I'll do that... but I would like to hear about Dolet first." She says quietly towards Souji, looking up at him. She looks towards Lyria thoughtfully as she listens to hre responses, smiling towards her. "...Thank you, the Multiverse is still a little bit... uhm... overwhelming... it's just, uhm. A bit... well. It's so large." She says. Her bike, meanwhile, had not just mysteriously disappeared, her player had just forgotten about it, and it had been put in some storage space for personal vehicles of transportation or something that was convenient and relatively safe.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
"Of course." Souji replies in a pleasant, businesslike tone. "The Dolet Corporation is a Leviathan-based business that specializes in the creation and distribuion of 'magical goods' as well as the popular Potion and Ether consumable products. They have an organization known as the D-Corps which are sort of a dedicated support group for children and teens to help engage in various pro-social extracurricular activities. I believe they occasionally..." He pauses. "... Sell cookies." He shrugs at this.

"Comparatively, my own organization is more focused upon mass production of weaponry for military and civilian use as well as vehicles for heavy industrial needs as well as those of the military. Another of the major corporations is Masoch Communications, who specializes in MogNet technology and broadcasting, as well as being a producer of the popular mPhone and mPad magitech devices."

He shakes his head. "IT is nothing to worry about. Take your time, and when you are prepared, I or another member of Alexander Avademy will be happy to assist you however you need."

Gadget Girl (926) has posed:
     Hmmm. Potions... and ether consumable products. "I... probably wouldn't be a very good intern for Dolet it sounds like, I'm more uhm... well, like cars and such than that. I'm not a uhm... I don't make consumables." Laura responds, thinking quietly on that. Hmm. She gives a small nod. "Alright! I think... I'm going to think on things and look at the various brochures and options and get the actual cost of tuition, if it's not too ridiculous." And then she heads into the office to talk with people and such, which possibly adds a good ending/fading point since the scene seems to be winding down.