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= Sparring Gold
Date of Scene: 01 January 2016
Location: Remnant <REM>
Synopsis: Yang's trying for the school record in the training system.

Xiao Li Yu challenges Yang to a sparring match.

Then Yuuki and Ruby spar.

Cast of Characters: Blurr, 626, 675, 778, 823, Haguro, Yuuki Konno, Yang Xiao Long, 910, 930

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    The rhythmic sound of gunfire echos across the entire campus, coming from the large central building, and the ampetheatre within. Those visiting would be able to ask any student what's going on, and where, to be directed to 'Yang's going for the record in the sparring chamber'.

    When they arrive, they'd find Yang going through a routine. Holographic targets appearing and the blonde practically dancing between them, smashing them in turn with explosive punches, the clink of shells landing on the stage punctuating each series of strikes.

    <Round Complete. 121/121. Next round preparing.>

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     Ah, Beacon.

     Xiao hadn't been here since that operation in the forests. She never did actually set proper foot into Beacon though, so today, the scientist seemed to have come around this way, wandering the academy grounds and buildings at her leisure. Eventually, her wanderings take her to the ampitheatre where she came upon a familiar looking girl practicing with holographic images.

     "Hmm...Interesting." The researcher noted, stepping further in and stopping far enough to stay out of the way, but close enough to be noticed. "My, my. You certainly do move well, Miss Yang." Xiao greeted with a smile, not minding the fact that she may have been interrupting.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Beacon! It was a place that Kyra has only previously, briefly visited. The Initiation and team-forming event from about a month ago didn't really occur in the Academy itself proper but in the untamed, Grimm-infested wilds. She was anticipating returning when the official team-forming ceremony was conducted in a few days and until then she will happily familiarize herself with the (rival!?) school's facilities.

    The white mage seems pretty surprised when she comes around a corner to see Xiao there, smiling over Yang as she shoots up a physical training room. Kyra smirks and steps aside, leaning against the wall, watching Xiao and not yet announcing her presence to either girl. She really wanted to see if Xiao was going to dive into her science thing right off the bat.

Haguro has posed:
     Haguro had heard some interesting things about Beacon Academy. Beautiful campus grounds with a magnificent view, outstanding academics programs that undoubtedly surpassed the schools of her own time, and (most importantly of all) strong fighters. It has been quite a while since she had observed other Elites going at it, so what better opportunity to do so than to visit a controlled sparring environment?

     The Fleet Daughter doesn't show up unprepared, of course, having brought an assortment of bandages, salves, and even a few sealed buckets containing some sort of green liquid. Spotting nothing but unfamiliar faces attached to mostly familiar voices, she quickly decides to take refuge somewhere off to the side of the amphitheatre near Kyra rather than loitering near the entrance.

     It's just to avoid blocking foot traffic, that's all! "Good evening, Miss Yang and Miss Hyral and Miss... I'm sorry. I don't believe we've met." She blinks slowly at Xiao, offering her a polite bow in greeting. "My name is Haguro. And you are...?"

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    "Yep. Definitely where we'd find her." Kyle says, upon entering the Academy's training hall. He arrives, Jan following him as they politely keep their distance from Yang. "Wow, she's just as good as you said she was." Jan whispers to Kyle, the both of them sipping sodas while they observe.

    As Kyra, Haguro, and others arrive, the two begin to head thataways. "Hey kids," Kyle waves with a little grin, nodding to Kyra especially. The others, neither he nor Jan recognize but there's no need to really be rude. "Haguro, one of the shipgirls right?" Jan asks, observing Haguro curiously. "I'm Jan, this lug over here is my boyfriend and partner, Kyle." She prods the scruffy one playfully, who just laughs and wraps an arm around Jan's waist.

Blurr has posed:
    After assisting Yang and Ruby in that forest some time ago, Blurr had been meaning to visit Beacon sometime, perhaps to see if he could help them learn more about the mysterious beasts they call 'Grimm'. Despite how prevalent they seem to be on this planet, no one appears to know a whole lot about them.

    Anyway, he's found his way over to the simulator as Yang strikes down hologram after hologram. 121 waves, eh? Not bad! Now Blurr himself is probably parked outside to avoid cramped quarters, but his very human-looking holomatter is the one inside and waving to Kyra. Kyle looks familiar, but he doesn't quite recall the guy's name...? "Hey Kyra. And--" Then Jan says it. Oh yeah, Kyle. The one who can jump really far. For a human, anyway. "--right, Kyle."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    <Stage Paused.>

    Yang hits a button on the underside of her left gauntlet, pausing the simulation and setting it to idle as Xiao Li Yu walks up and addresses her. "Hey... weren't you there in Forever Fall?" she asks. The other 'Teams' had mentioned someone in strange clothes, but that could have been literally anyone. The blonde shrugs a little, then waves to Kyra, then Kyle and offers a grin to Haguro. "Eeeyyy, you guys come to watch me shatter the school record?" she asks them, beaming brightly.

    Blurr's Holomatter earns a curious look, both from herself, and the other local students. It's more of a feeling of off-ness than anything. "Hey... I recognize that voice, aren't you supposed to be a big robot?"

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden is roaming!. He is getting the hang of this multiverse thing, and as logn as he took notes of the coordinates, he is not that likely to get lost, unless he messes up too much!. So the digimon ends up basically roaming into what seems a training area, and spends a moment looking at the people already gathered, before finally walking inside.

"Hello!" he chirps happily, lizardish tail waving behind him as he politely waved to everyone inside, including the holomatter person. "This is a rather neat place..." before turning towards Yang wait, he said big robot?.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose has not been seen lately to be honest. As the youngest student attending Beacon (at least previously), Ruby had to hit the books like you wouldn't believe, combing over all sorts of information, from proper Hunter procedures to Grimm Biology and curiosities. Of course, this was primarily of her own choice, as the classes would teach her quite a bit as well.

Today though, was a time to relax. Or at least ease up a bit. Ruby appears in the Sparring Chamber somewhat randomly, likely following the light ebb and flow of the traffic there. Of course, it wasn't terribly long before a very, very, VERY familiar set of golden locks could be seen in the center of it and a wide smile crosses her face. She comes into the vicinity of her sister, waving towards her.

"I was kinda wondering where you were. I should have known to check here first. Are you really going for the record?"

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     Kyra's presence is either unnoticed, or deemed not a huge matter until Haguro speaks up. "Hrmm?" She glances back that way, catching sight of the off worlders gathering. "Oh, hello." A polite smile is offered in general. "Haguro, was it? I'm Xiao Li Yu....just a curious person passing by."

     So she says.

     With a nod, she turned back to Yang, smile enduring. "Forever Fall? You mean...that place where the...ah, I remember. Your teams were gathering some kind of sap." Tapping her chin thoughtfully. "But to answer your question, no. No particularly." Folding her arms back into her sleeves, Xiao stepped forward, and blatantly into the combat radius of the training field.

     "I've actually been rather curious about those gauntlets on your arms. You call them...Ember Celica?" Eyes glinting with thinly veiled scientific interest, she spoke on. "I'm very interested in learning how they work first hand, so I was wondering if you would humor me with a bit of a spar?" A shrug followed. "I'm not usually one to take to combat so quickly, but I figure that would rouse your interest much easier than simply asking to look at your weapons alone."

     So that was her game. At least she's upfront about it.

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    Kyle looks in confusion as the unfamiliar looking but familiar /sounding/ man addresses him, before he notices Blurr hanging out just outside. "Holoprojectors huh? Cool. Gotta be more convienent given your size." Jan says, also having recognized Blurr before giving the disguised robot a nod in greeting. Kyle meanwhile throws Yang a salute. "You get those goggles I sent you? How do they fit? Figured with that bike of yours you could use some eye protection given the speed of that thing. I'm glad it was, for pretty obvious reasons." He says, patting his chest. Ruby and Alden get a friendly wave from Kyle, and he kicks back on his seat.

    "Hey, kid! Ruby right? I was just here to see your sister at work, seems she's been at it for a while now." He smiles, "Your school has a hell of a training setup going on, no holo tech back home is /this/ good yet, thats for sure. We just have training droids, even then we custom rig most of them."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Oh, hi...um..." Kyra squints at Haguro, having heard her voice on the radio before at the very least. One of the shipgirls, right? "Just Kyra's fine, none of this 'Miss Hyral' stuff." she knows requesting that isn't going to work with some people at least. They're just too set in their ways for being formal.

    "Kyle! Jan! Hey you two!" Kyra definitely recognizes them though. She definitely recognizes Blurr's holo-form too. She doesn't greet him right away but she does sidle up to him.

    Experimentally, she tries to touch him with a finger poke. Following that she makes the gesture of hugging him, even if her arms go through the fake human projection. "Hey, thank you for your gift. It was /way/ cool."

Haguro has posed:
     "Oh? Yes, that's right. It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Jan and Mister Kyle." Haguro offers the two a bow in greeting as well, then chuckles at Yang's question and nods. "Certainly. I brought some extra... Um. Things in case you need bandages or anything afterwards, too. Just in case." She takes a moment to glance around at the other visitors, Xiao's polite smile returned with one of her own. "Likewise, Miss Xiao."

     She doesn't suspect a thing, does she?

     Blurr and Alden both get curious looks, although for entirely different reasons. She offers them quick bows as well, although the number of people arriving does make her shrink back just a bit. Kyra gets a curious look as well, although Haguro does nod a moment later. "Kyra, then. Ah... Gift?" Once she realizes that's not addressed to her, though... "Ah.. I'm sorry! I didn't know you... Weren't... Um."

     Time to shove her foot in her mouth. She shrinks back a little bit more at that.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang blinks, and turns to look over at Ruby. "Oh, hey sis!" she greets, then thumbs up. "You betchya! Only another hundred and twenty nine rounds to go before I tie it up!" she says, nonchalantly. 250 rounds!? What kind of inhuman creature could fight for that long?!

    Xiao Li Yu's request calls Yang's attention back to the other girl, and she gets a very dangerous looking grin. "You wanna fight me?" she asks, then taptaps the Scroll embedded in the underside of her left gauntlet. <Routine Cancelled. Recording score. 121/121, Position: 25th.> "I can get back to that no problem, lets go!" Xiao's observation is correct, at least.

    Then Kyle's question comes through the gathering battle lust, and she blinks over to him. "Oh, yeah! They fit perfectly! Though I do have my own already. Nice gift though, I'll put 'em to good use I'm sure!" And then she's back to Xiao, lilac eyes focussed and her gauntletted arms raised in a boxers stance.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    "Full of energy, as always." Cirra says as she slides into a seat by the side of the ampetheater where Yang is engaged in practice. "It seems everyone here has taken some interest in beacon, or you." The Judge leans back in the seat, and watches as Yang prepares to fight Xiao.

Blurr has posed:
    "I am." Blurr grins at Yang's question, then nods at Jan. "Yeah, holomatter." He glances up at the ceiling, then at the doors. "Better than trying to fit through those doors, even if I could squeeze in here."

    Kyra's poking doesn't go through him, actually. As it turns out, the projection actually -does- have substance to it. Therefore: hug successful. The avatar smiles and pats her on the back. "You're welcome, you seemed to really enjoy driving me. Of course it's just a replica so it's not anywhere near as good as the real thing. But, I thought it might at least come close?"

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden seems quite curious about the holographic targets, thinking how cool they might be for training! he would use something like that!. Still, most of his attention is focused on the people already there, specially he holo person. He manages to wave and bow towards Kyle and Haguro respectively, moving a bit closer, the small digimon curious about the different people.

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     A smile, and then Xiao stepped further in, stopping a short distance across from Yang properly. "Good, good. Thank you for indulging my curiosity." And then she removed her arms from her sleeves, revealing a pair of black gauntlets. They were sleek, formed into segments that looked like they could slide on or off, and with some kind of orb set into the palm.

     Whereas Yang took a boxer's stance, Xiao spread her feet apart, loosely taking a calm, martial arts stance. One fist clenched behind her, and the other raised open palmed. "Well then, if you're ready-" Suddenly there was a surge as electricity flared up along her body, traveling all throughout before channeling into her gauntlets. And then with a single step, the researcher sped forward, opening with a single, lightning charged palm strike aimed for the midsection.

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    Kyle just grins, giving a double-thumbs up at Yang when she confirms the gift giving. He's such a cheeky bastard sometimes, he even gives a wink. Jan laughs at this, before she gives Blurr and Kyra a curious look. "What'd you get?" she asks, arms crossed over her knees before snorting. "You seriously fabbed up a vehicle based on you? Just like that? I'm almost jealous, Kyle never gets /me/ anything." Pokepoke. Jan pokes Kyle's ribs pointedly before she glances towards Yang and Xiao. "Oh, this oughta be good." Kyle makes a noise along the lines of 'Oh yeah', the two just calmly enjoying the show.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose starts to say something more to Yang but a familiar man catches her eye. She turns towards Kyle and waves towards him.

"Oh hey! It's been awhile! Thanks for your help that first day, everyone there did an awesome job. But...yeah. Holographics are kind of everywhere. Use it for sparring...simulations...computers..robots. You name it and we've got like, a ton of stuff for it. It's been around since forever so everyone's pretty used to it."

Overhearing her sister being challenged to a spar, the leans over and puts a hand on Yang's shoulder.


She eases in a bit closer with a small grin.

"Do the thing."

With that she skidaddles fairly quickly out of the way, clearly not wanting to be anywhere near the gunfire when the match starts.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang watches Xiao reveal those gauntlets, keeping her eyes firmly locked on her opponent as Ruby tells her what she was already planning to do.

    The edges of her eyes begin to glow faintly red, as she focuses her Ki-sense, which Momoyo's been teaching her. It nearly blinds her when the sudden rush of energy washes over Xiao's form into the black gauntlets, but with a practiced defensive motion, Yang crosses her gauntlets into the path of that punch, electricity crackling over her gauntlets and arms, dancing along an angry looking red-orange halo of energy surrounding her body.

    The big view screen shows Yang's Aura Level, which has decreased by a sizable 20% from that single strike, which has the blonde skidding back along the stage.

    "Not bad!" she calls, shaking the lingering charge from her arms, before firing two blasts of kinetic force behind her, launching forwards at high speed to get right up into Xiao's space, laying in with a high speed Beat Rush combo, which ends with a planted left foot, and a heavy right hook aimed at the other fighter's midsection. This punch is punctuated by another gunshot, sending a kinetic force wave out at the point of 'impact', whether she hits or not.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "I was super surprised to when it showed up at my apartment complex in Njorun." Kyra says, giggling a little, hugging the Blurr hologram tightly and even more enthusiastically now that she realizes that he's somehow /fully solid/ like this. She'd have to ask him how he manages that later.

    "..oooooh." Kyra immediately slides into a seat. "Xiao versus Yang, this should be /good/." Kyra waves her arms enthusiastically, "PUNCH HER IN THE FAAAAAAAAAAAACE!"

    It's not clear who she's directing that at.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    "They're both going to be punching each other int he face." Cirra says to Kyra.

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    Kyle is just watching this as if he's at the bar watching podracing, so in other words he's pretty hyped looking as he leans forwards, observing the show. Jan predictably finds this hilarious, smirking as she leans against him and watches as well. "So who's the other girl supposed to be?" "Don't know, Kyra seems to though."

Haguro has posed:
     Haguro cringes a bit at the initial impacts, wasting little time in getting her salves and things organized. "I don't have anything for concussions, but... Do your best!" As with Kyra, it's not entirely clear who Haguro's rooting for.

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden lets out a rather loud, surprised squeak as the spar starts, certainly not expecting Yang to get punched heavily in the stomach. "Is that normal here?" he asks to the nearest person, "That looked a bit dangerous." he says softly, tail twitchign excitedly as the short guy moves to get a better view.

"What do you need to do, in order to be able to train in a place like this?" he asks softly as well. Seems he likes watching spars... he assumes this was a spar.

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr turns to Jan and lowers his voice. "Well, kind of. Mostly just a bunch of decommissioned M.A.R.B. parts, actually. And outdated Ark drone tech for the AI." So essentially a pile of junk made to look amazing (granted, pretty high-tech junk compared to most). "Kind of a...um, inside joke." He glances at Kyra, smirking a little bit as his voice goes back to normal. "She could tell you all about it. Right, Kyra?" he chuckles. "So anyone know who the other girl is?"

    The avatar peers curiously at Alden, not recognizing him. "Hey uhm who are you? Friend of Yang's? Or whoever that other girl is down there?"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "That's Xiao Li Yu, she's a classmate of mine in Alexander Academy. I believe she is a mystic knight? So expect her to come at her with weapons on fire or ice or stuff like that." Kyra explains, piping up with at least some help on the part of introducing Xiao. "She's also a scientist."

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     "...Oh." Xiao blinked in the aftermath of her strike. Did she use too much strength? A glance out of the corner of her eye at that HUD above seemed to suggest a large...loss of something. Hm. Did they have advanced health monitoring systems? That was kind of neat.

     But no time for that! Here came the counter! "Whoa~" And so began the dance, with eerily practiced precision, she followed the path of Yang's flurry of punches, parrying each blow aside with defensive strikes of her own, while the two of them danced across the floor. "Interesting! So...you can fire shells from your gauntlets for both attack, defense, and avasive maneuvers? I'm even more impressed!"

     Yang must not have been doing enough to keep Xiao busy if she had time to rattle off theory in the middle of a deadly dance of fists. But that was soon taken care of when the researcher wrongly predicted another quick strike, and instead found her opponent planting her left foot and letting loose a right hook, punctuated by a gunshot.

     The blow is landed fully, causing the girl's eyes to widen briefly before she went flying back, skidding across the floor. "Ow, ow, ow! I see! So you have two different types of shells...long range, and impact, no?" Nursing her midsection carefully, she hissed lowly in pain, but didn't dwell on it too much. "And the strength! Impressive!" A deep breath was taken, and then she clenched both hands into fists, slamming them together.

     "I guess I should take you a bit more seriously, Miss Yang." The electricity subsided at that point, immediately followed by a plume of flame flaring up around the girl's body. "Let's try that again." Feet spread, fists clenched. There was a moment of silence...and then Xiao was gone again.

     Trailing flames from her body, the researcher skid to stop right in front of Yang before letting loose smooth, precise kata consisting of an elbow strike to the midsection, a spinning back fist to the side of the head, and a sweep kick to attempt to knock the blonde off balance before ending off with both arms thrust forward, channeling flames into the gauntlet's arms before letting loose two concentrated bursts of burning energy right for the taller girl.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose stands along the sidelines, watching the fight from there. She blinks when the other girl appears to have both punching powers...and lightning powers. Thunder punches!

The multiverse continues to impress.

She looks up towards the Aura counter for her sister and notes that the hit was sizable, but Yang was tossing back quite a few blows herself. "Hang in there!"

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang grins a bit. "Impulse and Impact. I've only used Impact so far!" she returns, then does a similar motion, slamming her fists together as she braces for the incoming strikes. Fire attacks.... perfect.

    Yang takes the strikes in stride, rolling with each hit, letting them strike, and glance off of her Aura, spalling off 1 or 2 percent per hit. She then crosses her arms in front of her as those energy pulses come in, engulfing her in an explosion which obscures her in smoke.

    Nothing happens for a long time, though the Aura Rating shows she still has a good amount of Aura left in reserve, about 55% now.

    That's when the smoke explodes again, being blasted apart from within as an aura of flame and distorted air ripples off of Yang's body. Her hair is glowing bright gold, licks of flame dancing within the strands... and her eyes... her eyes have gone Bright Red. The grin hasn't left her face though. "Impressive! I'm getting excited!"

    Yang slams her fists together, causing a MASSIVE pulse of force to radiate from her, before she simply leaps forward, every shift of her muscles making the air itself distort from the energy being released. She aims a full body haymaker straight punch to Xiao's midsection. It'd feel like getting hit by a battleship cannon at point blank range if she makes contact! "IMPACT STRIKER!" she cries as she reaches point of impact, her right fist becoming engulfed in flame and once more, punctuated by a gunshot. The kinetic burst this time is HUGE, much like a sawed-off shotgun blast.

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    "Sounds familiar to me." Kyle muses, before glancing back at the fighting. "Whoa, they're going at it hard already." He says, rubbing his chin. Jan snorts, "Did you expect any less knowing Yang?" "Okay, true. She looks like she's on a roll still, gonna be interesting if Xiao can knock her off of it." Not else much to say, other than examining Yang and Xiao's combat techniques. Lightsaber fighting is flashy enough, but this is next-level compared to what the Jedi and Sith are usually capable of.

Haguro has posed:
     Haguro blinks slowly at the two fighters, wincing with each strike and having some trouble keeping still. Even though she knows they're trained fighters, the sheer volume of everything is still putting the shipgirl on edge. At least she's got those bandages and things ready! "IF they're this strong just as grounded fighters... Hmm. I might have to train here sometime, then."

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden divides his attention between the fight, which is honestly intimidating him a fair bit, and the talk from the holo person!. The digimon rubs the back of his head with one hand, "I'm Alden!" he says, smiling, before he seems a bti nervous again, "I... admit I sorta... just wandered in... I did not mean to intrude." he mumbles softly. "Just got intrigued when i saw the targets and all that." he adds.

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr nods at the answer from Kyra with regard to who the other fighter is, as he watches Yang and Xiao go at it. They're definitely getting into it quickly. "So one of your peers, huh. Who do you think's gonna win?" he asks, just out of curiosity.

    "Oh I'm sure you're not intruding." Not that he knows anything about what 'intruding' is according to human culture, really. But he likes to pretend he knows more than he actually does. "Right, Alden, nice to meet you. Blurr here." He examines the strange creature for a moment. "I think I've seen others like you before." Then he makes a face. "One of them was kind of annoying. Friendly enough I guess but can't remember his name."

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     Not wasting time holding her stance, Xiao relaxed, shaking her hands off before clenching them into fists again, waiting for the smoke to clear. What exactly was the result? It was was hard to tell as it was now. Of course the answer became clear eventually when a sudden BURST cleared it all away, revealing Yang standing not much worse for the wear and surrounded in a flaming aura.


     Xiao sounded off in an intrigued manner. "So that's how it is, hm?" Smiling openly, the aura of flame around the girl died down to nothing. And right at that moment, Yang went in! Faster than she anticipated, and much stronger than she anticipated as well! There was no time to react other than to cross her arms over and let the blow come. And come it did. She could feel the heat and the pressure, as well as the strength barrel right into her full bore.

     Even though she had defended, Xiao found herself lifted off the ground and sailing across the arena. If there was a wall of something, she was probably going to go crashing into it before tumbling to the ground, facedown. "......Ow." Came her muffled voice. If Offworlders had aura counts, her's was probably at about 25-30% now. Shaking her head, Xiao pushed herself up to her feet again, patting down her arms to try and cease the jittering that they were doing. An aftereffect of attempting to tank that hit.

     "You hit like a behemoth, Miss Yang! Remind me not to try and take one of those hits again." Despite saying so, she seemed fairly good natured about the whole thing. "...But I think I see how you operate now." Does she? "Let's form a proper counteroffensive." Spreading her arms, the gauntlets she was wearing began to slide off of her hands, floating into the air of their own volition. "Phantom Weapon" They changed shape, turning and folding until they became multiple blades, twelve in all, all pointed at Yang.

     "Blizzaga" Following that, an aura of blue flared up around Xiao, and the floating blades became encased in ice, building up until they took on more ornate designs. "Now...fire." Folding her arms into her sleeves casually, she gave the command, and immediately, all twelve of those ice blades shot through the air, all aiming for Yang's position. If they don't make contact, then they would simply veer right back around and try again, unless put down with force.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang pants softly as she recovers from the recoil of her own attack. She watches and listens to Xiao speak. "Yeah? Lets switch it up then!" she growls, her aura flowing around her, like a liquid flame with a life of its own.

    Thhe blonde twists her arms, and ejects her current, spent, load of shells which clink to the stage below. She reached behind her, and tosses a pair of different shells, these ones are red with bright orange tips, locking them into place with a deft slame of her wrists into the clips. Just in time so it seems, as those Blizzaga blades come rushing at her.

    Yang sets her stance, widening it out to make a more solid foundation, before she starts to thrust her fists forward, punching the air and unleashing a packet of explosive force with each gunshot. She's trying to intercept the incoming blades, but it'll take a lot more firerate, and she takes at least four of them from various angles as she tries to dodge at the same time.

    THe final hit knocks her off her feet, and into the barrier wall, a flash of white indicating her Aura dissipating, and the readout showing the same, 0% on her reading. "... Ow..."

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden offers to shake Blurr's hand, "Nice to meet you Blurr!" he saysw with a grin, used to being examined, the digimon himself narrowing his gaze as he examined the holo person in turn. "Ah, you met other digimon?" he asks curiously, unable to resist chuckling at Blurr's words.

"That fight is amazing, almost makes me want to try something like that but...". He goes silent as he sees the floating ice weapons, "I feel I might end up being just another random target unless I was able to go all out, and even then...". He claps as the fight finishes!

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "You know, Blurr, I'm not sure. I think the two of them are pretty evenly matched. Xiao is a Behemoth class, like me, and technically a frontliner. She might have a bit of an edge in the experience department since Yang just started her Huntress training." Kyra taps her chin, then looks up at the overhead display showing each of the combatant's aura levels.

    "That's pretty handy." she remarks. "I don't even have to use Scan!"

Haguro has posed:
     Haguro winces again as Yang goes down, picking up her bundle of medical and repair supplies before scurrying over to the blonde fighter. She makes a point to avoid stepping on any of the discarded shells and things, of course, just in case they need to be retrieved for later use.

     "That was an amazing fight... Ah. Are you alright, Miss Yang? Miss Xiao?" Looking Yang over first, the Fleet Daughter starts prepping those bandages and salves first, although she doesn't move to apply them unless actually given the go ahead to do so by the Beacon student and the scientist afterwards.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose blinks as her sister...lost. That...didn't happen terribly often. She doesn't quite step up onto the stage to interrupt but she does look mildly concerned over the complete dissolution of Yang's aura.

"Yaaaang! Are you alright? Do you need anything?"

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     And with that, Xiao lets out a long sigh. "....Well. That was quite something." The ice immediately melts off of her blades, and they, along with the ones that were shot down, all return to her. Forming back into gauntlets proper, she folds her arms back into her sleeves and walks over to Yang casually and kneeling down a tad.

     "That was quite an impressive display, Miss Yang. Your Ember Celica is a fascinating piece of weaponry, I'll say." She offered a hand for the girl to stand, if she wanted it. Oddly, her gauntlets were gone, hands bare now. "You've given me plenty of food for thought, so for that, I'll thank you."

     Haguro is given a look and bit of a shaken head. "Ah, I could use a bit of a look."

     Yang gets a look, a teasing tone coming into her voice. "I was, after all, hit by a vicious Behemoth moments ago~"

Blurr has posed:
    "Yeah, a few, and briefly." Blurr nods to Alden. "One of them managed to stow away on my ship and nearly get himself killed in the process. Like I said, annoying."

    He chuckles at Kyra's words regarding Yang. "Just started and already going for the record, huh." he comments. Then it would appear that she has lost to Xiao. "Looks like she still has a lot to learn."

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden nods a few times, "That... sounds less annoying and more dangerous." he says to Blurr, smiling, and looking at the screen again, "That system is rather interesting, I didn't know you would do stuff like analizing humans and stuff to that level." he says with a grin. "Watching that makes me want to train and get stronger.". He approaches slowly towards Xiao, "That was amazing." he says again, forgetting Xiao never met him or anything, not even an introduction. But, Alden wanted to offer a praise.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang accepts the hand up. She's got a few cuts from the shrapnel of her impact with the wall after her Aura broke, across her cheek and along her mid-section. "That was a good fight... Nearly had ya too." she says good naturedly as she lets Haguro patch her up. She doesn't let on that once her Aura recovers, those little cuts will close up quickly on their own. "I'll take ya on again once I get stronger, 'kay?" she offers to Xiao, then smiles at Haguro. "Thanks. I appreciate it."

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     "Of course, of course." Xiao stepped back, folding her arms back into her coat's sleeves. "...But considering you lowered my...aura? By that much with just two hits, and one defended...I shudder to think of how this little spar would have gone if I was actually hit with that second attack..."

     Actually, thinking about it hurt. "...Let's not think about it actually."

     Alden's approach is met with a sidelong glance, before she turned fully to face the...creature? A tilt of the head was her first reaction. And then slowly, a creepy smile spread across her face. "...Heeeellooooo theeeere...and who might you be?"

     Alden, run.

Haguro has posed:
     "You both fought wonderfully. I... I hope I'll have the chance to spar with you both at some point, too. I-If that's not too much trouble, I mean." Haguro's nervous, but at least she's keeping her focus! Applying salves, wrapping bandages, and even keeping a light touch! Once she's done with Yang, she moves on to Xiao next to repeat the process.

     That look she gives Alden is a little disconcerting, though, and she gives the Digimon a brief worried look before refocusing on the treatment. "Using explosives and shells at close range, though? That's... I should check with the others about that."

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden seems to not see just how creepy said smile is, instead smiling back. The digimon seems to lack self preservation instincts. "Hi, I'm Alden, nice to meet you!" he says cheerfully.

"That was impressive.". The digimon says, and flicks his tail slowly. On a closer look, people might notice he is wearing a belt, that held a card box, adn a handheld device.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose exhales a small sigh of relief when Yang seems to be okay, relieved that the blow was nothing more serious. She takes a step onto the sparring area and makes her way back towards Yang, nodding a few times. "That was a really good fight. Some of these people that have been showing up here from the Multiverse are really, really strong. You think I should try sparring them?"

She stops speaking upon hearing Alden speak and blinks absent mindedly at him. Did that weird..lizard..dog..thing...speak?

Blurr has posed:
    "Well, he triggered the ship's automated security systems, alerting me to his presence, which was fortunate because otherwise he would have gotten cooked by radiation. It was annoying because he sneaked on board because of -food-. Not because he was starving, but just because he had to have every last bit of it." Blurr makes a slight exasperated sound.

    He smirks a little at the look Xiao is giving Alden. It reminds him of Brainstorm whenever he gets one of his ...-ideas-.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang turns to Ruby, and gives the shorter girl a BIG HUG, then sets her back down again. "If my li'l sis wants to spar, I'd be glad to! Once my Aura comes back." she then takes a pondering look. "And I don't see why you shouldn't expand your horizons! Get out there, make new friends, by beating the crud out of 'em!"

    She fist pumps and strikes a pose, complete with V for Victory sign.

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     Must...resist...urge...to hug.

     Or ask for blood sample.



     And with great effort, Xiao took a deep breath and calmed herself. "A-Alden then. A pleasure to meet you. And thank you for your kind words. I'm not all that special, but nonetheless." A shrug followed. "You seem to be interested in this sort of thing. Why not ask one of them for a go? perhaps the girl in red?"

     Haguro's attentions are appreciated, and once it's done, she tests her midsection a bit, not straining it too much. "Thank you, Miss Haguro. As for that spar...sure, why not? Whenever you feel like it. And whenever I'm not busy." Yes, there was always that.

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    Yuuki, who's been sitting in the back with a smile while enjoying the duel, stands up and comes forward. Beacon's a great place, and she's been having lots of fun here. Not a whole lot of duels, admittedly. She's a bit ... new. And of course, there's not a whole lot of people interested in fighting her. She's a bit odd, and rather new and exotic. Plus of course she's young. No one wants to duel the young kid. They can't win, not even when they win. No one thinks a student's anything special for beating up a kid who's too young, and if that older student happens to lose... well, that's worse.

    The purple-haired girl comes forward. "Hey, duelling lots of people can be fun!" she says to Ruby cheerfully. "I met a LOT of nice friends that way, back where I'm from. You can fight me if you want, or duel someone else here. Or maybe we can pair up if others are looking for some fun!"

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose was just about to ask something about the digimon in their midst when a sisterly hug comes in, temporarily squeezes the life out of her and then promptly sets her down. Big sister hugs were one thing, but Sneaky Big Sister hugs? Whooo-boy. Ruby smiles back towards Yang before nodding a few times. "Well..yeah, when you get your aura back. But..uhm..I'm not quite you but...wait...is that how you met all of your other friends?"

Ruby spots the purple girl she had seen awhile ago speak up and towards that she shrugstowards her jovially. "Spar you? Uh...sure. We can if you want. It's been a looooong time since I've done it against another hunter-in-training. It'll be great practice."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang spots Yuuki too, and smiles at the short, young Imp. "Hey Yuuki!" she offers, thumbs upping at her, then gently pushes Ruby toward Yuuki. "C'mon, Yuuki's not had a good spar since she got here, everyone else is afraid of sparring the 'kid', you're closer to her age it'll be fairer!" she offers, before reatreating out of the sparring area, only /then/ noticing Alden. "Huh, when did that get here?" she asks noone in particular, head tilting curiously.

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden is open to hugs!, he is a rather friendly digital lizard wolf thingy. "Well, at least in my opinion, that was very impressive." he says, and meaning those words!. The mention about asking them for a spar gets him thinking, "The girl in red?" he asks softly, looking towards the person in question, rubbing the back of his head and reaching to check on the device he was holding for a moment, "I amnot sure I am quite to the same level of what I just saw." he says softly, "But... I'd like to try." he finally says.

Of course, he does not ignore Blurr!, looking at him for a moment, "Just because it wanted to eat... everything?" he asks in disbelief.

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    "Great!" Yuuki says cheerfully, seemingly without malice or aggressive intent. "I've fought beside some of Beacon's trainees, but it's fun duelling too right?" she claims. She examines Ruby in turn. Yeah, probably her best bet for an initial duel. They're both about the same age, both new to Beacon. As Yang says, it's a good opportunity. As for fair, well, she'll be fair. She came to Beacon to learn, because she likes the purpose of the hunters, and to make friends. She did NOT come here to isolate herself or even to be the best.

    Yuuki reaches out her left hand and an odd thing happens. Perhaps not TOO odd for Beacon. A faint holographic outline appears before her, and she taps at it briefly before it vanishes. From apparently nowhere, a sheathed sword appears on her hip. Magic? Or possibly some exotic tech. It's somewhat different from the usual Beacon thing, yes. Foreign at least, though perhaps it's not quite so exotic as to mark her as an outworlder. She sets her hand on the blade's hilt, straightening, and finally she loses her cheerful grin. It's replaced by a neutral, assessing calm.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose 's pushed toward's Yuuki with only a slight bit of apprehension. She didn't quite think she'd be sent into a spar so quickly upon expressing some interest in it. Not that she couldn't do it of course just...yeah. Social Pressures are reallllll.

Ruby reaches behind herself and pulls out her weapon, flipping it into rifle mode and reaching into the ammunition pouch on her hip. She slides out a magazine and loads it into the gun, looking up towards Yuuki.

"Another one like me? I guess I'm not the only one around here with uh...normal knees?"

She pauses to think for a moment. "That...probably only made sense to me. N-nevermind. Are you ready?"

The blade summoning gets a very odd blink, as she wasn't quite sure what to make of it. Back in the old days she might have assumed some funny business, but these days? Anything goes.

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    Yuuki tilts her head curiously, not quite understanding. "Normal knees?" she asks, then grins once again. Something to do with being shorter than everyone else here maybe, or younger. It doesn't matter what, really. It's clearly an offbeat comment, and even if Yuuki doesn't fully understand she's amused.

    When asked if she's ready though, that amusement fades. Instead, Ruby's going to find herself suddenly facing the gaze of a seasoned fighter and experienced duellist. Yuuki's young, yes, but she's been fighting for years now. She draws the sword, holding it upright in one hand, her body facing forwards rather than angling in a classic fencer pose. She doesn't nod, doesn't answer. She lets her gaze and posture answer for her. Still, she's not frowning or grim... just focussed. And eager, perhaps. She still maintains a faint smile, anticipating the rush of movement to come while holding a poised bushido readiness.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose racks her gun and looks over towards Yuuki and her general demeanor. If that didn't say ready, she didn't know what was. Her opponent appeared to be quite the mystery. She'd seen her fight...once...maybe? It'd been awhile but given the situations at hand, she didn't have a good idea of what to expect. Though the way her stance was set up...she'd been doing this for awhile, even longer than she had. Even so, that's what sparring is for right? For testing one's limits?

Ruby calls out to her opponent, nodding towards her. "Gotcha. Let's get this fight started then huh?"

She leans down and activates her semblance, the red girl practically teleporting from her spot. She moves as a blur behind and above Yuuki, Ruby bringing her rifle to bear and firing three solid shots aimed directly for the purple one's back as she falls back down to the ground.

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr laughs a little at Alden's question. "Not -everything-." he shakes his head. "It was a weird situation. Apparently on some planets, organic-type sustenance falls out of the sky sometimes. I assume this doesn't sound like anyone you know?"

    He nods toward Yang as she exits the arena. "Nice job down there. Even if you didn't quite win."

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    Yuuki may not be as fast as she is inside Alfheim Online but she's still pretty quick. Fast enough, at least, that she's moving before Ruby fires. She may not be able to see the full speed of that blurring rush, but she's used such moves often enough to know what's coming.

    She dives forwards, spinning, trying to track her opponent. No stranger to aerial battle, she smiles in delight as Ruby's attack comes at her. The girl is quick! Well, Yuuki's pretty quick too! Catching sight of Ruby, she reverses her motion, charging after the scythe-wielder. She's not ready to start flying yet, not here and now. She'd prefer to keep things on the level... so to speak. And she's not had much experience fighting things like scythes.

    Yuuki charges in, leading with her very straightforward and simple blade. It's always served her well, whether her foes use blades, ranged weapons, or magic. And yes, she's grinning, pleased so far.

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden smiles and shakes his head when Blurr asks him that, and assumes that the other person he was talking wiht got distracted by that new spar, "Nope, he does not sound like anyone I know." he says softly, noticing that another spar was starting. He hears a beep coming from the device he was holding, and checks on it, "Oh, forgot about the time, should get going if I want to help Ainsley at home." he mumbles, "It was nice meeting you Blurr!, should come back here another time, perhaps try to get a spar myself." he says. He offers teh Holo person another shake of hands, before heading out.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose 's rush of rose petals fly past her as she halts her momentum to fire the shots. As she's falling though, she notes that her target seems to have moved...and in a blink of an eye, is directly on top of her. In sheer panic, she fully unsheathes Crescent Rose into it's scythe form and spins it to parry the incoming attack, deflecting it. Fighting someone this fast would mean that the mid range of her weapon wouldn't likely be terribly useful. Uncle Qrow taught her quite a bit about how to use a Scythe, but against other people, weapon class matchups were suddenly very important. Keeping her range would be pretty key on this one.

She leaps back one more time to put a decent amount of distance between the two. She swings all of her weight down before she lands, driving the scythe into the ground and planting it there firmly, cracking the floor. Taking aim, she racks the massive sniper rifle and fires a single bullet at an incredibly high speed towards her opponent.

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    Yuuki's fast, but she's not godly. Her special techniques can't keep up with Ruby's Semblance, not as long as she sticks to merely running. She clashes with Ruby once, blade to scythe, but isn't able to penetrate the guard cleanly.

    Frowning slightly as Ruby pulls away, Yuuki orients on her and doggedly charges again. Only to be hit squarely by a sniper bullet. Her armor's solid protection, but a flash of red indicates the hit and damage done. It doesn't slow her though. She charges through it, showing no signs of actual injury. Her aura, however, is depleted. Or at least her health bar, which is easily-enough interpreted as aura by Beacon's systems.

    'I'm going to have to learn how Kirito can cut bullets.' Yuuki thinks to herself. Thinking speed is one of those things that isn't slowed down for her. Her processing speed is pretty incredible, trained through living in VR and setting her well above most MMO gamers in her own world. 'Not that that'd help me here. But still, it'd be nice! And I could go against GGO players and make them freak out...'

    The only sign of this inner dialog is Yuuki's face, first going into a worried sort of frown and then into an expression of delighted amusement. "Are you sure you want to STOP yourself like that?" she cries out, breaking into a chaotic zig-zag, closing the range on her stationary opponent. She may not have Ruby's burst of speed, but the sheer agility of the little Imp is masterful. She charges for Ruby, aiming to bring her melee experience into play, swinging her sword tip in sweeping arcs, none of which have any great power behind them, but the combination becoming like a wall of glittering steel.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose , unfortunately, had planted her scythe a little too deeply, so when it came time to remove it, it took a second. That...was not a second she had. She takes several slices as she pulls out her scythe from the ground, her aura rating dropping by the fives each time she was hit. With a mighty heave, she pulls up her scythe and winces, finally capable of fighting back in melee range again. She switches her handling to be about even footed with Yuuki's own range, and spins her weapon, the clashing of steel likely tossing up quite the spark show towards any spectators.

Still though, every now and again a hit is sneaking through. Realizing that she can't keep up in this short range, she takes a step back, slides her hands down the staff so her reach was extended and spins once, aiming her scythe for Yuuki's feet. As soon as the purple girl made a reaction towards the swing, Ruby attacks again, firing her gun for the extra recoil/strength to swing it up like a golf club. She hits with the blunt end of her scythe, hoping to send her opponent airborne and away from her.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby's Aura took quite a beating on that one, dropping down to a solid 40% and holding steady there.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    "This is a good match up. Ruby's got the reach, but Yuuki's a lot more flexible... And she's more experienced." remarks Yang to noone in particular as she watches the match, glancing up at the board... Ruby's on the back foot here, can she use her brain to get out of this one?

Haguro has posed:
     "And if Yuuki can get inside Ruby's attack range, that could be bad for her, too." Somehow, Haguro appears to have taken up position beside Yang as a pseudo-commentator! "But if she can use the handle effectively, then she could still keep Yuuki at bay..."

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    One thing about Yuuki's duelling style... she's absolutely fearless. She has little care for her own life, allowing her to strike blows against a foe without regard for the damage she might be taking, so long as she's not taking far more damage than she dishes out. She takes a few hits from the scythe, but the hits are generally shallow, hitting her limbs or being partially deflected by armor. Lines of red mount up, patterning the Imp, but no telling blows have landed.

    Her own 'aura' goes down to half, then Ruby sets up her combo. As predicted, Yuuki gracefully leaps the ankle cut. She takes the opportunity to slash while airborne, again focussing on the offense even when dodging, her only defensive concern being to avoid a fight-ending blow. But that scythe-rifle has unexpected advantages, and Ruby has unexpected skills. Yuuki's struck by the blunt end of the scythe, and her faerie body is particularly light. The little Imp is sent flying, knocked back and up like a violet baseball. THIS finally gets a cry from Yuuki, though it's one of surprise and perhaps frustration rather than pain.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang can't help it... as Yuuki's sent flying like that, she cries out. "FORE!"

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose has no choice but to eat the final slash before the last part of her 'combo' lands. Yuuki's simply too dangerous to let that close again. If she manages to get there, the duel would likely be over quickly. But for the time being, her opponent is exactly where she wants her. Away. Ruby grins as the fight swings back in her favor again.


She swings her scythe around again and rather than go in again, she goes for the mid-air snipe. There wasn't really a way to get out of this one...unless she could fly...or had wind powers. Or like..teleportation...or something....You know what? Best not to think about it. Ruby takes the shot, firing another one of those massively speedy bullets into Yuuki's torso again. A side-glance to the aura readout shows a solid 34% aura reading on herself. Yikes.

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    Yuuki could easily enough accept this as a loss. She's not too interested in showing off here. Sure, she wants to look skilled, but she doesn't exactly need to win or anything. Thing is, that just doesn't sit right for her. She doesn't mind being defeated, but she's not the sort to just give up. She'll fight to the last breath if necessary... and somehow she hopes her opponent's one who wouldn't accept her just giving up.

    "Not this time." Yuuki mutters, orienting herself, knowing what's coming. She's making an obvious, predictable arc. Her opponent is a sniper. Well, time to change the equation. An effort of will makes her wings appear. Small black batwings with decorative stars, that immediately blur into motion, sending Yuuki rocketing out of the path of the sniper round. If anything's going to cement her as an outsider, it's going to be those batwings. Then again, between the cover-up of her ears and her black bat wings, she probably resembles nothing so much as a bat-faunus. Not inhuman, or at least not any more than any other faunus, but not likely to be welcomed warmly by most of Beacon.

    As fast as Yuuki is on the ground, in the air she's masterful. She barrel rolls, streaking towards Ruby. There's a BIG grin on her face now. She darts down, mugging fiercely, setting down only a few feet away from Ruby. Close enough that either could lunge to strike, but not quite so close as to make the attack easy. And she didn't, to be sure, use her aerial speed to launch a full attack. "That was a great shot!" she states cheerfully, enthusiastically. "Did you want to continue? Or ... well, I'm not sure. We didn't set the conditions for the end. We could just call it a draw, I guess?" she offers.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose 's still dealing with the heavy recoil of her weapon while Yuuki's recovering. Hefting it up to fire at the angle that was required to make the shot meant that the recoil landed squarely on her, and that typically wasn't what she used it for. She braces herself as she takes a step back, looking up towards Yuuki's sudden batwings and easy dodge of the attack. Ruby's jaw practically hits the floor and her eyes water comedically.

"Awwww....I had a catchphrase picked out and everything..."

In that same moment, Yuuki rushses in again and Ruby starts to bring her scythe to bear again, sliding her hands down the handle for maxiumum range. As soon as her opponent stops and starts talking though, Ruby halts herself as well. She looks over towards her current aura reading and...nods. Losing all of your aura was never a good feeling anyway.

"Yeah sure. I'm good with that. And thanks...one of the reasons why using a scythe like this is that you need to learn how to use it at all ranges. So you are kinda learning like, three weapons at once. It can be pretty intense to use. But your sword is crazy fast! It's been a super long time since I fought someone who's as fast as me!"

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    Yuuki puts her left hand on her head, palm to temple, smiling. "I really only have the one range. It usually works out okay for me!" she grins. "You nearly had me there. And that is an AWESOME weapon!" she adds, gushing enthusiastically. "And the whole rose petal thing!!!" Yep, Yuuki's a fan of cool things. And of course, of good fighting. Part of her enthusiasm, no doubt, is because she thoroughly enjoyed the fight. "You're really fast too!" she adds, not sure if she could say she's faster than Ruby. They're quite close, truth to tell. Ruby's got that speed boost from her Semblance that's far beyond anything Yuuki can manage, but Yuuki has the agility of her unnaturally-light form, letting her turn and dodge quite effectively. And yeah, her sword's pretty crazy fast. "I put a lot of work into learning the sword, since it's the only thing I'm good at." she confides.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose , nodding, swings her scythe back down into it's travel form and sheathes it back onto her back for safe keeping. She's practically beaming now. Somebody complemented her weapon and that clearly is the best thing to happen today.

"Thank you. I made it myself. I spent...probably too much time designing it but it's paying off in spades now. An entire shed full of em. Still though, I haven't seen many around who are as fast as you are with that blade. There's a girl here who uses a blade too but she's got dust in hers, so maybe you should try dueling her sometime if you want a regular ol' sword fight."

Ruby stretches out for a moment and grins, clearly satisfied with tonight's events. "I don't know about who had who really...I mean, I didn't think you could fly; that shot was ontarget. That's an awesome trick. But let's do this again sometime, okay?"

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    Winning's not really that important, not compared to not giving up. Yuuki laughs, apparently taking 'shed full of spades' as a joke. "I get regular sword fights all the time." she replies. "Not that there's anything wrong with that! I'm just happy to be able to fight!" she claims.

    Reaching out, Yuuki claps Ruby on the shoulder. "Doesn't matter who nearly had who." she says. "We can settle it next time we fight." And once that's decided? Well, they can fight again if need be, because the one only won because of a surprise that wouldn't happen next time... and there's no end to it. Which is fine so long as they're both having fun.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose grins good naturedly. "I think you'll find Weiss to be...unlike anyone else you've fought before. I mean...well...maybe. The multiverse is pretty huge. But it was super fun. Totally gonna have to do that again. Even so...it's getting pretty late. So..give my aura a bit of a rest and we can do it again okay? Thanks Yuuki!"

Ruby flashes the girl a proper thumbs up before starting to walk away, her phone buzzing in her skirt. She pulls it out and flips it up to her ear and starts talking quietly on it, heading out of the door.