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Latest revision as of 11:29, 6 January 2016

RWBY Social
Date of Scene: 05 January 2016
Location: Remnant <REM>
Synopsis: Multiversals shoot the breeze over catch-up coursework.
Cast of Characters: Tomoe, 385, 867, Yang Xiao Long

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
It's cold and wet outside - maybe two degrees warmer than it would take for the heavy rain to metamorphose into heavy snow - and Yuna has parked herself in one of the lounge areas at Beacon's library to work on some of the assignments that have been given to Multiversal students (not just "enrollees" any more). She's got her laptop sitting on the table next to her elbow, a couple of history books laid out in front of her, and a trail of smoke leaking out of her left ear.

... Well, correction: there's no actual smoke, but judging by the weary look on the blonde singer's face, she wouldn't be surprised if there was. "And Elner won't help with any of my assignments," Yuna grumbles, sitting back in her chair for a moment and rubbing her forehead.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang comes up, and helpfully sets down a steaming mug of what smells like coffee in front of Yuna. "I know it's hard, we have the advantage of learning all this stuff since we're first enrolled in school. Places like Signal for prospective Huntsmen, or Rapture for the regular folks." she says, plonking herself down in a chair near the Idol.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna glances up as Yang sets the mug down in front of her. "Thank you," she says with a smile, picking the mug up and cradling it in both hands for a moment, inhaling the scent of the hot beverage. "Mmm. Smells delicious." She takes a small sip, being careful so she won't burn her tongue.

"And yeah, I knew when I applied that I was going to have to catch up on a lot of stuff, but I didn't realize it was going to come to THIS much. At least Professor Oobleck seems to be an adherent of 'Applied History' instead of just being able to rattle off dates, places, and names at the drop of an eraser. That makes it easier to do papers like this one."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    From somewhere outside of the library, the firm tone of the mentioned teacher rings out. "DOCTOR OOBLECK!"

    Yang blinks, then snrks. "He's pretty sensitive about that." she explains. "But yeah, Doctor Oobleck is a really good teacher, we're lucky to have him around... even if he is a little bit... odd."

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Some people would call out an apology; Yuna actually bolts to her feet (her mug 'reappearing' on the table) and bows towards the library's entrance as she calls out, "I'm sorry, Doctor Oobleck!"

Then she sits back down, looking sheepish as she takes another sip of coffee. "Less odd than Professor -" She pauses briefly, as if expecting to be corrected again. "- Professor Port," she finishes, when no correction seems to be inbound. "Does he really turn live Grimm loose in his classroom for demonstrations? That seems kind of dangerous ..."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang shrugs. "They're young ones, and he's always there if things get out of hand." replies the punchy blonde. "He doesn't bring the really dangerous ones in like Beowolves or Ursai, only young Boarbatusks and the occasional juvanile Creep." she adds. "Professor Port is a professonal Huntsman, he wouldn't be teaching here if he didn't know what he was doing."

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe has been doing a shockingly good job of keeping up with her assignments as she's didn't seem too troubled by the weather. IT was kinfda strange but she'd managed to catch up with Yuna.

"Yuna, Yang hey, burning the midnight oils here? Humm Port? Look most of the students here would be considered super weapons back home. Seriously you'd get military commanders nightmares."

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"Headmaster Ozpin does seem to run a pretty tight ship," Yuna nods. "Still, judging by Professor Port's storytelling, I'm not sure what to expect ..."

She trails off, smiling and waving to Tomoe. "It isn't that late, is it?" Yuna asks, picking up her phone and checking the Multiversal clock app. "It's not near my bedtime yet, you know," she grins as she sees what time it is for her other points of reference. "And don't get me started; I think the Galaxy Safety Council still has heart palpitations when my name comes up. One super-villainess tries to frame you ..."

Yuna trails off, rolling her eyes (mostly good-naturedly), and drinks some more coffee before scrolling through the partly-written paper on her laptop.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang lifts a hand to wave to Tomoe. "Hey Tomoe." she offers. "Isn't all that late, just all dark and dreary outside makes it feel later than it is."

    As the matter of how tight a ship Ozpin runs comes up, Yang shrugs. "Huntsmen and Huntresses, by nature, are free roaming spirits. They're not tied down to a single Kingdom by oath or bond... so enforcing strict rules doesn't work all that well."

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe says "The professors seem to know what they are talking about so far. Still they need to drill it into the student's head what they are dealing with. It's like a drill Sargent making sure someone's got every trick to keep them alive, even if they have to be a asshole to do it."

She notes before looking back to Yuna for a moment. "Someone tried to make people think you'd gone super villain...?"

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna nods to Tomoe, grimacing. "Yeah. Longish story, but the short form is that an ally to one of my old enemies found an impostor for me and tried to convince the Galaxy Safety Council - kind of an interstellar United Nations - that I was a terrible threat to the peace and safety of interstellar civilization, and it actually almost worked before Misaki was convinced otherwise by Lia and Yuri. I was just about to be launched into the Ultra Black Hole when Polylina came back in the nick of time .."

Yuna trails off, hearts in her eyes. "Ahh, Polylina-sama ... !"

You can almost hear the hearts in her voice.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Blech. Yang stands up, and waves to the two Multiversals, "I gotta go practice some, you two have fun, but remember to get some rest, push yourself too hard and you'll be no use to anyone."

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Another enters the Library and he looks like he was rode hard and put away wet ... ten times over and that person is Terry McGinnis. As he walsk in, he looks around and rubs his face as he walks up the steps and spots Yang, Tomoe and Yuna and waves to them as he approaches them, "Hey," he says as he puts a book and a tablet down ont he table and sits down rubbing his eyes, as Yang leaves, "See you later," he states to her as he looks and stretches. "So, how are all of you doing?" he asks them.

    Terry looks at Yang, "Some are use to pushing themselves and still being very useful to people," he mentions to them as he watches Yang leave. "I am guessing that the others are all asleep?" he asks.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"Take care, Yang!" Yuna replies to the hand-to-hand specialist. "And thanks for the coffee!" At least she didn't stay blissfully dazed over Polylina's unmatched awesomeness. "And hey, Tery. How's it going? - It's not as late as it looks," she adds with a wry grin. "Maybe I should pack it in soon, though; I'm not sure what else I can add to this paper at the moment but I know it's a long way from done."

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe looks at Yunna for a moment.

"I see you got a bit of a thing for them humm Yuna? I can almost see the hearts in your eyes at this point."

The shorter woman, yes shorter she's here as Eisen as she's more often not. She seems very amused at this before she looks abck to Terry for a moment and then waves to Yang as she leaves.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis looks at the two, "I seem to have missed something," he says to the two as he looks between them as he turns on his laptop. "He looks at the info and sighs, "I cannot even get my brain to forcus on this," he states as he lays the tablet down. Hei sright, as he is thinking of what he saw on Ares and the weapon and what this could mean if others went to Gotham.....

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna blushes a bit at Tomoe's teasing, "Who wouldn't? Polylina is my one true love, the heroine who's rescued me time and time again ..."

After a few seconds of embarassment, Yuna diverts her attention into one of the history books she's working with, skimming the index for something.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry looks at Yuna and watches her, "So, what are the two of you talkigna bout?" he asks her as he sits there.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"Stuff from my home universe," Yuna replies, still blushing as she riffles through the book. "It's kind of a long story ..."

Didn't she already say that about something else? Although that was just before Terry got here ...

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis nods, "We'll have to talk about things at some point I think," he mentions and he thinks as he works on his own homework on his tablet afte his picks it up again.