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(Angry ex-christmas tree riot!)
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Latest revision as of 05:19, 7 January 2016

The Nightmare After Christmas
Date of Scene: 07 January 2016
Location: Southern Urbania
Synopsis: Angry ex-christmas tree riot!
Cast of Characters: 20, Staren, 43, 119, 278, 736, 834, 903

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
It had started as another typical post seasonal day. School was soon restarting, people were returning from their holiday vacations, and much of the festivity had been spent already. Decorations were down, and the once glamourous conifurs that had stood proudly admist family gatherings and holiday traditions now laid upon the curbs or tossed aside in alleys to await their final fate. Most likely to be mulched for fertilizing fields come spring.

But not this year. Not so quietly would they go to the chipper and be thrown aside! The pinetrees have risen again, dark magic from a faraway land filling their stout trunks and prickly branchs with a new desire.

A desire for revenge.

That is what marchs upon one of the biggest parks of Urbania, sending frightened children and terrified guardians fleeing for cover. An army of evergreens, many that have been wound in discarded lightstrings or slung tinsel around their bodies like bandoliers, stomping through snowpiles with rooty feet and shoving aside playground equipment. Local police arrive on the scene, but they are quickly driven back by having ornaments fired at them out of repurposed t-shirt launchers and nerf guns, forcing them to put out an alert for Elite assistance.

And near the top of a marching tree that has traded its christmas star for a starred general's helmet Bramble Patch hangs on, using a large candy can to direct her cursed conifer army forward and cackling with glee the entire time. "Onward! Strike down those that would use you and throw you away like trash! RISE UP AND MARCH FORTH!"

At the center of the park stands a giant evergreen, so big that it hasn't been entirely undecorated yet. If Bramble manages to add that to her inanimate army, things could really get out of hand quickly!

Ebon Ribbon (903) has posed:
     Although Ebon really couldn't care less about discarded trees, she also couldn't turn down a chance to help someone with revenge. From the top of another tree, the dark unicorn is smirking as she watches the people fleeing from the tree army. And, as they do, she is lashing out with her energy ribbons, giving her tree the appearance that it has some sort of electric purple star atop it, its rays bathing the area around it.

     "I must say, Bramble Patch, it is rather invigorating to take the fight to the ungrateful wretches that fill cities such as this one!" Ebon Ribbon calls out to the other pony, her long Dremarian shimmer-silk cloak billowing out behind her, giving her even more dramatic flair.

Jinxel (119) has posed:
     The trees have risen up against their former masters, stomping through the park like an unstoppable tide, their branches stretched out for vengance!

     ANd amidst all this chaos, there stands the self-styled master of this forest of trees, a mighty Pine whom stomps around, barking silent orders to its brothers in arms!

     And is subsequently ignored, because unlike all of the others, this animated conifur stands at only two feet tall.

     The littlest tree stomps around, frantically waving its little limbs in an effort to be noticed amongst its far larger and stronger comrades. In its limb it brandishes one of those comically huge candy canes like a club, while in another he wields a shield made out of the discarded plastic base that was once used to water it and hold it upright. It scampers to keep up with the congregation and flails with its makeshift weapon, thwacking its coisins as they blatently ignore it with resounding thumps, but to no avail!

     In fact, the only one who seems to have even noticed the little shrub is Jinxel, who hovers with concern over the cute little thing from a safe distance to make sure it doesn't get stepped on by one of the larger pines.

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
"You have GOT to be kidding me!" GoGo says as she skids to a halt. Frankly, it would be miracle if something bad HADN'T happened, but... "Attack of the christmas trees? Really?" she grouses as she taps her radio.
r"Hey guys, we've got a bunch of Christmas Trees and some lunatic trying to get Birnham Wood to walk. I could use a little back up here." she says, clicking her suit over from 'casual travel' to 'combat mode'.

It doesn't take long for her to spin up to full combat speed, and as she zips forward, the razor edge of her discs throw up white-hot sparks from the pavement.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Man, the truce is barely over, and now there's stuff that needs to be done. With the reports of rampaging trees in Urbania coming in, the blind earthbender had headed out from Malibu. Considering most people are running away from one specific location it's pretty easy to figure out just where their heroics are needed. Toph Beifong arrives not long after GoGo does, riding atop of an concrete wave that she halts, coming to a stop as she lets out a snort. "I told you over the radio that I was coming, Wheels! Have some patience..."

    And it's not like there aren't more people coming to help out. But Toph isn't going to wait as she instantly assumes an earthbending stance, throwing her arms out twice in quick succession in order to send some earthen spikes towards one of the trees that's heading her way. It's a bit hard for her to notice the ponies in the trees unless they seek up. Heck, even the hovering bad luck pony isn't noticed.

Valentha Summers (834) has posed:
    Valentha's arrival is from the skies! A hovercycle normally isn't so good at FLYING, but this one somehow manages to do just that. Swoops in over all the houses, comes down near the park and... comes to a halt atop a roof. Out of easy reach of anyone who might steal or attack it.

    Valentha steps off the thing to the left, leaving her precariously perched on the edge of a two story building and gazing down at the proceedings through a grimace. A grimace that turns swiftly into a dumbfounded jawdroppy stare.

    That look's pretty easy to read. it says...


Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
    Winter is the time for awesome holidays, for fun in the snow and for basically doing all the cool stuff that you couldn't do in the summer! Everyone knows that!

    But for attacking pine trees? That's a new one for Rainbow Dash, even coming from a world where magic causes some of the strangest things to happen already. But it didn't take much to figure out the cause as reports filtered in of a pony leading the charge of the pine brigrade.

    A blue and yellow scarf whips in the chilly winter wind, but it's little more than a blur amongst the myriad of colors that is Rainbow Dash speeds across the tops of the buildings. Snow whips up behind her as she dips behind one of the larger rooftops, briefly becoming obscured from view.

    And in a flash of red, a pegasus armored in gold metal darts out the other side. Twisting and diving down, the armored pegasus dips down from the rooftops, soaring overhead Toph and Gogo's heads, the sound of wind whipping up in her wake as she dives headfirst into the trees. "Let's kick some serious pine, girls!"

Staren has posed:
    The Trees are attacking. This could just be another day in the multiverse... But among the tiny drones occasionally flying through the sky in this advanced society... recreational flyers, deliverers, news cameras showing up to cover the event... some of the cameras are eyes for Staren.

    And he can see /why/ the trees are attacking.

    They are not angry tree-people. Someone who controls plants is projecting onto them, thinking they're more than they are.

    But the trees don't really matter...

    Bramble Patch is here. She stood by while everything happened. He had thought, before, that she was incapable of really hurting anyone. Whatever she wanted, killing people wasn't it.

    But she stood by while HK explained what was going to happen. She didn't say anything... she /supported/ it...

    The robot lands on a building, miles away, and raises an arm, baring the gatling railgun.

    Sensors and smartlinks display, and he moves the reticle over a pony.

    We have to defend ourselves, Twilight rasped, voice still torn up by the gas.

    Jinxel would be sad.

    We have to defend ourselves.

    She stood by. It would have been so easy for her to say something. Even just to make it quick instead of torture. If they'd acted like enemy soldiers, he could understand. He can hear her voice in his head, telling HK off. But that didn't happen.

    We have to defend ourselves.

    The others might be sad too. Bramble didn't kill, she might have been redeemed. Part of that brighter future with less killing, that ideal he strives for.

    We have to defend ourselves.

    How many people has he gunned down? She's one pony.

    He's gunned so many down, killing them, ending their light cones, removing them from the future, to make it better. Killing for a better future is all he knows how to do sometimes.

    We have to defend ourselves.

    The reticle hovers over her. Clinging to a treetop. A good shot, But would it...

    Make the future better?

    Something feels wrong. The reticle drifts, the railgun lowers.

    And then three missiles launch from the left arm, flying for miles, then raining down among the trees, away from people, away from ponies.

    It's time to kill christmas. Err... To kill christmas trees and save people.

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
Reflexively Bramble Patch ducks down briefly as the familiar *WHOOSH* of a brightly colored pegasus speeding by overhead whips through the air. But a cautious look around afterwards only sees a bunch of other Union agents showing up rather than any more of the Harmony Knights. "Pff, only one of Celestia's stooges? You're making this too easy!" Words that are probably going to be eaten later, but such is the lot of an aspiring villain.

From a different tree her pet squirrel pokes out of the higher branches, waving in the direction of the rainbow pegasus and squeaking out what one can only imagine are commands. Hard to tell if the trees understand him or just because he belongs to Bramble, but several listen in raising up their ex-nerf guns to cock them. Cupule squeals again and a vage almost sounding like a cartoony 'fire!' can be made out, which is what they do. Except instead of foam darts they're shooting those dumb plastic icicles people use as easy decorations at her.

Others are still using the airguns, which turn away from the cops to pop off shots at the approaching GoGo instead. Good job getting their attention off the officers hiding behind their cars. They were shooting the things but bullets just chop chunks out of them without stopping the dark magic animating them.

The spikes of earth burst out to ram into the frontlines of the moving forest, making for a decent barricade. At least to some degree, until the evergreens are stomping their way over it with their stumpy, rooty 'feet'. A couple reach into their own branchs and pull out large pinecones, which they start chucking at Toph while clamoring over her earthen obstacle. Things can't get any weirder, can they?
"o/~ Come amuse me, at the sound of alarm! As certainly we mean you more physical harm! o/~"

Wrong, as Bramble takes this up even hammier by starting up a song from her tree perch as well.

"o/~ Botanical warfare here to sow your doom; so sit back and let this little story take bloom!" Bramble hooks her candycane around the top of the tree with one hoof so she can lean forward and raise the other up dramatically. "My mission is simple: Neverending Night. Bramble rises up to choke out the light! My contention is clear, so surrend your wills; I'm Everfree's keeper here for the thrills! o/~"

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
And then a bunch of missile send some of the trees flying when they explode right afterwards. Geez some people have no sense of timing! Good thing he's aiming those away from anyone squishy.

Jinxel (119) has posed:
     Missiles rain down all around, though none get near enough to Jinxel to really be a threat to her. But that doesn't mean they aren't loud and frightening, while she is meek and a scaredy cat! So it's no surprise that she cries out and covers her head as trees explode!

     As for the determined little tree, it shambles forward, whipping its little candy cane club around over its top as it charges towards the front line!

     Only for an exploded tree to come out of the sky and fall on it.

     Jinxel gasps and covers her mouth, then scrambles forward to start sifting through the burnt wreckage for the little tree, only for it to pop up out of smoking branches completely unharmed, further down the trunk... and boy is he made! It shakes its little club at the distant mech, before POINTING DRAMATICALLY at the Star Hawk, issuing a silent challenge at the mechanical beast! ANd then it charges!

     Very slowly.

     What do you expect for a two foot tree with stubby roots for feet?

Ebon Ribbon (903) has posed:
     Ebon Ribbon ducks as well when Rainbow Dash comes flying passed, then again as Valentha does the same. "Hmm...airforces. But, I doubt a pathetic prancing pegasi and her goody-goody girlfriends can stop us." she says as she stands tall atop her tree. Her tree smashes through the rocky spikes as the missiles explode behind them, and Ebon grins as she realizes who is down there.

     Toph may feel a familiar sensation as a trio of ebon streamers wrap around her middle. But, this time Ebon Ribbon has the added advantage of height. So, she attempts an old standby of giant monsters. She tries to whip Toph over the top of the tree then back down to the ground. "Do not give up, my coniferous cohorts! The great park tree is only moments from joining us!"

     Ebon rolls her eyes a bit as Jinxel worries about the tiny tree. Honestly, some ponies simply aren't cut out to be villains.

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
"Nice of you two to drop by!" GoGo yells to her companions. "Toph, you and I will hit 'em low! Dash, you hit 'em high!" she shouts... And then does the opposite, tossing her flying discs at the nearest trees as she scootaloo's between them. The spinning razor discs sheer through the branches as if they're not even there, removing a fair amount of the support beneath the feet of the perchers (and their candy canes). "I think you should LEAF us alone! We won't PINE away without you, since we'll see you next FALL!" she says. She's not a great singer, but she manages a few punny lines here and there. She's moving a little too fast for most people to hear though.

Staren has posed:
    It's not because she's a pony. That's just a shape. But...


    For crying out loud, she's /singing/. And the trees aren't hurting anyone.

    He doesn't know her full story, but geeze, is she really someone the future would be better off without?

    Whatever it is she wants... whatever it is she joined the confederacy for...

    There have been good people there before. If Rose had been called on to help HK in that mission, would /she/ have said anything? He doesn't know what it's like in the confederacy. What if saying something would make them a target?

    Perhaps Staren judged them unfairly. That was rage and anger talking. And fear, fear of a world without Twilight.

    It's, it's understandable. People are unfair all the time. People are afraid all the time. That doesn't mean they don't deserve a chance.

    As for him, /Staren/ has to do better than that, of course. Not give in to rage and fear. That's what being a hero means, right?

    Lives aren't at stake, today. But y'know, christmas trees marching on the city is still abd for people's lives. It scares them, it's a disruption, a reminder of how powerless they are to defend themselves from the weirdness of the multiverse.

    So, it's gotta be stopped. But maybe it's not worth killing for.

    The trees don't count, though. They're mindless organisms, and they were already slain anyway. Bramble's just... reanimated them. Like tree zombies.

    The Star Hawk transforms, flies towards the trees, transforms again, lands for the street. The railgun spins up, and Staren raises his machine's arm to cut a swath through the trees with hypersonic metal...

    Tink tink tink tink tink

    Staren looks down.

    Tink tink tink tink tink tink

    There is a tiny tree whacking the warmachine's foot with a candycane decoration.


    It's pathetically adorable.

    The Star Hawk's hand lifts up to scratch at the back of its head, Staren unthinkingly transmitting the motion. "Ummm... Look, Bramble Patch? What do you actually /want/ here?"

Valentha Summers (834) has posed:
    Well. A lot of people seem to be pretty content at just starting a MASSIVE WAR in the middle of town with missiles (she may have WORDS with Staren later...) but Valentha...

    Valentha reaches to her belt and grabs a... it looks kind of like a gun? But with an overly wide, comically huge barrel. And... no similarly sized ammo magazine for this thing? It onlykinda looks like a gun? There's an array of gemstones embedded in the barrel's outer edge.

    And she aims this thing at the distant masses of trees!

    In slow motion, one could see the machine thrumming to life as she pulls the trigger. The way that a matrix of blue light forms in spiderweb-like filaments, the sizzling power revving into a vortex, but no!

    At NORMAL speed, all anyone can see is this thing being fired again and again as Valentha simply turns left and right and keeps firing like a fireman aiming a giant hose.

    It sends blue globs into the air above the mobile forest and... DOWN...

    It's magical nets. And when they bind, they BIND. To branches, to trunks, to the ground. The mystic adhesive cares not what it touches, but it holds FAST.

    Breaking these bindings is gonna be a tough one!

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
    "HEY," Rainbow Dash shouts as she angles around for another pass, stopping only for a second. Her wings beat quick and light, keeping her ready to dart off at a moment's notice. "Who the hay are you calling a stooge, you flunky?" And gets pelted with plastic icicles for bothering to sit still long enough to retort back, several of them clanking off of her armor. Hard enough to actually leave some dents. "Ow! What the-Icicles?" She says, snatching one out of them out of the air between her forehooves. "This isn't real ice! What gives?"

    Leave it to be a weather pegasus to be insulted by fake icicles.

    Dash's wings become a blur as she speeds forward, just over the top of the animated trees. She picks up speed, zooming overhead them. Then dives at top speed, hind hooves out in front of her in the aproximation of a flying jump kick, aimed to crash through a line of those over-aged christmas trees.

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
GoGo Tomago should note that she nearly got tagged by some of the shots coming her way! But the worst that could be said is that they scratched the finish on her helment, which upsets her more than it throws her off.

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
Trees get stuck to the ground in magic binds. Or stuck to playground equipment. Or stuck to each other, which is arguably even more humiliating, if they actually bothered to feel humiliated. It is doing a good job at keeping them from doing much else, though it does get some attention in Valentha's direction. Which comes in the form of a evergreen pulling out several discarded wreaths and flinging them at her like charkams.

Rainbow Dash flying kicks into the line-up of gunners, toppling them over like dominos. Stupid flying ponies. But how do you deal with a horse that refuses to stay still? One tree pulls off it's light-string bandolier, loops the end and after a few twirls whips it at Dash like a lasso! ... though catching something that fast might not work out as well as intended either.

A blurr weaves it's way through the ranks, zinging here and there before finally coming to a stop at the end of her run. The conifurs turn to follow, but just as they take am at GoGo... the branchs holding their weapons fall off where she sliced through them. So fast she got to the end before they actually broke off apparently.

Bramble Patch yelps, but grabs onto the top of her tree with her candy cane before she falls off completely. Once she's got her back hooves braced on the trunk she turns to shoot a dirty look at Staren. "Hey, I've got a thematic to follow. You should be glad this is all I'm doing! What do you care? I bet yer fancy shmancy future world doesn't even HAVE real trees any more. Replaced them all with those aluminum knock-offs!" She's shake a hoof but she's got both holding onto her precarious perch at the moment. "Taking away what little time of glory these grand woods get is almost as bad as how these ingrates use 'em and then throw 'em out!"

She.. didn't really plan on someone bringing an entire -robot- honestly. She improvises though, yanking a vial out of her vest with her teeth, and with a jerk of her head throws it at the Star Hawk. What's alchemy going to do to a mech though?!

Splatter all over the cockpit so the pilot can't see clearly, that's what! Or at least that's the idea.

Ebon Ribbon (903) has posed:
     Ebon Ribbon watches all the action from the relative safety of her tall tree. She pulls her ribbons back in, then prepares to lash out again when her tree stumbles and several of its branches fall away thanks to the magic webs and the slicing discs. Ebon has to use her ribbons to hang on instead of attacking something, and as her tree sways unsteadily she clings similarly to Bramble. "Bramble! Tell these trees to go faster!" she whines. "Or they may soon be firewood and we will be pony pancakes!"

     Despite hanging on for dear life, Ebon still has a few ribbons to spare. These she puts to work on Valentha's magic webs. Ebon is hoping she can drain the energy from those webs and help the trees break free. But, she is only one pony and doesn't have a large number of ribbons to combat the steady fire of sticky stuff. "Minx! What are you doing?! Help us get to that big tree!"

Jinxel (119) has posed:
     Plink. Plink. Plink.

     Look at that little tree go, wailing away at the Star Hawk's foot with it's oversized candy cane with all the moxy it can summon up, before taking a swipe at the robot finbger that tries to scritch it! Grrrrrrr, mad tree!

     By now of course, Jinxel has realized that the little fur isn't in the remains of the snoking tree that fell on it, and notices the little guy valiantly fighting a robot fifty times its size.

     Oh dear!

     Rushing over quickly, she picks up the little tree and places it on her back like a rider, which the tree finds somewhat annoying... until it realizes that it is much more mobile this way! And with this new mobility, it shall vanquish the wicked tree choppers and vile decorators!

     With a triumphant thrust of its candy cane, it points at Valentha, directing Jinxel towards the fray! ANd Jinxel... just kind of stands there and looks confused at her new passenger, "Huh?"

     Again, even more dramatically it points! And again Jinxel looks confused, her gaze switching between the little fur and Valentha.

     Finally, the little tree settles for jamming its roots into Jinxel's flank, causing her to rear up in surprise before (reluctantly) charging Val, "Okay, I get it! We're going! We're going!"

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
GoGo takes a bow, almost getting slimed by one of the globs. "Watch where you're aiming those things! You almost hit me!" she says.

"Now look, Bramble Patch... Don't get me wrong, I love nature. But if you really want to make a difference in getting your cause heard and represented, don't you think you're taking things too far?" she says, ZOOMING up the tree that Bramble is on.

She holds up her hands, showing that she's not about to throw her discs. "What you're doing right now... It's not going to work. People are going to get riled up by this. They're going to want to hurt the trees even move, and nobody wants that. They'll get scared, and when people get scared, they lash out. I know some places where we could really use more trees. I even know a kid who could help you make them stronger and hardier. But you have to do the right thing. You've got so much potential to really make a difference! Can we sit down and talk about this? Please? I know you can do the right thing. Everyone can be a great person if they try!" she says, clicking something on her helmet and dropping the discs from her hands and feet. She's ready for a hug! Or to fall back off of the tree if someone tries to hurt her.

Staren has posed:
    The Star Hawk slumps. "...I... guess... but..." A potion splashes over the main optics. That would be a good idea if it weren't the oldest trick in the mecha book -- secondary cameras are all over the thing. Staren's hesitation is brief. "...What do you want for these trees? For people to fear them? Or for people to love them?"

    Then it looks down. "Jinxel? What..." Of /course/ she's here.

    And he was planning to kill her best friend right in front of her...

    Staren shakes his head. "Hey!" A tree being mean to poor Jinxel is just unacceptable! He draws the missile gunpod, which is probably pretty damn careless, but at least he's keeping the Star Hawk's finger off the trigger, not that it matters. And he uses it to... try and nudge the tree off of Jinxel with the tip of the gunpod. A pretty /hard/ nudge, coming from a giant robot, but still.

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
    When Rainbow Dash feels the lasso of lights tighten over a hind leg, she glances briefly back behind her. "Seriously!?" A wild grin crosses her muzzle, "You acorn brains asked for it!"

Those bright blue wings become a blur as Rainbow Dash beats them harder and faster. She takes off like a shot, with the lights latched on to her hind hoof. Winding and twisting, she quickly loops around the mass of trees, not caring whether or not the string of lights stays on. Rather, she tries to wind it around as many trees as she can, zipping and zagging between them, before the probability of the tree running out light string.

Valentha Summers (834) has posed:
    "ACK!" Valentha's actually pretty surprised at the wreaths! She makes the mistake of underestimating the first barrage! ... by tanking it head on. It literally knocks her for a loop! One clonks her aside the face and nearly knocks her goggles flying! But she reacts by grabbing them and is solidly clobbered in the side by another wreath. Yakking and gakking she's clumsily forced to hop on a leg in this weird loop.. COMPLETELY off balance.

    And yet...

    And yet her lips are nevertheless moving at hyper speed. Chanting words of power at the very limits of clear enunciation. The way that only a practiced Wizard at the height of concentration can manage.

    Valentha's free hand glows blue as the second barrage closes in!

    They're diverted ever so slightly upon coming within about twenty feet of her and slam into the building instead. She's VERY against letting those things fly all over town!

    "What an impressive magical display this is! If only it was on OUR side!"

    Bereft of other ideas, the Techno-Wizard leaps off the roof and simply FLIES, propelled on what seems to be field of bluish sparkles and rushing winds.

    "Oh come on. You couldn't have gone to this much trouble just for some chaos! Your talents are being wasted!" She yells Bramble Patch's way...

    Only to then raise an arm and channel more magic. Hurricane winds gather around her arm... and she SWINGS that arm in not ime at all! Sharp 'vacuum waves' flash out with decisive slicing power for the front lines!

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
Trying to lasso a fast flying pegasus goes about as well as you would expect it to. One wouldn't think a comparatively small blue pony would be able to do much, but seeing as there's entire scientific debates on how much Rainbow Dash can defy sensible physics it's not really a surprise that she ends up -dragging the tree around- while buzzing through the tree lines (hah hah), knocking over other trees that don't get wound up. Valentha is helping with the knocking over department, too.

Bramble Patch twists around on her perch to glare in the direction of Ebon's tree. "You know how hard it is to get this many trees to move in the first place?" Then the other way to look at Valentha. "Chaos? Pfff. Puh-lease. I'm not Discord. The trees want some respect for what they put up with for one time a year. You think it's easy being rooted up from a forest just to be shoved in a pot and have celebrations going on while you can only stand there, a part yet never A PART of things? Sometimes you gotta be a little forceful... Or people think they can just.. just... THROW YOU AWAY!"

She may be projecting a little here, with the whole being thrown aside thing, but that's quibbling.

She turns back the way she was, only to yelp when abruptly she's face to faceplate with GoGo. "Gah!" She's already tottering precariously when Dash's little rodeo comes to an end and the tree loses it's grip, which sends it tumbling into the one Bramble has been riding on. It's not easy holding on with just a candy cane hook and hooves and that's enough to dislodge her finally.

Fortunately GoGo already has an arm out for her to fall on instead. Ugh. How humiliating.

".. Fffff, fiiiine." She holds up a forehoof at GoGo. "But if I make them stop, you have to promise the trees can be replanted somewhere to be properly enjoyed for more than just a cheap holiday."

Jinxel (119) has posed:

     In mid charge, the tiniest little tree gets knocked off of Jinxel's back and lands on its back... or what would constitute a back for a tree, where it lays there and flails, unable to get up because it has stubby roots and branches. GRRRRR! EVIL MACHINE! How dare it knock him from his mount! *Flailflail*

     Having noticed the sudden absence of weight on her back, Jinxel skids to a stop and turns around, before gasping, "Oh my!" Then she quickly scampers back and helps the feisty little tree back up, then dusts it off, before handing back its candy cane club and watering base shield. n_n

Staren has posed:
    "..." Staren's not sure what to say about this story Bramble's made up where the trees need to be treated by people.

    Yes, having to just sit and watch but never be a /part/ of things, until people throw you away...


    ...That would be terrible if it was happening to /people/. But these are just trees.

    "...We'd love to replant them. But Christmas trees are /cut/. They have no roots, you can't replant them..." Staren gasps. "Wait, did your magic /really/ bring the trees back to life? That's incredible! You could save /all/ the christmas trees... Oh. Well, if it's any consolation, /I/ didn't cut down a tree, at least. Right now, we can save /these/ trees. We'll find someplace to plant them."

Ebon Ribbon (903) has posed:
     Ebon Ribbon's tree is one of the trees that Dash zigzags around, and like an Imperial walker it lurches, then shudders before falling forward. The dark unicorn is thrown off. "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeek!" Ebon flies through the air, flailing her legs and ribbons. Her ribbons reach for anything she can grab, and just happen to catch...Rainbow Dash!

     "...oh dear..." is all Ebon can say before she is yanked along by Rainbow Dash. The ribbons do drain Rainbow's energy, but it might be a while before Rainbow gets tired and Ebon isn't about to let go at near supersonic speeds! "Slow down you..you...cloudbucker!" she exclaims as she is dragged along.

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
GoGo smiles and summons her discs back so she can (gently) descend with Bramble in her arms. She hugs the orange pony tightly. "I promise. ANd I'm so proud of you! You didn't do a violence!" she says. "I promise, every year I'll make sure that the trees are replanted and kept safe from being shoved through the wood-chipper." she says.

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
Bramble Patch briefly shoots a look at Staren over GoGo's shoulder as she's carried down. "Like, DUH. Don't you think if I can make them move about again I can make them take root again. Geeze for an egghead you sure are dense sometimes."

Rainbow Dash (43) has posed:
There is a point where Rainbow Dash slows down. For a second anyway. But that's only when the tree runs out of light string, and she has to start pulling it behind her instead. It's long enough for those ribbons to grab ahold of her, but then when Dash makes up for the additional weight, she's off again like a shot, taking the tree and Ebon Ribbon for one heck of a ride.

    Lucky for Ribbon, the drain is enough that Dash starts to feel the strain much faster, and finally comes to a stop. "HEY, no free-loaders!" She says, finally spotting the ribbons strapped on her, and tugging them off. About forty feet off the ground.

    There's a bit of weariness in Dash's wingflaps as she looks over the fallen trees with a bit of satisfaction. Then pauses. "Uh, wait, so you're just gonna stop if we let you plant them again?" The pegasus flattens a forehoof over her face, then gestures wildly down at Bramble. "Why the hay didn't you just say something in the first place!?"

Valentha Summers (834) has posed:
    "That he is!" Valentha flies over after realizing where the SOURCE of all that magic is. She lands near Bramble Patch, adjusting her goggles and grinning brightly at the pony. It's... perhaps an unsettling grin.

    Sure, there's real joviality in there. But also this tiny hint of MEGA PREDATOR STALKING YOU behind it.

    Just a hint.

    "It's a most wasteful practice. And since nobody seems to have been really HURT... I'm not inclined to hold this against you too much! Not when it's such a skillful display. BUT.. you should be using these powers for something more respectable if you want messages like THAT to be heard." The dragon-in-disguise proclaims, scratching her rather human-looking chin."

Ebon Ribbon (903) has posed:
     Unsurprisingly, Ebon Ribbon barely slows Rainbow Dash down. It was just luck that let her catch the pegasus by the hoof before, and when the ribbon is kicked off Ebon finds herself in freefall again. With all the trees stuck or toppled, there isn't much to cushion her fall. And as this is a big city and not Equestria, there isn't much soft to land on.

     Which leads to a rather loud THUD when Ebon smashes into the ground. And...just lies there. Because even for a pony 40ft straight down is a long way, and she isn't a pegasi with extra crash-neutralizing zones. "...ow..."

Jinxel (119) has posed:
     And amidst the negotiations, little ol' Jinxel comes walking over, with a slightly grumpy looking tree perched on her back with its branches crossed in a huffy manner at the lack of RIGHTEOUS VIOLENCE... and what follows is so typical of Jinxel, that it would be kind of surprising if Bramble didn't expect it.

     "... Can I keep him?"

Bramble Patch (278) has posed:
Bramble Patch stands on her back legs so she can make a T-shape with her forehooves. "Whoa whoa, timeout." Then turns to point one hoof accusingly at Valentha. "You. Penalty for starting one of those sappy speechs -after- I already agreed to stop being a jerk for the time being. Good thing you didn't speak up before she did," indicating point at GoGo, "because that was seriously tacky."

All odds to point to Bramble Patch expecting it as soon as she saw Jinxel getting involved with the little shrub of a pine in the first place. "Yeah yeah, we can keep that one. Could use someone to keep an eye on you when I gotta go out and... do stuff." Stuff she's not going to say out loud with so many good guys standing around!

Instead she turns and claps her hooves together. "Alright you guys, pick up your stuff and lets move. Gonna root you all where you can be admired year round." Which would probably get cheering if they could cheer. But Bramble was smart enough to not give her animated minions to power to speak too. That's just encouraging back talk. Or someone other than her making the plant based puns.

Jinxel (119) has posed:
     Eeeeeee! n_n

     No, seriously, that's what Jinxel does when she is told she can have her vry own magical pine tree, complete with hoof claps before turning to her little passenger, "C'mon little guy, lets take you to your new home!" before trotting off with a cheerful bounce on her step along side the congregation of trees while she debates, "Hmmm, what should I call you? Maybe Coni?"

GoGo Tomago (736) has posed:
GoGo Tomago smiles and returns her suit to its inactive state. Without it, she loses about six inches of height and a bit of bulk from armor. She's a somewhat well-curved Korean girl with short, darkish hair! With a chuckle, she rolls her eyes at Valentha. "She already promised, so ease off of her." she says. "Say, Bramble Patch. Would you mind if I visited you back in... well whatever part of pony country you live in? It'd be good for me to get out and about, and it'd give us a chance to talk about your plant friends and where you want them set up." she says, gancing over at Jinxel. "And you too. My pal Hiro could whip up some good plant food for Connie if you wanted me to ask."

Staren has posed:
    Staren smiles, sighs in relief, and relaxes in the pilot's chair. "Thanks." It turns and starts to walk away, then stops and hesitates. A couple of times. And then jumps into the air, transforms, and flies off.


    A lone metal pony-golem wanders into the Everfree. When Bramble inevitably intercepts it, she finds tied to it a couple of saplings, with striped trunks and large flowers instead of leaves. And also a card that says: Happy Hearthswarming Bramble & Jinxel