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Latest revision as of 22:01, 17 January 2016

A Night on the town
Date of Scene: 16 January 2016
Location: Remnant <REM>
Synopsis: Yang's thoughts are a muddle after everything that's happened recently.

Alberto helps set her straight again with some friendly advice.

Cast of Characters: 746, Yang Xiao Long

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    The City of Vale... also the Kingdom of Vale, home of fan ecclectic and varied melting pot of cultures, all blended together. Going down a single street would likely find Italian-style resaurants, next to Chinese-style buffets next to American-style weapon shops(All, oddly, named Dust til Dawn.) Street vendors, clothes shops, bars and clubs.

    One of these streets is walked by a blonde woman in a fairly bombastic outfit, though her demeanor is anything but matching. Hands in pockets, shoulders slumped and gait shallow, heels scuffing the floor as she walks. Deep in thought.

Alberto Guardeira (746) has posed:
    Travelling around the Multiverse was interesting, to say the least. Alberto was still trying to get used to the smells and colors of the new locations he went to, wondering on how they felt so familiar, yet still feeling somewhat off to him. It was something that truly puzzled the mage.

    Sighing, he lifted his head and focused back into the present, checking out his surroundings. Different cultures were no new matter to him, but the sheer mix he could find, along with the fact that every single shop seemed to have the same name, left him a bit out of his water.

    Hey everyone, let's make fun of the confounded tourist!

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang isn't really paying attention as she walks... and just about as she's going to turn into one of the Dust til Dawn places, she collides with Alberto. "Ooof... hey!" that seems to have snapped her out of her fugue. "Uh... sorry?" she offers, anger quickly melting away to realization. 'Outsider'. Just by looking a local could tell this guy wasn't from this world... and Yang's training with Momoyo lets her see the Aura around Alberto.

    He isn't a local, no-one local has an aura like that.

Alberto Guardeira (746) has posed:
Alberto himself is taken out of his ponderings by a sudden collision. His leg takes a step back as a reflex from older days, grounding him for a possible confrontation, but the apology that follows stops his current action as he realizes he isn't in any danger.

    "Uh, it's okay. I was distracted as well," he replies, hoping she didn't notice his faux-pas. "Are you all right?" he asks, trying not to stare too hard at the young woman before him, as his mind flagged her outfit as 'revealing'.

    This, coming from someone from a time where a 'daring' outfit for a woman was probably a skirt above knee-length, was a pretty mild reaction.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang blinks a bit, then shrugs. Her forearms are half raised, and fists clenched. Once Alberto relaxes, so does she, though. "It'll take more than a bump to take me down." she replies, folding her arms over her chest. "You're not from around here, are you?" she asks, noticing the attention she's getting. "Name's Yang, by the way."

Alberto Guardeira (746) has posed:
    The veteran nods. "Pleased to make your acquaintance, I'm Alberto. No, I'm not from around here, I'm just... checking the places of the worlds, so to speak." And there was still a lot of places to check, that much was for sure. Then again, the nature of the Multiverse meant he was going to spend a lot of time exploring. He takes another glance, before turning back to Yang. "This place is a bit overwhelming, to be honest. I feel mildly claustrophobic, the way everything just points to the sky."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang looks around, then shrugs a bit. "Last time the city tried to expand outward, the Grimm overran the construction site..." she replies, like just passing on the weather. "Only way to go is up." she adds.

    "So..." she ponders. "You're some kinda explorer?"

Alberto Guardeira (746) has posed:
    Alberto nods slowly. "Yes, something of the sort, at least for now. Arrived not too long ago, so I'm still trying to find a replacement place to settle." He then returns to the part that sparked his investigating senses. "Grimm?" he asks. The only Grimm he knew were the fairy tale ones. Oh, and that German guy from the Sonderabteilung. "Some kind of hostile faction?"

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang shakes her head. "Grimm are monsters." she replies. "They're soulless creatures that people like me are trained to fight." she sighs a little. "I'm wondering if it's worth it, though..."

Alberto Guardeira (746) has posed:
"Ah." the mage replies, frowning at both her reply and her following remark. The former, because the very nature of magic made possible for that kind of beasts to exist on his homeworld as well, and he was aware of how hard it was to properly dispose of an outbreak of them, and the latter...

    "Lions led by donkeys? Or is it something else that's bothering you?" he asks, his voice betraying his own experiences with the subject.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang looks back at the mage. "I've got... well I can't call him a 'friend' really, but... he's in a bad way because of some monsters on ANOTHER world that he helped to fight..." she sighs a bit. "What's the use in fighting these things, if there's no end to them?"

Alberto Guardeira (746) has posed:
Alberto nods, "I too asked myself that question several times. But," he reised a finger, "there is one question you must ask yourself. 'What is the alternative?'" It was a clich�, he knew it. "Rolling over and wating for the end isn't really an exciting prospect, no matter how attractive that thought could be at one time."

    "And about your colleague... being wounded in a fight is something that's hard to accept, but it is also part and parcel of being in the fight." he then sighs, finishing his thought with a pained voice, "So is death."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang groans. "You sound like Professor Ozpin..." she sighs, then smirks though, lifting her eyes back to the Mage. "You're right though... what's the point in rolling over and waiting to die, when you can go out in a blaze of glory protecting those you care about." Maaaaybe not the exact point but...

    "Thanks, Alberto... I think I know what I'm gonna do now... heh, I came out here to look at weapons and ammo magazines, but I think I got a better deal out of it."

Alberto Guardeira (746) has posed:
    "Or, even better, living," he replies, a gleam in his eyes, "living with the pleasure that your enemy, whomever or whatever it is, can't strike you down. Until the day you strike back, and they realize what a bad idea it was to start that particular conflict."

    "There isn't anything wrong with giving one's life for the sake of other's lives, but by surviving you ensure they will have someone they can rely on there to defend them the next time they need them.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang nods a bit. "Yeah... that's part of the Huntsman's Creed... I, just kinda lost sight of that with what's been going on." she offers out her right hand. "Thanks, for helping clear my head." she then pulls out a phone-like device. "Oh, I should get moving... need to see a man about a thing."

Alberto Guardeira (746) has posed:
    "Glad I could be of help, but you don't need to thank me," he replies, "we all need a sounding board from time to time to get our thoughts in order again." As as one of those who survived, it was his duty to help other fighters, if possible. "So, I guess this is farewell, and good luck."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang nods, then salutes before tapping a button on the phone. In the distance, the sound of a motorcycle starts approaching quickly. "Yeah, I'll see ya around maybe, if you wander as mucha s you say, we'll probably bump into each other again. Literally or not!"

    A fairly large, yellow and orange schemed motorbike pulls up at the roadside, settling into an idle so the blonde can mount up. "Take care!" Helmet on, riding glasses on, she hikes her leg over, kicks the gears and revs the throttle, powersliding around and pulling a wheelie off into the distance.

Alberto Guardeira (746) has posed:
    Alberto's last thought before resuming his sightseeing was a simple 'I've got to get one of those one day.' Because really, nothing else seemed fitting for a motorcycle coming out of nowhere with no rider.