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(Momoyo captures wounded Yari)
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Latest revision as of 19:04, 18 January 2016

Invoking the Wrath of Momo-sempai
Date of Scene: 16 January 2016
Location: Kawakami City
Synopsis: Yari goes snooping in the Kazami Family 'secret base', an intimate childhood hangout stuffed with sensitive details about Momoyo's closest friends while Cookie is under maintenance. Momoyo finds her, and things quickly go south. Sanary and Lute bail out their ninja when Momoyo, ignorant of Yari's recent assassination attempt, mercifully drags her to the Fed-JSDF Embassy in Kawakami City instead of the Union.
Cast of Characters: 188, 691, Sanary Rondel, 928

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari is not exactly one to stay down for long, even /after/ she got exploded to death three times by a certain Admiral. She is, however, looking like she's been through hell. There's bandages over one eye, she's limping thanks to that leg that had to be reattached, and she's barely hiding her fighting aura. It's sloppy compared to the tight control she usually has, and might even let most of the Family realize their comfy secret base is being invaded.

Finding it took plenty of stalking, too, but some quick lock picking and other cieling-based ninja shenanigans has her in, and then down to the floor. Blink. Frown. She didn't know what she was expecting, but it wasn't this. Still, she's already ruffling through bookshelves and games for anything that might be worthy of intel. And breathing hard. She actually has to stop and lean on a wall, her vision blurring and the ninja growing weak. Her tail droops. Nagato didn't exactly go light on her.

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     Lo and behold, Momoyo came by hauling the sofa chair she had in Kenji's medical room on one shoulder. Unfortunately for Yari, she started to move even quicker once she senses Yari screwing around inside the base... Cookie must have been out for maintenance or with one of the other friends.

    She hadn't seen Yari's aura very often before, but she could tell whoever it was rummaging through the pile of manga and games (and unable to hack Moro's laptop) was pretty weak. Some mock diary entries from some of the various girls were around, but the information available here was nothing like compared to the dorm Yamato lives in which Yari did eventually find the address to. So there's that.

    Yari could probably sense Momoyo coming, but in her state she probably forgot just how fast Momoyo could move, even bearing a load. She brought the sofa chair inside with the intent to use it on whoever was snooping around, only to find someone who needed to be in a hospital.

    "You look like you rolled around on a dozen grenades in a trench, Yari."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Some of those entries are memorized, then quickly put back. When Momo arrives? She's grumbling at that laptop. Clearly she needs more experience.

And then Yari goes ramrod straight. Including her tail. Then she realizes it's Momo, and the kunai goes back into her sleeves. The ninja takes a few steps, stumbles, and likely has to use the martial artist just to stay on her feet. Cling.

"Five grenades, four explosive tags, multiple shrapnel and bullet barrages." Adds Yari, the silly ninja. One might question how she's still technically in one piece.

"Hello Momo-sempai. Your hideout is less impressive than I thought. I was expecting at least some illegal weaponry." Pause, then she frowns a bit. Her tail reaches up, and tries to poke the woman on the nose.

"And where have you been!? It's been boring without you causing trouble. The others aren't as fun to shadow. I think some of those maids don't like me either."

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     "Uh huh." Her fingers casually slide into Yari's hair... and then curl tightly. Tilting her chin back, she keeps a firm grasp on Yari.

    This was the second time she's caught her violating some very private territory... and it was worse than previous after all.

    "You must be feeling pretty okay to violate my 'family's' secret base." The inflection on the word implied she wasn't talking about Kawakami, and given the slang bandied about school, most likely the roving bands of friends. The rest of the evidence strewn about and people's names on it implied exactly how many had been around since at least 4th grade, and how many were recently invited. But none of that was really relevant right now.

    "I know you're just snooping me and my friends so you can decide when to kidnap one of them when the need arises. It's pretty frustrating that you're using the world neutrality to poke around in my private life when I'll tell you anything you want to know." Probably Yamato, his family ties are wealthy but extremely questionable from what little research Yari was able to do now and in the past. Momoyo's fingers start to roughly paw over Yari, and slowly remove every single weapon she has on her body, using her hair as a leash.

    "I was gone for a week enlisted in the Hikari Fleet Daughter Navy. They drafted me for training... which they are sort of able to do reasonably since I'm a Japanese citizen." her nose curled up into a sneer, her eyes half-lidded as she leans in close to the Au'Ra.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari notes that look in Momoyo's eyes, and then she's suddenly being held there like some sort of animal. The ninja doesn't resist, even as she gets de-weaponed. That'll take awhile. Four knives, a dozen kunai and shuriken, plus three holdout pistols and what appears to be a sickle attached to a long chain.

The ninja was packing lightly today.

"This is part of my job, Momoyo. I can't just rely on information from one source. I have to confirm everything. You're honest, but everyone is biased. First rule of spying, get multiple sources. And people usually leave valuable information where they feel safest." States Yari, trying to look up at her and be somewhat authoratative and frosty.

Which she completely fails at, and she looks down with her eyes at that sneer. Yes, she's blushing, and looking shamed.

"...But I should have at least asked. My apologies, Momoyo-sempai." At least she's humble. And dips into a bow, which she regrets as her wounds ache and that grip on her hair tightens.

"And I wanted to see how you and the Family live." She adds quietly. A pause at the mention of Hikari. She could very easily have ran into Momoyo out at sea. It would have turned a mostly successful operation into a failure quickly. Who knows if she'd even come back alive.

"Still. I'm glad you're back and safe." No deception here. Though the emphasis on safe might be odd.

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     "Safe, huh? I might be safe, but you probably aren't." She continues stripping weaponry, and then... thinking better of it, takes hold of Yari's /tail/ instead of her arm, pulling that taut. Yari's tail was delicate and Momoyo was just about mad enough to rip it off and see if it would grow back despite Yari's injuries.

    "Pop quiz, lizard. What happens if I take you to Union-JSDF headquarters and tell them you were picked up for tresspassing!?" she yells. She didn't know what Yari did precisely but the wounds were enough of a clue that she couldn't escape again. Not with Momoyo's eyes on her. She presses Yari against the wall nearest the doorframe. "How am I going to explain to my friends what /you're/ doing here just because the Gate opened!? They're all in danger now!"

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari can't help it as she's easily grabbed by the tail, and then shoved against a wall. To say the pain right now is excruciating would be an understatement. But worse, even as she very nearly blacks out from the pain, the ninja has to face the wrath of Momoyo. Momoyo can see the utter fear on her face as she mentions giving over the lizard to the Union. She trembles in place.

It'd be a death sentences.

She manages to get her fear under control enough to stammer out, wilting beneath that gaze.

"I...Nnn. You've all been in danger the moment that Gate opened. But...please, Momoyo. If you turn me in now, they'll execute me. I'm a spy and an assassin." She pleads, even as she quickly intones over her radio. There's no attempts at escape.

"I'll submit myself to whatever punishment you want, Momoyo. I'll take responsibility for this. Just please...I have a lot to live for now. I don't want to die."

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     She starts walking. Yari has no idea of she convinced Momoyo or not, and is way too wounded to put up a fight against someone who's spotted her. Moreover, the one slim chance Yari has of getting away is being held... Yari's tail is more dangerous than her remaining arm and Momoyo knows it.

    She keeps Yari walking... it was debatable whether or not claiming she couldn't walk any further would just anger the string-taut Momoyo further. Without Yari's maps the twists and turns the city took were impossible to remember, since Momoyo didn't take her down any main streets...

    Until the area becomes more familiar to Yari, gradually. Momoyo took her to the Fed-JSDF embassy. Like the Union embassy, it was just a rented office building with Fed-specific technology installed and likely transport facilities to enable them to arrive from the Gate.

    She stopped right on the physical border of the Embassy. Any ground Momoyo was standing on was still Japanese territory, beyond the fence.

    She yells to the guards. "YOU BETTER FIGURE OUT WHO IS GONNA TAKE IN THIS FED SPY FOR TRESPASSING!!!" She roughly holds the lizard up to the camera. Not that Feds weren't already trying to figure out where Yari was. Soon, Momoyo would be swarmed whether she could perceive it or not.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Every moment walking with Momoyo is tense. She's wondering if this woman she admires so much is going to be the cause of her execution. But she doesn't resist. Yari faces it with a stoic face. If anything, she's more afraid of Momoyo at this point.

But it's the Fed agency. And as she's held up, that fear vanishes from her eyes. She does dangle and moan from the pain, however, the injured, beaten ninja wobbling in Momo's grasp. She looks as shamed as appropriate. In all likelyhood, there's a bunch of Fed soldiers around giving the spy very annoyed glances.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute hasn't heard much of the situation. He simply knows where it is, and that Yari is in trouble. He has been to this area before, some time back. He helped fight against a monster that ended up appearing. But, he knows little enough about the situation currently that he is somewhat nervous. He makes fast pace through the Warp Gate Network, until he finally arrives at the Confederate Embassy. He runs out the door of the building, only to hear the yelling. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. His mind focuses. Normally, the 'true' Lute, his more idiotic version, does not allow his smarter half to take control willingly. For a situation like this? Lute will let it happen.

     He walks up towards the fence, casually. He takes a moment to lift a hand to his face, moving the hair out of his eyes a little. His braids and labcoat flutter in the wind a little. He looks relaxed, and calmed. His eyes narrow a little as he looks towards Momoyo, and Yari.

     He smiles towards Momoyo in a friendly manner. Glances are given to the Confederate soldiers. He motions for any of them who seem on guard to stand down. Finally, he looks back towards Momoyo. He speaks in a calm tone, lacking much of the normal rough-around-the-edges manners Lute can have at times.

     "Mmm. I apologize for our spy. We will take her into our custody. I will admit, I am not quite sure what she was trying to find. But. I do know that she has provided much support and assistance to this city. She even has aided in fighting creatures within this land, to protect it. I am sure that her previous assistance to this town will, without a doubt, be /more/ than enough to help us bring this to a peaceful resolution."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Sanary's not normally one to raise hell in neutral territory. Even though she's not quite as educated as most of her allies in the Confederacy, she does know better than to do anything rash that would jeopardize the Confederacy's standing with said neutral territories.

     Usually. This sort of thing would probably have her ready to go on a rampage, but yet... She's actually behaving today. The healer simply arrives at the embassy fairly quickly, not decked out in her usual clunky ass armor or even carrying multiple shields. No, she's only got her guanxe at her hip and a Mend staff in hand today, and she makes a beeline for the two women and the Pokemon trainer at the front of the building.

     She also looks like hell. Heavy bags under her eyes, hair a mess, and not at all like a professional... Anything. She might have just woken up from the looks of it. "We'll take her from here. You're..." Sanary adjusts her eyepatch as she looks from Yari to Momoyo to Lute, then Momoyo again. The temptation to just go up and grab Yari is strong, but she's still managing to behave somehow. "... Oh hey. You're the one that fought what's her face. Kyra's servant."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Seeing Lute, the ninja looks as though she could leap into his arms at this point. Dangling from Momoyo's grasp, the injured ninja's life is very much in the hands of her allies right now. And then in comes Sanary. She might actually live now.

Best to own up. "Momoyo-sempai caught me in her hideout. I overstepped my bounds foolishly." Admits the ninja, and even manages to give a bow of apology to the two before her. But most of it is directed at Momoyo, who has spared her life...even if certain actions as of late might get the woman to reconsider that. Thankfully, the ninja is wisely being tight lipped. Yari looks horrible at this point, given her injuries and now /this/.

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     "I don't know what this idiot did." she shoves Yari on her knees roughly on the ground right outside the fence. Any steps taken outside the fence would end up putting people in Japanese territory. Granted, an armed response was entirely feasible if they didn't kill Momoyo, it was not unusual for Momoyo to get in fights after all.

    But it's questionable if Sanary and Lute by themselves could stop Momoyo from hauling the lizard to the other end of town in a heartbeat to Union's embassy.

    "But I'm pretty sure the last thing you people need is me hauling her to the Union embassy for snooping my private life!!!" Yep, when it boils down to it, Yari got caught peeking in someone's diary of all things.

    "You better tell me whether or not she's going to be charged for violating Japanese law. I'll file the report with you people." she grits her teeth lowly. She was still seething, but she couldn't just resolve this with violence. Any of the wounds Yari has currently will still take hours for Sanary to address, but Momoyo couldn't tell how strong Lute was, either...

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     So that's what happened. Yari gets a long stare from Sanary that seems to be asking 'Really?', and the healer lets out a tired sigh before her attention turns back to Momoyo. "We'll take care of it. We got our own procedures to handle this sort of problem, and the Union embassy doesn't have any authority over her, anyway. We do." Probably? Maybe. She's not an expert in these things, but she can at least pretend to sound like she does! Maybe.

     "Besides. I don't think any of us wants to see this place turning into a war zone over some snooping." There's a veiled threat in there, but it'd probably be more effective if the healer didn't look like she was half-asleep. Or would it be even more effective? Either way, she's staring straight at Momoyo, not seeming to care at all about the height or size difference between them.

Lute (188) has posed:
     The veiled threat from Sanary gets a smirk from Lute. Really, he knows that if this /does/ become a major incident, it would lead to more problems for Momoyo than for the Confederates. But, the loss of Yari? It would be, without a doubt, a major downside for the Confederacy.

     Which is why Lute is going to take a bit of a different route than threats.

     "I will see to it that Yari is punished to the full extent that the Confederacy will punish someone for such a failure. In fact, I will punish her. Myself."

     Lute reaches into his pocket. From them, a pair of handcuffs are pulled out. He holds the metal cuffs up for Momoyo to see. He smiles calmly, his other hand remaining in his pocket. He shakes his head, looking down at Yari, "It's a shame it came to this. I heard you talk so /well/ of this woman. And yet you sneak into her base, without permission? The pains you will face for this in your punishment? You will be /lucky/ if you survive them." Of course, it is a bluff. But, Lute is willing to put on a bit of a show of punishing Yari here if Momoyo doesn't take the bait.

     Which is why he has a knife in his other pocket.

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     Momoyo was unbelieveably upset, but this was the best way to make sure Yari wasn't harmed and stayed in a hospital. She wasn't sure what she did to get those wounds, and was too pissed off to care. But beating Yari up wasn't going to make her feel better... and Miss Kawakami was already an expert at scaring the shit out of the lizard so her point was made.

    There was a tense political undercurrent to the whole situation, where none of the parties involved were fully aware of the other's motivations. Momoyo's, at least, were honest as usual, but what was left unsaid was just as important.

    She did let out some of her frustration though, violently KICKING Yari to Lute's feet, and perhaps a few feet past both of them, into Fed property where she was 'safe'. "If I EVER see you in there /again/..." Sanary and Lute could be easily fooled into thinking Yari had picked up valuable intel. Boy were they going to be just as pissed off as Human Resources when they find out all she got out of the venture was an address and a list of manga and games and... ramen packages. A mini-fridge and a lethal personal robot that was blessedly absent or Yari might not have survived Cookie either in her state. She had essentially trespassed into a treehouse and caused a ruckus at what was essentially a vacation destination for no good reason.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
This is at least going far better than she expected it to. Yari flops to the ground bonelessly, hunched over. That look from Sanary has her flushing even more. Yes, really. Clearly this lizard was not thinking at all when she did this.

And then the veiled threats, and Yari could kiss Sanary right now. They might make it out of this alive. Though she's not looking forward to what Lu-Mey is going to do to her. Well, one potentially lethal problem at a time.

And then Lute lets the plan go over the radio. It doesn't make the ninja feel any more safe, and there's honest fear in her eyes. Really, she feels bad about the whole thing by now, what was meant to be some snooping turned out horrifically wrong.

"I...I submit myself to your judgement, Sir. I've violated the trust of a woman I respect." Oh yes, there's pain incoming for the ninja.

And then she's kicked into Fed territory, literally. She lands in a heap, slumping at the feet of Sanary and Lute. Nnngh. She just lays there, wracked in pain, physical and emotional.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute kneels down next to Yari. His hand leaves the knife in his pocket. He grabs ahold of her by the left arm, linking the handcuffs to it. The other side of it is linked to Lute's own right wrist. He pulls on her arm, trying to pull her to a standing position. His movements are rough, and rude. He is going to need to apologize to Yari later. Especially because he has to keep up the charade for a bit longer.

     He has to make a point, though. Once Yari is standing, he lifts his left hand up. With a swift motion, he backhands Yari across the face.

     "You have caused enough problems. You will not speak again until we give you permission to."

     He looks back towards Momoyo. Through all of this, Lute has kept the the smile on his face. He seems rather unphased by all of this, oddly enough. He speaks again to Momoyo, looking her right in the eye. "If there is any other compensation you need for damages caused by Yari? Please, file a formal complain with the Confederacy, and we will do what we can do to appease you."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     There's a look of both relief and undeniable rage on Sanary's face when Yari gets kicked over. On one hand, the Au Ra is safe! On the other hand, she did just get kicked when she was down, and there's even a brief glint in the healer's eye as she barely manages to keep herself from letting loose with a heat laser right then and there. It's only with the orders over the radio that she keeps herself under control.

     "We'll take care of it. But if you want to fight someone, /I'll/ take you on." Another defiant stare is sent at Momoyo before she turns to pick Yari right up, hoisting the ninja over her shoulder carefully (and resisting the urge to deck Lute in the face despite the act). "But not right now. I've got some work to take care of, and then I need to take a nap."

     She pauses for dramatic effect (and to suppress a yawn) while starting to head towards the inside. "But when we do? I'm taking you down."

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     "Hmhmhmhm~. You know where I am." she gestures to the entire city. Mainly in the direction of Kawakami Academy or the Dojo. The dojo being the appropriate place for a formal challenge and the latter being a really stupid place to attack her with a complex hierarchy of numerous high school students that could get involved on a whim.

    She badly wanted Sanary to provoke her, but assaulting Fed grounds directly even with justification was suicide even if they didn't know who she really was. Shrugging her shoulders, she tosses her hair. "Tch, dumbass lizard..." she muses, turning around and stuffing her hands in her pockets as she wandered off. Now, what to do with all that illegal weaponry all over the floor she was going to have to explain to her friends back at the secret base...

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Yari is hauled up, cuffed, and then, slapped. The smack has her going cross-eyed in pain, coughing and shivering. She doesn't speak, vaguely hunched forward. Between the kick and now the slap, she's barely managing to keep her eyes open.

Sanary's words, however, bring the slightest of smiles for a moment. It quickly fades, however. When Momoyo begins walking off? The ninja slumps into Lute's arms, breathing heavily. All of the adrenaline drains, and she's left exhausted and wounded.

"...Thank you both. I'm an idiot." Ugh. Not the brightest moment of her career.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Once Momoyo is out of sight? Lute's entire bodylanguage changes. He starts, once again, acting like his normal self. As Momoyo is leaving, he even lifts a hand to flip her off, muttering, 'Fuck you' under his breath. And he frowns, looking towards Sanary, and Yari.

     "...Heal her right now."

     At least, this could have gone worse.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     "We can talk about how dumb you were after we've fixed you up. Come on." Despite the fatigue, Sanary's magic is still working just as good as it normally does! She uses the staff first to provide a nice burst of healing for the immediate pain, and that's followed up with a direct transfer of regeneration-boosting magic!

     She'll probably regret challenging Momoyo after she's slept enough, but for now... She'll just have to simmer for a while.