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The First Spark
Date of Scene: 02 November 2015
Location: Miltiades
Synopsis: Raine tries to kidnap Lumeria, but he might have got more than he could bargain.
Cast of Characters: 604, 898

Raine Arland (604) has posed:

     - Several hours ago -

     Two small aircrafts made their way over the floating continent of Garenia. As usual, it was snowing. It was more dense than usual today, or rather, tonight. As if to serve as an ill omen. "And that's it for the briefing. Do you understand everything, Arland?" A soldier clothed in black stealth gear and a full face mask/helmet mix asked, appearing over a visual communications screen of green hue.

     In the other ship, a young man seated in the captain's seat on the bridge, as well as manipulating the piloting controls, nodded aside at a small screen where a stealth garbed soldier appeared. "Got it. Your team creates the diversion. I'll slip in while they're occupied, secure the target, and then depart. We're good?" He spoke casually, a bit of a smirk appearing on his face.

     The soldier nodded, his face obscured and thus, unable to be read. "Don't screw this up. We only have one shot. And remember. The younger daughter is the taller one. Avoid the shorter one. We've...had problems with her before." There was a tone of uneasiness in his voice at that. He refused to speak any further on the subject.

     Raine chuckled. "Uh-huh. Younger one is taller. Right." He replied, looking ahead out at the oncoming landscape. Though partially obscured by heavy snowfall, the lights of a city preparing for night could be seen in the distance. It was almost time.

Lumeria (898) has posed:
Thankfully for Raine, he was quite unlikely to run into Rue. She only came to the presidental manor on special occassions. Still, the night watch was nothing to sneeze at. They were a mixture of different species specially assembled so there was no single means that would be able to disable all of them at once. Just reaching Lumeria's chambers would be difficult in itself. Not to mention the mage herself while getting a bit drowsy was still awake and capable of holding her own in a fight.

Raine Arland (604) has posed:
     - Half an hour ago -

     "...Hey." Raine started, watching as a white figure floated past his field of vision. A ghostly looking woman with an extremely long tail, floating on her stomach, legs idly flailing back and forth as she read what looked to be a comic book. Her tail occasionally went into a bag of snacks, the tip bringing one to her mouth.

     "You know you're coming, right?" He grumbled, crossing his arms. The woman in question turned her head, chewing for a few moments before swallowing and answering. "Me? Coming? Ridiculous. I have nothing to do with your illicit activities." She chuckled, waving an arm dismissively. Raine's brow twitched.

     "Oi. You freeload and spend my money on junk food, comic books, and video games. You can at least help me with my work sometime!" Why must he always have this debate?

     - Presently -

     Both Raine and the stealth team met at an intersection. He nodded, and the leader of the team nodded. And then they broke off, heading in different directions. Under the cover of night, the team, consisting of about five individuals dressed in black to help obscure them under the cover of night, made their way to one side of the presidential manor.

     Raine made his way to the other side, leaning against a wall and waiting for the right cue...

     On the other side, one of the team members pulled a grenade, pressing a button before tossing it into the courtyard. 5...4...3...2...1...BLAM! An electrical impulse was unleashed, and suddenly the power on the property began to flicker in and out. Following that, with the aid of magic, they leapt the gates and landed in the courtyard. "Begin the operation." And they were off.

     Raine heard the sound the order on the radio and nodded to himself. "Alright." A green magic circle appeared under his feet, and a short burst of wind guided him up and over the manor gates, landing him in the back of the manor property in a crouch. "...If I'm right, the target's chambers are...up there." Well that was a pain. He hoped those guys did their jobs right.

Lumeria (898) has posed:
The manor soon erupts into chaos as the power flickers off. Of course there's auxiliary lightning for times like this, but still it's darker than usual. Of course even the back of the manor didn't go unguarded, "Ugh, I shouldn't be stuck with outside duty just for sleeping on the job, nya~" A small figure wrapped in heavy clothing and with a fluffy tail sticking out was already waiting for any intruders. He's not the first one to notice Raine as he's accompanied by a much taller muscular yet femimine figure covered in fur.

"Sasha squish!" The yeti lets out a loud cry to let her parenter know they have company.

He turns around and claws are unsheathed and pointed at Raine, "What's with all the break-ins lately? All right, funny guy don't think about drawing any weapons unless you want to be crushed and ripped apart! You're coming with us!"

Raine Arland (604) has posed:
     Raine managed to hold back a smirk, and instead feigned surprise. "Whoa whoa! Hey! No smashing! I just really needed to see the president and I couldn't wait to go through official channels. You understand, right?" Yeah, and it involved a blackout and a sting operation. Totally legit.

     While Raine stood, his hands raised in surrender, a ghostly figure faded into sight behind the two of them. Floating in the air and not making a sound, she cast a simple sleep spell, expelling a cloud of mist that would induce sleepiness in any who breathed it in. And it was gathering around their heads.

     The sounds of a ruckus could be heard in the distance, on the other side of the manor. Sounds like they were doing their jobs well enough.

Lumeria (898) has posed:
The hooded figure suddenly reaches around before realizing, "Ah crap, I knew I forgot something." He's quick to submit to the cloud of mist. While Sasha lets out a yawn, it seems it's going to take longer for it to have a notable effect on the Yeti as she grabs ahold of Raine and proceeds to drag him away from the manor. Even if she does pass out, it would at least buy some time to get the attention of more guards.

Raine Arland (604) has posed:
     Aw crap.

     As Raine was grabbed and carted off, he gave Fragarach a look that said 'Do something more extreme!'. He didn't do anything himself yet. Nor was he really wanting to kill anyone. He just wanted to get in and get out without making a mess. So as much as he could, he would avoid it.

     Fragarach meanwhile blinked as the larger of the two guards managed to resist falling asleep. So much for it being simple. The floating woman brought sleeve to her chin, the outline of a hand rubbing it thoughtfully. "....." And without a word, she directed her other arm forward towards the departing guard. Although it was already cold, the air around Raine and the large guard grew even colder.

     "...Ah crap." He muttered, knowing full well what this spell did. At the last moment, he exerted a short birst of strength to break out of the grasp holding him and try to retreat. And in the same moment, there was a flash before a large column of ice instantly appeared, attempting to encase Sasha entirely from head to toe.

Lumeria (898) has posed:
While Sasha's resistant against the cold, it's still enough to make her lose grip on Raine as she slams against the ice to get free. The two of them better get away quick, because it's clear her makeshift prison won't keep her for very long.

Meanwhile, Lumeria's wide awake now as she hears the chaos going on around her. She's clutching her magic tome in one hand in case someone does break into her room. Going out would just make her an easier target after all.

Raine Arland (604) has posed:
     Indeed. It was chaos. Gunfire could be heard in the distance, Sasha was encased in ice, and for the moment, Raine was free. "Tch, this went to hell fast! Hey, get me up to the second floor hallway!" He called to Fragarach. She sighed silently and shrugged her shoulders. At that another green magic circle appeared under his feet.

     Launching into the air from another burst of wind, Raine sailed all the way up to the second level, breaking through a window with his arms cross over his face. He tucked into a roll and skid further inside into a crouch. "......" He looked behind him down the hall. And then ahead of him. Ahead were several doors. Must have been closets and guest rooms maybe. But the target door, he assumed, looked to be all the way down the hall ahead of him.

     He could hear rapid footsteps outside, along with gunfire and the roar of magic flaring to life. "...Better make this quick." He stood and broke out into a run, conjuring a sword and hefting it onto his shoulder in the process. He hoped he wouldn't have to use it, but just in case.

Lumeria (898) has posed:
Lumeria's door didn't stand out among the other doors present. In fact there was no visible guard present. All there was of note was a closed cabinet across the hallway. Though as Raine gets closer, a white flash of light can be seen glowing through a crack. Any attempts to open it normally would quickly fail.

Raine Arland (604) has posed:
     "No guards at all...those guys are either doing their jobs too well, or the guards aren't doing theirs well enough." He shrugged. "Welp-" Thinking it was going to be smooth sailing, he reached for the doorknob and tried to open it.

     It didn't budge.

     In fact the entire door wouldn't budge whatsoever. "The hell?" He muttered, trying a few more times before giving up. "Damn it. Locked with magic." He wasn't great with magic more complicated than 'fling power'. This was a prroblem.

     ...Well, at least for him, it was.

     "Having trouble?" A voice asked. Fragarach faded into sight soon after, arms crossed as she looked on with a bit of an amused smile. Raine narrowed his eyes, but then smiled and gestured to the door. "Heeeeeey, Fragarach, why don't you do that ghost thing and take care of this lock, huh?"

     Fragarach stared at Raine, and then at the door. "...Well, I don't know. Watching you struggle is so much more entertaining now." The sounds of fighting outside filled the momentary silence. And then she sighed. "Well, I do want to be rid of this place sooner rather than later. Very well." At that, she turned and stared at the door. "...Let us find out how prudent she is."

     She smirked and floated aside, away from the door, and then she attempted to simply phased through the bit of wall next to it and enter the room like a ghost.

Lumeria (898) has posed:
Lumeria figured the barrier would keep most intruders out and the light would repeal any undead that tried to phase through the wall. "What the...who are you?" The barrier quickly vanishes since there's no point in keeping it up anymore. Instead a ball of light appears in one of her hands as she clutches her tome with the others. "You do know I'm the greatest light mage in Militades and could easily banish you from this place right?" She sounds a bit shaken that the woman had managed to make it inside though.

Raine Arland (604) has posed:
     Fragarach was most definitely not undead. Therefore, the barrier didn't repel her. What was she then? Who knew. She didn't answer Lumeria's demands and just eyed the girl, a sleeve raised to her mouth. What looked like an amused smile might have been able to be spotted before the sleeve totally covered it. "Hoooh? So you're the one?" Fragarach asked, looking Lumeria up and down. ...She actually kind of looked familiar. Not in a personal sense, but...

     Deciding to delve a bit deeper, her eyes took on a blue glow as she stared at the girl before her. But it felt more like she was staring into her soul, if anything. "...I see." And as if she just discovered something amazing, the woman giggled to herself. "This suddenly got a whole lot more interesting." Apparently she wasn't going to share what was so funny.

     "The greatest light mage in Miltiades, hm?" Fragarach floated slightly closer at that. "Why don't you go ahead and give it a try then?"

     Meanwhile outside, Raine could hear muffled voices within. "...Yeah. Great. Just leave me out here." He studied the door again after that, noting that the light seemed to be gone. "Huh..." He checked the door handle again.

Lumeria (898) has posed:
The ball of light grows in Lumeria's hand as she speaks. "So all this chaos was to get to me. Still you're not certainly who I was expecting to show up. Are you after me because of who my is mother is or for my talent?" The other female was certainly odd, the closest thing she resembled to Lumeria was some kind of spirit. Finally the energy is released at Fragarach, she's not quite sure how much power to use. She didn't want to kill her but she did want to incapaitate her at least. The woman certainly be worth studying once captured.

Raine Arland (604) has posed:

     Fragarach smiled wider and lowered her hand from her mouth. That arm was directed forward and plumes of purple and black energy began to gather. "A simple spell. This should be enough..." It was dark magic. A ball formed ahead of her raised arm, growing in size till it was about the same as the one Lumeria had unleashed.

     Dark and light collided, kicking up a strong wind as both forces struggled for dominance for a few moments, before canceling each other out and dissipating into nothing. "...Is that it?" Fragarach asked after it was over. "I expected more. How disappointing." She raised a hand to her mouth this time, and yawned openly. "Boy, get in here. This has grown old."

     The door to the room opened at that exact moment, and Raine sauntered in, sword held on one shoulder. "Yeah, yeaaah." He stopped next to her, and stared across at Lumeria. "Huh. So you're the one." He brought a hand to his chin, looking her up and down in much the same manner Fragarach had done moments earlier. "...Yep. That's her. Looks exactly like the hologram." He straightened up and gestured with the same hand.

     "Right so, we're here to kidnap you. be a good girl and come quietly, okay?"

     He didn't actually think that was going to fly.

Lumeria (898) has posed:
"You're a dark mage, like my mother and Rue." Lumeria might be in a bit over her head here but good luck getting her to admit it. Her attention turns towards Raine as he enters. Where were the guards, did they all get defeated so easily, "You didn't answer my question, why are you after me? Besides do you two think you can just walk out of here with me? The millitary will be all over this place shortly." AFter all this would be seen as a threat against the president. She surrounds herself with a barrier of light in an attempt to stall for time.

Raine Arland (604) has posed:
     "Ahhhhh- god damn it." Raine grumbled, rubbing the side of his head with a hand. "Yeah, it was worth a shot." He chuckled and looked towards Lumeria. "See, we're not exactly obligated to answer your questions, so..." He glanced aside at Fragarach. "Do the thing."

     The thing?

     Fragarach smirked and pointed an arm at Lumeria. ...Nothing happened at first. But then after a moment she may have noticed that her body was beginning to feel a bit strange. "Advance apologies, but we really are in a rush here." And then a flash!

Lumeria (898) has posed:
"If you want me to go with you, you'll answer my questions...and what are you doing...oh no you're just like my sister..." Lumeria cringes as she realizes what's happening as begins to transform. She can feel her body get compressed and the barrier vanishes. Everything gets dark for a moment before she's looking at the floor.

She tries to insult the two of them but all that comes out is, "Ribbit!" Instead she sticks out her tongue and tries to hop away only to smack straight into a wall and getting flipped over onto her back. She struggles as she tries to right herself.

Raine Arland (604) has posed:
     "....Man." Raine winced, watching the transformation complete. "...That never looks pleasant. Does it hurt?" Note to self; don't get turned into a frog.

     Fragarach giggled to herself at Lumeria, probably knowing full well that she just tried to insult them. The outline of a finger extended from the sleeve of her raised arm and she lifted it. Lumeria's currently amphibian body levitated into the air following it. "We have what we came for. Let's go now."

     Raine glanced back out into the hallway, hearing rapid footsteps and yelling coming from the nearest stairwell. "Crap. Yeah." He glanced at the frog. "Sorry, girl, business is business." And then he ran forward, pulling up the room window and then diving out. While he sailed through the air, he brought a hand to his ear, speaking into the radio piece. "Target secured! Clear the area!" That was the diversion team's cue. His job now was to get the hell out of Garenia.

     Fragarach followed, floating after him andd dragging along a levitating frog Lumeria. She softened Raine's landing with wind magic, and then immediately set up enough circle for him to launch off of and out of the property. He'd land in the public sidewalks and dash away alleyways and side streets.

Lumeria (898) has posed:
Lumeria's tongue sticks to her spellbook, if she could just get to the right page she could turn herself back to normal. Fragarach stops her before she does that, but she's not going to let go of the tome regardless of how ridiculuous this looks. There's not much else she could do at this point, but if Fragarach tries to drop the book she risks Lumeria escaping.

Meanwhile, a security camera catches everything that happens until they leave. Guards flood the room a moment later but they're too late to intervene directly. Still, there's no way Raine and Fragarach would be able to set foot in Garenia without getting the millitary's attention at this point.

Raine Arland (604) has posed:
     This was true. One doesn't kidnap the president's daughter and then waltz back into the capital city of that very same country.

     But then, that wasn't part of the plans anyhow. The mission was successful. For now. As he ran through the streets, aiming for a dangerous and ill advised unofficial exit, Raine laughed to himself. "Hah! I can't believe that actually worked! Damn it, I'm not doing that again! Hahaha!" He glanced back at Fragarach and Lumeria. "Alright. Let's get her onto the ship and get the hell out of here."

     Fragarach, who was forced to remain corporeal in order to keep a telekinetic hold on Lumeria, nodded. She didn't seem to mind that the frog had managed to grab a spell book with her tongue. ...Was she used to beint turned into a frog? Maybe she should have turned the girl into an igauna instead.


     It wasn't much longer before they were scaling the underside of the floating city block to Raine's ship that was on standby. With a little wind magic, they managed to make it onto the ship, rather than fall into the great ocean below. The hatch closed, and then they were off. Off before the military could properly mobilize a force to pursue.

     - About half an hour later, in neutral airspace -

     "...Uh, Fragarach? You can turn her back now, you know?" Raine spoke, brow twitching in incredulity. The white woman had been messing with poor Lumeria frog for a while now. In fact, the poor thing was placed into a conveniently available fishtank, filled with water and with a grate on top to keep her from jumping out.

     At Raine's comment, she sighed. "No. If I do that, she will just blow up." At some point, she'd separated the frog from her tome. Said book was floating above the woman's other arm, pages turning aas she studied Lumeria's spells casually. After a few pages, she smiled at the frog in the tank, as if she hadn't been tormenting the poor girl, and waved a sleeve. "Hello~"

     Raine facepalmed from the captain's seat, busy piloting the ship. "Right, so we're not going to bother tying you up." He gave the frog in the tank a glance. "Oh, and I shut down the communications line. So no funny business on that end either."

     There was a pause as he let that sink in.

     "If we turn you back, will promise not to go ballistic? Because I reaaaaally don't want to have to keep a pet frog."

Lumeria (898) has posed:
Lumeria nods, it's not like she can talk like this besides ribbiting. Of course that doesn't she wasn't going to chew them out, she just wouldn't destroy the airship. After all destroying it with her in it wouldn't be in her best interests. Plus, being a frog is rather unpleasant.

Raine Arland (604) has posed:
     "...Alright." He looked away, back ahead to the navigation monitor. "Do the thing." He spoke to Fragarach as he focused on steering.

     "I warned you." She shrugged and pointed towards Lumeria. The grate was levitated off, and then the frog was lifted out of the aquarium. With a snap of the fingers following, Lumeria was returned to her normal form in a puff of purple and black smoke.

     And with a smile, she waited to hear just what the girl would have to say.

     She probably needed a towel too.

Lumeria (898) has posed:
Well, at least she's an Elfir again, but that doesn't change the fact she's wet and naked. Not to mention rather displeased as she as a scowl on her face, "Why did you idiots kidnap me?! And who's stupid enough to kidnap the president's daughter to begin with! Don't you know realize how much trouble you're in right now! Do you realize what my mother will do when she gets ahold of you?!" Of course her hands are clutched around her chest as she tries to keep Raine from seeing anything.

Raine Arland (604) has posed:
     "Uh huh....uh huh....yep....uh huh." Raine wasn't even looking. Either out of foresight, or some cavalier manner of simply not caring after the fact. He just mumbled agreements and nodded along to Lumeria's tirade as he pressed a few buttons on the navigation monitor and steered the ship through floating land debris. They were taking a low route.

     "Why did we kidnap you? Reasons. Who's stupid enough to kidnap the president's daughter? Us, of course." He chuckled at that one. "Do we realize how much trouble we're in? Wouldn't have done it if we weren't aware of the risks. And yeah, yeah. Your mom's gonna have us put on death row or something. Sure." He waved a hand toward Lumeria's general direction in a dismissive manner, still not looking. "Fragarach, take her to the living quarters and get her some clothes. You've got some of that nonsense you bought with /my/ money, right?"

     Fragarach meanwhile just burst out laughing. "Ahahahahaha! Oh! This is rich! Hahahaha!" And leaving Lumeria's spellbook hovering in the air, the floating woman doubled over, laughing to herself at the whole thing. Once Raine told her to get Lumeria dressed. She just rolled her eyes as she sobered up. "You want me to give this girl my clothes?" She glanced at Lumeria momentarily. "Well, we do have the same proportions. And I suppose it wouldn't do to leave you like this. Very well! Come along."

     These two just kidnapped her and they were acting like they were on a field trip. Maybe that spoke more about the kinds of things they usually did. Either way, Fragarach floated off, Lumeria's tome floating on after her. The girl in question could grab it if she so pleased.

Lumeria (898) has posed:
Lumeria grabs her tome, using it to hide her breasts. "No, she would see death row as letting you off lightly. She would likely do something like turn you into ants and then step on you repeatedly. Wait, did you say Fragarach...as in the goddess, Fragarach?" She double takes as she she hears the woman's name. That would explain her appearance but not what she's doing here. "So what's a goddess doing here on an airship with some mercenary?" Now she's curious how she got dragged into all of this.

Raine Arland (604) has posed:
     "Right. Ants. Stepped on. Sure." He waved that hand again, distractedly answering Lumeria's threats. He chuckled after that though. "Ants, huh. Well that's one way to go out." He mumbled, glancing at the departing two out of the corner of his eye. "...Sigh, man." Raine shook his head and looked back ahead. "Something tells me this is gonna be a huge pain in the ass."

     That said, he brought up a communications screen and input a frequency once the girls left the bridge. A few moments later, a screen was pulled up. On the other end was an older man, about forty or so, looking over various documents at a desk. Upon the link opening, he looked towards the screen. "Arland." The man greeted evenly, pausing in his work. "I trust the mission went well?"

     Raine nodded. "Yep. We got her. Your diversionary squad made a pretty big mess too. They can't link it back to us, but expect tightened security from now on." He looked ahead, avoiding debris and heading towards a small cluster of floating islands in the distance. "The rest is on you guys. I did my job."

     The man shook his head. "No. Your job is ongoing. Keep her witth you and away from Garenia. Go to that...Multiverse. We will need time to enact the next part of the plan. That will be all." He nodded and the screen cut off, ending the call. Raine sighed after and grumbled. "Keep her with me? I knew it..."

     Meanwhile, Fragarach looked back at Lumeria and blinked a few times. "Me?" She pointed to herself. A single finger outlining from her sleeve. "A goddess? Hah! You silly girl. You have the most active imagination~" She was denying it. That said, she continued floating on down the hallway of the ship, passing several doors till they got to one door with a nameplate on it that said 'Living Quarters II'. It was crossed out, and below it was a makeshift plate that said 'Fragarach' in permanent marker. Classy.

     The door slid aside, opening the way and Fragarach floated on inside. It was a nice room actually. A big bed took up one third of the space. The rest was occupied by a dresser/wardrobe, likely filled with clothes, a flat screen TV with the latest game console and a bunch of games. RPGS, otome games, visual novels, and some other things like shooters and fighting games. "Now then, clothes, clothes...what shall we have you wear..."

     The woman in white mused to herself, a hand brought to her chin, rubbing thoughtfully. "Oh, but first-" She waved an arm, and the wardrobe opened. Out floated a towel...into Lumeria's face with a plomf. "Dry yourself off. You people do get sick so easily." From there, she proceeded to open drawers and browse her own selection, as if she were going to choose for Lumeria.

Lumeria (898) has posed:
"So if you're not a goddess, then your parents much be quite devout to name you after one of them. You're not a human or elfir, and I don't believe you're a spirit..." Lumeria narrows down with Fragarach could be as she dries herself off. "So where am I staying? I doubt you'll just me walk away after all that. I'm not sleeping on the floor." She's used to high standards after all.

Raine Arland (604) has posed:
     "My parents, hm...?" Fragarach chuckled at the thought and shook her head. "Perhaps so." So she said. She didn't bother to answer Lumeria's hypothesis on what she actually was, and simple continued rifling through her drawers. "This...no...not that...Ah, maybe this....and that too..."

     She glanced behind herself as she picked out clothes, blinking at Lumeria's question. "...Oh right." She kept forgetting that these /mortal people/ needed to sleep. What a hassle. But then why did SHE have a bed? It was comfy sometimes! "And here I was thinking that the floor would be just perfect for you~" That said, she directed a few items of clothing to float over to Lumeria after that. A blue dress, a white skirt with gold lining, a black jacket of sorts, and thigh high boots. Looked like mages wear, fit for travel, yet stylish enough to not be an eyesore.

     "You can have these for now."

     It would do till they could properly shop for her. Back at the bridge, Raine somehow felt the headache of this situation get worse. He just knew it.

Lumeria (898) has posed:
Well, they're not ugly and it beats going around nude. Lumeria puts the offered clothes on carefully, making sure they fit her. "Thanks, I guess. This doesn't make up for kidnapping me though." She's still rather upset about that. She makes her way out to the bridge in her new outfit, "How do I look?" Even if only two people can see what she's wearing she's still considered about her appearance.

Raine Arland (604) has posed:
     "Heeehehe, if this made up for kidnapping you, then I would think there was something wrong with your head." Fragarach replied lazily, waving an arm as she floated over to her game console and started it up. At Lumeria's question, she looked her over appraisingly, and then nodded. "You look lovely." She smiled in a way that was actually kind of uncomfortable.

     At least she wasn't leaving the room. That left Lumeria to return to the bridge by herself where would find Raine seated. He still piloting the ship, but the Central Isles were getting closer. He didn't seem to be headed above it though. He was going below the islands. At Lumeria's return, he glanced at her, noting that she was dressed. "Finally put some clothes on, I see." He looked back ahead, a smirk crossing his face. "What a shame. I almost wish I looked now." Now he was messing with her.

Lumeria (898) has posed:
"If you had looked, you would be waking up in the morning with boils on your face." Lumeria responds a bit defensively. "Speaking of which, I need some sleep. I have a feeling I'm going to have a busy day tomorrow." Lumeria yawns a bit at that, "Don't crash the ship while I'm asleep." He's not the only who can deal it.

Raine Arland (604) has posed:
     "Uh huh. I figured." Raine mumbled, waving a hand dismissively. "We're gonna have to talk about this tomorrow. You're in for a long ass haul." So he said. "You're sleeping in Fragarach's room." That was final. He didn't want to have to deal with the baggage unless he really had to.


     "If I crash, then I guess we'll all be even." Yeah. Even in heaven. He left it at that and continued flying.

     Before long, they flew into a cavern under the Central Isles, and into a secret warpgate, leaving Miltiades behind.

     ...This was going to be the beginning of a long chain of unfortunate events.