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The Elrond Protocol
Date of Scene: 17 January 2016
Location: Beach City <BC>
Synopsis: Peridot meets with and forges an alliances with her enemy (Sunstone) in order to achieve a better tommorow. Jasper does not approve.
Cast of Characters: 516, 836, 846, 858

Peridot (836) has posed:
    Peridot rode aboard the repurposed escape orb that served as her personal shuttle. She was joined by Jasper and Ferham. for a singular purpose. Sunstone had shown restraint in the past, but Peridot did not fully trust the smiley gem completely just yet. Her visit was unannounced, but she had a single intention. She was moving forward with an idea she had developed while spending time with Toph.

    It was a dangerous notion, but one that would require cooperation from key individuals. Sunstone happened to be one of them.

    "You are under strict orders to not attack." She spoke without turning to face her escorts. "This is of utmost importance to our mission here and the future of Kindergarten." Her floating fingers dance over the computer panel as she controls the ship. "The future of all kindergartens. You are only to attack to defend yourself or if she makes an aggressive move against me." Peridot stops and looks directly at Jasper with a pointed tone. "Is that clear?"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham descended from the sky, her wings fanned outward and at an angle in front of her to act as a brake against the wind. She hovered alongside the two gem women and gave them both a salute. She was going to show up here mainly to do her duty and act as bodyguard for Peridot, and as part of her agreement to cooperate with Jasper.

     "You don't have to tell me twice, we still have to have a discussion sometime," Ferham cocked her chin toward Peridot, but wasn't making anything of it right now, apparently.

Sunstone (846) has posed:
    Sunstone had been scouting the Multiverse for more wild Gems, but had come up empty. This might be because her scanner was busted! She can be spotted with a beach towel laid out on the sand near the house the Crystal Gems use as their base, tinkering away with the scanning device's various components with a set of strange crystalline tools that glow the same light that she emits. She smiles to herself, as usual. She eventually has to stop when she discovers the problem: It shorted out. She looks baffled by this, since Gem tech tends to function for eons.

    "The ambient radiation in this Multiverse is amazing," she mumbles to herself.

Jasper (858) has posed:
     "Clear as crystal," Jasper remarks to Peridot, although she doesn't sound happy about it. She's a bit too big to fit in the escape orb with the other two, and that only seems to add to her surly disposition. She had to leave her cape behnid, and says nothing more until they're on the ground. As charming as ever.

Peridot (836) has posed:
    Peridot can't help but notice the choice of words. Though it was a seemingly loaded comment. She had to discretely appreciate the rare occurrence of Jasper displaying wit.
    As her scanners indicate the location of Sunstone, Peridot inputs the coordinates. The green orb zooms over and begins to kick up a cloud of sand and dust as it lowers to the ground announcing the presence of Homeworld gems, and a robot. Though it was seamless, a doorway opens up as the almost goo-like metal moves and forms steps. Which Peridot walks down first. Seemingly, she figured it'd be better for her to be spotted first as she was the least physically imposing of the three.

    "We will have it at a more opportune moment." She comments to Ferham as her metallic boots sink a little into the sand once she has fully departed the ship.

    With a serious expression on her face, she called out. "Sunstone." And then waited for the other gem to act. She hadn't attacked her the last time they spoke, and Peridot was unarmed and alone then. Given she was less vulnerable than before, she expected she would be open to further conversations. "I have come to speak with you."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham is there in full armor, though she doesn't look like she's there for a fight--she's much more sedate, her red wings having folded behind her back and she's crossed her arms over her front as she leans against the side of Peridot's craft, nodding her chin towards Jasper. "So, long time no see there, were you able to scrape what was left of her off the control room?" Fer asked the other homeworld gem, keeping her voice a little down low so Peridot wouldn't (mostly) hear.

Sunstone (846) has posed:
    Sunstone looked up from what she was doing, and immediately her smile became strained. It was just... difficult to deal with Peridot on the best of days, and now she's brought a pod that's likely equipped with weaponry. And probably friends, by the confidence she seems to display in her approach. Confirmed with Ferham's presence and, likely, Jasper being nearby. The shiny gem climbed to a stand and waved at Peridot.

    Wave wave wave wave~

    "Hi, Peridot. What do you want to talk about?" Almost like a friend, though the strain to maintain the false cheer is quite easy to read. She's not happy with how this meeting is looking.

Jasper (858) has posed:
     Jasper looms behind the other two, all striped orange, white hair and muscular frame. Her arms are crossed and she's wearing an expression that says 'I don't want to be here'. Leaving Peridot to handle the discussion, or whatever it is she wants to talk about with a rebel Gem, she turns to Ferham. "Who?"

Peridot (836) has posed:
    Peridot notices the false cheer and for just a moment she is unable to hide her smug expression. She couldn't deny a certain joy she found in the intimidation of others at the forces she commanded. And she wanted to flaunt at least some of that power. In order to complete her mission, she needed to demonstrate something she had not shown much in the past.

    Her smug expression changes back to something more stoic. "In the past, we have initiated a truce." She starts gesturing vaguely with her fingers. "I wish to do something far greater than that however."

    "I've been putting the considerable weight of my brain power towards a new singular goal after a recent relevation." That smugness crept back onto her face. As it often did when she stroked her own ego. "I know you believe Homeworld is out there. That you believe my mission is pointless. However I am beginning a new branch of research that will serve not only my agenda... but I believe that even you, a traitor to homeworld can get behind. It will not be something I can achieve on my own, but something that you are uniquely qualified to help me with."

    Peridot was out right grinning now, as she took a step forward and makes a fist. "I am proposing not a truce... but an alliance."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Her, Peridot," Ferham likely meant the fiasco back at the warship, when the crystal gems had bubbled the green one. Fer had been kinda partly smirking during this though her expression grew more serious as she realized the white-haired woman didn't seem to want to be there, probably alot moreso than Fer. "Hmph, impressed though, she seems to be a lot less aggressive than she was before," she shrugged a bit, just sort of chatting with Jasper, as she hung back and leaned against the orb.

Sunstone (846) has posed:
    Sunstone looks aside when Peridot starts with the smug look. The smile strains even more, because she's not intimidated so much as annoyed -- a fact she isn't about to reveal to Peridot, though. But she turns her gaze back to Peridot again when the discussion leads to HER qualifications. And she knows what those are. You'd almost hear glass breaking by how she reacts to that phrasing. If she wasn't happy before...

    She maintains her composure. The offer of an alliance is given, but she can't help but be skeptical about it. "Okay, so what do you want me to do exactly? I'm not agreeing to any alliance until I know why you need me for this." She crosses her arms and, for a moment, she remembers something and her smile fades. The real Sunstone shows. The calm, frowny look with half-lidded eyes.

    "I have been keeping track of your activity. You've been attacking my allies here and there, so this better be good."

    Even her voice loses its cheer for a moment. And her cheer soon returns. "Okay?"

Peridot (836) has posed:
    "Every assault I have participated in has been calculated, and for a specific logical purpose. We can discuss them on a.. case by case basis." Peridot offers diplomatically. However there was something to be said that she seemed willing to answer for those crimes. Even if it was simply to justify her actions.

    "But those are of little consequence. We are embarking now on a challenge of a much greater scale." She smirks. "I can solve everyone's problem. Homeworlds. Rebels. No one has thought much about our post-unification situation. But, a new world with new rules offers unique resources that I had not considered. That NO ONE has considered!" Peridot's eyes narrow into a manic grin.

    "We both know all too well the eventual outcome of a planet that host Kindergartens." Peridot's tone slows some. She was excited, that much was true. Becoming a Kindergarten tech was a badge of honor. But, as excited as she was, this was a sore spot for Sunstone and she knew it. So she walked with some caution.

    "Due to its size... Maybe this planet can take a Kindergarten. Maybe it can't. The whole clutch of the problem is that in order for new gems to be made, the host planet must die. But the size of this planet is a unique opportunity for us for a specific branch of experiments."

    "I want to create a Kindergarten that can be deployed on a normal sized planet, without ultimately destroying it." The excitement in her eyes return. She is unable to mask it. "Imagine that new gems can be created without the need to suppress a native species. If we restablish contact with Homeworld, it change the entire course of our species future! What happened to you will never happen to anyone else ever again!"

Jasper (858) has posed:
     "You're proposing a /what/?"

     Jasper's voice is ice cold. A truce is one thing, a temporary cessastion of hostilities can make sense, but an alliance? A formal agreement between the two to be... allies? She doesn't move as much as she turns her head to stare at Peridot and Sunstone, her eyes wide, lips pursed into a thin line. She's rigid, tension in her body ready to uncoil at whoever she decides needs to pay first. "On whose authority, Peridot? You're an engineer - a technician - not a Diamond." The rest of it goes unsaid - you're speaking above your station.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham is silent as she looked over at Peridot, overhearing their conversation. "Hm. Peridot not willing to suddenly forsake a planet's wellbeing in favor of her own race?" she thought aloud, before shrugging a little. "Guess the crystal gems were able to knock some sense into her," she uncrossed her arms a bit, as Jasper seemed to become outraged at this, almost on queue. "Oh boy, here we go," Ferham just sort of made herself scarce for a moment, ducking around the side of the orb.

Sunstone (846) has posed:
    Sunstone uncrosses her arms and looks at Peridot like she's lost her mind, even with that fragile smile. She holds that look for a long time, the pause showing how shocking it is to hear this from Peridot. Then she glances to Jasper and Ferham, and back to Peridot. The outburst from Jasper in particular reminds her of how Homeworld works. The ambition that Peridot has is indicative of someone with individuality, with a purpose beyond what she was given. It was a strange sight that she still wasn't used to seeing even among other species.

    She still scouted everything, herself, instead of finding new things to do.

    "Then that would make you a traitor to Homeworld," she tells Peridot. "Because you are doing things they would never authorize." Somehow, it's clear she's just playing at the most obvious manipulation point here, but. "Do you even remember how we lived? We would never be able to rise in the ranks, but what you are proposing would put you at the same level of authority as a Diamond. Astonishing behavior from a Peridot." 'A' Peridot, she emphasized.

    "I like it. I'll have to scout the location, though, to see how much damage it would do," she says, clapping her hands together. "Let's make a rogue colony."

Peridot (836) has posed:
    Peridot grimaces at Jasper turning to face her. "I am this missions commander appointed by Yellow Diamond. We are in charge of the only Homeworld outpost in this entire sector. This makes me the highest ranked gem on this planet. That gives me the authority "

    "And I am deeming our situation an emergency." She goes on imperiously. "Besides who else can help me with all the technical issues?" Peridot ask, squinting. "-You-? I need their cooperation."

    At Sunstone's prodding however, Peridot raises her hands and begins shaking her head frantically. "NO. No no." She points her finger. "That is not at all what I am suggesting. T-the mission the diamonds put me on- the cluster- is no longer relevant. Therefore my personal mission is to protect our species and-"

    "This will NOT make us traitors." Peridot insist loudly stomping her boot into the sand. "We are doing something Homeworld will be able to utilize. It's pure logic and basic numbers! If they don't have to wage war with a planet in order to expand their numbers. Less gems will be shattered in war. Less planet-bound resources will be lost. Less rebel gems will be created as a result. How can the diamond authority be anything but grateful at such a proposition- and native sentient will be just as pleased." She gestured wildly with each stated 'fact'.

Jasper (858) has posed:
     "You have authority when it concerns this mission," Jasper retorts, which is a fact that keeps the bigger Gem under control - for the most part. "This decision is beyond your authority. Why do you need help? Are you concerned about time? Is that one of those curious little things you've picked up from the other species you've met?"

     Peridot's appeal to logic... It makes sense, but it doesn't seem like an argument that would sway Jasper. Gems die in war. Whole planets are destroyed. That's normal. That's all Jasper has known. Less Rebel gems? Then that'd be less reason for her to exist. How can the Diamond Authority not be grateful?

     "Because you're disrupting the order of things! You care about those native sentients? Do I need to remind you who you should be caring about above all else?"

     Okay, that's a threat.

     Perhaps luckily, Peridot had Jasper leave her destabiliser on the ship.

Sunstone (846) has posed:
    Sunstone could feel this all falling apart... but something Jasper says draws her attention to another point. Something that hadn't occured to her until just then. She seems to be smiling more genuinely, though it's a little evil-looking thanks to the tension she's pushed into this situation.

    "Well! It looks like you've changed, Peridot," she tells the green Gem. "A waste of resources, is it? When has that ever stopped Homeworld?" She shakes her head, and then she looks pointedly at Jasper, and back to Peridot. "I'm on-board. Minimizing damage to sentient life, preventing war... But this would be an unauthorized colony. Only Diamonds can decide where a colony should be."

Peridot (836) has posed:
    "I know who I care about. Yellow Diamond is the most perfect objective ruler in the universe." Peridot insist. "If we have to waste less resources on taking over planets. Less warships can be made, more infrastructure can be erected. The energy requirements for an armada alone..." She touches her forehead. "If less gems get shattered in that process..." She gestures again. "And they have incentives to help make that happen." Peridot looks to Sunstone. "Right? You don't want Homeworld invading the planets you care about."

    "But if we can take advantage of our mutual bad situation, we can make something out of it. We can mutually improve our overall gain. It's such a simple concept. The diamonds will adore it!"

    "I haven't changed! I am simply applying... aggressively adapting logic."

    Peridot let's out a small sigh. She was growing increasingly aggitated, but was grateful that Sunstone was not pressing her line of logic. "A colony will be necessary, but that has been the goal of Kindergarten all along- before I set about this particular branch of research. I still maintain that gems are to be treated as an endangered species until we confirm the current condition of Homeworld. It's not treason, it is a critical course to anchor our kind."

    "Of course, your cooperation is only one part in this master plan. You will be instrumental in convincing Dirt Wizard of my sincerity." She was of course, referring to Toph Beifong. "She has been fed.. rather one-sided information about Homeworld. But has unique abilities which I believe will be absolutely instrumental in achieving these ends." She goes on slowly regaining confidence.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham ducks her head from back around the orb, listening in and rather interested in this seemingly sudden conscious that Peridot is sprouting. "Sun Tzu, art of war--the longer you must field an army the more expensive it becomes, eh?" she mutters, somewhat to herself, before nodding a little. "I wasn't sure if the process was capable of symbiosis, but if it is, then I'll devote my help into developing a method for it," she nodded, bringing herself out from the orb.

     "Convincing Toph though, that is going to be a fun time, I can see," Fer sighed a little, while giving a shrug and a grin, ah well. Nothing was meant to be easy around here.

Jasper (858) has posed:
     The sound that Jasper makes in the back of her throat is like a low growl. Maybe some part of this logic is genuinely beyond her and maybe the rest of it clashes with her deeply ingrained since of indoctrination and loyalty where you do as you are told and nothing else. "You've changed. Gems. Endangered. Hah! We endanger other species, Peridot, not the other way round. Yellow Diamond will not approve of this."

     When Ferham returns, Jasper asks, "Toph. She's the small green one, isn't she? The enemy?"

Sunstone (846) has posed:
    Sunstone knows what Yellow Diamond will think. It'll mean war. It'll mean hundreds, perhaps thousands of dead gems. It'll mean Peridot's spirit will be crushed, or perhaps she really will show what she's made of. The shiny Gem measures out the risk and reward carefully as she had done with her mission on her own world. The emotion in her tells her what to say.

    "Fine. I'll speak to Toph. Don't expect any miracles, though." She shrugs helplessly. "I work best when the person I'm talking to has no idea what a Gem is. Toph already knows that Homeworld is hostile to Union interests just on principle, so the chance of me convincing her to help you is very small."

    She then looks over to Jasper, who is just getting increasingly angry about all of this. "I'm sure Yellow Diamond will forgive the transgression for the sake of progress," she lies right at Jasper. "After all, it would only be beneficial overall."

Peridot (836) has posed:
    "Yes." Peridot says gesturing to Ferham. "Sun Shoe, or whatever. Armada's are very difficult to maintain. They can be decreased, leading to higher life expectancy for Jaspers, Amethyst, all of the Quartz gems. Reallocation of said resrouces to more productive arenas." Peridot grinned. "They'll give me my own Pearl for this if it works." She steeples her floating fingers.

    "As far as we know, Homeworld unified inside of a star. Or Unified with another version of gem kind that we don't recognize who consumed them. Maybe a version of Homeworld that was nothing but corrupted gems. Due to the nature of a multiverse, the possibilities are quite literally.. actually infinite until we can narrow down our options." Peridot raised her finger to make her point. "You leave the science to me, Jasper. I am acting in Homeworlds best interest. Therefore, your job is simply to punch any obstacles in my path, not question my area of expertise."

She turns toward Sunstone.
    "Dirt Wizard will be difficult, but.." Peridot gestures toward Sunstone. "You must not only convince her that it's the correct thing to do, but also impress upon her the importance of this work. I will be there too. She must be made to understand that this will render Homeworld in a state where it simply will not need to be hostile to Union interest. One less cosmic problem."

    Peridot grins setting her hands on her hip. "This went just as expected! This is going to work out great."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Toph, it's the blind girl that can control earth that regularly tries to kill us, remember when she claimed we stole her braille reading glove?" Ferham shrugged. "Well, we didn't /intend/ to steal it, but it was in her pack that Peridot had," she nodded a little. "She means she wants to try and get her to cooperate with this, not sure how that's going to do," Ferham's wings fan out from her back and she begins to hover a bit, as if she intends to lift off soon.

     "Well, this should be fun," she blinks with a blank green-eyed stare. Yes, nothing can possibly go wrong with this plan.

Jasper (858) has posed:
     Jasper picks up on Sunstone's lie, but whether that is from Jasper knowing better, or Jasper simply believing differently, is hard to tell. The big Gem holds her cards close to her chest, despite always being so obvious about what she thinks. "I think you'll find that Yellow Diamond isn't as forgiving as I am."

     She holds up a hand, as if waving Peridot off, as she stomps back towards the pod. "Do what you want, Peridot. I won't question your expertise - just your loyalty!" One final barb, over her shoulder.

Sunstone (846) has posed:
    "I appreciate that you came to me about this," Sunstone tells Peridot, suddenly very genuine, "It's clear you at least know how certain resources should be utilized for your plans. Just keep in mind that if the Kindergarten risks too much life, I won't be able to help you." She grins at Peridot. "I'm sure it'll be fiiine," she assures, and then she sits back down to go back to diagnosing her scanning device, picking through the pieces to try to find any other flaws in it.

Peridot (836) has posed:
    "Yes." Peridot says mildly uncomfortably, before regaining a look of confidence. "It was rather generous of me. Considering how often you've interfered in the past. But I am capable of looking past that." Peridot turns, heading back to her pod. "Diminishing the risk to life is the very goal of these experiments. Therefore the scenario you outline describes a failure in the mission and thus not the outcome I hope to achieve." She concludes pragmatically.

    And then she goes aboard. And thus ensued what was likely to be a very uncomfortable, tense ride home.