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Expedition to the Digital Ruins! Moonmon evolves
Date of Scene: 22 January 2016
Location: Digital World <DW>
Synopsis: Hina takes a bunch of acquaintances to explore some ruins in the Digital World! What could possibly go wrong?
Cast of Characters: Kirito, Tomoe, Neuroi Girl, 707, 782, 855, 930

Tatsuto Satou (855) has posed:
    It's a bright, sunny day in the Digital World! Apparently, 'winter' isn't really a thing here. Hina has gathered people together to go on an expedition into the plains around the Primary Village, away from the lake. Mostly out of sheer curiosity.

    Hina Satou is dressed in a t-shirt, cargo pants and sensible hiking boots, along with a visor to keep the sun out of her eyes. She's taking this seriously! As people arrive, she's looking at her phone, making sure that mapping software is actually running...

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu is attired much as she normally is, in a black qipao with silver filigree (and a couple of very noticeable zippers) and a red vest, plus red high-heeled sandals. No cosplay for this trip ... at least, not yet.

She might come up with something.

She's also carrying her usual monk staff, and has a carrypack slung across her back and loaded with potential necessities for the trip. Extra ammo, grenades, fried tofu, first-aid kit ... y'know, the usual contingencies.

"Hina, right?" the sage fox of Shinra calls out as she spots the distinctly human girl, and waves to her. "I'm Xiaomu! Thanks for inviting me to come along."

Kirito has posed:
    ADVENTURE always gets Kirito's interest stoked. What will he see? What will he find? The trend began in Aincrad, and it definitely continues in the Multiverse.

    Which is why the lean, nimble Spriggan with the youthful drops in from the skies near Hina. A single sword's sheathed across his back and there it will probably stay - he's no reason to draw it now.

    Kirito's wearing his usual black outfit - a closed longcoat with an open lower front that billows dramatically in the least wind, black shoes, black pants... with some greyish-white trim here and there, and a wyvern-styled belt buckle holding the scabbard on, slung diagonally from one shoulder to his opposing side just above his hip.

    In short, he's ready for ADVENTURE.

    "I heard you were looking for explorers?"

Golden (782) has posed:
    The small gold-plated digimon is near Hina, examining local plants idly while waiting for everybody to turn up. The MetalMamemon seems curious about this alternate take on the Digital World, though he was asked to keep an eye on Hina by Tatsuto, so here he is. Bits and pieces of Golden futz out or pixelate often enough to be noticed, though the problem seems transitory.
    Golden hrms? as Xiaomu approaches, and makes his own presence known by waving politely at yellow fox-girl. "Hey there. I'm Golden."
    He just eyes Kirito dropping in from the sky suddenly, wary of anyone who would just pop in like that.

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Not far behind Kirito is a strange-looking little girl. She looks no more than 12, and flies along quietly without wings or any apparent method of propulsion. Even when she approaches the group she makes little noise. No engine noise, little more than a light metallic fairy-like whisper. Kirito may not even realize he has a shadow following him until they stop at the group and the girl softly says, "...adventure sounds fun..."

     She looks between the members of the group, but doesn't recognize any of them, so she bows politely at the waist as she floats there, then says, "...it is nice to meet all of you...I am Evangeline..." before she straightens back up, the sleeve-like tips of her arms pressed together politely.

Alden (930) has posed:
     Not too far from Golden, there was another creature! a large, wolf-like creature, striped fur that had shades of blue, and might look rather intimidating and imposing, if he was not sitting on his haunches, itching it's left ear and panting with the tongue hanging from that long muzzle even as it kept an eye on Hina.

     When others begin to arrive, he destroys the 'fierce' image further, by wagging his tail and jumping on his paws, his attention moving between the arrivals, tilting his head at the fox girl... and Kirito gets a rather happy bark, "Hi Kirito!" he says, apparently recognizing him, before greeting the others in turn.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe was always big on adventure, herself which had got Tomoe's intrest along side her long time friend. She's never really escaped the ghost of Aincrad and likely, never will. Still the Salamander arrives a bit after Kirito who towers over the other faye at being over six feet in height and she's got a grin on her face.

"I heard something about you looking for Explorers?"

Tatsuto Satou (855) has posed:
    Hina frowns slightly in confusion at her smart phone, before looking up as people arrive. She grins a bit at Xiaomu, and gives her a Dramatic Thumbs Up. "And thank YOU for chaperoning me! Seriously, Tatsuto would never've allowed this if... uh..." She glances at Golden and Alden. "Well okay he sent his OWN chaperones too... sheesh..."

    She jumps almost an inch off the ground as Kirito drops in from the sky. She puts her hand over her heart and takes a deeeep breath. "...Okay! Well... thank you all for coming! I bet you want to know exactly what we're gonna be exploring, huh?"

    She turns south, away from the Primary Village, and points. "See that? Juuust peeking out from behind that hill?" Indeed, there's... something made of stone out there in the distance. Only about a mile to a mile and a half away, so it's unlikely to take more than half an hour to get there. "I bet it's a ruin or something! There seem to be a bunch of them..." Indeed, Kirito, Tomoe and Evangeline's viewpoint from the air will have confirmed that, yep, there's a ruined village over there.

    "So... for anyone who doesn't know, hi, I'm Hina! And -you- are... Kirito and... um..." Pause. "Hey, Evangeline, are you that girl my brother's been going on about..?"

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu grins, waving to the others as they arrive, Digimon and humans alike. At least she recognizes Kirito and Tomoe right away, so there are some familiar faces with the group; that's always a good thing. Golden's occasional 'static' prompts the sgea fox to raise an eyebrow, but she smiles and returns his greeting - although she doesn't return the introduction until everyone's gathered.

"I'm Xiaomu, it's good to meet you all!"

... yeah. Short, sweet, to the point; besides, there'll be plenty of time to get to know each other better while we're exploring the 'ruins' that Hina's spotted. "So, a bunch of ruins, huh?" Xiaomu looks off in that direction. "You know others have *probably* taken a look around there before, so there may not be a whole lot for us to find, right, Hina?"

Kirito has posed:
    "oooh." RUINS. Count Kirito in. His eyes all but light up with interest. Ruins might mean treasure or monsters to fight! Who knows what else?

    "Yo, Alden! Found your way back to the Digital World, I see." Kirito exclaims, relived and glad for such. Finding him in Alfheim Online nearly gave him a heart attack!

    Then... he peers a bit at Xiaomu. "You're out and about too, huh?"

    So he finally introduces himself. "The name's Kirito. Spriggan Swordsman from Alfheim, Reserve Lieutenant in the Union Elite Forces. My friend here's Tomoe."

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline tilts her head lightly when Hina asks about her. "...I do not know...I was not there when he was going on..." she says in that soft voice of hers. It is difficult to tell if she was being sarcastic or something, but if body language is any indication, she was just being factual. "...if your brother is Tatsuto...then is is possible..." she adds after a moment.

     She looks toward Alden and offers a friendly wave with one of her sleeves, then looks toward the ruin. "...I have never explored before..." she says, then looks toward Hina again. "...but...I will do my best..."

Alden (930) has posed:
     Alden spends some time approaching everyone, smiling as much as he can, sniffing the air, and greeing, "I'm Alden, nice to meet you!" he repeats to everyone, even if the metallic looking girl, and the girl with the fox ears catch his attention for a few moments, but, used to unusual sights!. He bounces towards Kirito, tail wagging, "Yep!, not mine, but nice to visit one again." he explains happily.

Golden (782) has posed:
    Golden introduces himself to each person after it seems like the stream of people has stopped.
    He glances the way that Hina has indicated. "There's at least four Digital Worlds." he says as he turns back to face the group. He grins in agreement with Alden's statement. Certainly is nice to visit one again. The odd little digimon takes in the sight, the whole scene looking familiar only with subtle differences.
    "Where are we anyway, Hina?" he asks.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe was happy to be here she looked thHina with a grin on her face She also looks to Xiaomu and gives the fox woman a look over for a moment and a grin.

"Tomoe, the Iron Lily, good to meet all of you."

She looks over to Kirito and then to Alden and eve.

"This should be an interesting day."

Tatsuto Satou (855) has posed:
    Hina rubs the best of her head at Xiaomu's statement. "W-well... I dunno if any humans have been there before... And, even if everything's been taken, ruins are still neat! Right? You're not meant to take stuff anyway." She nods her head. "Umm. We're in Sector Seven! I think that's what Tatsuto said. That's all I really know..." Shrug.

    "Okay, so, everyone ready?" She points dramatically. "No point standing around. Let's g-" She stops, as a light purple, raindrop-shaped Digimon butts against her leg. She looks down. "...Oh, hi Moonie. You wanna come too?" The little Digimon nods its... entire body. "Uh-huh!"

    Hina bends down to smoothly pull Moonmon into her arms, then points again. "Okay, let's gooo~!"

Golden (782) has posed:
    Golden peers as the strange little digimon is pulled into Hina's arms. "Never seen one of those before. What kind of Digimon is it?" He asks as he waits for people to start moving towards the destination.

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline nods lightly when Hina asks if they are ready. Then...waits as Moonie is picked up and carried before they set off. She floats along near Hina, then floats over to Alden as they move. "...have you been well since you stumbled onto our base...?" she asks him while floating above his head. She looks over at Golden as he speaks up. "...I have met only...four digimon...how many different kinds are there..?"

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu grins, ruffling Hina's hair briefly. "That's the spirit! If you leave only footprints and take only memories, then you're ahead of the game and don't have to worry about curses or ghosts or anything like that coming after you."

She pauses briefly. "Well. At least not unless you swipe the MacGuffin that the evil overlord had his troops scouring the countryside for and he sends them looking for you when they realize you must be the one who took it ... but that's what the rest of us are for, right?" She grins, which might shed some doubt on just how serious she was. Moonie gets a grin and a wave from Xiaomu as well; she's not quite daring enough to try petting the Digimon.

And with the group heading towards the ruins, Xiaomu sets off as well, the rings attached to her staff's headpiece jingling each time the staff's butt strikes the ground.

Kirito has posed:
    WIth Alden being such a happy dogmon, Kirito has to resist the instinctive urge to pet. His arm does indeed twitch in just that way! But he has no idea what kind of cultural mess THAT might end up being so instead he just smiles Alden's way.

    "I can imagine!" Another bit of attention's given to Evangeline. He's met her before. "Keeping out of trouble?" The boy asks, his tone just a bit mischevious.

    Snorting amusedly at Moonmon's interruption, he manifests his wings and just starts to fly about for an aerial view of the remote ruins... keeping pace with the others!

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden enjoys being petted!, if Kirito asked, he'd likely roll on his back and wriggle cutely, wagging all the way. He IS a happy dogmon. He moves back towards Hina when the little one appears, still wagging his tail happily, and offering the little digimon there a soft bark and a playful nuzzle. "Cutey." he tells the little digimon, before smiling to Hina, "Lead the way." he says happily, "And if you get tired, I can offer you a ride, that offer goes to the rest, but only a couple at a time." he says with a chuckle. He moves to offer Golden a nuzzle as well, since he forgot about it.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe says "What do you mean we're not suposed to take stuff?"

Tomoe looks like this is the most alien thing she's heard in a while. She looks to Kirito with a that's not how it works face. She's very confused, prehaps she's really spent too much time in the death game and its successort.

"If that's part of the job, I'll respect it."

Tatsuto Satou (855) has posed:
    Hina pouts playfully at Xiaomu. "Aww, I thought it was 'leave only footprints, take only pictures'. I got a new memory card and everything!" She then looks down at her phone to make sure it's still mapping properly. "...Huh. Is it kinda weird I'm getting Internet reception here?"

    Then, she answers Golden's question. "Moonie here is a Moonmon! She evolved frooom... Yukimi Botamon? Like Plotmon."

    Moonmon speaks up. "Moonmon and Plotmon hatched from the same egg!" she chirps.

    As they walk along, Hina places one hand on the side of Alden's flank. He's soft and pettable, she really can't help it. They pass trees, oddly artificial-looking rock formations... a random stone well in the middle of a field... At one point they even have to cross what appears to be a naturally-grown style in a hedgerow. That's a bit weird.

    From the air, Kirito can tell that the ruined village is fairly overgrown. There's only a few roofs left, although most of the walls seem to be intact.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu grins at Hina, "I guess the old saying didn't account for cameras, yeah. Photos are good too! And considering this is the *Digital* world, no, not really weird. I mean, we're basically *in* the Internet, right? Or we could probably catch a ship or something across it ..."

One of the sage fox's ears perks up a bit at Moonie/Moonmon's lineage. So, Moonmon's sister is Tatsuto's partner? Interesting ... but Xiaomu doesn't comment aloud on it, instead continuing to stay alert and trying to pay attention to as much of the surroundings as possible. This may be a relatively safe part of the Digital World, but that doesn't necessarily mean there's NOTHING dangerous. She glances skywards once in a while, as if checking on Kirito (and any other flyers).

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline turns her head toward Kirito when he speaks to her, then does a little spiral over to float beside him. "...I usually try to stay out of trouble..." she says before looking over as she hears about Moonie and Plotmon. "...I wonder what it is like to have a sister..." she says as she floats along, her gaze turning out toward the horizon as she tries to imagine it.

     Although she is flying, there is no need to worry on Xiaomu's part. The little Neuroi Girl is keeping pace just fine and causing no trouble. "...do you have a sister...Kirito..?" she asks, just to keep up conversation. She gently sways back and forth as she continues flying along, that soft metallic whisper the only sound her movements make.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe guesses she can get the leave only foot prints menality but still the fact she is so wired the other way dawns on her. It's more than a little troubling when Tomoe thinks about it, however she move ahead towad the ruined villiage as she takes to teh air and is pretty quick to catch up with Kirito leaving the party behind as she moves ot catch up with Kirito. Ev eryone else would see clear red, angel like wings form from her back as she takes off after her friend.

"Kirito? Why am I thinking like a 19th century British looter, err archologist?"

Golden (782) has posed:
    Golden ahs. Twins are pretty rare in the Digital World he was from. "So are Tatsuto and Hina also twins?" He asks Moonie.
    Despite his short legs and short stature, he does keep up with the group by bounding along casually. He'd also prefer it if people didn't loot the ruins; there's dangerous stuff in the ruins from his Digital World. There was also a good chance that if something wasn't taken, there's a reason it's still there. Something would be protecting it. But he supposes that's why Alden and him were here at Tatsuto's request.

Kirito has posed:
    "So let me get this straight. The Digital World is where Digimon come from... but humans live here too? But it's digital? ... How does that work..." Kirito's not sure if anyone down on the ground can hear him, though he is speaking pretty loudly. Tomoe and Neuroi Girl certainly can!

    And his response to Evangeline is to fly SIDEWAYS while he answers. "How did you guess?"

    But to Tomoe... "Guess it's just the MMORPG player spirit. Nab everything not nailed down! But we're not here for that."

Alden (930) has posed:
     Alden is a large, fierce, petable and soft monster wolf, yes. He makes sure to keep the pace just enough to remain within petting range, long tail wagging around, smiling to Hina and the little Moonie, "Oh, you are Plotmon's sister then!, how is she doing?" he asks casually, even as he looked around now and then, admiring the unusual formations, and the village.

     He seems fairly relaxed, simply checking on the others, especially Kirito, watching him fly. The sight of Tomoe flying makes him yip, "So many people seem to be able to fly." he muses, before turning back to Golden, "How have you been?" he asks, "I have been taking care of those plants you gave me.". Now and then he perks both ears and narrows his gaze, scanning the area for digimon.

Tatsuto Satou (855) has posed:
    There aren't actually that many Digimon around. The few the group DO spot seem to be specifically avoiding them... mostly plant-based Digimon, like Floramon and Palmon. Seems as though they aren't quite sure what to make of these strange beings coming from the direction of the Primary Village...

    "Nope!" Hina responds to Golden. "Tatsuto is my dorky older brother. I'm his cool, fashionable younger sister." She nods her head. Moonmon peers at Alden in mild confusion, as if she doesn't understand the question. "Plotmon's fine," Hina answers for her. "She's helping out at the Village right now. A bunch of eggs hatched this week and it's kinda a huge... thing. Which is why I'm totally avoiding it~"

    From their high vantage point, Kirito, Tomoe and Evangeline can see movement within the ruined village. Do Digimon live there?

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline rolls to join Kirito in flying sideways, not seeming to realize that flying sideways is usually difficult when you have wings. "...I...did not guess...I asked..." she says, seeming slightly confused. Then, she starts to fly around Kirito, orbiting him as they move toward the village. "...so..you can tell me about having a sister..." she says as the continue flying.

     Then, she spots movement in the ruined village and steadies her flying. "...movement detected...do people live in that village..?" she asks, extending a sleeve-like arm and letting her slender fingers poke through the end so she can point.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"Avoiding the village so you don't get press-ganged into babysitting duty, huh?" Xiaomu asks Hina, grinning. "I like your style ... although babysitting is good practice for a lot of more exciting activities, like stake-outs and tracking people and stuff like that. Useful life skills."

Golden (782) has posed:
    Golden shrugs towards Alden. "Mostly just been keeping my own plants going, Alden. Sometimes I have a big harvest and take it to Digimon I know are still hiding. It's a lot quietier since Yggdrasil's hunters haven't been sniffing around for digimon refugees." He explains. He looks at the briefly glimpsed Floramon and Palmon, and figures he is probably spooking them. Even as broken as he is, MetalMamemon aren't something that young digimon would want to provoke. Despite being a 'Ask Questions First' type of guy. He should come back here with a bag of food and see if the natives are more friendly then.
    "Yeah? You're younger? I couldn't tell. Humans are still kind of weird to me, even after all these years." he says to Hina. He happens to glance up and see Evangeline pointing or gesturing in a direction, and turns his gaze that way.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe looks over to Kirito.

"You make a very good point Kirito. Still I think we do play too much. Wait I see something down there. We have movement."
     She'll swoop in not waiting for Kirito as she attempts to get a better look at what's moving about there. It could just be some of the local digimon, right? They should say hello in that case.

"Eve you coming?"

she calls out to the other flyer. She's also just gone and run in there....

Kirito has posed:
    Kirito's attention is split between the others he's with and the distant village. Still, he tries to answer. Particularly after hearing how Hina described herself!

    "Hmmmmm... it means there's always someone who knows you almost as well as you know yourself, who's always around you. Each looking out for the other... and teasing... and competing..." He fondly remembers some of the more recent kendo sparring matches with Suguha.

    Recently, he's even managed to land single hits on her every so often. NOT easy.

    But then Tomoe goes FWOOSH and swoops off! So he balks. "There's movement up ahead but don't go rushing! ... Sheesh... didn't she learn anything about not running in alone..."

    Kirito grouches, but SLAMS FULL POWER INTO his wings. Evangeline's in danger of getting GUSTED in the face by a small shockwave as he basically just switched gears to FULL ACCEL. The little Spriggan ROCKETS through the air to catch up with Tomoe!

Alden (930) has posed:
     Alden nods a few times, "That sounds nice." he says, "That's rather generous of you." he replies, also noticing the plant digimon, trying his best to be relaxed, while listening about the deal about ages, "I see, maybe I should try to visit him soon." he says, "sounds like he might need a hand or two.".

     He keeps near the girl he was tasked to 'keep safe'. He manages to see Tomoe rushing towards the poor local digimons, wondering if he should join them and make sure nothing happens.

Tatsuto Satou (855) has posed:
    Hina looks up as Tomoe and Kirito suddenly rush off. "Did they say something about movement? What are they doi-"

    There's a sudden cry from the direction of the village. "DEADLY STINGER!" shrieks a voice filled with the buzzing of wasps... and a large winged insect rises from the village, shooting a barb from its stinger like a missile, right at Tomoe and Kirito! Even as it attacks, it shrieks at them. "MORE creatures from other worlds?! Leave this place!"

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe would find tht the natives are not friendly and they are insect like as they start firing /Stinger/ Missile at her and Kirito. She bajks out of the way and checks to see if it's homing in on them.

"Woah woah! We're just exploring we were not looking for a fight!"

Sh makes no hostile action but does get the mourning wall out to intercept further attacks however.

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline listens to Kirito explain about having a sister, but that comes to an end when they spot something in the village and Tomoe goes rushing off. Kirito takes off a moment later, so Evangeline follows after. And while she may not rush in, as soon as something has declared itself an enemy by attacking, Evangeline goes on the offensive.

     Kirito and Tomoe might outpace her, but Evangeline is a ranged fighter. So, when she barrels in toward the Flymon, sinister-looking red energy is already building at the tips of her sleeve-like arms. A moment later, twin beams of that red energy lance outward at the Flymon. They are pretty well targeted, but whether they hit the wasp thing or not, they explode on impact. Since they are here to try and explore this village, Evangeline tries to aim so that any stray beams will fly up in the air or off into the distance.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
That sounded distinctly like an attack cry, to Xiaomu's trained ears ... but what ascends behind the 'Stinger missile' does NOT look like something that should be capable of calling its attacks.

Xiaomu breaks into a run, heading towards the village ruins and looking sharp for any possible allies to the Flymon that's attacking her friends. She may not have clearly heard the rest of what it shrieked, though - or maybe she's just trying to find a better negotiating position.

.... Take that as literally as you like.

Kirito has posed:
    CALLING YOUR ATTACKS works in Kirito's favor. He has a split-second to react... and react he does. On pure reflex one of his delicate-looking hands grips the sheathed sword and -- CLANG!!

    A blur of hurried motion, action without thought, places that weapon's flat in the projectile's path.

    But while the impact's diverted, the FORCE throws his flight pattern WAY off. He's sent careening groundwards... and slams down near one of the ruined houses. Only just barely managed to right himself and land on his feet.

    "Uweh... that's why I said not to charge in."

    A quick glance at his health meter shows that he did take some damage from absorbing that impact, but the meter's still green... and rapidly refilling.

    Which leaves him now staring upwards at the wasp-themed Digimon.

    "This is your idea of a greeting?! We're not here for trouble!"

Golden (782) has posed:
    Golden sighs as he hears an attack cry. At least warn people to go away before you start attacking them. Wait. What does the Flymon mean by /more/ creatures from another world?
    Golden glances at Alden before shouting towards the people who rushed ahead. "Ask it who else came here!"

Alden (930) has posed:
     Alden tenses inmediatly as the attack happens, growling loudly, fur standing up, suddenly loosing most of that 'cute dog' appeal, and looking more like the dangerous predator the species is. He is thorn between moving to the fight, and remaining right besides Hina, "Stay close." he tells the human girl, tail hanging limp.

     The attack exchange seems to calm him down slightly, but he leans closer Hina, nodding at Golden's words, "Whoever came must have caused quite a bit of problem, for them to attack us."

Tatsuto Satou (855) has posed:
    The problem with trying to defuse a combat situation by taking a non-aggressive stance is that it only works if everyone in your group is on board...

    Hina brings one hand up over her head as the fight breaks out overhead, huddling close to Alden while keeping Moonmon close to her chest with her other arm. "What's going on?!"

    The insectile Digimon sees the attacks from Evangeline coming. It tries to maneuver away, not knowing anything about those beams and not really wanting to find out what they do first-hand... Unfortunately for it, though, it's too bulky to really weave between the beams, taking a shot to one of its wings.

    Which is promptly RIPPED OFF from the force of the explosion, causing the Flymon to careen down out of the sky and crash into the hill. The wing bursts into an explosion of white characters that swiftly dissolve into pixels and then vanish.

Golden (782) has posed:
    Golden winces. "We should go check up on it." He bounds off towards where he saw the Flymon fall, hoping the sight of a fellow digimon will help defuse the situation.
     He approaches the downed Flymon cautiously. "Hey, just here to check how hurt you are. Someone got a little trigger happy, but they don't mean you any harm. Just trust me."

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline comes to a stop as the Flymon goes down, then she flies upward rapidly before turning a loop and heading back down, charging again. It might be a good thing that Tatsuto isn't here to see what a ruthless opponent Evangeline is when she gets going. She is charging another beam already, and unless someone stops her it is likely that this Digimon will be destroyed before they can find out anything useful.

     Unfortunately, on Evangeline's world, if you hesitate you get destroyed. So...the Flymon is lucky that Golden gets in there quickly, because he would get a very good view of the sinister red energy building toward eruption as Evangeline dives down. But, with Golden there and Kirito's talk on the radio, Evangeline comes to a stop a short distance above the bug and Golden. Her arms are still glowing with energy, but she does not fire. Even without features on her face, it is easy to tell that she takes this sort of thing very seriously, and with her red energy lighting up her face she may present quite the intimidating visage.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Well. That's one way to end a fight,, at least temporarily; Xiaomu's hoping that it can be more than a 'temporary' break in hostilities.

She's still some ways from where Flymon went down when she unslings her carrypack and pulls out the first-aid kit she was carrying in it. "Sorry about the bumpy introduction; will you let us try to mend your injury, and if so, will you also listen to us explaining who we are and why we're here? Admittedly, I don't know if you need some kind of special healing ..." She holds up the first-aid kit (although the red cross is on the side AWAY from Flymon, for some reason). "This is the best I've got at the moment - bandages, some supplies to clean the injury, stuff like that."

She pauses briefly. "Oh, and my name is Xiaomu. I'm not a digital life-form like you are, but I don't mean you any harm; we really did just come to explore the area a bit."

That's probably more information than she 'should' have shared right off the bat, maybe, but she *is* trying to earn Flymon's trust.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe watches as Evangeline opens up with heavy fire power and she's got a look of horror on her face. After all Tomoe knows how disposable she is and is fine witgh that. She does hold off and moves to go in for a landing now. She's not oging to fight she doesn't say anything else on tht but she does put the mournign wall away as a sign she's not looking to keep fighting. %R "I am Tomoe the Iron Lily and I kinda sit in the middel of being digital and not being digital as does my friend Kirito here. Look we're not looking for a fight and is there anything we can do to umm help you?" She asks she seems to mean it too.

Alden (930) has posed:
     Alden trusts Golden with the questions, and instead moves to offer poor Hina, "I am not sure, seems someone was here before us and... made the digimons mad. Or scared them." he mumbles, "I hope we can find out what happened.". He winces lightly as he sees the Flymon land take massive damage like that. "Be careful Golden!." he barks, before looking at Hina.

    . "Do me a favor." he says, raising his chin adn expossing a collar hidden under the fur, with his digivice attached to it, "Pick my D-arc, and press the top left button." he rumbles. If Hina does that, the screen shows a rather simple radar, with at least dot marking the position of the Flymon which is near the edge. "Do you see more than one dot?" he asks. "It shows digimon nearby that are aggressive."

Kirito has posed:
    Kirito would love to be a part of the diplomatic contact with Flymon, but after Evangeline blew off a wing and was barely stopped from going further... he decides...

    The most responsible thing to do is keep an eye on her. ALthough that means going out of his comfort zone.

    Nevertheless, sheathing his weapon, he flies up at her and waves an arm vehemently. "It's okay. Stand down!" He's sure she might be feeling bad about the situation... and if not? He's not sure what other thing miht set her off.

    So he swoops up and hovers nearby her and strikes up a conversation.

    "Those are some crazy reflexes you've got."

Tatsuto Satou (855) has posed:
    Xioamu may be relieved to discover the Digimon isn't bleeding, despite having a wing ripped off. Do Digimon even bleed? Given it was a clean break it doesn't look like there's much she can DO...

    Flymon, however, ignores her. Instead, he looks at Golden. "Elder..." he gasps out. "Why do you... do you travel with these creatures? They aren't of this world. They... those Things are too dangerous. My brother..."

    Hina takes that Digivice and presses the button! "...Huh. There's... one more Digimon? Looks like it's in the ruins..."

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     The glow at the ends of Evangeline's arms starts to dim as everyone rushes in to tend to the digimon rather than finishing it off. She headtilts, not seeming to understand. Then, Kirito flies in and orders her to stand down. As part of a military organization, she complies immediately. "...yes sir..." she says as that sinister red glow disappears completely.

     "...thank you..." she says when Kirito compliments her reflexes. She hovers there after that, watching the others for a few moments before looking over at Kirito. "...why did we not finish it...if an enemy is injured...it is likely to strike you when your guard comes down..." she says, turning her head just enough to glance side-long at Kirito.

Golden (782) has posed:
    "There's good people, and bad people. Like there's good digimon, and bad digimon. If these were bad people, you'd see me fighting them myself."
    The oddball MetalMamemon taps the sunburst crest engraved into his faceplace. "Got a reputation as a Crestbearer of Courage to keep up." The tap briefly disrupts the area around the crest, giving a glimpse of something steely grey.
    "So the people that came before did something to your brother then?" Golden spares a glance towards the ruined village. "What did they look like?"

Kirito has posed:
    "Hmmmm..." Kirito puzzles out a good answer to this, folding his arms after he sheathes his weapon. He can see that... the others... SEEM to have things under control down there. So he eventually says...

    "There's enemies... then there's people just defending their home who mistake you for one. That Digimon attacked in a panic because the last people who approached did some nasty things. He wanted to scare us off. He felt he was protecting the others. He's not really our enemy. Responding to an attack the way you did is fine. But finishing people off... especially when you don't know what they're fighting about... it means trouble. Not only for a person who didn't need to die... but for everyone they care about. We're here to investigate, not search and destroy."

    This deep of an answer is not in his nature. The young man's just been an Elite long enough to have adapted, that's all. He frowns at the goings-on below.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Not having much to say to that right now, Xiaomu just puts the first-aid kit away. And it doesn't look like it's 'necessary' for much, either, unless one of the more knowledgeable individuals cares to divulge to Xiaomu how to help a wounded Digimon recover.

She's still listening, though.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe has stood down a this point and is looking over to the digitmon with a sympathic look onb her face, for a moment.

"We only came to explore we were not seleing battle, that's all I can say at this point. You were defening yourselves, I won't hold any grudges about it."

E She'll leave to rest of the talking to Kirito and wonder if she cna be of any help in this mess.

Tatsuto Satou (855) has posed:
    "The Thing took him," Flymon says through ragged gasps. Losing a wing is pretty painful! "It... corrupted him. He evolved unnaturally, became cruel..." Then Golden asks him what the creature looked like. "That's the thing... The Thing didn't look like anything at all!"


    There's a sudden sound, almost like a landslide mixed with an explosion, as one of the buildings just BURSTS. Out of the village comes rushing... a small, dark green plantlike Digimon. Levitating in mid-air, as if riding some invisible... thing.

    An invisible thing that is breaking down walls as it races towards the group.

    A street sign flips through the air and lands at Hina's feet. 'Dunwich'.

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline listens to Kirito, then lowers her head. "...I...could have destroyed someone who was not an enemy..." she says, obviously getting the point now. She floats down slowly toward the Flymon, stopping when she is hovering just off the ground and to the side of the downed 'mon. "...I am sorry for hurting you..." she says, her head still lowered apologetically.

     "...a thing that looks like nothing...?" she asks after hearing Flymon's story. Then, something is crashing through buildings toward them! Evangeline turns around to face where the crashing is coming from, and her red energy appears at the ends of her arms again. "...we will protect you..." she says to Flymon. He might be skeptical after what happened only moments ago, but then again, the thing that struck him down is now standing between him and the charging thing.

Golden (782) has posed:
    Golden looks at the Flymon curiously. "A thing that doesn't look like anything? It's... not visible?" He says, pondering.
    And then on-cue, there's the THING crashing through buildings with a Vegimon on top. "... Is that the thing?" Golden asks the Flymon, looking back.

Kirito has posed:
    Well that's a pleasant surprise! Evangeline got it and he didn't have to explain further. Load off of Kirito's chest. He hates trying to explain social things like that. Always feels like he's doing a bad job.

    And doing a bad job with lives on the line is the last thing he needs.

    "Yeah." He agrees, floating down himself. He's caught the gist of the conversation... enough to FREAK when a house just bursts to splinters. "You've gotta be kidding!"

    The sword's drawn again in a hurry and Kirito lands down protectively in front of the Flymon!

    "What the heck is THAT...? ... The Thing?!"

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe listens as they talk about situation and nods a little bit.

"Hummm doesn't look like any...":

She sees somehing coming it's plant like and it's on somehing that can not be seen. She pauses and stare at the thing. It's time to get to work, she summons the mourning wall but does not draw her blade, just yet she is however moving to get infront of FLymon as well.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Well, an 'invisible' thing DOESN'T look like anything, which makes perfect sense in a kind of backhanded way.

But more importantly, given that the invisbile thing (with the Vegimon on its back) is barreling towards the group, Xiaomu wastes no further time in planting her staff next to her, gripped firmly in her left hand, and raises her right hand to aim at the Vegimon and its apparently-invisible mount.


And she tries to immobilze both invisible 'mount' and apparent rider in a sphere of magical force - not necessarily for her allies to attack it (although they certainly CAN) but mostly to give Hina time to enable whatever that update was she just mentioned on the radio. (The sage fox also doesn't seem to have noticed the street sign, or at least to have attached any particular significance to it.)

Tatsuto Satou (855) has posed:
    As the Thing and its apparent rider get closer to the group, the Vegimon attempts to leap off of its 'mount' and head for Hina while the invisible thing... well. It's kinda hard to tell where it's heading, really!

    But this plan is promptly foiled as Xiaomu erects a force barrier around the duo, causing Vegimon to faceplant right into it. Ouch.

    Flymon tries to stand. "My brother..."

    Hina is peering down at her phone. Then she taps the screen.

    Her phone is promptly enveloped by a blinding white light. Moonmon stares at the Vegimon for a few moments, then narrows her eyes and leaps from Hina's arms!


    White glyphs rise from the ground as Moonmon sails through the air. The DigiLetters swirl around her body, becoming denser and denser over the span of a few moments. Quick eyes will see Moonmon's body disintegrate into more of those white sigils, leaving behind a red-and-green sphere that seems to pulse like a heart... before it's surrounded by an egg of solid letters.

    "Moonmon shinka!"

    The egg shatters, revealing a bipedal... rabbit? With two sets of ears... actually does it even have feet? "LUNAMON!"

    Lunamon lands on the ground, then immediately dashes at the trapped Vegimon. She's quick!

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline is just about to fire when the Flymon speaks. She pauses, fearing she might hurt someone who is not an enemy again, then just holds her place as Lunamon charges in. "...is that plant creature your brother..?" she asks Flymon, looking over her shoulder at him. She looks at Vegimon after that, then flies in after Lunamon. She tries to focus on the seemingly empty area of the force bubble as she fires a multitude of tiny beam shots, probing for the invisible creature.

     If she locates it with beam shots, she focuses in on it with her machine guy attack. "...whatever you are...stop hurting these creatures..."

Kirito has posed:
    Well. Seems Kirito could have afforded to go on the offense instead of hanging back with defense. Which is why he alters his stance, blade raising up to be held back and horizontal. It HOWLS with energy, greenish light coursing down the length along with whirling winds kicking up centered around it!

    "There's the target... thanks, Xiaomu!" In the wake of Evangeline's blasts, he LUNGES in. It's all but instantaneous. one moment Kirito's standing... and the next?

    The next, he's about three meters BEYOND the invisible... THING. A rippling flash between his start and end points, intersecting with 'The Thing' is the only sign he traveled at all. WIND gusts from the apparent point of.. impact? Assuming he landed that skill properly on what seems to be an INVISIBLE target...

Golden (782) has posed:
    The MetalMamemon nods, getting that the vegimon is probably the flymon's brother, and turns to face the enemy.
    Golden squints as the light from Hina's phone erupts, and the Moonmon. Well. That's not something he's seen before. Golden wonders if this was the kind of thing Alden was talking about when he said 'tamer'. In his world, Digimon digivolved for... fairly mysterious reasons as far as he knew. Age and stress seemed to play into it.
    But for now, the little metal digimon's sunburst crest glows a dull orange as he bounds off to protect the vegimon from the invisible thing. The energy cannon spools up, glowing, as he land between the plant digimon and the thing. "Hey, you got a brother who's worried about you." He says to the weird plant 'mon. "You should uh, go to him. I'll cover you." This could be a bad idea depending on how corrupted the vegimon was.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
It does seem like this was the best thing Xiaomu could do, short of pouring the damage on herself - and to be honest, the sage fox ALMOST drew one of her handguns to open up on one or both of the hostile Digimon. The fact that the Flymon with whom the party was trying to talk is referring to the Vegimon as 'brother' suggests that unmitigated offense really wasn't the way to go, so Xiaomu may be congratulating herself on that.

While she maintains the barrier, Xiaomu does have enough spare attention to see Hina triggering Moonmon's evolution into Lunamon - and Xiaomu just *grins* at that sight, continuing to hold the binding barrier in place around Vegimon and its invisible 'mount' ... whatever it is. If she had a way to force the second monster to become visible, she probably would be attempting it ...

Tomoe has posed:
This is where things get interesting She gets her weapons ready and she looks to Flymon.

"Easy, we got this. It's the least we can do with what hapepned, right?"

With the battle starting to get cray. She lts the otehrs try to talk them down and she moves in she's going to ty to keep the thing's attention as she goes in but she's not attacking just yet, she gets the others have a plan.

"If things get bad I can intercept it's my job to take hits for others."

Tatsuto Satou (855) has posed:
    As Kirito dashes past (through?) the... invisible creature, his blade strikes true. For a brief instant, a clear outline can be seen, of some sort of... hairy ape-like creature? But a moment later, the outline is gone. ... Until Evangeline starts to machinegun it, at which point the outline becomes visible again each time it's hit!

    That's not the best form of invisibility in the world.

    Lunamon is ignoring everything else around her and just heading straight for the Vegimon that... well, TRIED to attack Hina. A swarm of razor-sharp leaves shoot from its 'head dress' and just... stick to the inside of the force bubble. It looks a little put out by this.

    "Luna Claw!" comes Lunamon's attack cry. Darkness coalesces around her claws - it's almost painful to look at it, really. Like your blind spot got big enough to see. The moon rabbit brings her claws down and slashes at the Vegimon... and it can't really do anything to avoid it.

    Man Lunamon is kinda vicious...

Golden (782) has posed:
    Since the Lunamon seems to have that handled and the vegimon seems unreasonably aggressive, he turns his attention to the invisible thing and unleashes a barrage of energy bombs from his arm cannon. Aimed at the ground he thinks the THING is near, to shower it with dirt and dust to try and make it easier for allies to see. If the thing wants to try and manipulate Golden's digital code, it could certainly try, though the corrupted and damage data would make it difficult. On the other hand, those glitches also impact Golden just as often; some of the energy bombs glitch out in a shower of white pixels instead of doing anything.
    "I really don't need this kind of aggravation right now." Golden mutters as he sees some of the errors manifest.

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline's machine gun attack finally runs out of power, and she has to take a moment to recharge. "...are we even hurting it...?" she asks, her voice coming through any radio device nearby. Her arms start building that red glow again as she prepares another attack. "...what is that thing, anyway..?" she says as she raises her arms to fire again, though she keeps herself between the Flymon and the enemy Digimon. Golden's attack highlights the creature again, and that's all Evangeline needs.

     "...get clear..." is all she says before she fires a full power Neuroi Beam. The beam is nearly as thick as she is tall, and aimed to engulf the area where Lunamon and Vegimon are not battling it out. Like her other beams, this one explodes violently on impact and threatens to disintegrate whatever it hits. It is also sustained for a several seconds, making it even harder to avoid for the trapped creature.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe is now making ready to attack from the looks of it there's going to be a need for it, she's however going to be tyring to not out right kill. She is going to try to get it's attention but she does not get clear, of the blast until she gets a hint of hiw big it is and she is forced to disengage.

Kirito has posed:
    Kirito's stuck in place for about a second and a half by that Sword Skill's vulnerability time, but he spins about the instant he's able to move again and.. and he gets an eyeful of the thing's invisibility 'flashing.' Curious.

    But that means it's some kind of creature. MAybe another Digimon.

    A Digimon that, would then be MASSIVELY outnumbered. "Whoever's tromping around invisible there, you'd better surrender while you're still ahead!" He declares threateningly.

    The blade's raised again to make good on this threat. It's simply held in a broad, horizontal position, ready to strike. ICy blue power flows across it, filling the area with a high-pitched shimmering noise! ... But for the moment it's just a threat.

Tatsuto Satou (855) has posed:
    It's about this point where someone, probably Golden or Lunamon, would shout that this Thing isn't a Digimon. Then there would be a drawn out battle where it gets beaten down and breaks apart in a thoroughly un-Digimon-like manner, before turning into black smoke and dispersing into the air.

    This does not happen. Mostly because Evangeline just hit it with what is approximately Imperialdramon Fighter Mode's 'Positron Laser'.

    Now there's just a crater with dark smoke emenating from it, a thoroughly-confused-looking Kunemon, and a Lunamon who looks like she just saw the true face of God.

    "...Can I have Eva as my Digimon partner instead?" Hina says.

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline hovers there silently a few moments after her beam stops, then looks at the smoking crater. "...is it destroyed..?" she asks, then lowers her arms before looking over at Hina. When she hears Hina's question, she does a happy little twirl in the air, then comes to a stop. "..but...my name does not end in 'mon'..." she says before floating over to Hina. She holds out her sleeve-arms slowly and her fingers extend. "...but...you can have me as a friend..."