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Seriously, Wanko Joins Up!
Date of Scene: 28 January 2016
Location: Kawakami City
Synopsis: Kazuko finds her sister frustrated with her first real loss to Fate. Not being particularly bright, things get a bit crazy as Momoyo tries to explain before sending Kazuko off to Kawakami City's Union Embassy to join up before she can follow her to visit Midchilda, Kazuko's first trip into the Multiverse.
Cast of Characters: 928, 942

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     Momoyo sat in her room, the TSAB seal dropped on her dresser as she started tossing clothing into a large camping-sized duffel bag. Muttering under her breath, she tosses her hair. She hadn't said anything since getting in late from being thrashed by Fate... but it was obvious something was up as her usual unshakable confidence was actually shaken. As discreet as she was trying to be about it, she was as noisy as ever packing with the door unlocked in the Dojo.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     Even Kazuko can see that something's bugging Momoyo, although she hasn't quite figured out the source of her troubles just yet. That's about to change, of course, since she's finally finished her morning routine! Hearing that noise coming from her older sister's room, she creeps up along the wall and nudges the door open carefully. Once it's open just enough, she carefully and delicately... Takes a flying leap right at Momoyo. So subtle. "Sister! What's bugging you? What's..." She glances over at the bag, then turns back to Momoyo with an inquisitve frown. "... What's going on? Are you going somewhere"

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     Letting out a grunt, she strokes through your hair lightly while continuing to pack. "Yeah. Again." She had already been drafted into the Hikari Fleet Daughters and told Kazuko about that. Now, it seemed it was happening again... but the TSAB seal on her dresser was obvious as well.

     Seemed like yet another para-military organization of some kind outside the Gate had an interest in her abilities again, but this time Momoyo wasn't nearly as pleased about it. Moreover, since the Gate opened, half of her dealings were rather secretive, even among the Kazama Family. Half the time even Kazuko couldn't give any answers.

    One might expect Momoyo to just spill the beans, but she goes on packing with one hand, continuing to rub your scalp with the other. The secretive tension was about to hit it's limit, since it was obviously completely unlike Momoyo to even omit information.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     Kazuko lets out a content purring noise at the head-stroking, but it only lasts for a little while. This is one of those rare moments where she's focused on something other than training, after all, and she turns her head to just stare right at Momoyo's face from close up.

     "Nn... Why do you keep getting dragged around to do this stuff? Didn't you do enough last time already?" Even the next round of head-rubbing doesn't do much to comfort her (much), and she slides off her sister to pick up the TSAB seal to get a better look at it.

     "... You didn't look like this until after you came back from that place. What are they doing to you, sis?" She sounds concerned, but also like she's holding something in. Fear? Anger? She definitely doesn't sound pleased, and judging from that white-knuckle grip she has on that seal...

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     She shrugs simply. "I.. lost. To someone way out of my league." she finally admits. This was a bolt out of the blue, of course. Momoyo was /the best/. A vicious unstoppable terror. It was extremely rare for her to lose in any way that didn't involve a technicality. For her to say that straight up, meant that she actually lost a fight of brute force and found someone stronger. This could mean a million things since the Gate opened, but it was already clear she was getting into even more fights since the Gate opened... and the tape of Nero's sparring match with Momoyo existed. It still wasn't entirely clear who Nero was.

    "Because I lost, they sealed my ki. Remember when grandpa did that, for a crime I didn't commit? Fate did that too." That was the name on the TSAB draft notice. It mentioned a bunch of Union mumbo jumbo, but basically was using that authority to coerce her involuntarily to another country, 'Midchilda'

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     That revelation stuns her into silence for quite a while. How could Momoyo lose? There had to be some kind of explanation for that, right? Kazuko waits for the one that would never come, instead only listening further as her sister continues to speak about the sort of thing that she's only heard of her grandfather doing. Was this the level of people Momoyo had to deal with past the Gate? She had been warned so many times not to mess around near there, but if her sister's ki was sealed, then...

     "... I'm going with you." Placing that seal back on the dresser, the shorter girl gives her sister a determined look with a fire in her eyes rarely seen before. "If they're really that much stronger, then that means you gotta train even harder, right? And what better way than to have someone else with you to make sure you don't slack off?"

     Although she's finally grinning her usual broad grin again, there's still worry hidden beneath all of that. Someone has to keep her protected, too, right?

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     She chuckles softly. "Ugh... I'll be able to train in the Time-Space Administrative Bureau's facilities. Don't worry." she quips. The name of the administration hinted at all sorts of tantalizing possibilities, not only how such a person beat Momoyo but the reason they could mandatorily draft her from beyond the Gate.

    "I don't know how long Fate will let you stay and it'll be a pain for you to get letters to be absent from school if they don't draft you too." she muses, having sent those earlier in the day, both to Tesshin and the school. "You should be able to come with me or come shortly after to meet Fate, though." at the very least that should calm her sister down.

    "We're dealing with one of my Captains, that's how she's able to do this. You can talk to her about the Union, but remember that the organization I work for doesn't exist. I'm not part of them." That much was true. Only Yamato would be able to figure out that kind of information, and was trustworthy with it besides Kazuko. The rest of the Kazama Family only was let in on it on a need-to-know basis.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     Time-Space...? That sounded like something straight from an anime. The fact that Momoyo tells her not to worry, though, is all the more reason to worry. Kazuko furrows her brow as she shoves her face into Momoyo's arm, a thoughtful hum escaping the brunette for a while. "... But if they do draft me, then it'll be fine, right?"

     Everything's falling into place now. Probably not in the way her sister might like, but Kazuko's sounding more determined about it if nothing else! "I'll meet this Fate lady, and then I'll have her draft me. Then you don't have to worry about a thing!" She grins proudly at her deductive reasoning skills, although she does grunt again after a moment.

     "But if you're gonna be with this group now... What about the last one? And the Union? Are they...?" All the names and organizations are hurting her head. She grimaces after a moment, slumping slightly and just latching onto Momoyo's arm instead. That's much easier to process. "Does anyone else know about this?"

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     She shakes her head. "I'm only with the TSAB for a week. Fate will unseal my ki and everything will go back to normal... except I have a total large audience that watched me get my ass kicked." she mutters under her breath. "The Union is who you should join if you want to keep tabs on me, not the TSAB. The Union is for all the other dimensions. TSAB is just like the JSDF for us... but they're way ahead of us in technology. Technically, I think the lady Fate that beat me... is a magical girl." she grouses. Momoyo always did hate losing the rare time it happened. But people had been muttering she needed to lose for most of the year. It just finally happened when she got literally nuked.

    Wait, what, magical girl???

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     That's more like it! Knowing who to sign up with will make things a lot easier for Kazuko to process, and she won't even have to pester Yamato to figure it out for her. " Union... Got it. So I sign up with them, and then I can get out of classes /and/ make sure you're training /and/..."

     Silence, then a double take. ".. Magical girl?" She responds flatly at first, her mouth just hanging open in utter confusion as she looks up at her sister's face. "You got... W-wait. Those are real?" Her face is lighting up, and she's looking even more excited than before. At least the anger seems to have subsided?

     "Did she transform? Did she pose? Was there a mascot? Was the rest of her team there?" Possibly a little too quickly at that.

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     This was going to get awkward to explain. "I was sparring with her daughter first, then she stepped in for some reason. Yes, both transformed. Yes, Vivio's mascot was a bunny named Chris. No, I don't think the rest of the team was there." she pushes her little sister lightly.

    "Seriously. There's a lot of people out there I wanna fight. And a few who want to kill me. That whole mess where I had that huge diplomatic blowup in that Chinese restuarant to stop me from beating up Fed agents was part of it." she ruffles your hair. "Seriously. Go apply to the Union first, they are an army that tries to unite all the different Multiverses under a single democratic unified government. What /I/ do..." she lowers her voice. "...is work as one of their ultra-elite special agents to get around some trumped up prison charges related to the people I fought when the Gate opened. Don't tell anyone this. Those special agents don't exist. It can get me in serious trouble if anyone knows." she murmurs, deathly seriously. Though, she did expect Yamato to find out sooner or later. He even would make a good Chancer himself.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     So magical girls /were/ real, and there was another Chris around. Kazuko wouldn't be calling that one Cri anytime soon, at least, but she does seem to have her curiousity sated for the time being. "Coooool.... Wait. Kill you?" That'd be taking it a little too far, wouldn't it? Sure, Momoyo's probably made some enemies, but...

     "... Okay! I'll apply to this Union, and I'll make sure none of those people come anywhere near you!" Sounding confident once again, the younger sister leans in to listen to Momoyo closely, her eyes lighting up yet again when it sounds like her sister's become...

     A SECRET AGENT. There's a high-pitched whine straining to escape the back of her throat, but she does get it under control eventually before nodding slowly. "I understand. Nobody's going to find out from me, then. And once I get stronger and level up more, I can join you in the..." A pause. "... Team that doesn't exist."

     Perfect plan.

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     Momoyo rubs her temples. "If people know you're in the Union, it's kind of pointless to join a secret organization working for the Union AFTER you've already officially joined... but whatever." she gave up trying to explain the specifics. Yamato had more patience for that sort of thing and was better at it. "I need to leave, doggie. You can follow me later, I'll give you a copy of the directions to my place in Midchilda." If anything, having Kazuko wander into AN ENTIRE OTHER UNIVERSE would probably wrap her head around things faster than trying to bring her to Njorun first or show her on paper... her and Momoyo were both like that unless they were completely focused. "But yeah... I'm not going to be able to fight in any title challenges for the next week."

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     Momoyo's got a point there. "So I should... Nnn. Then maybe if... No, that won't work." Kazuko lets out a pained grunt before just nuzzling Momoyo's chest, then backing off to give her space to do her packing. If nothing else, she could probably get Yamato to explain it without telling anyone else. "Alright, I will. I'll memorize them and make sure they don't fall into anyone else's hands!"

     Moving over to give Momoyo a tight hug, she retreats back to the bed and crosses her arms over her chest. "I'll keep an eye on things here, too. If anyone comes, I'll be the gatekeeper and beat 'em off! Besides, if they can't even beat me, then they'd have no chance against you." She grins broadly as she says that, all sorts of plans starting to run through her head already. So what if Momoyo's had her ki sealed? Kazuko's still confident that nobody could beat her sister, anyway!