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Latest revision as of 04:12, 29 January 2016

Sparring Match
Date of Scene: 28 January 2016
Location: Njorun Station - Ring of Philosophy
Synopsis: Friendly spar between two people, Kazuko Kawakam and Mairead Sandilands with different styles and becoming good friends.
Cast of Characters: Mairead Sandilands, 942

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Near the ring is a seventeen year old who is wearing a one piece, blue and green swimsuit looking outfit, with matching leggings that go to mid thigh and two inch heels. She has long red hair that is braided into a single ponytail and ends where her legs meet her body. She is currently looking over the controls of the Ring of Philosophy and blinking at them, "How do ye work this thing?" she says outloud in a acottish accent as she pushes a button and looks, "Its it even working?" she adds as she has no idea what to do, since they have nothing like this at the IS Academy.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     Arriving at the Ring of Philosophy with her naginata held across her shoulders, Kazuko's still in wide-eyed awe as she just takes in the sights of everything around her. It's been a long day of touring Njorun, and she's still not used to the way any of it looks yet, but it's still a hundred times more interesting than anything she could hope to see at school.

     Not to mention the people. The people! Strange uniforms, some not even looking human... She's had top pinch herself a few times to make sure she's not hallucinating! Spotting a girl by some sort of console, Kazuko shuffles on over to peer past her side at the... Whatever it is she's looking at.

     "Dunno! You're the lady on the radio, right?" She grins brightly as she offers her free hand. "Kazuko Kawakami. Nice to meet and fight you!" She's wearing her usual Kawakami Academy school uniform: A white uniform with a navy trim.

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Turning to look, Mairead nods, "Aye, I am," she says to her. "Mairead Sandilands," she says with a bow towards Kazuko. "It will be interesting to spar agaisnt someone who has different skills then I," she adds as she turns back to the console, "I think this turns the Ring on, but I am not sure. I do not understand any of these controls," she mentions as she looks at a few buttons and shrugging, pushes them.

    "...." and she looks, "Stupid bloody piece of technology," she comments as she kicks the side of it, "Willye work already?" she says to it and looks at Kazuko, "I doubt ye know how this work," she asks her.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     "Yeah! This'll be my first fight here, so don't hold anything back. I wanna see everything." Grinning widely, Kazuko follows Mairead's gaze back to the console and peers at all the buttons with a blank stare on her face. She looks back over at the ring while the girl hits those buttons.

     "I... Think that worked? Uhh. How's this thing supposed to work, anyway?" She circles around the console to look for any sort of instructions, then shrugs lightly. "Nope! I don't even do much with computers at home. Well... Do you think it's working without that?" She gestures back at the ring and steps towards it, looking for any sort of sign that it is actually working. "IF it's not... Mmm. This thing's blunt, so maybe it'll be okay?"

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    nodding, Mairead says, "I think ye be right," she says to her. "And I will not hold back, and I expect ye to do the same," she mentions as she walks for the steps and onto the ring and stops testing it with her toe, "Is there something that happens when you enter to let ye know if it is working?" she says to herself as she steps in and walks off to one side, spinning, "I do not feel anyting wierd," she adds as she gets to a spot and waits for Kazuko.

    Holding out her hand, a Scottish CLaymore appears in her hand as it phases in and she swings it with ease in arcs and circles as she brings it to attention and waits.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     'course not! I can't lose my first fight here~" Kazuko's all smiles as she takes the opposite side of the ring as Mairead, oohing silently at the sight of that sword appearing out of nowhere. "I don't think there's a thing, but... Hnn. Well, we'll know if we get hurt really bad and it stays after we leave, right?"

     She takes a moment to adjusts her ponytail and ensure it's good and tight, then brandishes her naginata with a well-practiced flourish before bowing formally to the girl opposite her.

     "Kazuko Kawakami, ready to fight!"

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Mairead nods and waits, "As am I," she says to her as she thinks, closes her eyes and says a silent pray, then opens them and slowly moves forward, the Claymore up up and ready as she holds it infront of her. "So, ye be the little sister of Ms. Kawakami," she asks Kazuko as she thinks and observes her. "Your sister is an amazing fighter from what I saw," she adds as she stops and waits, touching the claymore to the tip of the naginata and thinking, "Ye know, I have ne'er fought against a naginata before," she mentions as she waits for Kazuko to make the first move.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     Kazuko studies Mairead from a distance as she starts to move, watching her opponent should she take the first move. "That's right. Momoyo's the best fighter I know!" She speaks of her sister with pride and a broad grin, adjusting her stance with the polearm before resting the bottom on the ground and giving Mairead a curious look.

     "Really? Huh... I never fought someone with a sword that big, either. Mayu and Cri only use thinner swords, so this should be fun." And with that, Kazuko's ready to make that first move! She dashes forward rapidly, aiming a rapid thrust with the blunted blade towards Mairead's midsection. It's a simple, yet effective strike aimed at gauging her reflexes and seeing how she's going to defend herself.

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Nodding herself, Mairead moves and sees the incoming attack and she brings her sword down and bats the tip away towards the left. With te claymore in her right hand, he is pivoting and comes in, being three inches taller than Kazuko and brings and elbow towards the left side of her head. if this hits, Mairead will continue to pivot and ready for another attack, and it is misses, she will pivot out of the way and get ready fro another attack.

    "Aye, I like the claymore, but I am proficient with a broadsword too," she adds.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     Despite having her first attack dodged, Kazuko actually looks rather pleased. There's a brief chuckle before she ducks down to avoid that elbow to the face, backing off for a moment to get a better read on Mairead once again. "Not bad. Mm... I'll have to ask about the difference later. The naginata's my main, but I can do pretty good just with punches and kicks, too!" Not that she plans on showing them off this time, but she can't predict what'll happen as the fight goes on! Hopping forward again, she aims a quick vertical feint at Mairead's left, then brings the polearm back quickly to take an even faster swipe at her legs.

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Smiling, she looks, "One is just bigger and heavier than the other," she states as she sees that Kazuko is good, better than she, especially when she mentions kicking and punching. She blinks and comments, "That is me weakness, I am not good without a weapon," she adds as she moves to dodge the feint, but is hit in the legs by the polearm and falls down onto her bottom. Rolling backwards, she is up to her knees and she nods, "Nice," she states as she moves forward and begins to attack.

    First she goes for a slash to the left side and moves with a strike to the right, before he tries to stab her in the midsection and than she is move back, the claymore is up to be ready to defend against any attacks.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     Better than just calling it broad sword and broader sword, I guess!" Kazuko chuckles as that swipe hits its mark, preparing herself for Mairead's counterattack. Dodging the first two attacks is simple enough, but she doesn't quite dodge fast enough to completely avoid the stab. There's a wince from the spear-wielder as she backs off rapidly, clutching the bloody mark on her gut.

     At least it looks worse than it actually feels. "That's more like it... Ah. You'll wanna watch me or my sister train to get better at fighting without one, then. And speaking of watching..." Gripping the naginata tightly once more, she lunges forward with her weapon at the ready, as if preparing to feint again.

     "... See if you can dodge this!" Instead of feinting, Kazuko's just moving straight this time, and she steps in with a series of rapid thrusts of her naginata, aiming them all over in random spots to try and throw Mairead's defenses off!

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Mairead looks and smiles, "I'll take you up on that offer," she says to her and then she blinks as she starts to block the attack, and move in again like before, but she is now moving fast and trying to dodge some of the attacks. She is moving fast, faster than she can keep up, and gets hit in the stomach, left and right arm, thighs and side. She backs up and winces form the hits and the pain she has as she looks and mutters as she looks at her body, "Bloody hell that hurts," she comments as she backs up and looks around and thinks on showing Emerald Lady or not.

    . o 0 (I am not gonna be able to do too much more with these injuries,) she thinks as she takes a deep breath. The claymore phases out of existance as she thinks and smiles, "Ivar, Alistair," she says as a bow phases into her left hand and a shield phases onto her left arm. "Lets see how ye do against me bow," she comments as she pulls back on the bow string and a bolt of energy forms. Taking aim, she releases the string and the bolt goes flying. Mairead does it two more times in rapid succession at Kazuko.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     Her first student! Kazuko's looking even more pleased with herself at that, but she doesn't let it distract her from the fight too much. After that flurry, she once again backs up to give Mairead another opportunity to retaliate. It's not the most effective strategy of winning a fight, but this is as much a way for the girl to test her own abilities against someone else from a Multiverse as it is an opportunity to see what kinds of techniques she'll be facing on the field.

     Like phasing weapons in and out of existence, apparently. There's only one type of person that could do this sort of thing, though... /Magical girls./ Her face pratically lights up at Mairead as she tightens her hold on the naginata, looking even more excited than before. "That's so cool! Aah, you gotta show me how to do that later!"

     Fangirling done for the time being, she braces herself to parry or dodge whatever it is coming her way. The first two are dodged, but her attempt to strike the third energy arrow down doesn't go quite as planned, and she takes the blast square in the chest before staggering back several feet with a pained yelp.

     "G-good move... Mm! But if we're going to be comparing those kinds of techniques, then..." She pushes herself back onto her feet with the naginata for assistance, then breathes in slowly to focus her energy before dashing for Mairead yet again with another thrust like the first one. "Zoom Pu-uh.. Thrust!" Unlike the first one to start the fight, Kazuko actually thrusts earlier, way before it would even normally hit. Furthermore, there's an aura surrounding this thrust to augment not only the power of her strike, but the range and the speed behind it to actually give her enough reach if it isn't defended against!

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Mairead nods and blinks as she sees the attack and saying nothing, readies herself. She bring her shield around, and the naginata hits, which causes Mairead to be pushed backas she had not braced herself, "What the hell ...." she gets out before she is pushed back even faster and grunts as she thinks and before she can get the IS going, she is pushed out of the ring and goes flying as Emerald Lady phases on and around her.

    The thrusters fire as the IS activates and Mairead slows and hovers to the ground before taking a breath. Looking at Kazuko, she blinks, "I think I lost," she says to her as she jumps into the ring and the bow and shield phase out. Looking at her arm, she rubs it as she speaks, "Dance is over Emerald Lady," and the IS phases out as an additional foot of height was added, making her six foot five inches tall, instead of her normal five foot six inches. As the IS phases, Mairead returns to her normal height and the same swimsuit and looks at her arm and the bruise as she rubs it. "I'll have ot learn to do that," she says to her as she thinks and the IS academy Uniform phases in over her trainign suit.

    "Its gonna be hard to show ye how to do that," she says to her as she looks around.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     The magical girl turned into a super robot. The magical girl turned into a super robot. THE MAGICAL GIRL TURNED INTO A SUPER ROBOT. Even if it was only for a moment, it was still long enough for Kazuko to see it, and her eyes light up at Mairead yet again. She does look a little disappointed when the fight ends, but it doesn't last for long as she hurries over to Mariead to resume her excitement over how she /turned into a SUPER ROBOT/.

     "That was so cool! All the transforming and the weapons coming out of nowhere... And the costumes and and and the robot suit!" The excitement does get the better of her though, as that stab wound from earlier causes her to wince, exacerbated by the energy arrow to the same spot. "I thought only my sister could shoot energy like that..."

     She's definitely in good spirits, at least! "A deal, then. How about... We try and show each other how to do what we did before?" She winces again as the excitement's making the bleeding worse, and she actually starts looking a little worried. "... A-another time. Uh. Do you think this'll just stop once we leave?"

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Arching an eyebrow, she grins, "I like that," she says as she steps back and nods, "Aye I think it will, after the fight your sister had the other day, onlything that was wrong with her was her cloths," she adds as she smiles. "I'll explain what an IS is to ya over some food and drink," she grins, "And I had fun. Plus I might have to visit your Academy. While I am here in the Multiverse, where I am from has not arrived, so I need to attend classes to continue me education," and he she looks at Kazuko with a smile. "By the way, how old are ye?" she asks her. "I am 17," she adds.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     "IS.. Alright! Yeah, I can show you around if you ever visit." Kazuko smirks as she smacks a hand to her chest confidently, ignoring that pain in her gut for the time being. Pain builds character, too! "I know this one really good place near the Academy, too, and I'm sure they'll let you attend."

     Inwardly, she's also feeling proud that she actually remembered what it means for natives to arrive separately from their own worlds. "You'd probably end up in Momoyo's class or something, then... I'm 16. That makes you my senior, then, huh?" The grin grows a little wider, but only for a moment before she hunches over a little more. "... We should probably head outta here first, though. Aaah... That sword's really sharp!"

     Even with the pain, she still sounds more impressed than anything else.

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Grinning, Mairead looks, "Ye should see me other sword," and she chuckles. "Sometime, I will show you how they work. A sword is much different than a naginata. The Broadsword is just that, a broad bladed sword and usually one handed, but can be held two handed. However, I have a unique broadsword," and she looks as she walks down the steps and out of the ring. "I am actually scared to fight your sister, since she seems to be more powerful than I. I doubt Emerald Lady could even survive a few rounds against her," and she thinks.

    "I'l follow you to this place you mentioned. As I do not know were it is," and she smiles at the new friend she just met.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     A magical girl with all of the weapons. Can the Union get any cooler? Probably, but that's a story for another time! Besides, Kazuko's priority now is taking care of her wound. "I practiced a little with one of the training swords back home, but it was more.. Curvy on the top."

     She's not great at prioritizing. "She's way stronger than me, yeah. She doesn't even use a weapon, but she's so much stronger and prettier and cooler..." It's probably a good thing she's distracted by the topic of Momoyo, at least, since the pain would otherwise be a lot more irritating otherwise. "Is the Emerald Lady your...? Oh. Right, let's get to the medical place!"

     A confident punch in the air, a wince and clutch of her gut, and Kazuko starts heading towards Medical! She's pretty sure it was this way, at least...

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Stopping, Mairead moves over and helps Kazuko, "Here lass, let me help ye," she states and she is hurting, but when it comes ot a friend, pain is worth it. "Medical is not far, but I have been told that the wounds will heal quickly, but the area will be sore a day. But I really do not know." she adds as she walks with her to the Medical Bay.