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Yang vs. Kazuko!
Date of Scene: 29 January 2016
Location: Njorun Station - Ring of Philosophy
Synopsis: Kazuko Kawakami and Yang Xiao Long face off in the Ring of Philosophy! Also, milk, speed, and badly planned counterattacks.
Cast of Characters: Yang Xiao Long, 942

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     Two days in, and Kazuko's already challenging another Union member to a sparring match! Today's opponent: Yang Xiao Long of Beacon Academy! Will Kazuko's extended polearm range bring her victory today, or will Yang's fists of fury beat her opponent into the dirt?

     The not-actually-a-dog is hoping for the former of course, as she steps into the Ring of Philosophy, an excited grin on the girl's face. "Good to meetcha, Miss Yang! I hope this fight's gonna be a fun one." She keeps the naginata held over her shoulder carefully as she looks Yang over, then bows lightly like a good, respectful martial artist. "I heard about you being good at punching fire and stuff, so I wanna see that today."

     Once those pleasantries are exchanged, she settles into a more combat-ready stance with her naginata brandished and held in front of her. "I'm ready when you are!"

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang is stretching when Kazuko walks up and greets her. The blonde looks up, and straightens, pressing her right fist into her left palm, and bowing slightly in return to the other girl's bow. "Nice to finally see the face behind the name. You don't look like Momoyo though." she mentions, then shrugs a bit. "Fire and Energy, those are my go-to Dust types." she adds, before stepping back to about 5 meters distance.

    As the Blonde brings up her fists in a boxers stance, the two bracelets on her wrists unfold and transform into a pair of full fore-arm gauntlets, the orange cases with red tips clearly visible around where the bracelets sat on her wrists. She pumps both arms back, racking the slide mechanism along the gauntlet and chambering the first shell. "I'm ready, lets go!" she says, grinning in anticipation.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     "I'll get as tall and big as her one day, don't worry. I just gotta keep to my training and drinking enough milk first!" Kazuko sounds just as confident about that as anything else, but she doesn't waste too much time with banter. That can wait until after the fight, after all! With herself and Yang ready to fight, she observes the blonde's stance for a moment while also taking a look at her weapons.

     "Cool.. Okay, then. Show me what you got!" And with that, the match is under way! Kazuko dashes to the side first, trying to throw Yang off a bit before moving in with a quick thrust of her naginata right for the midsection! As always, she's starting with a fast, yet simple move at first, trying to gauge her opponent's abilities from her reaction.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang actually makes a bit of a face at Kazuko's comment about milk. "Just like /my/ little sister." she grouses a bit to herself. No time for that though, incoming! Yang's first reaction is to dodge, but that's probably what Kazuko's expecting, so instead, she goes for the counter!

    As that glaive comes lancing in, Yang shifts her feet, and brings a left hook around to knock the haft aside, the shell discharging into a pulse of kinetic power. This has a two-fold purpose. First, it's meant to knock the weapon aside and make it a glancing hit at worst, secondly, the recoil sends the blonde spinning like a top, ending as her leg lashes out, aiming for a mid-body blow with the added force from the spin.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     Yang's got a little sister? Interesting. Kazuko makes a mental note to challenge her to fight, too, as Yang parries her naginata with much more force than she had anticipated. The brunette's not exactly a strength fighter, after all, and the impact is enough to actually throw her off balance. She catches herself just in time to avoid taking the kick directly to the gut, although it still grazes by her side and forces her to retreat several steps just to get her bearings again.

     "Not bad! That was a close one..." She sounds strangely pleased as she says that, giving the naginata a brief spin before lunging in again. Although she's not nearly as strong as Yang, she can still try to use her reach and speed to keep the Beacon brawler at bay. Instead of going for another thrust, she aims a jab of the blunted polearm's blade at her, then brings it back and takes a broader swing at her legs!

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang is grinning, she's clearly enjoying a good brawl. The Beacon Brawler brings her arms up again after Kazuko backs off. "I'm still in training too, and your big sister's teaching me a few things too." she replies. She grunts a bit. Kazuko's fast. Not as fast as Ruby, but still faster than Yang can really react to properly. The jab brings her defense upwards, and the sweep takes her legs out from underneath her, sending her crashing to the ground.

    With a quick hop, though, the blonde is back up, backflipping onto her feet with a slight grunt, before she fires two shells backwards. They propel her forward and with a flurry of punches, Yang tries to lay right into Kazuko, kinetic blasts punctuating every punch.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     "Heh.. Sis is really learning a lot fighting here, too. So many strong fighters... I gotta make sure I don't fall behind!" Kazuko's grinning both inwardly and outwardly as Yang appears to be staying in her optimal range, although she does seem a little confused when Yang fires backwards instead of forwards. It all makes sense a little too late, though, with the fist-fighter closing the distance between them rapidly and catching the polearm-wielder off guard! She manages to dodge the first few punches, but several others still hit their mark and draw pained yelps from Kazuko each time.

     She's not ready to give in just yet, however, and although she can't quite use her naginata at this close of a range, she does have something else to use: Herself! Still trying to keep herself from getting nailed too many times, she aims a quick palm strike at Yang's face while aiming a kick at her legs in order to get some distance between them.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Oof. The strike to her face lands directly as she's leaning in for a heavy hook punch. A white flash from the impact ripples across the blonde girl's entire body briefly, before she's knocked back a few steps from the kick taking her supporting leg out, making her stagger.

    That doesn't seem to deter Yang though. In fact, she's grinning even more! And is that FIRE in her hair? "That was a nice warm up. Shall we start to dance for real?" she asks, then punches her fists together, causing a ripple of force to wash off of her body, flame licking at the ground, while her hair billows up from the wind force, but only for a moment.

    Yang then shifts her stance, and surges forward again, but this time without firing a shot. She's not as fast as with the recoil enhancement, but she's still really quick on her feet, and if Kazuko can sense Auras... Yang's just got a bit more potent. She fires a shot, not at Kazuko, but to the side, letting her skid around to come in from a different angle, aiming an axe-kick at the naginata wielder.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     "I thought you'd never ask. Let's do this, Yang!" Kazuko's getting fired up as well, letting her own aura out a bit to try and match Yang's. Although she can't sense her opponent's aura directly, she can certainly see the effects of it, and she's not about to let that get the best of her that easily.

     Kazuko starts spinning that naginata as Yang moves in at that odd angle, ducking a bit to give her legs a little more oomph to launch off the ground with. Instead of trying to maintain her distance, however, she actually flings herself right at Yang, aiming her own upwards kick right at the blonde's downward-aiming leg! It.. Doesn't quite work as well as she'd like however, since Kazuko really is not built for sheer power in her strikes. Even with her own ki augmenting her kick's speed and power, her leg is still forced downwards and forces her to one knee right in front of Yang. A moment of weakness!

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang has the advantage! She could finish this with a punch to the head to take the girl down for good!

    That isn't who Yang is though. Instead of a punch, a hand is offered, open palm. If this were a proper fight, life or death, she wouldn't have such qualms, but it's a friendly sparring match... and she isn't Momoyo.

    The blonde helps Kazuko back to her feet, then smirks. "Don't try to overpower me. It doesn't work." she chides gently, then takes a few steps back, before resuming her stance. A hand is shifted and the 'come at me' gesture produced.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     Breathing in sharply while nursing that leg wound, Kazuko braces herself for the worst before noticing that her face isn't becoming intimate with the floor. Looking up, she actually grins bashfully at the moment before taking Yang's hand to get up.

     "Y-yeah... I probably shoulda tried something else. But... If I didn't try, I wouldn't know for sure!" Grinning through the pain, she follows the brawler's cue to step back as well, trying to shake it off before... Kneeling?

     "Okay... No more messing around!" Undoing the bracers around her ankles and wrists, Kazuko tosses them aside with a surprisingly loud thud noise. With those training weights out of the way, she settles into a combat-ready stance and, with Yang's gesture, starts spinning her naginata at a breakneck pace as she approaches. She closest the distance at roughly the same speed as she did earlier even with the weights, heavily favoring the uninjured leg. If Yang can sense Kazuko's aura, she'd notice that she's using even more ki than before as she just charges in with that rapidly spinning polearm, almost looking like a solid circular mass with how fast it's going!

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang can see the aura flaring up, and shifts her stance, bracing for the coming strike. The brawler actually seems set to 'tank' the coming shot... she can't really be serious though, can she?

    If Kazuko remembered what happened with the palm strike, she'd probably realize what's happening, as Yang is planning on absorbing the kinetic energy of the attack.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     As Kazuko keeps closing in, she spots Yang's stance shift and... Doesn't appear to be changing her path at all. Is she going to just repeat what happened with the kick before?

"Kawakami Style.. Big Swing!"

     Sort of. Instead of using the spinning itself as her attack, she brings the naginata in suddenly and spins herself around once. Her hold on the polearm loosens briefly until she can get a firm hold on the very end of it, bringing it back around and swinging it at Yang's side not unlike a baseball bat!

Yang Xiao Long has posed:

    The Naginata is intercepted by a gauntlet, sending the ringing strike echoing across the Ring. The sheer force of the empowered strike /does/ send the blonde flying, doing a sidesault through the air, and landing with a roll.

    She recovers almost instantly, and another pair of shots send her back at Kazuko for a high speed straight punch with another blast of kinetic energy, aimed right for Kazuko's mid-section!

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     Recoiling a bit from the impact of her weapon against Yang's gauntlet, Kazuko winces slightly as she steps back on the injured foot. She'll have to end the fight quickly if she wants to stand a chance here, but Yang's high-speed punch comes too quickly for her to mount another attack. She jerks herself sideways to try and evade it, but enough the punch still connects with her mid-section to send her sprawling back to the ground with another painful cry.

     "Ngah..! It's.. N-not over yet!" Picking herself back up, the brunette's having some trouble actually standing as she leans on the polearm, somehow manaing to have kept a hold of it even after being sent flying. Her knees are shaky beneath her, but she still holds her free hand out in a beckoning gesture while grinning in excitement. "One more.. One more to finish this!"

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang straightens after that punch, eyes closed for a moment. She grins though, and as she opens those eyes, Kazuko might get a glimpse of Momoyo, as crimson hues stare at the girl.

    Yang's hair is blazing now, and with a shift of her feet, she blasts forward. Literally. Flame licks up her leg as she surges forwards in a... shoulder tackle..!?

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     Even in her wounded state, Kazuko's still looking just as excited as she did at the beginning of the fight. Breathing in slowly as she focuses her ki again, she taps the naginata against the ground before setting it down. If she's going to lose the match, she can at least try and match Yang once more!

     Holding one hand out in a more defensive stance, she watches the brawler's approach and braces herself for the imapct even as she leans back. At the last moment, she twists herself sideways before throwing herself forward in a shoulder tackle of her own, not expecting Yang to have done the same!

     A mere split-second after the collision, Kazuko is face-down and groaning in pain. From the looks of it, she's not getting up on her own any time soon.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:

    The Ring's AI announces, and with a blink, and a calming breath, Yang's back to her usual happy-go-lucky self. The Ring resets, and all battle damage and fatigue lifts, while Yang bodily rights Kazuko, hoisting her up and setting her on her feet. "That was a good match... but I feel you were holding back." she says, dusting the naginata-user off a bit.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     Blinking slowly as she's brought back onto her feet, Kazuko laughs lightly while rubbing her neck. "It was! No wonder sis told me to fight you... Eh? No, I took those off, remember?" She gestures at the training weights and leans into the dusting pats, a quiet pleased noise leaving her. "I usually keep them on, but I had to get rid of them just to keep up! Those punches of yours were really something else..."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang headtilts. "You didn't really seem to change though... But I guess that leg wound slowed you down." she concedes, blinking a bit at the leaning, but doesn't question it. Ruby acts like a puppy sometimes.

    Oh! Ruby! "Hey, you should try sparring my little sister sometime. Her name's Ruby and she's a speed fighter like you are. She uses a Scythe too."

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     "Eheh... Maybe. But I'll be stronger for next time, don't worry!" Even with that loss, Kazuko's still fired up! Yang bringing up her sister as a potential opponent only get her more excited. "Really? Great! If there's one thing I can't lose in, it's speed. Well.. Unless it's my sister. Or... Cri that one time."

     She actually sounds a little sore about that last part. "... But I got her back after that! Mm.. Yeah. Good fight, Yang~" And with that, she offers the blonde fist-fighter another respectful bow.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang snickers. "Ruby's entire thing is speed. It's even her Semblance." she replies, then returns the bow with another fist-to-palm in return. "You fought well, Kazuko. It was a pleasure."