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Quothe the Raven.
Date of Scene: 31 January 2016
Location: Remnant <REM>
Synopsis: Nasa offers her help in tracking down Yang's mother, so Yang takes the fae home to Patch, to get Raven's 'scent'.

Ruby was there too, and an impromptu exposition about Dust and Aura is given.

Cast of Characters: 367, Yang Xiao Long, 910

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Airship docks. Beacon Academy. 18:43 local time.

    It's early evening, but the sun has already set and a chill is in the rather soggy feeling air. Despite being atop a plateau, Beacon is still near the sea, and thus is subject to the constant feeling of dampness that entails. Yang is waiting, leaning against a barrier with a Bullhead sat idling on the nearby landing pad.

    The Pilot speaks over the loudspeaker. "Where's this 'friend' of yours? If I sit here much longer the landing gear's gonna weld to the platform." his voice holds a light, joking air to it, which makes the blonde smirk. "She'll turn up, just keep the engines warm, okay? What's the air situation between here and Patch?"

    "No Nevermore sightings, nothing /big/ anyway, few flocks of juveniles, but they don't bother anyone until they grow up. Should be a quiet ride."

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     Nasa's arrival is ... rather quick -- and she was flying on her own, wind circling around her as she followed a map that was blowing in her hands. "Okay, so... turn left here, and... airship docks." And then... she landed on the docks, her eyes begin to glow lightly as she begins to sweep the docks. She'd looked up a basic appearance for Yang in the Union database before she left, so finding Yang... well, wasn't hard. Among other reasons, because she was so incredibly yellow.

     A flutter of wings later, and Nasa has made her landing nearby Yang. "Hello~." Nasa says cheerfully, lifting a hand to wave towards Yang. As she wasn't expecting it to be a particularly combative day, she was wearing, well. A fluffy sweater. Also she was probably a good head or two shorter than Yang, being only four feet tall. "Is it safe to assume that we are to going on the airship to get to the place?" Nasa asks cheerfully, her gaze flitting around.

     She was curious, so taking this chance to take in what she could of Beacon before they left, luckily she was excellent at seeing in the night, and was able to see rather far away, so it was basically the perfect time for her. "Oh. It is nice to meet you by the way. I am Na`Sabal-Une Fang, Guardian of the Wilds and your bloodhound for the evening~." Nasa flashes a playful grin towards Yang. It wasn't intentional, but it also flashed a mouthful of sharp teeth, each one like a tiny dagger. But it wasn't threatening, and her eyes had a calm seriousness in spite of her playful manner.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang blinks a little, the aura sense that she's been learning from Momoyo indicating an approach before Nasa lands. "There she is now." And then the tiny creature lands near her. "It's not an airship, but it'll have enough range to get to Patch and back. The pilot's a friend of mine, he's also training here at Beacon, but provides a shuttle service to and from the city, or anywhere close by when he's not with his team." she explains.

    The pilot chimes in again. "Hey there, took your sweet time didn't ya?" he jibs playfully.

    "Don't mind him, he gives everyone grief." Yang rolls her eyes, then indicates as the side panel door opens up. "C'mon, I called ahead, Dad isn't home, but said I could let you 'sniff around'." she adds, walking on over and climbing into the passenger area.

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     "...Oh. It is not an airship? Interesting. This is an airship dock." Nasa shifts her gaze towards the Bullhead thoughtfully, eyes glowing briefly. She looks up towards the pilot quietly a few moments. "The map blew away once. I had to recapture it." Nasa says by way of explanation. Calm, almost emotionless. BUt not unfriendly. "A shuttle."

     Nasa turns her gaze towards Yang afterwards, giving a slow nod. "I see. That's a pity. Talking to him would possibly give clues as well, if he saw or heard anything." She muses thoughtfully.

     "Tell me about your mother while we fly to the island. Is she a warrior? Does she hunt? Or... did she? Was she a baker?" Nasa asks, beginning to make her way into the opening side panel. Once inside, she took a seat across from Yang as she waited for her to respond. Meanwhile, she seemed to be idly sniffing at the air to begin to work at memorizing Yang's scent while they talked. The daughter's scent would be a start even if she couldn't get the mother's direct scent. They had the same genes.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang leans back in her seat, as the door slides closed, and the aircraft spools up the engines on the tips of its wings. The whine of the turbines picking up to lift the craft overpowering all other sound for a moment or two, before it dies off and the sensation of motion takes over. "We'll be at Patch's landing pad in about an hour ladies. Thank you for choosing Nevermore Airlines."

    Yang rolls her eyes at that, then turns back to Nasa. "Mom's a Huntress, like Dad, and like I'm training to be. We're... I guess you could call us a mix of Warrior, Hunter and Lawbearer... Huntsment and Huntresses, once trained, are allowed free roam of Remnant with the purpose being that they provide aid and support wherever is needed most, regardless of Kingdom."

    The sniffing gets an odd look from the blonde brawler, but she just lets it slide as 'one of those Multiverse things'.

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     Sniff sniff. "Okay. Your scent is memorized." Nasa murmurs under her breath, giving a small nod to herself. "So she's a huntress who dropped off the radar, disappeared into obscurity." Nasa frowns slightly. She had a thought as to what likely happened, but decided not to say it, at least for now.

     "Then there is a chance she's hiding to protect you and your father, because she found a particularly dangerous hunt. One that's taken over ten years..." Nasa taps her fingers together thoughtfully, the tip of her ears twitching, musing over possibilities, options, and ideas for finding her. "If we can find the hunt she was on, we may be able to find her."

     Nasa's gaze shifts slightly, looking over Yang, memorizing her appearance. Likely they would share visual traits. "What clues do you have to go off of so far? Just what she used to do and that she moves a lot?"

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang nods in response to the question. "Dad didn't really tell me much... I've found clues and hints over the years, but... I've always been two or three steps behind her the entire time." The blonde shrugs a little.

    "I can show you the collection of clues too... I'm not holding out any hope we'll find her, I made little progress in the entire time I've been looking, and now she has entire other worlds to vanish into."

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     "Has he actively evaded any questions regarding her?" Nasa asks with a tilt of her head, her ears perked a bit. So far... things were pretty good. There were still clues that she's finding, two or three steps behind means that there's still footsteps to follow. "Your description of the case may be a bit out of date though. You have found clues, which means this case is not entirely cold." Nasa says quietly.

     "It is a challenge though. That is for sure. I'll take what clues I can get regarding this, I don't imagine that I will perform a miracle, but I can at least help find more clues." She gives a firm nod.

     "Now, for tools that will help me in my search. Tell me more about hunters and huntresses in your world. How do they operate? Do they use only mundane things, do they make use of magic or spell-like abilities?" Nasa asks softly. "I can feel at least some form of magic coming off of you, so I am assuming that you have something." Nasa murmurs, her eyes half-lidding as her gaze returns to Yang's eyes. It ALMOST looked lazy, but honestly she was just shading her eyes slightly from the lights in the cabin.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    "It's cold enough without making progress." grouses the teenager, arms folding under her bust. "He, doesn't like talking about it... especially not after Summer never came back from a hunt... Oh, Summer is my other mom... She's Ruby's biological mother. And she was like, super mom, baker of cookies, and slayer of giant monsters."

    She sighs a little. "I should take Ruby to go see her sometime. It's been a while." A shrug, and she shakes off the memories and plans. "Anyway... uh, Huntsmen and Huntresses all have three things in common. We all use a power called Aura. It protects us from harm by expressing the power of out soul outwards as a force. We all have a special ability that comes from training our Aura to high levels. Mine is Absorption, Ruby's is Speed, Blake can make copies of herself and Weiss has special Glyphs." she takes a breath, and continues. "Finally, we all use Dust in some way or other... I use special shotgun shells in my gauntlets, Weiss uses Dust directly with her weapon, some have it woven into their clothes..."

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     Another mom? Ugh. That might complicate things. There would be two female scents in the house, then. Luckily she had Yang to compare scents with. "Ruby. Your sister." Nasa says quietly, thoughtfully. "I am certain that she was an excellent mom regardless, though." Could she make Yang's father talk? Almost definitely, but probably not in a way she'd like to. Hmm. "Your father may be more willing to talk to me about her than you. Because I have no familial relation, and thus there is no worry of him losing me."

     Nasa rests the tip of her fingers together, leaning forward with her elbows on her knees thoughtfully. "Aura... I see. The power of your soul, so it's closer to chi than direct magic." Nasa says thoughtfully, "Does everyone have a unique Aura? Do we know anything about your mother's Aura?" Nasa asks softly, her gaze lifting towards Yang's gauntlets, sniffing at the air. "Dust... that must have been that odd smell I've been picking up since I got to this world, then." So people who had that odd smell would be good to pay attention to as well.

     "If everyone's Aura is unique, it might make it easier to find her by searching by Aura, as I imagine that your Aura will share similar traits to her, similar to how your smell and appearance will share similar traits. Likely still unique, but similar... mmm." She pauses, obviously trying to think of the proper word to use. "Undertones to the aura, perhaps?"

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    "As far as I know everyone has their own unique Semblance, so I'd assume the Aura is unique too." replies Yang. "I dunno about the smell thing, that's your department."

    The Bullhead finally starts deccelerating. "Ladies, we're about ten minutes out from Patch. Beginning landing sequence now."

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     "Hopefully not, because that's probably the easiest way to tell, if I can feel someone that feels similar to you." Nasa murmurs softly, crossing her arms over her chest thoughtfully. "You have similar genes, so your smell should be similar. It's subtle, but it should be there..." Though perfume was a pain in the butt for her.

     "Ten minutes. Okay, so we should be there in a blink of an eye." Nasa says softly, eyes sliding closed quietly. She almost looked like she was asleep, but her ears were perked attentively, turning towards any creak or groan of the ship, the whine of its engines, etc. "Why do you want to find your mother?" She finally asks.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    "I wanna know why she left me." comes the simple answer. "Why she abandoned me and my Dad." She sighs a bit. "I just... wanna know, y'know?"

    The Bullhead comes in to land, the landing gear whirring down into place before it settles in onto them, groaning and creaking subtly as the weight settles down. "Now arriving at Patch landing pad. Local temperature is 'Freaking cold' and weather is 'dark as an Ursa's backside'. Thank you for flying with Nevermore Airlines, we will be waiting for your return." the pilot provides, before popping the doors open. Indeed it's even darker here than it was on the airship landing. No natural light except for the dim illumination from the shattered moon above.

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     "So for information. Curiosity. And possibly to know your parents." Nasa says softly, her eyes cracking open just the tiniest amount, looking towards Yang's face. That sigh. "It must be lonely without her. And your other mother." She slowly stands up, eyes opening the rest of the way, just as the pilot begins to talk.

     By the time he's done, she's at the door. "I wonder if you're truly searching for her." Nasa murmurs softly, stepping out the door once it was open. "Ah... it's a pleasant night." Nasa comments. She was wearing a giant sweater. Of course the cold isn't bothering her. Among other reasons. "Is your home the only home on this island, or are there more?" Nasa asks, glancing back towards Yang.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang doesn't seem to feel the cold either, as she hops right out of the door once it's open. She fiddles with her Scroll and turns on the 'assist light'. "It's a small village, about five buildings... the Grimm here aren't all that dangerous, but we'd rather not build up a sizable population, just in case."

    Yang blinks a little back at the Fae. "What do you mean am I truly searching for her? Of course I am!"

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     "Five buildings. That should be easy then. Have many of the people who lived here lived here for long? Are any who have lived here your entire life still here, and before it?" Nasa asks as she begins to walk, her wings fluttering very slightly as she begins to hover just above the ground.

     "...I apologize, I was musing out loud. I was just wondering if you weren't looking for her so much as closure. To get you closure involves finding her, so ultimately they're one and the same." She murmurs thoughtfully. "Does your sister wish similar closure?" Nasa asks, her gaze flickering back towards Yang, her hand lifting to brush a stray bit of hair out of her face. "Perhaps I should make sure she is aware of anything I find as well."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    "Ruby... has nothing to do with this." she says softly, leading the way down the well worn path from the pad to the village. Lights glimmer in the windows of buildings, like little oases in the vast blackness. All around, the baleful eyes of Grimm can be felt, though they're alone, so dare not approach. Skulking shadows in amongst the trees.

    "There's old man Cray... he's been around longer than anyone else, but he's kinda not all there in the head, y'know?" she remarks, then points out the buildings as they approach. "That's Cray's place, the one next to it is Yellah's, she's a weaver by trade, makes some of the best clothes this side of Vytl." Next one along. "That house is kept empty as a 'waypoint' for huntsmen out on a mission, they can use it to rest up between here and the mainland, especially coming in late at night." The last two are a bit aways, but still within easy reach of the rest. "Those are where I grew up. The smaller one is more of a project house than anything. Dad spends a lot of time in there, working on stuff for his teaching courses... Ruby had a room for working on her weapon when she first joined up to Signal..." she grins. "You shoulda seen some of the prototypes, it was kinda cute watching her poke at ideas and iterate on them. Crescent Rose is probably one of the most advanced Gunscythes on the planet because she did so much to make it perfect."

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     the hairs on the back of her neck lift, Nasa's eyes flit towards those skulking shadows. Predators. Were they hungry? ... Or were they just... malicious? Hmm. Nasa's eyes linger on them silently for a while, before her gaze turns back forward. "Of course she has something to do with this. She is her mother, even if she is a mother that she does not know." Nasa responds softly.

     "Still, I will not push the point. That is not why I am here." Nasa adds as she continues forward towards the houses. Cray's place. And the weaver's. Empty house used as a waypoint for hunters. That would be good to check out later.

     "Project house, and then a larger main house." Nasa's gaze shifts towards Yang, listening to her talk about Ruby. That grin. Affectionate and close with her sister. Well, that was good. ... Why was she worrying about that? That was none of her business. "Scythes are interesting weapons. is it the farming implement, or the weaponized version used by actual armies?" Nasa asks curiously towards Yang. "The weaponized version is much more like a spear or glaive." Nasa adds as she continues forward.

     "Either way, it does sound like it would be interesting to see her work on it, though I'm unsure I'd want to see many demonstrations." She motions towards her ears as if to explain, her ears perked and twitching.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    "It's... a big crescent blade built to fold down around a high caliber sniper rifle." replies Yang, stepping up to, and opening the door to the main house. "Dad left Mom's stuff in the back, where he thought I wouldn't find it. It's a little cupboard behind the stairs." she says, turning on the lights, which flicker on and slowly grow in intensity, starting out dim and brightening slowly. "Want anything to eat while we're here? I can go check the fridge."

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     "So the farming implement." Nasa comments offhandedly. "Well, originally. Until it was remade to be more combat-capable." Nasa murmurs idly as she makes her way towards the door, stepping into it. Sniff sniff. Sniff sniff. Reflexively she was taking in the various scents. "Hm? Oh, sure, I suppose. Nothing too strong smelling though." Nasa says, making her way towards the stairs where Yang told her.

     She began to quietly open the door and reverently begin to check what was in there, eyes shifting slowly around, glancing for likely thigns first so that she wouldn't have to disturb any more than she had to. "Hopefully nothing has been too thoroughly cleaned." She mumbles.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Sometimes, it's just good to take a step back. Just...some me time. It's not that Beacon was particularly taxing by any stretch, but a nice mental day was good every now and again.

That and it provided a conveinent excuse to go and repair Crescent Rose.

From the back of the house, the two can hear the sound of heavy-duty metalwork, in particular, the sound of a saw hitting metal. It cut through the air like any similarly bladed object and seemed particularly out of place, all things considered. It lasts for a few seconds before a pause...and then followed by a second doseage of screaming metal.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang blinks, pausing at that all too familiar sound. She pulls some cooked meat, and some butter out of the fridge, then grabs some bread, quickly mocking together some sandwiches, which she dumps on a plate and carries off through the house.

    She first finds Nasa, offering one such sandwich, before making a gesture. "That's not normal... we're the only ones that have a metal working station..." she says. She's got an /idea/ who might be out there, but still, she heads out, and waits for a lull in the work before rapping on the door. "Oi!"

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     Twitch. Twitchtwitch. Noises in the background, heavy-duty metalwork. A distraction. Hmmm. Nasa's ears turn towards the sound. Hmm. Workshop was mentioned, so Nasa somewhat sets the thought aside for the moment as she finds something or other to begin to smell and take in the scent, probably some old clothing or something, since it was the most likely to hold her scent.

     When Yang walks up, Nasa tilts her gaze towards her. She sets down what she had, reaching to take the sandwich, carefully closing the cupboard. "I probably have her scent." Nasa comments idly, beginning to nibble on her sandwich and follow after Yang to investigate who was there with her.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose is in the zone. The girl had been here for what felt like only a few minutes, but in reality had been a few hours. From undernath the door, the occaisional shimmer of orange could be seen as sparks dance across the stone floor. It'd take a few moments before the work would stop, but eventually, footsteps draw near the workshop door and it opens from the otherside, with a familiar voice speaking from the other side.

"Hey dad, I didn't know you were..."

Ruby opens the door and looks at Yang in complete surprise and even in more surprise when she notes who's with her. "..back? Yang? What are you doing here?"

Unlike her usual attire, Ruby's wearing something far more practical today. A white shirt and a pair of jeans, though over the top of both of them is a thick leather apron and her head has a pair of recently-used goggles. Thick gloves cover her hands that seem to fit her rather well, as opposed to their size when she got them many years ago. On the table behind her, Crescent Rose seems to be in it's scythe formation, though a few pipes and rods lay next to it.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang freezes for a moment. Ruby doesn't know about Yang's little obsession. "Uh... I was... showing someone around." she says, glancing at Nasa before offering out the plate... nearly throwing it in Ruby's face with the speed of the motion. "Sandwich?"

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     Nasa lifts her hand towards Ruby Rose, wiggling her fingers towards her. "Hello hello~. She brought me here to check out a few things for her." Nasa says cheerfully, her gaze shifting towards Yang briefly. Her gaze returns towards Ruby, flashing a grin. It wasn't an aggressive grin, though it might be slightly unnerving due to the fact it was a mouth full of sharp teeth.

     "I am guessing that you are Ruby, the sister. It is nice to meet you, I am Na`Sabal-Une Fang, guardian of the Wilds and a member of Heaven or Hell." She says, dipping into a half-bow. After she straightens up, she lifts the sandwich given to her by Yang to take another bite, idly chewing. Mmm. Sammich.

     Nasa glances towards Yang at that freezing and awkward response. "...You are not very good at secrets, are you." Nasa comments, her head tilting curiously. "...Anyway. I was a little curious about some things. our aura-chi-stuff, the ... uhm... shotgun shells full of ... dust? That sounds really weird to say out loud."

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Then it's a good thing that Ruby is almost as bad at detecting it! She gives Yang somewhat of an odd look for her statement, but before her brain could linger any further on it, the new..purple..lady gets her attention. For someone who trains to fight crazy shadow monsters, nearly all of whom have gnashing sharp teeth, the razors planted within Sabal's mouth were still a little crazy to watch. All the same, Ruby passes her a polite wave.

"Yep! That's me, Ruby Rose. I haven't been out in the Multiverse too much but you look really..uh...different. The wings look pretty awesome though."

She steps backwards a few steps to let them into the workshop, but not before she ungloves a hand and grabs the sandwhich. "Yeah, I'll take one. I was getting kind of hungry anyway...what time is it?"

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang clears her throat, and takes the last sandwich from the plate, munching a bite as she steps into the workshop. "You didn't tell me you'd be coming home." she says, deflecting the issue even more. "It's uh..." she sets the empty plate on an unused surface. She reaches into a pocket and pulls out her Scroll. "Wow, it's nearly ten."

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     A polite wave. Woo, she wasn't afraid of her or anything like that! ... Not that Nasa was particularly worried about that. Mostly she was worried about being targetted by that sniper-scythe-thing. Sure, she was sure she could survive it, but it would suck either way. Especially since she was only wearing her fluffy sweater today.

     "Oh, yeah. I'm uh. Half-faerie half-drow and ... I dunno, some sort of avatar of nature or something like that?" Nasa gives a helpless shrug. "Mostly I just garden though. And help friends. Tend to baby faeries... you know. Normal things." Nasa says cheerfully. Normal for HER maybe.

     "It's a pretty nice night so far. This land is nice, not polluted too much by excess light, so the moonlight and stars illuminate the sky nicer than a lot of places." Nasa comments idly, her wings fluttering a bit as she idly begins to sniff at Rose. "Ruby Rose. Two colors for red. ...Your parents must have really liked red." She comments idly. She didn't SMELL like a rose, so likely rose wasn't as in the flower. Probably. "So. ...What sort of maintenance were you doing on your weapon? Basic repairs, or upgrades, or...?"

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
That...might explain why she was hungry and she hadn't noticed as to why. She takes a few bites of the sandwhich before relegating it to a hand. "That explains it. I swear the hours just fly by while I'm in here...heh."

She looks towards Sabal and nods with a somewhat understanding smile. There was quite a bit of that she couldn't really comprehend, but she seemed friendly enough. Her sister trusted her, so why shouldn't she? Ruby gestures towards her weapon when it's mentioned, shrugging over towards the Pit Faerie.

"Well, Ruby's my name and the last name kind of came from my mom. So it kind of rolls off of the tongue, you know? As far as what I'm doing...Eh.."

She picks up her scythe and with a handy dandy screw driver, pries off a few heavy duty bolts and slides the blade out from it. She holds up a brand new looking scythe blade, it looking razor sharp and gleaming in the light....and might explain the noise they heard earlier.

"Maintainance. Sooo..." She turns back towards the faerie with a pleasant expression. "...I heard you have some questions about Aura and Dust...right?"

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang looks between the pair, then ohs, setting her sandwich down on the plate before piping up. "Don't need to do anything now, but... could I getchya to take a look at Ember Celica sometime? You're better at modifying things than I am... I have a few ideas, but kinda wanna touch base with you before I try anything." She then falls silent, letting her sister be distracted by the shiny--- uh, by Nasa.

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     Well, Nasa was occasionally shiny. Mostly she was just being a purple faerie of doom and destruction and... well, really she was just kind of hanging out. She'd gotten the smells she needed to memorized, and now she just needed to ask a few people some questions. Like the Crazy guy named Cray. "I see... it does flow off the tongue pretty well, yes! At least, for the surfacer language." Nasa says, giving a small nod.

     "Sounded like some rather heavy damage to repair and maintain." Nasa says, watching as Ruby pulls out the scythe blade. "Or just... very extreme sharpening methods?" Nasa shrugs helplessly. "Anyway! Hum. ... Why don't you show me both? That'd probably be the easiest way. Though, uhm. Preferably not in the firing shotgun shells of them way." She says, motioning towards her ears. "I don't do well with guns."

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose looks over towards Yang and tilts her head a little bit at her. "Uh...sure, I can take a look at it but Ember Celica is kind of perfect for you and pretty low maintainance. What kinds of things were you thinking of adding to it?"

Nasa gets her attention next, the red girl sliding the new blade into place and then taking the time out to lean down and eyeball the position of the blade. With a solid little *KA-THUNK* the scytheblade locks into place and Ruby starts re-screwing in those heavy bolts with that same handy dandy screwdriver.

"The Crescent Rose is a High Caliber Sniper Scythe, or HCSS for short. One of the things you need to be careful of when using them is making sure you don't dull the blade. I keep it nice and sharp at school, but if I need to replace the blade, I'll come here. Kind of a home away from home but still outside of home for me. But..uhm..you want to see the Crescent Rose in action?"

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     Low maintenance, perfect for Yang. Sounds like a good weapon. She mentioned gloves. Nasa's gaze shifts towards Yang's hands briefly, but it was only for a split second before her gaze was back on Ruby, watching as she screws the scytheblade into place. Hmm. "Sharpening, oiling, and replacing blades... I can see it being necessary to keep it sharp, scythes are a difficult weapon to use to begin with, especially if you're using it efficiently. At least that type."

     Nasa idly reaches under the edge of her fluffy sweater, lifting it a bit so that she could grab a pouch from her waist, opening it up she began to root around in it, her hand seeming to go... further inside of it than it looks like should be able to. She eventually withdrew her hands again, pulling out a pair of somewhat oversized-looking earplugs, which she calmly slides into her ears.

     After they were in, she flashes a thumbs up. "Sure, seeing it in action would be okay~." She says cheerfully. "I already checked the thing I came here to check, and the rest doesn't have to be done immediately. I need to talk with your dad eventually anyway." She adds cheerfully. "Nothing too much to worry about though. Just information that might be useful. So something to pass the time sounds good to me."

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose does a few more checks on her weapon, sliding out a few of the pins before reinserting them with some of the newer ones. And just like that, Crescent Rose is fully assembled once again. She picks up the weapon and spins it once, transforming it back into it's smallest storage form and cradling it since the sheath she typically carried on her back was not present. She gestures towards the back door and exits it, leaving it open for Nasa.

"Well, it's a really hard weapon to use, this kind more so, but if you practice with it, you'd really be surprised by how much dmaage it can do. And you wanted to see what dust was, right? I'm kinda surprised Yang didn't mention it."

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     "She mentioned it was something in shotgun shells on her weapon. But mentioning isn't the same as seeing." Nasa says, watching intently as she performs the final checks, beginning to follow after Ruby as she walks out of the back door. Once she was through the door, she closed it semi-reflexively, partially out of politeness.

     "I use a much simpler weapon, the short sword. Though mine are specifically Kukri, which is halfway between a short sword and an axe." Nasa murmurs quietly. "It also does not involve shotgun shells." She adds afterwards. Though it did use other things! She rests her hands behind her head quietly as she walks, humming idly under her breath as she follows after Ruby. "I was asking about more general hunter and huntress things, so the mention of Dust and Aura were both somewhat in passing."

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
The backyard of the modest home was pretty basic. Just like the rest of Patch, it appeared to be forested past a certain point, but there wasn't much back here that helped it to stand out. There was an old playset that was back there that had definitely seen some better days and a few old patio chairs that seemed a little more in use, but that was about it. Ruby spins her weapon back out into it's Scythe form and slams the blade into the earth, anchoring it.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with the classics. I can use a blade if I have to, but I much prefer my own. But anywho...Aura and Dust. How about a more practical demonstration? So...you have the Crescent Rose here. It's a scythe and a gun. But it fires bullets like this.."

She aims the sniper rifle towardsone of the trees in the background. She points towards it and after a moment's worth of aim, she fires it, the bullet flying off at an insanely high speed to slam into the tree, peircing it and then disappearing into the dense woodlands. Surprisingly, the gun didn't seem terribly loud.

"But..if we had some Dust..." She reaches inside of her jeans and pulls out a slightly blue glowing bullet. She chambers it and takes up aim again before firing. The bullet is sheathed in light blue energy as it flies off at the same speed, slamming into that tree and, upon impact, freezes the entire lower half of it, encasing it in ice.

"That's the power of Dust."

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     It was a backyard. Humble, but a backyard. Also with a forest bordering it, so really Nasa considered it a GOOD backyard, but that was ultimately beside the point. She just followed quietly for now, until Ruby anchors the scythe into the earth. Her gaze shifts down to it, before lifting back up towards Ruby.

     "It is not entirely "classic", but I suppose it is a close enough description of them." Nasa murmurs softly, reaching under her sweater to pull the twin kukri out of their hidden sheathes underneath, the two oversized machetes held loosely in her hand. They weren't ENTIRELY classic, as they seemed to be perforated in several different places, and there were buttons on the sheathes. And they seemed to glow lightly in the night.

     "...Not nearly as 'advanced' as your weapons, of course." Nasa says, lifting the paired Kukri for Red to see. And then.. came the demonstration. The tree was aimed at, and the sniper rifle was fired. Nasa winced lightly, a hand shifting, finger lifting off of the hilt of one of her Kukri. It glowed lightly with a green light... and she 'fired' it at the tree, following the bullet's path. The tree(s) hit would begin to heal rapidly, as her hands slowly lower, and the first tree's ice would defrost slowly. "I see, so they are basically a magical component. The dust activates the elemental magic and repairs it." Nasa says, spinning her Kukri and sliding them back behind her into their sheathes. "It seems useful. And the Aura thing?"

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose wasn't sure what to make of the magic that seemed to repair and defrost the trees in front of her but it seemed to at least be as powerful as the dust bullet she had with her. Ruby does seem impressed as the tree defrosts itself. "Nature magic? That's probably really uh..handy. And dual wielder huh? I've never been great at it. It's hard enough to keep track of one weapon, let alone two. But if you can control two of them, that's really great. And as far as demonstrating Aura...well...uhm.."

She ponders for a moment before eventually settling on an idea. She uproots Crescent Rose and spins it around herself with the practiced ease of a master, wrapping it around her torso a few times before firing off a shot and letting the recoil carry it away and out of her hands. The scythe flies into the air vertically, spinning length-wise rapidly. It rises a few dozen feet before plummeting, the spinning weapon coming down blade first towards Ruby. Just before it looked to cleave the girl in half, she raises her hand towards the blade and catches it...telekinetically? A mere inch or so before impact, a small bit of white light, almost like a barrier, seems to catch the point of the weapon and held it at bay. With an extra push of her arm, she shoves the blade up in a small jump, spinning it backwards. It comes back down and to a comfortable height and the girl catches it, spinning it expertly again before sliding the blade into the ground, letting the curled top of the blade rest against the ground.

"And that's Aura."

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     "As I said. I am a guardian of nature." Nasa says in response to the question of Nature Magic. "She lends me some of her power." Nasa murmurs softly, giving a small nod towards her. "I was originally a rogue before I escaped the Underdark. Dual daggers, sneaky, etcetera. These were family heirlooms though, so I use them." Nasa murmurs, motioning towards her weapons.

     She tilts her head as she speaks of demonstrating Aura, watching her as she throws her scythe up into the air and .... lets it fall back down towards her. Nasa simply watched, assuming that Ruby knew what she was doing. And... yep. She demonstrated Aura. "So... it isn't entirely unlike a form of shielding." Nasa murmurs thoughtfully. "When your sister mentioned names, I figured it to be closer to a form of magic." Nasa taps her lip thoughtfully. "I'm sure that it's more than just shielding of course... hmm." She steps closer to Ruby, beginning to step around her thoughtfully.

     Nasa would do a quick little circle, before stopping in front of Ruby. "I think it's definitely close to "Chi" even if it isn't magic though. I can smell it on you, and it smells at least somewhat like magic to me..." Nasa murmurs thoughtfully, before a-heming. "Since you showed me something neat, I suppose I can show you something neat." Nasa lifts her left hand, which begins to flicker to life with a vibrant green-purple glow, motes of energy dancing around her hand. "This. Is the hand of Growth. It does, well. Roughly what you would expect it to." Nasa murmurs softly, her right hand fishing into her pouch for a seed, which she gently pushes into the top soil, before resting her Hand of Growth upon it. The purple-green energy pressed into the seed and it rapidly, well. Grew. Into a rather brilliant -- and somewhat obviously magical from the way it was glowing and giving off motes of light -- purple flower. "It can do more than this, but is ... taxing to do some of its other uses."

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose takes a step back when the flower seems to sprout out of the ground at an accelerated speed, fliping her scythe back down into it's smallest storage size. She seemed...mesmerized. These were the sorts of powers one only read about in faerie tales...although considering present company...

'You'd better start believing in Faerie Tales Miss Rose, Because you're in one.'

..Something like that anyway. She looks back towards the woman and gasps at her, shaking her head a little bit. "That's just...whoa...n-no way. I've heard stories and stuff like that but...someone really being able to control nature? That sounds so cool! And you can fly? I bet there's no forest you don't know your way around huh?"

Ruby clears her throat and calms down a little bit, letting the amazingly magical flower sit there for a bit. "Uh...and I don't know, it's a little like Chi I guess? It's not all lasting though. It can run out and if it does...well then...injuries can happen. You should try to end whatever fight you are doing before it gets too low..and if you train with strengthening it enough, you can get a Semblance. It's kinda like a unique ability and nearly everyone's is different."

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     Considering there was literally a faerie standing right in front of her... yep, she was definitely in one! Nasa looked towards her mesmerized state at the sight of the girl's response, watching as she took a step back and shook her head.

     Surprised, a bit in awe. It was kind of nice going to a world with little in the direct way of her style of magic. She smiles towards her with a small nod. "Yes, I can fly. And... I wouldn't say that there's no forest. The multiverse is a vast place. I can figure my way around any forest rapidly because I can commune with it, and I am basically a part of a forest as well... but it would be a lie to outright say I know my way around /every/ forest." Nasa says softly, chuckling softly.

     "So it can be exhausted, like most forms of energy, mana, chi, ki... and whatever you call it. Hmm. But much more limited use." Nasa muses a bit, tapping her lips as she looks at Ruby Rose quietly, her eyes beginning to glow lightly as she thought, and looked at Ruby Rose. "It sounds like inherent magic to me, though ... different, of course. Calling it magic is probably wrong, it's just the closest thing to what I'm personally familiar with, like how my nature magic is closest to your Dust." Nasa murmurs softly.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose shakes her head quite a few times at that. "Uhm...there's no element of Dust that's going to let you...uh..heal trees. It's used in alot of stuff, from firearms, to energy sources and even in clothes sometimes...but not that. I get the feeling that Remnant is going to need alot of people like you to heal it if we ever fix the Grimm problem."

Ruby stifles a small yawn before looking up at the shattered moon, realizing now just how late it was. "...But listen, if you want to like, hang out or something, I think we've got an extra room around here but I should probably get back to work and finish up my maintainance checks before I go to sleep."

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     "Healing a world is no small feat for anyone, especially if the world is poisoned by more than just itself." Nasa murmurs softly, her ears twitching. "You have power, which means that those who do not deserve power also have power, those that would misuse it." Nasa frowns softly. "That is a poison that even a guardian of the wilds cannot heal easily." She shifts her hands slowly, "But that is why hunters and huntresses are here, yes?" She flashes a grin towards Ruby.

     "Oh, that would be excellent, and then perhaps I can talk to your father tomorrow, or possibly some other people in the little town here." Nasa says cheerfully, giving a quick nod. "I'll help around the house if you need it as well, it may not seem like it, but I can get into all sorts of places for cleaning, and gardening and such~. Regardless... I'll let you get to your maintenance checks. I can probably find the room... or if I can't, I am as at home in the forest as anywhere else. And any Grimm that come after me will find that they will likely not enjoy that Hunt."

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose blinks a moment, just before she turns in towards the house, catching the comment about her father again. She looks quite confused at her. "You are looking for my Dad? Why do you need to speak with him? Are you one of his friends or something?"

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     "Information. Your sister is asking me to help her find something, and I think he might have information on it." Nasa says softly, smiling towards Ruby Rose. "It is nothing bad or much for you to worry about, just some things that an outsider might get him to talk on, while he might be hesitant to talk to family about. It may have something to do with his birthday or something. You know how dads are about presents." She says, idly making a note to ask him about what he would like for his birthday so that was less of a lie in the misdirection. It might be possible to see a twinge as Nasa said that, too. As if that "lie" actually hurt to say.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose stares at her for a long moment, somewhat suspicious of this newcomer. Although it wasn't directly out of annoyance, it was based on worry. Dad went through a couple of phases following the her mother's death, but he seemed pretty open with Ruby about it. What did this stranger want with her father and Yang? It was a weird idea to think about. In that same millisecond though, the lady seemed nice enough. And she was more than believing in putting her best foot forward when it came to greeting off-world people. And her sister seemed to be a good judge of character. Maybe it was just something like that.

She shrugs at that and nods. "That kind of makes sense I guess. But just head upstairs and take the first left you see. That's a guest room."

Na`Sabal-Une Fang (367) has posed:
     Nasa smiles warmly towards Ruby Rose as she bows her head towards her. "I hope your maintenance goes well, and you have good dreams. I will watch over the house while you sleep." She murmurs softly, making her way upstairs to the guest room to contemplate on what she's learned today. Also work at memorizing more smells of the house. You never know when a stray smell might help find someone...