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Latest revision as of 03:15, 8 February 2016

Seriously, Lute vs. Kazuko!
Date of Scene: 07 February 2016
Location: Pokemon World
Synopsis: Eastern Deva Lute versus challenger Kazuko! Pokemon versus dog! Ice cream versus fists! Also, wrong places and times.
Cast of Characters: 188, 942

Lute (188) has posed:
     Orre is considered one of the least pleasant places within the Pokemon World. It is a mostly desert region, with only a few cities really fit for people. There is so little prosperity here, that crime is rampant. The Under is notable for being the home for most of this crime. Built in an old mine shaft under Pyrite Town, it is a massive series of caves housing an entire city. Almost everyone within the city is a criminal of some sort, or otherwise a participant in illegal activities.

     The centerpiece of the city is the Under Colosseum, a massive battle arena. It is incredibly large, so that even a full team of six wailord could sit within it comfortably. The ceiling is set high, a mess of wires and mining lights hanging from it. A large fan is upon the ceiling as well, for ventilation. Large metal frames from the previous mining operations are still present. There are a number of metallic bleachers set up throughout the sides of the arena, with no barricades to prevent stray blasts from hitting the spectators.

     Lute is currently within the room already, standing tall. He had considered using Mr. Crabs against Kazuko. But, he will save him as a surprise for Momoyo. This arena is /barely/ big enough to hold the massive beast. But, Lute has a strategy for that. A strategy he'll save for Momoyo. None of his Pokemon are out at the moment, still hidden within his Pokeballs. To his right, his metallic I-Class Destroyer, Imima, floats. The purple bow is on her head, as always.

     Lute crosses his arms, his labcoat blowing behind him. He stands still, waiting, watching the other side of the arena. The battle will begin soon enough. But, excitement is already filling him.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     Is Kazuko ready for this? Maybe not. She's still a little shaken from the past few days, but sitting around moping all the time isn't going to help her move past those troubling times! No, she just needs to keep going, training her body, and... And...

     ... Well, maybe she'll figure it out as she goes. That's all she can really do, right? Besides, at least she's seeing plenty of new things. All sorts of weird creatures, shady people trading money for tiny balls, and an underground combat arena with some guy in a labcoat next to a big floating... Toenail clipper?

     Imima's definitely drawn the martial artist's attention more than anything else as she approaches her with a curious look in her eyes, a naginata held against the ground and braced against her shoulder while she looks the destroyer over with no regards for personal space. "Oooh... That's so cool! What is it, mister?"

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute looks over Kazuko. He's only barely familiar with Momoyo's world. Honestly, he wouldn't have gotten involved if not for Yari's own involvement in this world. He sighs a little, taking a moment to look over Kazuko. She seems a bit less confident than Momoyo, or at least, a bit more unsure of herself. Perhaps the Multiverse has been a cultureshock? Who knows.

     He speaks, calmly, in repsonse to the question. "It is Imima. An I-Class Destroyer. Your sister had declared that all combat styles are permitted. My style is one that focuses on the use of various Monsters. To triumph against me, you will need to overcome my forces."

     He reaches to his belt, pulling up a Pokeball. He clicks it open. From it, a brown T-rex like creature appears, standing tall in front of Lute. It tilts its head back, letting out a loud roar. A Tyrantrum. Lute flips back his hair, before sliding his hands into his pocket.

     "Go ahead. Take your best shot."

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     "Cool... It's so cute~!" Kazuko hasn't forgotten about her fight with Lute, but how could she ignore something so ugly and cute at the same time? "Like one of those dogs with the old people faces... Eh? You know my...?"

     Wait. This is Lute, isn't it? Straightening up, Kazuko takes a few steps back before bowing to him with the sort of dignity that would be expected from a martial artist. "My name is Kazuko Kawakami! Thank you for accepting my challenge, Mister Lute."

     Monster fighting. It's not what she was expecting, but the Multiverse is full of all sorts of strange things. Why wouldn't there be a monster user among the Big Four? "I understand. Don't worry, this isn't sharp, so there shouldn't be any risk of..."

     And the she's face to face with a dinosaur towering over her. "... Dying." Staring at the Tyrantrum for what may very well feel like a full minute, Mazuko takes another breath to steady herself before grasping her naginata firmly.

     "Alright... Let's begin, then!" Brandishing the naginata with a brief spin, Kazuko doesn't take a direct path towards the t-rex Pokemon. Instead, she darts around it to try and get around to it's side first, waiting until she's in close enough before swinging the (blunted) weapon at its leg! It's a fast strike rather than a powerful one, but it's the only way to gauge its capabilities before fully committing.

Lute (188) has posed:
     The swinging of the naginata comes in against the leg of the T-rex like Pokemon. It's thick legs make a great target, and it roars out in anger in response. It launches its attack right back, immediately. Lute doesn't even have to give it any instructions. It's not always a desired trait in a Pokemon. Many trainers want their Pokemon only attacking on the Trainer's orders. But Lute's adventures have lead him to know most will try to attack him. His Pokemon need to be somewhat independent.

     Though the naginata gives Kazuko some range, the Tyrantrum is still large enough that it can fight against that range. It leans forward, its tail sticking out behind it. With a few heavy footsteps, it swings its tail around to try and strike into Kazuko. A burst of energy surrounds its tail as it swings it, a fair amount of power within it. Like most of Lute's Pokemon, Tyrantrum is on Lute's team for one reason: It's intense strength.

     Lute himself remains surprisingly quiet throughout. He's not going to banter. He is trying to keep up a strong face. After all, with the incident the other day, he wants to make sure he doesn't do anything to piss these people off more. He does give one non-verbal communication, though. He glances down towards his I-Class Destroyer, giving her a knowing look. Imima then locks her eyes upon Kazuko, preparing to fire. Waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     Kazuko actually flinches a little when the Tyrantrum roars in response to her first attack, her sensitive hearing working against her somewhat. The absurdity of the whole situation isn't lost on her, of course, but she's a little too busy actually trying to fight against the Pokemon to pay attention to details like that.

     What catches her even more off guard, however, is how fast it's able to move despite its size. Its strength certainly isn't something to discount, either, and she grits her teeth as just getting hit by the tip of the tail is enough to send her staggering back away from the t-rex. "Wah... He's strong! And you've got others like this...?"

     Kazuko smirks and adjusts her hold on polearm. "Good. This'll be a fun fight, then!" Charging forward again, the martial artist plants her weapon against the ground before flinging herself forward legs-first, aiming a quick flurry of kicks at the Tyrantrum with both legs in tandem!

     She's wearing shorts under her uniform, of course.

Lute (188) has posed:
     The rapid strikes push the Tyrantrum back, forcing it to stumble. It does its best to remain on the defensive, using its strength to hold back against the attacks. It growls a little bit, eyes focused on Kazuko. But, with its movements and motions? It's trying to reposition her, trying to line her up for the next attack.

     An attack that comes as Lute points a finger forward. He says nothing, hoping that Kazuko won't notice his signal. Imima spots the signal, of course. She was waiting for it. Her mouth opens, a cannon-barrel firing out. A shell blasts forward, flying straight towards the young girl.

     Lute will, for the moment, hide his dissapointment in her choice of what to wear under the skirt. But he speaks, smirking a little, "Of course I have more than this. I carry six Pokemon with me at a time. Sometimes more Pokemon. Sometimes extra monsters. I am ready for /any/ situation. And, there is nothing you can do to stand against me."

     He reaches for his belt, pulling out another Pokeball. He opens it up, tossing it into the air as he does so. Another being appears. This one is... A bit unusual. It's not a standard member of Lute's team. He doesn't want to use his full standard team in a situation where Momoyo might be watching. He doesn't want her preparing for it.

     Instead, his Vanilluxe sits next to him, both faces smiling, as it stands as an affront to everything about natural selection and Darwinian Evolution by being a living ice cream cone.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     Kazuko takes the bait easily, shifting from foot to foot as she keep kicking at the Tyrantrum and taking its movements as a sign that she's doing something right. As she's readying herself for big roundhouse, however, Imima's attack comes and strikes her square in the side, drawing a painful cry from the girl as she tumbles along the arena floor.

     "Guh...! S-six? Then..." She coughs out some blood and wipes her mouth off, her eyes darting from t-rex to destroyer several times. "Four more... Of course you'd need six of them, then. But I won't lose that easi..!"

     Her retort is cut off by the appearance of the Vanilluxe, the sentient ice cream cone getting a long and bewildered stare. How is she even supposed to fight that? Shaking her head, Kazuko starts breathing in steadily as she channels her ki, a faint yellow aura surrounding her limbs and where she's gripping her weapon.

     "... Okay. Let's see if this'll do it, then!" Shifting targets from the more intimidating Tyrantrum to the cutie-cle clipper, she zips around again to try and throw both of them off before leaping towards Imima, bringing her naginata's blade down at her... Face? It sorta looks like a face.

Lute (188) has posed:
     The ice cream cone Pokemon is struck into, the blade catching into it. Thankfully, being made of ice cream? The blade slows down. Even if it were sharp, it would have been able to take some of the damage. It just stares at Kazuko, that goofy look remaining locked on its face. It's not the most powerful of Lute's Pokemon, but it still has a number of useful moves to use in a situation like this. It does, however, require orders.


     And it is at this point that the ice cream atop of Vanilluxe starts to pour down onto Kazuko, trying to impact her hard while partially burying her within it.

     "Don't think it's cheap that I have so many pets, either. Yes. Six or seven on one. But. Do you know how much effort it takes to train and raise all of these? More difficult than any martial art."

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     Kazuko isn't quite sure what's worse: The fact that she's fighting a living ice cream cone, or that she's getting /beaten/ by a living ice cream cone. Although it's not quite as painful as getting shot by the Destroyer, the sheer cold brought on by all the ice cream burying her does slow her down considerably, and she's coughing and shivering violently by the time she pulls herself out of that mess.

     "Kkh... It just caught me off guard, but... C-complaining about that sort of thing is Cri's job. But don't you..."

     She staggers slightly while bracing herself against the naginata, more ki pouring into her fists as her anger becomes more visible in her eyes and her voice.

     "D.. Don't you /dare/ insult martial artists like that!" Stepping past that pile of ice cream she just dug herself out of, Kazuko breaks into a run and starts charging for.. Lute? Well, if she can't take down the Minions, she can try to take down the mastermind! She drops into a slide in her approach, then aims a powerful punch at Lute's gut from that grounded position.

     "Kawakami Style: Sasori-uchi!"

Lute (188) has posed:
     With the punch coming in, Lute goes into a defensive pose. He seems to know just enough of the basics of martial arts to prepare to block, an arm lifting and getting ready to swing at the incoming arm. But, as he strikes at the incoming punch, it does little. All it does is throw off the hit so it is a bit less direct. He slides along the ground before falling onto his rear. He looks up, smiling still. The abs on his stomach now have a bruise on them.

     "...Hey, not insulting Martial Arts. I'm just saying. I do six times the work to teach six Pokemon their own combat styles. But. If you take offense? Welp."

     "Ice Beam. Ancient Power. Torpedo."

     The three monsters act in unison. First, the Ice Beam. It flies forward, trying to strike and freeze at Kazuko's feet. Then, several large stones appear from Tyrantrum's body, trying to fly through the air and smash into her. And, finally, a single torpedo. It shoots forward from Imima, flying through the air, trying to explode at Kazuko.

     Lute just sits down, shifting a bit so that his legs are crossed. He's still on guard, some tricks up his sleeves should Kazuko try to attack him directly again.

     "...Besides, I wouldn't wanna insult martial artists. Because, you know. You're a martial artist, and you're pretty damn cute."

     Another attack on him is probably inevitable.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     "That's... Better, then. But that just means you're splitting the work six ways instead of focusing it on one. That.. That's what martial arts is about!" Somewhat satisfied that her blow landed more cleanly than the others, Kazuko springs to her feet before preparing for the next attacks.

     Three of them this time. It's easier to know what's going to come her way when Lute calls those attacks ahead of time, and she's even able to guess where they're going to come from on appearances alone. She narrowly avoids the Ice Beam freezing her arm solid as she twists around to let it pass by her, and she avoids the worst of the rocks sent her way, forced to defend her head and stomach with her arms at the last moment. The torpedo still explodes too close for comfort, however, and Kazuko goes tumbling. Again.

     "N... Not that I'm saying you didn't work hard, though. Hard work is... That's how I got where I am now!" Even if it's not good enough. Pushing that thought aside, she narrows her eyes at Lute for a moment before raising an eyebrow in confusion. "Eh? Are you... Hitting on me? This isn't the time or place for that!"

     Yep, it's inevitable. Still focusing on Lute, Kazuko leaps towards him this time, but doesn't attack on the way down. Instead, she waits until she's landed with the blunted blade behind her before lashing forward with a loud kiai and snapping motion.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute lifts his hands up, holding them out to take the hit. He isn't alone in the defense. From under his labcoat, a number of Unown start to appear. they move in front of his arms, before merging with him. They slowly engulf his body, covering him in the various symbols. He becomes engulfed in the blackness of the Unown, smiling. He obviously takes a fair amount of the hit, most of it striking hits arms and chest. But, he's got even more tricks up his sleeves still.

     "I said 'cute', not 'hot'. You're like a little sister look. You sort of lack certain appeal."

     And then Lute moves in to try and outright uppercut Kazuko. At the same time, his Tyrantrum moves in. Its skull is aimed forward. As it moves ahead, it leads in to bash straight into Kazuko from behind. The goal, push Kazuko right into the powerful attack.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     Even more Pokemon? Kazuko pulls her naginata back as she watches the black symbols surrounding.. No, Lute absorbing them? Or... She's not sure how this works, and it's hurting her head to try and make sense of it. Besides, there's other nefarious things to focus on, like...

     "Wha... H-hey! I'm still growing! I'll catch up with sis eventually... But how come you're paying attention to that /now/? Unless..." She grimaces. "... Gyah! Y-you're a pervert, then!"

     Now she /has/ to beat him, but she also needs to focus on avoiding getting touched, too! The martial artist backs up rapidly as Lute approaches, but she gets caught by the Tyrantrum from behind. Biting back another cry of pain, she shoves herself off the t-rex Pokemon's skull and rolls along the ground to avoid getting pinned between the two of them.

     "That's... What're... Ah, I'll figure it out later!" Dashing towards the Tyrantrum of all things after flipping back onto her feet, she focuses her ki into her body before aiming a shoulder check at it, trying to knock the much larger beast off-balance and, hopefully, right at its own trainer!

Lute (188) has posed:
     The Tyrantrum is shoulderchecked and knocked off balance. As per Kazuko's plan, she manages to send it flying straight into Lute. Even for someone as combat experienced as Lute, he's not used to his Pokemon being tossed against him as weapons. He goes flying, his Tyrantrum landing on top of him. He tries to get the massive dinosaur off of him... But the Pokemon is unconcious.


     Imima floats to a position to defend Lute, getting between Kazuko and her master. She opens her mouth again, a hideous sound of metal and steel making a horrible roar. The mouth opens again, pointed at Kazuko. Luckily, Lute has made sure that his I-class Destroyer was loaded with training rounds, so none of this is lethal. But, she is relentless. She keeps firing, blast after blast, shot after shot. Even a number of torpedoes are shot out as well. She is doing everything in her power to defend her Master.

     Meanwhile the Vanilluxe just sort of sits there. One of its mouths open, and it licks the other half of it, before smiling.

     There is a reason Lute rarely uses Vanilluxe.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     Staggering a bit from the impact against Tyrantrum, Kazuko rotates her shoulder before grinning confidently at the sight of it on top of Lute. "That's why... You need to train your own body, too! That's the power of martial artists!"

     She's actually rather surprised when she hears him shouting, first at the t-rex, then at the Destroyer. Without knowing which one is Imima, though, she glances between the I-class and the ice cream cone rapidly, her attention taken off the former for just a second too soon before those shells and torpedoes come in. There's too many of them for her to dodge properly, though, and she's forced to take the brunt of those shots head on before landing on her back with a pained yelp.

     Wobbling unsteadily on her feet, Kazuko drops to one knee for a moment while keeping the naginata held overhead and off the ground. Spitting out yet more blood, the martial artist starts spinning her polearm while channeling even more ki into it, a yellow aura surrounding the weapon. "One more. One more hit, and..." As she rises, she starts spinning the weapon with both hands, almost looking like a solid disc between the ki surrounding it and how rapidly she's spinning the weapon.

     "This'll... This'll finish you...!" Forty spins. Once she's charged attack to full capacity, she flings herself at Imima once more and whips the naginata around her once before swinging it outwards in a broad horizontal swing.

     "Kawakami Style: Daisharin!"

     She's trying to use the Poke-projectile strategy again, isn't she? At least Vanilluxe is safe.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Imima is a Destroyer. The most common of ships, and the lowest class of ships. But, she has one unique feature. She is, for some reason, surprisingly loyal. When Lute is down, she steps up to the plate unlike any other. She stares down the incoming Kazuko, prepared to defend against her himself.

     She presses in against the swing from the naginata, holding against it. Her eyes remain locked on Kazuko's own. She keeps pressing forward, trying to move against the damage. Her hull takes some damage, cracking slightly. Yet, she still stands strong. Her engines go into full power, pushing back. She is just nearly at the point of being able to get past the naginata, at a chance to slam forward again. She is out of ammo from the last barrage. But, she can still ram.

     Sadly, before she can do her heroic ramming attack? The Vanilluxe moves in. It opens its mouths, shooting out a massive blast of Blizzard. A terrible cold force flies forward, slamming Kazuko. on the plus side, it smells and tastes like ice cream.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     "Geh... St-still standing?!" Kazuko's looking mightily impressed by the brave little destroyer as it withstands one of her strongest attacks. Really, if they're weren't in the middle of a fight right now? She'd probably be fawning over the cute floating nail clipper.

     But as it stands? All she sees is another enemy among a field of enemies. No help, no allies, nobody else to rely on but her own her training! Kazuko roars out as the Vanilluxe's Blizzard comes flying right at her, trying to spot holes in the ice cream cone's offense even as she readies herself for another attack. It's almost like trying to dodge the rain if it was coming at her sideways rather than straight down, but...

     ... It actually tastes pretty good. Huh. Her main target is still the Destroyer, of course, but if she can take out two targets at once? Might as well give it a try. She beelines for Imima, focusing her ki yet again as she tries to actually slip behind her, then hugging her around the... Center?

     Sure, center. "Kawakami Style: Mozu-otoshi!" And if she makes contact, she'll leap upwards with Imima, then fall backwards to try and slam the Destroyer directly into Vanilluxe.

Lute (188) has posed:
     The Destroyer is tossed through the air, caught off guard as she is pulled up into the air. She slams forward into the Vanilluxe. It's an accidental instance of Type Advantage. Steel is strong versus Ice. With the metal creature that is Imima tossed forward, the ice-type ice cream has little it can do. It is struck, hard, and falls. Imima, meanwhile, is stuck inside the ice cream.

     This leaves Lute in an embarrasing situation where two of his Pokemon are incapacitated and he is stuck under one of them. He sighs. There are still four other Pokeballs on his belt, two of which are black in color. But... Letting loose either of them now would be somewhat difficult. They take more commands, more direct control. And another is his Teleport Pokemon, an emergency escape route.

     So, he reaches for a Pokeball he wasn't planning to use, especially with all of the 'pervert' comments made at him. Sadly, it's his only remaining option. He sighs, closing his eyes. He'll never live this down.

     "GO! KAELIN!"

     The Pokeball opens. His Tentacruel appears. Its mass of tentacles raise around it. They fling toawrds Kazuko, trying to grab ahold of her arms and legs. They squeeze down, trying to keep her bound. And then? It fires a massive burst of water towards Kazuko, aimed at her from its body. Hydro Pump.

     Lute just knows this is going to lead to Momoyo getting pissed again.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     Panting as she gets back up from the completely-Japanese-and-not-German Suplex, Kazuko points her naginata at Lute while approaching him slowly. "You... You had enough yet? I don't know how to use one of those-"

     No, Lute's not done. He still has one more ace up his sleeve, apparently, and Kazuko actually recoils a bit when she sees it. It's a... Tentacle... Monster.

     "Gyah! Pervert!" That moment of flustered screaming throws her off just enough that the Tentacruel is able to get a hold of her, albeit not easily as she's still thrashing about trying to free herself. Another sharp cry of pain leaves her when that pressurized blast of water hits her square in the chest, although it does dislodge her from the hold and sends her sprawling to the ground.

     "Kkh... You.. You're really.. Strong for a pervert, you know that?" Spitting out another wad of blood, the martial artist picks herself back up one more time. She chuckles painfully and clutches her chest, the naginata left on the floor while she rotates her shoulder slowly. "So that just means.. I'll need to beat you at your own game."

     All of her ki is focused into her right arm. Her target is clear. All that's left is to push forward and hit it with the strongest clothesline she knows!

     "Gakuto Original: Handsome Lariat!"

Lute (188) has posed:
     The clothesline moves in, striking Kaelin. It used a large amount of power to just try and finish off Kazuko. The hit takes it by surprise. It fles back, through the air, before crashing on top of Tyrantrum. And, by extension, Lute. He lays there, immobilized. The Tyrantrum above him was already weighing down on him. This, now? This? It's too much.

     The air is knocked out of Lute a bit. He is concious, but barely able to talk. He can't move at all. He lays down, tilting his head back. Even if he /could/ move, it's unlikely he'd be able to get a Pokemon out before she could attack again. He has lost.

     ...At least he is out of this stupid tournament now.

     "...I give."

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     Kazuko's shaking as she stands there, every bone in her body aching with pain as she looks around at what had just happened. A nail clipper and ice cream on one side. Perverted tentacles and the freaking dinosaur on another. The only person missing is... No, Lute's not missing! He's still under the Tyrantrum, and when she hears those words, there's a mix confusion and pride in her eyes.

     "... R-really? You're..? Then I..?" There's a delay before the girl bursts out with a gleeful shout followed up by about five seconds of horrendous coughing and blood splattering on the ground. Moving over to where Lute is, the martial artist doesn't look like she's in great shape as she grabs the dinosaur, then groans heavily while trying to push it off Lute.

     "G... Good match! Come on, I can't... H-hold this up forever!" Is she even making any headway with that? At least she's trying.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute stares at Kazuko. The person who just beat him can't even lift a T-rex? If Lute were in a better position, he could do it, with the help of his Unown. He pauses, closing his eyes.

     "...Do you even lift, bro?"

     It is not often one can use that line.

     ...Yeah he's probably going to pay for that line, too.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     Lute gets a faceful of cough-blood on his chest for that along with a blunt stare from Kazuko. "I could leave you there, ya know." She makes a show of letting go of Tyrantrum, but with the little strength she even has left in her arms...

     It's probably not making a difference anyway. Instead, she just takes a seat next to Lute, then just falls over on her side with a pained whimper. "You can.. Put them back in the ball things or something, can't you? That'll be easier..."

     Another whimper. ".... Can I get a ride home? Everything hurts." All of that bluster from before is gone, replaced by a wounded puppy. Figuratively, but still.

Lute (188) has posed:
     Lute looks up at Wanko, blankly. He sighs, looking the other way. He doesn't like this whole situation, and he doesn't trust Momoyo. But, the part of him that is weak to woman wants to help. Plus, it would be a good way to get Momoyo more friendly...

     "...Give me five minutes and then I'll get you on the way home."