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Fangs for the Memories
Date of Scene: 10 February 2016
Location: Remnant <REM>
Synopsis: A seemingly normal bookstore, owned by a human and staffed by Faunus. What could the White Fang want here?
Cast of Characters: Kirito, Tomoe, Staren, 136, 411, 481, 707, Yuuki Konno, Yang Xiao Long, 917

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    It's a quiet evening in Vale. Humans and Faunus are going about their business as businesses start winding down for the night, or begin opening their doors for the after dark party scene. However, the keen sighted would spot farm more Faunus around than usual, acting furtive and passing by the outside of a specific bookstore, set back a bit from the main thoroughfare. It's a quiet little place, offering texts on many subjects from fiction to non-fiction, and the owner, an elderly woman, takes seemingly good care of the many Faunus she employs.

    Tonight, however, the Dog Faunus, Lizard Faunus and a Stag Faunus all seem on edge, as they watch the windows, and see so many others walking past. This isn't normal, even at midday when the store is busy.

Blake Belladonna (917) has posed:
     Blake Belladonna is, perhaps unfortunately, already on-site when the potential for a White Fang presentation (Demonstration? Protest?) starts acting up. The Huntress in training twitches her shoulders slightly, a look of clear, calm worry deep in her amber eyes for the briefest moment before it is followed by just as calm, clear, steel and patience.

     Blake Belladonna does not run; not today.

     She does tense a little; exploring Vale as she was, Gambol Shroud is currently stored inside of her locker deep within the armory areas of Beacon Academy. While she could summon it, she doesn't want to start, she doesn't want to risk anything. Not here, not right now. Not today. There is a flash of red deep in her eyes, before she exhales - mostly steadily, but ... still. There's a undercurrent of tension there.

     Blake slowly walks back in front towards the windows, hanging out of the corner, a book in her hands, presumably reading.

Kirika (481) has posed:
    Across the rooftops, a hooded figure bounds and runs towards the store. Kirika has been observing the way these people act as she arrives. The Kitsune stops just short of approaching the store, remaining on a rooftop as crimson eyes peek out of the hood she wears. Having ears and a tail as she understands equates to being an oppressed minority. Not dissimilar to some areas of Kasun, at least in the Eastern territories. Crouching atop a perch, Kirika's tail hides underneath her cloak as she forms a glamor, keeping a solid hand on her sword as she awaits others to arrive.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Technically, Xiaomu was considerably after the fact in asking about whether she ought to hide her ears - although her usual method for that (a large straw hat, like those favored a few centuries ago by traveling Buddhist monks) would probably draw just as much attention in its own way. And, well, even the hat doesn't hide the five tails that are typically 'disguised' as her hair ... at least, not most of the time.

Usually she doesn't even bother, and she didn't think she needed to worry *this* time either. She's been perusing the shops and stores of Vale, checking out different retailers according to her (many and varied) interests. Grocery stores, clothing boutiques, a jeweler or two, even what looked like a video game arcade. Her wallet is quite a bit lighter now than it was when she loaded up on local currency, but as she finishes off a snack (not fried tofu, but the sandwich was still tasty), Xiaomu double-checks her cash supply and heads for the bookstore she spotted earlier.

... which is now more or less surrounded by Faunus. That *might* be a welcoming sight were it not for the tension in the air; the sage fox wouldn't even need to know about White Fang to pick up on the chance that something unpleasant is likely to happen shortly.

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     Someone else who just happened to be in the shop...is Twilight Sparkle! Being a book enthusiast herself, she likes to visit shops such as this. Out of the way shops often have books that simply don't appear in more accessible stores. But, even she can feel it as the tension in the air starts to build.

     She puts her own book down as the employees start to look around nervously, then she steps toward a window to look out. "The streets are rather busy. In Ponyville the hoof-traffic is nearly non-existent after dark."

Rarity (136) has posed:
Well, you can't blame Rarity for being prepared, but it sounds like she's not going to have and cover her fabulousness from the rest of the world tonight. But she's still wearing sunglasses and one of those fancy hats with a wrap to keep it on one's head, which still makes her look more like some celebrity trying to not be too noticed while out in public.

The hat does cover her horn, but that doesn't really matter when there's still a talking white pony with vibrant purple mane in plain view. It certainly gets an odd look here and there. Kind of reminding of the old days when Ponies will still a new thing.

It had started with just wanting to see the world that the Beacon Academy crew had come from. That was only fair as they had previously visited Equestria, right? Of course Twilight immeadiately gravitated towards a bookshop, while Rarity had more, shall we say, sophisticated tastes. But it sounds like the possibility of trouble is going to have to put shopping and sightseeing on hold for now. Especially when it sounds like the tension is stirring around the very bookstore Twilight had gone to!

It's sad how accustomed she's become to this sort of thing happening to spoil an otherwise peaceful day, Rarity muses to herself even as she's making hast back towards the locale of the bookstore.

Tomoe has posed:
Eisen was here today, Eisen was not wearing the combat body suit/armour she normally wore, she was wearing some more local civilianc lothing and honesly just looked like someone going about their business today, well for the moment she hprayed there wouldn't be trouble but given how things were there might be something that could happen today.

"Really Twilight? This isn't uncommon there's large cities on my world that operate all around the clock basically."

Staren has posed:
    Staren is accompanying Twilight. He's a bit on edge himself -- Yang told him to stay off her world, and it will be an unpleasant confrontation if he runs into her... But, he doesn't intend to go around killing terrorists today. At least he doesn't need to be constantly looking around for her -- a few insect-size camera drones keep an eye on his surroundings for him. As for Staren himself... he's dressed for winter, wearing his Assassin-style cloak and a long, sea-green scarf decorated with the Gatecrasher's Union emblem.

    He wasn't sure if he should hide his feline traits, but the bookstore staff have put him on ease about that. The cloak does clearly have ear-covering protrusions and a slit for his tail, anyway.

    He walks up to the window quietly. "Indeed. Many cities 'never sleep', as they say, and I know even Ponyville has a bit of a nightlife, otherwise Vinyl's club would go out of business."

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    Yuuki disguises her own pointy ears by way of a simple headband, and yes it does tend to draw some attention to her. Most people think nothing of it, but for certain suspicious sorts it only makes them more suspicious.

    She didn't know much about Faunus, but after being accused of being a Faunus-lover she did a bit of research. That and some history classes have led her to being relatively well informed. She knows about the Fang now, but she's not exactly here to deal with them. No, she's just meeting up with friends, dragging Kirito around (and whoever might be with him) to meet up with Eisen and go on a little tour of her 'home away from home'.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    "I knew it... I knew it IknewitIknewit..." the Dog Faunus starts to mutter, collapsing behind the counter and covering his floppy ears with his hands. The Stag looks angry as the various other Faunus all gather outside, some pulling white hoods up, and putting on Grimm masks. The Lizard Faunus, reaches under the desk, going for a weapon. "I won't let them hurt Mrs Strawberry... I can't." she says, fan-like ears folding down, and the thick whip tail lashing behind her as she pulls out... a baseball bat.

     Meanwhile, across town, Yang puts her Scroll away, after calling her Bike to her. The roar of the engine travels closer until it squeals to a halt next to its master. She digs out her helmet, puts on the pair of goggles Kyle gave her as a present, then revs the balls off the engine, doing a half doughnut to get going the right way, and wheelieing off with the acceleration. She'll be heard long before she's seen, the deep growl of her bike is very distinct.

Kirito has posed:
    Kirito's wearing casual clothing! Casual enough. Lots of black! But not his usual attire. His sword's nowhere in sight. But since he's out and about in the Multiverse... he came while FullDiving with Yuuki.

    Just in case.

    besides, FLYING makes enjoying the Multiverse SO much more awesome.

    Soy eah. black pants! Casual shirt. And... a black-dyed wool hat covering the tips of his pointy Spriggan ears. Looks human enough!


    "Whew! We're just all over the place, Yuuki."

Kirika (481) has posed:
    The figures outside the store do not escape Kirika's attention. She focuses with her nose and ears, trying to gleam whatever information she can as she observes the Grimm-masked figures forming a mob.

    Her hand reaches down to grip her sword, gently inching the blade from its scabbard as she determines whether or not to strike. Kirika's legs curl up, the kitsune crouching as though preparing to pounce upon prey. Taking a deep breath, Kirika restrains herself from acting too soon.
%R    She may not be a Huntress of this world, but she follows similar principles. A Warden of Kasun is no different than any hunter of the ill-minded.

Blake Belladonna (917) has posed:
     Blake finally gives up on her 'reading'. The h.i.t. puts the book back on the shelf, before she slips out of the building, now standing outside in front of the windows, instead of inside in front of the windows. Her gaze settles on the Faunus, and their masks.

     She leans back against the window, waiting, tense.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe is keeping tabs with Yuuki and Kirito and she'll pop up inb thier party chat.

<<Good to see your both here.>>

Shekeeps watch while sh elistens to the comm. It seems thing are strting now. She understand she makes a response over the comm, and she makes ready. She ducks into an alley way where a flash of light ripples over her bdoy as her more well known combat gear replaces her current outfit, and she makes ready to go.

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     Twilight's eyes widen as she watches the gathering crowd, then she looks around as the people inside the bookstore gear up for combat. "Wait...why would they want to damage this bookstore and her employees and customers?" To someone who has little experience with extremist groups, she can't imagine why they would harm anyone.

     Twilight frowns, then moves toward the door. "I am going to step outside. Maybe I can convince them that attacking this place with gain them nothing." Twilight's horn glows, and a small force field sphere appears around her and the doors. She opens the door once the forcefield is in place, then steps outside and closes the door again. Still inside the protective field, she raises a hoof. "Please stop! There is no reason to cause trouble here! You will gain nothing, but may injure innocent people! Please, just explain what it is you want!" she says, loudly enough that all of those gathered should be able to hear her.

Rarity (136) has posed:
Rarity comes around a corner towards the bookstore, only to briefly skid to a stop as seeing the large gathering outside. Quickly she darts to the side and ducks into the narrow alley-like space between two other buildings. Oh bother, there's already quite the crowd outside! Simply trotting over would certainly do no good now. Or worse yet, be mistaken for one of the ruffians simple for not being 'human'!

Propped back against the wall, Rarity takes a moment to slow her breathing back down and recompose herself. They weren't fighting yet, but you don't see mobs like that form without trouble being on their minds, that is one of the few things that is a constant between many worlds.

With a murmur Rarity pulled out a makeup compact, and after opening it held it out with her magic so she could use it to see around the corner without going back out onto the street. A trick she learned from one of the romantic mystery novels she occasionally reads. With a little angle adjustment she even catchs a clear glimps of one of the would-be rebels pulling up their hood and putting on the mask.

Which just makes her expression scrunch up in disgust. "They should be arrested just for that tacky taste in wardrobe," she mutters under her breath.

And ear perks as she hears Twilight's voice, and she magically tilts the mirror a bit more to try and see. Completely not surprised Twilight Sparkle would attempt to defuse the situation with words first.

Staren has posed:
    Staren's ears flick as the Faunus employees mutter. "Why would they hurt Mrs. Strawberry?"

    And then... Twilight. Staren follows her and stands next to her. He's closed his labcoat under his cloak, and pulls his hood down slightly to cover his face and look mysterious -- he's watching through his drones, anyway, looking for anyone drawing weapons -- but seeing the crowd outside is Faunus, he very deliberately flicks his ears under the hood and swishes his tail.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
The hoods are a bad enough sign in Xiaomu's (far too experienced) opinion. The masks? Decidedly worse; they're sort of cool in their way, but they're NOT the sort of masks you wear to a party. At least, not the sort of party Xiaomu would want to be an attendee at. The fact that some members of Ouma wear vaguely similar masks during the group's operations is just icing on an already-foul cake.

The sage fox just leans casually on her staff for a few moments, her ears pricking up a little as she hears Twilight trying to persuade the hood-and-mask crowd to disperse without starting a ruckus. She's hoping it'll work, but she's not terribly optimistic.

Fact is, Xiaomu's SEEN the ugly side of hatred, mostly from the wrong side of it. She 'passes as human' for a reason, even back home, and even then, some of the non-Shinra youkai who know Xiaomu for what she is *still* give her hell for 'siding with the humans' ... not necessarily without grounds, but generally without even trying to think through any side other than their own.

The sage fox from Shinra eyes the situation for another few heartbeats, then shrugs (mainly to herself) and angles towards where she spotted Rarity. She's not going to draw attention to the eternally-fashionable unicorn's hiding place if she can help it, but if things break down, better if they aren't COMPLETELY scattered around the area to begin with, right? Maybe they can team up somehow for good measure, if the situation goes south far enough to require more than words.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    The Faunus outside all turn as Blake steps out. Maked faces glare balefully from under white hoods, the blood red logo of the White Fang clearly visible on the white material. "Don't get in the way, the human that owns this store must pay for her transgressions against Faunus kind." hisses one, his 'type' uncertain under the outfit. He goes to draw a pistol from inside the robe, but is stopped by another. "Wait, lets hear them out. I mean, we're fighting for our /rights/ right?" this one isn't wearing a mask, nor does she have her hood up, revealing the tall rabbit ears atop her head, which twitch and flick with nervous energy. Other voices join hers, calling dissent amongst the ranks. A good half of the gathered start to take off their masks, having second thoughts. Twilight's words do help erode the conviction of the less staunch members, though pockets of ill feeling still pervade the group, some still have their masks on and fidget with weapons, both ranged and seemingly melee.

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    Pinged by Tomoe's message, Yuuki opens her mail with a few gestures, grinning as she sees who it's from. "Come on, Kirito. So slow." she says, obviously teasing. Kirito's the fastest person she knows, with the possible exception of herself.

    They are, no coincidence, quite near the bookstore the Fang are gathering in front of. No coincidence because that's where they were to meet up with their friends. She only falters in her bouncy step when she sees the gathered crowd of ... masked and armed people. She frowns. This isn't the sort of thing she was hoping to find tonight!

Blake Belladonna (917) has posed:
     Blake asks the group, quietly, her voice that soft, calm, sort of tense serene one she tends to use when she doesn't know which way anything might be going: "Don't do this. Please, don't do this. You're attempting to make this world a better place, and that is a wonderful thing, but it can't be done like this. It shouldn't be done like this. You're no better than the people that initiated the bullying by making people pay for their transgressions. There is a better way."

     Blake is surprisingly passionate, however, for this conversation. "Years ago, before the White Fang became a militant group, you used peaceful protests and demonstrations, the books mention this. Why not that again?"

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
'... for her transgressions against Faunus kind,' that one guy says.

Xiaomu grimaces, trying not to outright roll her eyes, and changes course - heading towards the possible crowd of White Fang members, and working on a headcount as she does so. At this point, anyone initiating violence is probably going to tip the odds back towards the White Fang closing ranks, in self-defense if nothing else. That's just kind of how these things work.

On the plus side, SOMEBODY is listening to reason already, and that was enough to divert some of the potential energy of the mob out of ... well, out of mob mode. Mobs generally don't *think*, they just flow with the prevailing emotional current. Get them to think, and most of the time, you can break things up without ever raising a hand in violence.

Hopefully this is part of that 'most of the time'.

At any rate, it's still Twilight who has their attention, so Xiaomu's reticent to butt in with her own thoughts and opinions on the matter. She's got nothing against being seen, watching and listening as she is; if the conversation fails, then she can jump in to shut the fray down. For now, though, she's casually leaning on her staff, looking relaxed while still being attentive to what's going on.

She's also amending her mental head count to sort out who's still wearing masks (and is thereby more likely to make trouble) and who isn't (which probably means they've been swayed towards a peaceful resolution).

Rarity (136) has posed:
Well, it would seem Twilight's attempt to talk is having some effect. It might not be enough to entirely turn the crowd away, but if she can convince some to not start trouble, the better. Rarity still has a bad feeling about this in the pit of her stomach. So much fuss over a bookstore, just because of who owns it or something they've supposedly done.

All the same, no reason to take chances on how much of a problem they're going to end up dealing with. Tucking the compact away, Rarity takes a moment to get more appropriately dressed for a potential fight and summons her Harmony Knight outfit.

No flashy transformation sequence this time because she's not the focus on the current scene activity! Besides, that would totally give her alley location away.

Kirito has posed:
    "No need to ask me twice!" Kirito answers lightly, but it fails to concede how worried he is about this sudden development. News about a possible riot about to start nearby has him DREADFULLy worried. Guys in masks with weapons? NEVER a good thing.

    He hurries along, desperately multitasking with one hand at his menu and queing up a set of pending EQUIPMENT CHANGES. But he doesn't hit the OKAY button on them all just yet. He just leaves that menu open, only he can see it...

    And a message's sent back to Tomoe.

    <<Let's group up. Looks like trouble's brewing.>>

    Trouble of the worst sort.

    And when the Spriggan in black does arrive near the fateful bookstore... he ends up balking at the sight. So many people in masks. So much uncertainty, so much twitchiness.

    It's rather like a few other crowds he used to like avoiding. enough that he gulps.

    "This one needs delicate handling."

Kirika (481) has posed:
    Kirika frowns. She's seen peaceful groups go violent before, and never did they go over well for those involved. She's had to put down such movements, often violently before. It's why she's so hesitant to take lives beyond the odd monster or machine, she knows that she would find her hands stained in the blood of half-breeds like herself, people who are desperately seeking purpose in their lives only to be dumped on by society for their efforts.

    It pisses her off to still see such things on other worlds, and she can only sigh softly as she listens. Blake has the right idea, and Kirika's sword goes back in its sheath. Kinugiri will not be drawn tonight. This will be settled with words.

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     Twilight sees weapons, but with her magical shield up and the 'protesters' dissenting between each other she takes no action. She listens to Blake make her case, then nods in agreement. "Please, outline your grievances so we might address them properly." the purple unicorn says, smiling gently to the crowd. "Once we have a proper list of grievances and a few examples, we can more toward a positive resolution. But, activities such as this, where you cause trouble for others and even those you are trying to liberate will not further your cause. The Faunus inside this building are ready to defend their employer, who seems to treat them well from what I can see."

     Twilight takes a breath, then smiles again. "Showing the world that you are compassionate and intelligent, capable of restraint, while remaining resolute in your beliefs will do much more for your cause than attacking a small, out of the way bookstore. If you do this, you justify whatever negative feelings that the other races of this world hold for Faunus. Please, stand down. Show them that you are better than violence."

Staren has posed:
    Staren notes the people with weapons, marking them on his tacnet for quick targeting if this gets ugly. He speaks now: "We shall hear you out, too: Please, speak of exactly what these alleged transgressions Mrs. Strawberry has committed, and how your attempts to resolve them through the police have failed." He smiles a bit as he sees Twilight has the same thought.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    "What do you even care?" asks the first in an angry tone. He turns to the rabbit girl and nearly growls. "What's gotten into you, don't you remember what those Humans did to your family?" This gets the girl to take a step back and cover her mouth, speechless. "This Human, and that... talking horse... are standing in the way of justice!" This guy sounds like the ringleader, as he turns back to look at Blake. "And what do you even know about the White Fang? You're not one of us."

    The sound of an approaching motorcycle engine gets all the Faunus on edge. "Could someone have called the cops already?" "Bad, bad, this is bad, we should just go... c'mon."

    Some of the less enthusiastic members start to flee the area, scattering out and leaving the rest. Some sit on the outlayers, debating whether to stay for their friends still remaining, or leave and save their own skins in case it /is/ the police.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe is honestly sad that it seems talking isn't going to work today but she gets the message from kirito, she's already loading up the stunner rounds into her weapons, in her inventory. Hopefully those will be enough, she never thought a grifer tool would be used to save lives, funny how that goes. The gunner is ready now and also engages her stealth system as she moves to catch up with Kirito and hopefully Yukki as well.

<<On my way.>>

Blake Belladonna (917) has posed:
     Blake hasn't seen Bumblebee that frequently, but she knows her partners motorcycle by now. "Yang!" The girl calls out, in some small relief. She adores her partner, and has gotten used to the rest of Team RWBY, even if Weiss still rubs her the wrong way. (Literally.)

     She then turns onto the Faunus that was getting verbally aggressive, her amber eyes flashing. She stares at him for a moment, forgetting herself as she snaps, louder than she intended too, "I know how you're feeling! I know how the White Fang feel!"

     "*We're* all tired of getting pushed around!"

     There's a long pause, a horrified, almost pause, even as one of her bow ribbons visibly twitches, before Blake sticks a hand over her mouth, visibly horrified, before the ... Faunus...? turns, heh, tail, and bolts from both the White Fang and her friends.

Staren has posed:
    When one of the faunus says 'this human', Staren says, "Seriously?!" and pulls his hood down. "Now seriously, do you want /justice/, or a witch hunt? Out with it now," Staren makes a 'come here' gesture, "What did she do? Come on now, we want justice too, if it's really so bad we'll make her pay for her crimes, but you gotta at least tell us what they /are/!"

Kirika (481) has posed:
    Everything sounds like it's gonna be all well and good. The remaining Faunus should disperse within a few minutes, though KIrika seems to be convinced this is not over yet.

    And then she's proven right. Cocking an eyebrow before realizing the significance of Blake's words, the kitsune gasps softly before she begins to follow Blake, stealthily maneuvering across the rooftops once more as she tracks the young Huntress.

    At the least, Kirika can empathize with her situation.

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     Twilight Sparkle hmphs at the ringleader's words, but before she can respond Blake snaps at them and...wait, Blake is one of the Faunus? Twilight is surprised by that, but even more surprised when Blake runs off. "Blake!" she calls out, raising a forehoof in a 'don't go' gesture. Then, Staren speaks up and Twilight glances at him before looking at the crowd again. "Did this specific human do something bad? If not, then you are not seeking justice. You are seeking revenge on all humans. Humans who, like yourselves, are being judged unfairly and for the actions of a few rather than their actions as a whole."

     Twilight shakes her head, then fixes a sympathetic look on the bunny girl. "Whatever has happened to you and your family...this will not fix it. It will just harm someone else's family." she says, then looks back at the leader. "And your efforts for tolerance will be damaged in the process."

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Good, thinks Xiaomu. Engage them on an individual level ... Mobs are an aggregate thing, when individuals subsume themselves into the collective impulses. Pick people out of the crowd, and -

And Blake abruptly flees.

"Own it, girl," Xiaomu says to herself, as if chiding the progressively-absent Blake - and then she walks towards the gathering, still calm and almost casual.

"I'll admit I'm not from around here," Xiaomu states, "but I've seen this play out the wrong way too many times. And the 'wrong way' is the one where you," she nods in particular to the ringleader, "give in to the violent approach, thinking it'll solve your problems. Or maybe that's not what you're thinking."

The sage fox folds her arms loosely, staff nestled in the crook of her right elbow so it doesn't fall over or anything. "I'll admit, lashing out can be satisfying. You and your people have suffered greatly, and unjustly, and you want the humans to pay for their chronic stupidity, or something along those lines ... but let's say you subject the store's owner to your idea of 'justice'. How is that going to help get humans to treat Faunus as equals? You're just going to plant the seeds of fear deeper, they'll grow into hatred, and the cycle will just keep turning and turning. You have to get *outside* of the fear cycle, one way or another, and you have to *stay* outside of it to make any progress."

Rarity (136) has posed:
Rarity lets out a soft sigh. Things are going mostly well, but Blake's little outburst and then running off is a bit of a sour note. However, the crowd not being entirely quelled yet is a more important matter to attend to.

Either way, it's time to stop sitting on the sideline. Rarity steps out into the street proper finally, though with no weapons drawn, so she just looks fancily dressed up with the cloak and long scarf that are part of her 'hero' outfit. "Please, listen to them. It can seem like no one wants to listen, but there are those who will. You just have to be willing to look for them, instead of feeling disregarded and lashing out with violent impulses."

She pauses, looking at the crowd for a moment, then at the store. A faint cock of the head when she notices one of the Faunus employees still lurking in the window, and hmms softly to herself.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    The twitching doesn't escape the Bunnygirls notice. "Wait, she isn't human!" she blurts out, grabbing the ringleader. "She's a Faunus like us, and she was protecting the store... if a Faunus is willing to protect a human, that human can't be all bad." the voice of reason rings out again, causing more of the crowd to disperse.

    The Ringleader, confronted with not one, but multiple people speaking the complete counterthesis to what he was told, goes for his weapon, and aims at Staren with it. "You don't know anything about us!" he shouts desperately.

    The remaining crowd stare at the ringleader, unable to move to stop him. They're paused with Xiaomu's words. "Maybe she's right... this was a mistake." "Yeah, lets go home, My little brother's probably worried sick." "C'mon, I'll walk you."

    Yang pulls up not long after all but the die-hard White Fang have left the area, the remaining four are still wearing their masks, though only the Ringleader has drawn a weapon.

Rarity (136) has posed:
Some people just can't take having their argument being shot down, can they?

From her point of view she can't tell if the weapon is being pulled on Staren or Twilight, but that detail isn't really necessary beyond the obvious intent, though it's knowing that Twilight likely has one of her magic defenses ready that she refrains from a reactive impulse as he's not yet firing. She's not Rainbow Dash, after all.

Though if anyone was watching close enough they might notice the faint shimmer to her scarf, and one end of it curling gently as if flexing fingers. Not as unarmed as she would appear, prehaps.

"Then prehaps you should enlighten us instead of pointing weapons and shouting things with very little substance to them other than sounding angry," she replies flatly at the 'you don't know anything about us!' proclimation. "We're willing to listen, why are you so unwilling to talk?"

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"Maybe you're right," Xiaomu replies, still maintaining as pleasant a tone as she can given that somebody is now holding a gun on one of her allies. "I mean, Staren and Twilight Sparkle and I aren't even from Remnant ... but do you really think," she casually unfolds her arms as she continues, "that just because we're not from around here means we don't know how this goes?"

She grips her staff, securely if not tightly. "I'm seven hundred sixty-five years old. I've been around long enough to see a feudal, agricultural society become an industrialized democracy - and *nothing changed* for the youkai who still haunt Japan even to this day. They're still ignored by the masses, feared by the superstitious, and nobody gives a damn whether that forest might have a clan of tanuki who've been living there since Oda got ganked by Toyotomi. That leaves some of us youkai hiding out amongst humans, keeping our secrets to ourselves and trying to get along with the people around us, and those of us who *can't* blend in are constantly in hiding or on the run, trying to find one last little nook or cranny that humans haven't gone and remodeled into another parking lot for that shiny new shopping mall."

The sage fox pauses, letting out a sigh. "You talk about it that way, and it's no wonder Ouma want to upend everything humans have built for themselves. But some of us *like* the society that humans have developed, and I would never have met a lot of awesome people if I was more worried about protecting my own little bolt-hole than going out to see who I could meet."

And with that said, she walks over to the guy with the gun - not drawing a weapon, not even looking aggressive, and approaching at an angle so that he can full well see her coming. Then she shifts her staff to her left hand, and offers her right in a handshake.

"My name's Xiaomu. What's yours?"

Staren has posed:
    Staren gives the ringleader a 'really?' look. He /is/ standing inside Twilight's forcefield. He mutters to Twilight. "I'm kind of disappointed, really. They didn't leave because we talked them out of it, they just decided if there were faunus on our side we must be good."

    He looks out at the remaining four. "So, are /you/ guys gonna talk it out with us? I mean, if you think you're the ubermensch and answer to noone and need no justification to fight your way through us, that's fine, but, live by the sword, die by the sword, right? Talking sounds much more pleasant, if you're up for it."

Blake Belladonna (917) has posed:
     Blake has bailed.

     For anyone trying to follow Blake: perhaps sensing this, Blake is utilizing her Semblance, her Shadow Clones. She leans them every which way but the way she's going, dropping one almost as soon as an old one has disappeared. There is rage and grief and pain and hurt all in the dark shadow of her scent, if people can follow such things, but for the most part, Blake doesn't want to talk to anyone. She doesn't want to deal with anyone.

     she's scared she's a faunus she's scared she said she's not running anymore but she's too too. scared.

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     Twilight's expression remains firm as the weapon is leveled at Staren. She still has her shield up, but she can't be sure of how powerful weapons from this world are, or that weapon in particular. "You are wrong." she starts, after all the others have talked. "We do know something about you. We know you believe strongly, that you are willing to fight, and that you wish a better life for your kind."

     She smiles gently to the ringleader after Xiaomu has introduced herself. "And I am Twilight Sparkle. And please, take a moment and think. There are at least two Faunus who are willing to fight to defend this place. Your fellows have for the most part decided this is the wrong course of action. Tell us...what happened to you that makes you so willing to attack others for your cause, even when they have done nothing wrong?"

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    The Ringleader keeps his weapon trained on Staren. Either he can't see the forcefield, or just doesn't care. "Humans destroyed my life." he says, turning to glare through his mask at Xiaomu. "My name is Cosmo. Cosmo Oakshield." He looks between the very much dispersed crowd, the gun in his hand, then the others around him. "That girl... really was a faunus wasn't she..." seems he either doesn't /have/ a solid, valid reason, or is avoiding the subject.

    Yang, for her part, remains out of the way, sitting astride her bike... "Huh, guess they don't need me after all."

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe is getting ready to move in but she's kept he self stealthy for now after all if she's not need in a combat fashion. She does over hear what Xiaomu is saying. She'd not expected such insight from Xiaomu with how he normally behaves. Then she starts to understand why Xiaomu has the attuide she does or thinks she does. She does see things from where she's hiding are not going violent so she swaps back to civilian clothing out of sight and returns to her cvilianc lothing, while decloaking. She's over joyed she wasn't needed.

Rarity (136) has posed:
Rarity is rather relieved that this didn't turn into a fight with an unruly mob. Though the fact that the ringleader either doesn't have a real motive other than 'human bad!' or he's being dodgy about it. Oi. Typical. That would be like everything thinking griffons are all antagonistic jerks just because Gilda was.

"Just listen to what you are saying," the unicorn starts, after going for a more caring and insightful tone of voice. "Has it occured to you that blaming all humans just for something one or two may of done to your kind is no better than a human blaming your kind for the ill deeds of a few bad eggs? Not that you should not be upset if there is reason to be ... but would it not be better to put a good foot forward to seek a better resolution and improve the misjudged image of your kind rather than resorting to the same name calling generalizations?"

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
"You're still alive," Xiaomu points out gently. "You still have reasonably good health. I'm guessing from your last name that you're from a forested region ... so if humans really 'destroyed your life,' I'm guessing the forest got cut down or something."

Which is such familiar territory, if true, that it hurts her to think of it.

"And yes," Xiaomu continues, her voice still calm and quiet, and hopefully calming as well. "Apparently she is. And here you are, gun in hand, proving why she felt it necessary to run and hide. Cosmo ... please put the gun away. I won't ask you to give it to somebody else or to get it out of your possession, but - trying to shoot Staren, or Twilight, or me, or anyone else you can lay eyes on? That's not going to make things right, it's not going to make up for whatever humans did to you. All you'll do if you pull that trigger is destroy somebody *else's* life, and possibly take your own life down a few more notches, directly or indirectly."

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     Twilight, in a show of good faith, lowers her energy shield and takes a few steps forward. "Cosmo Oakshield." she repeats, as if committing it to memory. "I am truly sorry for any pain you have faced at the hands of others, but it is just as Xiaomu says. And I am sure deep down you know it. I know you are angry, you want justice, you want someone to pay for hurting you and your home and family. But, if you use that weapon on one of us, it will not lessen your burden or help anyone. It will just add to your pain and draw you down a dark path. Instead, you should be a source of light for your people. Shine for justice and equality by treating everyone as equals, not accusing them unjustly, and most importantly...not hurting people."

Blake Belladonna (917) has posed:
     Cosmo narrows his eyes at the group. He's not exactly a trusting soul, but after a long pause, he finally, stiffly, puts his weapon down. He doesn't say anything, that blaze of distrust still deep in the look of his eyes, even as a girls' voice - sounds like the bunny Faunus - calls out his name sharply from nearby. Instead of replying, he gives a nod to the group before heading off.

     Well, at least that 'demonstration' was successfully stopped.

     Blake, meanwhile: Somewhere in Vale. Who knows.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu smiles pleasantly, waving to Cosmo as he heads off, with the other three who are the last White Fang members to leave the scene.

Then, after bowing politely to Staren and Twilight, Xiaomu steps up to the bookstore's front door. "Have I got time to do some shopping, or at least looking around, before you guys close for the night?"

Rarity (136) has posed:
Rarity lets out a sigh of relief, loudly this time, as the would-be instigators depart instead of actually causing trouble. Then after dismissing her Harmony Knight gear she hurries over to give Twilight a quick but firm hug. "Oh Twilight dahling, I was so worried when I heard trouble had started here while you will still booking! Thank heavens that worked out without turning into a fracas."

Staren has posed:
    Staren gives Twilight the briefest glance when the forcefield drops, but steps ahead with her. Then watches as Cosmo and the others turn to leave. "...You can still find a better way to help your people ...Think about it."

    Once they're finally out of sight, he turns to Twilight with a smile and spreads his arms for a hug. "We did it! No fighting and nobody had to die! ...Thank you. All of you. I don't know how you did it, but... I know if it had just been me..." he shakes his head. "Thank you. That was wonderful." He hugs Twilight tightly.

Blake Belladonna (917) has posed:
     The three Faunus that run the bookstore exchange glances, before they all exhale, nearly in unison. They sheathe their impromptu weapons, before one of them shakes their head, with a warm smile. "No, thank you for helping with the White Fang, but... Miss Belladonna, was ... is she alright?"

     Aside from that, all seems well in Vale tonight.

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     Twilight hugs both her friends tightly, letting out a heavy sigh herself. "I wasn't entirely sure it was going to work!" she admits, smiling with relief and happiness. Then, she looks toward the three inside the bookstore and smiles. "You are welcome." she says, then looks off toward where Blake disappeared. "I am sure she will be alright. But...if she was protecting her true identity, she must feel vulnerable right now. Maybe we should go find her."

     Twilight looks to Staren and Rarity, then heads off to try and find Blake.

Rarity (136) has posed:
Rarity has a feeling that if Blake really wants to hide they're not going to have much luck finding her, but hurries after Twilight all the same. It would be remiss as friends to not at least try.

Staren has posed:
    Staren looks at Twilight for a moment.

    He knows nothing about Blake, but...

One Month Ago

    Corona pulls off her mask and ponders near the entrance. She doesn't directly interact with anyone, but she starts to find that she's directly under the scrutiny of /everyone/. The flow of traffic starts to stop in her general vicinity; a few passer-bys are openly staring, and the more they do, the more obvious the emotions on everyone's faces become.


    "A-RAY!" someone calls in a clear and obvious panic. /That/ gets their attention. The people going about their business turn and look, frozen to the spot, as if nobody wants to make the first move to bolt. "A-RAY in the dome!!" Whispers turn to murmurs, murmurs into motion, and it looks like the slightest wrong move is going to turn this from an information-gathering mission to a riot.

    Staren glances to Rarity, then nods, and follows, pulling his hood back up. His scouting drones fly up into the air, spreading out. He doesn't know how well Blake is hiding, or how much she doesn't want to be found, even by allies... but if Twilight wants to try to find her, then he will try to find her.