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Latest revision as of 02:31, 12 February 2016

Tainted City in Flames - Stage 2
Date of Scene: 11 February 2016
Location: Fuyuki City <On Fire>
Synopsis: A group meeting focusing on building a base.
Cast of Characters: 571, Lezard Valeth, Sanary Rondel, 756, 803, 823, 908, 915

Gudako Ordria (908) has posed:
    People have been called to Fuyuki to help design (and then build) a base. Contributes will be paid for, construction materials ditto, and it's basically as much a call for the Fangs of Nidhogg as for assorted contractors and mercenaries to pitch in if they want under promise of MOOLAH.

    The site is atop Mount Enzou, a small mountain (or very large hill depending on your perspective) which one can reach by walking up an absurdly long set of stairs. Which doesn't matter today because an artificial Warp Gate has been set up at the top. Hazards like fire, the Black Mud of the Grail and the Shadows haunting the city aren't an issue here thanks to the field set up around the mountain by the natural leylines, and amplified by Ark Line, Lezard and Valentha.

    For now, the top of the mountain is mostly one big flat surface. The remains of what must have been a temple are still present but would be easily razed if needed. A couple of tables with architect plans and tools have been set up, and there's a fair amount of Confederate workers just idling or working in the background.

    GUDAKO is present, with both of her Servants. She still looks pale from her time in medical and has an arm in a cast, not to mention Caster constantly fretting whenever she moves about. Berserker is reading a recipe book. 'Make everything out of chocolate and more, 500 chocolate-based recipes.'

Shin Tokuyama (756) has posed:
    Shin is here! He didn't contribute to capturing the base, but he does know Gudako halfway (And her Berserker much more personally). It's the latter that is why he is here today. Actually, it would be MORE accurate to say that Caster prompted him to be here BECAUSE of Berserker. Shin is carrying a couple things with him. First is a boombox that he has tucked under one arm. The second is a backpack that is thrown across his back to carry his usual stuff. He looks a bit bruised and banged up, still recovering from a tussle with Momoyo.

    "Yoooooo! Shin Tokuyama, the Combat Vagrant and Hero of Fists is here on a very important mission, as well as to micromanage resources briefly." He declares, looking around, "Berserker! Caster! Are you guys around?"

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Sanary's looking quite focused as she works not too far from where Gudako and her servants are, scribbling in a notepad and drawing... Something messy. As she does that, she's also directing a slow steady stream of healing magic into the Master to try and speed along her recovery at least a little bit. Not that she's sure just what kinds of injuries those are at this point beyond the cast, but... Hey, natural healing can always use a boost, right?

     "Maybe put the pen... There. Eh?" She looks up at hearing Shin, blinking a few times before raising her hand in a light wave. "Hey, Shin. You here to help with this stuff, too?"

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    A muscle car, black and scary looking, pulls up not far from where Gudako's set things up. Out steps Alexis Maaka, her trenchcoat flowing in the wind as the cyborg lights up a cigar all dramatic like and such. She approaches her and her Servants, not seeming too torn up about past dealings. "Hey guys," She greets, nodding her head. No hard feelings indeed, as she just offers hands to shake. "Alexis Maaka, Captain of the Crimson Spectre and envoy of the Flotilla. How's tricks?" She introduces politely, before she takes a puff from her cigar again.

Steve (803) has posed:
    Steve, for his part, is also present, and is dressed down for the day in his cyan blue shirt and dark blue pants; the traditional work clothes, and everything-else clothes, of the miner. He studies some of the drafting tables with a light scratching of his beard stubbled chin, and appears to sit down at one with a pencil clutched awkwardly in one of his meaty hands. "Hmm...mmmhmm," he mutters thoughtfully, then begins scribbling. "We'll need some watch towers that are accessible through a tunnel network. For our archers, of course." He probably wasn't talking about the Servant type, since he's almost completely ignorant of them. "And then a wall. Made of something blast resistant, like obsidian. ...aww, crap. Some elites can fly, can't they."

    A seemingly teenaged girl, with devil wings on her back and on the sides of her head, is watching Steve work from over his shoulder, and is otherwise patiently waiting, or sometimes offering advice. "Master Steve. Isn't a wall somewhat extraneous with all of the magical shielding other worlds can erect?" "Izumi, sometimes you have to make a good first impression, and nothing says 'impregnable fortress' like an obsidian wall!" A sigh comes from the girl, "I see..." The miner, having looked up from his work, grins broadly, giving a vague wave at Maaka, before returning to his sketching. "Master Steve, is the obelisk with skulls on it truly necessary?" "Of course!"

Ira MacNally (915) has posed:
    Ira pops out of the passenger seat of Maaka's car, clothed in a longcoat with the Murasame Zaibatsu logo on the back. She runs a hand through her hair purely because it feels like a cool thing to do when around a fancy muscle car. That was, by the way, probably the most expensive vehicle that Ira's ever ridden in before. "Gudako! What's up?" She wanders over to the table with the blueprints set up for the potential base, hands stuffed in her pockets as she starts examining the plans. "Hmmmm."

    She looks up at Gudako. "Needs an arena or a colloseum in it. Somewhere we can square off against our captured enemies in, heh."

Gudako Ordria (908) has posed:
    "Tricks are fine!" Gudako answers Alexis, watching as Berserker snaps her book shut and more or less leaps in Shin's direction. Not to tackle him down, just to land by him and squeeze a bit. Is cat, is affectionate when feels like it.

    The magus turns her attention to Steve and nods vigorously. "Yeah, the walls should be cool and edgy! They need to say 'don't fuck with us' but also 'this is our awesome castle where awesome things happen'."

    NOTEWORTHY FEATURES SO FAR: Obsidian reinforced walls, watchtowers, arena.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Hearing Alexis and Ira coming from the same direction, Sanary looks up from her notebook to offer the two a broad grin and wave. "Hey, Alexis. Ira. Good to have you here. Didn't know you'd be here, Alexis." She sounds pleased, giving her a quick grin and nod before turning to Ira. "Feeling any better since the last op?"

     Next, to Steve and Izumi! "How hard is it to get ob... Obsidian, was it? Because if it's strong, I kinda wanna..." She looks around a few times, then opens up her notebook for the others to see. Among the messy scribbles, it sorta looks like... A pen?

     A pig pen. With a dedicated eating space, a separate area for slaughtering, and even an irrigation ditch through the side leading to a drawing of some farmland! "I figured we might need some food in case we ever need to hole up in here for some reason. Could probably even throw spare veggies into a big freezer or something!"

Lezard Valeth has posed:
Lezard Valeth is present. How could he not? The Fangs are an operation he is spearheading, after all. The initiative of individual members are to be noted, guided, and rewarded as much as possible.

He's looking over the area, possibly looking over the local ley lines and other less apparent resources. "We need to make some decisions on if we are going to make this a core facility or not." Lezard states. "Many of us have lairs of our own. It would be beneficial to have a location that would allow us to quickly travel between them. A nexus of some kind. We will also need communal ritual facilities." He ponders for a moment. "We should also check to see if anything can grow in this blasted wasteland. Local flora could be a benefit as a renewable resource."

Shin Tokuyama (756) has posed:
    "Aaaah!" Shin says happily, leaning into the hug from Berserker when it's given to him. He seems pretty upbeat as he looks over at Sanary, "Hey heeeey, Sanary! How goes it in your world? I'm actually here on some personal business more than anything. Situations alligned and now I have to trigger a comical mishap that leads into a cascading series of worsening events."

    Speaking of that, he wiggles free of Berserker and then faces here. He holds the boombox at the ready as he begins to speak to Catserker, "Berserker! Listen. Something happened between us. Something very intimate. Because of that, your friend the Caster said that I have to marry you. I'm here to take responsibility..."

    As he lets that statement hang in the air unfinished, he presses the button on his boombox, cueing up the upbeat insert music to indicate the comedy kicking in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJbaGrmxOKI

    "...for touching your tail. Like your friend," He points at Caster squarely, "Said I should. She said we have to get married."

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Alexis grins and nods at Sanary, "Hey you." She then nods, producing a datapad. "I've got some stuff I brought just for the occassion, mostly security system tech if you can manage it out here. An early warning system and turrets can't hurt, you know?" She offers, before scribbling some security towers and alarm sirens on what she has in mind.

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     Having been talking with the workers casually, and checking out what was here, Xiao seemed to be thinking. Eventually, she wound up ambling her way over to the general area of the gather IDLE HERO UNITS, finger tapping her cheek thoughtfully. "Hmm, it's a nice space. We should be able to get most everything we need in, in some form or another."

     That said, she smiled and waved a hand, index finger extended. "As for me, if I'm going to have to come here, then I'll need space for a laboratory. The technological kind. As well as space to build a reinforced testing bay." Basically a home away from home.

     What? What do you mean people don't fall asleep at their desks in their labs all the time? No one asked you!

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     "... You really got this planned out, don'tcha?" Laughing lightly, Sanary nods at Shin and moves over to give Berserker a few pats on the head before raising an eyebrow at the two. "Already? That's... Moving kinda fast, isn't it?"

     Oh yeah. She should really get back to that guy about the marriage thing. Well.. No rush.

     At Xiao's suggestion, Sanary turns to face her with a straight stare. "Are you sleeping enough?" It's the sort of scolding stare that a mother would give a misbehaving child that just came home after living in a dorm for a year. SHE KNOWS WHAT SHE DID.

Ira MacNally (915) has posed:
    "Hey Sanary! I'm feeling a lot better, yeah. Though just between you, me, and Gudako, I think I did manage to save some of that god-power that Gudako stabbed free. I'm still...hmm. Working it? If that makes sense. Like it's /there/ but getting it to do what it was doing before is going to take a bit of work. Thanks for the healing, tho'." The tall redhead shrugs, pleased that her suggestion is definitely making it in. "We need gargoyles on the wall. That'll make it look more badass. Like winged wolf gargolyes with snake tails or something. That'll be downright fierce."

Steve (803) has posed:
    He was going to get to Sanary himself, soon enough, but she made her own way over. He looks up from scribbling what looks like a large monument with skulls on it, though his art isn't the prettiest, and gives a broad grin to her. "Hey Sanny! Saw you get in but was busy, you know." To her question, he gives another beard stubble scratch, and then shrugs slightly, "Obsidian isn't too hard to get. The problem is mining it up. I've created some thaumaturgical help for that, though. Getting enough for a wall will take some doing, but I can handle the sourcing. It's one of the hardest substances I've come across. Practically creeper-proof!"

    He glances over to Lezard's suggestions, and has a thoughtful look come to his face. "Yeah, a shared work space in the bowels of it, sounds good. My infusion apparatus won't be easy to move, but I think I can manage it." The girl with the wings, Izumi, once again coughs and then speaks up, "Master Steve, what about the books?" "Oh? Yeah...I guess we need an adjacent library and warehouse, for all those artifacts we're going to be collecting. And some kind of pig pen--wait, where did I get that idea?" He must have stolen a glance at Sanary's drawing without realizing it. "Hmm...self-sufficiency, though. Wherever possible. I like it."

Gudako Ordria (908) has posed:
    "Do we have to plan a trip to take a lot of it? We can help, obviously!" Gudako asks Steve, because field trips are going to have to be scheduled if needed.

    To Lezard, Caster shakes her head. "Nothing will grow here. The earth may as well have been salted by all the corruption. If anything does grow it'll probably be hostile and poisonous. We'll have to set up an artificial garden."

    NOTEWORTHY FEATURES SO FAR: Obsidian reinforced walls, watchtowers, arena, secret tunnels, animal farm/pen, small garden for food, generic living facilities (kitchen, barracks, big freezer), library, nexus room (w/ Warp Gate), research facilities (tech+magic), power generator (tech+magic), traps/alarms (tech+magic), warehouse (+artifact storage).

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Maaka makes a thoughtful sound. "Hydroponics might help with growing crops." She suggests, then adds that while jotting donw what everyone has so far. She also adds something else, before suggesting, "Maybe turrets too. Something you can link up to the security grid while you're at it."

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     Xiao looked at Sanary like a deer caught in the headlights.

     Silence reigned.

     And then she not so subtly looked away. "Ahahaha, of course I am!" No. No, she really hasn't.

Gudako Ordria (908) has posed:
    At Shin's offer, Caster's eyes lit up with stars, excitedly watching. YES, PERFECT, NOW MASTER IS ALL HEEEEERS. -ALL HERS-. Her tail swishes back and forth, evidently a happy fox right now.

    Berserker suddenly stutters, then glares at Caster, then back to Shin. "W-What! No no! Berserker's heart is already promised to someone, nya! You got the wrong idea, Shin is just a very good friend!" Then, right back to Caster. "Horrible! Caster is horrible! Same as in life, manipulating people to get what she wants! Berserker will solve this problem!"

    Berserker leaps at Caster.

    The two start catfighting.

    Gudako shrugs. "They'll get tired eventually, this happens every other month. Something about Caster saying she's the original and thus better, and Berserker wanting to kill her. It gets weird sometimes."

Steve (803) has posed:
    "Hmm, some kind of corrupting field in this world, then," he wonders to overhearing mention of plants twisting into horribly mutated monsters. "...though when you think about it, that could make a cool first line of defense. What if we were to make our own little corrupt jungle outside the wall, then?" He got to thinking on that problem on the interior, though, "The thauminomicon mentioned something called a lamp of growth. I don't know if I can manage it, but...I've noticed some of the new plants in my world have this property, that holds back this nasty stuff called 'taint'. It might give us a little bit of space to grow plants that aren't monsters."

    And lastly, he announces a bit of a pet project of his, that he'd like to integrate! Standing up from his table and putting down the pencil, he glances over some of the other plans people are making, and gives a light scratch of his beard. "I've been on a bit of a personal quest -- Maaka here could tell you some about it, but in the end, I'm going to kill a dragon, and take its egg as a prize. I don't know what kind of special powers or whatever it might have, but I think it'd make an excellent centerpiece."

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Maaka pauses. She stares at Shin, Caster, and Berserker.

    Shaking her head, she takes another puff on her cigar before sighing heavily. "Christ." mutters the cyborg.

Ira MacNally (915) has posed:
    "So wait, we're going to have a /pet dragon/? A real-ass dragon?" Ira hasn't actually met a dragon yet so she's obviously very excited about it. "Are we gonna train it to be a mount? Because that would be awesome. Forget fighter jets, go into battle on a /freaking dragon/."

Steve (803) has posed:
    "Whoa, slow down a bit," Steve laughs, good-naturedly, to Ira. "I don't know how long that thing would take to hatch, if it ever does. But...that'd be something for us to study, wouldn't it?" He grins a bit, then, imagining that very same bit. A dragon that can clip through the world itself coming up to sieze their enemies in its jaws. Wouldn't that surprise any invaders. The devil girl that stands beside him interrupts, while he's in day dream mode, "What Master Steve means to say is that he has never actually seen an 'Ender Dragon' egg hatch, so he is unaware of the time table. Though certain, with this many great minds..."

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     Ira gets a glance on the dragon bit. "Well. If you're volunteering to take care of all it's needs, then sure, why don't we get a dragon~?" Yes, you'll have to clean up after a huge ass dragon, and feed it, and take it on walks, and-

     That line of thought is cut as Berserker and Caster start having a catfight.

     "On the other hand, I think we have enough pets as it is."

Gudako Ordria (908) has posed:
    Gudako hms, and then glances down the mountain, towards the flaming city. "I don't think we should touch the city, it makes good defenses on its own... although, the mountain itself..." Steve might have noticed but there's a lot of burnt trees. There definitely used to be a forest around and at the base of the mountain itself. Keyword used. Fire is a bitch like that.

    NOTEWORTHY FEATURES SO FAR: Obsidian reinforced walls, watchtowers, arena, secret tunnels, animal farm/pen + hydroponics, generic living facilities (kitchen, barracks, big freezer, etc.), library, nexus room (w/ Warp Gate), research facilities (tech+magic), power generator (tech+magic), traps/alarms (tech+magic, namely turrets and Territory Creation shenanigans), warehouse (+artifact storage). Natural defenses, + monstrous forest?. A dragon from Steve! Eventually. Maid: Alweyn (Lyner plot NPC).

Ira MacNally (915) has posed:
    "Oh, well, yeah, we'll figure it out, won't we?" Ira waves a hand dismissively, "With this many wizards and mages, we'll figure out /something/." Ira at least seems confident that it'll happen, which could be refreshing, "Hey, Xiao, /I/ wouldn't be taking care of it. It'll technically be Steve's."

Steve (803) has posed:
    "Hmm, yeah, guess we shouldn't mess with the aesthetics, where we can." Steve can appreciate a blasted landscape for its own sake, just as much as one that's been built up. He glances away from Caster, then, and has that thoughtful look on his face again, that Izumi always dreads. "I've got a back log," heh, "Of saplings from my golems' work. I can probably sneak down and replant them...then it sounds like, get the hell away from it."

Shin Tokuyama (756) has posed:

    Shin shuts off the boombox and then sets it down, "Huh. They're really goin at it, yeah. That went about how I expected it to. Comedic and cascading misunderstanding," He muses, then looking over to Gudako, "Sorry if I made this upcoming Sunday way harder for you. Don't forget to make sure you remember White Day or they may team up on you afterwards," He adds, scratching the back of his head as he mostly then switches into just loitering around near the mage.

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Snapping her fingers, Maaka then gets another idea. "You need like, domestic servants or something. Maybe robots? I can get you a crate's worth of those easy." She says, scribbling down 'robot staff'.

Alexis Maaka (571) has posed:
    Maaka also asides to Steve, "I've seen that movie. Evil trees never goes well, even if you try controlling them." She reminds, half-jokingly.

Steve (803) has posed:
    Steve doesn't seem to be too bothered by the notion of creating something he can't control. "It's okay," he reassures Maaka, completely carefree in his laughter, "We've got axes." Izumi just gives another of those long-suffering sounds that every assistant to TOTAL GENIUS makes.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Sanary doesn't looked convinced by Xiao's response. She sighs quietly, then glances over at the fighting servants. "We should add beds to the research area, too. Just in case /someone/ doesn't go to her actual bed."

     So subtle. "And maybe we can get some of the Zaibatsu's MP batteries as backups in case our other power sources fail. Hell, we might even be able to use 'em to charge ourselves up if we... Figure it out or something."

     And the it's time to handle the other kids! Sanary hurries over to where Berserker and Caster are, trying to shove herself between the two. "Hey, hey! Easy, easy!" She's going to regret that soon, isn't she?

Steve (803) has posed:
    Now that he's free to notice, having completed his design work, for what it is, he himself wonders aloud. "Huh..." He then glances between Caster and Berserker, and gives a light scratch of his head. The devil girl, having noticed and intuitively already knowing what he's about to ask, braces herself. The miner then wonders aloud, "How'd you two wolves get to look so much like people?"

Gudako Ordria (908) has posed:
    Gudako laughs at Shin. She'd produce spreadsheets for him, live, but with one arm in a cast she's a bit short on her ability to do everything right now. "Don't worry! I've already planned everything out! I keep to my schedule and I never mess up!" Not true, but who's going to be able to prove it?

    Besides Sanary and Ira.

    Sanary attempts to separate Caster and Berserker. Predictably they're going at it with typical Servant-levels of strength, so she might not appreciate either the claws or the randomly swinging metal mirror. That is, until Steve calls them wolves.

    They both stop, Sanary might be thankful. It's to yell, together, with the same voice and tone: "We're foxes!" Although, Caster adds: "Technically, jackals, but nobody's keeping track~." Berserker nyas, "Cats are cooler anyway." And then they are glaring daggers at each other again.

    NOTEWORTHY FEATURES SO FAR: Obsidian reinforced walls, watchtowers, arena, secret tunnels, animal farm/pen + hydroponics, generic living facilities (kitchen, barracks, big freezer, etc.), library, nexus room (w/ Warp Gate), research facilities (tech+magic), power generator (tech+magic), traps/alarms (tech+magic, namely turrets and Territory Creation shenanigans), warehouse (+artifact storage). Natural defenses, + monstrous forest?. A dragon from Steve! Eventually. Maid: Alweyn (Lyner plot NPC). NPCs: no PL, whatever +group members want to throw in. Robot servitors, whatever monsters Lezard has on hand to spare, etc.