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Latest revision as of 01:50, 13 February 2016

Eastern Deva Match: Kazuko vs. Lu-Mey
Date of Scene: 12 February 2016
Location: Kawakami City
Synopsis: Eastern Deva Kazuko versus challenger Lu-Mey! Bugs and crazybones versus polearms and regular bones! Also, politeness.
Cast of Characters: 234, 336, 715, 756, 880, 928, 930, Mairead Sandilands, 942

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     After a long week... 'ish of waiting, it's finally time for Kazuko's first title defense! There's a small audience already gathered inside the dojo, and multiple tables are set out with various types of food prepared. Kazuko's at one of those tables herself, although she isn't eating today. She can't let herself get bloated before the big match, after all, so she busies herself with a cup of water and taking the occasional sip.

     "Almost time..." She's looking pumped, and she's looking excited. Winning the title is one thing, but if she wants to prove she's worthy of the title? She needs to actually hold onto it! She keeps glancing between her cup and the entrance to the dojo, watching for people coming in in hopes of spotting...

     ... She has no idea what her challenger even looks like. It'll probably be fine, right?

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     Sitting at the impromptu commenter's table, Momoyo sits with a microphone turned off. Seemingly from a recent exhibition the area was set up, she sits with her legs crossed on the table, leaning back in her chair. "Make sure you've warmed up, Wanko." she reminds gently, though she was here strictly as an observer. Tossing her hair back behind the seat, she sips on a bottle of peach soda, with a few more nearby.

    "She should be here soon..." she quips, rubbing along her neck. Since title matches were largely an informal affair regardless of the spectators, she didn't need to referee... but she had a bad feeling about this match. Signs were posted outside for both the title for the challenge of the Eastern Deva, but also the match the next day for the title of the West as well. Naturally, the few observers filtering in were forced by the various monks to sign personal liability waivers for the temple, in the event that they decided to spectate a match with potential collateral damage. Kawakami-ryu monk barriers could only contain so much... even Momoyo tended to break out of them in minutes.

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    Oh it wasn't that long! It was just a few days! Then again, Lu-Mey had spend most of her time in preparation for this moment. ... Of course most of her preparations involved curling under Starless Night's desk and napping. Sprawling out on Starless Night's desk and lazing, hanging from the ceiling inside Starless Night's closet and tittering with excited glee...
    Lots of preparations.
    But then she's here. Momoyo would, of course remember the dusky woman in red from the original meeting that set the terms for this whole ordeal.
    Yes, well the fine skirt-suit is replaced by dancers silks, the dusky skinned oni padding in soundlessly on bare feet. She is armed.
    The folding fan twirling on her finger flicks open and closed with a practiced and perfect flow of motion as shey plays with it. It would seem she hasn't bothered to hide the razor edge as usual.
    Oh look. Lu-Mey is pretending to be honorable today.
    "Thank you for having me over today~. I'll make sure my performance is even more spectacular than usual, just~for~you."
    Hard to tell if that's to her opponent, or Momoyo because she hit on Lu over the broadband. It really doesn't matter, because she's fluttering her lashes. A lot.

Shin Tokuyama (756) has posed:
    Shin's here. After manufacturing a comical misunderstanding at Gudako's new secret base the other night, he decided to swing by and spectate another match. Momoyo wanted him to come hang out every so often anyway, so why not?

    He's sort of sitting on the ground with his back against a pillar as he types something into his phone, which is playing an upbeat little tune and letting out a meow every so often. Once in a while, he updates his twitter account with a screencap from the phone and mostly seems to be focusing on that for the moment.

Starless Night (336) has posed:
    Someone else has arrived. Burly in appearance, but not huge or anything, the one-horned male oni has some resemblance to Lu-Mey. He also has a large tub of popcorn. "GOOO LUUUU! Papa's here watching!" Is.. is that a foam finger?

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     "Huh? Ehe... Yeah, you're right. I can't afford to cramp up now!" Beaming a wide grin at Momoyo, Kazuko steps away from the refreshments tables to start stretching and slowly making her way to the fighting area proper. It's fairly obvious that she's nervous, but it's not dampening her spirits in the slightest. That's for other things to do!

     Although the brunette hasn't actually seen Lu-Mey before, hearing and seeing her coming from the entrance is more than enough to let her identify today's challenger. The first order of business, of course, is to greet her with a controlled, simple... Excited waving and staring. "Hi-iii! Ooh, you're pretty..." She comments while approaching Lu-Mey to look her over and size her up, eyes widening slightly at her silks and her horn.

     "You're Miss Lu-Mey, then? I'm Kazuko Kawakami. Thanks for coming." Grinning broadly, she looks over as more observers start coming in, taking note of Shin and... Lu-Mey's father? "We're gonna have to really give them a good match, then..." She giggles lightly before hurrying towards the ring, picking up her naginata on the way.

Nero (880) has posed:
     Nero is here, dressed down as usual when not doing CRAZY THINGS OUT IN THE MULTIVERSE. Off to the side, with an equally large tub of popcorn, she cheered. "Yes! Go! Show us a magical performance! Let there be drama, blood, chaos, fear, determination, and beauty!"

     Nero please. Don't you have your own title to be defending?

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     Monks direct people to the bleachers as appropriate, with the possible exception of Nero and Shin who are more than strong enough to make decisions for themselves. Very little attention is paid to Starless other than the gawking at the foam fingered silly spectator for Lu-Mey. Most of the bleachers were behind Momoyo, though since they were mainly empty anyone could move to whatever angle they liked. The outdoor arena was about the size of two football fields, longer than it was wide, but hard packed with dirt as the rest of the dojo's facilities were constructed around this inner courtyard... in vague terms it might even resemble architecture Lu-Mey was familiar with.

    "The match doesn't start until the two of you take a proper bow, as you know. So take your time." Momoyo quips, having turned on the microphone. "Today, ladies and gentlemen we're here to witness the first of several challenges across The Big Four. An excellent opportunity to let off steam and build up reputation, here we have the unlikely victor over Lute, daughter of the Kawakami Temple, Kazuko. Just arrived is the mysterious and lovely dancer Lu-Mey... how she made it through the rest of the city without causing a panic is a mystery! Most of Kawakami City hasn't seen an oni up close in their lives and only certain gaming friends of mine would be unsurprised at her aesthetic beauty..."

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    Daddy sure is watching.
    A bead of sweat slowly rolls down the oni's brow at the boisterous, foam finger-wielding, Lu-Tirae in the bleachers, but clears her throat and turns to wiggle fingers with a big, fanged, smile. Nevertheless she's eyeing the others that have come to watch for a moment, sucking gently on her teeth with a small tsk.
    Ah, Nero wants blood and drama.
    Lu-Mey shall most likely not disappoint, as she makes her way to the arena, a second iron bladed war fan in her other hand now, the pair spinning in a smooth and lazy display. "Ara ara ara... Your sister really knows how to get on a girl's good side, doesn't she?" Mused idly to Kazuko. "Oh, I always make sure to leave people with a screamingly good time, everywhere I go. Just try and keep up~."
    A bow then? How formal! Though Lu-Mey's isn't so much a proper martial arts bow, it is low and theatric. But perhaps what might be disconcerting is how she keeps that scarlet gaze up, or...
    Did her skin just crawl?

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     "There shouldn't be too much blood, Miss Nero! I'm using the training one." Kazuko raises the naginata and taps her finger on the blade a few times, showing that it is indeed blunted. She's not fighting for her life or in the Ring of Philosophy, so using her bladed weapon isn't an option for the martial artist. She can't defend her title by killing her opponent, after all! But with Lu-Mey brandishing those bladed fans...

     Well, it'll probably be okay, right? "Sis likes doing that a lot with pretty girls around. Maybe the three of us can get something to eat after this!"

     Upon reaching center stage/ring, the martial artist takes several deep breaths to focus herself before turning to Lu-Mey with a more controlled, yet still eager grin on her face. "My name is Kazuko Kawakami, student of the Kawakami Temple and Eastern Deva of the Big Four. Thank you for coming to fight me today!" She offers Lu-Mey a formal bow out the waist before gripping both hands on her naginata, taking up a neutral stance.

     Kazuko is ready to fight! She does seem to notice something odd about the oni, however, but she can't quite put her finger on it... It's probably fine, right?

Shin Tokuyama (756) has posed:
    Even if Monks were to recommend a better seat, Shin would wave them off somewhat boredly, "Can't move. Neko Atsume. Need to tweet pictures of cats doing things in a cell phone game. This is very important to me," Shin says to the monk, not looking up from his cell phone as he types in.

    "Look... at what... this guy... made... in my vase... hashtag... NekoAtsume."

    Shin hits send, updating his twitter, and then looks up to watcha s the match starts to get underway. Or at least moves towards a beginning.

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden was once again spending some time just roaming, so many places to see!, and this particular place reminded him of the home city of his Tamer, which he only saw once. The dojo caught his attention, always interested in such martial arts, and he figured, walking inside to look around for a bit can't hurt!. He simply hopes his... well, looks don't surprise people too much, quietly following indications to a proper seat, seeming quite eager as he learns of the inminent fight.

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    Ah, introductions to the crowds, then? Of course Lu-Mey is perfectly fine laying on the ham on her own end as she rights herself and flicks her war fans closed once more.
    An idle pip from the bead in her ear tells her one of the myriad twitter accounts she keeps tabs on (follows) just updated. She pens a mental note to check it later. "Lu-Mey. Last-born princess of the Shiyi clan. And I'm here to take your title~." She practically purrs, before the dancer is in motion.
    Almost at the drop of a dime, she's flowing from her end of the arena, to Kazuko's, fan's twirling, scarlet silks floating as though on a breeze. It's like watching a dance-- perhaps because it is a dance- as she slides with a casual, swaying, grace into melee range. But what seems like an attack from the front turns into a feint, as she shifts smoothly with a twirl to try and curve clean around Kazuko and bring one of those bladed fans in a smooth singing arc at her side.
    It's a light stroke, the kind that screams she's making gauging defenses and looking to see just how well guarded Wanko is with her naginata.
    And even then, at the same time... Is she holding back? Or perhaps... Preparing?

Kenji Kawasaki (715) has posed:
     There are a couple reasons Kenji Kawasaki bothered to come out to this thing. One of them - indeed, chiefest among them - is that Momoyo directly asked him to. If not for that, he probably wouldn't've bothered. Watching people fight's never been how he learns to fight better. Kenji's bare hands have always been at their best when he, personally, is directly in combat.

     But, well, again, Momoyo asked him to. Kenji's the kind of guy who doesn't really say no to people he gives a damn about. He doesn't really have enough people in that category that he can afford to.

     Kenji, as far as anyone can tell, is here alone. He's dressed in pretty much the same thing he always is.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     Kazuko's fighting a princess? That would explain a lot, actually. Preparing herself for the first attack, Kazuko keeps her feet moving as she circles around Lu-Mey and takes the bait, dodging a little too soon at that feint. She tries to hop away from the bladed fan as well, but it's a little too late to avoid it, and she winces in pain as that first actual cut draws first blood.

     "Not bad... This'll be fun~" It doesn't bring down Kazuko's confidence, at least, as she gives her naginata a brief twirl, then rushes in before making a quick thrust straight at Lu-Mey's arm. Like the oni's first attack, it's a careful one to gauge her defenses without going all-in right at the start.

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     "And the lovely dancer dances her way inside the polearm's range for the first cut. It seems both fighters are testing the waters. Folks, I hope you like watching pretty girls dance and hop around the arena, because this match is about to heat up!" In spite of her peppy commentary, she sips at her soda, still remaining relaxed with her feet up on the announcer's table, lazily tossing the power cord for the microphone around as the crowd unexpectedly increases in size. Not only did more Multiversal spectators come about, but some of the Kawakami Academy students as well. There were some pretty serious combat-capable spectators curious about the naginata versus bladed fan.

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Mairead is here watchign her friend fight and after last nights training mission at Hikari, she is in a very, very good mood since the last fight she was in a week ago.

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    Truth be told. Lu-Mey hates one on one, face-to-face, confrontation. It's not her forte- it never was, and quite possibly never will be. The naginata, even though blunted, connects solidly with her wrist, earning a sharp hiss of breath. She near drops her war fan, grasp fumbling as the rest of her smoothly weaves away.
    "Heh~..." She catches it though, balancing the fan, now snapped shut, on the tip of her finger. Though the act shows the angry red welt over dusky skin, on her arm as a result of the blow, it's... Already fading. She slides sidewards again, really not too keen on facing that naginata head on, the Oni slinks low, another dazzling flutter of her dress, as the fan snaps open again, using the momentum of a brief, but quick twirl to bring both fans in a quick series of more light cuts. But...
    She still seems to be tensing- the exact opposite of the loose and limber flow that a dancer should aspire to at all times.

Shin Tokuyama (756) has posed:
    Shin is watching the fight, mostly, and observing as Kazuko and Lu-Mey go at it, "Huh. They're both pretty good, but their styles are really conflicting. Interesting," He muses before looking down at his phone again.

    "Ahaha! That cat's in a train! Trains are for people."

    And then it's right back to updating twitter, "Silly... cat. Trains are... for people... hashtag nekoatsume."

    And then he looks up to catch some more of the fight.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     Kazuko's footwork seems to be improving as she settles into the fight more, watching Lu-Mey's movements with a careful eye. She hops out of range of most of those swings for all but one of them, the bladed fan scraping against her arm a bit before the martial artists hops back once again. "That's a lot prettier than using swords... But isn't that harder to work aim?" As she calls out, Kazuko keeps her feet moving, trying to keep Lu-Mey within her own weapon's optimal range and herself out of Lu-Mey's.

     "But Cri uses a rapier instead of a sword, so... You must really be good with that, then." Stepping forward suddenly, Kazuko shifts her grip on the naginata before taking a few quick swings with the naginata. Even though she can't use it to cut, she can still use it to bludgeon!

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    A keen observer would notice the slight... Twitch. The way how when the Oni's step comes to a halt. Of course not a true halt, still swaying in place. A little flick of blood off the fan, and Lu-Mey holds it just in front of her face, scarlet eyes still dancing even as she slows her body to better time any reaction she'd have to make in a heartbeat.
    "Ah, well, they're not quite the same." She purrs. "It's all about practice, either way~."
    But then Kazuko outpaces her. It was bound to happen, after all, a student of the Kawakami style would be more at home in a direct fight than a dancing princess. Even though the naginata is blunted, the blows are painfully solid, each earning a small cry as the strokes connect in perfect precision, leaving that dark skin to bruise quickly as Lu staggers, thrown out of her balance and groove, to reel a whine.
    This is when her body reacts FOR her.
    Once again there's a visible crawl of her skin, something visibly -slithering- outward against the skin of her exposed belly-- before it erupts outwards with a sickening 'SKREEEEE!'
    There is more blood on the arena floor than there should be, as something with far too many legs bursts from Lu-Mey's stomach and lashes out with the force and speed of a vicious and toothed whip. That's all the warning there is, before the giant centipede snaps forward, jaws flashing as it tries to sink its menacing teeth right into the younger Kawakami sister, before slithering to start reeling itself back into the now gaping wound from whence it came.
    "Mmmf... Oh yes..." The red clad dancer huffs once she has her balance again. "I suppose I should introduce you to Ranchiki. She likes schoolgirls and hugs. Though I suppose you wouldn't find her as pretty as my fans, would you?"

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     "Ooooh, and it looks like our dancing Oni has... stepped right out of a B-rated alien movie! A careful observer can see the bugs crawling in her skin, before the wound that will not heal erupts. Kazuko looks a bit startled... but unharmed. Only for the moment, though! You can see where her concentration is wavering already. Wanko getting serious must have triggered a backlash. Is she even having fun at this point fighting a beautiful monster!?"

    Momoyo could see the hints of the skin shifting way more elastic than it should otherwise have been, along with the other experienced combatants in the arena, but she still put her feet on the ground to sit up straight and lean forward. Pulling on her chair, she shifts it underneath the commentator table, gulping some of her beloved soda the rest of the way and opening the next bottle. Now, the tension in her voice and posture was a little harder to hide.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     As Lu-Mey's combatant, it's probably not a huge surprise that Kazuko notices that odd shifting and twitching in Lu-Mey's dance. Although she can't hold back with her opponent too much, she can still wonder just what it is that's going on with the dancer. "Practice is important, yeah. Even someone without a lot of talent can succeed with enough training!"

     Inspirational, isn't it? If only she wasn't still suppressing something.

     As those strikes hit their mark, Kazuko notices the crawling becoming more visible. "Eh? What's..." Before she can even try to inquire about what's going on with that, however, she's caught off guard when that centipede explodes out of Lu-Mey's stomach with startling speed! It's definitely not what the martial artist was expecting, and she yelps when it gets its teeth right in her arm. Before she can process just what happened, though, it's already retreating with the... Introduction.

     "Wh-wha... Did that.. Your...!" She points at Lu-Mey's stomach before stumbling a bit, the poison in Ranchiki's fangs already starting to mess with Kazuko's head. "Can you still fight like... Th-that?!" Looking more than a little freaked out, she hesitates for a moment before advancing again, taking a single wide swing at Lu-Mey's legs. Is she purposely avoiding that hole in her gut?

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    Such a question... Whether or not Lu-Mey can continue to fight, with a gaping wound in her stomach larger than a fist... Most fighters would be pleading for the match to end and to go to a hospital, yet...
    The oni titters. Flicking her fans shut and flashing that sharp-toothed smile. "I'm just fine, don't worry about me~." Crooned sickeningly sweet as she shifts her posture. She's clearly ready to resume- which is all well and good, when Kazuko's naginata sweeps her legs out from under her. Had the blade been sharp and keen, no doubt she would have lost one or both limbs, but the dulled impact simply drops her to the dirt with a hiss of dismay from the massive insectoid beast in her gut as it peeks head out to snarl and snap the air.
    Lu-Mey, herself, however rolls. Her fall turning into a smooth roll that halts her in a crouch, one fan spinning on her finger. "What? You're not afraid of bugs, are you?"
    From her, the question is more loaded than a shotgun.
    Especially when she lashes out again-- or does she? A fluttering wave of her fan is the only visible action she takes... But keen eyes might see gossamer strands of silvery light forming, as she manipulates the Sha, turning the essence of the world to her very whims as she seeks to loop it around Kazuko's ankle. Because if it does...
    She'll yank. A sudden and violet telekinetic pull into the gleam if a series of razor fan swipes.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     If that's not a sign that Lu-Mey isn't human, then what is? Thankfully, Kazuko's not /that/ stupid with all the signs pointing that way, and it's actually a little easier to focus on the fight when she doesn't have to worry about things like human anatomy being unsafe to aim at. Sure, there's the other issue of just what would actually be a vital area, but...

     Kazuko can sort it out later. "If you're sure, then!" Giving the polearm another spin, she steps back almost on instinct as Ranchiki pops out again for that brief moment. "Not.. Not most bugs. B-but that one's just creepy!"

     Bracing the naginata as she readies herself to sidestep again, Kazuko's once again caught off guard when, instead of an attack from the fans, her ankle gets caught by those light strings. She yelps in surprise as she's yanked right towards Lu-Mey, taking a shallow cut on her other side from the fan before tumbling into an awkward roll to narrowly avoid the others. Between the poison working its way through her system and the bleeding, she definitely won't want to draw the fight out longer than necessary.

     "Nn..! If you really want me this close, then.. Kawakami Style: Scorpion Strike!" From her grounded position, she springs upwards with ki-infused punch aimed at Lu-Mey's midsection.

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    Ah, but Lu-Mey was never human in the first place! The horn should have really given that hint plain as day. Though she oni does pout visibly. "Oh stop that- you're hurting her feelings."
    She should probably be more concerned with Kazuko hurting HER, though, the force of that strenghthened punch catching the dancer full on, dead center.
    She looks surprised. Maybe because she suddenly can't breathe? That might be why, as the blow solidly knocks the wind clean out of her, leading to a completely graceless backwards stagger, one hand holding her stomach, while her eyes bug out. The next motion is one of more desperation as she works on regaining her breath and composure, calling upon the Sha once again to try and hoist-- and then bodily SLAM the younger Kawakami into the ground.
    "Fwuh... Ah... Ow." She's really not built for this, even as the massive hole in her stomach begins to... Seal itself up. The fleeting sight of too many things, white and crawling, wriggling at the edges of the wound and sealing it closed slowly without so much as even a scar, might give hint to why the bruises from Kazuko's prior attacks have already faded, and the newest and most fresh of them all is already beginning to smooth over. "Oh dear, you are beginning to be problematic..." She grunts, clearly not having as easy a time as she had anticipated.

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     "And wow, did this match turn serious fast. Looks like the sorta alien looking woman is not too happy that she underestimated doggie's speed. Looks like doggie could even be a dancer herself! But Kazuko is clearly not focusing on the fight. She's a tough little bugger, but is our dancer gonna continue to be a sadist, or is she gonna suddenly realize what The Big Four is all about!?" Her fist pounds the table, partly to keep the crowd excited and engaged, but partly because watching Kazuko struggle was getting exciting for a variety of reasons. Once again her sister was doing everything she could to prove Momoyo wrong about her career path!

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Mairead claps for Kazuko as she fights, "Go Kazuko..." she says as she also has a flag that has her name in kenji on it, but it says Wanko instead....

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     "Eh? Sorry, Ranchi!" Oddly enough, Kazuko actually sounds like she's genuinely apologizing. Just because she's fighting Lu-Mey and the everything inside her doesn't mean she can't still be civil about it.

     Some distance. Good. Pushing herself back up, Kazuko brings the naginata around to her front before noticing that she's getting pulled up again. Didn't she already get pulled over before?

     .. Right! The strands. Lu-Mey never did actually remove them, did she? Kazuko gasps in pain as her back impacts into the ground, clenching her fists and gritting her teeth to avoid letting out too much noise at once. Even if it hurts, she still needs to stay strong!

     "Nn... Hehe. Don't underestimate martial artists. When people like us fight, we put everything into it!" Staggering back up to her feet, the younger Kawakami actually grins widely (briefly at Momoyo and Mairead, even) as she starts spinning her naginata to channel her ki into it. As she does, she advances on the oni once again, just spinning it wildly in front of her while trying to use those spins to execute a deft... Bludgeoning. A lot of bludgeoning.

     It's not a very technical attack at all.

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    It still takes Lu a few more beats to get her breath back to a ragged, but somewhat normal, state now. Though her eyebrow twitches at the pet name given to the centipede. The thing visibly crawls under her stomach for a second there before going still and fading from sight.
    It's when Kazuko charges, blade spinning, that Lu-Mey backs up, weaving and bobbing, relying on her reflexes to take each blow as a graze here, a light thump, there, welts on bare skin showing through as her defenses wear down, grunting as one blow catches her with a solid THUNK on the ribs.
    But then she lashes back. Something SNAPS out of her arm. With a wet, sliding, sound; the entirety of her left arm sprouts a pin-cushion of bony spurs, spikes, and quills. "I wouldn't know, it's not my style!" She chirrups quite honestly as each quil violently shoots forth, erupting from her arm with bullet force, while something visibly squirms in her shoulder.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     All that crawling is really getting under Kazuko's skin, and even she's squirming a bit as Lu-Mey's movements become more grotesque. Or would that be her insects? The martial artist can't let herself get too distracted, though, as she keeps spinning her naginata more and more even as Lu-Mey backs up. It works just as well for Kazuko, at least, since she's definitely more of a mid-ranged fighter than a close-ranged one.

     "Well... Y-you've got potential! Maybe you-" And then Lu-Mey's arm gets chunky! The mere sight of it is enough to startle Kazuko into landing flat-footed, forcing her to try and use the spinning to deflect those projectiles coming her way. She staggers back as most of them get through and draw yet more blood from her arms, legs, and a few across her face, but it doesn't stop her from spinning.

     Perhaps it's the sight of all the bugs and grotesque attacks, or maybe it's the poison that's still lingering in her system. Whatever it is, Kazuko's moving a little more hurriedly than before, and she lunges forward at Lu-Mey. The naginata spinning stops, and she swings it sideways at the oni with both hands, putting all of that pent up force into her swing.

     "Kawakami Style: Daisharin!"

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    All of that spinning would make anyone dizzy. In the end it just catches Lu-Mey off guard, when the blunded blade slams right into her from the side. And there's a crack. The sick sound of fracturing bone as the blow makes undoubted and perfect connection. She simply eats it. No cry this time, but a grunt as the force nearly launches her sideways, clutching her ribs as she drops to a knee.
    "Maybe I what?" She muses hoarsely. There's another POP that says something may have just popped into place -on its own-, inside her. "Maybe I'm just getting hungry..." She decides, scarlet gaze locking to Kazuko from the corner of her eyes for a moment, before her lips part into a thin smile, eyes narrowing. The oni draws a breath. She's up again now, though, fanning her face as casual as can be.
    "Careful. I might just eat you up if you keep giving me so much trouble. Uhuhuhuhu~."
    Oh dear she just struck a pose.
    Theatrics, anyone? But...
    Her right shoulder twitches in such an odd way.
    That's not what Kazuko should be worrying of here, though. Not when it becomes rather apparent why the dancing princess is barefoot. Somthing living- and very sharp, extends from between her toes in a sharp lacerating kick aimed with intent to temporarily cripple a leg, before a much higher second swipe comes to follow.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     Even though Lu-Mey's not human, Kazuko still can't help but be a little worried when she hears that cracking. She's still got enough sense not to show too much mercy, though, as she readies her naginata again when the oni laughs that injury off.

     "Hungry..? W... We can get food after the match is over. Wait. Are you...?" Getting eaten up? Isn't that the sort of thing grandparents say to their children? Then... Lu-Mey's complimenting her? "We're not related, though. What are you trying to say?"

     Thinking literally in the multiverse really goes a longer way than one would expect. Spotting that movement from the dancer's feet, Kazuko's eyes widen as she brings her leg up to almost avoid getting her leg cut open completely, although more blood is still drawn even from that grazing cut. She rushes forward past the follow up towards Lu-Mey, however, and she tries to slip behind the oni to grab her around the waist. If she succeeds...

     "Kawakami Style: Mozu-otoshi!" She'll hoist Lu-Mey up and fling herself into the air, then fall back with big back drop aimed at planting her head into the dirt!

Shin Tokuyama (756) has posed:
    Shin's still here, alternating between watching the fight and updating his twitter with his new craze of cartoon cat pictures, "Haha, Breezey, why do you have a plastic bag on your head?" He taps at his phone, "Can't see... the haters... hashtag Nekoatsume."

    He looks up to watch the fight again. Despite the incredibly gross and largely bizarre bodily attacks that Lu-Mey is doing he seems interested in watching the match and mostly unphased by it. Or at least outwardly so. He's watching her and Kazuko go at it.

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    "I mean exactly what I said."
    Really it was that simple, as she flashed that smile of razors and fangs. But then she's not smiling so much anymore.
    Kazuko has her around the waist.
    "... Ara ara..."
    Now, Lu-Mey may not be the most capable direct combatant, but it takes a lot to truly get behind her, and into a blindspot. Especially with the EYE that opens up on the back of her neck to stare right at Kazuko as she grabs the oni. Unfortunately... Awareness does not mean defended.
    "W-wah?!" In an instant, Lu's world is upside down as she's summarily hoisted, flipped, and brought down on her head. The landing is bad. All of the force behind the impact catches her skull wrong, and with a twist, and improper bend...
    The sound of the Oni's neck snapping resounds across the arena as she crumples to the dirt. Lu-Mey goes limp for a long moment.
    Her voice is a croak, as her weight goes dead limp for the span of a few seconds before she rises on wobbly legs, head hanging at a very bad angle. She's not paying attention to the pip in her ear about updated postings now. "Okay. I guess all the playing around is done." Sighed melodramatically as she reaches up and POPS her neck back into alignment with a shudder. And then her arm twitches again. With a sudden, rippling, motion it buldges. Something from within slithering along lean muscle, visibly crawling under tattoos, before her arm jerks on its own. Flesh tears. She grits her teeth, straining. Her arm explodes outwards all on its own, muscle shredding, bone pulverizing on itself as strips of bloody flesh tear away and hang limp from the sheer amoung of bone amd blade protrusions that lance outwards, swinging forward into an array of pain, as something inside her arm opens an eye and rattles hungrily.
    Like an extending whip, she lashes this grotesque mockery of what used to be an arm, in a belting swing, aimed to club Kazuko. To club her with what amounts to 'too many bone-swords'.

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     "Ooooohhh! Kazuko's Daisharin is usually more threatening than that, but she JUST! KEEPS! GOING!!! The oni is /clearly/ in over her head! Doggie slips behind the dancer as her own weird movements just keep throwing her off and unable to recover, there's no horror here, only sheer tenacity! And then BAM, the characteristic Kawakami Style Suplex! Doggie's agility lets her put a bit of altitude into the gravity!"

    Momoyo hops up, throwing a soda bottle on the ground... where it just shatters everywhere. Even some of the shards brush up against Shin and Kenji behind her near their shoes and crossed legs near the pillar base.

    "And now Oni's skeleton isn't what it seems, but Kazuko just won't have any of this! Her naginata says 'Not Today' to the terrible horror movie assault! Is the dancer cornered?! What other tricks can she have up her sleeve to claim this title from the Genius of Hard Work!? She's going to have to pull a fast one now, because it looks like she's a bit wobbly and Kazuko has only finished her daily jog!"

Kenji Kawasaki (715) has posed:
     Kenji looks down at the bottle.

     He looks up at Momoyo. "Don't you have a damn trash can?"

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     Kazuko just needs to keep reminding herself that Lu-Mey's bones don't work like human bones. How else could she have survived having a bug burst out of her stomach? Or landing on her head with that sickening crack? Or moving her head back into place when it was at such an odd angle?

     Or turning into a sword-limbed hellbeast trying to turn her into paste? It's all rather disconcerting for the young martial artist as Lu-Mey's transformation begins, and she backs up rapidly in wide-eyed fear. "What did you... M-Miss Lu-M... Eh?!"

     Right. She's still in this match! No matter how horrifying or how frightening her opponent may be, the only thing she can do is continue pushing forward! She manages to avoid the brunt of the swing, although she still takes a nasty slash to the leg that sends her sprawling back, leaving quite a bit more blood on the dirt.

     "Th... This must be what sis warned me about, huh?" Pushing herself up to an unsteady defensive stance, Kazuko spits out a wad of congealed blood before stepping forward, her pace slowly increasing until she's breaking into an awkward run. "But I've still got some tricks of my own left, too!"

     She doesn't want to get in striking distance of Lu-Mey after all that, of course, but it's not like she has any other choice. Besides, she's got Momoyo cheering her on! Taking aim at what was or still is Lu-Mey's arm, Kazuko lurches forward before taking a big upwards slash at it, trying to hit it right at the base. "Kawakami Style: Tairin Hanabi!"

Shin Tokuyama (756) has posed:
    "HEY. Don't throw bottles at sporting events!" Shin says, bringing a hand up to half-shield his face when it gets thrown and breaks against the floor, "What're you, a Bengals fan? That's topical and inappropriate, yo!"

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    Oh no, her bones work exactly as they should! All boney and supportive of muscle, and aiding her body in retaining form. Except for her arm, Lu-Mey's arm is just a slavering bang of angry tendons and murder jelly, now.
    "Hm? Oh this? Shikamaru just wants to say hello!" She chirrups, not sounding particularly quite all there. "Right Shikamaru?"
    Razor limbed body horror aside, the oni doesn't seem to be of a mind to meet Kazuko's charge. Though she doesn't quite weave aside in time, the naginata striking the wobbling mess where all the boney protrusions meet the under side of the oni's arm, both she, and the thing taking residence in her shoulder squawk with pain-- moreso she does, as it retracts half of the razor edges into itself.
    "Oh you're just terrible! Shikamaru would never harm a fly!" She brays-- as that whip-like arm slithers on itself. A pair of antennae stick out from her shoulder, voltaic energy crackling in visible arks between them-- before they pulse outwards, electricity now running along the rubbery mass of tendons as she swings it like a bloody whip again.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     That one has a name, too? "Uhh... H-hi, Shika... Shika." How polite! Sure, Kazuko looks like she's about ready to crap herself, but a martial artist must always be in control of her body, outside and inside!

     She even raises her hand briefly in a quick wave. Somehow, that arm... Thing could almost be cute if it wasn't so terrifying.

     Backing up once more when those antennae appear, the adopted Kawakami draws her polearm back when the electricity starts to pulse, focusing mostly on that defensive stance again. Although the swing itself doesn't hit her, the electricity running through the arm mass still catches her, and she's yelps as the shock travels through her before drawing herself further back.

     "So... Is that you, or is that Shika, then?" It's important to make that sort of distinction! Despite that fear, however, Kazuko's gaze is resolute. Strong opponents. New combat styles. It's all the sorts of things she needs to test herself if she ever wants to get to Momoyo's level one day. "Because if it's Shika... Then I'll just apologize to her later!" Spinning her naginata to channel her ki into it again, she starts hopping forward to try using that to pummel the arm and Lu-Mey alike.

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    HUFF. The girl's politeness is almost sickening. Though it does earn a strange and confused chitter from the THING that used to be the dancer's arm. Up until it starts taking a beating.
    Thump-thump-thump. The expression of bewilderment on the oni princess' face is almost comical, as every blow to her arm and shoulder send a new world of pain lancing through nerves as it's battered back into its hiding place, leaving nothing but limp and broken flesh, the eerie wriggle of little white worms creeping to the mangled sight and already putting her arm back together. It's difficult to tell which process is the more sickening of the two, breaking and turning to blades-- or twitching in a false semblance of life as it's put back together from, literal, shreds.
    But that's about when Lu-Mey falls on her ass, completely graceless as she clutches the wrecked mess.
    "Ara ara... Sssss that's going to take a few days..." Hissed to herself, eyes glazed over in clear agony as she thumps herself backwards.
    "I'm done. Someone carry me hooooome."

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     "And that's it! The challenger is beaten back. Kazuko Kawakami remains the Heavenly Deva of the East! Good try you crazy whimsical alien-thing!" she calls out, her hand cutting across to give the signal to end the match. While the monks tend to Kazuko's wounds and try to test her joints to see the effects of the poison... sadly everyone is too spooked to really check Lu-Mey too closely.

    She did spend the entire match trying to eat Kazuko, in their view, after all.

Nero (880) has posed:
     And the victor is decided!

     And Nero, with an empty popcorn tub by her side, blinked at the announcement. She'd moved to the bleachers at some point into the battle. "........" And oddly enough, she had no ROUSING cheer to give. Instead, she had a hand to her chin, rubbing thoughtfully and quietly as she observed the aftermath.

     "Well..." Her eyes were settled on Kazuko in particular, ruminating upon something in her mind. Whatever those thoughts were, she didn't say what, and instead, she got up and headed off.

     "Perhaps she may be... Hrm." No, she needed to think about it some more first.

Kazuko Kawakami (942) has posed:
     As Kazuko's focusing all of her remaining ki into her spinning, the weapon glowing with a yellow aura as power continues to build, she prepares to defend herself when suddenly... Lu-Mey falls over? Is it over?

     It definitely sounds like it's over. Kazuko looks somewhat dumbstruck by the abrupt end to the match, but incredibly pleased with herself when Momoyo's voice comes booming in to confirm it for her. Pleased, and relieved.

     She doesn't have to worry about getting eaten now, for starters. Having the monks come by to treat her wounds certainly helps, too, since she's lost quite a bit of blood in that match! Falling over and letting the monks take care of the movement from that point onwards, the martial artist does manage a tired grin at Lu-Mey.

     "That was a g-wah! Owowow... Aah. That was a great fight, Miss Lu-Mey. Come back whenever you want to do that again." Hopefully, without all the freaky bugs, but everyone knows that's never going to happen.