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Valentine Dress Assistance
Date of Scene: 13 February 2016
Location: Equestria <KE>
Synopsis: Mairead travels to Equestria, specifically The Carousel Boutique for her first ever dress measurement and fittng from the master seamstress Rarity.
Cast of Characters: 136, Mairead Sandilands

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Mairead is walking through Equestria and lookign at everything, "What type of place is this?" she says to herself as she stops an dsees the ponies the walk by and they wave at her or look at her or both. "I think I am out of my league," she comments as she looks around. Arriving in the center of Ponyville, she looks around at everything, "Now where is this carousel at?"she asks herself as she looks around and scratches her head as she blinks, "Excuse me," she asks a pony. "Where would I find Rarity's shop at?"

    The pony looks at her, "Right over there," and she turns. "Thank ye," and she begins to walk and stops. "I just spoke to a pony? Oh dad would have a heart attack," she comments as he looks up and sighs as she walks on and looks at the buildings.

Rarity (136) has posed:
Once it comes into view it's not hard to see how 'Carousel Boutique' aquired it's name. The circular building certainly looks like a elaborate one with it's pastel pink and cream colors, and even the sign on front is of a prancing merry-go-round pony.

"Yoo hoo, over here dahling~!" Helpfully Rarity is standing outside, waving a hoof to get the approaching girl's attention.

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Blinking at this, Mairead look and stands there, "Now I see why the name of it is the Carousel Boutique," she says as she walks over and looks at Rarity and curteise infront of her. "Ma'am," she says to her as she shows rspect and the proper courtsey to her. "Thank ye for seeing me on such a short of a notice," she adds as she stands back up to he 5'6" height. "I am Mairead Sandilands and it is a pleasure to meet you," she comments to her as she looks and wonders how a pony can make cloths without hands.

Rarity (136) has posed:
Rarity turns her head to the side a bit as she gives a modest wave with her hoof. "Oh think nothing of it dear. Short notice works are a part of the job." Then makes a grandoise gesture towards the door. "Shall we?" Though Mairead gets a hint at the answer to her wondering when Rarity's horn lights up with the crystal blue shimmer and the door is magically swung open for her. "Just step right in and we'll get down to business to have you dressed up and faaaaaabulous~ in no time."

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Mairead nods and blinks as the door opens nad the horn glows, "..." she opens her mouth and then closes it as she blinks a few times before shaking her head and begins to follow Rarity, "Again, thank you," she says as she steps into the store, "I have never been here before, to Equestria, nor to a shop that has dresses," she says as she closes the door behind her and looks at the inside...

Rarity (136) has posed:
It might take a slight duck to get the pony sized door, but once inside the high ceiling of the main shop is more than spacious enough. It is what one would expect of a seamstress shop, from the work table and sewing machine to the displays, which after the various jobs she has done for friends of both four and two legs includes several humanoid manniquins along with the pony ones.

There's more magic shimmer as Rarity lifts her seamstress glasses up from hanging around her neck, then levitates a measuring tape as she walks back over to Mairead. "Now just stand up straight and hold out your arms so I can get a few measurements."

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Looking around inside, she blinks and spins slowly takign it all in, "Lordie," she starts. "Look at everything," she add as she is taken aback. "Ye did all of these?" she asks as she looks over at Rarity. Then she sees the measuring tape adn gulps as she stands up straight and does as she is told. "Don't I need to get out of me uniform so ye can get the proper measurements?" she asks her as she stands still?

    As she stands there, she looks with her eyes at everything, "I have never been to a dress shop before," she says to Rarity. "So thisis completely new ma'am," she adds.

Rarity (136) has posed:
"If you want, but I've done this long enough to mentally adjust for clothing," Rarity replies with a faintly bemused smile. She figured if the girl was unfamiliar with the process she might be a bit on the anxious side. "Not everyone is comfortable with declothing around unfamiliar faces." Once Mairead is in position she goes about her work, the tape measure fwooshing around as she moves it with her magic. "But of course. Though other than a few test pieces, I have yet to start on this year's new fashions. Winter tends to be a bit of a slow time in the business, when people are more interested in practical, warm clothing. For obvious reasons."

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Nodding, Mairead listens than speaks, "Aye, I can see a reason for that ma'am. Back home we would wear wool to stay warm during the winter. Which can be quite cold if ye are not use to it. Still the lads who are use to it wear kilts for the various games that happen or shows, and we lasses tend to wear warm cloths, but it really depends on things," she comments as she nods, "It took me a few weeks to get use to the IS Academy Uniform, luckily I was able to have the skirt modified in length," and she blushes slightly,"I do not like to show off me body," she adds as she gets measured.

Rarity (136) has posed:
Rarity makes a mental note of that as she walks partway behind the girl to wrap the measure around her waist, and then her hips. She's making as much a mental assesment of Mairead's mannerisms as she is her size, to be sure she matchs all the more appropriate outfit. As she comes around the other side and pauses, putting a hoof to her chest. "Well then it is fortunate for you that my Art of the Dress understands it is more than flashing some visible skin to look at one's best." She levitates over a notepad and pencil to jot down the numbers she has so far, then gets to measuring around Mairead's chest and shoulders. And then around her upper arms to make sure she gets proper sleeves.

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Watches with interest as she is measured, "Most lasses my age tend to do things to find lads. I am not interested in that, although I have not met many lads here in the Multiverse. Granted I have been busy with school, and some of the lads there are..... um crude and are only after one thing. Luckily me fist are good at stopping them," and she smiles at that as she has punched a few boys to cause others to back away from their advances. "Well, me sword helps to when they press the issue," and she grins even more. "But I am not like me mum who likes dresses. Last time I was in one, I was 10 and that was for me aunts wedding."

    And Mairead blinks, "Well, I am interested in lads, but not right now as me schooling is important. Although I do tend to keep to me self and read a book." she adds.

Rarity (136) has posed:
Rarity gives Mairead a bemused little smirk. "I have gotten Applejack and Rainbow Dash into dresses on the rare occasion, you are going to have to do better than 'not wore a dress since I was a foal' and hit overeager boys to deter me," she jests. She almost adds something about keeping that fist handy around Lute, but opts to keep it to herself. Not her place to comment. So instead she jots down a few more notes, including the ones about Mairead not wanting to show off too much. "Though I would imagine you would like something that looks nice but is going to be more in the line of casual and comfortable."

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Thinking, Mairead looks, "Aye," and she ponders. "Me mum told me that if you do anything, there are two ways to do it, when it comes to cloths," she starts. "Ye can tell the person or whoever what you want with all the detail, or ye can tell them what ye want and to have them make the decision themselves," and she looks. "I am not good with dresses or how they should look, so I will let ye use ye best judgement on the appearance," and she smiles. "I think that would be the best course of action," and she looks on.

    "If ye do not mind me asking," she begins. "I noticed that ye and the other ponies have images on ye hind quarters. Do they mean something, or just there as art?" Mairead has no idea and so she is asking Rarity about the QTs.

Rarity (136) has posed:
"I have had my share of customers whom do not quite grasp that concept." And friends, but she got them out of that stage. Mostly. And then you have Dash that just wants '20% more' of something without specific details at all!... But that's another story.

And the mention of her mark Rarity pauses from her notes and turns a bit to look back at her hindquarters. "Ah yes, the QT Mark." The way it's said still ends up sounding like 'cutie mark' though. "It represents a pony's strongest trait or special talent, or in some cases something extraordinary they do with that talent."

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Mairead ohs as it is explained. "So they are like a visible way of showing what talent one has," and she thinks. "So ye must be bringing out the beauty people than?" she comments as she thinks on this. "And ye make beautiful dresses so I am going to say that it fits from what I am seeing."

Rarity (136) has posed:
Rarity clicks a forehoof across the floor in a manner that suggests being the local equivilent to snapping fingers. "You caught onto that concept quickly dear. Even the most astounding of dresses is only as beautiful as the one it is worn by. I do not just make it," she holds her hoof up in one of her melodramatic poses, "I bring forth what has always been there but not always the most obvious!"

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Smiling, Mairead looks, "I would be lying if I did not speak the truth, and then I would have to be giving confession to the good lord at mass to ask for forgiveness," she mentions. "Plus, me mum made sure and enforced that I never lie unless it is needed at the time, cause lying will not help ye and can do more harm," and she looks. "But ye are good at it, better than I. I enjoy reading and learning new things, which I think hinders me in the friendship area," she adds as she thinks . o 0 (I wonder what is inside of me?)

    Looking she smiles, "Then I should not be afraid of wearing a dress," she comments to herself as she looks on. "Can ye surprise me with the dress?" she asks.

Rarity (136) has posed:
Rarity pffs, dismissively waving the notion off with a hoof. "So does Twilight Sparkle, and that hasn't hindered her any!" Pause. "Well, it did get her off to a slow start until she realized how important it was, I suppose. Minor detail. Once we got her out of her literary shell there has been no stopping the friendshiping." Puts a hoof to her chin. "I wonder if that is actually a word."

Somewhere Spike would likely be trying to scribble it into a dictionary, just because Rarity came up with it.

"Of course dahling. I need time to work, but fear not, you shall have your dress in time for your party."

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Mairead nods as she moves after standing still, "Aye, I have been trying, but it is hard as there is so much here in the Multiverse. Its like I am asleep and in a dream," she says as she thinks on all that she has seen. "I honestly think that I am dreaming with the way things are. Most seem like it is a movie or a show on the tele," she adds as she nods her head.

    "Again, thank you for doing this," she says to her. "I hope I do not cause ye any problems or keep ye from handling other things that come up around here," and she looks. "I think I will go exploring some," and she smiles. "Have a good evening ma'am and thank you." she mentions to her as she exits the shop, and hits her head on the door, :Ohh, fergot to duck,: she comments as she rubs the top of her head.