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Latest revision as of 03:30, 17 February 2016

Sleepy kitty, Happy kitty
Date of Scene: 16 February 2016
Location: Remnant <REM>
Synopsis: Team RWBY seek their wayward member. What will they discover if/when they /do/ find her?
Cast of Characters: Tomoe, Staren, 385, 411, 867, Yuuki Konno, Yang Xiao Long, 910, 917, 922

Blake Belladonna (917) has posed:
     Blake Belladonna is a relatively smart teenager, all things considered. She is quiet, and mature, and generally always seems to be doing well at things, even if she is a little reserved, and perhaps strangely for a Huntress in training, shy. Let's discuss Vale for a moment. The commercial district, where the incident with the White Fang went down, is, relative to beacon, to the west-west-north. Above that, in the north-west, is the dangerous lands of Forever Fall. To the west-west-south is the residental and agricultural districts, and then, of course, nothing.

     Blake had clearly returned to Beacon at some point, as investigations would reveal her used and now empty locker sitting outside the gates to the academy. further investigation from there would reveal her having been through the commercial district, hitting a couple of places that mainly involve things like 'food.' Wherever she's going, whatever she's planning, it seemed like she didn't feel like she deserved (...?) to come back anytime soon.

     Perhaps giving this whole event an air of urgency, there was recently some news arriving to someone in the group, that Blake had headed north ... into the Forever Fall forest, following the trail of a railroad that, to anyone named Weiss Schnee, or anyone doing the research, would be familiar as a cargo train line for things like the Schnee company.

     So, it brings the question; keep following the tracks, like she had been, or go into the forest? How tricky can one faunus be?

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang was collating all the informant pointers that had been collected... She'd come back to the Academy, got her equipment, then headed into the commercial district to stock up on supplies... and then headed out of town into a dangerous area that was almost literally swarming with Grimm... "What are you /thinking/ Blake?" she asks noone in particular, as she dons her gauntlet bracelets, and puts on her huntress gear, making sure the reinforced plates are set comfortably. "C'mon girls... we've got a runaway to catch... best place to start looking is probably the tracks out of town... but just in case, lets split up into groups, we'll cover more ground that way. Keep your Scrolls handy."

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Upon hearing that Blake has gone missing ('absent without leave' may or may not apply; 'missing' is enough), Yuna Kagurazaka immediately offered to join the search for her. The biggest question is where to continue looking for her.

Right now, Yuna is looking up and down the tracks, and intermittently trying to apply filters to a search on her (now Scroll-compatible, more or less) phone/radio for train schedules for this line. Elner is hovering next to her; the rest of the Matrix of Light is out and about, trying to help narrow down the search area. Jiina, Erina, and even Marina can fly farther and faster than most of the Huntsmen and Huntresses in training can, and all three of them have orders (from Yuna herself, who rarely does that) to get out of there immediately if any Grimm take notice of them. If push comes to shove, Elner can teleport any of the trio away from potential danger - and if Grimm will go after sentient automata, odds are at least one of them has had to retreat in a hurry already.

But on the plus side, if they run into heavily-populated pockets of Grimm, odds are Blake DIDN'T go that way ...

"Yeah, following the tracks is probably best," Yuna agrees after a few moments. "Unless there are hidey-holes set up in the wilderness somewhere, and she knows where to find them, this is the best navigational aid we've got ..." Yuna double-checks that she has everyone's contact info whom she might need, tucks her phone away ....

And *then* transforms out of civilian attire, a swirl of wind and light rising around her as her Light Suit replaces her jumper and sweater. Even with Elner scouting for trouble (as well as trying to locate Blake's life signs), you never know when something might sneak up ...

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose has been...insanely busy as of late. Between keeping track of her team, taking a few additional classes to bring herself more in line with her older classmates, keeping up with homework, keeping her weapon in tip top shape and even participating in a few spars, the poor girl didn't get much time to herself. Upon hearing of Blake's sudden disappearance though, all of that got put on hold. The Forever Fall wasn't too bad during the day, but if they couldn't find Blake by nightfall...

Let's not think about that shall we?

Ruby sprints at a manageable pace as she comes up behind Yang just as she says that, slowing to a small jog and turning around as she passes Yang. "Splitting up sounds like a good idea. I'll call you if I find anything!" She turns back around and starts to dash towards the forest, keeping her silver eyes peeled.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry, rather Batman is here as well, and Terry has his cowl pulled down. He listens to Yang and nods as she hands out two thing to people here; a small GPS device and three small buttons.

    "These will allow all of us to track each other," he says holding up the buttons. "Push once to turn on and attach it to your cloths. Them other two will do the same, but will let you trace others," he mentions. Holding the box, he shows, "This will show the tracers in reference to your position. If you run into trouble hit the button on the side, it will send a signal to all of them for people to get to help," he comments. I can track all of you with my cowl and Batmobile," he adds.

    "I will go with whichever group needs me," he comments as he pulls the cowl over his head and is now no longer Terry McGinnis, but Batman.

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     Although not part of the Academy or a close friend of Blake and Yang, Twilight wanted to help all the same. She knows what it feels like for a friend to disappear without a word. So, as Yang and others prepare to leave, Twilight is there as well. Her saddlebags are full of items from note-taking equipment to climbing gear and flashlights. "She went out into the wilderness? Isn't all of this area dangerous outside of Beacon?" she says as they make their way out of town.

     When it is suggested that they split into teams, Twilight nods. "Will we all head out of town along the tracks and go from there, or is there another area the teams should focus on?"

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    Yuuki doesn't have particularly strong feelings for Blake over any of the others, but then she's grown quite fond of all of her classmates. Well, unless they're total jerks or anything, and Blake's just shy. She's more than happy to ditch what she's doing when she learns they're all going on a faunus hunt.

    The little imp nods, enthusiastically bouncing along with the others, eager to get going. "Splitting up sounds good." she agrees. "I've got no tracking skill, but maybe I can see something from the air!" Yuuki suggests. She accepts the GPS tracker, pinning it to her sword-arm's sleeve. "Summon everyone if you find her, right?" she adds. She doesn't have endless flying ability, and will have to marshal her flight time carefully to avoid exhausting the power in the middle of baddies, but she can still fly around a bit, then duck into the trees to rest or something.

Tomoe has posed:
Eisen was out looking for where blake she has no read idea where she' dbe but she'd been doing what she could to fined he she'd hit hte locak internet looking for places and things she might be able to get a lead from.

"True normally I'd suggest a Libary but I don't think Blake wants to read for now. Sounds like an idea then."

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
     Batman looked at everybody and nodded "I agree we should split up we need to do it in teams we go alone then we run into trouble of getting jumped by more than one gram and if that happens I'll be hard to fight and look at the same time we do need to be prepared for anything out here especially those who have not been to the academy or not attending the academy nor have fought Grimm," he states simply. looking at those who have ran off, he sighs, "You would think people may want to listen?" he comments and looks.

    Terry ponders, "I have not what words start against Blake but if she stuff you're going to need a way to slow her or stop her if she decides to fight us," he comments.

Blake Belladonna (917) has posed:
     There is universal knowledge about two things, with the Grimm: the first that, when they are killed, their body transforms into something like dust and then dissipates completely, leaving behind no trace. The second is that they are drawn to negative emotions: things like rage, envy... loneliness, sadness. There are two strange things about the group following the line finds out: There is a lack of Grimm, but in the nearby area, there is a lot of noise in regards to activity, that must be Grimm. Those in the forest, however, can see Grimm every few feet, meaning that, if Blake came this way, she is either day, or extremely tricky and attempting to slide past the Grimm.

     As a Huntress in training, while that could be useful, Blake hates the Grimm enough to want to hunt them, so why would she keep them alive...?

     After what might seem like some time, but is in reality only about five to ten minutes both ways, there is a clashing noise heard somewhere between the train track snad where the forest group is, almost as if there's the best of both worlds coming together. Anyone coming across the area finds Blake doing battle with a single Ursai, and those fast enough can spot the glimmer of another Grimm fading away.

Staren has posed:
    Staren has brought... another one of those wooden mecha walkers. A bipedal construct made of some sort of striped wood. Where one might expect an upper torso and head, however, has been replaced with something like the inside of a car -- places for a few people to sit, and a control panel in front of the driver -- the shape of this 'cockpit' exposes the upper bodies of the occupants, in this case Staren, which is why he's still wearing his armor. Two arms hang down from the 'body'. All in all it's maybe 9 1/2 feet tall, 11 if you count the exposed part of its occupant. One of its hands is holding an assault rifle, one-handed.

    "She /is/ a Union Elite like us, she can probably handle herself somewhat." Staren walks the machine over to Twilight and it crouches down so that she can get in. "I think that we should let the locals and those with tracking skills search the forest, since they know it better, while the rest of us either follow the tracks, or follow them." He takes a tracking band, too. "Oh, like Dragon made for the Endbringer fights. Nice."

    Staren pats the side of his mecha. "With this, we can follow the train tracks fast, and if they find anything elsewhere, we can quickly reach their location."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang sighs a little, fingers looped into her hair as she walks along the tracks. "This is kinda weird." she says, using the open band of a Scroll Conference to talk to the others. "I can't see any Grimm along these tracks, they're usually swarming all over 'em." she's keeping her lilac eyes peeled though and when the telltale sound of gunfire and the clash of metal against Grimm bone rings out, Yang is off like a shot, triggering the GPS beacon as she runs.

    She deploys her gauntlets, and on seeing Blake clashing with the Ursa, doesn't even stop to think things through. She fires behind herself, launching into the fray to time a strike as Gambol Shroud is being retracted from its own attack, aiming to straight punch the Ursa in the side of the head in a blind-side smack. "YOU LEAVE MY FRIEND ALONE!"

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna accepts one of Terry's tracking devices, affixing it to an upper corner of her breastplate for ease in carrying. While her Light Suit doesn't have 'pockets' per se, it does have subdimensional storage - 'pocket space,' as it were, that holds her weapons and Shugoseiheki when she's not using them, and which provides access to things she was carrying before she transformed. Putting the tracker in there would probably interfere with its signal, though, and she doesn't want to do that.

She continues along the tracks with Yang and others, staying alert - extra-alert, in fact; maybe it's her partners catching more Grimm attention than she would have liked, or hearing actual sounds of fighting ...

Especially the latter. She can't identify a person by the sound of their weapons or anything, but the sound of combat is enough for her to get Elner to take a closer look - and when Elner catches sight of Blake in combat, Yuna bursts into a run, hot on Yang's heels. Yang lunges into combat before Yuna can conjure a weapon, but the Light Suited girl summons the Matrix Divider to her hands as she comes to a halt, ready to help take out the Ursa if it's going to keep posing a threat. "Are you all right, Blake? Please don't run off again, we want to talk - !"

And if the Ursa *is* dead or dying by now, she keeps the Divider ready anyway, pointed at the sky for safety's sake. She can't even guess at Blake's current emotional state, but given what she knows about Grimm so far, she wouldn't be surprised if they home in on depression or loneliness as readily as terror or hatred.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    "Ok people, Yang's GPS just went off she may have found her. Go to her location, she may need help," Terry says to everyone as he will play support and keep an eye on the tracers. " remember if you have to place a tracer on Blake in case she runs away we still track her with it," he adds.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose wasn't aware so many people from places other than Remnant were going to join the search. Before she gets too far away from a few of the others, she puts on the brakes and stops. She looks over a few that had came out there with them and offers them a small wave in greeting. She lets a few of them blow past her before stepping towards Terry, holding a hand over a few of his gadgets.

"Oh hey! Long time no see? We need to talk about weapons but for now, we just need to find Blake. I like the idea of your gadgets but I don't think we'll need them just yet. If we just had like four of us, maybe but...I think we've got alot more friends than I thought. Which is pretty cool. Besides, me and Yang have scrolls and you guys have radios. I think we can find each other just fine."

The sounds of clashing in the forest and Yang's broadband radio catch her attention almost instantly. She looks over her scroll and then points towards the forest. "And I think Yang found her. Or she's smashing things. Maybe both?"

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe nods to the Imp as she smirks a bit to her firend.

"I really should be coming about as a Alf, shouldn't I? Oh well no changing that lets see what we can find, Yukki?"

Tomoe then starts makeinf ready to break up with everyone and see what she can do to find where Blake has run off too.

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     Twi stays on the ground even after Staren arrives in his walker. It isn't that she doesn't like walkers, she just prefers to walk on her own hooves. She takes one of Batman's trackers, then heads off with the others.

     When Yang finds Blake and proceeds to report her position and yell things over the radio, Twilight takes off at a gallop. She idly thinks that Ruby reminds her of Pinkie Pie as they run toward the scene. Twilight's horn glows in preparation for casting a spell, but considering what she knows of this world she figures Yang and Blake can handle the creature. What baffles her is why Blake came here? Did she want to kill these creatures? "Blake! Everything is okay now! Your friends are here!" she calls out when she arrives.

     She doesn't know if she is included in friends, but Blake and Ruby are here, and they are friends right?"

Staren has posed:
    Staren nods when Twilight opts to stay on the ground. Once he hears the noise, he uses the walker's speed to keep up with her as they race towards... "Blake!" He opens fire on the grimm, first with his armor's particle cannons and then, with some difficulty, trying to aim the mecha's rifle on full-auto.

Blake Belladonna (917) has posed:
     There is a noise, and Blake wheels as she catches Gambol Shroud in her grip again, just in time to see Yang rocket herself towards the Ursa and knock it down, where it collapses and fades away, just as dead as its' partner was. However, thankfull for Yang, her partner isn't dead, but is instead starting at the sunflower in massive confusion, her amber eyes widening as she registers her, Ruby, Yuna, all of the other people that came out here search for her. She goes to say something, but her voice hitches deep in her throat.

     Instead, on the top of her head, two lovingly pointed, furred cat ears spring out from the mass of black hair that Blake has, twitching this way and that a way as she registers all the little voices of these people, her friends. She opens her mouth again, but seems unable to find the words to say, but when she does...

     There is a hint of anger/pain/fear/worry/shame in her voice, but the biggest one is the fear and the shame and the sheer hint of apologetics deep in her voice. "Y... yang...? Ruby...? You... you all... you came to find me...? Why?" Blake, please. You should comprehend people caring and worrying about you at this point.

     There's a brief pause, then her voice breaks. "I'm sorry--!"

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"Why *wouldn't* we?" Yuna answers Blake, smiling wryly. "You're our friend, our classmate, teammate to some of us ... we got worried when you ran off without a word to any of us. Did you think we were just going to let you disappear into the wilderness without a trace?"

The sound of Blake's voice breaking puts a slight dent in Yuna's smile, but the blonde just walks over to try and hug Blake, or - at the very least, if Blake seems too skittish to be hugged - tries to give her hand a firm, reassuring squeeze. (No danger at all of breaking any bones; Yuna's not THAT strong, and she's careful anyway.) "Seriously, did you think we were all going to turn our backs on you just because you're a Faunus or something?" she asks more gently. "I know *I* won't - being a Faunus is just something about you, maybe 'interesting' to an off-worlder like me, but there's no way I'd look down on you for it."

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    Yuuki, having flown off to scout, doesn't return in time to see much of the fight. Fortunately she's not needed. Her new friends are pretty awesome fighters indeed! But then, maybe... maybe she IS needed. Not to fight, but for another reason.

    A purple streak homes in on the gathered signals, resolving itself into Zekken as she dives headlong for the group. Were someone able to read her expression during the dive, they'd see mischief glittering in her wide red eyes. She dives straight for the ground in front of Blake, making it look like the slightest stumble on landing will send her caroming into the Faunus and probably bowl into the others too. Of course she's not going to stumble, or at least she hopes. Her ludicrous reaction speed makes precision flying easy... but Blake and the others probably don't know that.

    She flares wings at the last moment, teetering as if about to stumble, opening her arms wide 'for balance'. If she has her way, Blake will try to catch her, steady her... and she'll wrap the Faunus in a hug. She can't think of any better way to show that Blake's good people in her books.

Staren has posed:
    Oh, that was a quick fight! And there's Blake, who's apparently a catgirl. "...Because you were missing?" Staren replies, confused.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang glares at the Ursa for a moment, then retracts her Gauntlets, before turning to Blake. "You left without saying goodbye." she remarks, then steps over. As others bury the Faunus in hugs, Yang just reaches over and places a hand on the girl's shoulder. "/What/ you are doesn't matter to me. It's /who/ you are that's important." she adds, then goes whole hog and wraps her arms around Yuna, Yuuki and Blake, hugging them all.

    The blonde then chuckles, "So... a Faunus huh? Gotta admit, you had me fooled, but then again I'm not all that bright." she quips, smirking a bit at her friend.

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     Twilight lets out a sigh of relief as the Grimm fades away, then she gallops forward and smiles warmly. "We were worried about you. This area is dangerous, even if you are a Huntress. But...why did you run away? Just because you are a Faunus? Did...did you think we wouldn't like you anymore?" she says as she approaches, then holds a hoof up to pat Blake on the shoulder. "I don't know what troubles the Faunus face on your world, but where I come from we don't judge based on appearances or heritage. We judge based on actions. And you have never shown anything but kindness and determination, from what I have seen."

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose stows her scroll and tilts her head in the direction of the noise, suggesting that Terry follow her. At that point she activates her semblance and quite literally rockets off in the direction of the others. A red blur leaps from tree to tree before leaping off of a branch and landing quite solidly in the area with her sister and the recently discovered Blake.

Also ignore the sudden increase in flying rose petals in the area.

Looking around to see that the coast was clear, Ruby's taken aback by the cracking of her friend's voice and moves forward to embrace her in a hug.

"I know it's hard somes but you are apart of this team...and we need to stick together. I...we were all worried about you. I'm just happy you are safe. If you have problems with anything, you can talk to me, okay? I'll help anyway I can."

Staren has posed:
    Staren blinks. "Wait, she was hiding that she was a faunus? I'd never seen her before..." Staren shrugs.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe does seem to be one of the last people to catch up with everyone else. She was looking very worried as the red head as she arrived. She didn't say much because what else can be said? They are friend and everyone's this worried. She has moved in and is joined the hug pile and finally does say somerhing.

"... This is because your Faunus? Blake your a friend, why would we care if you are one?"

Blake Belladonna (917) has posed:
     Blake fumbles in her pocket before she promptly has ... well. Nearly /everyone in the room either hugging or touching her/. There's a little yelp of noise and confusion from the cat-faunus, before she attempts to extricate herself, her amber eyes wide and a little panic-wild.

     "I didn't ... I guess..." She fumbles.

     "Let me start at the beginning. My name is Blake Belladonna, I have neve rlied about that. Upon entrance to the academy, however, I hid my ears behind a hair ribbon..." Blake demonstrates, binding her ears up in a matter of minutes. "... I was ... with the White Fang for much of my life. At first, it was an ideal. A group of likeminded faunus, working together for peace and harmony with the humans, with peaceful manners. But... things changed. Adam changed, people changed. They started using stronger, more cruel methods, and I decided that ... I didn't want to win the fight like that, so I applied to Beacon, to become a Huntress, and I got in. but how am I supposed to fight the monsters, when much of the Remnant world views faunus as monsters? Just look at what the guys from team Cardinal does to Velvet!" Blake's voice turns bitter.

     "I ... I was scared... of what you all would do... especially..." She looks around as she steps away from the group, still a little too shy for group hugs, although she remains near Yang and Ruby especially. "... especially... well, nevermind."

Staren has posed:
    Staren nods along with her story. She was in White Fang, they used to be less violent... makes sense.

    "...Well... I'd say if you think Remnant doesn't want you, there are plenty of other places you can go to help people. But... it is clear that not all of Remnant hates Faunus." He folds his arms. "I'm a little surprised you thought /all of us/ would care, though." He puts his hands down. "Still, I'm glad you're safe."

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Arriving last int he Batmobile is Batman. The craft lands as both Yang and Blake has seen it before. Climbing out is Terry, aka Batman and he walks over. "You know you had people worried right?" he states simply as she stands there and not joining in on the hug. After a few moments Batman removes the cowl and Terry walks over adn gives a gentle hug to Blake, "You know you can talk to us," he adds as he heard the last part of what she said.

    "It is ok to be scared," he says to her. "I am scared all the time when I put on the cowl and go out into Gotham on my own," he mentions. "One person can make a difference, but it is scary to be that person. Everyone here," and Terry gestures to the entire group, "Can tell you that. Plus looka t those of us from different worlds here as students. A lot of us are lacking the skills people have here, and that will scare people but fear can be a good alley and it causes you to become better," he adds as he looks.

    "Team Cardinal are asses and I would tell that to all of them," he says to Blake and the others. "Just ignore them and if they get any worst, then your friends will help you out. Plus a few of us are good at scaring people," he adds with a smile.

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    Complex morality isn't really Yuuki's thing. She's just a kid after all, not quite sixteen years old, and has led a rather isolated life all told. "I guess I get some of why there's trouble between humans and faunus. And why you might hide it." she claims, disengaging herself from the hugpile but remaining close. She's also seen some of Velvet's treatment at the hands of bigoted bullies, and her jaw firms in youthful determination. "The next time I catch them bullying her, I'll punch them in the nose!" she declares forthrightly. Velvet may not be willing to fight back, to perpetuate the stereotype of the violent faunus, but Yuuki has no such compunctions! Plus Velvet's a total sweetie, even if Yuuki doesn't know her particularly well.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Unlike some members of the group, Yuna isn't going to force Blake to keep accepting a hug she wants out of; the idol singer loosens her hold some, but letting Blake go is going to take at least a partial group decision. And she listens, raising an eyebrow at how tidily the hair ribbon hides the cat ears. "Does it hurt at all to do that?" she wonders quietly.

Mention of Team CRDL's bullying of Velvet prompts a look of faint disgust to cross Yuna's face, "She's their *senior*, right? They shouldn't be picking on her in the first place ... Cardin and his crew really are morons. And jerks." If Yuna knows stronger language than that, she doesn't see fit to waste it on the quartet of jocks. (Then again, she went to an all-girls high school so she might not be too familiar with how boys that age think ...)

"As for the way Faunus are treated ... I've been fortunate," Yuna admits. "I've never been singled out because of 'what' I am, so I don't know what it's been like for you. But I can tell you this with my whole heart, Blake ... you've already proven to *us* that you're no monster. Whatever White Fang has become, the fact that you cut your ties with them is proof that you don't hold with what they are now. And we already told you, Blake - you're our *friend*. We might not always get along perfectly; we may have arguments, we might even hurt each other's feelings ... but we will *never* betray you."

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     Twilight looks apologetic as Blake seeks to get away from all the attention. Sort of like Fluttershy in that respect. With the others doing a good job of saying what Twilight Sparkle is thinking, she just smiles kindly. She doesn't try to close in on Blake again when the catgirl pulls away. "If anything, the White Fang needs more like you. Those who are kind and peaceful and willing to talk rather than jumping into attacks and other illicit activities."

Weiss Schnee (922) has posed:

    Arriving fashionably late, the Schnee heiress sprints through the forest and quickly comes into view. Why she's only showing up now, who knows. Maybe she got lost, or maybe she just needed time to think. If it was the former, she'd never tell anyways. Slowing down and crossing her arms, she tsks at the distinct presence of people. "Looks like everyone's beaten me here. Oh well," she says between pants. Dropping her arms to the sides and clenching her fists, she saunters up to Blake with an expression of mild anger. "Do you have any idea how long we have been looking for you?!" she scolds. Seems like someone's in for a tounge-lashing.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    "Weiss! Hey, c'mon, cool it... she explained everything to us already." replies Yang, shifting to protect Blake a little behind herself. "Also we found out she's a faunus, she has kitty ears and... they're... kinda cute..." she finishes lamely, fidgeting a bit at that little admission.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose knew that Weiss wasn't much on the Faunus in general but at least hoped that she was looking for her as much as everyone else was. She personally didn't care, as people were all the same in Ruby's eyes. However, she goes quiet as she approaches Blake, nodding in agreeance with Yang about the recently discovered truth, only hoping that this goes at least somewhat favorably.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry looks at Weiss and nods, "Weiss," he says as he thinks. "I think we all need to just relax as best as we can, go and talk and just be polite," he adds. Thinking, Terry looks at his team, sansKyra and Lloyd and thinks as he ponders something. "I am sure the people of Remnant will change their attitudes whenmore peoplefrom the Multiverse start visiting," he comments on.

Blake Belladonna (917) has posed:
     Blake hears Weiss and nearly jumps three feet into the air, her bow twitching visibly on the top of her head as her ear twitches. Yang, however, gets her attention, her amber eyes widening slightly as she considers the back of Yang's hair in surprise at the cute comment.

     "I'm... I'm sorry, Ruby, Yang, Weiss, everyone else. I worried you."

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe pauses at the revlations from Blake she doesn't break the hug pile, so maybe tey over did it. Still, as Blake comes out about having been with White Fang for most of her life things star to come in to focus as how Team CArdinal treats Velvet. She can see why she hides what she is. Tomoe pauses for a moment thinking wht can she say really she's not sure what to say she's often about as direct as a car crash. Still she feels the need to say somethinmg;.

"Blake your our friend...:

She trails off as she's honestly at a loss for word, speaking isn't her best strong point and she knows it.

Weiss Schnee (922) has posed:
    Weiss furrows her brow slightly, ignoring anyone else's explanations. "Worried me is an understatement. But we've been searching for you for an ENTIRE WEEK. And you know what that means?" She pauses, because she's a dramatic heiress. "That means I've had an entire week to think about this, and to come to the realization that..." She hesitates again, the words catching in her throat. "...I don't care if you have cat ears. You're not still affiliated with the White Fang, right?" She crosses her arms, her expression stern yet caring.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis moves back towards Yuna and the others as he lets Weiss, Blake, Yang and Ruby hadle this. They are teammates.

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     Twilight finds herself wincing even if Blake isn't thanks to Weiss's tone and firm stance. But then...everything is alright? Twilight blinks, then smiles as Weiss says she doesn't care. As Blake and her team talk, Twilight steps into the background and joins Staren in his mech. "Well, this seems to have gone fairly well considering the event that triggered it." she says, giving Staren a little nuzzle.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna lets Blake go (if she hadn't done so already), and takes a couple of steps out of the line of fire ... but while she's giving Team RWBY room for their reunion, she's still close enough (if barely) to make it evident that she's still got Blake's back if necessary.

Weiss's words to the no-longer-wayward Faunus prompt Yuna to relax somewhat - it shouldn't be necessary to come to Blake's defense again. She isn't TOTALLY relaxing, though; the group's still in the middle of Forever Fall, and she's not going to let her guard down until they're either back on Beacon grounds, or (in some cases) through a warpgate and offworld.

Staren has posed:
    Staren nods, having the golem crouch as Twilight approaches and taking his helmet off to nuzzle her back. "Yeah. Although honestly, I find it really worrying that the environment here is such that she was /this/ frightened about being outed as a faunus..." he sighs and looks back at the group. "But we've already had this conversation..."

Blake Belladonna (917) has posed:
     "... I'm so sorry. Thank you." Blake says softly.

     She lays a gentle hand on Yangs' shoulder, reinforcing that teammate bond that the pair have, before she smiles. "Let's go home. Let's go back to Beacon." Her stomach rumbles, and she looks immensely embarassed.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang places her hand over Blakes, grinning at her partner, before the Faunus's belly growls louder than a Beowolf. "Heh, c'mon then." she says, then bodily picks the Cat Faunus off the ground, slinging her over a shoulder before marching back toward Vale and Beacon Academy.

Weiss Schnee (922) has posed:
    Weiss' expression softens, and she uncrosses her arms. "I'll take that as a yes. Just... next time, when something this big comes up, you don't run away from your problems... you tell us. Your teammates and friends." She motions to everyone around her, a slight smile curling up the corner of her mouth. At Yang's display of... Yang-ness, she only chuckles and saunters off after them, motioning for everyone to follow. "I think we could all use a break!"

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"A break sounds like a good idea, yeah," Yuna grins. "Let's head back before any of the Grimm mistake us for a buffet, shall we?"

She transforms once again, the Light Suit reappearing, and she sets off with the others - probably following the train tracks back into Vale and/or to Beacon itself.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose raises her hands over her head as the group seemingly resolves to depart back towards beacon, snickering at Yang's upheaval of the faunus. "Yeah. Go team RWBY! Back together again!"

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe says "Sounds like a plan to me, Blake, come on lets go. There should be time to order in some New York City Pizza. Or we can di buffet that sounds great too, I might have to blip out for a moment but I will be there. This sounds like a plan!"

Blake Belladonna (917) has posed:
     Blake squawks, in a Weiss-like, undignified manner as she gets slung over Yang's shoulder. "YANG XIAO LONG, YOU PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!" THe faunus protests as the group makes their way back home to Beacon, the wayward kitten now safe and sound.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang hums merrily. "Not until we're back in the city~!" she sing-songs, all but skipping merrily along with the fussy Faunus over her shoulder.

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     Twilight giggles happily as the RWBY team heads back to town. She follows after them with Staren, glad to see that everything has worked out and that the friends seem closer than ever. If this were Equestria, it would no doubt be time for a cheerful song about the magic of friendship! But, this is Beacon, so...giggles and smiles will do just as well.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis grins, "I'll pay for the meal," he says simply. "Name the place and we all can go and get food," he adds as he follows everyone and chuckles at Yang hoisting Blake up.