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Lost Logia Hunt
Date of Scene: 19 February 2016
Location: Planetary Plains
Synopsis: A distress call comes from a TSAB Patrol in the Planetary Plains.

A Lost Logia has activated and turned into a giant blob monster.

The battle concludes, but there are still traces of the monster out there.

Cast of Characters: Staren, 162, 707, Gaonoir, 930

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    The scene as it stands: Four TSAB Ground Forces mages, plus a fifth in a non-standard Barrier Jacket, seem to be clashing with what looks to be a giant, amorphous black blob, that lashes out with tendrils to smash back the ground-based mages as they try to contain it.

    "Zephyr! I put the call out, lets hope we get a response, I don't think we can handle this on our own!" calls one, before he's smashed backwards into a barrier wall along the side of the path, crumbling the stones and causing him to stand a bit slower than before. "Tch, this is bad..."

    Zephyr, for her part, seems to be taking a support role, her Device in Mistral form, a short haft hand ax-like weapon, with three floating drones. These drones are actually patroling at a range of 200m from her position, and appear to be helping the ground-pounders with shifting winds and blocking attacks with sudden alterations in wind density... but the group can't seem to make any headway even with the 'buff'. "They'll come, Ford. Keep it busy, I'm doing everything I can to help out... this takes a lot of energy."

Gaonoir has posed:
And a few minutes later a dark canine form hops up to perch on one of the fallen stones. He takes one look at the blobbish monster, and makes a face. "Geez, what idiots let the Raremon breed with a jello mold?"

Aside note to the audience, Raremon is basically a giant tar/garbage blob monster of a Digimon.

Wisecracks aside, Gaonoir cracks the knuckles of one gloved paw agaist the palm of the other. "Whatever. Heard you boys and girls could use a little help with your sticky situation." Sorry, the puns come with the theme too, you're not gonna get rid of those either.

Staren has posed:
    The call has been out out... And an answer comes in the form of /a freaking jet fighter/. A hail of hypersonic railgun slugs rains down on the blob monster's upper... body, followed by a volley of small missiles which explode into superheated fireballs as Staren's fighter flies overhead, followed by the BOOM of the broken sound barrier. <<TSAB patrol gamma six, this is Staren of the Union. I've heard your distress call and am here to help.>>

Alden (930) has posed:
     Seems Gaonoir is not the only digital dog/wolf thing that came when the distress call was heard!. Alden tries to make a graceful entrance, only to stop as he sees the rather sizable monster, needing a moment to recover his cool and move closer. He watches the group struggling to contain or stop the rampant creature. He also spots a familiar person and approaches, waving a hand to Gaonoir. "I'm here to help!.". He goes still as he sees Staren make a rather... impressive display, watching the jet for several moments.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Whatever a Lost Logia is, it sounds potentially interesting, and when the distress call goes out, Xiaomu's actually not all that far from the relevant sector of the Planetary Plains. It helps that light cycles are pretty fast transportation. Still, as Xiaomu comes out of a warpgate and spots the monster, she wishes - again - that SOMEBODY at Shinra procurement would authorize her suggestion that they invest in some giant robots.

At least somebody is already on that page, she thinks - oh wait, that's just a jet fighter. (Or is it?) Either way, Xiaomu leans over the cycle's controls and hits the throttle, channeling her chi through the bike's systems and trying to erect a jetwall barrier as she drives in a fairly tight circle around the blob.

That *SHOULD* hinder its movements while leaving most of its mass vulnerable to attack from the outside; it's going to make melee difficult - assuming she makes it all the way around, anyway, and the wall's likely to be fairly short-lived after she deactivates the lightcycle to join the fray. But she has to finish it first ...

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    The beleagured Mages rally as reinforcements arrive, quite spectacularly in Staren's case. The rail slugs and micromissiles slam into the beast, the former penetrating fully and slamming into the ground on the other side, while the missiles detonate and take chunks out of the blob... only for it to regenerate rapidly, and emit a croaky, bubbling 'roar' as it lashes up at the Star Hawk, firing 'bullets' of its mass like cannon shots.

    Zephyr attempts to intercept them, of course, blasting them with high powered wind to knock them off course, but she can only do so much and has a limited window to do it, but they should be easier to dodge.

    Gaonoir and Alden's arrival doesn't earn any attention, they've not engaged yet, so the monster hasn't noticed either of them. It does swipe in a wide arc, so they might get caught in the crossfire, as it were before they enter the battle fully.

    Xiaomu's entrance draws another bubbly growl and tendrils slam down from overhead, attempting to hit the fast moving lightcycle. The jetwall severs some mass as it misses and strikes the barrier of light... but that just makes a new, smaller blob! These slither off while everyone else is distracted by the main mass.

    Zephyr calls out. "Don't just hit it randomly, focus and try to punch a hole into the core! That's where it's regenerating from!"

Gaonoir has posed:
Gaonoir turns his head for a moment at hearing Alden's familiar voice. Thinks on it for a moment. "Looks like the blob can regenerate. If you've got any ice powers in that card deck of yours that could slow it down, now might be a good time to find them." Yes, or his evolved forms also have ice abilities, but knowing the other digimon can't hold some of them very well, he's not pushing that matter.

That said, he hops down from the rocks and starts sprinting towards the fight. Only for the tendril to whip through the battlelines. It's not until the last moment that Gaonoir jumps, landing on the tentacle a moment to vault over it.. and then tumbling less gracefully to the ground because the blobby monster rippled him off with its movement. Still, better than getting slammed into the ground.

"Think I'm gonna need somethin' bigger to hit it with," Gaonoir growls as he gets up, quickly ingulfing himself in a swirl of shadowy digital energy. Which pulses a few times, then contracts partially in on itself before exploding outwards and dissolving, giving off a brief low-level emp-like pulse as it does so. And leaving something more akin to a giant bear with a wolf's head and huskie tail in its wake.

In this form Gaonoir briefly sucks in some air, then exhales it out in a swirling vortex of dark energy, much like a shadowy tornado of sorts, to try and strip away some of the layers of blob from whatever core they're talking about inside.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Somehow, Xiaomu manages to close the barrier around the big blob monster, ducking underneath its attempt to swipe at her -

And then there are SEVERAL blob monsters, one of them behind her. She focuses some extra power into the barrier behind her to keep it intact for a little longer, swerving away and disconnecting from the lightwall before she triggers the lightcycle's reversion to baton form. "Can't really do 'bigger,'" she remarks to Gaonoir, "but --"

Oh. *He* has 'bigger' covered. Okay, one less thing to wory about, maybe. For now, Xiaomu grabs her staff and charges at the closest detached blob, drawing the sword out of her staff and swinging hard with Suiren. "SEIBAI!!" she yells, unleashing a burst of ice magic - and trying to freeze the blob solid before it can go any further. It's semi-technically her fault that these things split off from the main body, so she's aiming to round them up and destroy them - or at least immobilize them - before they can spread too far ...

Alden (930) has posed:
     Alden moves closer to Gaonoir, pondering, "I have an ice agumon card, and an ice devimon one... but that one makes me feel... weird." he shudders. "Anyway, i can try that, and if that fails... I can try to hit him with my strongest form, I can't hold it for long, but I think i can attack it a couple times." he says.

     As the tendril whips around, he jumps back, not very gracefully, but, he evaded!. He watches Gaomon evolve, envying a bit that ease, before he decides to try a simpler approach at first. He reaches into his deck and grabs one of said cards, sliding through the D-Arc. It is not quite flashy, even if he growls, "Digi-Modify SnowAgumon's Frozen wind!". He then looks for a target, noticing the detached blobs!. He charges forward, aiming at another of the small ones inhalling deeply, and opening his maw to release a gust of freezing wind forward... it's not particularly big, but depending on the size of the smaller blob, it might be enough to freeze, or at least inmovilize it!.

Staren has posed:
    Staren dodges desperately, the fighter sliding and rolling through the air as a blob flies right past the cockpit. "Woah!" As he comes around for another pass, he sees the monster on his cameras. "Oh come on are you KIDDING ME? It regenerates THAT FAST?!" He starts trying to come up with a way to attack it more effectively, but Zephyr's already on it.

    <<Got it!>> The Star Hawk transforms, arms and legs unfolding under it before it lands in fully humanoid form. ...several hundred feet away from the blob monster. Its missile racks open, and begin ripple-firing one minimissile after another, repeatedly targeting the same place as Staren tries to burn a hole for his allies to attack through!

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    The TSAB force focus their firepower, bolts of multicoloured energy lancing out to strike against the regenerating blob's form, slowly whittling it down, until they're forced to back off from another swipe, letting it regenerate.

    Gaonoir's assault slices deep into the blob's form, cutting close to the darker spot, and exposing a brief glimpse of shining blue, before the hole reseals itself.

    Alden's assault stops one of the mini-blobs in its tracks, freezing it solid in place, but there's at least a dozen of them, and they're all making a hastey retreat away from the main mass.

    As Xiaomu finishes off her barrier circle and attacks with the ice magic, freezing another pair of the mini-blobs... but it looks like the rest are going to escape, and the main mass isn't giving up, as it lashes out at the Sage Fox with a massive tendril, crashing it down over where she's stood.

    The Star Hawk gets special attention, more of those cannon bullets flinging towards it, as the missiles erode at the outer layers, regeneration fighting pure DPS. The 'spot' shrinks away from this withering fire, trying to avoid it like a living animal.

    "That's it! It's working! Keep it up, but don't let yourself get distracted!" encourages Zephyr, as she works to fend off slamming tendrils, and deflect those cannon shots again... she's looking a bit worse for wear though, strain evident on her face as she pours mana into the Mistral system.

Staren has posed:
    Staren keeps up his missile fire -- he's got dozens of them! -- and when the cannon-globs fly towards him, he reflexively raises the mecha's left arm, projecting a small energy shield over the forearm.

    Which is a great defense when you need to deflect a bullet, or absorb a laser blast...

    But what happens when you have a bunch of blob goo on your robot's arm?

Gaonoir has posed:
Gaonoir looks at the blob monster for a moment, then back to the mages (or whatever they are). "Stay back here and keep focusing your fire." A fangy grin curls across his muzzle. "Let us big guys worry about geting close and personal."

And then he's... somehow gone? Teleported?

A little of both, as the Beast of Shadows lives up to his nickname by disappearing into his shadow. Only to pop out of the blob beast's own shadow right next to it. "Let's see how YOU like being on the bad side of tentacles..." He digs in with his claws to brace himself, even as the ends of his scarf snap to life of their own.


The 'fringe' of the scarves *SHRNKS* as they stiffen like black claws, and then whip at the blob in a rapid, raving flurry . Streams of dark digitron energy snap around with the motions, shadowy afterimages almost as sharp and wicked as the actual scarf-tendrils are. Looks like he's trying to shred through the blob faster than it can seal itself back up!

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu lets out a yelp as she spots that big tendril coming down at her, and BARELY leaps to the side and out from under it ... only for the mere impact next to her to fling her off her feet anyway. Fortunately she'd sheathed Suiren before THAT happened, it could have been a little messy otherwise.

But on the subject of 'messy,' Xiaomu leaps to the attack again, drawing Suiren and charging up more ice magic from the blade's enchantments .. but she catches herself, and rather than trying to freeze the tendril itself? She tries to imbue a large amount of 'latent' ice magic, so it'll go off and freeze solid INSIDE the main mass when the tendril is withdrawn.

There's also a real chance that the blob will be able to pull her into itself while she's at it, but she'll worry about THAT if it happens.

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden realizes... this is not going to do much good at this rate. He sees the smaller ones running away, and decides he should help with the big creature!. He considered doing... something drastic, but with all the people so close of the big thing... he might end up hitting the others, so he instead follows Xiamu, trying to figure out what to do. "What can I do to help?" he asks, after trying to blast at the lashing tendrils, without much success, it was too big to do more than lightly frost the surface.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    "That's what we're trying to do!" calls one of the Mages back at Gaonoir, as they take cover a bit further back, and open fire again, focusing their fire into the opening Staren's beginning to punch through.

    Xiaomu's ice strike goes off, and a good portion of the monster freezes solid, shattering as Gaonoir's tentacle-scarf slashes in.

    This opens up the Core! A shining blue beacon within the black morass. It looks like a tablet(Stone, not device), wreathed inside of a 'bubble' of transluscent black goop. The blob is getting desperate now, lashing out faster as its core is exposed. "Staren, Railgun. Team Gamma, Tempest formation! Xiaomu, Digimon, get AWAY from the defense system!" Zephyr calls out over local broadcast, as she draws her Bits in close. "Divine Wind, shift to Bombardment Mode."

    <YES. SHIFT TO BOMBARDMENT MODE.> The Device chimes as it extends the haft to be held two handed. <ALL MANA CHANNELS CONNECTED. ANCHOR POINTS AND RECOIL DAMPENERS LOCKED.> A pair of bright green 'wings' erupt from Zephyr's back, flapping once and shedding 'feathers' that dissipate into mana after a moment. "On my mark!" Spell seals form in the air around her, and lines of mana connect to, and anchor the young mage in place. <LINKER CORE PRESSURE RISING NORMALLY. STORM RING HAS STARTED REVOLVING.> The Bits form up around the head of the Device, as energy expands out of the gemstone. They begin to spin rapidly, projecting a triangle of laser points for the coming strike. <READY TO FIRE.> "NOW!"

    Zephyr fires off a powerful torrent of energy, likely meant to keep the opening stable while everyone else nails the 'Core' with whatever they have.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
When the local expert on your enemy says to get the hell away from something, it's typically a good idea to get the hell away from that something. Xiaomu sprints away from the blob - presumably that *IS* the defense system - while trying to think if there's anything else she can do ...

Well, one thing comes to mind, anyway.

"XIAOMU WAAAAAAAAAAAVE!!!" the sage fox calls out from what's hopefully a safe distance - and the 'circle' marked by the lightcycle's trail-wall flares back to life as she throws her own short-term binding spell into the mix, trying to help hold the Lost Logia still so everybody else can nail the exposed core. Maybe the Xiaomu Wave - or more accurately, the Sage Fox Sorcery Demon-Gate Seal - will even help make the core more vulnerable to whatever the others are doing to shut it down?

Can't hurt their chances, she figures.

Gaonoir has posed:
Pulls back his scarves at the shout to get out of the way and does so. He shadow steps back into the blobs shadow, and since it's the only other thing present that has a shadow big enough for him to exit from when his own isn't available, re-emerges near the feet of the Star Hawk. Turns his attention back to the blob monster.

His options for long range attacks are limited, but even Gaonoir isn't about to get close with -that much- firepower about to be poured into the thing. On the other paw, he does have one trick that might work best.

The wolf-beast rears up partway, inhaling with such force you can actually see visible swirls around his mouth. Unlike last time there is no vortex of shadow energy to be ejected from it as Gaonoir wails. "HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWLBACK!".

Instead it's a blast of crackling energy, a focus of the disruptive effect the Dark Digitron gives him. Even if the core isn't an electronic device, the powerful disruptive blast is still his best bet at helping break the thing.

Staren has posed:
    Staren notices the goop on his mecha's arm, and starts tyying to shake it off! "Get off!" But then Zephyr calls on him, and he hopes that the 'no ontological inertia' rule applies -- maybe if they kill this thing, all the goop it flung will go away! Fortunately, the mecha's railgun is on the /other/ arm, so Staren just aims at the core and pours a constant hail of supersonic metal downrange!

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    The torrent of purple mana from Zephyr keeps the way open, so the projectiles Staren, and the crackling disruptive force from Gaonoir can get a clear line on the Core. The metal slugs punch into the goo material, actually getting slowed enough to not fully penetrate... what /is/ that made from! The charge disrupts this effect, making the protective sheath quiver. A slug from Staren's railgun chips off a corner of the tablet, and the entire creature shudders, giving off a pained sounding burble. "Gamma Team, SEAL IT!" cries Zephyr, as she finally gives out, collapsing to a knee as her Linker Core gives out.

    Gamma Team look to Xiaomu, "Give us a hand, we need to focus energy and contain the Lost Logia before it can recover." The four Mages form a 'circle' around the Defense System, and begin channeling a Sealing Spell, suppressing the magic of the artifact and trying to contain it in a glowing green energy bubble.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Not only can Xiaomu do that, she's pretty much ALREADY doing it. On the other hand, even with her binding spell going, the residual wall from the lightcycle fades away and vanishes at this point - but hopefully it lasted long enough to let the sealing spell's foundation get built upon it to the point that the 'support' didn't stay necessary.

Xiaomu grits her teeth a bit, and keeps the 'Xiaomu Wave' going, interweaving her own magic with that of Gamma Team's four members. "You guys know what you need to do better than I do," she admits - not as peppy as sometimes, perhaps, but good-naturedly nonetheless.

Gaonoir has posed:
Gaonoir flops backwards on his haunchs, his current form seeming to just shatter into digital motes and the original smaller stage hitting the ground as they dissolve away. As soon as he's butt on the ground he flops over backwards into a sprawl and exhales slowly. After dumping all the energy he had into that disruptive attack he just couldn't hold his evolved form any longer.

Staren has posed:
    Staren narrows his eyes as the monster roars, hurt, and the mages try to start sealing it.

    Time to kick it up a notch.

    After a few seconds, the hail of railgun fire stops... because a salvo of missiles are flying into the hole in the slime. Whatever that slime is made of, it's time to put it to the test against the power of SCIENCE. When these missiles explode, on contact... their shaped-charge warheads use explosive shockwaves not directly, but instead to turn a copper shell, normally a metal, into a superheated jet of electrons and heavy atomic nuclei -- still the same mass of copper, after all -- moving at several kilometers per second. For just a couple of meters before what's left of the projectile tears itself apart, so much energy and pressure is concentrated that the supersonic copper, and any material known to man it might hit, act like /liquids/.

    Eat HEAT warheads, monster!

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    The Lost Logia resists the team's efforts, but under the combined assault, with Xiaomu's spirit magic mixing with the Mage team's own, and the physical assault from Staren's missiles, it doesn't take long for the seal to solidify, and the blob monster to dissipate.

    However, the main mass vanishes, but the blobs that it flug off, like the one gunking up Staren's mech, don't fade away... meaning the mini-blobs are still out there. Somewhere.

Xiaomu (707) has posed:
Xiaomu lets out a heavy sigh as the Lost Logia is finally sealed. "Great job, everyone ..." She trails off, looking at the blob on the mecha's arm.

Then she turns to look for the blobs she was trying to corrall earlier, including the two she managed to freeze where they were at that point ...

If they thawed and scattered, she's going to be VERY unhappy - and she's still figuring that she ought to try and track the other escaped blobs down, anyway. But at the moment, she mostly wants to rest after a brief but fairly high-exertion battle.

Staren has posed:
    "All right!" Staren's mecha pumps a fist in victory...

    And then it sees that the slime on its arm /doesn't/ go away. Staren considers this, and burns it away with plasma, risking some damage to his own mech to be sure he's rid of the darn things.

    Once it's clear everyone is safe, he flies back to the warpgate. Xiaomu has the right idea: Some rest sounds good!