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Latest revision as of 07:55, 21 February 2016

Cobalt Mire
Date of Scene: 18 February 2016
Location: The Galaxy (Star Wars-5) - Gorsh
Synopsis: When they journey to Gorsh to find the cure for Kazuko Kawakami's poisoning, the Union finds more than just the swamp's vicious monsters to threaten their day.
Cast of Characters: 165, Alexis, 778, Mairead Sandilands

Ren Tanaka (165) has posed:

    Swamp Planet Gorsh. Located in the Gorsh system, orbiting the solar body named Gorsh. Speculations exist that it was named by a buck-toothed dog person.

    A planet of about 90 percent water, swampy archipelagos and volcano-peaked mountains are the primary land features in Gorsh, and the atmosphere is mainly carbon dioxide marred by storms. Compared to this place, Dagobah's a pleasant summer holiday space.

    It's also the home of various hideous poisonous flora and fauna, any one of which could be the source of the poison currently crippling Kazuko Kawakami, which is why the Union has sent several agents to retrieve it.

    Ren Tanaka is one of those, disembarking from the Starspeeder 3000 that brought them here wearing a breathing mask over his mouth and nose.

    "Ah, yes, just as welcoming as I remember it being."

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    Swamps. Kyle's no stranger to these places, especially with how readily he got some EVO gear ready for this operation. The suit's a stolen and customized Imperial-issued suit, complete with a Golan Arms FC1 Flechette gun for good measure. He looks like the very model of a space marine in this gear, and as he follows Ren down, the Jedi keeps his weapons in reach as he surveys the area.

    Trudging through the swamp, he glances back at Ren in mild surprise. "Been here before, huh?" He asks, before using the Force to sense around the immediate area for possible threats.

Alexis has posed:
"If this is welcoming," Alexis snarks, "I don't want to see what a unwelcoming place would be in this galaxy." Good thing the Union has things like gas filtering masks handy. Plus just to be on the safe side she's strapped on a pair of Go-Goggles as well to keep gunk out of her eyes. Though after a few steps she pauses, and lifts one foot to watch the gunk drip off of it. "Good thing I wore the heavy boots."

Technically, she's been in worse places. But she's not going to say that, because it would just jinx things.

"So, any idea what we're actually looking for, or are we just gonna grab chunks of everything and hope for the best?"

Ren Tanaka (165) has posed:
    "Yeah, 'Star Tours mystery destination weekend break'," Ren replies. His eyes are narrowed, but it might just be because of the weather. "One of those times when yes, you get /exactly/ what you paid for. Didn't even get a mint on my pillow at the hotel, either."

    "Mind you," he says, looking at what might be a really rusty piece of rebar sticking out of a rock. "I learned some interesting things about atmospheres." Giant bugs and dinosaurs, prehistoric environment... yah.

    Technically, it could be eruption season, but that would also jinx things.

    "What we're looking for is the rare and thankfully distinctive Glimmerberry fruit. Helpful because it's a golden fruit the size of a golfball," Ren says to Alexis.

    A massive sluicing, plant-tearing sound from about a mile away causes the ground below everyones' feet to ripple and shake for a moment. "Where was I? Not so helpful because generally on a planet like this if you see something that isn't green and dismal you eat it pretty quickly. Now-"

    From exactly the same direction as the large horrible sound, an alarm starts rolling out repeatedly and unpleasantly. Ren pauses. "Did anyone else /see/ any ships come down in the same airspace as us?"

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    "Yeah. Tried it. Don't recommend a second trip." Kyle growls, before he shrugs a shoulder. "I did some research on this planet before we got here. Something about a rights grab by a pharmacutical company called Genetech. You might've seen the orbital labs above the planet itself." He says, jogging ahead before he stops in his tracks.

    The shaking in the ground is enough to get him to shoulder the flechette gun in his hands, "Yeah. DOn't drink the water, or eat anything else. I've done swamp ops before."

    Kyle frowns behind his helmet as he hears some sort of alarm, shrugging his shoulder. "Uhhh, no..."

Alexis has posed:
Alexis turns her head in the direction of the noises for a moment. "No, but I don't want to linger around and find out who it is." With a huff she draws her Ageislash from it's shielded sheath, and after the ghost-blade has firmly anchored itself to her arm with it's banners she starts hacking through the swamp overgrowth with it like a machete. "Let's just find the berry and get the fug off this backwater mudhole of a planet."

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Mairead has been here, just quiet and she is wearing a breathing mask and in her IS, which allows her to fly, which she is doing, but it is more like hovering. "This is not a place I would want to live," she finally says as she follows the other's.

    Mairead is scared to be on this planet, actually, she is scared of a lot of things in this galaxy. At least there is not a Sith here.

Ren Tanaka (165) has posed:
    "I do admit," Ren replies to Kyle, "I like a company that's pretty straightforward about what they do." He gestures with one hand and then the other, then pushing them together. "Genes. Technology. Crazy genetic engineering technology."

    When the others confirm that they, indeed, did not see any other sort of ship coming down near them recently, Ren looks in the direction of the alarm, before following Alexis. "It's just, it begs the question of what exactly is making that sound..."

    "Oh well, probably some sort of hyper-advanced, distress-alarm-mimicking predator. I'd believe it!"

    "Mairead, actually, is there any chance you could just... briefly fly above the canopy level and see if anything unusual is around? Don't want to go walking into any sort of dinosaurs really."

Funnily enough, off in the opposite direction to the arbitrary one Alexis decided to go in, there is something unusual to be seen... but is it really relevant to anyone right now? Not when we're looking for fruit, perhaps, no.

    There are hideous, disease-carrying biting bugs here and there, and the tentacled, shell-dwelling Ogrons we might run into, but that's hardly exceptional. Dangerous, of course, oh yes certainly dangerous, but not exceptional.

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    "Aye, i can up," she says to Ren as she looks "What should i be looking for?" she asks as she flies up to the sky and above the canopy.

Alexis has posed:
Alexis uses a booted foot to shove down an already half-fallen tree(?) over a mire then steps up onto it. "Yeah, I wouldn't put that past anything. Here or the Multiverse." She takes a few steps, but stops as a couple of tendrils grab onto the log and pull up the rest of the shelled... thing with them. The tree thumping down probably woke it up. "Oh for... and I thought Omastar was bizarre looking. Get it out of our way, Balisong. Gyro Ball!"

... Which apparently works by mimicing a certain star spangled hero and throwing the Ageislash's shield half spinning at the Ogron to knock it back off the impromtu log bridge.

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    CA-CHUNK. Kyle whirls behind him to see the Ogron approach. As Alexis attacks it, he's quick to pitch in as he takes aim at the creature with his FC1. "This isn't even the craziest thing I've heard was here." He remarks, before firing a few super-headed spikes at the creature with shotgun-spread. He trudges through the sludge, trying to get in close.

    Kyle jumps, feeling his leg snagged by a tentacle from a second ogron as it emerges from the muck. "Oh COME ON!" He brings the FC1 to bear, firing point-blank at the ogron with an irritated growl. This planet's already getting on his nerves.

Ren Tanaka (165) has posed:
    "Anything that might be making an alarm..." Ren says, looking at Aegislash, then his rental machete a little jealously. He really would like a machete of his own. Now, should Mairead bank up (flying through a swarm of bugs on her way up, naturally), she'll find something rather unusual.... there's a ship above the canopy line, barely. It seems like it's half-wrecked, with a shattered cockpit, an overall profile resembling a manta ray, and a surface covered in the ubiquitous greebles.

    It's definitely giving off an alarm.

    Congratulations! You've found the number one way an Ogron tends to attract today's lunch, which is pretending to be one of the commonplace wet, slime-covered pieces of terrain. In fact considering this creature is a plant, can it really be said to just be acting on instinct when it goes into an aggressive bout of flailing? Thankfully, with both flechettes and a mighty shield, all those who chose to oppose this shield (and gun) /must/ yield. Just make sure you cut through the tentacles before it drags you into a patch of water, a lot of it is deeper than it looks!

    Meanwhile, Ren's climbing up a tree, and then jumping to another, fastidiously checking branches. With his back turned, he fails to notice a flash of bright blue that moves past him.

    A sinous dinosauroid jaw snaps a slashed tentacle out of the water, which could make for more problems if anyone falls in. Those three Ogrons aren't the only native life that's noticed you moving around!

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Mairead looks as she waves the bugs off, "Ah...." she says in shock as she reachs the top of the canopy, "I hate bugs....." she comments as she looks and blinks. "Well now," she says as she ponders and moves towards the ship as she slowly goes over the canopy but not too fast. "Ren, I found something," she says over the radio. "It's a ship....." she adds as she stops and studies it from a distances.

    Looking, she listens to the noise below here, "What did they find?" she asks as she looks and drops through the treetops as her beam broadsword appears in her hand and she decends to the rest of the team. "There is a ship that has crashed and is making the noise," she comments as she sees the Ogron's and the problems and moves over towards the party, using her weapon on the creatures. "If I could, I would carry all of ye to the ship," she says to the them.

Alexis has posed:
Fortunately it doesn't take Alexis all the split-second headwork that trick takes others, since the shield is a posessed weapon and the ghost just comes back to her on its own. A few chops with the sword-ghost and tentacles go flying.

Only for another hugeass beast to jump out of the mire, passing over to snatch the tendrils and dive back into the muck.

Cue string of cussing best left not typed out from the tomboy. "This just had to be one of those places that -everything- is gonna try to kill you, ain't it? I'd really suggest not going for a swim." She gives the Orbon, missing half it's tentacles, another kick for good measure. Then glances up towards Mairead's hovering vantage point. "Why ain't I reassured about someone else crashing on this hellhole."

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    Kyle fires the flechette gun again, only to feel a tentacle snag onto his weapon, and his arm in the process. Letting the FC1 go, Kyle then draws his lightsaber, the blue blade severing the offending him before it can drag him into the muck with it, then he follows up with a stab at the Ogron itself to cut it into bits.

    He senses the third one coming towards the party, and Kyle primes a grenade before tossing it towards ogron numero tres. He trudges towards where the ship's distress signal was giving off, before he hears something BIG headed their way. "Uhh...we better pick up the pace, guys." He says, before moving with more haste.

Ren Tanaka (165) has posed:
    "That's interesting!" Ren shouts across at Mairead, from about ten feet up. He looks down at the others, with a bit of dismay on his face- although it's a little difficult to see with half of his face being covered up. "Well, depending on whether there are survivors, I suppose. Otherwise it's a tragedy."

    "Oh, but!"

    He spots something from the top of the tree! It's golden-yellow, round, and on the end of a plant wrapped around a rock in a particularly cool and placid patch of water. "Cover my back, please!"

    ...as it turns out, it won't be necessary.

    There's a flash of blue again, and then something sinuous and strange curves its way around and towards Alexis and Kyle- who by this point have sort of taught the local wildlife that perhaps messing with them is something they should think twice about, and- for those who have eyes, at least- are just watching them warily.

    But when they see this thing, they just take off in an instant.


    This... well, it's blue, for one thing. Like a snake but without an obvious head, part of this ... whatever it is has a spectacularly neon blue underside, with a topside that's covered in orange-yellow-red, crystalline lumps. The rest of it seems to be serpentine, but it, like the ogrons, is plant, not animal. Or... is it? It sort of... part of its surface is covered in regular hexagons... is this thing animal, mineral or vegetable? Whatever it is, it's just standing there...

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Nodding, Mairead looks as Ren asks and she moves closer and then stops. "Whit th' heel...." she says as she sees this thing. "Um.... we hae company......" she adds as she looks at the creature and studies it, but does not move. "Mr. Katarn," she says as she gestures towards the thing. "Ye mind telling us what that is?" she asks the Jedi. This is his galaxy, maybe he knows what it is.....

Alexis has posed:
"Glad someone is having luck with the actual reason we came here!" Alexis retorts in Ren's direction. "Well at least it's a workou--" And then everything just goes -quiet- as most of the local flora/fauna clears out. "--oh, shit." Glances in Kyle's direction. "I have this bad feeling it ain't us they're running from..."

Sure enough, you turn around, and there is this -thing- that could put a Mega Gyarados to shame rising out of the swamps. It's just looming there... but if it wasn't potentially dangerous everything -else- in a mile radius wouldn't be running away.

"Uh." Alexis reseaths the sword behind the shield so Ageislash can change back to its defensive stance, and holds the ghost-weapon cautiously in front of her as she takes a few slow steps back. "Don't make any sudden moves. Just back up slowly and maybe it won't bother us." She doesn't really sound very comfident in her own words.

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    Kyle's seen a LOT of weird things in the past.

    /THIS/ is something beyond even his experience. "Uhhh."

    He tightens his grip on his lightsaber, staring at the big blue thing. Kyle wisely takes ALexis' advice, trying not to be too threatening as he deactivates his lightsaber after deliberation. That said, he's not holding out hope.

Ren Tanaka (165) has posed:
    "That..." Ren says, looking out of the corner of his eye. "...is not native to Gorsh. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen something like that before..."

    So, no sudden moves. Yes. Just walk nice... and slowly... over to the glimmerberry... and...

    Now, you might expect that this huge strange thing might go crazy as soon as Ren grabs the fruit they need. Well, I have some false reassurance for you, because that is definitely not going to happen.

    And now I've taken a moment for that to (not) sink in, I will continue the narration and tell you that whatever it is, that underside begins abruptly spraying out a cloud of equally neon blue - somethings? BEFORE Ren grabs the fruit! So, while Ren is grabbing the fruit, watch out for that!

    Murray Gold - Freefall
    Doctor Who - Series 8

    As soon as that gas hits some of the nearby plants, something dreadful happens. The blue stuff begins to scurry and spin itself over the surface, becoming fractal patterns that rouse the inanimate plants into ferociously frantic life. The cluster of crystals on the back of this serpent begin flashing in sequence, as various trees and vines that were inanimate before tear themselves apart into serpentine strips.

    And if any of those spores should touch you, the patterns will likewise begin to slowly spread...

    Sorry, did I say spores? I meant nanomachines.

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Slowly, Mairead moves back and as she does, the thing sprays some blue stuff "..." ans she looks at this, "Bloody hell..." she says as she moves and blinks as the creatures/spores/whatever they are land on her leg ..... "Spiders....." she says as she looks at her leg .... "What the heel are these things?" she asks as she tries to bat it away and nothing ....."I cannot get it off," she comments.

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    "So much for not wanting a fight." Kyle says dryly, before activating his lightsaber again. /This/ is also definitely not something he's aware of either, and frankly he'd sleep like a baby every night if he didn't have to know THIS existed either.

    He pulls some logs from the ground with the Force, angling them like spears and flinging them towards the creature itself. He does his best to avoid the blue stuff itself, leaping towards a tree to get higher ground.

Alexis has posed:
As the thing starts spewing... whatever that shit is, Alexis reflexively holds the ghost-shield up in a protective manner. Which might not of been a great idea, when the 'spores' turn out to be something else that makes the environment start ripping itself apart.

Yeah, a posessed shield and sword aren't going to do much about that. Even if it doesn't have any biology to be torn apart, the fact that it's part metal leaves her unwilling to find out if Ageislash would be affected or not.

"Well, fuck. Forget what I said about no hasty motions." Which includes a lot of hasty backing up farther at seeing what that blue crud is doing to the rest of the surroundings, makes her a bit reluctant to go for any of her other pokemon.

Not that it matters, when one of them decides to let itself out and a small bipedal white feline with navy blue highlights appears at her feet, elongated ears tucked into a neat fold-over atop her head. "Meowstic. (What a delightfully disgustingly dreary locale. Are we on vacation?)" the psychic murmurs in a creepy near-monotone that could give Wensday Addams a run for her money.

"Goddamnit Catalyst, now's not the time for sightseeing! There's some big horrid thing trying to... eat the world with dissolving blue shit." Alexis snaps back.

"(Oh bother. As wonderful as this putrid athstetic is, having you reduced to distorted goo wouldn't be very beneficial I suppose.) Her red irised eyes start to glow a bit as she uses her psychic powers to make a Light Screen to help keep the blue nano-gunk bay.

"Why are you Psychis always so damn creepy?" Despite the complaining Alexis pulls the Ageislash sword back out and points it towards the monster, the ghost-sword glowing black and purple for a moment before firing off a Shadow Ball at the thing we still don't have a real name for.

Ren Tanaka (165) has posed:
Look at it this way. This thing doesn't really want a fight. It probably just wants to assimilate you.

Ren puts that glimmerberry fruit in a ziploc bag as soon as he can, which then goes into his pocket.

    "I have... no idea what we're dealing with," he says, now openly worried. "But it looks like-" He ducks an animated whip of bark. "Looks like it can go after plants faster than anything else... good news for us, bad news for a planet where most of the landmass is covered in plants!"

    "Okay, I'm going out on a limb here and saying foreign ship plus foreign creature means common thread, everyone we're going back to that ship!"

    Easier said than done, of course! He jumps into a tree again, but considering how fast the nanomachines from whatever this thing assimilated the nearby plants anything it can touch could just as easily become a danger.

    Kyle throws some logs at whatever this thing is- the sheer mass of them drives it back and into the water, which could definitely give them the break they need to get moving. Likewise, the psychokinetic shields are definitely going to be able to hold the animated plants back.

    Just... there might be more of them, here and there. Since the crashed ship was in one direction, and the Starspeeder landed /away/ from it, and we also went /away/ from the Starspeeder /and/ the crashed ship, that means that there are going to be nanomachines on plants in a path between where we are now and the ship we're doubling back to. Thankfully there are none on the fruit, though.

    Or to put it another way, it's going to be a hostile path back there. When we finally do reach it, the ship- well, it's going to be a fair old big bigger up close, more than five times bigger than the shuttle the Unionites arrived on. There's a hole broken in the weathered exterior, but...

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    "Yeah. Running sounds about right." Kyle agrees. He clearly isn't sure facing this thing is gonna be any good for the team's health, and begins to leap from tree to tree, using his Jedi agility to keep himself mobile. Switching out the lightsaber for thermal detonators, he begins priming and tossing them behind the team's path to keep the creature from getting too close to their heels. "Keep moving!"

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Mairead looks at her leg as the blue things begin to move and she looks as she starts to move randomly. "Ahhh....." she says as she is fighting the thrust from the leg witht he rest of her thrusters. "Gotta get to the ground," she says as she moves closer to the ground, and at about 15 feet, she thinks. Emerald Lady flashes and then disappears as she falsl and hits a branch that has fallen to the ground and then the muck witha loud SPLASH "......" and she is slow to get up as she holds her arm, "Owww...." she says as he wipes the muck from her eyes and stands. Looking at the creature, she blinks and begins to move back to the ship as fast as she can.

    When she fell, her weight of 140 pounds went onto her right arm as she hit the branch, probably bruising the arm pretty bad and she also twisted he anke and she is limping some. "Can we go?" she asks loudly as she summons Ivar in her right hand and fires a beam bolt from it. Ivar is a beam longbow that she can fire without gloves or protection. A shield forms on her left arm and she moves backwards as she fires energy bolts at the thing. "I really do not like these planets here," she mutters.

Alexis has posed:
Alexis grabs the shield projecting Meowstic with one hand, tosses her on her shoulders, and starts running in the direction of the ship and the alarms. And probably straight into a pack of even more psychotically animated foliage. Though, if most of this planet is plant life that has been turned into crazed nano-powered hordes...

"I hope no one is gonna complain about some scorched earth tactic, because I don't trust this path to be clear!" Especially if Ren is right about that connection. To which she smacks a different ball to do something about clearing a path to the ship. Which just happens to be a large semi lion-like beast that unleashes a holy wrath of fire in front of them. And anything that doesn't get out of the way after that will have a few hundred pounds of angry Entei willing to just ram right through it with Extremespeed.

Ren Tanaka (165) has posed:
Ren Tanaka is there to help Mairead, inasmuch as he can, because he can't stop her from hurting herself when she falls roughly- he's got his own path to weave through the aforementioned psychotic foliage.

    "Mairead," he says to her, supporting her. "I -- look, I know this has been pretty frightening for you so far. Yeah, I know, the- bugs and things, this isn't fun. But ..."

    "If we leave now, sure we could probably get something to fix ourselves, but then this thing could take over all the plants on this planet. It could become a threat of a whole different kind. ...you've come this far. I need you to be brave a little while longer, alright?"

    Mairead- might just get a chance, because the creature is slithering on towards the two of them, and it's time to move! Force it back, Mairead!

    We've got a fair old amount of the classic orange inferno to bring to the green inferno, now. Thermal detonators and holy fire from Alexis and Kyle do an excellent job of handling everything BUT the creature as they force their way towards the crashed, wrecked ship.

    Making their way to the hole in the ship, it'll be an easy task to just waltz inside for the Unionites provided they can get the creature off their backs. Inside this part of the ship, for one thing they'll find ... well, uniform-clad skeletons of some crewmembers, so this is a tragedy after all. There's also a broken storage cylinder, labelled 'CHOU SHE'.

    There is a blast door which seems to still be in working order- although this part of the ship is wrecked, this door can get them into working parts of the ship that remain if someone has a way to open it.

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Nodding, "Aye," she says as she accepts the help and looks on as she continues to fire on the creature(s). Looking, she thinks and the bow phases out and a shotgun appears. It is a bigger shotgun than a normal one and this one is a heavy shotgun. Cocking the gun, she fires the .60 cal weapon and fires rounds at the thing. As she moves, she cocks and fires, cocks and fires. "I could use me trident," she states to Ren as she moves on.

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    Kyle isn't too preoccupied by the lack of effect, if only becuase he's in the middle of cutting anything in his path to clear the route. He doesn't mind at all when Alexis offers her own assistance on the matter to speed things up. Once they get to the ship, Kyle's taking point with lightsaber in hand.

    "Well." He muses, kicking a skeleton aside as he brushes dust off the container. "Now we know where this thing came from." He figures this /thing/ got loose, infected local fauna, and then made /that/ thing outside. "Well, anybody got ideas with killing this freak?"

Alexis has posed:
"Dunno about killin' it. But if it came from in here and got out when the ship crashed, we might be able to find some answers inside. Wildfire, guard the door." The Entei nods, though an occasional spit of fire might keep the plant-mutations at bay, it's not going to be much when the source of the madness catchs up to them. Better look fast. "Hell, if it can't break out fo the ship on its own, and it's gunk only affects plants, maybe we can trap it. Either way."

It's a good thing that Alexis is one of those trainers that while she's got her specialty she prefers variety, because then she has a few other handy things to use. Like bringing out a Porygon-Z and directing the digital pokemon at the controls for the closed blast doors. "See if you can get that door open."

Ren Tanaka (165) has posed:
Ren doesn't even flinch. He trusts Mairead-

    And her shotgun definitely does the trick, its thunderous blast splitting the crystal-covered head end of the creature in two completely, causing it to crash into the mire and allow them all more time to move.

    And with Kyle to make completely sure that the path is clear, everyone gets inside the ship successfully.

    "Seems like a good summary of the situation," Ren says, although he picks the skull that Kyle kicked back up and puts it back in place.

    Alexis' Porygon can not only access the doors, but the computer systems beyond that. Getting the door open is easy- and the slime-covered walls give way to a much cleaner and far less swamp-ravaged set of rooms inside the ship.

    Furthermore, her Porygon can bring up a helpful report on a nearby computer screen...

    "<<Manta Expeditionary Force high priority memo. Currently we have detained a living sample of the enemy entity. Initial examination and what we already know defines this being as a combination of a fungal spore entity and a nanomachine colony. It displays much better capability of assimilating things which do not have an electrical current present in their bodies due to the lack of micro-electrical inteference. In other words, organics and machines are less easily assimilated than plants. However, conversely, this means that if it was released into an evironment such as a timber mill, dying forest or swamp, the favourable conditions for decay mean that it could produce complex bodies for itself. This sample has been designated #AC3290 CHOU SHE/'Stinkserpent'. All hands be advised, although it is highly advised that it be brought back intact, if the creature form breaches containment then all hands are authorized to use Novamagnetic Pulse Generators to destroy the nanospores entirely.>>"

    A chorus of almost angry beeping sounds can be heard from outside. Time to show this thing who's boss...

Alexis has posed:
Sometimes it helps having a critter that can actually go into computers, with all the futuristic worlds out there using them. Or this one. And while it gets the doors open, it's a moment later that the pink and cyan virtumon appears on one of the screens after getting it up and running again. (Hey guys! It's podcast time, I've got an infodrop that's gonna blow your mind.) Followed by it materializing out of the screen, and said file scrolling across the display.

"Sometimes your erraticness does pay off Glitch." Alexis pats the digital critter on the head, then turns back to the others. Particularly Kyle since this is his sort of thing. "So apparently this novamagnetic whatever screws this thing over. Please tell me you know what that actually is."

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Once inside, Mairead sighs in relief and nods ot Ren, "thanks," she says with a smile as she causes the shield to phase out, yet keeps her shotgun out. Looking around, she slides down and feels her ankle, "Damn, twisted my ankle," she mutters as there is a nice size bruise on her right arm. "Oh, that's gonna hurt for a few days," she says as she looks at her arm and sighs as she stands up and tries to walk. Looking at her ring, she thinks and a screen pops up in front of her eyes that she can only see. "So far, there is nothign down the hallway that I can find," she comments as the screen disappears.

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    Pause. Kyle digests the transmission before he rubs his chin for a moment. "Uhhh..."

    He gives Alexis an uncertain glance, shrugging. "I have /no/ idea, this normally isn't my area of expertise." He admits at last, before he shrugs a shoulder. "SOme sort of electro-magnetic thing judging by the name, but that's not gonna do much good if we don't even have these generators."

    He goes through the ship, trying to find any sort of equipment that might have the word labled on it or something, "C'mon, we don't have much time to waste."

Alexis has posed:
"Oh... OH. Well, if electricity is what we need." Alexis pauses, flicking a finger along her pokeballs. "Pretty sure I brought at least one electric type with me...."

Ren Tanaka (165) has posed:
    "Look at it this way!" Ren says. "When it's hurting, you'll be able to say 'well, definitely better than not feeling bad at all, because I'm dead'? I...guuesssss? I need a snappy comebacks class."

    Time to search, and quickly. With Entei guarding the entrance from whatever animated plants are surviving, at least there'll be an early warning. That gives time to check the other rooms- Mairead can find four devices which are sort of like cylinders, with blue bands at one end and a hatch at the other, and Kyle can discover a storage area with some more familiarly-labelled supplies- including the power cells that these things will actually need.

    A growl from outside will be all the warning the group gets--

    "Alright, let's go!"

    Well, this... Chou She, we'll call it- is definitely beeping angrily. It's also bigger than before, having absorbed all of the remains of plants on the way. Now that it's this close, the fractal patterns of the nanomachines glow unpleasantly, threatening to grow even bigger...

    "Trying to lure us in with the alarm from a ship full of long-dead people..." Ren snaps at it. "we came here in a mood to cure the sick. An infection with delusions of grandeur should know better than to take on people seeking a cure!"

    Everyone's got a generator they can take. If they can surround it, and let it rip-!

Mairead Sandilands has posed:
    Mairead moves and helps in moving one oft he generators as best as she can. "After this, I want a bath and a nice relaxing soak in a hot bath house." she comments.

Alexis has posed:
Alexis looks up from getting a generator at the growl. And probably more because of her link to the legendary clone. "That's Wildfire's warning growl. The thing must be getting close... Gimme a hand here, Catalyst." (Only if I get to watch the viscerous fireworks), replies the psychic feline as she uses her powers to help lift the generator. How can something so cute looking say such creepy things?!

By the time they get to the opening of the ship the Entei has already backed away from the doors, mainly because there's nothing left outside for it to burn.

"Yeah, what he said!" Ren's got the speech making down for the moment. "Mess with a mission of mercy and don't expect to get any for yourself!"

Okay, so the thing doesn't like electricity supposedly. Let's find out just how well that works. With her 'mon handling the generator Alexis grabs another ball and throws it out the opening. "Go, Livewire! Spray that thing with Electroweb!" The large spider-like Galvantula doesn't even hit the ground completely before it's doing just that, quickly shooting a stream of spider webbing at the nanovorish monster.

An -electrified- spider web. Not only should that give them some extra time to get into position, but it provides an additional layer of conductive material to pick up the generators' emissions too.

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    Grabbing the generators, Kyle nods to Alexis before he hoists the generator over his shoulder. Carrying it out, he's quick to get set up with Alexis and her pokemon. "Set the charges here, here, and here!" He helpfully points out good spots to lay down traps for the monster to slow it down for Livewire, tossing over some det packs for good measure.

    Once he plants the generator itself, he draws his blaster, firing upon the creature to draw its attention towards their little grid set out for it.

Ren Tanaka (165) has posed:
    With four generators from four angles, the Chou She is surrounded in what will be four overlapping fields of electricity. Just make sure the Porygon's back in its ball, you never know for sure....

    And as soon as Kyle can draw it into place, Mairead has her IS ready for cleaning, Alexis's electrical spider provides the insurance, away they go! The blue ends of the generators pop open, and spherical fields of electromagnetic energy balloon outwards!

    The nanomachines making up most of the creature fizzle and overload spectacularly, and the glowing blue flashes and fades away rapidly. Chou She collapses into a piled-up mass of putrid plants and metallic sand, the nanomachines that had infected anyone likewise crumbling and flaking away, completely destroyed.

Alexis has posed:
Just for extra measure Alexis stomps a heel one some of the now deanimated plant matter. "That's what you get for messin' with a rescue mission!" The moment to celebrate is short-lived though, because there's still a few other ends to tie up. Once the generators shut off again, she re-releases the Porygon. "Glitch, did you copy those info files you found?"

The Porygon-Z bobs in a motion much akin to one of those 'drinking bird' toys. (Affirmative)

Alexis gestures of her shoulder towards the shipwreck. "Then go back into the computer and delete everything you can find. We don't need the Empire or the Confederates or some other space wackjob coming along to find out about that monstrousity or how to make it. Bad enough there may be other 'samples' out there somewhere."

Kyle Katarn (778) has posed:
    Dusting himself off, Kyle laughs and flashes a thumbs up to Alexis, her 'mons, and to Ren and Mairead as well. "Guess that about covers it. Now where'd we park?" He holsters his blaster, then begins to head towards where their Starspeeder had landed...