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Latest revision as of 04:18, 22 February 2016

Roommate Intervention
Date of Scene: 21 February 2016
Location: Misha's Apartment
Synopsis: Mir needs a talking.
Cast of Characters: 757, 868, 916

Jakuri (868) has posed:
    Mir has been hiding in her room primarily for a few days now. Dressed only in her favourite Funboon t-shirt and largely hiding out in a heavily-fortifed pillow fort, she has only been leaving to acquire the odd snack and other odds and ends. Giving her a games console has only given her extra reason to stay in her room; although something about the radio conversation earlier has put her off playing. So what IS she doing, buried in the keep of her fort? Well, at the moment she's sort of scribbling at a little notepad while lighting things with a little flashlight acquired from somewhere... The radio is nearby and transmitting idle chatter from various places, but she seems to be mostly ignoring it.

Misha (757) has posed:
    Okay, this has got to stop. Mir locked up in her room, after that fiasco on the union chatter band? There's a blatant and obvious reason for it. Now, normally, Misha Arsellec Lune is not one to pry about another Reyvateil's problems, but through extended priods of hijinx, chicanery, and most importantly, time.. Mir has become one of the small group of people that Misha can say are her closest friends.
    This is why the Star Singer is waiting right outside the door to the ex-Mother Virus' door.
    "Who's bright idea was it even to get her that thing?" She grumbles.
    Well. Pinning Jakuri down and getting an answer out of her was Lyner's idea, but Misha is the one who knocks on the door. "Mir? I know you're in there. Can we talk?"

Lyner Barsett (916) has posed:
     Lyner was waiting on the other side of the door, sweating bullets. "Ah...haha..." ...He got Mir that game console. WHOOPS.

     But he did it because he was worried! She just stayed in that mountain of pillows and did nothing! It was...sad! Maybe some games would help take her mind off things. After a few mishaps, it seemed like it would be working. But then...it just stopped.

     It looks like they would have to do the whole 'sit down and talk like gentleme- I mean , adults' thing after all. "....." Well, Misha said everything. Anything he said would just be echo. So let's wait!

Jakuri (868) has posed:
    "Buh?" A very inelegant sound, but perhaps appropriate considering she was... Not expecting interruption. Mir flails for a moment as she attempts to navigate her own labyrinth of sheets, eventually poking her head out of the fort. "Yeah, yeah... it isn't locked." Of course, her head then ducks back down before she can be seen. Mir is probably aware of what the talk will be about. Probably. She's back to her scribbling, although at this point it really IS scribbling. She's a little... Distracted now! "What is it?" Muffled by pillows, but audible.

Misha (757) has posed:
    Alright, she's not rebuffing them out of hand like a sulking teen. That's good. As soon as the announcement comes that the door isn't locked, Misha gives Lyner a light nudge in the ribs, before she sets her hand on the knob. It's go time.
    Mir will see that when Misha said 'can we talk' means she's pulling Lyner in with her when the door opens and...
    That is a pillow fort.
    "You're how old, and you're making pillow forts?" It is a very valid quesiton though. "Can you at least stick your head out, this is kind of serious."

Lyner Barsett (916) has posed:
     Nudged in the ribs, Lyner manages a small smile before he steels himself. It's not like he didn't see Mir earlier, but...that was for games. This was serious. And so he got pulled in.

     Yep. That was a pillow fort. Same as earlier.

     At the question of how old Mir was, Lyner chuckled and shook his head. "Come on now. People have different coping mechanisms. It's fine, isn't it?" And then he stepped around to the 'front' of the fort. Or what he remembered it was.

     "But this is kind of serious. Can you come out for us?" He asked sincerely, not pushing too hard.

Jakuri (868) has posed:
    "I can make pillowforts at any age I want," the elder Reyvateil retorts rather smartly. Her head then pops out again at that. "You can never be too old for a pillowfort." Rather matter-of-fact, too! "Serious. Sure. Did I sass the wrong person again or something?" A silly question, and one she knows the answer to, but she can always hope. She doesn't really WANT to have this conversation, after all... "What am I supposed to be 'coping' with, then?" Again, a silly question. Still, she accepts the request and slides herself free of the complex workings and crenellations of a most fine pillow fort. A lot of architectural work went into it. You can tell, for sure!

Misha (757) has posed:
    Well, regardless of the matter of forts and ages, at least Mir's poked her head out for the conversation, like the Star Singer and her knight have asked, and that should hopefully make things easier. Without having to decipher through pillow-muffle anyway. So...
    Jade eyes exchange a brief look with Lyner before Misha continues. She chooses her words for a moent. The last thing she would want, would be to incite lasers, the threat of the singing thereof.
    "No. No, you didn't." She answers that part easily enough. "At least I think you didn't." There's no real gentle way to broach the subject though.
    "We're talking about you're last Dive partner."

Lyner Barsett (916) has posed:
     What a Mir answer.

     Lyner just smiled a bit sheepishly, and shook his head, meeting Misha's glance, and then nodded. Go on. What's the worst that could happen?

     Cue flashback to the final battle of Ar Tonelico.

     ...Never mind.

     Back to reality, Lyner listened as the Star Singer started things off. Mir's last dive partner... He was curious about that person himself. Out of respect, he avoided asking about them, or bringing the subject up, but...something was obviously eating the Reyvateil. He couldn't look away any longer.

     "You mentioned that the other day. ...And you sounded so sad." He held up a hand to stop her if she complained. "Let's not do the vehement denial thing right now. It was clear on your voice. Maybe not to others, but to us, it was." He lowered that hand. "We want to help you, Mir."

Jakuri (868) has posed:
    Mir visibly wilts a little upon the rather blunt statement. She tries her best to put on a stoic face though! "Wh-Why would we want to talk about him. He's not around, or anything... Hasn't been... For a while." Twitch. She moves to lean back against her bed, hands at either side of her and squeezing the edge of the mattress a tad. "He's just, you know... Gone." Shrug. Mir is doing her very best to seem nonchalant, but in truth it's clear the subject is a little... Difficult! For reasons. Both should know why, at least partially. Lyner being, well... Lyner makes her falter further however and she looks aside. "And h-how would you go about that, exactly."

Misha (757) has posed:
    Misha is not pulling her punches, opening right out the gate with the reason she and Lyner barged in as they did. Well, she also invites herself to sit down, folding her hands on her lap. "Because it's clearly important to you." That's WHY they would want to bring it up.
    'He's gone'. Yes. Well. Where has Misha heard that before.
    "Because Lyner and I both understand it." She answers after a beat. Yes, she can see the subject is difficult. She's known it first hand, herself. "There wasn't a day that went by, that I wasn't thinking about Lyner." She holds the thought briefly. There are only two possible reasons why this would affect Mir the way she's been acting.
    "So... Did he hurt you? ... Or would are you acting like that because he's not around when you want him to be?"

Lyner Barsett (916) has posed:
     Lyner nodded along after Misha, carefully taking a seat himself. Standing just made it look like this was a bad thing. "...Yeah, we do understand it." Mostly because it was his fault on this side of the subject. But he's apologized a million times for that already. This was about Mir now.

     He smiled a bit at Misha's next statement, but made no comment on it. Instead, he looked at Mir, a silly smile on his face. "I don't think he hurt her." The Star Singer got a brief glance before he looked back to Mir. "She would have blown him up." Is that a good assessment, or a bad assessment?

     "So I'm inclined to think it's the latter."

Jakuri (868) has posed:
    For several moments, Mir is silent. Her face is at an angle such that it's difficult to tell what her particular expression is. Her lips are, at least, fixed into a line that is unmoving as Misha asks her questions. "No... He didn't hurt me." her voice has a small quake to it when she finally answers that question. "And it's not as simple as that!" A pillow is abruptly grabbed and tossed at the floor. "I'm lonely, okay! I've never not been... Alone. Not really. I came into the world and I had Ayatane, and then that inconsiderate jerk got himself killed! You saw first-hand what that did to me! Do you think I just magically learned how to deal with that sort of thing just because you beat some friendship into me?!" There are rare tears in her eyes now, a normally stern expression left watery and clearly strained. "I-I never grew up to LEARN how to deal with it! I came from a test-tube and grew up in a lab, and then self-righteous terrorists tore my world to pieces!" Aaand there goes another pillow. "I swore never again! And then the... The next jerk came along, and..." Flump. Down to knees. "And he's wandered off now too, and I don't know where, and I don't know what to do about it, and I hate it, and..." Her head falls forward at that, and a few tears can be seen to fall against the floor before her.

    As much as she doesn't want to admit it, Mir is still definitely a child in some respects."

Misha (757) has posed:
    That little crack- the wavering tone to Mir's voice is impossible to miss. Even if she had tried to hide it, when it comes to the realm of emotions such as this, there's just no lying to a Reyvateil- a species that literally thrives on their emotions to live and grow as people. Albeit much of the time with outside aid. For a beat, jade eyes slide closed. On the plus side, she and Lyner are not incinerated. However it was this downshot that she had been holding her breath and hoping against.
    It is a rare, rare, and unexpected day that Misha Arsellec Lune would have thought she would ever see the normally wholly cool and composed older Reyvateil let that barrier down. She could say something.
    She could say a lot, due to the parallels she was put through as the latest in line of Mir's jailors no less. In fact, the older Beta should know that full well, as it is. But she doesn't. There is another, subtler glance to Lyner. His assessment... Seemed the most apt, then.
    The Star Singer reaches forward, gently mocing to brush tears from the ancient Beta's cheeks with a feather touch. "I hate to say it but. I don't thin kthat feeling ever goes away. But Mir... We didn't just beat friendship into you, remember?"
    "I sang my heart out. And Lyner fought nearly all the world for you, so..." She takes a breath. "You're not alone. Not with us. Hell, Lyner would probably break himself for you. And me? Even if it were the end of the world, I'd be the girl singing there, just for you, if you asked it."
    But that doesn't deal with the OTHER issue.
    "He wandered off. So that just leaves one question you need to ask yourself..."

Lyner Barsett (916) has posed:
     The moment Mir 'broke', Lyner just closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He hated seeing his friends like this. It was worst. It didn't matter who it was. Misha, Mir, Aurica, Jack, Krusche, Radolf, Ayatane, Shurelia...He could go on. It didn't matter.

     Misha was right. He would move heaven and earth to help any one of them, in any way that he could, no, even if he couldn't, he would still go beyond what was thought possible, and make it happen. He did many times before. And he would keep doing it.

     By the point Misha is about finished her last statement, he opens his eyes and calmly does it for her. "...do you want to wait for him, or move on? Whatever choice you make, that doesn't stop you from moving forward with us. Towards the future that only we can grasp together." The Knight of Elemia spared Misha a brief look and a smile. And then he directed that same smile to Mir. Yes, she was sad. And that made him sad, but...

     He wouldn't let sadness rule the day.

     And so, Lyner chose to smile. With that stupid, idiotic smile on his face, he reached out a hand towards the older Reyvateil. "Mir, whatever you decide, just know that Misha and I will always be here to support you. If you need help, any kind of help. It doesn't matter what it is, I'll break down every barrier to get to you and make it happen. And so will Misha. ...So don't say that you're alone. We're here for you."


     "And we always will be."

Jakuri (868) has posed:
    Mir knows full well, but... Mir is a brat in many respects, and it's hard not to note the selfish streak she has; albeit dulled in recent times. So often self-assured and blunt to a fault, always planning her next move methodically. Everyone has something to hide, though. Even Mir! Clenching a fist on her lap, lifts her head a little as light fingers brush tears from pale cheeks. Watery eyes regard Misha for a moment as she says this, the elder Beta swallowing in a dry throat before she looks down again and nods a little. "No. It's not going to go away." She sounds rather small for a rare change, closer to her short stature than the presence she tends to command. As for the rest... There's not very much she can say in response to a statement of fact, really. She wouldn't be sharing a home with them otherwise. When presented with the following statement however, she lifts her head again and glances between the two. Eyes fall to her hands. "I don't know how to answer that question." She makes an attempt to choke back a sole sob, but it succeeds in coming out as a brief cough as she continues to allow a rare show of emotion. Mir, the teenage brat. Lyner's obnoxious positivity results in a half laugh and a sniff, a feeble swing aimed at his thigh in response. "S-Stupid. I-I'm trying to be sad and you're ruining it." She rubs her eyes with her forearm at that, looking the part of the child she still is physically, trying to sniff back any further tears and sobs. "I j-just... Don't know. Wh-What if there's no one else? What if he turns up again?"

Misha (757) has posed:
    Yeah that's the thing, when Lyner's around, sadness is kind of forbidden. Misha learned that well enough, now it looks like Mir's getting the lesson. But the matter of a girl's feelings are still very serious. "You don't have to answer now. There's plenty of time to think about it." She notes gently. Though she does nothing to protect Lyner from the older Beta's light jab. Soaking blows is his job anyway.
    The fact of the matter is, the two have come and said what they had to say. The rest falls into Mir's court about how she intends to deal with her issues. So there's just one big question to ask.
    "Do you -want- him to show up again?"

Lyner Barsett (916) has posed:
     "Ow!" Lyner feigned pain as Mir swung at his thigh. It's okay. Vanguards have high defense. "Misha's right. You don't need to answer it right now. Just take your time and work through it. And if you find you need help, let us know." That said, he reached out and pat Mir's head, ruffling her hair.

     That would get him killed, wouldn't it?

     Despite the fact that Misha asked about whether Mir wanted to see that guy again, Lyner stood up, resting his hands on his hips. "If there is or isn't anyone else, or if he turns up again... Well, that's something you'll figure out when it comes. You can make all the plans in the world, but life has a funny way of trampling all over them! I'd know!"

     And so would all three of them.

Jakuri (868) has posed:
    "I'll kick his BUTT if he ever comes back," is the rather sharp reply in response to Misha's question... But the wind soon leaves her sails again to some degree as she sighs. "I guess i'm tired of waiting, though. I-I don't... Suppose he'd be mad if I decided to move on, by now. If he reappears, well..." She sniffs a bit. "I'll decide then if I can forgive him." She doesn't sound entirely certain of this; more like someone attempting to convince herself it's the best option. In fact, she's in confused enough a state that Lyner's ruffling goes uncontested! She wipes her eyes again and then manages to wobble to her feet, making the rather pointless gesture of smoothing out her favourite t-shirt. She suddenly concludes that this t-shirt is rather old and faded, by now. "Heh. Isn't it great that you have Lyner to help with emotional problems via Diving." This is the sort of usual snark one expects from Mir, albeit said in a joking tone!

Misha (757) has posed:
    Yeah that's about what Misha said she'd do to Lyner if he would ever show up again. She didn't do it. Only time will tell if Mir's Lyner-alike will make his return or not, and what she'll actually do.
    If the older Beta actually does maul him and kick his ass... Well, the Star Singer probably wouldn't be surprised there either.
    Funny though? That Misha has Lyner for her problems. Well. "You know, he was worried enough about you the other day, I'm half surprised Lyner didn't ask you, himself." Wait what? Though she does pause, clearing her throat with a mild fidget of her own. "Yeah it's great that I've got Lyner, but I kind of envy you, Mir. You've got two perfectly good Dive partners you can turn to."
    Oh boy, she's turning her head to find something good and interesting on the nearest wall, her cheeks tinging a slight red. "Lyner's usually pretty thick. But he gets through in a pinch all the time. Me, well. It'd be my first time doing it that way, but."
    But take the offer however you will, Mir.

Lyner Barsett (916) has posed:

     Misha says the thing.

     Lyner turns to look at her while she finds something else to stare at for the time being.

     He opens his mouth.

     He closes his mouth.

     "...Ah...hahaha..." And then he laughed. Rubbing the back of his head sheepishly, he turned to Mir and nodded. "R-Right. I did say the other night that if you had a problem you wanted to work out, I would help you." That was on the subject of diving. "If you don't mind, we could dive with you and help you out." Pause. "...I-I mean, if you don't mind doing it with two people at the same time."

     ...This got awkward.

Jakuri (868) has posed:
    It is not often that one can fluster Mir. In this recovering state, you'd think her rather unflappable to such silly things as /innuendo/. Indeed, she likely wouldn't quite react if it were anyone else... But well. It's not anyone else. Far more quickly than Misha turns red in the cheeks, Mir's pale skin goes a shade of crimson that one stand out at the top of the First Tower itself. She looks between both Misha and Lyner for a moment, very much like a deer-in-headlights, and then the babbling begins. "I, w-well! Um. I-I wouldn't... How would I... Well... What. WHAT." The elder Reyvateil's arms windmill during this outburst, only added to the decidedly comical nature of her reaction. She's perhaps about to formulate appropriate language in response to Misha, but then Lyner just... Is Lyner. She knows he means well, because the little voice in the back of her head is telling her this at this very moment, but the other voice in the back of her head is leading her actions. Scooping up those cast off pillows from earlier, Mir's red face only goes redder still. "LYNEEEEEERRRR!" And then her arms are windmilling again, with the express intent of beating him with those pillows as her face burns an embarassed red, and a tirade of various expletives leaves her mouth.

    His phrasing could definitely use some work.

Lyner Barsett (916) has posed:
     "Ow ow ow! Hey ow! Mir wait- I was just saying ow! Come on-OW!"

     He is chased out of the room. ...And probably the apartment.

     He'll come back later.