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(Two girls on a night on the steampunk town.)
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Latest revision as of 22:20, 23 February 2016

Bar Diving Steampunk Style
Date of Scene: 20 February 2016
Location: Brimsteel Frontier
Synopsis: Two girls on a night on the steampunk town. No, the hamster is not a drunk hallucination.
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, Corona Arclite

Corona Arclite has posed:
Admittably it's not always easy to find places in a frontier town like Brimsteel. If only because it doesn't have the flashing neon signs and obnoxious in your face advertising one might seen in the social center of larger modern cities.

Then again, when the one sign a place does have is a cartoonish coyote in an oversized sombero apparently so drunk off the moonshine bottle next to him that he's taking a siesta against a cactus without getting pricked to death, you're not exactly being subtle, either. Clearly the place is called -THE TOASTY COYOTE- for a reason.

And with all the late night bravado one might expect Corona makes an extra effort to actually kick the swinging doors open. Because that's how cowboys enter these sort of places, apparently. It's your fault for giving her those old westerns for christmas, you know.

"Welp, here we ar--oof!" And then the door swings right back into her face. Oops, this one is on spring-loaded hinges to keep it from being left open. "--Are. That don't happen on the sceen like that!"

But this time she just grabs the door and pushes it normally, holding it open into the steampunk saloon.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa follows in after her foxy friend and ducks the door, as it nearly gets her. Though it might have broken on /her/ body/. She seems amused. "Your getting slow already Corona So this is the local bar, and it seems you could use osme more train..ing. Woah you were not kidding about htis place."

The cybrog seeme dor wnat to do something to today to keep her mind off the nightmare she had, having near perfect recall can be a real pain int he butt.

Corona Arclite has posed:
At first the place looks like your typical western saloon. With maybe being built as much with copper and brass as it is wood and paneling. Most of the wall decor is mining and railroad paraphinelia, and some of the old gas lanterns are actually functional as part of the lighting. There's a nice big bar with a smooth polished top, and assorted other tables scattered about with a wide variety of patrons. It's a motley lot of anthros, aliens, and scruffy looking humans of various sorts. Of course there's a shady looking poker game going on in one corner. In another an old self-playing organ occasionally creaks from worn gears or hisses steam out of a crack in its pipes.

Corona saunters right up to the bar and claims a stool, after spinning it a few times to raise it up for her lack of height. "Well don't just stand there gawkin' Koto, get a seat and somethin' to drink."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa looks the place over and seems to like what she sees. She sees the wide slice of various species mostly getting aalong, playing cards, drinking and generlaly having a grand old time. "All right, all right." She'll move the the counter move ot sit down after testing the chair so she break it. "Well you know the local booze I can take anything you throw at me!"

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite snorts as she leans over to poke the cyborg's shoulder. "Ya kinda got an unfair advantage, but Ah won't tell nobody that" she teases. Then turns back to the bar proper. "Hey, barkeep! Got some throats that need wettin' out here!"

This is where things get a little odd. You don't get a big surly old man sporting a rediculous handlebar mustache sauntering up to the bar.
No, what you get is a hatch opening from the wall, and a model train chugging out onto the bar, pulling hoppers of bottles instead of boxcars. While being driven by a hamster in a bowler hat. Not a giant space hamster. A normal, hamster sized hamster. Though he does still somehow sport a shnazzle moustache for his size in place of typical mouse whiskers. "Hoi, good t'see ya Ms. Arclite." He leans his chubby little form over to pat the side of the engine. "Ol' Tipsy's been runnin' lika dream after y'all tuned her up."

"Good, good." Corona grinned as she leaned on the counter. "So how's bout somethin' on the strong side t'night." She nods towards Kotone. "Just plain ol' cactusjuice ain't gonna be enough to singe my pardner's innards any."

Right, the bartender is a moustached hamster using a model steam engine to chug around the bar. You're not seeing things. That's really what it is.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa grins at the big man smiling up at him and she looks the host over for a moment staring. Wait a space hamster? She stare in intrest at the man for a moment. "hello there so your the bark keep and that's right let's see the strongest stuff you got." Kotone grins she's going to have fun with this, she's totally going to have fun with this.

Corona Arclite has posed:
The moustached hamster looks from Corona, to Kotone, and then back to Corona with a 'is she serious?' look on his face. "That's a pretty tall order fer a greenhorn."

But the foxgirl just has the smuggest possible grin on her face due to what she knows that the barkeeper doesn't. "Oh Ah reckon she's good for it, Bitters."

"It's her funeral." As he scampers back across the bar-train's cars, one is left wondering if Bitters is a nickname because her's a barkeeper, or if he chose the job because his name really is Bitters." A mystery left to be pondered for another time as he pulls a black glassed bottle out of a car and toddles over to Kotone with it. "Ah'll humour ya lass, but try not to hurk on the bar. Stuff's called Vodkano for a reason."

Bad enough the strong stuff is usually marked with three XXX, right? What about when the XXX on a lava bubbling volcano? And the swirly red liquid in it gives off a little poof of vapors when the bottle is opened, leaving a hot sulfurous smell in its wake.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa grins even wider at the hamster. "Oh you think I'm a green horn, eh?" Kotone waits she watche as the thing comes back and ssare at the bottle for a moment. she looks at it for a long moment. "Did you steal this from a hell diemnsion?" She comment,s she's not joking at all on that. before she moves to give the drink hard look over before hz moves to slam the first drink down.

Corona Arclite has posed:
That's probably the most burning hot thing anyone could possibly drink. Like five alarm fire hot. Good thing it's mainly the sensation of intense burning flavor and not, you know, actually on fire. That would just be absurd. Certainly feels close to drinking lava though, if someone actually survived drinking lava to make the comparison.

"Nah, though some folks would say Brimsteel's close as is. They season the vodka with juiced peppers that only grow 'round the lava flows. S'how it got its na--" And Bitters just stops, wide eyed, when Kotone starts chugging straight from the bottle. "DAMN woman! That's what shot glasses are for!"

Corona, for what it's worth, nearly falls off her stool she starts laughing so hard at the reaction.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa does stop at the comment about shot glasses. She seems to be amused as she sets it down and looks the bar keep over with a grtin on her face. "Well I have to say the taste isn't bad at aall though damn that thing's spicey." Why is there a bit of smoke coming out of her mouth?

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite meanwhile has helped herself to a bottle of something a bit more normal looking in comparison. Relatively speaking. A viper chewing on a poison warning skull is less drastic than a triple-X volcano? Considering it's only the label and not actually poisonous, yeah, it's tamer. Though after a sip she raises a brow. "Oh com'n Koto, the dragon impersonation is just rubbin' it in."

"Uh, Ah reckon she might actually be on fire."

"Well shoot." Corona leans over the bar to reach for the train. "Ah'll just grab the seltzer bottole."

"Don't be an idjit Arclite!" Bitters jumps on the train to sway her hand away with his hamster paws. "Those peppers ain't like a real fire, water just makes the sensation worse! Get the emergency milk bottle outta the back car."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa mouth actually is smoking and there's the faint sent if burning polumers she actually is on fire. "I'm not doing an dragon! Give me the milk!" She knows that much as she lunges for it pops the top and starts downing it either way it should put out the fire, for a moment Kotone is starting to freak out here.

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite barely gets a chance to get the milk bottle out of the icebox car before Kotone grabs it and starts chugging. So she just shrugs and puts her arm around Kotone's shoulder with a soft snicker. "Guess ya overestimated yer resiliance a wee bit, didn't ya?"

"Still impressive she guzzled that much down before needin' it," Bitters murmurs as he hops back up on the model train engine. "But can't say Ah didn't warn ya, either."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is gluping it don and uggs. "Yes, yes I did." she sits it on the counter. "I think... it melted some of the inside of my mouth. Rory's going to be laughing her bitmap off at me over this." She sighs and then looks to Bitters for a moment. "No, you did warn me, you totally did."

Corona Arclite has posed:
-- Hours Later --

Designated driver? Who needs one of those? Actually, considering how much of a thing cowboys and railroad workers going to get sloshed off their spurs is, it's probably not much of a surprise that Loadstar has a designated driver service on call pretty much 24/7. Even though Kotone can't technically get drunk, but Corona insisted. Because it's a good example.

That and otherwise Kotone would of missed seeing the steam-driven wagon being driven by said driver-for-hire, which just happenes to be a short, stout, rubbery looking alien that thanks to wide ears and an elongated nose-tube, actually looks like an elephant. A pink elephant.

.. Granted after the hamster barkeep with the booze towing model train delivery system, a pink elephant designated driver is just weird.

Thusly followed by a few hours passed out in a hammock once they got back to her workshop, to sleep the rest of the experieonce off. Where at the moment the fox is still sprawled out. Kotone was just left to make herself comfortable... and probably check that she didn't melt her 'throat' too badly. The look on Bitters' face was worth the discomfort though, right?

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa didn't aqrgue about the Designated Driver service at all. Kotone muses that this alien is a Pink Elephant who is a driver for a Designated Driver service. She's not sure what else to think about this. She actually did check her throat and it seemes her meager self repair systems were kicking in and she too soon sprawls out osmewhere. Corona was likely to wake up before Kotone did and it might be disturbing, she wasn't moving at all, not even seeming to breath while sle slept. She looked to all the world dead or a doll.

Corona Arclite has posed:

The sound of someone falling out of a hammock is a good indicator that Corona did indeed finally stir from her slumber. Followed by a bit of clattering around as she slunk blearily through the 'den' (because fox) to get herself something to chase off the lingering end of the hangover. Finally gives up, and just yells at one of the automatrons to got the perculator, before finally ambling over to where she left Kotone to do whatever it is cyborgs do to 'sleep'. "...Y'know, iffen Ah didn't know better 'bout what ya are, that'd be damn well creepy to wake up to still half drunker than a skunk."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa starts to come too at the nosie from corona getting up she sounds sleepy as she starts to move. Things like brething seem to be noticable again. She rises up shaking her head a little bit. No one knows why...people with full prosetics don't move in their sleep. Some day our ghost would get confused and fall out if we did. A hampster barkeep and ... a Pink Elephant driver...."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite laughs as she leans against a wall. "An' just think, ya saw those 'round here while not drunk. How's the throat?" A small metal cube rattles into the room, one side opening and the click-clack of gears extending a panel with a hot coffee pot on it. Corona takes it by the handle, then peers at the automatron. "Ya still need the cups." Or not, as it extends a pair of arms out with thermos mugs in the graspers, offering one to Kotone after Corona takes the other. "Welp, guess ya showed why only the -really- tough fellas drink the vodkano."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Repair systems's handling it mostly, what did I drink if that can melt my synth skin...what can it do to someone whose still flesh." She makes a bit of a face for a moment. She accept the cup and muses "Caffieen one of the pleasures I can still enjoy." She notes sipping at it and looking to Corona "You want water not coffee you'll just dehydrate your self. HEh still I left an impression on the bar keep, didn't I when i wandered out still able to walk straight!"

Corona Arclite has posed:
"Yer forgettin' Koto, Ah'm part fennec. We're desert dwellers, we don't dry out easily." She slugs back the entire mug of joe in one shot, and seems to actually contemplate the rest of the pot before setting it back on top of the clockwork drone. "Besides, Ah need to wake up before worryin' about keeping moist. And ya sure did! Pro'ly a few others too. Ah was a bit too gone that point to really notice." She snickers a little, tail giving an amuses swaff back and forth. "Most folks round here are pretty sure worst things are gonna kill 'em before drinkin' does, so they pro'ly don't worry too much 'bout what nasty crud is used to give a drink some extra kick."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "It's your hang over, as for other things killing them it melted /synth/ flesh. This would cause chemical burns on flesh. I guess there's so many species on this world, some could take it like how the stuff in spicey peppers do not effect certain kinds of animals I guess." She drinks her coffee some more. "Life does seem to be pretty brutal in the multiverse..."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite laughs. "There's that, too. Most folks pro'ly just think yer another weird off-worlder passin' through after that display... which ain't exactly untrue, when ya think about it." Corona wanders a bit, picking up her hat from where it was left tossed on a pile of... something. Junk, random parts, old tools. Other than the basic of chairs and appliances there's probably more leftover inventor scrap around the den.

When Corona said she wasn't familiar with dealing with furnishing a living space, clearly she wasn't kidding.

She turns the hat over for a moment. "Ah good, Ah didn't barf in it this time." Plops it on her head.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Well though I'm pretty sure I know a few people who'd like that stuff. Still it had a heck of a kick." She grins for a moment...then pauses t the dena s she looks to find a good place to plop down. "Your place looks like a grenade hit them...."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite shrugs a little. "Ah told ya Ah ain't much of a personal space sort of person." She kicks open a storage trunk, and takes out a clean vest to switch for the one she was wearing since last night. Tosses that one in a pile of bandanas and overalls that one can only presume is the dirty laundry pile. "Us'ally got bigger thin's to worry 'bout than a clean house... and the automatron's ain't quite smart 'nufff yet to do that without someone keepin' an eye on 'em."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "No your not, you make my own interior decorating look ot be professional and we do have androids thate are about smart enough tyo do that if your looking for one, though they tend to come out of the box in french maid costumes." She looks rather ashemed about this bit.

Corona Arclite has posed:
Which... just gets a confused brow furrow out of Corona. "What the hay hoo does bein' French have to do with bein' a maid? Considerin' most of them smell funny as it is!"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa pauses for a moment "It's a type of maid outfit, on my world. Look you recall me mentioning doll creeps? Ya they like to buy things like that, so well that's what sells." She shuggers "At least they mostly leave real people save for Prosehtic users alone now."

Corona Arclite has posed:
"Oooooooooh." Though that doesn't make her expression any better. "Yeah, considerin' what ya and yer 'sisters' have gone through, Ah reckon Ah might just pass on that notion. As much as Ah like machines, that's just.... yeah.... let's not get back into that," Corona decides.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Tell me about it, hey if there's actually someone there? That's one thing but they chase empty shells." She makes a face and just seems toe moud into the chair she's sitting in now. "So what do you like for breakfast around here?

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite shrugs her shoulders a little. "Usually Ah just eat what Ah can find when Ah got the time to between workin' and buildin' stuff. This job don't exactly come with a standard schedual. Never know when somethin's gonna break down, blow up, or a band of hoodlums show up tryin' to make trouble." Tucks the brow of her hat down a bit as she slumps back onto.. well, there's probably a chair or some old crate or something underneath that she's slumping on. "At least those molemen been quiet lately."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Really that's not got to be too good for you honestly also I been wondering so are you a Omnivore or a carincore I been wondering for a while to be honest."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite laughs a bit. "We make do the best we can 'round here. It's the frontier and all. No time to sit 'round all day, hung over or not." Point emphasized as she hops up from her spot again. "Ah spent more than my share of time as a street rat b'efore Rusty found me, whatever Ah was don't matter none, Ah learned to not be picky really awefully quick."