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Latest revision as of 00:55, 25 February 2016

Date of Scene: 22 February 2016
Location: Njorun Station - Ring of Philosophy
Synopsis: Yunomi and Yang introduce one another THROUGH THE PUNCHES OF FRIENDSHIP!
Cast of Characters: 272, Yang Xiao Long

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:

    In the center of a Colleseum-like set up, among the dirt stands a lone figure. She has ears atop her head that give flicks, listening for what's going on around her and a tail that droops down. She's wearing red and blue armor, in a blended style -- mostly leatherish with a victorian, Steam Punkish feel. Her tail gives a slight swipe, and she purses her lips.

    "Magic-eaters would be kinda ridiculous to share if she doesn't have any mana, but kaiju might be too big to be practical..." she mutters to herself.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Well she's not quite as attached to the place as a certain other punchgirl is, but Yang's spent a lot of time in the Ring. It's much less demanding than using the ampetheatre at the Academy, because majority of the damage is only simulated. But here she is again, the blonde bombshell practically sauntering into the collesium. She spots the ears and red/blue armour, and grins a bit. "Yo! Didn't know y'were a Faunus!"

    Yang wanders on up, and folds her arms under her bust. "Nice t'meetchya in person, finally got a face to go with the voice."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "Nah, I'm not a... faunus." Yunomi gives a smile as she turns to regard Yang Xiao Long... who looks very different than what Yunomi imagined. She does give a grin however, and steps forward to offer a friendly hand for a shake. "I'm a tanuki. Shapeshifter from a place called Japan. Nice to meet your aquaintence in the flesh, Yang Xiao Long. I look forward to punching things with you." she offers as a joking greeting. She's a good head shorter than Yang, and the armor helps to hide much of her musculature, but she looks like she might be a scrapper. "... what's a faunus?"

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang takes the hand. She's got one hell of a grip on her, despite looking fairly lithe and willowy. "Tanuki, huh... sounds like some old legends in Mistral. Dad says that's where he was born..." she then grins. "Punching things is what I do best."

    Then the question of what a Faunus is. "Oh, they're a race that lives alongside Humans on Remnant... they have animal features... ears, tails, horns, antlers... fur in places, y'know." she tries to explain. "REAL good nightvision." she shrugs. "Anyway, what're we punchin'?" she asks, stepping back and deploying her weapon, the two little bracelets unfolding into full forearm gauntlets, with a double fist pump to rack the slide and load the first shell into the chamber.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Good grip. Yunomi's got a decent grip on her in spite of being short. "Mistral, in Remnant, right? The place with the... Grim?" she questions, her lips pursing a moment, and she gives a small shrug. "Was just thinking about summong either endless waves of ne'er-do-wells or giant monsters, or maybe just testing out what each other can do. Just need to work out some excess energy, you know?" she gives a small grin as she watches the bracelets unfold... and she gives a grin.

    She balls a fist, and summons a bit of red mana. The red glass in her brassy gauntlets give a glow, small crackles of lightning arcing between her fingers.

    "This might get fun."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    "Whatever you wanna do, I'm here to punch stuff, so lets punch stuff!" Yang replies, punching her fists together and detonating a small wavepulse of energy from her body, making her mane of blonde hair billow out a little bit. "But yeah, Remnant, with the Creatures of Grimm, soulless monsters that Huntsmen and Huntresses are trained to fight."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Yunomi gives a grin, her tail giving a flick at the wavepulse of energy, feeling it shifts her bangs as a few flyaways kick up from the electrically charged air. "And you're in training to be a Huntress, isn't that right? What's the school called again?" she inquires politely before looking up to the ceiling.

    "Computer? Can you bring up Pidge's files, search 'Factory Crab Fight'?"

    THe ring's perameters change. The ceiling above them turns to a darkening sky. There is a massive complex of factory space op ening up beneath them, different buildings and chasms between where walkways and hanglines criss-cross haphazardly. Lightning threatens and the air smells like ozone and rain.

    And far off to the side, there is a massive creature, hundreds of feet high, a cross between a gorilla and a massive crab with pinches that could slice buildings in half, tiny eye stalks at the top of its head. It gives a roar, bluish glowing spittle falling from its face as it beats its chest.

    "... huh." Yunomi considers. "... I remember him being smaller..."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang shrugs a bit. "Yeah. I am. Oh, it's called Beacon." She replies... before the Ring changes and the giant Monster is revealed. "..."

    Yang stares a bit. "Uh... that's, pretty big." she remarks, just a tiny bit intimidated. "Biggest thing I've ever fought was a Nevermore, but I had my whole team with me at the time."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "That is a Kaiju. Massive creature from another world's menagerie of Bad Things." Yunomi explains, her fingers crackle with energy again. "... need something a little less intense?" She offers as a sort of confidential smile up at the blond, seeing her stare and the unsure reply. "... we can always just spar if youd rather... just thought I'd get a gauge of what you're used to..." she frows, and gives a huff as she looks back out towards the kaiju. "... I might have started out on 'hard mode' on purpose."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    "Yeah, I'm all for a challenge, but that's a bit /too/ much." Replies Yang, glancing back down at the Tanuki. "Don't get me wrong, I love a good, hard fight like the next girl, but I'd rather not have my face melted off by some giant alien... crabmonkey."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "Wise choice. There's a lot of wisdom in knowing what fights to run from." Yunomi replies, and she cancels the program. It returns to the colleseum set, and she takes a deep breath, hops up and down a moment, and then sizes up Yang, gives a slight grin, and then strikes a ready pose, about fifteen feet away from Yang as she gives a smile.

    "Well then, Yang Xiao Long, show me what you've got." she challenges playfully.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang seems to relax a bit as the colleseum returns and the alien monster vanishes... but no time for that now. The tanuki wants to throw down! "Just Yang's fine, y'know. Usin' my full name all the time's gonna get your tongue tied up in a knot." she quips, before taking her own stance. A rope-a-dope boxing stance at that! "Alright then, I'm not gonna go easy on you y'know!" she warns... before her arms hinge downwards, and she fires...

    Into the ground behind her. This has the effect of projecting her forwards much more quickly than she'd get from leg power, though she plants her foot to add some spin to the right hook she angles in on the Tanuki.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "I'm a Youkai, I think I can handle complicated names." Yunomi chides playfully, but she's equally eager to get down to business.

    When the blonde fires behind her and surges forward, the Tanuki gives a bow, the lightning leaving her hands as her fingertips take on a greenish glow, and when she rises, she bends backwards, bridging /narrowly/ out of the way of that hook.

    However, coming from behind Yang there is suddenly the thick boughs of a tre springing into being, trying to send her tumbling over the tanuki and continuing the trajectory from the first blast!

    "... and if I wanted you to go easy, I would have kept the kaiju!"

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang gets blind-sided by the sudden trees from behind. This sends her up and over, tumbling until she gets her feet under her and with another blast of her gauntlet, is flung right back the way she came, aiming a flurry of high speed punches with a wordless roar of effort!

    The blonde isn't content to /only/ punch. Each thrown strike is accompanied by a shotgun blast of kinetic energy, a cone of pure fore projected from the hidden barrel above her index fingers.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Yunomi gives a smile as the trees send Yang up and over, and he had leapt up and over the the trees, turning just as Yang came roaring in, fists flying and flashing! The mage's face had paled a moment before she braced for impact, planging one foot back against a bough -- which snaps at the first blow Yang plants on her! Yunomi's armor takes the brunt of the first couple of blows before she was able to come back, and she reaches out and tries to grab for Yang's elbows, electricity coursing along Yunomi's gauntlets!

    /What a Shocking Blow/.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:

    The electricity arcs across a formally invisible 'sheathe' surrounding the blonde's body, making her grit her teeth as it flickers and jutters with an orange-yellow light under the shocking grasp.

    That teeth gritting turns slowly into a big, shiteating grin, before she rears her head back, and aims to slam her head right into Yunomi's face!

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Yunomi gives a little grin as she watches the electicity crackle over Yang's body, the blue flickering around them both when she spots that grin.

    Yunomi's eyes open wide questioningly as she draws a little backwards, and when Yang comes in for the business of slamming her head -- she'll find not a Yunomi there, but --

    ... a large plushie. A five foot tall plushie of a Sailor Scout-type superheroine. It tumbles backwards from the headblow, showing a little cave-in where Yangs' head... well. Caved it in.

    The plushie turns back into Yunomi, sitting on the ground and looking a little dazed for a breif moment!

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang shakes out her arms a bit, shuddering a little from residual charge, before she walks over and offers a hand to the dazed tanuki. "Got a real charge out of that one." she quips, smirking a bit. "Y'wanna continue? I'm still good for another round."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
Yunomi laughs, accepting the hand up as she hops to her feet. "Oh, I've got more where that comes from. Just have to be careful of knockin' the noggin'. I'd be of little use to Rhapsody if I can't think straight." she smiles, then turns Yang's hand curiously, taking the opportunity to get a closer look at the gauntlets she was wearing. "So I heard about these gauntlets that are also like guns... that's pretty cool. How do these things work?" she inquires, eyebrows rising up before she takes a step back, and lowers her goggles.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang lets the tanuki look over her gauntlets for a moment, then steps back and brings her fists up in a defensive posture again. "It's kinda complicated... an' Ruby'd probably be able to tell you better than me, but they're Variable State Dust Munitions." she replies. "Ember Celica are called Dual Range Shot Gauntlets, because they incorporate multiple ammo types and the ability to selctively swap between them."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
"I work with an Engineering group. Complicated magical machinery is kinda our thing." Yunomi explains with a small smile, echoing Yang's ready stance, studying her for a moment. "I bet you with some Mizzium and the right focus, Ryxinel could build something like those." she replies, the wheels already turning in her mind before she surges forward -- bringing her hands together and focusesing red mana between them before spreading her fingers, her goggles shielding her eyes as a brilliant fireball errupts from them.

    "Let's heat things up!"

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Fire... ooooh, boy.

    Yang shifts her stance, crossing her arms in front of her to absorb the explosive fireball. She's enveloped in the raging flames, but only for a moment.

    Her form explodes, literally, flinging flame and kinetic force out in all directions. As the flames die out around her, Yang looks exactly like a Super Saiyan, save for her eyes have gone blood red instead of teal. "Agreed!" she replies, hooking her right arm back, then throwing her entire weight through it. She's out of range, after being knocked back by the fireball... but that doesn't stop her!

    The shotgun blast this time, sends a sparking, furious ball of energy streaking out towards the Tanuki. On impact with any surface, this packet of energy will explode like a stick of dynamite!

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Yunomi braces for impact, bringing her arms in front of her -- the explosion might be blinding, but it appears to go around her, the dynamite explosoion curling along a square shield. The force pushes Yunomi back a good two feet, leaving long streaks in the ground as she takes a deep brath, prismatic colors glittering in the light as the fire fades.

    And Yunomi gives a vicious little smile, and when her hands drop, they come back up with a large, brown sake jug. Her ears prick forward as she gives a shake, and then charges, flying up as she brings the jug up and over to try and outflank the punch-girl from above and hit her in the butt with the jug!

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang shifts her stance, blinking a bit at the sake jug. She doesn't question it though... Oobleck uses a damn THERMOS as a weapon, after all, so when Yunomi goes to leap over her, Yang fires her gauntlets behind her, throwing herself forward into a tight duck and roll. She turns half-way through the roll, and comes to a kneel, firing another pair of explosive bolts at the mid-air Tanuki!

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Yunomi gives a bright grin as she lands, turning and blocking the explosive bolts on her way down, though she's sent a little more backwards when she lands from the effort, wincing slightly before she braces, and opens up the bottle!

    Ever see a waterjet cut through concrete? Well, coming out of the bottle was an unending geyser! Hot, steaming water (perfect for making tea or instant coffee, or adding to condensed soups!) errupts out, soaking the surrounding area in hot mist and steam in the process!

    "You know what Yang? You're all right!"

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang braces again, getting pushed back by the geyser of scalding water... right into the side wall of the arena. An alert sounds out, and Yang's Aura surges, before flickering out, leaving her unprotected. The blonde does blast the water away, so she can roll aside, panting a little and wincing at a scalded burn on her right arm. "Okay.. I give. My Aura's depleted."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    Luckily, it's entirely simulated. Yunomi caps the water, and she gives a flick of her hand and O-Togi disappears back to where he belongs.

    Yunomi gives a smile, and limps over to Yang, offering a hand.

    "That was a pretty good bout... thanks. I feel a lot better." she jokes, offering the /handshake of peace/. "I've got to stop over sometime and check out your school. Sounds like it'd be an interesting learning experience."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang takes the hand, and returns the handshake. "I'll give you a tour if you do." she replies. "Have a chat with my li'l sis too. Ruby Rose, she's sometimes on the Union band. /Toooootal/ dork when it comes to weapons."

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "I'm not sure if you've noticed, but there are an awful lot of dorks regarding weapons on the bands... but we prefer to call them..." Yunomi's ears prick up, and her tail gives a flick "... enthusiasts. I know a couple of them, I grew up in the military." she jokes. "That burn should patch up as soon as we leave the sim. Hungry? I know a place..."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    "Starving." replies Yang, nodding at the note about the burn. "I know, I've been here a good portion of my time when I'm training. This place is super useful." she adds, grinning a bit. "Dork, Enthusiast, all the same to me." she teases.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "Aaah, then maybe I need to conduct a vocabulary lesson, or else I'm just going to have to call you Punching-Dork." Yunomi brightly replies to Yang, heading to walk out of the arena, and as she does her armor fades to just a sweatshirt, jeans, and sandals, though she retains the ears and tail. "What do you feel like?" she asks, and then her stomach gives a low growl. Her ears prick up, and then lay to the side ine mbarrassment. "Apparently, my stomach votes for 'whatever's close'."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang pouts a little bit at the Punch-dork jib, but follows along anyway. "'Whatever' close' works for me." she replies, looping an arm around Yunomi's shoulders companionably, for a moment.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    The shorter girl teeters for a moment at the amicable shoulder loop, and she gives a laugh. "All right, chow hall it is! All you can eat noodle bowls!" Yunomi cheers, and fist-pumps into the air as the two exit the arena.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    "Aww yeah!" replies Yang, walking off with the Tanuki and letting her go to walk along amicably.