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Seriously: Don't Stop To Think Kawakami !
Date of Scene: 22 February 2016
Location: Njorun Station - Ring of Philosophy
Synopsis: An extremely bored Momoyo finally gets a challenge a week before she does something reckless: The Mage of Space, Arthur Lowell. As it turns out, Arthur is completely unsurprised by Momoyo's over the top fighting style, bringing his own zany spin on things! Ultimately Momoyo's raw endurance prevails as she successfully defends her title from bombastic spatial assault!
Cast of Characters: Arthur Lowell, 928

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     Momoyo was pumped, though her sister was fighting, she was in the Ring. For her own part, her hands trembled, since as much as she came to respect the Karate Hobo... he was a bit of a disappointment to her.

    Tapping the console, she started to set up the terrain for the defaults. Clad in her uniform where her jacket ended up as more of a cape than anything, she strode out to the Ring to wait. Her head rolls around as she adjusts her neck. Seeing a brand new opponent for the first time was always thrilling after all. She wasn't about to comment on her opponent sounding like he just rolled off a game of Call of Duty, since that only made it even more interesting to her at least. Were she not raised in a dojo, she'd sound about the same after all.

    There was a nice feeling to doing a match without a large audience, as her fights tended to draw crowds constantly as a general rule. She stares up at the holographic ceiling thoughtfully, tossing her long hair. While she was still placid on the surface as a veteran fighter, she continued all the signs of quivering with excitement. Her opponent didn't sound like a slouch, after all. Even a brazen or stupid opponent could be a little entertaining.

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    ARTHUR LOWELL is here! His striding into the default arena comes with a certain degree of theatricality. Which is to say: He is literally using space magic to set off starry fireworks on his path. There's little spotlight spell-constructs floating around and showering him in light. Just because there's no crowd doesn't mean Arthur isn't going to put on a show, and if his WMAT performance was anything to go by, it's clear that these sorts of sparring things are times that he's GOING to put on a show.

    "EVERYONE OUTTA MY GODDAMN WAY." Arthur shouts, arms raised dramatically. "I've got KNUCKLES FULL OF BLOODLUST, RADIOS FULL OF CHALLENGES, and a BUNCH OF BONES in need of some SEVERE CRACKING!" His enthusiasm is intense and his blood is already about at half boil, which is to say, Momoyo is actually be able to see a little UI bar labeled 'Blood Boil' at about half full above him. "YOOOOOU! With the BOREDOM and TOO MUCH BLOOD! Let's FIX THOSE FUCKIN' PROBLEMS!" He slams a fist into the opposite palm with enough force that the fireworks are dramatically dispelled from the shockwave. "Are you READY?!" With a flourishing motion, a heavy, black steel... Broom is in his hands, suddenly flickering out of his inventory. It looks like it has several heavy-duty pieces of equipment built in.

    That suspicion might be reinforced by the fact that he pulls a heavy ripcord on it, making something inside roar to life. And then, of course, his BLOOD BOIL bar is filling, and his body is surrounded by shining white SPACE MAGIC fire, and a light shockwave of wind. He takes a place opposite Momoyo in the default field. "I hear you're a TOUGH GUY or somethin'! I wanna walk away from this all my SPARE BLOOD outta me! Gimmie ALL YOU GOT! You READY?! Let's get this shit BLASTING. YEAH!!"

    There is not any shortage of enthusiasm here, but Momoyo may notice that despite the theatricality and hot-bloodedness, Arthur Lowell's actual physical appearance appears to be that of some kind of scruffy nerd.

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     "Hmhmhm~." she chuckles softly, her usual all-smiles smirk displaying openly as she looks her opponent over. He honestly looked ridiculous, but his aura told a completely different story. "I like your attitude."

    It started to dawn on her that she might be looking at a video game character in reality as soon as she realized the blood boil gauge was present inside his aura. "I'm already excited! This is gonna be a blast. With Wanko fighting in my world, I don't need to worry about this getting emotional." She raises her hand. "Get ready, Arthur Lowell! I am Momoyo Kawakami of the North, Goddess of Martial Arts! Let's see if you can finally break my undefeated streak!" she shouts back, her own aura visible now as well, a dark crimson flame just above black that fought against Lowell's pure white light magnificantly already. It wasn't an attack, but she certainly wasn't going to read too much into his appearance.

    Foregoing her usual strategy, she could already tell her opponent was slightly stronger than her. That excited her to no end, but the difference was small enough it mattered how each used it as she charged forward at a speed barely discernible by non-Elites.

    "Kawakami Style: Musou Seikenzuki!!"

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    Arthur's gauge fills, and then explodes dramatically in a burst of crimson fire. The white light blasts out of him in tremendous waves as Momoyo approaches at high speed! "SHIT YES!" He calls out. "COME AT ME!!" And she approaches... So, too, does Arthur. He levels his broom back, so the steel bristles face directly away from Momoyo. There's a moment where that might look strange... And then an ominous 'beep'.

    The bristles, in a clean motion, 'bloom' wide into a trio of ROCKET BOOSTERS. "HOOOOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAHHH!" And with a tremendous gush of exhaust, Arthur blasts forward at a similar speed, intending to meet Momoyo in the middle, and swing around a heavy, rocket-powered overhead swing. Regardless of how solidly it hits, the impact is going to be enough to create hairline cracks in the simulated floor and produce a shockwave that kicks up dust for several yards. Despite that, this DOES just seem like a heavy, somewhat brash opening strike, meant to feel out how Momoyo handles her defenses...

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     Wide-eyed and disoriented with how she was hit during her blink-of-an-eye attack, her teeth grit as she broom handle smashes into her with the rest of the scruffy kid. She didn't have time to consider the difference in speed however, as her opponent was right up against her and in mid-air, the perfect time for this type of attack. "You've got one hell of a punch, kid. Let's see how you handle this!"

    "Ningen Bakudan!"

    As if to make Arthur's show even more ridiculous, her attack triggers from the broom slammed into her and his shoulder leaned in closer to her frame. With a demonic smile, an explosion emits from out of the ki coating her midsection ten feet or so in the air.

    Landing on her feet herself in a recovering stance, she clenches her fists as she keeps an eye on her magical, absurd opponent. "Ghhh... Restoration..." she murmurs, her shoes already having dug furrows into the ground with a large chunk of her clothing ripped off her midsection.

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    Arthur's slammed back, and then UP, by the explosion. There's bits of his God Tier robes tattered and frayed by the impact, and he's got a little bit of burning -- and does he have a little aura fire going on at a bit of his shoulder? -- but he seems like he's still capable... His skin! Somewhere over the surface of his body is a slight warping effect. He coated himself in some sort of spatial magic! "HAAAANDLED!" He calls out, trying to right his course. He also very quietly swears and pats out the fire a bit while he does. Momoyo will have no lack of opportunity to fix his landing point; his mid-air mobility is limited due to the disorientation of the blast! She can easily intercept the landing point, especially with her speed. But before she does... Arthur's broom whips around again!

    This time, he doesn't hold it like a bludgeon, he holds it like a rifle. The bristles brace against his shoulder and a trigger might be noticed at the handle. Hot-blooded and martial-artsy as the kid may be, his fighting style's a complete mess, a mix between street brawling and, apparently, some kind of weird broom-based gunplay. The heavy, thick handle of his broom bears a RIFLE along its body! He's firing a series of shiny, authentic gensokyian DANMAKU BOLTS, which manifest as heavy magical bullet patterns that rush forward! If he's going to land at a vulnerable place, he's going to make it a punishing gauntlet to reach the point where he impacts the ground, where Momoyo will be able to re-engage combat on her own terms.

    Of course, he shouts. What would any Xbox Live Jerk be without trash talk. "GODDESS of MARTIAL ARTS, huh?! HA HA HA! I never learned a BIT of it in my LIFE! I'mma show you what happens when PURE ADRENALINE and GUTS rams HEAD-FUCKING-FIRST into all those WHATEVER HUNDREDS OF YEARS OF TRADITION you got! SHOW IT TO ME! I wanna FEEL the HISTORY on my BRUISES! You want a STREAKBREAKER, you're 'boutta GET IT!"

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     Without bothering to dodge, she knew it was pointless to try to block energy like this. Bullets were one thing, ki and magic were quite another. Instead, she continues to restore her vitality through the assault, landing beneath Arthur where he's about to land. "Here's your pure adrenaline, guy!!! Hahahaha!!!" she laughed in return, quickly getting caught up in Arthur's energy... and freely able to go berserk herself. Already crazed, her response was always to charge in just that little bit harder!

    "Musou Seikenzuki Midareuchi!!!"

    Taking advantage of his downward momentum, she simply grit her teeth and bled through the spewing bolts only to unleash her twenty-four punch barrage in an instant right before he would land on top of her. The sound of artillery fire issues forth as her fists move like a blur, creating small shockwaves of her own and conserving her energy to endure Arthur's wide area barrages. She'd already learned fighting Fate: she wasn't going to win against magic by allowing her opponent to get distance on her.

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    Arthur's expecting one attack, but he's not expecting the others. The protection holds for the first of 24 attacks, but rapidly disintegrates afterwards. With an audible SHATTER, Arthur's spellshield dispells, and there's a series of rough, vicious cracks at the start of the series of blows. But partway through... While he seems utterly untrained, he's subtly not as stupid as he looks. The barrage of blows has a pattern, as any martial arts technique does, and Arthur's incredible reflexes eventually let him catch up to it. With a combination of his broom and his forearm, he even manages to parry some of the strikes! But the strain and exhaustion of doing so hit him hard near the end. His dextrous, efficient movements slow.

    "Haaaaahhhhh... Got a lot of PUNCH in you!" He shouts, as he tries to work around the brutal barrage. "Hahahahhh! I SEE what you're DOING! I KNOW YOUR GAME! Can't keep any DISTANCE, huh? Gotta make sure the SQUISHY MAGE-CLASS keeps OFF HIS GAME? 'Cause those WIZARDBALLS MOTHERFUCKERS, all they got's BEAMS and not GUTS!" For a moment, he sticks to the defensive, trying to hold off Momoyo's blows, and straining to keep up just enough... And suddenly: Another violent yank of the ripcord, and the engine is screaming. So, too, are motors within the blade. The steel bristles are SPINNING! Like some sort of horrific, violent blender on a stick. The gyroscopic force gives it TREMENDOUS physical impact weight and more than a little bit of nonlethal laceration to boot. Right after the series of blows finishes execution, the broom whirls around from the side, and Arthur starts bearing down with a rushing charge of his own, with heavy, swift blows.


Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     Blocking with both her arms proves to be somewhat fruitless. It was better than taking the hit directly, but that sort of a hit was intended to, as Arthur said, get rid of extra blood. Stepping back slightly, she does the least sane thing to stop the madness in this instance... that is to say, thrusts her hand in to grab on the brook directly and stop the spinning by force with her inhuman strength. "Here it comes again, kid!!!"

    "Kawakami Forbidden Move: Fuji Smasher!"

    All at once she brings a swift ki-fuelled uppercut toward his chin. The sort of ridiculous attack Knight-classes were known for, the punch was even faster and stronger than her original Dynasty Warriors Punch. Covered in her purple ki and flaring out around her body in a sphere, the attack itself was rarely seen and only usually showed up when Momoyo was serious. "I WANT MORE FUN, LOWELL!!!" she howled, just about reaching her fevered peak.

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    Arthur's broom stops and grinds into Momoyo's hand, but it does stop, even mid-swing. Arthur wasn't expecting that. There's a moment of wide-eyed surprise, and then comes the Shoryuken Moment. There's a noise like meat being tenderized mixed with a cheap plastic toy snapping in half. A shockwave of white light blasts out of Arthur's body and he's launched up! Unable to hold onto his broom, he's launched up, up... High up from the impact. Shining purple ki is around chunks of terrain launched as well; this kid may be a squishy caster, but he's maximum level, leaving him still pretty resilient. Some of that attack's tremendous force was purely halted, creating a tremendous blast. Arthur is dazed and disoriented; for a moment, Momoyo might see the Cool Shounen Hero facade he has break for a moment, clutching his jaw in agony. But that doesn't last long.

    Snapping out of it on his upward arc, he completely halts his motion through a burst of magic. "You want FUN!? Good thing you're WISHING on SHOOTING STARS here, I'mma boutt'a BUST YOUR SHIT like a METEOR IMPACT, BITCH!" Up among the chunks of shattered terrain, Arthur screams, his long hair billowing out dramatically, and his whole body gushing white fire. With a sudden rush of GRAVITY MAGIC, he slams himself down, bouncing between blasted chunks of terrain in a series of rapid, high-speed leaps. Some are launched up by his leaping downward, and others are distinctly launched DOWN, right for Momoyo! He's making sure she doesn't back off from this, and if she does, she'll have to deal with huge chunks of Default Arena slamming into her.

    Halfway down, he lets out an intense, roaring scream. The white fire flares bigger, and true to his word, he does appear to be some kind of falling star. "RrrrrroooooAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!" The shockwave of the magical field around him impacting nearby would be hard not to take damage from, but the heavy strike is aimed right for Momoyo. Even if blocked head-on, the force just keeps going, fueled by gravity magic, pushing more and more and more. He's going to press this attack as hard as he can right up until Momoyo's counterattack! He's not keeping a distance from her outrageous melee-range power in the slightest.

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     She hadn't used up much of her aura yet, but it was time to go ham, after all, her opponent had been so far. Even covering her arms with her ki his attack was pushing her back in the ground, her feet digging in as she grit her teeth. Still, his air time and that attack... she was just barely starting to see the patterns. They changed from time to time, but the cunning and reckless girl realized this was her chance, and she would have to take it now even while his aura was still strong. While blocking the attack with one arm (which still meant relying on her endurance as the attack begun to shred into her muscle), her other arm charged up... to fight back against the blast.

    "Kawakami Style: Star Destroyer"

    At this close a strength level, it was less about how much power you had and more about how you used it. She used her berserk fury as a battering ram to shove the beam backward, panting aloud as her shoulders heaved. The violent yellow beam shot upward abruptly, with the only clue it was coming being Lowell's aura being pushed back. "Yes!!! I needed this fight! I KNEW you were strong when you walked in! I don't care how a crazy moron like you got strong, this is perfect!!" she howled in ecstasy, as her planet shattering beam shook the Ring and absorbed the blast within it's hallowed ceiling's energy barriers.

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    Arthur is grinning, wildly shouting and tearing himself up from the strain of forcing himself through this impact. And there's that moment of wide-eyed surprise again -- you can imagine an overdramatic 'THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!' going on in his head -- as his field of magic is shoved back, and then suddenly breached by the havy beam! Arthur slams back from the impact of being brutally out-skilled this way. Impacted head-on by the blast, he is carried up by the wave of energy, slamming into the ceiling's barriers, splayed out against it by the force of the strike. He's pinned there for some time, suffering the intense endurance and contusion damage from the beam...

    And then, Momoyo's perception of his aura goes dead. Or rather, it disappears from where he's pinned. There was a flash of green light, a brief spike of magic, and then nothing. Did she KO him? No... There's something off to one side. A strange, circular, spirographic construct. Momoyo is one of those Union associates (though Arthur wouldn't know that) who hasn't yet been privy to Arthur's TRUE specialty: GATES.

    The shining Aura suddenly being at Momoyo's side instead is the only warning she'll get as Arthur -- scooping up his broom in one hand, recovering it from its lost place -- rockets towards her, and attempts to slam into her while she's still got all her offensive power oriented up. He's messed up bad, bleeding a fair bit and heavily bruised, and his nice God Outfit is ripped up more than a little, but he's still screaming his way into a heavy ram... And then back through another Gate. Then he's coming for a strike from a low angle on the opposite side! Then two strikes from the same angle! Then another from above! And three, from three diffrerent side angles! He starts an accelerating rush of brutal ram attacks, meant to knock Momoyo around a little instead... It's possible that maybe Arthur is feeling a little insecure about how he's the only one being launched here!

    "SHIT YES! I've got the PRODUCT that EVERYONE NEEDS! I run the BLOOD BANK of FIGHTS! I've got the HYPE TRAIN running outta PAIN CITY and I am EXPORTING THE EVER-LOVING SHIT out of those COMMODITIES! EVERYONE wants some'a what I GOT!" He seems, in his own way, near about as hype about this as Momoyo is.

    Which is a scary thought, honestly.

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     "Restoration!!!" she cheats again, with her unfair move. She was going to need it after all, but now her reflexes were back up to snuff as she manages to block the Whole. Entire. Barrage. Other than the last hit, which smacks the side of her head, and would have been even better of her opponent wasn't so wrecked. However, her ki-sense was her only weapon against these gates, as there would be no pattern. Suddenly, her eyes widened sharply, and she jumped into the air.

    That was because instead of trying to predict the gates... she forced the gates to predict her.

    Her arm slams into her opponent, curling around him viciously. "Hey, hey, hey!!! How were you gonna say this, huh, Arthur!? TIME FOR A TRIP TO GROUND POUND TOWN!!!"

    Twisting Arthur's arm violently, she forces her leg around his... making the trajectory of the broom awkward and uncontrollable. "Kawakami Style: Izuna Drop!!!" Forcing him to navigate his broom with only one messed up arm, she jerked him around, and after a flashy somersault in the air... she started to speed a hundred feet or so toward the ground. Letting her body weight and gravity do the work, she pressed in against his neck as she twirled viciously while he was forced to figure out how to wrestle her in the space of ten seconds!

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    There's a brief moment where maybe Momoyo might see something... Distinctly unlike the image Arthur Lowell projects. It takes about half a second for him to assess the full details of where his body is positioned related to her. In the span of the remaining nine seconds where he can commit to action, she can feel, in the twitches of each muscle and the few calculated counterattacks he attempts, a much more wise and thoughtful mind trying to find an escape. It's practically a moment of insight; an utterly silent moment of wordless communication. "Right arm disabled. Right leg disabled. Wounded left arm to steer, leaves 120 degrees range of practical motion in thruster orientation. Eight seconds remaining. Primary weaknesses in hold at knee. Apply free knee from side. Six seconds remain. Execute knee strike. Failure. Five point five remain. Disorient assailant. Attempt knee strike again. Disorientation options: Headbutt? Execute with knee-strike. Failure, poor angling. Three seconds remaining. Attempt retro-rocket reorientation, brace assailant between self and ground. Attempting. Arm too wounded, failure. One point five seconds remaining. No options."

    "Fuck it. Roll with it."

    Arthur hits the ground brutally, slammed into the field with a heavy, snapping impact. He needs both legs and so in the process of landing, he has to sacrifice his left arm. There's a heavy, brutal snapping sound as a bone gives way entirely. The blastwave from the Izuna Drop comes like the shockwave of a true lightning strike, slamming chunks of blank sim-terrain all around, leaving a tremendous cracked crater in the field. But Arthur's rolling-with-it impact is specifically meant to ensure Momoyo can't keep the hold on him. It won't do much damage, but the slamming roll tries to bash her into the ground and toss her away... Giving Arthur enough time to get to his feet. Clutching one limp arm, breathing heavily, bleeding more than a little, and heavily bruised, Arthur gets to his feet at the base of the crater, propping himself up on the broom.

    "Hahhhhh... Hahhhhh... Last shot at this, looks like... Hahhhhh..." He struggles for breath, putting a tremendous amount of willpower just into standing defiantly. If Momoyo allows -- and let's not kid ourselves, this is a Shounen Combat Pacing fight, of course she will -- he's going to take a moment to catch his breath... And then bring in the final rush. Gripping the ripcord of his broom in his teeth for lack of a functioning arm, he tears it away from the broom and restarts the motor, gushing fire from exhaust pipes on the heavy contraption. A screaming roar builds up inside it... And then he blasts forward, not flying but skidding over the surface of the crater. With a heavy sweeping motion, the exhaust kicks up bits of the debris...

    And they follow him, as if guided by something. As it turns out... Guided by a gravitational pull. He's pulling up all the ripped up chunks of terrain here into a tremendous final rush of brutal crashing force, screaming in a rising hot-blooded shout of continuous damage output that slowly escalates, and when the rock exhausts itself, it's starlight and pure gravity that's coming after Momoyo; Arthur's short-range damage output is just burning through every bit of his reserves that he can.

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     The debris sliding across her was getting worse and worse. She wouldn't be allowed to block this any longer if it went on, and she could see his aura running ragged... it looks like those Gates of his burnt up a lot of energy for too many small attacks on a tough foe.

    She owed it to her opponent to finish him gracefully, since he was probably too concussed to think much longer. Turning around and ignoring the debris as best she could, she used his gravity wake against him to guide a shot that was difficult to be accurate with it's speed.


    Throwing another violet-violent burst of energy at the broom rider, this shot was intended to finish him off... as blocking it was out of the question and riding the broom was taking all his strength. While she wanted to be beaten even worse than this, she could really only thank Arthur in her head. She was a week away from doing something supremely stupid after all if he hadn't done it first. And she wanted to fight this kid again.

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    The beam tears through a rush of terrain, ripping a hole throuh it and straight at the boy mage and all of that hot blood. It lances into his chest and slams him back with more heavy bruising, fracturing ribs and dislocating his other shoulder with the intense force of the impact. "HaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-HURK!"

    He tears a trench through the crater in the arena, down one side and up the other, with the impact. At the opposite lip of the tremendous gouged-out hole in the ground, a massive chunk of Default Arena terrain explodes into dust. When it clears, the disabled Arthur is... Still not quite knocked out, laying there in a pile of rubble. "Hhhhhhhhffffffuuuuuck." He hisses through pain. Limply, he tries to wave the dislocated arm at the elbow, and sort of vaguely flops the broken arm at her. Despite his heavy damage and disorientation, it's clear he's still putting ONE HUNDRED PERCENT EFFORT into standing up, and presumably continuing the fight if he could! It's just that his body is no longer physically able to go through the motions, regardless of his will. "Aaaaahhhhhhhrgh, get over here, I'll BITER YOUR LEGS OFF, ffffffuck."

    He struggles to keep up the HOTBLOODED ENTHUSIASM, but it's not fooling anyone, least of all the systems of the Ring of Philosophy, or of his own Sburb UI elements, both of which have collaborated to declare him KO'D! You can tell because they very literally project a large red bold K.O. above him, regardless of his continued consciousness. After a short while, things will revert with a short 'ping!' leaving him very well back to where he was, and /sore as hell/. He's already popping to his feet and stretching out the soreness. "SHIT YEAH, that HAPPENED! You weren't HOLDING BACK on THAT SHIT, that was TIGHT!" He laughs! In that forcefully enthusiastic sort of way. "So you get your BOREDOM DONE? FUCK that got the BLOOD GOING, HO'YEAH!" This involves a lot -- I mean a LOT -- of wild gesticulation.

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
     "Arthur." she quips, moving over toward him and setting her hand on his shoulder... shaking it lightly. "...Thanks. You better fight me again, kid. You're a blast." she chuckles happily, though like Arthur the Ring mostly replaced her spiritual energy which was difficult to entirely virtualize. She would be fine by the morning.

    "Well, to be fair, Arthur... they stopped classifying me as a martial artist long ago. They clarify me as a natural disaster in my world on Wikipedia now." she admits, waving a hand dismissively. "But still... you should challenge me again. I think you could take my title next time." she replies. While even if she could see it through aura as surely as the math whiz calculated his chances at winning as pretty good, it was rough for her to admit someone was stronger than her.

    "I better check on my sister, Arthur. She had a Title Match from Lina Brand." She strides out of the arena with a respectful wave over her shoulder, the back of her hand displayed to him as her uniform jacket flutters behind her with a soft but theatrically appropriate wind along with her hair.

Arthur Lowell has posed:
    "HA HA HA HA! A FORCE OF NATURE! Fuck yeah, I do THAT KINDA GIG BACK HOME too!" Unfortunately, Momoyo made a mistake. She grabbed his shoulder. No, he doesn't have some kind of PTSD violent counterattack, but instead, after the light shake, he immediately transitions it into some sort of highly complicated cool-kid handshake. Even a martial artist turned natural disaster's incredible reflexes and dexterity won't be able to keep up. It involves several daps, two high-fives, an elaborate sequence of pounds, one weird little finger-wiggly thing, and then several shoulder-patting gestures on the side. This all executes in the span of about two seconds and it's near impossible to keep track of.

    "FUCK YEAH, I'll get the SPARE BLOOD outta you ALL OVER AGAIN sometime! It'll be HYPE AS HELL. NEXT TIME, ain't NO goddamn SURPRISES on EITHER SIDE, aside from ME turnin' this around and KICKING YOUR ASS." The trash-talk is still strong, but at least it seems pretty friendly. "Go check the SIS, pro'lly had a GREAT FIGHT if she's got any'a YOUR FAMILY in her! PEACE." He's heading out himself, too!

Momoyo Kawakami (928) has posed:
Momoyo Kawakami says, "Hahaha. I'll figure out that handshake by the next time we fight!"