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Staren and Toph and Eva and Ice Cream
Date of Scene: 24 February 2016
Location: Strike Earth(SE)
Synopsis: Staren and Toph go to talk with Evangeline concerning the little neuroi's run in with HK-47.
Cast of Characters: 20, Staren, Neuroi Girl

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline has been mostly secluded in her room after the encounter with HK-47. Although she has not neglected her duties, she has been even less sociable than usual. If Staren and Toph asked any of the members or staff of the 501st Joint Fighter Wing, they would find out that Yoshika (a very spirited girl that would have happily greeted the two when they arrived and led them to Evangeline's room) had talked to Evangeline, and that Evangeline had said that it may not be safe to be around her.

     Yoshika doesn't join Staren and Toph since she has training to do, but she does leave them with this advice. "Don't try to force her. I don't think Evangeline has ever experienced anything like this before. Even her time as a Warlock wasn't like this. She doesn't want to talk about what happened, and gets even more quiet than usual when someone tries to bring it up."

     Yoshika leaves Staren and Toph at the door to Evangeline's room. It is typical of a military base. They had passed dozens of doorways just like it on the way.

Staren has posed:
    Staren arrives, walking the halls of the base in his Assassin's cloak and a long scarf (it is still winter, after all.) He nods to Yoshika, then looks at the door, then looks at Toph expectantly. She should probably be the first to speak.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The little neuroi is somebody whom Toph considers to be a good friend, even if they're rather different and there were misunderstandings in the beginning. But from reading sessions, enjoying treats together and well... now having problems with the same threat, Toph was not slow to jump in on Staren's offer to help Evangeline. The blind metalbender greets Yoshika with a calm nod, carrying a small bag with her. When Yoshika says that Evangeline had stated it wasn't safe to be around her? Toph lets out a slight snort, narrowing her eyes slightly without explaining further just what she thinks about that. And the advice to not force Evangeline. It's clear the girl doesn't know just how the self-proclaimed greatest earthbender deals with things, huh?

    Once they arrive at Evangeline's door and Yoshika departs, Toph takes it on herself to knock on the door with her free hand. So Staren won't have to worry about that. It's not like Toph to back down from a challenge after all. "Hey, Evangeline! Open up, the ice cream's gonna melt!"

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     The door opens just a bit when Toph knocks, and at first it might look like no one is even there. But, despite how dark it is in the room, the light from the many windows around the base reflects gently off the featureless face of Evangeline as she looks at the two, then opens the door the rest of the way. "...ice cream tastes the same even after it has melted..." she says softly as she lets them in.

     There is not a light to be found in Evangeline's room. Her window is not blocked, but the curtains are drawn leaving only a sliver of light to cut across the darkness in the room. "...thank you for coming..." Evangeline says as she floats in the middle of the room. Speaking of room, there is really not much here. There's a bed that probably came with the room, a small bedside dresser with an unlit lamp on it, and...that is really it. A few of the items that have been given to Evangeline as gifts are sitting on the dresser, but other than that there are no other furnishings or items in the room.

Staren has posed:
    Staren looks nervous but hopeful as Evangeline reveals herself. He smiles as she speaks. "We're glad to help! It's... this whole HK /thing/ has been an ordeal. None of us would get through it alone. We have to stick together." As he peers into the dark room, he mutters, 'Should have brought a table... and some chairs...' After a moment, he walks over to the bed, pulling two cling-wrapped plates from his bag and setting them out. "This one's marshmallow and puffed rice squares for me and Toph, though you can try them too. And this one is more puffed metal squares with confectionary sugar on top. I thought you might like some comfort food, if these count."

    He steps back from the bed, and looks around the room. "Um... do you not need light to see either, or are you sitting in the dark for a reason...?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Yeah, but the texture is different. Ice cream is supposed to be eaten, otherwise I would have gotten us milkshakes," Toph responds firmly, heading inside once Evangeline opens the door for them. "And I prefer ice cream." Of course the darkness doesn't bother Toph, as she can't even tell that it's dark inside the room. Instead she notices that there's not much inside the room, and so she walks over to the bed, flopping down on her butt as she works on pulling out the containers of various Ben and Jerry ice cream flavours she's brought. "Of course we came on over, we would be horrible friends and dunderheads if we didn't." Plus Staren is right, the HK thing is one damn mess. "If I had been alone at the time I would have died, so yeah... trying to face that piece of scrap metal alone is a bad idea. He's bad news, and he preys on people's weaknesses."

    When Staren mentions that it's dark inside the room, Toph arches an eyebrow as she waits for Evangeline's answer, all while she tosses the unopened ice creams to her two friends.

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline's ice cream container bounces off of her before she catches it, then she looks down at it as she holds it with both hands. "...I did not go alone..." she says before looking over at Staren. "...I believe we had a failure in communication...I did not communicate my plan effectively...and so HK-47 was able to escape...and..." She pauses a moment and one of her hands moves to rest over the core beneath the smooth blackness of her chest. "...he turned our strength against us..."

     She floats over to take a seat beside Toph, though with her engine-like legs they stick out in front of her off the bed. "...I do not require light to see...although I can see using light...I did not feel there was a need for more lighting in my room..." She then looks over at Staren's puffed metal squares and her ice cream. Since ice cream melting is apparently a concern, she chooses the ice cream first. She carefully opens hers, almost like she is afraid she will break it, then turns her head to her friends. "...do we have...spoons..?" She could of course eat the ice cream, container and all. But, it is polite to use a spoon.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Of course there are spoons! Toph is already in the process of pulling some spoons out from the bag, then hands them over to Staren and Evangeline so they can eat their ice cream before it melts too much. At least it's not completely frozen like this, even if the trip wasn't too long because of the warp gates. "That's what dunderheads do. Except his logic is warped and evil," Toph mutters and opens her ice cream, digging in with her spoon.

Staren has posed:
    Staren fumbles the ice cream container too. His ears follow the sound of it rolling as he tracks it down on the floor and picks it up. "At first, I believed he exploded because I overloaded him. But it is quite possible that it was a deliberate tactic on his part. If so, then..." he shakes his head, "None of us saw it coming, and that fight was much less likely to result in permanently destroying him. We just didn't realize it until too late."

    Staren shrugs at the comment about light. "It is not so dark that my eyes won't adjust." When spoons are mentioned he reaches up his sleeve for some reason, then stops when Toph reveals she brought some, feeling a bit embarassed at thinking she might /not/ have brought spoons. Of course she brought spoons! He takes one and opens his ice cream.

    "We can't be prepared for everything. But both we and HK-47 are prepared for a lot of things. Fights with him are going to be incredibly frustrating. Probably on both sides -- I imagine he must have been quite vexed for both you" he looks at Toph as he says that "and Twilight to slip through his fingers after all the planning he went through. We will just have to do better next time. Unfortunately, he will be trying to do better too. We'll just have to do better, better then him, heh." Staren smiles as he digs into the ice cream. "Cake flavored ice cream is truly a brilliant invention."

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Eva takes one of the spoons carefully, then holds it in a fist as she starts eating her ice cream. With no face, one might wonder how she will eat it, but she soon reveals that she can approximate a mouth. A small opening forms on her face, which she deposits the ice cream in before closing it. Of course, there is no chewing or swallowing, but it at least looks like she is eating ice cream like a human.

     "...I was not concerned with his logic...his logic was...illogical..." Evangeline says after a moment. "...but...his accusations...were not inaccurate..." She takes another slow bite of ice cream, then looks down. "..and...he..." she gets suddenly quiet, then just as suddenly shakes her head before pressing a hand to her chest, a slight shudder moving through her form. "...I...do not like killing...but...it is sometimes necessary..."

     Staren's comment about flavor draws a look from Evangeline. "...cake...and ice cream...taste very similar to me..."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Toph's face turns harder when Staren mentions the assassination attempts the previous year on herself and Twilight, among some of those who felt the hate of the homicidal droid. "He can be vexed all he wants, I have no idea why he decided to kill us in the first place! I mean, I helped Juno and all, but if that's /why/ he decided to try and kill me, then he's got more than a few screws loose! If it's because I can bend metal, then I would say he would have been better off staying the crud away from me rather than targeting me and my family." Both Staren and Evangeline might remember the report Toph made from when Pepper was almost killed by the droid, and how Toph had torn both of HK-47's legs off.

    "So what kind of accusations did he make?" Toph asks, perhaps a bit more directly than most would approach the matter. "I don't like killing either, but I will do it if I have no other choice to protect people I care about." The comment about the ice cream flavour does earn a nod from the blind girl as she pulls her legs up and tucks them underneath her. "I prefer the ones with the fudge and caramel cores myself."

Staren has posed:
    Staren looks at Evangeline thoughtfully as he eats ice cream. "...I guess it's a texture thing. The temperature lends an edge of chewiness to the cake that both ice cream and cake lack on their own. Plus the super-sweet taste. Maybe I have a sweet tooth..."

    After another bite, he changes the subject. "His accusations." He takes a deep breath. "If you want to tackle that one... As you say. Killing is sometimes necessary. It is... how do I say this... at a young age, I idealized justice, but in time I came to see that /mercy/. Because what I really want is the /best/ possible future. Everyone having good lives. If, if HK-47 could turn over a new leaf... He could be both happy and helping other people... That would be a /better/ future..."

    Staren shakes his head. "But I don't think it's possible. As Toph says, he is warped and evil. It's not just that he's a great assassin. His prejudice against 'meatbags' doesn't help with that. And he says he wants us to /suffer/. More than is needed just to further the Confederacy's debt to him. This..." Staren shakes his head. "We're killing him because it's the right thing to do. And if we feel a bit good about it, well... I know I'll feel /relief/ that I don't have to worry anymore that he'll attack a friend. There's certainly a sense of accomplishment in vanquishing such a powerful foe."

    Staren scratches his head. "Even if you /do/ enjoy killing, that... that's not as bad as it sounds." Staren paces in a little circle. "This is more FInna's area than mine, but natural drives are part of who we are. Eating this ice cream is great! Even though, if most people eat ice cream too much, all the time, they'll get fat. If they could never help anyone because they were /always/ eating ice cream... if they had to stop in the middle of an emergency and eat ice cream because the craving overwhelmed them... /then/ they have a problem. For all I know, killing is a natural Neuroi drive. Or maybe it isn't. But if it /is/ and you're suppressing it, I just don't want to have you freaking out and deciding you're a monster later. It just hast to be engaged in healthy ways, like anything else. Killing people like HK-47, who need to be killed for the sake of everyone else. Simulated killing in video games. It's one thing to like killing. It's quite another to kill random innocents or backstab your own allies because you craved it. What's important here is you can see that would be bad, and you're clearly afraid of such a thing and don't want it. That shows you're a good person!"

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline listens to the two of them, then looks down into her ice cream. "...he accused me of being a traitor...to inorganic beings...and that I enjoyed killing...neither of which is true, but...I am a traitor...to my own people..." she says as she starts poking at her ice cream with her spoon. "...and...I do feel some gratification at removing a threat...but not to the extent that HK-47 implied..."

     She is quiet a long moment after that, then she touches her chest again. "...what...really happened...he tried to force his beliefs into me...when we were connected....and...some of it remains...I feel it...the urges...I am afraid...that I might hurt someone...like I almost killed that Flymon in the Digital World...he was only trying to defend his home...but I almost destroyed him before he had a chance to explain..."

     The hand holding her spoon clenches, as does the hand holding her ice cream, dimpling the container. "...I..I am concerned...that I may start looking for threats...to eliminate...where none exist..."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Yeah, the day that HK-47 turns over a new leaf is the day I stop bending to become a fashionista and wear high heels," Toph says as she lets out a snort of utter contempt. "I just want him to stop trying to kill us like that, if he had any respect for us he would meet us in fair combat. But nooo," the blind girl continues, clearly sarcastic as she raises her hands, "let's do sneak attacks and use poison instead, that's totally not cowardly!" Huff.

    Great, there's talks of traitors. "So what?" Toph asks, stuffing ice cream into her mouth. "I betrayed my parents by running away from home. There are always people who will call you a traitor if you don't do what they want. What matters is that you're doing what's right. You became a traitor so you could help as many people as possible, right? To stop people from getting killed and stuff." Which means that it was the right thing to do in Toph's opinion.

    To hear that HK-47 tried to force his beliefs on her however, that is more disturbing. A pensive look settles on Toph's face, and she reaches over to punch Evangeline slightly in the arm. "Well, locking yourself in here won't make things better. Maybe you just need to get it out."

Staren has posed:
    Staren nods as he listens. "A traitor to your own people. Perhaps that's true, but... is it really a bad thing in this specific situation? The Neuroi are acting against your beliefs. Realizing you were on the wrong side... or at least the side whose methods are wrong... from their perspective, you're a traitor, but from ours, you're the hero who dared to stand up and sacrifice the life you had before, knowing it was wrong."

    Staren paces again. "On my own world, the most powerful group in America is the Coalition States. Emperor Prosek uses propaganda to control his people. But many of the soldiers who fight and die in his name are good people at heart. He told them they're the last chance for humanity, fighting a demonic incursion of their home planet. Every intelligent being that's not human or created by them? An evil demon. Every magic-user? Demons' thralls, who have been misled at /best/ but are still far past the point of redeemability. Either way, kill them on sight."

    Staren stops pacing. "...Some of those soldiers begin to see, though. That while there are demons and cultists out there, there are good people who use magic or happen not to be human, as well. Some who realize this stay in the Coalition, trying to help good nonhumans and magic-users when they can. A risky proposition to be sure, since if anyone found out, they'd be branded /traitors/. Others defect and leave, many of them ending up in Lazlo or New Lazlo, where they're welcomed. They betrayed a corrupt cause, because at heart they're good people."

    "As for looking to eliminate threats that don't need it," Staren pats Evangeline on the shoulder, his eyes having adjusted to the dark by now. "I'm always... I want to /do/ something, but I'm no good at talking to people who don't want to listen. 'Violently' is the only way I know for sure to make someone stop being a problem. I... rant and rave a lot, but in practice, in action, I hold myself back. I still get tons of flak for it though. You..." Staren scratches his head. "My advice is... You do your best, when we're out in the field. Do what feels right in your heart. If you make a mistake... everyone makes mistakes. None of us are perfect. But when you have /time/ to make a decision? Find someone you trust. Like us, I guess. And ask these questions. About if someone /really/ needs to die. We're not gonna think less of you for /asking questions/ and being unsure. So you can see if it's just... your narrow viewpoint or urges or something not seeing a better solution, or if there really isn't one."

Staren has posed:
    Staren stares into space for a moment, then looks at Toph. "Man, your lecture on the term 'traitor' was way better. Nice and concise. I need to do better." He starts pacing again. "HK does not value honor, and of /course/ he doesn't respect us, we're 'meatbags' to him. He values killing us. In pursuit of that value, anything goes, for him. We should be careful, when looking down on such behavior, that we don't dismiss him as just a coward the way he dismisses us as just meatbags. That mistake will cost him one day. I'm hoping to use it against him if he ever tries to poison my robot body."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "What? It's your job to ramble on and on about stuff, isn't it? I'm the one who gets straight to the point, remember?" Toph clearly teases Staren with the comment. "And no, HK-47 is not just a coward, he's a /dangerous/ coward. He nearly got some of us killed, so why the crud wouldn't we take him seriously? It was different if he just pranked us or something, but... I'm not eager to spend time in medical again because of him, it was freaking hard to breathe!"

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline listens to the others, and a slight screechy metallic sound like a giggle escapes her when Staren says Toph's explanation was better. She takes another bit of ice cream finally, then looks down at her container again. "...I suppose...it makes no difference...I am doing the right thing...even if I am rejected by Neuroi and humans alike...I am following the correct path, but..."

     Evangeline shudders again as thoughts of destruction fill her mind. And all those images of how people can be destroyed that were fed to her by HK-47. Things like that are pretty hard to ignore. "...meatbags..." she says, her head turning slightly toward Staren and Toph. The small red panels on her legs glow a moment, then...she suddenly jets away from Toph and presses against the wall, her ice cream and spoon landing on the floor. "..n-no...I...will not...!" she says, her voice quite a bit more emotional than usual.

Staren has posed:
    Staren chuckles slightly at Toph's comment. Then, curious: "Hard to breathe? Ah, right, the poison. Affects your lungs first..." He watches Evangeline with a smile. Then looks concerned. "Rejected by humans?? Who's rejecting you??" And then... He looks confused as her panels warm up...

    Staren looks rather alarmed as Evangeline is clearly resisting some kind of mental influence. "...Don't worry. You can't kill me." That's not exactly true, but he's already radioing data home for his backup to use to help her in the event she vaporizes him. He steps forward to try and hug her. "...But if it's affecting you like this, we should find a way to remove HK-47's influence. It seems he's done more to you than I thought. It's alright. I once had a creature in my head that wanted to turn everyone into zombie monsters. We found a way to get it out. We'll find a way to help you, too."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Poor Evangeline... "You're not rejected by us, far from it. You're doing the right thing, which is why we're friends. We fight for what's right, which is why we're in the Union." As for Staren's question? "He did poison me twice, though the second time was worse when he was aiming to kill me, not trying to stop us from getting stuff from an Imperial facility..."

    When Evangeline says that word in that tone however, Toph blinks and turns her head just slightly. Then she feels the bed shift, and she can pretty much guess what's going on as she hears her friend speak in that terrified way. "No, you won't do that. Because you're better than HK-47, that's why. And because your friends won't let you do something you don't really want to do," Toph states firmly with determination in her voice. The ice cream is set aside, and she turns towards Evangeline. Unlike Staren she doesn't reach out to touch Evangeline, mostly because the girl might need some space right now. "Maybe you need to spar or something, work out the aggression or something?"

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     The little Neuroi looks surprisingly like a cornered animal as Staren approaches. "...how...could we remove it...?" she asks, sounding actually a bit menacing. She shudders visibly, then nods slowly. "...I...will not hurt anyone...who does not deserve it..." she says in her usual tone. At the suggestion of a spar, Evangeline's head lifts. Yes, a spar! She could go and fight someone and then they would be a threat and...

     She shudders again as she heads off that train of thought. "..n-no..no spars..." she says, shaking her head vigorously, actually causing her simulated hair to sway a bit. She still hasn't moved, despite Staren moving closer. But, she is obviously watching him. Her head has followed his movements, and her body tenses as he gets closer to hugging distance. "...st-stop...I..I could..."

Staren has posed:
    Staren hesitates at Evangeline's objection. "...Absorb me? ...Hm." He lowers his arms. "I don't yet know how we'll remove it. I have some angles to approach the problem... How much do you know about how your brain works? I mean, most people don't, but it doesn't hurt to ask..."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It looks like Toph actually looks a little disappointed when the offer of sparring is turned down, and she sighs. Just how are they going to help the little neuroi? "You shouldn't need to be afraid of us when we're not afraid of you, you know," she points out, then reaches her hand over to rest it on Evangeline's shoulder.

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline flinches when Toph touches her, then...relaxes. "...you...are not afraid of me..." she says, then she pauses a moment before slowly reaching out...then she hugs Staren and Toph tightly. "...I...suppose sparring might help, but...I...do not know if I can control myself...the urge to destroy...it is very strong..."

     She holds the hug as she answers Staren. "...I...know little of how a core works...I did not even know that suggestions could be forced into me...I only know that they are fragile..."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Of course I'm not afraid of you!" Toph repeats. "You're not that piece of scrap metal, now are you? You're in a different league." While hugs are normally something she abstains from, Toph doesn't fight it when Evangeline pulls her and Staren close. It's going to be okay. "That's why we'll spar in the Ring, so you can fight without worry, okay? And besides, we're tough."

    It's not like they will ever let Evangeline do something she will regret. And whatever HK-47 did to their friend, they will fix. Somehow. "He fed you lies, we'll just have to tell you the truth enough times so you can confirm with yourself that it's indeed that. A lie. It might be better if you work it out yourself somehow. But you won't be able to do that if you're locked up in here alone without support, you know?"

Staren has posed:
    Staren hugs Evangeline, patting her on the back. "I don't know exactly how yet. But I believe that it is far from impossible. He squeezes, briefly. "Would you be okay with us discussing this problem openly with the Union, or would you prefer to keep it quiet? Naturally, even if we keep it quiet, I will have to tell those I need to help solve it... but it may be harder to figure out who exactly I need, if we cannot ask openly. But it's up to you."

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline slowly releases the hug, then nods lightly. "...okay...but...I do not know if it will help...I cannot unsee what I saw...but..maybe we can somehow remove the things he tried to force into me..." She then looks over at Toph, then hugs her again. "...and...I could not forgive myself if I hurt you...even in a mock battle..." she says, clinging a bit too tightly to the earthbender.

     "...the Union should already know...so discussion would be fine...but...I..am not comfortable with it being discussed on the public frequencies.." she says to Staren even as she clings to Toph.

Staren has posed:
    Staren steps back after the hug is over, nodding. Then he paces, stroking his chin. "How was HK able to get anything into you in the first place? Was it something about the way you were absorbing him? Could we establish some new channel of communication if you partially absorbed a computer?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Do I look like a dainty little flower to you? You tell me, because I have no idea what I look like," Toph grins and punches Evangeline in the shoulder when she is perhaps a bit too worried about hurting the earthbender. "Seriously, I can handle it."

    There are some things that shouldn't be discussed publicly, especially not if Evangeline is uncomfortable with it. And while Staren offers possibilities to help the neuroi Toph reaches out to pick up her ice cream and to eat some more of it, still sitting next to Evangeline.

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline shakes her head gently at Staren. "...I do not know...I was attempting to jam his systems with power overloads, but when I had to stop due to regeneration...he pushed some sort of feedback into me...it...must have been programming...but...it felt much like when the Warlock was subverting my will with its own...but...not quite the same..."

     Toph asks about her appearance, and Evangeline tilts her head lightly. "...you look like a human girl..." she says, slowly releasing Toph. "...we must schedule a time to battle in the Ring of Philosophy...if you are certain I cannot harm you..."

Staren has posed:
    Staren gasps. "That's it, the Warlock!" He paces more excitedly. "If we can see the documentation on how that worked, maybe we can more quickly figure out what HK managed to do to you... and how to undo it!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Programming? It sounds like something that she can't help much with at all. So pardon Toph for looking a bit confused when Staren gasps and talks. "Wait, you think you have a solution on how to fix that bad programming crud that piece of scrap metal pulled off?" she inquires, lowering her spoonful of ice cream, listening intently.

Staren has posed:
    Staren looks at Toph. "Honestly? I seriously doubt it will be so easy I can just do some code stuff and get rid of it. I was thinking more along the lines of trying to rig up some kind of mental dive thing so we can like, enter her mind through virtual reality and you can /punch/ the stuff HK put in there."

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline shakes her head. "...even though the military ultimately failed with that...the files are all classified...if they even still exist..." she says, then picks up her ice cream that had fallen to the floor. She pauses as Staren suggests entering her mind, then looks over at him. "...do...you think that would work..?" she asks, even as she starts eating ice cream again.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Virtual reality? Toph rolls her eyes at that. "Yeah, send the girl who doesn't get that kinda stuff into unknown territory. That stuff is so not me, and you know it!" Though it would be a satisfying way of dealing with it if it was possible...

    "No matter what we'll deal with it, Evangeline. So don't worry about it. We all trust you and know you would never want to hurt us. And we're all going to help you."

Staren has posed:
    Staren shrugs and makes an 'Iunno' grunt. "The thing is, mind science is so very complex, a solution like that /might/ be easier, though I can't promise anything either way at this point." He hmms at Toph's comment. Yes, he'd need to make sure she could earthbend, somehow... this just means he'll have to /cheat harder/!

    Staren gives Evangeline a curious look. "So what if it's classified? There's no reason for them to hide it from /us/, right? We have a legitimate need for this information. It couldn't hurt to ask, right?"

Neuroi Girl has posed:
     Evangeline nods lightly. "...it...could not hurt..." she agrees. She finishes off her ice cream, then moves to open her window curtains. "...it is better with more light..." she says, then moves toward the door. "...I must joint the other girls in combat maneuvers soon...but..thank you for your help.." she says to Toph and Staren, bowing at the waist respectfully before she flies out the door. She seems in much better spirits thanks to the two visiting.