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Grimm Attack in Urbania!
Date of Scene: 08 March 2016
Location: Techno Urbania
Synopsis: Yang finds Grimm prowling a section of Techno Urbania.

Gaonoir, Alden and Sanary happen to be around too.

They beat stuff up.

Cast of Characters: Sanary Rondel, Gaonoir, Yang Xiao Long, 930

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Techno Urbania, a hive of activity, normally. This area of the city is eerily empty though. no civilian foot traffic, only a few cars that speed through the sector, and many shops that would normally be open at this time of day locked down tight with their steel shutters slammed down, sometimes fearful eyes peek out of the small openings that serve as hand-holds to open the shutters.

    It's through this area that Yang is walking. She didn't bring her gauntlets with her, not expecting to have to fight, so it's a surprise when a Beowolf leaps out of a side alley across the road, howls at her and leaps to attack. "WHOA!"

    Yang backflips out of the lunging swipe, grits her teeth and quickly fingers her Scroll to call her Rocket Locker. It takes a few seconds, but the thing comes screaming down from the sky... slamming right down atop the Beowolf as it gathers up to lunge again, crushing it flat before the doors hiss open.

    Yang grabs her weapon, putting the bracelets over her wrists. "Where there's one, there's more. Lets go hunting." she says to herself, deploying the Gauntlets and grinning at the thrill of combat to come.

Gaonoir has posed:
The brief outburst over the broadband didn't go noticed, and frankly he could use the excuse to leave Hikari after being stuck the last few days recovering from the Rei-Go mission. Techno Urbania is a place he's been several times, surely a little monster bashing can't go wrong, right?

As the black canine crouchs atop a street sign he notices the shops locking down and people having cleared out the streets. "Heh. Guess humans do learn after another monster rampages."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Hard drives. 100... Tubercolosises? But then what did GB stand for? Sanary really needs to learn how to computer better one of these days. What better place for that than Techno Urbania?

     Well, it'd be a lot easier to learn if there wasn't a fight breaking out not too far from where she's planned to get her lunch today. She raises an eyebrow slowly as she watches an unfamiliar blonde engaging a giant black thing with... Are those bones? Whatever they are, Sanary's ready to intervene until the locker just grind it into the ground, drawing an amused chuckle from the healer even as she draws her gunaxe from her waist.

     "Can't say I've seen that before. Let's clear this place out, then." She grins at Yang and Gaonoir while resting the weapon on her shoulder, stepping into the alley and scanning the area slowly with her lone eye. "How many are we talking here? I'm... Guessing one of you's seen these before, right?"

Alden (930) has posed:
     Alden was not that behind, he was familiar with the town afterall, so he wasted no time making his way there, trying to get to the coordinates he had, and also noticing the doors closing. He makes a similar remark, glad to see they will stay out of the way.

     The small lizard was not that far from Gao as he stopped, and suddenly spots the black canine 'mon!. He knows better than scream 'hi' when trying to avoid grabbing attention, but he approaches teh fellow digimon, until he is close enough to greet, "Hey Gaonoir.".

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang turns as Gaonoir speaks up. "Hey, I remember you." she says. Didn't get his name at the time, but she recognizes the little black dog-thing. Sanary's new though, and she gets a quirked brow from the blonde. "Uh, you might wanna stay back, these things are dangerous." Alden's another one she knows. "Hey kiddo... anyway, we're probably talking a pack... maybe twenty strong with an Alpha leading them. That one," she gestures to the evaporating smoke cloud rising from under her locker. "Was a juvenile, barely more than a baby, really."

    As Sanary boldly enters the alley, she comes face to face with a /really/ big black shape, with a white mask sporting red markings for 'eyes'. This thing is MUCH bulkier than the wolf monster, looking more like a bear. It ROARS in Sanary's face, rearing up to swipe at her with its claws.

Gaonoir has posed:
"Yo, Alden. Been a while but not really time to catch up on things." Gaonoir hops down proper when Yang thankfully reconizes him and doesn't try to punch him like one of the monsters this time. "A whole pack of 'em, huh? That's okay." He clenches his gloved paws. "I've got plenty of energy pent up that could use a good --" And then the roar, and he cuts off a moment. "--Think there's more than the mutts prowling..." Though he turns to look in the other direction, half expecting several of the Grimm to try and sneak up on them now.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Another Digimon? With a familiar voice, even. "Gaonoir and Alden, yeah? Then you're..." Sanary turns to Yang with a confident chuckle. "Ah, I'll be fine. If anything, these things should stay back from me." There's a pause, and then she smiles akwardly at the Digimon. "... In the alleys! The twenty things. Not you. You're.. Not..."

     Smooth. Very smooth. Sighing and just letting that one go, she turns around just in time to come face to face with a monster of her very own! Wincing at the sudden burst of loudness from its roar, her first instinct is not to retreat from the beast, but to respond with a battle cry of her own!

     Surely that's not going to break the element of surprise. Her gunaxe crackles with electricity as her magical energy flows into it, powering the weapon up while she steps forward directly towards it. She makes a big slash right for the creature, trying to cleave the electrified blade right through its arms before it can get a chance to slash her apart.

Alden (930) has posed:
     Alden smiles, and waves to Yang, and Sanary, "I never faced those things... so I am not sure what to expect." he says, even as he reached for his card box. Sanary Rondel is given a friendly wave, and he winces a bit at the rather loud roar. Of course, he did not expect to see Sanary reach and slash at the monster with an axe!. "Thena gain, I think we might be ok." he says softly.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    The roar gets Yang on edge. "Thaaat's an Ursa Major... we might have a worse infestation than I thought." she says, turning to see Sanary lunging at the beast with an electrified axe! "NO, WA---" SLUCK... the axe goes RIGHT THROUGH one of the Ursa's forelegs, making it roar in pain. it rears back with the remaining limb and goes to slash at the tank-mage!

    Gaonoir would hear them coming from another alley further down the street. Sharp claws scrabbling against the concrete, as about six Beowolves burst out into the street, nearly falling over each other as they try to turn and pounce on Alden and Gaonoir.

    Yang reacts the only way she knows how, and launches herself with a pair of gunshots at the Ursa, wheeling her right arm around to smash the thing right in the face to throw it off balance, making the slash go wide, and the Ursa tumble arse over tit further into the alley.

    This prompts another set of Beowolves to emerge from the darkness, their glowing red eyes visible first, before another six pounce out at the Blonde Brawler and the Tank-Mage.

Gaonoir has posed:
    The only problem with an ambush is that it doesn't really work when your targets have already gotten wind of your intentions.

The first Beowolf to pounce finds this out the hard way as his lunge is intercepted by an uppercut to the jaw courtesy of Gaonoir. But that's not the end of it, as the few moments mid-air from the attack is just long enough for Gaonoir to twist around and kick the wolf-grimm in the chest to knock it back towards the others and force them to break apart if they don't want to get squashed under their own packmate.

The first step to defeating a pack is scattering the pack. Considering they take strength in numbers literally, it's usually best to keep them from ganging up on you.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Contact! Alas, if only Sanary had one of her bigger shields today. She brings up her gunaxe in an attempt to defend herself from the Ursa's slash in return, ducking as Yang's mighty punch keeps her from even needing to worry about that. "... Wh-what? It came at me first." Not technically wrong, but also not technically true, either. Either way, it still looked like they had another six of the creatures to deal with!

     "If this wasn't so damn close to other buildings..." The healer grimaces while her eye flickers briefly, almost as if she's still considering doing something potentially collateral damage-y with it before deciding against it. Instead, she whips the buckler off her waist and straps it on her right arm, giving her...

     Well, it's better than nothing. "Come on, you overgrown... Whatever!" She bellows in a challenging shout, stepping forward with the buckler as a stopgap while channelling energy into the Break matrix in her eye. Unlike Gaonoir, she's fully intending to just catch at least one of those creatures against herself, claws and fangs and all. It's easier to hit something that close, after all, and she's trying to turn one of them to stone with a blast from her magitech eye in order to give herself something a little more substantial to use as a shield!

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden is not as good at close combat like Gaonoir unfortunately, at least not in this current form, but he is not defenseless!. He jumps back as a Beowolf pounces at him, the beasts apparently trying to subdue the two digimon at the same time. Instead, it gets headbutted hard on the side, enough to send it back several feet, followed by a stream of blue flames on the side!.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang hops back as a Beowolf pounces at her, waiting for it to land before surging back in for a heavy uppercut, punctuated by a shotgun blast that sends it reeling end over end into one of its packmates. "Try to crush them through, or slice them up. It's the only way they'll stay down. Don't let up if they just land and stop moving, they're only dead if they start to dissolve!" she shouts, informing her allies of what to look for, so they don't get blindsided by a Grimm 'playing dead'.

    Gaonoir and Alden manage to take out two of the beasts, their bodies dissolving into blake smoke, though the remaining four scatter, doubling down on the Digimon, coming from two different angles at each other them.

    Sanary's stone-gaze solidifies the Grimm... but just causes it to crumble like so much parched soil as a second one comes crashing into the first. It snaps its jaws, and rakes claws against the buckler, sending up a horrific squeal of metal under intense pressure. These things can rip through most metals with their bare claws!

Gaonoir has posed:
Gaonoir should of evolved, but he can't. Well can't isn't the right term really. He can, but having just recovered from some considerable harm he's not certain he'd have the energy to hold an evolution as long as needed. That failing at an inoppritune time would not be a good thing.

So instead he just shoves the Beowolf that stalks close to him again, only for the second one to jump in the few moments he's facing the other way and knock the shadowmutt to the ground. It digs one paw into the gaomon's chest to keep him down, but that's not enough to keep Gaonoir from still smacking it aside the head with one fist when it tries to bite him. Then slug it again with the other fist on the opposite side.

Then while that's hopefully slobberknocked it a bit grabs it by the shoulders and pushes up to roll over. First onto the Beowolf's back, and then as soon as his own feet hit the ground Gaonoir yanks the Grimm up off the ground... only to drop it into a suplex instead. Crushing enough for ya there, mutt?

Alden (930) has posed:
     Alden wonders what is keeping Gaonoir from just blasting these things!, and he decides to risk the moment to activate his D-Ark to do something about the situation instead!... he is not too comfortable like this!. He swipes a card swiftly on the reader, even as he ducks, "Digi Modify! Super evolution plugin S!". There is a very short lived burst of light, and Alden is replaced by a blue wolf about as tall as a person!.

     Of course, he only accounted for one of the mutts, the other hitting the newly arrived Garurumon on the side. Thankfully, he is far more bulky, and resilient. And he still has a fire breath weapon, which he unleashes the moment he lands on the ground, with the Beowolf still on him. "Get off mutt!" he barks, rolling onto his paws to pounce hard on the other one, shoving it to the ground.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     That worked! Kind of. Sanary's caught off-guard when the second Grimm plows through the first, her improvised shield not functioning all that well in that context. Still, it does give her an extra second of time to...

     Get bowled over completely. The cleric's strong, but there's only so much she can do without a real shield and armor! She's not about to go down without a fight, though, as she backhands at the Grimm with what's left of her buckler (mostly the strap, really) and lashing at it with that electrified gunaxe repeatedly. Even from that grounded position, she's got a lot of strength behind those swings! And if all else fails...

     There's also the gun part of the weapon's name. If she can land a solid punch to its face, she'll even fire some blasts of lightning into it at point-blank range, trying to outright fry the creature from the inside.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang shifts her stance as another Beowolf comes charging in at her. She jinks sideways, slamming her fist into the side of its head, sending it sprawling, but not evaporating just yet. Sanary going down gets a shout from the brawler. "GET OFF OF HER!" She pounces the Beowolf, grabbing it and, with some help from Sanary's electrocution, suplexes it off of the tank-mage, making it evaporate into smoke... she's left open to the one she didn't finish off though, it pouncing onto and slashing at her Aura, snarling and gnashing its teeth at the blonde as it pins her down.

    Gaonoir manages to suplex his own opponent, earning a harsh snapping sound, as the thing starts to smoke and evaporate.

    Alden's opponent is seared by the blue flames, howling in agony as its cooked through, and wafts away in dissolving ash. The first one to pounce and be dodged turns, sees its pack being ravaged, and turns tail to flee!

    It gets grabbed and torn in half by a MUCH larger specimen. This one has large spins along its back, wicked claws about three feet long, and a mask that fuses along the back of its neck and upper back into an armoured plate. Its eyes glow intensely and show a certain demonic intelligence, as it snarls at the Digimon.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     "thanks... Uh.. You!" Scrambling back to her feet, it's Sanary's turn to help get that Beowolf off Yang once it's on top of her. Gripping the gunaxe with both hands, she aims carefully before taking a golf-like swing at the beast from behind, keeping her weapon high enough that she (probably) won't have to worry about accidentally chopping it into Yang at the same time. And if that doesn't work, she'll resort to grabbing it not unlike Yang had earlier and trying to hit it with a clumsy attempt at a suplex of her own!

     And then it's time to actually do that healing thing she probably should have been doing earlier. Channelling her magic into a visible green light cloud, it zips from Yang to Alden to Gaonoir, augmenting their natural regeneration and providing them with a boost of energy that might help offset some of what they've used dealing with the earlier threats!

Gaonoir has posed:
And that is... not at all that when the remaining wolf is tore apart by a bigger, uglier and more protected monstrousity. "You know." Gaonoir makes a dismissing wave with one hand. "Covering yourself in big spikes just to look more evil really just makes you look like an even bigger cliche dork, you do realize this, right?"

Attitude and snark, just like always, eh Gaonoir? Can't let it show that just maybe you did bite off a little more than you were ready to chew. It's a good thing you're not by yourself.

Which Sanary provides such a nice reminder of. Particularly the boost of energy, that is something he could really use. The surge of power is reassurance enough to finally up his game and evolve into his larger Adult (Champion for you US term users) ... which ironically if it wasn't for the big purple scarf and the claw punctured gloves on his forepaws, could almost look like one of those bears. "Com'n, don't just stand there. For something covered in a buncha sharp edges you're talking long enough to get to the POINT."

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden is relieved at first as the remaining wolf gets out of their fur, only to be replaced by a larger, angrier wold, covered in spikes!. "Of course." he mumbles, growling loudly, and moving to stay a bit closer to Gaonoir. He flicks his ears at the snark, and chuckles loudly, only to feel the sudden burst of energy!. He certainly appreciates it, even if he can't capitalize it without someone lending him a pair of hands a few moments!. Still, he decides to follow Gaonoir's lead, letting the bigger wolf make the first move. He does move away a bit, as if preparing to flank teh new monster.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang is appreciative of the assist, the Beowolf cleaving neatly in two at the midsection, and dissipating into smoke. The gunaxe does slice across Yang's belly a little, but is intercepted by that angry looking orange-yellow Aura that surrounds her, the field rippling subtly across her entire body before going invisible again. "Thanks. Name's Yang." she offers, kipping up onto her feet with a practiced motion. "Sounds like the boys found the Alpha." She turns, clapping Sanary on the shoulder, before running out of the alleyway. "Don't take it on alone." she calls, leaping into the air, using Gaonoir's broader shoulder as a springboard so she can use one of her special moves. Above the Alpha, she seems to 'pause' in mid-air, her right fist beginning to glow gold, before bursting into yellow-orange flame. She then suddenly lunges downwards, slamming her fist into the top of the Alpha's head, grinding it down into the street below, before setting off her built up energy, causing it to crater out and the Alpha to howl in agony.

    Its not finished yet though, and with speed that belies its large size, shoves the fist away with its cracked skull-helmet, and bats the blonde brawler aside, through the metal shutter of a shop to smash things within.

    Its eyes then turn on Gaonoir, before regarding Alden's flanking attempt. Alien cogs begin to turn, and in a calculated move... it ignores both and goes for Sanary as she rounds the corner of the alleyway, jaw open in a snarl of pure rage and bloodlust, its claws glinting in the light as it pounces to kill!

Gaonoir has posed:
Gaonoir gets used as a jump point, if only so Yang can do just what she said not to do. Then again, they're all here now, so it's not really 'alone' is it? But the thing gets back up, and that look of a predatory assessing its choices isn't hard to miss...

It's calculated move at ignoring them both to go for what appears to be a more vulnerable target is a calculated error that Gaonoir is going to make it regret. Even though he doesn't move when the thing rushes past them to try and charge Sanary.

Simply because he doesn't -have- to.

"BLITZ STRIKER!" Instantly the two lengths of the scarf tied around the wolf-bear's neck whip to action of their own as Gaonoir aims them to grab onto the beast, going for the limbs to avoid the hedge of spikes down its back. His own claws dig into the pavement to brace himself for the inevitable yank when the thing reachs the end of their reach. And then heave it back towards them instead. "Get back here!"

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     "Sanary. Nice way to finally meet, eh?" Sanary laughs lightly before focusing some more healing magic into that wound on Yang's belly, then runs off after her to rejoin the others. Not that Sanary's all that fast, though, since... Well, she's never really beent he fastest person even without her armor. By the time she turns that corner and spots the Alpha coming straight for her, the healer is once again face to face with something much bigger and bitier than her!

     "Son of a...! Oh, to hell with this!" Shouting in frustration as she struggles desperately to keep the massive Grimm from eating her face, she wedges what's left of the buckler on her arm (along with her arm) against it's mouth to keep her head safe. Her arm's not going to look all that great by the time she gets it out of there, but it's better than getting her face chewed off! Of course, a big open mouth like that means a nice, juicy target to aim explosions into!

     Which she tries. With eye lasers. Explosive eye lasers, courtesy of the Fire matrix in her eye. Her arm can take it! Probably.

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden wastes no time as the thing just charges through them towards Sanary!. He decides to just forget about the flanking, and begins to chase the thing with a loud snarl. He is a bit wary of the large spikes, and when Gaonoir tries to stop him and pull him back, he decides to take advantage of it. "Ice bullet!". He opens his mouth and a large piece of ice is fired from his muzzle at the beast's head, too affraid to use his fire blaster, in case he accidentally lits something on fire.

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang isn't coming out of the shop... she might be down for the count.

    Gaonoir and Alden manage to stop the thing in its tracks, and as Sanary Eye Lasers into its mouth, the thing has a single instant to look surprised... before its entire head comes clean off, evaporating into smoke before the rest of it collapses and begins evaporating too.

    Gaonoir's scarf would eventually come free as the physical form fades out, and after a few moments, no more enemies present themselves. Looks like the coast is clear.

Gaonoir has posed:
The two lengths reel back in to Gaonoir as the thing dissolves from the decapitation, but doesn't look convinced its over until a few moments pass and nothing else comes after them. "Guess in the end it was it that bit off more than it could chew." Like lasers.

A beat pause.

Then he turns his head in the direction of the shop Yang disappeared into. "Uh, someone better check on her."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Sanary's still breathing quickly even as the Alpha's destroyed, clutching her chewed-up arm to her side and focusing some of her healing energy into stabilizing it. She offers Gaonoir and Alden a broad grin, even shaking her head a little at the former's attempt at a pun. "Nice work. Ah... That could've gone a lot worse, huh?" She comments lightheartedly, although she does hurry over towards that shop once Gaonoir brings her attention that way.

     " 'scuse us... Coming through. Nothing to see here, folks. Confederate business!" Sanary speaks loudly despite the pain in her arm, trying to ward off any passerbies or whoever might even be inside as she steps through what's left of the metal shutter and keeps that energy flowing into her arm, ready to direct it towards Yang should she actually spot the Beacon brawler inside and injured somewhere. "You still with us, Yang?"

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden lets out a relieved sigh as the Alpha dissapears, and finally has a moment to focus on Yang, letting out a yip and moving to join Sanary on her way to the store!. He devolves back to Gabumon on the way, his concentration elsewhere. "Hope she is ok."

Yang Xiao Long has posed:
    Yang is in the shop, being helped out of the pile of broken shelves, splintered crates and dented metal frames by the shop owner. Unlike some, this guy is more concerned for the girl that just put her life on the line to protect people, instead of his ruined stock. It's an electronics shop, so most of the damaged stuff is low value anyway. Computer cases, the shelving units, that kinda thing. Expensive in their own right, but not ridiculously so. "Yeah... my Aura took the brunt of that..." she says, groaning a little as the small cuts and scrapes seal themselves under an intense orange-yellow light that fades once they're sealed. "I'll be recovering for a bit though... You should really get your arm seen to instead of worrying about me." she says, thanking the shopkeeper and offering to pay off the damages to the shutter and the shop itself from her Union pay.

Gaonoir has posed:
"Too stubborn to stay down for long." Seems that it really was the end for the threat so Gaonoir shifts back to his usual form. No need to burn that extra energy up when there's not a fight to burn it on. He does put one gloved paw to his neck to crink it a bit. "Well that was a nice workout after spending the last few days cooped up on base."

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Letting out a relieved sigh at Yang's distinctly alive-state, Sanary chuckles and waves her good hand dismissively. "Ah, I'll be fine. We've got good healers in Medical, so." She's certainly sounding confident about that, at least, even though her slightly mangled arm and the pained biting on the insides of her mouth indicate otherwise. At least she's not dripping blood any more! "Never hurts to get out and exercise, yeah..." She looks from Yang to Alden and Gaonoir, the latter getting a raised eyebrow at the mention of a base. "A base, huh? Good to know you've still got a place, then. Mm...."

     There's another pained chuckle, and then she looks straight at the store owner. "... Wouldn't happen to carry any 100 TB hard drives here, would you?"