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Shock and Awe
Date of Scene: 14 March 2016
Location: Remnant <REM>
Synopsis: Terry looks for Ruby at Beacon to start work on the designing and building of the dust powered weapons for him to use when hunting Grimm.
Cast of Characters: 867, 910

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry is busy looking for Ruby, who he has been told is int he part of the school where one cna be found working on the various weapons made to use dust. As he walks, he thinks on this new group that hs appeared in Vale and wonders if Batman would be better suited at finding out what they are about. Additionally, Terry noticed that a lot at Beacon tended to be on edge and a lot of people seemed to be talking in quiet groups. This had Terry interested and he also had good hearing and knew that at some point, something would happen and that it could possibly lead to some trouble. However when it was hard ot say.

    In Terry's hands were two gauntlets, these he got as Christmas gifts from Lloyd and they gave off shocks when someone was hit by them. These Terry wanted to see if they could be modified to additionally be powered by Dust and to be used similar to what Yang had with her own weapons. Looking, Terry sighs, "I should know where she is at, its not like Beacon is that big," he comments as he looks around. "Maybe she is at her dorm with Yang, Blake and Weiss?" he adds as he keeps walking.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Today was downtime day. A day for just Ruby to be Ruby, and for Ruby, that meant making sure her weapon was up to snuff. She's hanging out in the forges of Beacon, where multiple students may work on improving their weapon, or even just maintaining it. It's pretty quiet tonight, with only a few students banging away at metalwork.

Tonight the girl is working on her scope, in specific, taking it apart for a proper cleaning while some things were in the forge. She wears a heavy apron in addition to a pair of jeans and a basic shirt, as this was no place for a battle skirt. A pair of goggles rest on top of her head and thick, heavy gloves are on her hands as she goes near one of the multiple forges, turning up the heat on them.

"Just about right."

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry walks into the forges and blinks as he has walked by here, but has never stepped foot in here. Looking at everything, Terry whistles, "Bruce would like it here," he states to himself as he walks around nods to the students here working. As he walks, he looks an asks one of those here if Ruby is here and is pointed in her general direction. Looking around, Terry stops and looks at Ruby... or so he was told, "Excuseme, I am looking for Ruby," he asks Ruby as he has never seen her wear anythign other than her skirt or school uniform.

    Lookigna round, "I should really put on different cloths or something to protect what I have on in here," he states as he thinks that would be the best thing to do... He will jus have to find something in here.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose takes off one of her gloves and brushes a hand over her forehead, wiping a bit of sweat off of her brow. Just as she turns around, she practically runs into Terry, taking a step back from him. "Oh! Hey Terry. And yeah, that's me. Do you really not recognize me without my skirt? That almost hurts Terry. Almost!" She gestures him over to where her Crescent Rose was, sitting on the table in a state of mild disassembly. The rest of the weapon looked just fine, minus the scope which had been pulled apart.

"What brings you down here? Did you finally decide on a weapon?"

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Blinking, Terry backs up, "Sorry," he states to her. "I thinkt he only time I have seen you is in your uniform and what you normally wear, just not use to it," he comments as he follows her over, "Yea," he states with a smile as he places the two gauntlets on the table, next to Crescent Rose. "I got these as a Christmas gift from Lloyd, and they are able to shock people when they get punched by them," he says as he points ot the topaz joints. "I was thinking if it is possible to modify these to also be powered by Dust and do soemthing similar as to what Yang has," he says. "I am not good with weapons, but good with my fist, and figured that these could work. I know wearing them as they are will let people know they are weapons, but is it possible to turn them into somethign like what Yang has yet still be able to give off shocks when punched?" he asks.

    Thinking, he looks around, "I really need to get in here and learn to use this place," he comments. "Max would freak out if she knew I made something," he adds as he grins.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose looks over the gauntlets when they are placed down, inspecting them. Lloyd's work is really solid, if not a little heavy for Remnant standards. She picks one of them up and tilts her head a little bit at the shocking component. "Huh. Well that's one way to do it. It's a neat idea but...if I were to implement the Ember Celica's firing mechanisms, I'd really need to take it apart. Plus your gauntles have a bit more protection than my Sisters. But this little generator here gives me an idea."

She walks over towards a nearby wall where multiple storage supplies are kept and draws out a peice of blank blueprint paper and a white pencil. She pushes the Crescent Rose out of the way and lays the paper down and makes a rough sketch of Terry's gauntlets in front of him. Ruby works the drawing with practiced ease before turning around to show Terry.

"I'd really need a blueprint of the Ember Celica to make sure, but the Ember Celica has dust rounds in it to fire like how it does around the wrist. If you wanted that, I'd have to really pull it apart and I don't know how Lloyd would feel about that. Not to mention you'd have to come here for the dust rounds. But you still want a ranged option that is kinda like a bullet. How about some sort of projectile that doesn't require bullets?"

She taps her face with the backend of this pencil a few times before thinking of an idea. "How about a wrist mounted electro-grappling hook? It'd give you mobility, you could fire it at Grimm and throw them around, and you could electrify it for extra damage."

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Thinking, Terry smiles, "I do not think he would mind much, since they were a gift, unless you could design something similar with that as a basis," he states. Thinking, he looks at Ruby, "I like that, but I am thinking having some type of rounds would be good, especially since some of the Grimm are bigger than I and I will not be wearing the Batsuit into a fight. Granted, my strength is boosted by a factor of ten with it on," he mentions. "I have some forearm guards I worked on that have grappling hooks and other items that may come in handy," he adds.

    Putthing a hand to his chin, he thinks, "Would it be possible to have both a grappling hook and a dust round?" he asks.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose looks down at the gauntlets and taps it a few times, thinking more upon it. "...Well that's the thing. I was suggesting that in place of a bullet for reasons that it would be a little easier for me and you but if you really want me to make it like, an electro-version of the Ember Celica, I can...it'll take some time...and it probably won't be collapsible at all. If you can though, send a message back to Lloyd about what he used to make this so I can keep the color the same for you."

Ruby shrugs. "The housing for the grappling hook would likely interfere with functionality of the firing mechanism for the bullets, and vice versa. So in short...probably not a good idea. Not to mention it'd be even heavier."

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry nods as he thinks on this. Having a dust bullet would be a good idea, but so would a grapple that is able to be electrify it... "I think the grapple hook with electircity would be a good idea, but we would have ot test it to see how it would do against a Grimm," he states as he does the numbers in his head, or tries too. "Yang did unlock my aura, or she tried to," he says as he looks. "But I am not sure how that would work against a grim, as I can bench a good 225 easily, but no idea on how hard of a punch to even damage a Grimm's skull to take it out," he adds as he closes his eyes and thinks.

    "How would you incoporate the grapple aspect to the existing gauntlets?" he asks as he looks at the blueprint.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose smirks towards him as she sets the Gauntlets back down with each other. "Alot of our weapons use momentum to strike Grimm down. Ember Celica, Crescent Rose, Nora's weapon, just to name a few. To compansate, alot of our weapons are pretty light. Not everyone but alot of people. You should be fine in the strength department, you just need to work on your dexterity and agility. I've seen you fight before, so you should be pretty good as is."

Ruby reaches down to the blueprint and rolls it back up in a hand. "Tell you what. Let's try the grappling hook idea, since that'll be much faster for me to make and stick on this. If it's not effective enough or you don't like it, I'll switch it out and fully convert it into a heavy version of the Ember Celica. How's that sound?"

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry nods, "Yea it probably would not hurt to work in those areas," he says as he blinks, "Wait, why do I have a feeling, I am gonna be used as a target on the agility aspect?" he asks as he watches her. "But yea, lets do that. Worst case would be to make a complete new weapon setup," he adds as he ponders. "Plus with this new group, I think Batman is gonna be busy at night in Vale and Gotham, while Terry si busy with classes," he mentions to her. "If you want, I'll let you look at the forearm guards I made to see what they have. I think you might like them."

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose nod-nods and pulls the gauntlets away from him. She slides it on over a hand and works her fingers into the appropriate sleeves and finds, surprise-surprise, her hand is too small. Still though, it felt okay even without that. "Dang, these are pretty comfy. How do you make it do the electric thing? Finger formtation or maybe a button in here...?" She continues messing around with it while she talks, looking up to Terry.

"If you wanna make sure you are ready, you could fight some of the students..or fight the holograms we have up there if you are not feeling up to that. Most of the multiverse people I've fought with are pretty strong, so I think you'll be fine. Heck, I've seen a few that could even teach us a thing or two."

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry grins, "When someone is hit, they get shocked," he says. "There's no button or anything, its always on," he states and he looks at the gauntlet. "From what Lloyd told me, the topaz in the gauntlet is what causes the discharge, but I am not sure how," he adds. "I do know that it is designed well, and even I have no idea how the gauntlet works. I know it does hurt when punched by it," and he grins.

    "Yea, I have gone against a few in my time, but that is while I am in my suit. out of it, I have to use the skills I know and the training I have received. Plus, I am not really able to take on someone like Jasper, that Gem who worked with Periot. Put me out for a week or two after a few punches and hits,"a nd he thinks as she spoke of others, "I could show you how to fight without a weapon, as that is easy," he states. "Its hard, but good in a pinch, plus you never know. Plus the first Batman never used weapons, just his bare hands and he took on a lot of bad guys who were a lot stronger than he was," and he smiels as he remembers the tales form Barbara and the vid files on the Batcomputer.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose looks over the gauntlet again before nodding. "I see...probably a kinetic switch. Very good..although I can see the limitations of it. But yeah, leave this with me for a few days and I'll get the grappling hook installed. It's going to have a very strong anchor point, so it can peirce into most Grimm easily. The bigger ones...well...let's just hope you don't run into those. Not even my weapon can do much to the bigger ones."

She leans against the table and smiles towards him. "I know how to fight a little bit without my weapon but I'm not really good with it. I was pretty bad with alot of weapons until my Uncle taught me this one. It just...fits, you know? But I appreciate the offer though."

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry nods, "Still, if you want, let me know and I'll be glad to show you what I know," he says to her. "Plus I am pretty good at being flexible to some extent," he says to her as he grins. "I am sure if I ever spar against your sister, Blake or Weiss, it would be close," he mentions. "Might have to do that sometime," he adds.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose says, "Oh Yang? She loves to fight. Like, all the time. I'm sure she'd love to fight you. But I'll keep that in mind Terry. Anything else you need while you are down here?""

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry shakes his head, "Not that I can think of," he says as he looks, "Besides learnign how to use all of this," he says to her. "Never done anythign liek this, and it never hurts to learn a new skill, even if it is some simple stuff." he mentions.

Ruby Rose (910) has posed:
Ruby Rose says, "Yeah....you'll get used to it. Just practice, study and practice! Ruby turns back towards the Crescent Rose and pulls it closer to her on the table and slides back on her heavy gloves. She pulls down the goggles on top of her head and looks back towards Terry. "Ah...I need to pull some metal out of the forge, so it's going to get super hot here in a minute. Not real safe if you don't have protection on, you know? I'll see you in a few days and if anything happens while I'm working, I'll call you.""

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Nodding, Terry looks, "Thank you Ruby, if you need anything, let me know," he says. "Now I need to go and do some late night patrol," he says to her as he leaves the Forge and heads to get a change of cloths to something more... appropate for the nights activities.