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Teleportation Troubles and Space Station Shenanigans
Date of Scene: 18 March 2016
Location: Corinth
Synopsis: Ziggy and Toph have to handle an emergency situation when testing of Ranger Green's capabilities don't go as planned.
Cast of Characters: 20, Ziggy Grover

Ziggy Grover has posed:
While Corinth rarely had visitors, due to the nature of the ever-evolving Venjix virus making rapid advances in technology with each new introduction, causing Dr. K to put limits on the amount of Union interference, they made room for the occasional visitor.

This time around, the Garage introduced one Toph Beifong. The other rangers had made their introductions, before splitting to check the perimeter for potential intrusions. No matter what they did, it seemed, there was -always- some intrusions, but they were the sort that solitary figures could penetrate.

Ziggy Grover, however, remained, obsteniously to safeguard Dr. K, but mostly because he was perhaps the most social one. Well, unless you wanted to count Summer, but Summer tended to stick with Dillon, somehow, and -that- particular lone wolf tended to be very selective with his hangouts.

Currently, Dr. K was seated in her lab, watching the ongoing as Ziggy waves around. "And these are -where- we do all the field testing of the suits," Ziggy proclaims. "Don't touch that, that's a sonic gun. Dr. K is very picky about who touches -that-."

"Oh, I'm not terribly picky about it. Anybody may touch it but you, Ranger Green," Dr. K responds flatly. "Do you have any questions, Ms. Beifong?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It got boring to just stay home alone in Malibu while her adoptive parents are out and about on their honeymoon, so Toph hadn't been slow to accept an invitation to Corinth. Ziggy is fun to spar with now and then, and checking out new places isn't too bad. She's met Dillon before, and she's heard Dr. K on the radio once. And hey, meeting the other Rangers, albeit briefly, isn't bad either!

    The technological stuff isn't exactly up her alley though, even though she's more used to it now than she used to be. When stuff is explained to her she does pay attention, and when the sonic gun is pointed out she's indeed about to touch it, at least until Ziggy mentions it. Though when Dr. K points out her stipulations regarding Ziggy and touching stuff, the blind girl can't help but snicker a bit, and places her hand on it. Questions? Yeah, of course she has them, but being patient with most things she has waited until the other girl is done talking. "Yeah, what kinda testing do you do on the suits? And just exactly what does this gun do?" Sonic isn't too descriptive, after all... "I'm mostly used to Goldie's suits, I haven't really gotten to do many missions with the Zigster and Dillon..." With lots of metal around it's easy to 'see' some of the stuff in here, so she's of course a bit curious.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"The long-range acoustic disruptive cannon concentrates sound into a tightly focused beam..." Dr. K launches into a long spiel of dissertion on how the gun functioned, the method in which the sound focused through the dish, before Ziggy interrupts. "It's a sonic -gun-!" the green-clad civilian says, waving his hands his hand up in the air in a 'save me' gesture.

Dr. K only glares briefly. "If you would like a demonstration, Ms. Beifong... I could arrange one."

"Good idea, Doc," Ziggy responds.

"You can serve as the target."

"Bad idea! Bad idea!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The science babble isn't what Toph is the most interested in, but she does offer a nod and listens. Blah blah, something sciency, blah blah. Sound, blah blah.

    Ziggy gets straight to the point, and Toph has to smirk slightly. Why say something in a manner way too complicated when you can say it in an easy and understandable way? As for the demonstration?

    "Okay, would it be something I would be able to witness? And if it's sound, does it get noisy? My ears are kinda sensitive..." she states, pointing at her left ear. And no, she won't comment on Dr. K wanting to use it on Ziggy. She wouldn't do that if it was dangerous to him, right?

Ziggy Grover has posed:
As if to ease Toph's concerns, Dr. K blows a few stray strands of her hair upwards. "It will also serve as demonstration of your suit's capabilities, Ranger Green," she says in a manner as though lecturing a small child., Which, in a way, she was.

"Oh c'mon, Doc. You know she's got sensitive hearing," Ziggy protests, trying to find a way out of the test.

"She can wear the sound-dampeners," Dr. K responds curtly. "If I understand correctly, Miss Beifong may have sensitive hearing, but she can also 'feel' the vibrations, can she not?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Just what exactly is Ziggy's abilities with the suit? She kinda never asked, Toph realizes... though well, she's about to 'see' for herself. Besides, she /is/ sort of curious. Especially when Ziggy is obviously trying to talk his way out of it. Which amuses Toph, leading her to reach out and punch him in the arm. "What, are you pig chicken or something?" she inquires in a teasing tone.

    The question Dr. K poses does turn Toph's focus to her, and she nods her head. "Yeah, I sense vibrations through earth and metal with my earthbending. Just give me the sound-dampeners, and then you can demonstrate the sound blaster thingy."

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Very well. Get in gear, Ranger Green," Dr. K says briskly, already turning back to her computer and starting to type, calling up schematics and metrics for the green suit.

"Don't I get any say in this?" Ziggy asks.


"Fine, fine," Ziggy sighs, throwing his hands up. "But I want the padded wall."

"You may have four of them after this, Ranger Green," Dr. K replies dryly.

"Hey thanks, I... what are you implying?!"

Soon enough, Ranger Green is suited up, standing and bracing herself, as Dr. K hands Toph the sonic cannon and adjusts the sound dampeners on her head. "Just aim at him and press the trigger," she says simply.

She doesn't say much more than that, as she returns to her computer, and starts scanning both Toph and Ranger Green.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Poor Ziggy. Toph grins a bit for herself where she stands. "Maybe because you have energy enough to bounce off the walls," she suggests.

    With the sound dampeners on everything sounds kinda muffled, but Toph has no problems heading the instructions she is given from Dr. K, and she nods. She got it. "So just what does this thing do...?" she asks, as she takes aim, able to see Ziggy's shape well enough through the floor. With her being used to aiming rocks and other earthen projectiles she doesn't have any problems with that at least. With a heavy breath she braces herself for any noise and recoil the sonic gun might have, and then she pulls the trigger. "Think fast, Zigster!"

Ziggy Grover has posed:
The gun hums, louder and louder, although the vibrations in Toph's hands is surprisingly minimal. It had to be, for Dr. K to be able to hold it and use it. Which is to say, there is no recoil, only the sonic blast.

For a moment, to Toph's ears, there is nothing, and she can feel the vibrations on the ground hit, and then... nothing.

There was relative silence, until:

Dr. K, typing on her computer, observes dryly, "Boxer with little hearts again, Ranger Green?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Well, this is a new experience. Firing weaponry is seldom something you need to do when you can throw rocks around. But shooting sound? Completely new.

    The fact that there's no major noise involved is a plus, though Toph is kinda curious about what's going to happen. When Dr. K speaks up however, the blind girl blinks... and then breaks out into a loud laughter as she doubles over, holding her belly with her free arm, her other hand holding onto the sonic gun. Out and out her laughter rolls, and she snickers slightly before she reaches a hand up to wipe a tear from one eye. "Heart boxers...? Seriously, what is this? A striptease gun?" she manages to ask between snickers and gasping chokes from breath. "Man, my stomach hurts...!"

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Doc, I thought these suits were -supposed- to protect the operators from harm!" Ziggy protests loudly, hands patting himself down, before he stamps his feet. Toph can feel his -boots- are still on, which probably makes the mental image even worse.

"It did," Dr. K responds. "You're still on your feet. Though your suit's teleportation properties apparently were triggered involuntarily by extremely concentrated sonic. We will need to make adjustments."

"So where's my -suit- now?"

"Back in the operator chamber where it usually resides," Dr. K responds, tapping some keys. "Give me a few moments to return the suit to operational status." She hesitates briefly, glancing at Ziggy. "If you are cold, you may use the lab coat in the closet."

A few keytaps later, Dr. K addresses Toph. "Miss Beifong, I'm intrigued by your earthbending. It shares some properties, I believe, with the universal bio-energy field that the Ranger operator suits use."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Sheesh, the only thing hurt here is your pride," Toph teases with a smirk, though there is a faint blush crossing her cheeks as she twirls the gun slightly.

    So the gun affects the suits and whatever they do? Teleportation, huh... that's kinda weird. Just how does that work? When Dr. K comments on her bending however, the earthbender turns her head a bit. "Well, some have compared bending with magic, though for me it's kinda as natural as breathing, really. Those are into the more philosophical side of bending talk about chi and all that crud, but eh it was never anything I really paid attention to. I'm more practical, and I prefer to teach it that way. It's a way of life, and you need to experience it in order to fully understand it if you ask me," Toph explains with a shrug, then takes off the sound dampeners and hands them as well as the sonic gun back to Dr. K. "Besides, my metalbending is way more impressive. They used to say that was impossible."

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"The Ranger Operator Suits are powered by the universal bio-energy field that flows through everything. The suits rechannel that energy into particular powers, depending on how the suit was weaved with its memory-weave metal..." Dr. K elaborates.

There's a soft hiss from Ziggy, followed by "Don't call it spandex!" softly, hopefully enough for Toph to sense, while Dr. K can't quite hear him.

Dr. K frowns slightly at Ziggy, sensing -something- has been said that would have greatly offended her, but decides to just let it go this time. "In any case, the acoustic cannon worked as expected, except the suit took the burden of the impact and then apparently the stress triggered its teleportation capabilities."

"Just say your stupid cannon made the suit go home instead of blowing my clothes off, Doc!"

"Same thing. Your earthbending seems to be natural, however, so perhaps the universal bio-energy field flows differently through you. I wonder what a suit would do for you..."

Ziggy comes tromping back in the lab coat, wrapped tighter around him. "I want the suit back, Doc."

"Recharge should be completed any minute now, although your inability to control the teleporation capabilities is of great concern, Ranger Green. It may have to do with that you are not ideally suited for it in the first place."

"We didn't exactly have a choice there, did we, Doc?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The soft hiss makes Toph stifle yet another snicker, reaching a hand up to her mouth as she manages to cough slightly. Yet Ziggy from where he stands might notice that she is smirking behind her hand.

    "She is technically right, you know..." Teleport home, get blown off... in this situation it's the same, right? Except the last sounds a bit more funny.

    Bending the elements is as natural as it comes. It's a skill some are born with, and some are better at it than others. "Maybe," Toph agrees. The indirect suggestion for her to try a suit however, that makes the girl snort. "I'm not gonna wear a suit!" Nopes, not feeling like doing that. Why should she need one anyway?

    There is some curiousity there however when Ziggy returns and Dr. K mentions him not being ideal for the green suit, and Toph arches an eyebrow. "What do you mean, didn't have a choice? You guys don't get to decide who gets which suit or what...?"

Ziggy Grover has posed:
Dr. K's eyeroll can practically be felt from where Toph stands, but she remains silent, albeit with an exasperated sigh, and leaves it to Ziggy to explain.

"Well, uh, with the others, they were tested and the suits tuned for them," Ziggy says, rubbing the back of his head, which only serves to make his hair stick out more prominently. "With me, uh, well, there was a very, very good reason for this." He holds his hand up in a 'wait a minute, let me build up a dramatic pause' gesture. "Now, we were having tryouts for the Green Ranger Operator suit, and uh... I was supposed to safeguard the morpher."

"He failed," Dr. K curtly speaks up.

"Well, it was -that-, or let Tenaya 7 have the suit!"

"At times, I wonder if it wouldn't have been easier..." Dr. K muses.

Ziggy leans over to whisper to Toph. "Don't mind her, her bark's worse than her bite."

There was a brief moment of tension, during which Dr. K just -stares- at Ziggy.

"... Miss Beifong, would you like to assist on more tests...?" Dr. K says, with just a hint of malice in her vcice.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    So somebody else were supposed to have the green suit? She has no idea who the Tenaya 7 is, but that hardly matters now. If they need her to know who they are, Dr. K and Ziggy will probably tell her, Toph figures.

    With Ziggy leaning over to whisper to her, Toph arches an eyebrow where she stands, then reaches over to elbow Ziggy in the side sharply. "Does it look like I'm scared, dunderhead?" she hisses back, then coughs before she speaks up. "What kind of tests did you have in mind, Doc?" Toph asks, though the tone that Dr. K has in her voice does cause her to wonder if there truly was something to Ziggy's words.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
It's not -pure- malice, mind you, just the sort of malice where one wants to pull a bit of fear in someone who's been a pain in the ass, and Ziggy knows it, as he resigns himself to the situation, already headed back towards the testing stage.

Dr. K resumes her measured voice as she indicates the screen, before she pursues her lips. "Computer, enable audio descriptions."

// Audio description activated. Current status: Status of Ranger Series Operator Suit Green: Fully Functional. //

"We'll have to adjust for how the teleportation is affected by concentrated conical sound later. Very well. We will be testing Ranger Green's teleportation for the moment. Miss Beifong, if you please, I would like you to find a very large rock, and throw it at him."

"Wait, WHAT?"

"I have noticed your teleportation capabilities seem to function far better under duress. Please teleport from here to the large red circle."

"What red circle...?"

A red spotlight shines, forming a red circle on the floor in another area of the lab.

"Oh, that red circle."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Most people wouldn't consider throwing large rocks at other people.

    Toph Beifong isn't like most people. For a girl who believes that you have to be tough and be able to withstand rough physical trials in order to succeed at what she teaches, she is only too happy to share her philosophy that everybody should be brave enough to stand their ground.

    So when Dr. K asks her to throw something big at Ziggy, the little earthbender grins from ear to ear, reaching up to crack her knuckles. "Well, you are sadly lacking in large rocks, but you /do/ have some metal around here..." Like that empty table over there. That will do. Of course many people work better under pressure, and Toph knows all about it herself, about how she learned to metalbending in a situation of dire need.

    So while Dr. K and Ziggy talk, Toph turns to the table and extends her arms while she sinks into a balanced stance. "Okay, mister Hearty Undies," she begins with a smirk and mischief in her eyes, "get ready!"

    Because the next moment she throws her arms forward, and at the same moment the desk is sent spinning towards him, shaping itself into a large lump aimed straight at this head!

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Hey, who're you calling Hearty Undies...?" Ziggy begins, before the table comes a-flying.

"Waiiiit!" both Dr. K and Ziggy exclaims, before Ziggy throws his hands up.


Ranger Green's fast reaction and button poke barely gets off in time, as he vanishes just as the table touches him.

A second later, Ranger Green materializes on the red circle. Unfortunately for him, the metal table has come with him.

"Hm...." Dr. K observes, eyeing the results.

// Ranger Series Operator Green teleportation successful. Target within optimal ranges. Kinetic energy absorbed. //

"Get this thing off me!" Ranger Green exclaims, from where he's been knocked off his feet and is currently clutching a large heavy metal table onto his chest.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Toph has full control of the table, her arms still extended and ready to yank it back unless Ziggy is quick enough. Though Toph blinks when she feels the table simply disappear as well, her eyes widening. "Huh?" Well, this is new!

    And then Ziggy reappears, along with the table. "Hey, you okay there?" she asks, then steps on over towards the red circle. Obviously Ziggy can't get it off of himself, so... better help out. "Just take it easy, I got it!" With one simple hand movement she makes the crumbled desk rise up from Ziggy, and she leans over, reaching out a hand to pull Ziggy upright. "Come on, Hearty Undies!"

Ziggy Grover has posed:
With the metal table off him, Ziggy accepts the help, holding up both hands and...

"Wait, Toph, you're touching the..."



Re-materializing on a strange metal corridor, full of odd metal handles on the walls, Ranger Green and Toph ... do not fall -thump- into the floor. As they float there, the Ranger suit de-razzes, leaving Ziggy floating there.

"What... where're we?!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Touching what...?

    The next moment everything feels different, and Toph lets out a yelp as she goes completely blind, nothing touching her feet as she finds herself floating somehow? There's panic on her face as she fumbles around, reaching for something to grab onto. "You're the one with working eyes, dunderhead!" she states, spinning around. Sure, she can sense metal around them, but without touching it it's hard to get a proper 'look' at stuff.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
Considering that Ziggy was wearing the lab coat, that didn't leave him anything to work with, just floating in there.

"We're in -some- metal corridor with handles...! And... uh, we're just floating up here, and I don't know what's going on, but I'm turning around and you're upside down and I think my boxers are fluffing out and everything is floating down there... or is it up there... I don't think I like this feeling very much... and I'm not in the suit anymore. I think the teleportation just used up all the energy. Doc's going to have to find us and then recharge the suit so I can re-activate it... oh man, uh, hold on, stop flailing there.... take a deep breath, and exhale and... hey, I'm moving backwards...! HEY!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "I can tell there's metal!" Toph half-snaps, feeling herself turning around and around without any gravity underneath her feet. Sure, she hears Ziggy talking about their predicament, and well... it helps somewhat that she isn't alone. Though she lets out a huff when he talks about his underwear. "I don't need to hear about your heartie undies!"

    Just where did his suit go? "Why didn't the suit go here with you?" That seems like a major flaw. And pardon her for flailing, wanting to stop spinning around for a moment. Her hand brushes against Ziggy's arm, and Toph latches on. "Can you see anything besides the stuff I can sense? Any windows? Any signs or anything?" she asks, desperate for more info. It's just too quiet!

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Hold on, just... hold on...!" Ziggy exclaims. "Turn the other way around, you're upside down...! Or I'm upside down... the floor and the ceiling look about the same!"

Trying to yank Toph towards him results in momentum that steers him towards a wall, where he grabs onto one of the handles. "Ok, we got handles... grab on to something. Look, the suit's gone because when its energy runs out or we've got a power overload or something, it tends to shut down so the energy doesn't blow up and take -us- with it. Dr. K can get the suit back online, but first she has to find us... wherever we are... hey. There's a window. Hold on... hey, let go, I can't get there with you holding on...!"

Grabbing the handles, Ziggy makes his way towards the window, trying to get a better look out and...

"Oh... uh... come here and take a look... is it me, or are we in space?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "I'm trying to hold on, stop spinning!"

    When she's yanked towards him the earthbender lets out a yelp, and she crashes halfway into him, spluttering as she pushes away from him slightly and uses one hand to grab at the wall. "I got it!" And that makes it easier to 'see'. Immediately Toph goes quiet, her expression one of surprise and bewilderment.

    "So just contact her by radio and talk with her?" Toph suggests somewhat quietly. And when he speaks, she can't help but poke at that one statement. "Oh yeah, sure looks like space to me. I recognize the lovely colours. Never gonna forget the sight of space." Seriously though... "This place isn't connected to the ground, and... we're spinning, just like in space..." Sure, Toph hasn't been in space many times, but she will never forget the feeling of zero gravity.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
Face squinched up against the porthole for a better look, Ziggy tries to squeeze Toph into the field of vision of the port hole, before coming to a realization. "See, black! And stars! And the earth is up there, and... ... ... and you're not seeing any of this, are you?" Letting go of Toph, Ziggy bemoans, "I am such an idiot."

Reaching to grab a handle and pull himself so that he can sort of 'sit' against the wall, Ziggy ponders. "Yeah, lemme try that..."

Bringing his morpher to his mouth, Ziggy taps. Taps. Taps.


"Um... well. I... guess we could try and find a communication relay somewhere?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Even if their situation is a bit dire, Toph can't help but play along as she smooshes her face up against the glass. "Oh yeah, lovely stars..." she mutters, then reaches out to punch him in the shoulder. "You're not the first to make that mistake, dunderhead."

    For now she keeps on hanging on to the wall while Ziggy tries to contact Dr. K with his radio... without luck. The blind girl sighs, then nods. "That's probably the best we can do... maybe our other radios don't have the necessary connections here?" She runs her hand along the wall, then she points in one direction. "I think there's a command station over in that area!" And with that she begins pulling herself along the wall. "Come on and move your heartie undies!"

    Nopes, she's not gonna let that go, Ziggy.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"How the heck do you even -know- there's a command station over in that area if you can't see?" Ziggy exclaims, before adding, "And quit talking about me hearties...! Oh darn it, -now- I'm talking like Flynn...!"

Pulling himself after Toph, Ziggy makes his way through the corridor. "I wonder who this ... I mean, we must be on a space station. But who owns it...?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Because I can see through my bending, of course! This place is mostly made of metal," Toph snorts in explanation, then gestures for Ziggy to follow her. They do have better things to talk about than his undies, at least he's right about that.

    Regarding their current whereabouts? Toph shrugs a bit, then heads down the corridor and works on getting a door open. "I don't know much about space stations, can you see anything written anywhere that might give us a clue? You're the one with the working eyes."

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"There's nothing here yet unless... hey, there's a door to your right. No, your other right... here, move over." Ziggy inches forward, and then pushes off against the wall so that he can latch onto the other side and get a better look...

"Uh... it's gibberish. It... I might be wrong, but I think it's Russian. Wow, Russians still exist... oh, um... you know, we might be in big trouble if we run into Russians up here, because I don't think here, the Cold War ended when Venjix attacked."

A wince. "I really hope they're not -at- the command center, because we could have a problem...no metalbending, you might end up opening a hole into space."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Russian? Toph looks curious at that, canting her head. "If we run into Russians I can use my metalbending, don't be a baby! And no, I wouldn't open up a hole into space, don't be stupid because I'm not suicidal!" she assures him with an aimed punch towards his head.

    Open the door goes, and Toph ventures inside. "What was the cold war anyway? Fighting at the poles or something?"

Ziggy Grover has posed:
The blow of the punch doesn't really have much force without gravity, although it does cause Ziggy to flip in mid-air and end up upside down from Toph.

Grabbing along the route to the door, Ziggy explains, "The Cold War was basically where people from Russia and people from the United States were in some kind of... um, how to put it, non-cooperation mode where they weren't -fighting- each other, but they were trying to gain power to one-up each other to boss the rest of the world, if that makes sense? Either way, Russia had stricter military control over its people, so if we're on a Russian space station, we might be..."

Yelling in Russian.

"... in for trouble." Hands up, Ziggy waves frantically, causing him to spin a bit in the air. "Wait, wait, we're not looking for trouble! We just accidentally teleported here...!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The impromptu history lesson makes Toph groan slightly, rolling her eyes as she floats sideways before grabbing onto the wall again after punching Ziggy. "Sounds like a total bore..." Heck, just the hundred year war in her own world was bothersome enough to hear about.

    When the Russian talk begins though, Toph turns her head a bit towards the new voices. "Oh, be quiet! We never intended to turn up here anyway!" Toph states, still looking relatively calm where she floats. And with one hand on the wall she raises her free hand. "Let us use the radio, and we don't have to do it the hard way." With that she tears part of the wall off, showing the piece of metal in her hand as it changes into a cube. "We don't want trouble, and I think you guys don't want it either." All through this she doesn't mind letting Ziggy hide behind her.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
Ziggy really didn't enjoy fighting if he could help it, which was why generally his tactics resembled 'run, cover, jump, evade, duck'. Punching hurt. Still, once Toph was done wrapping up the Russians, Ziggy has to say, "Sorry, people, but we kinda need to get off the station. Uh... I don't suppose one of you can speak English?"

"I can," a heavy accented man can. "But -how- did you get on board. Are the Americans now using stealth space shuttles?"

"The Americans had nothing to do with it, it's uh... it was an accident. Stowaway, kind of," Ziggy responds, as he heads over to fiddle with the consoles. "You know, I have no idea what I'm doing here. How do we use the communication... is there a way to boost any signals...?"

"Ti Durak!"

"I might be wrong, but I think you just called me stupid. Which isn't too far off, I guess, but I really do have a good reason for it, my mom decided formula was better for me when I was a baby..."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Looking mighty satisfied with herself, Toph brushes off her hands with a pleased smile on her face. Metalbending saves the day once again!

    "Science accident, we never meant to get here, buddy. I kinda want solid ground underneath my feet again and fresh air in my lungs!" Let Ziggy deal with the controls, he probably can understand then better. There's more important stuff to do that she does better than most, anyway. As she floats by, the blind girl reaches out and punches the Russian over the head. "Hey, we'll do the insulting here, sardine breath!" she threatens as she narrows her eyes before pointing out towards the console. "Aren't there various frequencies there or something?" Just in case she kicks off of the Russian, then lands on the console table and begins reaching out, testing various levers.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Maybe, but they're in Russian... wait."

The static on Ziggy's morpher seems to clear up briefly, then resumes. "Hey, Toph, what did you do? Go back and do that again..."

Static worsens.

"Other direction!"

Static improves, little by little, until Dr. K's voice can be heard, somewhat.

~ *crackle* ... hear me? ~

"Yeah, doc, barely. Uh, I think we ended up on some Russian space station. I thought Venjix crashed everything...!"

~ *crackle* ... cross-dimension... *crackle*

"... Doc, you sound like breakfast cereal here, can you speak louder...?"

~ ... touch morpher to *crackle*~

"Um... to what? Oh, probably..." Ziggy leans his arm with the morpher on the console, next to Toph.

~ *crackle*get in gear now ~


One morphing effect later, with very surprised Russians staring at the change, Ranger Green flexes. "All right, back in gear! So now, um... I suppose I need to focus on teleporting back. Right?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Hey, she did something that worked? Awesome! Toph listens intently, then closes her eyes as she focuses on the sound. That way? No... "I'm blind, not deaf!" she reminds Ziggy, "I can obviously hear which way to turn the lever to clear the static up!" And so she does, gradually getting it set to the right frequency. Though it's obvious they can't get it completely clear, bummer.

    When Ziggy is slow to touching the morpher to whatever Dr. K means, Toph sighs, then reaches out to grab onto Ziggy's hand and helps move his hand to the console. "You're so slow...!" At least it seems their problems are solved now, while Toph can't see the effects, she does hear the reaction in the Russians, not to mention Ziggy's relief at being back in gear. "So no more heartie undies?" she asks, then reaches a hand up to tap at her chin. Focus, right. "I got an idea." Though first she reaches out and gestures to the metal wrapped around the startled Russians, freeing them. Because leaving them like this would be evil. And the same metal she shapes into a pointy and sharp cone that she brings in close to Ziggy's nose as she reaches out to cling to his left arm with her free arm. "Now get us back to the lab, or I'll shove this where the sun doesn't shine!"

Ziggy Grover has posed:
Ranger Green's eyes widen behind the visor, and he shakes his head. "Isn't that just a little... I don't know, EXTREME? I really don't need me hearties stabbed."

Quickly, frantically, under Toph's withering -attitude- (he was pretty sure that if she could see, her eyes would be staring -daggers- instead of pins), Ranger Green pushes the button, and...


Behind him, the Russians only shake their heads and say, "Aypak." (Subtitle: FOOL.)

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "If you want your hearties intact, then you will /us/ home intact!" Toph says. "Besides, you heard what Dr. K said, you work better under pressure. As a matter of fact I subscribe to that particular philosophy of teaching myself," she adds. Good, Ziggy is working on teleporting them back. Yet the moment she hears the Russians mutter, she turns her head sharply. "I /heard/ that, lily livers!" Yet the moment Ziggy is about to teleport them, she clings tightly onto his arm, inwardly praying that he doesn't teleport them to another desolate location!

Ziggy Grover has posed:
Apparently the threat worked; the first thing Ziggy saw was the ceiling of the Garage, back in Corinth.

And then he fell, landing with a resounding *crash* on something, followed by an -OOOOOF- when Toph lands on him, and then bounces off and onto the floor of the garage, where no doubt she had a relatively -soft- landing.

Ranger Green, meanwhile, is moaning as Dr. K enters the Garage proper.

"Oh good, you made it back. It's good that you made it back in one piece." she says.

"Oh man, you said something nice to me for once," Ranger Green says, jerking his head up in surprise.

"I was addressing Miss Beifong," Dr. K says without sparing a glance at Ranger Green. "Besides, I believe you will be encountering difficulties soon."

"What do you mean...?" Ranger Green says, before looking down, seeing what his hands were on. "... oh no."

"I believe Ranger Red will be quite unhappy with what happened to his car."

"I gotta get out of here...!" Ranger Green starts fumbling again with his morpher...

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The first thing Toph notices is that she's under the wonderful effect of gravity once again. The next thing she notices is landing on something lumpy.


    There's a tumble, and Toph lands on top of Ziggy with a pained groan, shuffling her arms and legs, getting her elbow in Ziggy's face as she tries to orient herself. Somewhat confused and out of it at first, Toph hears the voice of the other girl, then notices just what she's landed on. And immediately breaks into a blush, her face turning red as she scrambles to get to her feet. "I'm /fine/," she responds to Dr. K, turning away as she rises, kicking into the floor to raise a pillar underneath Ziggy's torso to help push him up.

    Though she halt when she hears about the car, reaching out to touch it. Man, they... really dented it, didn't they? Must have been a rough landing for Ziggy. "Ranger Red...? You mean Dillon?"

Ziggy Grover has posed:
Hesitating before he triggers the teleport, Ranger Green shakes his head. "No, Ranger -Black- is Dillon. Oh, you can't tell anyway. Ranger -Red- is Scott. Scott Truman. Son of Colonel Truman. Who can probably turn me into a pancake without breathing hard. And this is his -baby-. You can't touch his baby. Or Dillon's baby either. They're both -really- touchy about their cars, like, you know, it's their... it's their -manhoods- here.

Ranger Green hops off the car, derazzing back to his civvies. "And I just -dented- Scott's manhood!"

"That is literally incorrect, though figuratively speaking, Ranger Operator Series Red -does- place a premium on his fuel-combustible vehicle. Why, I do not understand. Men are such -babies- about this sort of things."

"Man, you just -don't- understand guys!" Frantically trying to smooth things over, Ziggy pauses, then looks back over at Toph. "Hey, you're a metal bender. Can you bend it back straight? And while you're at it, maybe, you know, fix the glass, do a little paint job?" Ziggy makes motions with his hands like, smooth over the windshield, then a little splashing motion across the hood of the car. "You'd really be saving a life here."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Their manhoods...?

    Toph arches an eyebrow at that, letting out a snort. "No wonder guys seem so preoccupied with their cruddy cars..." Ziggy seems to freak out a bit, doesn't he? It isn't the worst dent she's ever felt, and it shouldn't be too bad to fix it? When Ranger Green beseeches her to do something about it, she blinks. He... wants her to bend the car? And do other stuff that she doesn't really can do? "Yeah, that's a great idea! Let the blind girl paint the car, I'm sure I'll be able to paint inside the lines..." Toph can't help but roll her eyes, though she reaches out to punch him in the side as she walks over to the car, then extends her hands towards the car... and twists them. Instantly the metal makes a creaking sound as the metal evens out, though the scratched paint remains, as well as the broken glass. "Glass might be made of sand, but I can't bend that, it's been processed too much." She states and waves her hand.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Well then..." Ziggy says, as he turns away, moving towards his room. "I'm going to pack, hit the wastelands, or... actually, you think Tony would mind if I hid out at his mansion a bit? Just until Flynn fixes this. Nice knowing you, Doc."

Rather than stop Ziggy, Dr. K holds up a hand, murmuring "Just take him for a little while. He does get a trifle... melodramatic."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It's not too hard to figure out that Ziggy intends to flee the scene and any ire he might get from the damaged cards, that much Toph can easily imagine. Though her expression looks rather surprised when he starts talking about hiding in /Malibu/ at all places. The blind earthbender blinks twice, looking speechless for a moment. "Goldie is still on his honeymoon with Pepper, it's not like I can just have people over all the time!" Seriously, she had a sleepover not one week ago, and now this?

    Then Dr. K implores her, and Toph lets out a heavy sigh, reaching a hand up to her forehead, rubbing between her eyebrows and down to the bridge of her nose. "/Fine/. Just..." She raises her free hand. "Just don't go teleporting around the house, as angry space Russians are nothing compared to the Iron Legion, and you don't wanna mess up Goldie's suits or cars, those things are way more expensive than these cruddy cars here. Also, stay away from Her Royal Bitchiness' pen this time." It took quite a bit of beer to calm that blasted chocobo menace down after Ziggy entered the pen at the sleepover And breaking into Tony's beer supply is seldom a good idea in the long run.

Ziggy Grover has posed:
"Don't worry about him teleporting all over the place. The suits only have so much energy before they need to be re-charged. He cannot stay in the suit 24/7, for example. They are meant for missions and emergency use, not as short-cuts for travelling to work," Dr. K intones, the last few words with a particular -edge- to it, as though a certain someone -had- made life very hard for her with that.

"Don't worry..." Ziggy chimes in, having turned around with a much perkier attitude. "You won't even KNOW I'm there. It's only till Scott cools off..."

"Which will probably be never. You will have to hope Flynn fixes it quickly," Dr. K interjects.

"C'mon, doc, it won't be that bad. Just a bit of glass replacement, new paint..."

"It's not as though we can get glass replacements -in- Corinth. We'll have to acquire some from the Union, and do so without catching too much of Venjix's attention," Dr. K responds.

"Right, I'll let you worry about that."

"This is -not- a vacation, Ranger Operator Series Green," Dr. K responds. "You will be helping Mr. Stark with whatever he wants. Including finetuning the schematics for the suits and the sonic weaponry if he needs assistance with it."

"Me, Doc? I'm not the scientist you are."

"I meant as the test subject."

"You're -all- heart, Doc."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    That's a relief to hear that there is a limit to how much the suit can teleport in one go and that it needs to recharge. "Whew, that's good. Because there are lots of places in Goldie's house that are off limits," Toph points out. Just in case Ziggy forgot. As for his comment that she won't know he's there? "Really? I can tell what's going on in the entire house, and Jarvis keeps an eye on everything. And no offense, but you're not exactly the /quiet/ type," she adds with a raised eyebrow.

    Well, she's done everything she can to help with the car, so there's not much she can do to help Ziggy further besides giving him a place to hide out. And no, it's not going to be a vacation. "Besides helping Goldie out, you gotta pull your weight. Unless there's a danger of you burning down the kitchen, then you get to make breakfast since I suck at it." Chances are Tony might not want Ziggy around his lab anyway, Toph suspects. At least for longer periods of time.