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Latest revision as of 04:12, 25 March 2016

Of the past.
Date of Scene: 25 March 2016
Location: Alfheim Online <ALO>
Synopsis: Mistral tells Zekken the reason she was so shaky.

Why her fighting spirit was so weak.

Cast of Characters: 162, Yuuki Konno

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Mistral is easy to find, especially with the Party Invite that got sent over to Yuuki. The Sylph is working her way through the Field Dungeon near the southern border of Slyph territory, it's more like a segment of forest which has grown in a way as to 'segment' it into clearings where monsters spawn.

    She shifts her stance as a large dragonfly-like monster swoops in to take a bite, and meets the attack with a spinning horizontal slash with a large, two-handed Great Axe. "WHIRLWIND!"

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    If you wanna know... meet me in the field dungeon south south east of Sylvein. It's not that Yuuki's desperate to know or anything. She's curious, but it's not so much about learning Mistral's secret as it is the possibility of finding someone else like her. Secrets have power. A shared secret is a special thing, one the Sleeping Knights know very well. But as good as keeping a secret can be, she also knows the liberation that comes from sharing it. If Mistral needs such a thing, Yuuki's willing to be there.

    It doesn't take too long for Yuuki to find Mistra, considering the party invite. She wings on in, taking stock of the situation. There's no question of helping or not. Sure Mistral can take it herself, but parties help each other! Yuuki flies at the dragonfly, drawing her sword. "IiiiiiYEEEAAAAH!" she cries out, glowing momentarily, and also alerting the giant dragonfly to her presence. Hate skill: Spirit. It doesn't draw aggro by itself, just multiplies the aggro of the wielder with every swing for a brief period. It's also a good cue to her partner, as she swoops in and begins to strike, generating quite a bit more than her due share of mob hate.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    As Yuuki comes barreling in, Mistral holds the activation of that Sword skill, keeping it on the cusp of activation until the Dragonfly starts to turn on the Imp with her strikes... as it shows it's flank she unleashes the Skill, and slices the thing in two with the heavy weapon.

    She pauses after the rotations stop, then plants the axe to lean on it, the dragonfly thing shattering into red and green pixels. "Nice combo." she offers to the Imp, grinning a bit.

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    Yuuki flashes a broad grin and a victory V. Help your team, yes, but she also knows Mistral's working on timing for aggro-switching. It went well, she judges, so naturally she's pleased about it. "Nice timing!" she compliments. That's something the Sylph has, to be sure. Timing, and a warrior spirit to complement it. She might have some trouble though, putting her warrior spirit into play when it's 'just a game'. Or so Yuuki judges, whether rightly or wrongly.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    "So, since you're here, I guess you wanna know then, huh?" she asks, hefting the axe up and onto her shoulder, balancing it in an easy, practiced posture. "We can talk as we clear the next room, if you want." she offers.

    The Sylph turns, and points to the gap between two trees, and the red markers above some beetle-like monsters beyond. "I just need to get to the boss room and clear that for this quest. It's below my skill level, but it's part of a series for a sweet new Agility chestplate."

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    Yuuki grins and nods, turning towards the boss room. "I don't think that'll give us much time to talk!" she observes rather playfully.

     "You don't have to tell me if it's something uncomfortable." Yuuki adds after a moment. "I mean, I know what that's like, not wanting to talk. But I'm a pretty good listener, I guess?" she ventures. And if not, well, she'll just murder mobs in the cheerily undistressed way of the Sleeping Knights.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Mistral shrugs her Great Axe from her shoulder, and starts walking. "I wasn't strong enough to kill my best friend." she says, before surging forwards with an overhead smashing chop onto the carapace of one of the beetles.

    "When I arrived in Union territory, I was just a raggedy, unaffiliated Mage outside of the TSAB. I didn't even know where my homeworld had gone in the upheaval of Unification... and when I did finally find it..."

    She shifts her position, upswinging as a beetle leaps at her, knocking it up into a vulnerable position. "SWITCH!"

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    Yuuki wasn't really expecting them to be doing switch training, but she rises to the occasion gamely and with so little hesitation that one might believe she'd expected it. She doesn't Sword Skill the beetle, not being ready, but she vaults up flipping over, carving four deep red lines through it before she hits the ground again. The beetle can't possibly survive the combo, and vanishes into red pixels.

    "You're a mage? But ... axe..." she says as she lands, shaking her head. Mistral doesn't seem to use magic, not here at least. Then again, why would she? Her magic would certainly be different from the game magic of Alfheim Online. Oh well.

    Yuuki turns, and she vaults over the next beetle. "Your turn!" she calls out, landing hard on the far edge of the beetle's carapace, driving that part of the shell down and angling softer belly nearest Zephyr a bit more upwards in comparison.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Mistral charges in, the glow of her axe trailing in her wake as she uses an upswing Skill to cut the next beetle in half from the underside.

    "Mages in my world use magic weapons called Devices... mine is called Divine Wind... but I had another before her..." she relates, shrugging a little. "My best friend destroyed my Device and nearly killed me... so she could control a Lost Logia and destroy my homeworld... we managed to stop her but... I wasn't strong enough to do it on my own."

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    Yuuki continues on with the fight, though Mistral's words give her pause. "Maaan. I don't think I could do that, ever. Fight my best friend?" she muses. That ... would be Asuna of course. She could duel her, but never actually try to KILL her. Death, real death, isn't something Yuuki can ever take lightly. She doesn't obsess over it, but there's a good reason she's never tried to join the Union. Killing monsters is easy. Killing people isn't.

    Yuuki spins through more mobs, sending powerful blows at beetle legs to knock the beasts around and unbalance them. Actually severing a leg requires a precise and powerful blow, and she's not really seeking to do that. She's hitting too low, just trying for a more-effective leg-sweep rather than going for the more-rigid ends of the limbs where she could attempt to cut through.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    "That's the reason... that's why I had doubt." says Mistral, "I doubted my own resolve..."

    The Sylph follows along after the Imp, hacking at the unbalanced Beetles with her great axe. "That's it, really... I watched my homeworld burn in front of my eyes, nearly get swallowed up by a tide of darkness from which it wouldn't have recovered... and only barely managed to pull it back from the brink." she adds, as the last beetle explodes into pixels, and the Boss Room shows itself as a set of trees untangle themselves, like a door opening.

    "That was three years ago, but even now... I'm still being shown time and again that I'm not good enough..."

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    Yuuki bounces up and down as the last of the beetles are dispatched. Partly it's joy, partly it's her seemingly-boundless energy needing to be expressed. "The boss is ahead, huh?" she says cheerfully. She LOVES boss fights.

    "So, you train. You train hard, all the time." Yuuki muses, not judging. "Makes sense." she adds. "But honestly, is it so bad? Not being good enough to beat everything? You can fight alongside your friends after all, right? Whether or not you're strong in a duel doesn't matter, so long as you can put your heart into fighting alongside your friends!"

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    "I want to be strong enough to protect my friends... so they don't have to fight or worry about me." Mistral chuckles softly... "But that's just a dream from a stupid woman." she shrugs, then turns to the boss room. "But yeah, the Boss is up ahead... He's not a tough one according to the guides... but he's got a nasty surprise when his last health bar goes into the red zone."

Yuuki Konno has posed:
    Yuuki could certainly understand that. It's certainly a nice idea but... "Y'know, My guild would get real upset with me if I never left them anything to fight." she says slyly. "And worry just means you care, right? So don't worry about worrying!" Yuuki says with a peal of carefree laughter.

    Once again, Yuuki really doesn't seem to care if she sounds silly, stupid, or whatever. She'll continue to simply be herself as long as she possibly can. "ALL bosses give nasty surprises when they hit red!" she agrees, bouncing again and then rushing towards the opening in the trees. "Let's go kick some monster beetle butt!" she insists.

    Then, belatedly comes a soft voice. "Do beetles even have butts?" she asks curiously.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Mistral watches the imp... figures, the Absolute Blade would find a way to break a dour mood. "I guess I'll try and take your advice, Zekken." she offers, then flicks her menu, swapping out her Great Axe for the pair of Hand Axes. They're new ones too, looking more like hand-blades than true axes, the handles actually behind the blades, so they have a lot less reach, but are likely far faster.

    "Oooglack the Beetle Lord's attack pattern changes three times, and when his HP hits the red zone in the last bar, you need to time a jump perfectly, or get hit by a massive web that'll stick you in place for a whole minute!" she warns, charging in right on Yuuki's tail.

    "I think we're about to find out!" she chirps playfully, pulling ahead of the Imp. "I'll start, then we switch out!"